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Granting Her Wish by Erin Bedford (12)



THE MOMENT JARED WALKED INTO the shop, I jumped up from my seat. A determined expression set on his face as he made his way straight to the counter where Aly stood frozen to the spot.

I stepped forward to try and stop him but Aly unfroze long enough to shake her head at me. I dropped my arm, but didn’t sit back down. Forced to sit on the sidelines while she took care of it, I waited for my chance to get the guy out of there.

Wished for or not, Jared wasn’t going to stay around long.

Thankfully for Aly, the line had died down or I had no doubt the scumbag would have just cut in front of everyone. The satisfied look on his face was enough to make me want to punch him. But I stayed away because it was what Aly wanted. Not as if she’d wished for it.

As if that would stop you? a voice in my head taunted.

Ignoring the voice, I tried to listen to what Aly and her ex were talking about. From the displeasure on her face, it couldn’t be anything good.

“You can’t just come in here. This is my job,” Aly told Jared, clear venom in her voice.

If Jared could tell she was upset he didn’t show it. He placed his hands on the counter and leaned over the register, a desperate expression on his face.

“You won’t talk to me at your home. What choice did I have?”

Aly crossed her arms over her chest and sniffed, “For good reason.”

“Come on, Aly. Babe,” Jared reached over the counter and tried to grab her arm, but she stepped out of his reach, “So, it’s going to be like that? After everything we’ve been through you won’t even let me touch you. Talk to you? You at least owe me that.”

Even I knew the idiot’s words were wrong. Aly’s face reddened and her fingers curled into fists. Excitement took hold of me as I hoped she would finally put him in his place.

Sadly, before Aly could so much as draw her arm back, Jade stepped in. She took a hold of Aly’s hand—which had begun to rise up from her side—and clasped it in her own.

Shooting Aly a warning look, Jade turned her fiery gaze on Jared. “She doesn’t owe you anything.”

“You mind your own business. Leech,” Jared sneered at Jade, his eyes scanned up and down Jade’s form in obvious disdain. I swore if Jade hadn’t wanted to hit the man before, she was ready to hit him in Aly’s place.

“You’re one to talk,” Jade argued, stepping up to the counter. They were beginning to draw the attention of the other customers, which Aly had noticed too. She pulled Jade back from the register and gave Jared an icy glare.

“I don’t have anything to say to you. I don’t owe you anything. You ruined any chance for that last time. Now, you need to go before I call the cops,” Aly pointed a finger toward the door, a firm determination her face.

“But babe…” Jared tried to plead one more time.

“Go!” she shoved her finger at the door once more and I started forward. If he wouldn’t go on his own I’d be happy to help him out.

Jared spun on his heels and when he saw me, stopped in his tracks. Scanning me up and down, his face said he clearly found me lacking. But whatever he thought he had that I didn’t, I wasn’t sure I wanted.

“Good luck with that one,” Jared gestured with his head, “she’s a right bitch.”

“I think I’ll take my chances,” I replied, earning me a look of disgust as Jared marched out of the shop.

When he was gone I turned back to the counter where Jade was talking quietly to Aly. My master’s face was red and her eyes glistened. She must have felt me watching because she glanced up and my chest constricted tightly. The devastation on her face was almost too much to bear.

Before I could reach her, Aly took off to the back leaving me with Jade. Placing my hands on the counter, I strained my neck to see around the corner, hoping to see the woman who had so captivated me in such a short while. But it was no use.

“What an asshole,” Jade commented and I turned my attention to her.

“Yes, he is in fact,” I agreed and then frowned, “But what I can’t figure out is what happened between those two that makes his appearance so jarring.”

A shadow covered Jade’s face, “Like I said before, I don’t know what all happened. She won’t tell me. But I do know that he used her, financially, emotionally. You name it.”

“Did he abuse her?” anger stirred in my heart at the thought of that lowly filth laying a hand on such a sweet woman like Aly.

Jade shook her head, “Not that I know of. Doesn’t mean he didn’t though. Aly never said. What’s worse though is he’s the reason she is stuck in this place.”

“What do you mean?”

Letting out a bitter laugh, Jade began restocking the counter, “You don’t think she’s at this shit job by choice, do you?”

“I thought she just needed the money until she finished school or something like that,” even as I said the words it didn’t seem plausible. There were plenty of other jobs out there. She could have easily taken up one of those.

“Not the fuck likely,” Jade scoffed, “She stuck here cause that ass-wipe ruined her,” my puzzled frown caused Jade to sigh, “This is a small town, Mac. People talk. Especially when it involves money.”

“Okay?” I drew out.

“Aly is a great girl. An amazing baker, but she’s too trusting. Too naive for her own good. She really got bit in the ass when it came to Jared. He kept borrowing money from her, promising he’d pay it back. He’d have her co-sign on loans for startup companies that were sure to make them millions but . . .” Jade let out a heavy breath and shook her head, “They all turned out to be crap. Leaving Aly to pay the bills and no money, or credit, of her own to realize her dream.”

“Which is?” I quirked a brow at the blue-haired woman.

“To start her own bakery of course,” Jade tossed a few plastic stick at me, “For her new boyfriend, you sure are slow.”


This time it was Jade’s turn to raise a brow, “Oh, are you guys not labeling it yet? Would ‘lovers’ be a more accurate description?”

My lips moved up at the edges at her words, “I haven’t had the pleasure.”

“Seriously?” the disbelief in her voice was prominent, “She’s had you in her apartment and you two haven’t even done the nasty yet?” When I shook my head, she scowled, “Has that girl learned nothing from me? I swear it’s like talking to a wall.”

“Well, it’s not for the lack of trying, but I believe Aly would say we are getting to know each other first,” I held my hands out in defense.

“Ha. That sounds like her,” Jade clicked her tongue, “Well, she has better self-control than me. If I had my way, you wouldn’t ever leave the apartment let alone put on pants,” she gestured with her head to my lower half.

Before I could respond, Aly came out of the back room. Her eyes were puffy and her face blotchy and she ducked her head down as soon as she saw me.

“Jade,” she chastised her friend, “What are you talking about out here?”

Jade shot her a teasing grin before winking at me, “Oh nothing. Just your lack of sexual appetite.”

“I have plenty of appetite. That’s not the kind of thing you should be talking about at work,” Aly whispered sharply, her eyes darting over to me. My mouth spread into a grin at the blush that covered her face.

Jade shrugged as if it didn’t bother her, “What else are we supposed to talk about? Coffee cozies?”

“I don’t care what you talk about. Just not my sex life, or any kind of lack of,” Aly snatched the box of napkins Jade had pulled out and started to viciously stuff them into their holder.

With Aly’s hands otherwise distracted, I decided to do a little questioning of my own, “Aly.”

She didn’t look up from abusing the napkins, so I said her name again. Still nothing. Reaching out, I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave it a shake.

Finally she looked up long enough to snap at me, “What?”

“I wanted to ask you about . . . Jared,” I said slowly, waiting for her reaction.

“What about him?” Aly grabbed another napkin holder and repeated her attack on it.

“Jade told me about what happened between you too,” I paused as Aly gave Jade an evil glare, “Don’t blame her. I asked.”

“Fine. So you know what a sleazy sleaze bag he is. What of it?” my master grabbed a rag and started rubbing the counter though it was sparkling clean.

I had a feeling she was one of those angry cleaners. The kind that never cleaned their home until they were really pissed and then the next thing you know even the silverware has been polished. It was good to know for the future.

Future? I asked myself. What future? After she makes her two final wishes, I was out of there. I didn’t need to know about her little quirks. But even as I told myself this, I still noted it in the back of my mind.

I shook off my thoughts and then realized Aly was gone. I searched around the room for her and Jade pointed a finger toward the other side of the counter.

While I was thinking about her cleaning habits Aly had grabbed the bucket and mop and was now working to get a stained mess off the floor. It was clearly old, and not likely to come up no matter how much she scrubbed. But still she kept at it, bound and determined she was to defeat that stain.

Stepping over to her, I placed my hand on the mop, forcing her to stop. Aly’s head popped up and the look she gave me would have sent even the bravest human to their knees. Luckily, I wasn’t human.

“Give it back,” Aly cried out as I took the mop from her grasping hands.

“No. You’re upset,” I held the mop behind my back and leveled my gaze at her, “You need to talk about this. You can’t keep it in forever.”

“What are you talking about?” the exasperation in her voice almost made me think she really didn’t know what I was talking about.

But I just had to know.

“Did Jared hurt you?” I paused, waiting for my words to sink in, but there was only confusion in her eyes, “You know, physically? Did he lay his hands on you?”

Then a shadow crossed over her face and just as suddenly it was gone. But I’d already seen it. He had touched her. Rage, like I had never felt before, overcame me. I would kill him. I’d make him wish he had never been born. Better yet!

“You can wish him gone,” I said in a low voice, “I can do that for you Aly. You don’t have to suffer anymore.”

Aly seemed to seriously think about it for a moment, before she shook her head and grabbed the mop from my no-relaxed arm, “No, I couldn’t do that.”

“But it would be so easy,” I trailed after her as she went to put the mop up.

“I can solve my own problems. Thank you very much.”

“I don’t understand you humans. It’s not weak to need help. You are just too damn proud to admit it,” I called out after her.

Aly spun on her heel and snarled, “You want me to make a wish so bad? Well, you know what I wish? I wish you would just leave me the hell alone.”

So I did.