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Rivaled Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 16) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (17)

Chapter Seventeen

“I need you both to listen,” Brianne announced the second they entered her cave.

Cade’s stomach dropped, and he looked at his brother. The tone of her voice told Cade that she meant business and he sensed her steely determination through their bond.

“I know I asked for time to get to know you both so that I could choose,” Brianne continued as she picked up a box and took out a package of Red Vines, ripping them open. “Well, I have a problem. I can’t pick one of you. I’ve fallen in love with you both, and it isn’t possible for me to be with only one of you. For me, it’s either the three of us or none of us. Nothing else feels right. I know you believe the Goddess made a mistake in giving you the same mate, but it feels right to me. So, after we capture the demon, I think it’s best we part ways. Don’t worry, I’ll still meet Jace and give him blood, but I can’t be the reason two brothers hate each other. No puedo,” Brianne explained and crossed her arms over her chest.

Cade’s heart stopped then sank to his toes. Her expression was sincere. The decision was final. His mate didn’t want anything to do with him. Somehow, it would’ve been easier if he lost Brianne to his brother. Okay, that was a lie, but the fact she was rejecting them both was devastating.

Cael sat down with a heavy sigh and rubbed his face. “Fuck, Bri. I was going to tell you to choose Cade. I’ve been miserable ever since we started fighting. I miss his thoughts in my head. It feels like I’ve lost half of myself, and I was ready to give you up to get that back. I figured if we continued this rivalry, we would push you away. I didn’t want to lose you both,” he divulged and looked at Brianne then Cade.

Cade’s mouth dropped at his brother’s heartfelt words. Brianne chomped on the red licorice with her eyebrows creased, apparently upset over the situation. Cade refused to allow this to happen. There had to be another way.

“I miss you, too, bro. And, I can admit when I’ve been a complete asshole. Look, when the three of us are together, it feels…complete. I know it sounds crazy, and I’m not sure how we do this, but I truly believe if two people can share a mate, it’s you and I,” Cade relayed, meeting his brother’s gaze then turned to Brianne. “Would you accept us both? I know this has been difficult for you, but I think I speak for both of us when I say we need you. Not for your blood, but because we love you,” Cade declared then held his breath, waiting for her reply.

Brianne’s eyes went wide, and her candy fell from her mouth. “What do you think Cael?” she sputtered.

Cael looked from Brianne to Cade. “C’mon, brother. I’m willing to try if you are. We can’t lose our mate,” Cade urged telepathically.

“Oddly enough, it feels right to say fuck yes and know that we will share Brianne. When I watched you fall from the cliff, something changed for me. Or, maybe it’s been happening slowly. Yes, brother,” Cael answered in his head and Cade couldn’t hold back his smile. A huge weight lifted at his brother’s words, and he knew this was meant to be.

“Yes, love. My brother and I belong to you,” Cael promised Brianne.

“What do we do now? I know this isn’t going to be easy for us,” she replied.

“First, we expel the demon from Aurora,” Cade said and made his way to Brianne’s side. “Join me, brother,” he told Cael who was there in the next breath. “Would you do us the honor, and mate us?”

Brianne gasped, and her hands flew to her mouth while Raquel muttered, “Oh, my Gods!”

Cael wrapped his arm around Brianne’s back below her wings. Cade couldn’t resist and stepped closer, placing his hands on her hips. He pulled her tight against his body. Her shiver of desire rippled through Cade, and Cael, as well.

“I never thought the two of you would come to an agreement like this. Que milagro. Si. I will mate you,” Brianne said and attacked Cade’s mouth.

Her lips were swift and insistent as her tongue licked along the seam of his mouth. His hands roamed toward her delectable ass and encountered his brother. Cade broke the kiss and looked at Cael, his blue eyes glowing with need. Cade turned Brianne in his arms and guided her to Cael.

“Goddess, you are exquisite,” Cade murmured as his brother kissed Brianne.

Cade watched his brother taste and nibble Brianne’s mouth, and Cade’s shaft hardened with the sight. The sensations coursing through his body were new and thrilling. He never imagined his arousal would connect with Cael’s and intensify with his brother’s need.

Cade allowed his hands to run up her soft stomach to her chest. He trailed his fingers under each breast, making her moan into Cael’s mouth.

Cade pressed his erection into her backside and his chest against her wings. Brianne’s soft ass cradled his cock, urging him to rub against her. His hips moved, and his hands cupped her supple breasts. He felt her nipples harden beneath her soft sweater, and he pinched the turgid tip as his lips trailed along her neck.

“Umm, I’m glad that you vamps have figured out your shit. But, before you three get naked and start bumping pink parts, we need a plan for tomorrow,” Raquel blurted.

“It’s a damn good thing I love you, sestra,” Brianne growled as she broke away from Cael’s mouth. “Can you just take a walk for a few hours? My mates and I need to celebrate.”

“You will have an eternity to celebrate. What can’t wait another minute is Aurora. That demon is killing her and, if we don’t do something, Brushy Keep will be lost. Do you want the death of harpies on your hands?” Raquel interjected.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s not every day you find your mate. Or, in my case, mates,” Brianne replied and leaned against Cade’s hold.

His hands continued their exploration of her body, his lust at an all-time high. His mating brand throbbed, demanding he complete what he started.

“So, warriors. Now that you’ve taken my sister from me do you think you can help save my people and home?” Raquel asked.

Brianne broke free of their hold, and Cade’s lust-filled haze disintegrated. He looked to Cael and saw glowing eyes revert to their familiar shade of blue.

Brianne rushed to her sister’s side and hugged her tight. “No one has taken me from you. I might live part-time at Zeum, but as my family, you are always welcome.”

“Yes, you’re always welcome,” Cade confirmed.

“That’s not so appealing. Everyone there is mated,” Raquel grumbled.

“Not everyone. Tristan might be young, but he’s no longer inexperienced,” Brianne replied with a chuckle.

“He won’t be alive to entertain your sister if you keep reminding us, mate,” Cael threatened.

“I’m not interested in your sloppy seconds, sestra. Plus, I need a real male,” Raquel divulged.

“I know that’s right. And, I’ve got the best males around. There’s no one for me, except you and Cade,” Brianne promised as she made her way between him and Cael, and ran her palm up Cael’s chest.

She kissed him passionately for several long seconds. Arousal shot straight to Cade’s cock, and he moved closer to the pair. Before he could grab her breasts, Brianne’s mouth was on his in a hungry kiss.

Raquel picked up the Red Vines and waved them next to their faces. Brianne broke the kiss and laughed.

“I don’t suppose these hold the same allure they used to,” Raquel said. “But, they did get your attention. It’s time to plan our incursion before you three get distracted again.”

“You’ve got it, sister. Let’s do this so we can continue our fun without an audience,” Brianne muttered, kissing Cade then Cael.

Cade agreed. Discovering Brianne was his mate seemed like a disaster only days ago. Now, it was turning into the best moment of his life, and he was anxious to claim their mate in every way.

But first, they had a demon to eradicate.

* * *

“Focus, Bri. If you don’t stop daydreaming about sex with your hunky vampires, we’re going to have a problem. We’re about to ambush our demon-possessed leader. Now is not the time to have your head in a threesome,” Raquel chastised.

“I am one of those females now, Raq. I can’t stop thinking of them, naked and at my mercy. The way Cael dominates and Cade gently loves me is an irresistible combination,” Brianne admitted.

She was still shocked at the turn of events in their relationship. Brianne never expected Cade or Cael to react to her announcement by asking her to mate them. She was resolved to let them go. She meant what she said. If she couldn’t have them both, she wanted neither. It was impossible to choose between them when images of the three of them making love assaulted her mind every time the vampires were near.

So, when Cade suggested they share, Brianne thought she was imagining things. She almost choked on her licorice. And when he said they loved her, not because of their need, but because of her, the answer was unequivocally and instantaneous.

Yes. Brianne wanted them with everything she had to offer.

They realized the importance of their brotherly bond and set aside their feuding. The connection she shared with them told Brianne the depth of their feelings and willingness to make it work. She was the luckiest female alive.

“I’d call you pathetic, but I’m not so sure I would be able to stay on task if those males kept looking at me like that,” Raquel muttered and bit one corner of her lip.

Cade stalked to Brianne’s side and cupped her cheek. “Be careful, love. It’s going to be impossible for us to concentrate, knowing you’re in danger.”

“We have two dozen on our side, thanks to the Rowan sisters. We’ve got this,” she replied and kissed him quickly. She pulled away before she gave into the desire to strip her mates right then and there.

Brianne reached into her bag and retrieved the remaining stones. “Here’s your crystal,” she said, giving one to Cade and the other to Cael who was standing next to his brother. “Remember, we’ve got the east section, Raq. Cade, you’re to the north and Cael to the south. Try not to hurt Aurora if you can avoid it.”

“Why don’t you place three of the stones now, and set the final one when she comes out?” Jade asked.

“Once they contact with the earth, they release energy, and she will know we have a trap. Goddess only knows how the demon will react to that,” Cael explained. “We need you to take up your position to the west. Remember, if shit hits the fan, head toward Brianne and Raquel, and guard each other’s backs.”

The instructions were a poignant reminder that they faced significant danger. The demon could open a portal and let demons through. They one positive aspect was that Satan was still bound to the Underworld, or they’d be in shit up to their eyeballs.

“Got it. And, thank you for helping. I know the Dark Warriors have your own battles with the demons, but we couldn’t save Aurora without you,” Jade replied.

A whistle caught their attention. Anna was waving from the other side of the area. Aurora was meeting with her warrioresses in a building across the street, and Anna had the best view of the entrance.

“Get into position,” Cael ordered. Brianne gave him a quick kiss, and watched him and Cade scurry away.

Brianne crouched in the bushes and watched her sister get into position across from her. Her heart galloped, and sweat poured down her back. She scanned the area, searching for Cade and Cael when a buzz filled the air. In the next blink, a burst of energy stung her skin. It felt like her finger was trapped in a light socket and Brianne fought the Dark power trying to fill her.

A second later, a black light flashed behind her and chaos erupted. Brianne turned and watched the light swirl like a tornado for several seconds before it turned black and still. And then, demons poured from the blackness.

A massive, green, slimy monster headed for her. She tucked the stone in her pocket and kicked the demon’s stomach. Bile rose in her throat when it sank in its flesh to mid-calf. Brianne let out a loud shriek and plunged her blade into the monster’s head.

“Throw the bottle into the portal,” Cael yelled from her left.

Brianne had forgotten about the potions Suvi gave her and quickly fished one out of her bag. She didn’t hesitate and pulled her hand back, throwing it at a demon charging through the darkness.

The vial hit the force field with a blue explosion, and the portal popped like a balloon then suddenly closed. A hellhound was mid-leap, and the severed body fell in a black, bloody heap on the ground.

A hard hit made Brianne fall forward. She was unable to catch herself and landed on top of the carcass as her weapon flew from her hand. Cade rushed to her side and lifted her off the dead demon before she could gather her wits.

“Thanks. Where’s Aurora?” she asked, glancing around the area. Seven demons managed to get through before she destroyed the portal.

Reaching into her bag, Brianne grabbed another bottle and smiled at Cade before tossing it at another green monster. “Those smelly fuckers make me want to vomit,” she shouted.

The small vial hit the demon and disappeared in its flesh. The laugh that escaped the monster sounded like it was underwater. Brianne watched in horror as it grabbed her potion. Cade reacted faster than she could process and his foot hit the beast’s hand. The sound of breaking glass reverberated through the air.

Pink dripped from the demon’s fist before it started screaming and running in circles. Cade ignored that one and charged toward a rage demon. Brianne watched as Cade brandished his broadsword, and swung with all his might.

They had migrated into a clearing surrounded by trees. Black blood splattered, killing trees and shrubs where it hit. The sound of fighting was deafening but wasn’t as bloody as the battle against the Tengu.

Brianne stayed close to Cade and searched the area for Aurora. Spotting her several yards away, she jumped into the air and flew across the way. As she got closer, she saw Aurora’s tattered wings. The red-tipped feathers fell to the ground, and Brianne could see the rotting flesh beneath.

She picked up speed and went right for the demon. The impact jostled Brianne and sent them flying across the ground. Aurora growled and punched Brianne in the face. The demon-possessed harpy had more strength than Brianne expected, and her head snapped to the left. Brianne cried out when teeth sank into her shoulder a second later.

“Aurora, fight the demon. We can help you,” Brianne yelled and grabbed fistfuls of the harpy’s hair.

When Brianne yanked, her hand came away with a chunk of hair. She noticed scalp was attached and tossed it away in disgust. Aurora bent her knees, and Brianne felt talons at her abdomen.

“Get off my mate,” Cael snarled right before Brianne was lifted off Aurora. Aurora took advantage of the moment and scrambled away.

“Place your crystal,” Cade ordered them both as he hurried by.

Brianne noticed the harpies were fighting the few remaining demons while the warrioresses stood by watching. From their repulsed expressions, it seemed Aurora’s followers had caught on and refused to fight against them.

Brianne took in the scene and winced at the destruction of her home. They were close to the center of Brushy Keep, and it would never be the same after this was over. It would take time for the plant life to recover, and without Aurora, that task would be nearly impossible.

Cael caught up with Aurora and tossed her back toward Brianne. The sound of sticks breaking filled the area when Aurora landed. The female groaned, and red blood dripped from the side of her mouth. The demon possession wasn’t complete yet.

They needed to act in unison, Brianne surmised. She saw Cade and held up her crystal. He nodded back, and Brianne was caught in his gaze for several seconds. His eyes told her of his worry, and she blew him a reassuring kiss. She continued searching, then locked eyes with her sister. Brianne waved the stone and shouted, “Now!”

Seeing Cael place his stone on the dirt, Brianne quickly bent down and did the same. By the time she stood, white light arced from each of the crystals, forcing her to shield her eyes. Blinking through the spots, she watched as Aurora writhed and screamed. Black smoke filtered from her pores and rose in the air.

A shadowy form shot toward the sky but stopped when it hit the barrier of light. Sparks flew, and black blood dripped onto the ground below. The light pulsed and the screeching got louder. Brianne watched in disbelief as the demon was pulled into the largest crystal set to the north. Another blinding flash filled the sky and blurred her vision.

When the spots cleared, the white light was gone, and the stone near Cael was black as coal. At once, everyone rushed toward Cael. Brianne grabbed his hand and had to fight the urge to recoil and run away at the malicious energy coming off the prism. A moment later, Aurora appeared and approached their small group.

She walked slower than usual and seemed a bit dazed, but otherwise, was unmarred. Brianne released a sigh thankful her leader was alive.

“Thank you,” Aurora rasped to Raquel, Brianne, and her mates. “I will never be able to repay you. Tell me how to destroy that thing. I don’t want to be near it for another second.”

Brianne looked at Cade and Cael who shrugged and shook their heads. Cade spoke before she could. “That wasn’t part of the information Suvi shared with us, but we know some Warrior Angels that should know what to do. If they’re on Earth, I can get ahold of them quickly,” Cade offered and pulled his cell from his pocket then typed out a message.

“Angels have cell phones?” Brianne asked incredulously.

“Yes, we do,” said a masculine voice behind her.

Brianne turned and gulped when she saw three imperious angels standing off to the side. Their massive red wings were the grandest she’d ever seen, not to mention their brawny frames. Brianne almost dropped to her knees as their domineering power washed over her.

“Oh. That’s cool. And, why wouldn’t you? Texting is the way everyone communicates these days. I’m Brianne, mate to Cade and Cael,” she mumbled.

“Congratulations,” the angel said to Cade and Cael. “I am Ayil, and our sister, Illianna, is mated to Rhys. And, yes, we are up to date with today’s technology. In fact, I’m going to wring Rhys’s neck when I see him. He keeps sending me selfies,” the angel barked, and the other two angels chuckled.

“Fucking Rhys,” Cael blurted and Cade, and the three angels roared with laughter.

“Did I miss something?” Brianne asked.

“Don’t worry. You’ll learn soon enough,” Cade said and wrapped an arm around her waist.

“I assume the demon presence I sense is the reason you called?” Ayil inquired.

“Yes. A demon possessed Aurora, and the Rowan sisters gave us crystals to force it out and trap it here,” Cael stated and held up the black prism. “We don’t know how to kill it though.”

“We will take the skin-jumper off your hands,” Ayil replied. “And, we expect an invite to the mating ceremony.”

“Definitely. As soon as we have a date, we’ll let you know. And, could you check on your sister and the others at Zeum? Crocell attacked the compound,” Cade replied.

At hearing their sister was in danger, the angels disappeared without another word.

“I think it’s time for us to return to Zeum, as well,” Cade said. “We have a mating to plan and family that needs us.”

Now that the immediate danger had passed, Brianne allowed the excitement over her mating to build. And, more importantly, their impending ménage à trois.




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