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Angelbound THRAX by Christina Bauer (12)

Chapter Twelve

Thirty minutes later, Cissy, Zeke, and I are riding in a cab. It pulls up to a street corner in Times Square. A chill moves over my skin as I stare out the window.


I’ve never seen anything like Times Square. The place is filled with tall buildings and even bigger TV screens. Nothing looks worn down or crappy, like it always does in Purgatory. And the images on these huge monitors are nothing less than amazing. One shows a guy swimming. On another, a model struts down a runway with a sour look on her face. What’s she got to be sad about? She’s a model on a runway.

The cabbie twists about to face us. “This is as close as you get,” she says. Our driver reminds me of an old hound dog, what with her brown hair, long jowls, and big eyes. “You better get out fast,” she adds. “I don’t want a ticket.”

Cissy pays the cab using this built-in credit card machine thing. I shake my head in awe. This cab is more tricked out than the house I grew up in.

I scooch my way out of the cab and onto the sidewalk. People stream in every direction. The scent of hotdogs and drain water fills the air. Some of the residents have demons on them, just like the doc back at the hospital. I spot a business guy with a Greed Tic sucking on his cheek. The thing is as big as my palm and G-R-O-double-S. A small pink Vanity Monkey sits on the shoulder of an older woman. Those things look cute, but they have pointed tails that jab into vertebrae, giving their host no end of back pain.

Cissy pulls me against a building. “You’re not going to kill all those demons, are you?”

“No way.”

She scrunches up her mouth. “Why should I believe you?”

“Those are summoned demons.”

“In English please?” Unlike me, Cissy never took a deep interest in the demonic. I’m always explaining things to her. Difference is, this time she actually wants me to go on about this stuff. Mostly, I just talk, and I’m pretty sure she only pretends to listen.

“The humans summon those demons to them by the way they act. Even if I killed the demon, another one would take its place.”

Cissy tilts her head. “And you’ve totally killed these kind of demons before.”

“That too.” Cissy knows my system. I hoard new demon kills the way she hoards shoes.

Zeke pops his head over Cissy’s shoulder. “Are we sharing secrets?”

“As a matter of fact, we are,” I answer. “Cissy was just about to share which one of these building houses the lab.”

Cissy points at a huge screen. “There.”

“Inside the screens?” asks Zeke with a smirk. He’s moved to stand behind Cissy with his arms wrapped around her waist. They look cute and happy, which makes my chest hurt a little.

Focus, Myla. You’re here for Lincoln.

“Not inside the screens.” Cissy chuckles. “Inside one of the office buildings behind them.”

I stop being amazed by all the moving pictures enough to really focus on the content of what the screens are showing.

And it’s everything Hunter Enterprises.

The guy swims in a pool. Through the churning water, I can make out the H-E Gymnasium logo on the wall behind him. The models are showing off the latest from the Hunter Enterprises fashion division. Another screen shows live images of their blimp hovering over LaGuardia.

“Hunter Enterprises is running everything,” I say.

Cissy frowns. “Do you mean they’re behind the demons on all the humans?”

“No. Trust me, those type of demons have been clinging on to humans for a long time without any help from Ethan. I meant something else. Look at these screens. Ethan’s company has really infiltrated human life. That’s not right. Thrax are supposed to keep a low profile.”

“I never thought about it that way,” says Cissy. “I mean, I’ve seen reports about Ethan’s company, but I figured it was no big deal.”

“And another thing.” I point to each of the vid screens in turn. “That guy who’s swimming underwater? He has ventilator disk in his mouth. It’s black metal. And those models? They’re all wearing jewelry made from black metal, too.”

“What does that mean?” asks Zeke.

“Ethan makes things out of black metal,” says Cissy.

Zeke shrugs. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“His inventions are more than metal,” I say. “Ethan infuses them with black magic.”

Zeke’s eyes widen. “You mean, the stuff that runs on soul power?”

“Yes, that’s the stuff.” It’s an effort to get those words out. “He’s had hundreds of so-called followers who have disappeared. And the thrax warriors we send never return either. We think he’s draining their souls of angelic power.” My voice lowers. “At this moment, Ethan’s trying to drain Lincoln’s soul, too.”

The images on the main vid screen change. The blimp disappears, and the words “Hunter Enterprises Military” flashes across the massive monitor. Glamour shots of Razor Guards flash across the screens while text scrolls along the bottom: “At Hunter Enterprises Military, we’re creating the next legion of warriors. Smart. Strong. Pure leaders.” After that, the screens show various tanks and planes, all made from the same black metal. “Our soldiers will be armed with the best technology.”

Next the screen shows a smiling guy getting strapped down to a table by folks in hazmat suits. The dumb dude is grinning from ear to ear.

All the warmth drains from my body. I’ve seen that table before. It’s just like the one Lincoln was being tied to in my last mirror vision.

More text scrolls by: “But to create the perfect warriors and technology, we sometimes need volunteers.”

My breath catches. “The perfect warriors and technology.” Riiiiiiiiight. All this PR crap is just so Ethan can cover his ass is anyone sees what he’s doing to the thrax he captures. A pang of worry moves across my chest. Thrax like my Lincoln.

Cissy pulls at my elbow. “We need to go, Myla.”

I stay glued to the spot as I watch the giant vid screen. “This is what I’ve seen in my visions. Lincoln’s in one of those labs.”

Now Zeke steps in at my opposite elbow. “And if we’re going to help him, we have to go.”

Finally, I snap out of my stupor. Along with Cissy and Zeke, I move through the crowd to a set of revolving doors. The words “Hunter Enterprises, Research Division” are written on the front of the building. My mouth winds into an evil grin.

I can’t wait to get inside this research building. In my mind, I picture myself as a secret agent, searching through the lab with maximum stealth until I get what I need or move on. Hey, I might even get my hands on a new sword for the occasion. A katana would be cool—those things are massive. And if this lab doesn’t hold the answers I seek, I could trot across the rooftops and break into another building or two. I close my eyes and savor that image.

This is going to work.

Whatever it takes, I’ll find my guy and set him free.