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Firefighter Sea Dragon (Fire & Rescue Shifters Book 4) by Zoe Chant (32)


John would never tire of watching Neridia swim.

No one would ever be able to tell that she had not been born to the form that she now wore. She curved through the water more gracefully than the finest Dancer, and more powerfully than the strongest Knight. She moved like the sea itself.

She was the rarest of all sea dragon colors—a true, deep black, the exact same shade as her hair in human form. As she swam, iridescent highlights gleamed from her sinuous flanks; flashes of darkest blues and purples, like distant nebulas hidden in the depths of her midnight scales.

As the Empress’s mate and bodyguard, he had the honor of swimming closest to her. He took secret delight in trying to perfectly echo every graceful movement of her ebony body. When she dove, he rose; when she spiraled one way, he went the other, arcing around her in precise counterpoint.

Now, however, duty required him to break off his private game. They had crossed from the cold Atlantic into the narrow, shallower waters of the English Channel, and were rapidly approaching the shore. Even though an entire honor-guard of knights flanked them, John trusted his mate’s safety to no one other than himself.

Rising closer to the surface, he propelled himself forward with a powerful stroke of his tail…and laughed out loud as, below, Neridia perfectly matched his increased speed. It seemed that his secret game was not as secret as he had thought.

Her sky-blue eyes gleamed mischievously at him through the dim water. “Trying to out-swim me, my Champion?”

“Never, my heart,” he sang back. “But you must allow me to precede you for a little while. It is a matter of security.”

“You do realize that nothing in the sea can harm me, right?” she teased…but the subtle harmonies she wove around the melody told him that she understood his need to protect her, and loved him for it.

That was another thing he would never tire of—the rich, glorious symphony of her voice. Sea dragons usually learned their native tongue while they lay dreaming in the egg, from listening to their parents. Neridia was the only person who’d ever had to master it as an adult, yet she’d become perfectly fluent in a matter of weeks. It was like she’d already known it, somewhere deep in her soul, and had merely had to be reminded.

“We are leaving the sea, Your Majesty,” he sang. “I am responsible for your safety, and I take that duty seriously. It is a matter of personal honor.”

“Then I am safe indeed.” She looked up at him fondly. “Go on then, my Royal Consort, Imperial Champion, Knight-Poet of the First Water, and Firefighter for the East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service.”

And there was the third thing he would never tire of—his new name. Even the short form of it sent a thrill through his very bones. No matter how long he lived or what deeds he accomplished, there would never be a greater honor than the first few notes of his name.

Royal Consort.

Pride swelling his chest, he increased his speed, rising toward the surface again. This time, she let him go. Leaving the Imperial retinue behind, he quickly caught up with the two knights he’d assigned to the role of advance guard.

To his surprise, he found them stationary in the water. They were so close to the shore now that the sea was barely deep enough to support a sea dragon’s bulk. Both knights had flattened their bodies along the rocky sea bed as though trying to hide, peering anxiously up at the glimmering surface just over their heads.

“Is there a problem?” John inquired, swimming up to them.

“Imperial Champion,” the first knight gasped, looking immensely relieved. “You have come to lead us in the charge!”

“Charge?” John said sharply. “Against what foe?”

“A great force of dry-landers is arrayed against us, sir,” the second knight said, his crimson eyes wide. “They are flying battle-flags and singing dire songs of war.”

John cautiously raised his head a few inches above sea level…and his neck-ruff bristled in amusement.

“Ah,” he said, sinking back down again. “Yes. Perhaps it would be best if I emerged first.”

The first knight extended his claws. “We shall be at your side, sir! We shall drive back this army!”

“No, no.” John waved them back down again. “I believe I can handle this on my own.”

Leaving them whispering anxiously behind him, he clambered up the sloping shore. As he emerged from the ocean, he shifted into human form.

“Sword-brother Chase,” he called. “Perhaps it would be better if you turned off the music. It is being…somewhat misconstrued.”

Chase obligingly pressed a button on the sound system. The thumping bass and screeching notes fell thankfully silent.

“I told you sea dragons wouldn’t like Beyoncé,” Griff murmured.

“Shut up. Everyone likes Beyoncé.” Elbowing Griff aside, Chase threw his arms wide open, grinning broadly. “Surprise!”

John’s mouth quirked as he took in the scene. “Yes. This is definitely a surprise.”

Colorful bunting hung from striped parasols. Shifter children—Griff’s son Danny among them—ran shrieking with joy, splashing in the shallow surf. Their parents watched indulgently from scattered beach towels. Other shifters wandered about, chatting and laughing in the sun.

A little way down the beach, Dai and his mate Virginia were roundly thrashing a couple of wolves from the local pack at some sort of game that involved punching a ball over a net. Hugh watched over their daughter while they played, an uncharacteristic smile on his face as he bounced the giggling infant on his knees. Nearby, Rose was dispensing chilled beverages from a cooler. Ash stood at her side, calmly flipping burgers over a barbecue.

John turned back to his friends. “Is this another one of your strange human customs?”

“Aye.” Griff clapped him on the shoulder. “The custom of throwing a party to welcome back a friend. We’ve missed you, these past few months.”

“And I you.” John breathed deeply, tasting the familiar scent of smoke on the air. “I never thought I would say this, but it is good to be back on land.”

“Good enough that we can tempt you to stay permanently?” Chase teased.

John shook his head, smiling. “Atlantis will always be my home. But truly, I belong to two worlds. All of us sea dragons do. Hopefully more of us will realize that, now that the Empress has decreed that she will be spending six months of each year on land.”

“Good thing she decided to pick Brighton as the site of her new sea dragon embassy,” Griff said, grinning. “You wouldn’t happen to have had anything to do with that, would you?”

“It was a sound political decision,” John said mildly. “We needed a human city on the sea, after all, with a large shifter population. And if there may have been a few personal reasons for the choice…there are some privileges to being close to the Pearl Throne.”

Griff laughed. “Think you’ll find time to fit in some firefighting amidst all those Imperial duties?”

John raised an eyebrow. “Why do you think I didn’t allow them to make me Knight-Commander in addition to everything else?”

*John.* Neridia’s mental voice held an undercurrent of laughter. *There are a couple of knights here who are very worried about the fact that you’re currently taking on an entire army of land-shifters single-handed. Should I send in reinforcements?*

John chuckled under his breath. *Hold for a moment, my heart. Let me ensure we do not accidentally start a war.*

Catching Griff and Chase’s curious looks, he explained, “The Empress approaches, along with the rest of our group. My brothers, I am overwhelmed by your, ah, enthusiasm, but I fear that the other sea dragons may find it a little too overwhelming. This is the first time any of them have ever ventured on land, and the first time they have met dry-landers.”

“Don’t worry, everyone’s been briefed to keep their distance.” Chase gestured at the assembled crowd. “But pretty much every shifter in Brighton is dying of curiosity. None of us have ever met any other sea dragons, after all. Are they all like you?”

“Wait for a moment.” John turned, taking a few steps back into the surf. “And you will be able to judge for yourself.”

*All is in readiness, my heart,* he sent to Neridia. He hesitated, glancing back at the crowd. *But…there are a great many people here. Do you wish me to send them away?*

*No, it’s fine.* He could tell that she was touched by his concern, but unruffled herself. *I am the Pearl Empress. It’s natural that they want to see me.*

Her sleek head broke through the waters, rising high into the air. Voices stilled all along the beach, every shifter turning in her direction. Neridia met their stares calmly, allowing them to look their fill.

Someone started to clap. The applause speed like fire through the crowd. Neridia dipped her regal head in acknowledgement, accepting the acclaim as her due. Then she shimmered, shrinking down into human form.

“They’re still clapping,” Neridia murmured in his ear, as she smiled and waved at the crowd.

“You are still the Empress,” he replied, taking her hand. “Come. Our friends are waiting to welcome us.”

Tucking her hand through his arm, he escorted her up the beach. Somewhat to his own relief, the applause faded after a few moments, shifters going back to enjoying the party. He was used to dry-landers staring at him…but not cheering while they did so.

“Chase! Griff!” Neridia greeted them with hugs, laughing. “What is all of this?”

“You’re royalty now. You have to expect people to break out the bunting when you appear.” Chase hugged her back. “Is this proper protocol? Shouldn’t we be bowing?”

“That was one of the first things I banned. I hate people staring at my feet when I’m trying to talk to them.” Neridia hesitated, glancing back at the ocean. “John, I think everyone else is too scared to come out. Can you go give them some encouragement?”

John bowed in acknowledgement. “As you command, my Empress.”

He still bows,” he heard Griff say, as he headed down the beach.

“He’s John,” Neridia replied wryly. “The sea itself can’t change his course…”

Smiling to himself, John waded back into the water. A couple of the Empress’s escort had worked up the nerve to take human form, though they were still chin-deep in the sea. Shading his eyes, John picked out his sister’s indigo hair, half-hidden amidst the waves.

“Frightened, little sister?” he called. “I thought you were eager to finally walk on land.”

As he had hoped, his brotherly taunt drew her out of the waves. Jane strode out with chin up and shoulders squared, the wet silk of her formal sarong clinging to her legs. Despite her bold posture, her turquoise eyes darted over the crowd nervously.

“There are so many people here!” she whispered, taking his hand. “Why has the entire city turned out to greet us?”

“I am afraid this is just a small gathering, my sister.” John tightened his fingers on hers reassuringly. “I was overwhelmed too, when I first walked on land and realized how numerous the dry-landers truly are. Do not be intimidated. I will be here to help you adjust.”

A few more sea dragons were taking tentative steps up the beach, following Jane’s example. Griff, who seemed to have volunteered for the role of ambassador, went to meet them. John relaxed, knowing that he could trust in his oath-brother’s combination of eagle perception and lion charisma to make the nervous sea dragons feel at home.

“Let us go up to the house,” John said, indicating the large villa overlooking the private cove. “All should be in readiness. You can rest. You don’t have to plunge into the human world all at once.”

Jane took a deep breath, throwing back her shoulders. Some of the usual sparkle returned to her eyes. “Thank you, little brother, but no. I’m not going to waste a single day. I’ve come onto land to find my mate, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

She let go of his hand, clearly intent on starting the search right there and then. John let out his breath in a long-suffering sigh.

“Jane,” he said, as patiently as he could. “You have not yet quite grasped exactly how many people there are on land. The chance of you finding your mate here is-“

He realized his sister wasn’t listening. As if in a dream, she was walking away from him, eyes locked on someone in the crowd.

“What’s up with her?” Neridia asked curiously, coming up to his side along with Chase.

John stared after his sister, barely able to believe what he was seeing. “Apparently, my sister has just found her mate.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. His inner human buried its face in its hands with a groan. It took us two years, and she does it in two minutes?

“Your sister? That’s your sister?” Chase’s black eyes widened. “Bloody hell, is she heading for Hugh?”

She wasn’t. Jane pushed straight past the startled paramedic. In all the crowd, she only had eyes for…

John abruptly felt as if he’d just been sucked down by an undertow.

“Him?” he spluttered. “My sister’s mate is, is…him?

A little distance away, Reiner Ljonsson was walking towards Jane with a stunned, wide-eyed expression.

“No,” John said, as the pair joined hands. His own fist clenched. “No. No. No. Absolutely not. This is-”

“None of your business,” Neridia said firmly.


“This is your Empress speaking, John.” She poked him in the side. “What’s wrong with him, anyway?”

“Oh boy.” Chase let out a low whistle, shaking his head. “Now there’s a long story. Ask Griff about it sometime.”

“Well, given that he was at Griff’s wedding, it must have worked out all right in the end.” Neridia folded her arms, glaring up at John. “You will not interfere with your sister’s happiness. Understand?”

John stared morosely at his sister. Even from this distance, it was obvious that she was practically radiant with joy. Reiner was gazing at her as if she was a priceless diamond. His usual scowl had been wiped away, replaced by pure wonder.

John sighed. “They are true mates,” he said reluctantly. “And whatever Reiner did in the past, it is true that my oath-brother trusts him now. It is not my place to stand in their way.”

Chase glanced at him, eyebrows rising. “You have changed.”

“And if he is not worthy of her,” John added, “I shall personally skin him and wear his mane as a hat.”

“Though not that much,” Chase concluded. He brightened. “I just thought of something. She’s a sea dragon, right? And he’s a lion shifter.”

“Oh, is that what he is?” Neridia narrowed her eyes at Chase. “Why are you smirking like that?”

“Think about it,” Chase urged, his evil grin spreading wider. “Sea dragon. Lion. So their kids will be…?”

They both looked at him blankly.

“Sea lions!” Chase yelled, and collapsed into helpless laughter.

* * *

There was such a thing, Neridia decided as she poked through her dressing-room for something to wear, as having too many pearls.

No there isn’t, her inner dragon said promptly. One either has all the pearls, or one does not. And we do not have all the pearls.

Neridia grinned to herself at her dragon’s reproachful tone. It was still miffed at her for having sold a few of the smaller pieces from the royal hoard to finance the purchase of this house. The sea dragons in her entourage had been even more shocked.

“No one needs a literal mountain of treasure,” she said to her inner dragon now, as she’d told the other dragons then. “And it’s not like we don’t have plenty left over.”

She pointedly looked around her dressing room, which would perhaps be more accurately described as a treasure room. Her human clothes were vastly outnumbered by ornate caskets, each one overflowing with gold and jewels. And this wasn’t even a hundredth of her personal hoard.

That is a good point, her inner dragon conceded. It settled down again in the depths of her mind. Tomorrow, we must send word back to Atlantis. The Voice of the Empress can send us more of our treasures.

Neridia chuckled under her breath, shaking her head at her dragon’s unabashed avarice. “The Master Shark is quite busy enough without distracting him with your whims, greedy beast.”

The Sea Council had not taken well to her appointment of the Master Shark as her Voice while she was away on land. Nonetheless, Neridia had great confidence in the megalodon shifter’s ability to bring the fractious sea nobles to heel. He could, after all, make them all fall silent merely by looking slightly hungry.

“You’ll have to be content with what we brought,” Neridia said to her dragon, smiling. “And our greatest treasure is already here, you know.”

Her dragon blinked its luminous eyes in contentment. Yes. He is.

John ducked through the doorway. Despite his caution, he still managed to catch his broad shoulders on the frame. Grimacing, he straightened—only to bash his head against the light fitting.

“This I have not missed about life on land,” he grumbled, catching hold of the swinging shade. “How small everything is.”

Neridia was somewhat regretting encouraging her knights to swap their helmets and armor for human clothes. Quite a few of her entourage already sported bruises across their foreheads, and it was still only their first day on land.

Though, she thought as she looked at her mate, there is definitely something to be said for human clothes.

John was already dressed for the evening’s formal dinner. The fine white fabric of his dress shirt clung to the powerful curves of his shoulders. She’d grown so accustomed to seeing him bare-chested in Atlantis, there was something erotic about his torso being covered.

Neridia found her gaze drifting lower, past the black cummerbund emphasizing the flatness of his abdomen. She regretfully tore her eyes away before she got too distracted. She still had to get ready, after all.

“Did you find out what all that shouting was about?” she asked John, as she went back to searching through her jewelry caskets.

“Ah.” He tilted his head, making the charms in his hair catch the light. “I fear that I have good news, and bad news.”

“What’s the good news?”

“The good news is that Fifth Knight of the Third Water has successfully defeated the unnatural creature lurking in our utility room.”

“What?” Neridia turned to stare at him.

His mouth quirked. “The bad news is that we need a new washing machine. Ideally one that does not make quite such an alarming growling noise when it starts.”

Neridia let out her breath in amusement. “Oh dear.”

“She was so proud at having saved her Empress from such a dire threat, I have not yet had the heart to explain the truth of the matter.” John sighed. “I have left her trying to work out how to dismember her kill. I think she plans to offer you its head as a trophy.”

“I’ll have a word with her later.” Neridia held a twisted rope of multi-colored pearls up to her neck, examining the effect in her mirror. “Any other casualties?”

“Seventh Artist of the Coalescing Tide has twisted his ankle. He absent-mindedly tried to swim off the deck. I have taken the opportunity to remind everyone about the concept of gravity.” John frowned, his tone shading darker with disapproval. “And it seems that Chase has introduced several of my knights to the concept of beer.”

“Don’t be too hard on them. It was their first human party, after all.”

“I shall not dispense any formal punishments.” John’s blue eyes glinted wickedly. “But I believe that I shall hold a full sword-drill tomorrow. At five in the morning.”

“A dead washing machine, a twisted ankle, and some hangovers. Our first day on land is going better than I expected.” Neridia tried on a simple circlet of gold, set with a pearl the size of a walnut. “Hmm. Is this too much?”

Even without looking at him, Neridia could feel John’s appreciative gaze sweeping down her silk-clad body. “Too much for what?”

“For the dinner tonight.” Neridia straightened the circlet, frowning at herself in the mirror. “It’s just local dignitaries, like the mayor and the regional representatives for the Parliament of Shifters. I don’t want to overdress for the occasion.”

Gently but firmly, John took the circlet from her head. “You are the Pearl Empress. It is impossible for you to be overdressed. You are the occasion.”

“John!” Neridia protested as he picked up one of her most elaborate crowns, a golden confection that blazed with diamonds and black pearls. “I can’t wear that!”

“But it is the one that becomes you the most.” He settled the crown on her head. “And besides, it is my favorite.”

“Well…” Neridia met his eyes in the mirror, smiling. “In that case, of course I’ll wear it.”

“You should wear this, too.” He reclaimed the necklace she’d tried and discarded earlier. “There will be dragon shifters there. They measure status by the value of hoards. They must be left in no doubt as to your rank.”

His calloused fingertips trailed over the curve of her neck, lightly, sending delicious shivers through her. “All right,” she said, a little breathlessly. “If you think it’s a good idea.”

“I do.” He sank to one knee, capturing her wrists in his huge hands. “And you need bracelets too. Sapphires, I think.”

“John, I really don’t-“ Neridia caught her breath, her protest dying away half-formed as he swept his thumb over her inner wrist.

“Sapphires,” he breathed, pressing a kiss to the sensitive skin. “Many sapphires.”

Neridia could only submit as he fastened wide golden bracelets around her forearms. The gleaming sapphires caught in the fine filigree nets precisely matched the deep indigo of his intent, hungry eyes.

His hand ran over the intricate metalwork, and then, more slowly, up over the soft curves of her upper arms. Neridia’s lips parted as he leaned in close…but rather than claim her mouth, he tilted his head to place a light, teasing kiss just behind her ear.

“Earrings,” he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

Neridia gasped as he gently nipped at her lobe. Withdrawing again, John selected a pair of pearl and diamond drops from a casket. With infinite care, he fastened them to her ears.

“There,” he said, his voice husky. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently turned her to face the mirror. “See.”

Neridia looked at herself. Her eyes were as large and dark as the black pearls of her crown. The gleaming jewels around her neck emphasized the heightened color of her skin. Diamonds dripped from her ears like falling drops of rain.

“Okay,” she said, laughter mingling with desire. “Now that really is too much, John.”

He made a deep, thoughtful rumble, low in his throat, as he drew her up to her feet. “Perhaps you are right.”

His hand ran up her spine. Before she’d realized his intent, he’d undone the fastenings of her ball gown.

“John!” she protested, as he slipped the indigo silk over her shoulders, leaving her only in her panties.

He stifled her objection with his mouth. His hard body pressed her back against the wall of the dressing-room. The crisp linen of his shirt rubbed against her bared breasts, sending jolts of pleasure through her hardening nipples.

His fingers slipped under the waistband of her panties. “Still too much,” he murmured against her mouth.

Stepping back, he drew her panties down, slowly. Neridia trembled, a wash of heat pulsing between her thighs as his hands caressed the soft curves of her legs from hips to ankles.

“There,” he said, rising again. He took a step back, gazing at her as if she were some priceless work of art. “Now that is just right.”

She shook her head at him, pursing her lips in a mock-pout. “Wrong. Now this is not enough.”

He started to turn to the treasure-hoard, but she caught his hand. Lacing her fingers through his, she pulled him out of the dressing-room and into the bedroom.

He let her guide him so that he was sitting on the bed. Straddling his lap, Neridia kissed him deeply, unfastening the tiny buttons of his shirt as she did so. Never breaking the kiss, she ran her hands over the planes of his chest.

Her fingers found the pale, smooth scar over his heart. The feel of it made her kiss him even more fervently, winding her other hand into his braided hair. She had come so close to losing him…

He kissed her back with equal hunger. His hands tightened on her back. His hot mouth, the press of his bare skin against hers, the solid strength of his arms around her…they were all a silent, unspoken promise.

A promise that he would always be there. That nothing would ever part them again.

His hard length pressed against her wet sex, demanding even through the layers of fabric separating them. She moaned into his mouth as he flexed his hips, rubbing against her in just the right way.

“Still not enough,” she gasped.

He answered with a hungry growl, biting at her lip. His hands jerked impatiently at his belt. Raising herself up on her knees, she helped him free his eager cock.

He seized her hips, stopping her from lowering herself down again. She squirmed, her core clenching in anticipation at the tantalizing feel of his thick head just parting her folds.

“Enough?” he murmured into her ear.

“No!” No matter how she writhed, his strength kept her in place. “Please, John, please!”

Slowly, teasingly, he slid her down a few inches. “Enough?”

Desperate with desire, she tightened around him in answer. He gasped, and the surge of his need swept her over the edge. Abandoning his teasing at last, he drove into the pulsing waves of her ecstasy.

She dug her fingernails into the rock-hard muscles of his back, locking her legs around his waist. Her climax surged higher and higher, drawn out by every thrust of his body, until she couldn’t tell the difference between her pleasure and his.

His sweat-slick torso pressed against hers as he arced up. Body to body, soul to soul, they came together, and were one.

Breathing hard, Neridia collapsed against John’s chest. He held her tight, rolling back himself so that they spooned together on the bed. She closed her eyes, wrapped in his arms, drifting in perfect contentment.

Only for a moment, though.

With a sigh, she opened her eyes again. “We’re going to be late.”

“Mmm.” John pressed his face into the back of her neck, inhaling deeply. “It appears so.”

“John.” She pushed at his arm, which had no effect whatsoever. “John. We have to get up.”

“It occurs to me,” he said, his voice a deep, lazy rumble, “that if one is going to be late, one might as well be very late.”

She let out her breath, half-amused, half-exasperated—and then caught it again, as he started kissing the side of her neck.

We are the Pearl Empress, her inner dragon pointed out. Others can wait on our pleasure.

With a laugh, Neridia surrendered to temptation. Rolling onto her back, she wrapped her arms around her mate.

“This isn’t setting a very good example, you know,” she teased, drawing him down for another kiss. “You’re the Imperial Champion. Aren’t you supposed to put duty before everything else?”

“Probably.” He smiled down at her, his blue eyes shining like sunlight on the sea. “But I’m only human.”

* * *




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