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Granting Her Wish by Erin Bedford (7)



IT HAD TO HAVE BEEN my worst performing day of my entire life. After leaving the apartment with my ever-tempting genie in my wake, I headed to the coffee shop.

Coffee and Stuff, thankfully, had remained exactly as it’d been the night before when I had locked up. Still dark out, I’d quickly unlocked the gate, opened the doors and did all the necessary opening jobs before Terry, the day-shift manager came in.

Terry was gayer than the pride parade. With long stick on lashes, a face full of makeup, he made Tyra Banks look like a drag queen. And that was with wearing our god-awful uniform.

I was actually surprised Bruce ever hired him. My boss had, on more than one occasion, given the impression he was not as open-minded as the rest of us.

But he got what was coming to him, a small voice in me said and I batted it away. Bruce might be one of the least likely human beings I would save in a fire, but that didn’t mean I should be speaking ill of him. Especially, when his predicament was my fault.

“Hey, sugar,” Terry greeted me with a curious look, “I didn’t know you were on today.”

“I’m not,” I answered before rounding the counter, “I’m just getting the shop open for you and then I’m off to class.”

Terry’s perfectly arched brows furrow, “Where’s boss man at?”

“Broken leg,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant and not guilty, “He’ll be out for a few days.”

“Why’re you doing his bidding? Isn’t that what his assistant manager is for?” Terry asked me with a you-shoulda-known-better look.

Good question. The assistant manager, Lisa, also happened to be Bruce’s on, again, off, again girlfriend. There was a betting pool on how long it would take before either Lisa quit or Bruce fired her. Their relationship was not the healthiest, to say the least.

“I don’t know. I’m just doing what I’m told,” I handed over the keys to Terry and headed for the door. “Don’t break too many hearts today,” I winked at him and he shooed at me with a grin.

It wasn’t until I got down the block that I realized I’d forgotten to make the muffins for that day’s business. I’d been so busy yesterday working double, acting as manager, and dealing with Mac that I’d been too exhausted to even think about it.

I almost went back to tell Terry I’d make some quickly, but then shook my head. No. Class was more important. I couldn’t miss any more days or I’d flunk out. And that was the last thing I needed. Bruce would just have to deal with it and if not, I had a spanking new genie I could use to change his mind.

A light bulb went off in my head. I had a genie who can grant me any wish I wanted! He could help me get a better job, hell he could get me the loan I needed to start my own shop. But as soon as the thought came I squashed it.

I wasn’t in the habit of taking handouts and as far as I was concerned using a genie to make my life easier was just as bad. Nothing was worth having that you didn’t work for yourself.

Sucking in a deep breath, I pushed my shoulders back and made myself finish the short trek to school.

Alinity wasn’t a big town. The fact that it even had a community college was saying something. Out of the ten thousand people who live in Alinity, at least three fourths of them have gone to Alinity Community College at one point or another. Either for a degree, cooking classes, or just a sporting event.

I arrived at class just as the professor was getting ready to start class. I gave him an apologetic smile and made my way to my seat. I heard the professor greet the class, but then it seemed like it all blurred together after that.

My mind drifted to my unexpected guest. Last night, when I’d come out of the bathroom it’d taken all my will power to keep from ogling his shirtless form. If I thought he’d had muscles before, the sight of him bare chested was enough to make even a nun need a change of underwear. I mean, lickable let-me-ride-you-like-a-surf-board kind of ripped. Just thinking of it now made my face heat up and I shifted in my seat.

What had been even worse was this morning.

Normally, I wasn’t a morning person. There was a good reason I worked at a coffee shop. Well, besides the need for money. The unlimited supply of coffee was one of the only things that kept me going back. Even if it was on the pretty crappy side.

So, it was safe to say I wasn’t completely aware of my surroundings when I first woke up. Which was why I really should clean up my apartment more. Tripping over books and other random items seemed like a daily habit for me. I’d only been doing what I usually did each morning before I’d remembered—well more like realized with a shocking—that I still had a stranger in my home. But the way he had looked at me had almost been enough to make up for the fact that I’d just undressed in front of the genie.

The scorching longing in his eyes melted me all the way down to my very exposed panties. I’d darted out of the room more for my sanity than for modesty’s sake.

My shower had been a cold one that still hadn’t cooled my skin from the fire Mac had started in me. It had gotten even worse when he had taken the opportunity to press against me in the kitchen. Now that had been a happy experience.

What girl didn’t want to know they were desired? Or have a to-the-nth-degree hottie pressing his hardened cock against them? Well, maybe not all of them. But I hadn’t had any company of the male persuasion since the asshole-who-shall-not-be-named. And let’s face it my battery-operated companion was just not the same.

Before I knew it, class was over and I couldn’t remember anything the professor had said. The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Too tired, and too distracted, to pay much attention or even take notes. I thought, not for the first time, that I should have just stayed home.

Finally, when my final class of the day had concluded, I was ready to climb back in bed and sleep for a week. But then I remembered my new roommate was waiting for me.

Hhmm. What to do about him? I couldn’t keep him indefinitely, no matter how much I’d threatened I would. Mac had said the only way to get rid of him was to make my other two wishes.

Problem was, I had no idea what to wish for.

World peace? A Big Mac and fries? Just the thought of trying to keep a straight face while I told stuck-up-and-sexified-Mac I wanted to use one of my wishes for something I could buy myself made me smile. If he already had a bad opinion of humans, I doubted that kind of wish would help any.

Luckily, or rather unluckily considering the circumstances, I didn’t have to worry about making my wishes. Sitting in front of my door in the stairway, was none other than asshole-who-shall-not-be-named.

“What are you doing here, Jared?” I asked, already ready to get it over with. We hadn’t parted on good terms, or any kind of terms, to be honest. He’d up and left without a word, and with most of my bank account. To say I wasn’t happy to see him was an understatement.

“Alyson,” Jared scrambled up from the floor. He brushed his hand through his short brown hair and adjusted his worn-out leather jacket. If there was one thing Jared loved more than anything it was his jacket. He never went anywhere without it. Probably loved it more than he had ever loved me.

“I’m not in the mood to deal with you. Say your piece and then leave,” I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot in a rampant rhythm.

Jared frowned. Apparently, he had been under the impression I would be happy to see him. Boy, was he in for a rude awakening.

“Aren’t you even a little bit happy to see me?” See. A complete idiot.

“Why would you think that?” I snapped, not even bothering to pretend to be nice, “Unless you are here to apologize, or maybe even give me back all the money you stole from me, I don’t have anything to say to you.”

I tried to push by him to my door but he grabbed my arm. I glared down at his hand. “Let me go!”

“Not until you listen to me.” Jared tightened his grip on my arm and jerked me so suddenly that I fell against him.

Before I could even try to get away from him, I was out of his arms and against an even more muscular chest. I glanced up to see Mac his eyes hard, and his kissable lips pressed so tightly together they were almost invisible.

“Is there a problem here?” Mac asked, though his tone made his words more of a warning than a question.

“Hey, back off man,” Jared stepped toward us, puffing his chest out as he tried to intimidate Mac, “My girlfriend and I are just having a disagreement is all.”

“Girlfriend?” Mac looked down at me an unhappy expression on his face.

“Ex-girlfriend.,” I corrected him. I moved a bit away from Mac so I could think of something other than how good he smelled and how much I wanted to rub myself up and down his form.

“Not for long,” Jared had the gall to say. I shot him a scathing look before directing my attention back to Mac.

“Jared was just leaving. Don’t worry about him.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me,” Jared shoved a finger at Mac and said, “You just go on your way buddy and we won’t have no problem.”

I couldn’t believe I ever dated this guy.

Mac’s jaw tightened and he closed the distance between us once more. Placing his hand on my shoulder he pulled me back to lean against him in an obvious statement to Jared he wasn’t going anywhere.

“So this your new guy? You slutting it around with him now?” Jared focused his anger on me, “Bet you think you are some kind of shit now, with a guy like this.”

“Yes, she is,” Mac stated plainly and I didn’t try to correct him, “So, I’d be happy if you left me and my girlfriend alone now.” The way he said it left no room for argument, but that had never stopped Jared before.

“Fine. I see how it is,” Jared took a few steps back before giving me one last look, “This isn’t over. We are going to talk. Soon.”

When I heard the front door close behind him, I let out a heavy breath. Moving out of Mac’s grasp, I gave him a small smile.

“Sorry about that. Thanks for helping out.”

“You dated that man?” Mac asked, his expression not softening after Jared’s departure.


“He’s not worthy of someone like you,” he brushed my hair behind my ear his eyes searching my face, “Someone with your beauty should be adored and lavished with attention in public, and in the bedroom.”

I gave a nervous laugh and Mac’s heated gaze lands on me. Suddenly the stairway was ten times hotter, and my panties were soaked. Clearing my throat, I attempted to change the subject.

“Forget about him,” I made a show of pushing Jared’s visit behind me. Mac frowned but then gave me a curt nod. Glad he wasn’t going to push the issue, I said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”