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The Night Feeds by Lauren Hunt (29)

I pressed my body against Pain's, hoping he'd save me from Byron. We could drive away and never look back. But he did nothing. Pain wasn't my savior—he was just like every other biker I knew.


I tried my best to avoid eye contact with Byron. He was chatting with Blaze and looking over at me every once in awhile. The rage in his eyes was an inferno. Nobody would be able to stop him from almost beating me until my life was hanging by a thread. Then he'd throw me to his dogs to have the leftovers. I couldn't go back to him. If Pain wasn't going to save me then I had to save myself.


Whatever happened to the Byron that protected me from bullies when we were kids. He used to be so kind. When I grew up and boys started to get interested in me, Byron became even more protective. No man could touch me. Which was probably why he was so angry whenever I sneaked out to go meet a guy.


Byron glanced over Blaze's shoulder. “Get the fuck over here you fucking bitch. You're going to get hell when I get my hands on you.”


I planted my feet on the ground and gathered every ounce of confidence and willpower. My brother no longer scared me. “I'm not going with you, Byron.”


Byron bit his bottom lip, his fists so tight that dark blood was dripping onto the dirt floor. “What the fuck did you say to me?”


Pain tried to push me forward but I held my ground. The lineup of the Fires of Hell bikers were looking around like they didn't know what to do. The Devil's Hellions MC looked just as confused. “You can go to hell, Byron. I'm no longer under your control.” It felt so good telling him off. Just like the slap across his face at the frat party. “I'd rather stay with the Black Widows and be killed than go with you.”


Blaze turned around and threw a deadly glance at Pain. “Pick her up and fucking deliver her to Byron.”


Pain went to grab me and I stepped away. “Touch me and I'll kill you. I fanned out my fingernails like the claws of a tiger. I could slash him but it wouldn't do any real damage. I wouldn't go down without a fight.


“Fuck all of this,” Byron yelled. “You can keep the fucking whore.” Byron circled his finger in the air at the Fires of Hell. “We're out of here.” Byron began to walk away, marshaling his troops to him. They closed the back of the truck and began driving away.


Blaze stood there between the two MCs, not knowing what to do. “Hold on, Byron, we can work this out.” Blaze turned back to Pain. “Fucking do something!”


Pain stood there and shrugged. The trade was off. I'd finally broken the shackles of Byron.





Coal brought me back down to the basement and tied me up to the pipe. No more bathrooms and a nice comfy bed up in Pain's room. I tried asking for Pain but all I got was a grunt. Coal didn't say one word for me.


They left me down there for days. Coal came in with water and some bread every once in awhile. I had to resort to peeing in the corner when my bladder felt like it was about to burst. The stench of urine was overwhelming and made me vomit a couple times. I was glad there wasn't a mirror down here so I didn't have to see what I had become.


But I had no regrets about my decision. Byron was a monster and I'd no doubt be in a worse situation if I went back to him.


Blaze came downstairs instead of Coal, holding a water bottle and a piece of bread. His nose upturned at the smell of the basement. I wanted him to puke in front of me so I could laugh in his face. Blaze tossed the water and bread at my feet. The grumbling of my stomach echoed against the cement walls. I wanted to dive head first into the food and swallow it whole to calm my belly. But I didn't want to look weak in front of my captor.


Blaze kneeled down in front of me, taking care to not step in my pee. “After the little stunt you pulled, I was going to kill you and send you to Byron. But it seems that Pain has taken a liking to you.”


My face lit up at his name. Even though he hadn't come down to visit me, I knew Pain was torn up inside. He was trying to protect me even when the entire Devil's Hellions MC wanted me dead.


Blaze opened the water bottle and took a sip. “But don't think for a second that we're going to let you go. You messed up things big time and I won't forget it. I'm going to let you rot down here until we can figure out a use to you. In the meantime, I might just let each member go a couple rounds with you.” Blaze let his index finger trail down the side of my cheek. I wasn't going to let him see me squirm. “Then after you've been pounded into submission, when you know there's nothing left in this world. I'll fuck every hole of yours until your mind is lost and you can't even remember your own name.”


I wanted to spit in his face like I did that first time but it would only result in another huge bruise on my face. Blaze laughed and stood up, rubbing his crotch in front of me. I kept my mouth shut and tried not to think about his threats. Pain would never let that happen. Would he?