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Rivaled Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 16) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (20)

Chapter Twenty

Nerves wracked Brianne as she stared at her mates. The hungry look in their eyes told her they had to reaffirm their connection to her, but this time they needed to forge together, bonding the three of them as a couple.

Suddenly, she realized her lack of experience, despite her long life. She was no stranger to sex, but she’d never been with two partners at once and wasn’t sure she was ready for it.

Her heart started racing when Cael stalked toward her while Cade remained leaning against the wall. They were in Cade’s rooms at Zeum which was located next to Cael’s. The moment she entered the space, she decided to knock down the walls between the brother’s suites to make one big apartment. There was no turning back now, and neither male would tolerate being away from her for long.

The intensity in their eyes promised to twist her inside out and remake her once they were done. She wondered if they’d have a massive bed made for them to share. The thought of being sandwiched between these two powerful vampires each night had her body flushing with desire, and her wings fluttering with excitement.

“What has you so restless, mate?” Cade asked as he kicked away from the wall and prowled toward her.

“She’s anxious to have us both inside her, brother,” Cael stated, his blunt manner arousing her further.

The way the brothers teamed to incite her ardor was the most sensual encounter of her life. And, it felt right all the way down to her soul. There was something to the beliefs of her vampires. They were made for her as much as she was made for them.

“Is that true, Bri?” Cade asked, his voice huskier than it had been a moment before. The erection tenting his leathers was undeniable proof that the idea was as pleasing to him as it was to her.

Cade leaned against the wall on her right and his body heat added to the fire burning in her core. Cael stood close with his arms crossed over his chest while his glowing blue eyes remained fixed on her body.

“Yes,” Brianne murmured in a voice she never heard leave her lips.

It was half moan and half plea. Uttered from the depths of her soul, laying every desire bare. Brianne never felt more vulnerable, and she crossed her arms over her chest, despite that she was clothed.

Cade ran a finger over her red-tinged cheek and down the side of her neck. Her eyes slid closed, and her head fell back against the wall. “Don’t worry, love. We will take care of you.” Instinctually, Brianne believed Cade’s promise and knew the experience was going to be everything she’d dreamed in her wildest fantasies.

Cael’s lips were on hers a heartbeat later, stealing her breath away while Cade trailed kisses down the side of her neck. Sensation flooded her system while desire flooded her panties. It was embarrassing how turned on she was by having the attention of both males on her at the same time.

Cael’s lips devoured hers, and his tongue licked her lip, demanding entrance. He parted her mouth and delved inside. He conquered her with his lips and tongue. Their kiss became frenzied. Their teeth and tongues clashed in a duel for dominance and pleasure.

Hands roamed down her sides, distracting her from the lip-lock with Cael. Cael pulled her into his arms and Cade slid behind her. It was Cade’s gentle caress that roamed down her sides. Now, sandwiched between the hulking males, her blood turned to lava in her veins, and her mind blanked.

A moan escaped against Cael’s lips, and he swallowed her breath. Cael’s rough hands clenched her backside and yanked her flush with his hard body. One leg wrapped around his hip while her arm reached back and around Cade’s neck. Her fingers sank into his hair, and she urged his mouth to the side of her throat again.

Impatient, Brianne wanted her mates naked now. Her fingers clawed Cade’s flesh, and she wiggled and moved, trying to get Cael’s pants down. Her actions caused her core to rub against Cael’s massive erection, inciting her males further.

Cael broke the kiss and met her gaze. The sight of his bright glowing eyes and the banked desire melted her heart. Cael’s focus moved from her to his twin, and before she could say anything, they picked her up in a coordinated move. If she wasn’t mistaken, they were using their telepathy because just as her arousal waned, Cade was there with his big hands, grabbing and squeezing her breasts as he claimed her mouth.

The sensations overwhelmed Brianne. Cael’s shaft teased her clit, and Cade’s gentle but insistent mouth coaxed more liquid from her center. When the trio reached the bedroom, Cael set her on her feet.

“Take his pants off,” Cael ordered with a thrust of his chin in Cade’s direction. Brianne’s head turned, and she was momentarily side-tracked by the sight of Cade’s muscled chest. Her hands went to his pecs and roamed down the tight flesh. He groaned, and his glowing eyes slid to half-mast as he watched her movements. She ran a finger over one nipple and enjoyed the way his flesh pebbled under her touch.

Her ministrations were ratcheting her arousal to unbearable levels, and she craved skin on skin. Her hands went for the waistband of Cade’s pants, and the zipper was down in the blink of an eye. His cock sprang free, and she wrapped it in her hand. Cael’s heated flesh prodded her back a second before he tugged her shirt over her head.

Unwilling to let go of Cade’s cock, she switched hands to free herself of the fabric. Her bra followed, and she stood there topless with two fully naked males. Her free hand went to Cael’s cock, and she stroked, syncing her movements. For several blissful moments, her mates stood there allowing her to squeeze, stroke and tease their rock-hard shafts. When they bucked into her hands, forcing more of their cocks through her fists, she licked her lips.

“You’ll get a chance to taste us soon,” Cael promised as he shifted and took a step back.

Cael’s erection slipped out of her hand, leaving her bereft. She didn’t have time to think beyond her desire for more because his deft ministrations had her zipper down and his pants off in the next second.

Cael sank two fingers into her sodden heat, and she moaned load, tilting her hips up and spreading her thighs wider for him. She couldn’t think straight as his teased and pushed her to the edge of release. She thrust and moved with his deft digits. Cade’s mouth continued to move over hers while his hands squeezed and teased her breasts.

Cade’s fingers trailed lower and teased her opening before one finger followed Cael’s when it thrust back inside. She writhed in their arms as both teased her. Cade pulled his finger out then slid lower until he reached her rear opening. He circled the tight flesh, teasing it. She emitted a strangled moan, her body quivering with need.

Cade broke their kiss and groaned. “Fuck, I love how responsive you are to us.”

“You drive me crazy. See how hot and wet our mate is for us, brother?” Cael asked as he pulled out his finger and licked it. A whimper left her lips, and her mouth fell open at the erotic act.

“She’s perfect,” Cade agreed and placed his mouth at her ear. “Tell us what you want, Bri. I want to hear your desires.”

“I want you both,” Brianne blurted unable to think of anything else to say. Her body was strung tight with need and unmet desire.

“But do you want us both to fuck you at the same time? Or separately? We both want to be inside you,” Cael murmured.

All she could do was nod in response. She wanted to feel both their cocks inside her, and she needed it now.

Cade dipped his hips, and his shaft slipped between the cleft of her ass. He slid his thick erection through her wet folds. The tip teased her opening and barely brushed her clit. She tilted her hips, trying to get more friction where she needed it.

Cade leaned back and the tip of his cock pressed against her dark portal, making her entire body shake. She had no idea if it was desire or fear that caused the reaction.

“Have you ever been fucked by two males at once?” Cael asked.

“No,” she moaned when Cade remained out of range. A sudden image of her mates pleasuring another female together entered her mind and had her eyes snapping open. She narrowed her eyes at Cael. “Have you guys ever done this?”

Cade’s deep baritone caused a ripple of arousal, obliterating her thoughts. “We’ve shared females, but never at the same time. It’s why I didn’t hesitate to climb into bed with you that first day. Cael and I had an unspoken agreement that we could pretend to be one another and have some fun,” Cade explained while he kissed the column of her neck.

Brianne’s jealousy tried to interrupt the moment, but her sexy mates refused to allow their encounter to be derailed. “This will be a first for us, as well, love. There is no other female we’ve ever wanted like this.” Cael’s reassurance lessened her irritation, and his hands on her breasts brought her head back into the game.

“We don’t have to do this now. We can take turns and try this another time,” Cade offered with a kiss to her shoulder.

“No. I want you. Both,” Brianne said then paused, and took a deep breath for courage, “together. That’s how we are meant to be.” She grabbed Cael’s shaft and stroked it from root to tip then turned her head and kissed Cade deeply.

“Fuuuck,” Cael groaned and put his hands on her hips.

Cael pushed, and she fell on the bed. Her wings extended automatically without her direction and her legs were restless, but no amount of movement eased the ache. She needed to be filled by her mates. The act would be the first physical step in their relationship as a trio, and they had to take it together. It would cement their future together. The mating ceremony would finalize everything, but once they did this, there was no going back.

She stopped for a second and asked herself if this was really what she wanted. Glancing up at two identical, naked males with glowing blue eyes and sharp fangs, she didn’t hesitate. These were the two males she was going to bind her heart, soul, and life with. There was no other future for Brianne.

“I don’t know what we did to deserve her, brother,” Cade murmured and knelt with one knee on the bed. His sizable cock stood straight out in front of him, beckoning her.

Cael wrapped his fist around his shaft and prowled to her on the other side of the bed. Nerves tingled, trying to steal her breath, but her eagerness and desire squashed any uncertainty.

“Brianne is our award for a life dedicated to eradicating demons and their evil spawn,” Cael replied, his motions on his shaft increasing in intensity, making arousal flood her thighs. “And, I intend to indulge every day for the rest of my life.”

“¿Soy un premio, a prize?” she asked, ending on a growl as Cade ran a lubricated finger through the cleft of her rear.

Her eyes suddenly bulged. She signed up for this and was anxious, but both males were massive, and she wondered if it would hurt or feel good.

“You’re our priceless treasure,” Cade informed as he kissed her shoulder and eased a finger inside her dark portal.

The intrusion felt good and had her pressing back against his hand. His chuckle hit her neck, and she nearly jumped when he added another digit to the mix.

She was rapidly lost in the pleasure as Cael’s talented fingers went to her core and teased her entrance. The moment Cade inserted his second digit Cael plunged two of his into her empty channel and pressed his thumb over her sensitive bundle of nerves. Brianne’s back arched pushing her upper body toward Cael while her ass went toward Cade.

The dual sensations fired every nerve ending she possessed in the best way possible. She couldn’t imagine anything feeling better and found herself at the edge of release within moments. The sudden loss of her mates’ touch had her crying out in protest.

“Don’t worry, love. We aren’t going to leave you wanting, but we are going to fuck you,” Cael announced.

Behind her she heard Cade squirt something from a bottle and turned her head to see him running his hand up and down, lubricating his shaft.

Brianne yelped when Cael grabbed her a moment later and pulled her on top of him. His hips moved, rubbing his erection through her slick channel. Brianne moaned and her hips set into a rhythm counter to Cael’s. Her head tilted back and her womb clenched. A few more strokes and she would explode.

Hands wrapped around her hips, stilling her movements. Her heart skipped a beat, and she lifted her head, meeting Cael’s glowing gaze. His hand went between them, and he fisted his shaft then poised it at the entrance. Cade’s front was pressed against her back.

In one swift move, she sat down, impaling herself on Cael’s shaft. The jerk of his hips followed by his groan still amazed her. The effect she had on these males was unlike anything she’d ever experienced and made her heart soar. Before she allowed herself to give into the desire to ride Cael to completion, she looked over her shoulder and saw Cade’s anxious gaze.

Placing a passionate kiss on his lips, she pulled back and nodded. Cade was gentle as he prepared her rear entrance with more lubricant. His finger went in smoothly, and he paused, allowing her to get used to the feeling. Cade rubbed a spot and the groan Cael let out told her he liked it as much as she did.

A second later Cade’s finger was replaced by the blunt head of his cock. Cade rocked, and she clenched in reflex. “Relax, love. This will feel better if you don’t tense.”

“It feels incredible,” Brianne admitted.

Her words encouraged him, and Cade thrust with force and the blunt head of his cock passed the tight entrance. There was a brief flare of pain that stole Brianne’s breath, but before she could rethink things, Cade’s fingers were teasing her clit while Cael’s were thumbing and squeezing her nipples. The entire time Cael remained still while Cade rocked back and forth gently.

Before she knew it, both her mates’ cocks were buried inside, and she needed more. Her arousal redoubled and her core clenched, adding a delicious pressure to the mix.

“You’re killing me, Bri. Give me a second or I’m going to blow,” Cael demanded with a growl.

“Can’t. I’ve waited too long for this,” Brianne replied and increased her motions. Her hips surged back and forth, making their shafts move in and out of her.

She was surrounded by her vampires, and their hands were all over her. There wasn’t an erogenous zone ignored as they thrust in and out of her, teasing her clit and tormenting her nipples. It was like being fucked by an octopus, and Brianne was helpless to do anything except absorb the intense pleasure.

While thrusting up into her channel, Cael lifted his torso and placed a kiss on her right breast while Cade kept his rhythm in and out of her dark portal with his finger at her clit. Cade’s lips landed on her shoulder, and he ran his tongue over her flesh followed by a light scrape of his teeth. As if they’d coordinated the moment, both males plunged their fangs into her veins at the same time.

Pleasure exploded, sending her over the edge. Brianne screamed out their names and writhed on top of them while stars filled her vision and her core twisted in the best orgasm of her life. She had never felt more connected to them and wanted them to join her in the intense pleasure.

They must’ve read her thoughts because Cade and Cael suddenly thrust inside her, and yelled out against her skin as they climaxed together. Having her mates orgasm inside her at the same time was sexy as hell, and sent her over the edge again.

Their climaxes raged on, egging her closer to the precipice. Cade removed his fangs and licked her neck. “I love you, Brianne.”

Tears welled in her eyes as she was filled with the true depth of the love they both felt for her. Never in her life had she imagined having anyone but Raquel love her, and now she had two perfect mates.

Te amo a los dos con todo mi corazón,” she professed with a light kiss to Cael’s lips then Cade’s.

“Forever and always,” Cael vowed.

Cade withdrew and pulled her down to his side. The three of them curled together and Brianne was consumed with utter joy. Her world settled as her mates caressed and worshipped her. She’d never felt so loved.

From the corner of her eye, a large curio snagged her attention. Brianne sat up, laying across Cael’s broad chest. “What is that?” she asked.

The wooden cabinet struck her as odd because it was empty, except for one piece sitting in the center of a glass shelf. The colorful metal sparkled under the curio’s lighting.

Cade’s Cheshire grin, along with, Cael’s chuckle had her heart skipping a beat. She cut her eyes at them. What were they up to now?

Cade stood and walked to the curio. He took out the metal sculpture and brought it over, placing it in Brianne’s hand.

“This is our gift to you, love,” Cade professed as she stared at the beautiful object.

“And, we built the cabinet. Now, you have a place to display your most treasured trinkets,” Cael added.

“This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she exclaimed.

Three abstract forms made up the base of the sculpture, and their arms reached up and swirled together, creating a heart. The craftsmanship was unlike anything she’d ever seen.

“This color is so unique. Where did you buy it because I’m pretty sure I need more?” Brianne replied with a wicked smile.

Shades of metallic blue and brown were woven into the metal, and she knew they represented her and her vampires.

“Oh, you won’t find that in a store. Bhric’s mate, Alex, has a unique ability of bending metal. She made that for us. Do you like?” Cade asked as he walked into the adjoining bathroom.

“I love it,” Brianne muttered and handed the sculpture to Cael then settled against his body.

Cael set the metal on the bedside table and wrapped his arms around her torso. It was a warm blanket and Brianne’s muscles relaxed as she allowed fatigue to take hold. She heard running water and figured Cade was taking a shower. She should get up and do the same, she thought, but her eyes slipped closed. Moments later, she felt a warm washcloth run over her sensitive flesh, and opened her eyes to see Cade cleaning her body. Cael leaned his head, gently kissing her lips.

She was the luckiest female in the world.