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Tornado: A Paranormal Romance (Savage Brotherhood MC Book 1) by Jasmine Wylder (26)

Chapter Four


Brighid was quiet and demure at all times.

All times.

If he took her to the feasts she sat by his side with her hands folded in her lap and only nibbled at the food which he had prepared for her. If he took her to his chambers she would lie on the bed and watch him while he drank mead alone and eventually slept. Never once did she make any effort to touch him.

The days of rest would soon be over, though, and once they were, he would be back on the raids and hunt to refill their ship’s stores. Then his time with his virgin bride would be over. She had shown no signs of softening towards him and he eventually turned to Mother and the harem girls for their advice.

“Do an activity together,” they had suggested. “The poor girl has been locked away in a temple her whole life. Take her somewhere she can breathe clean air.”

So he decided to take her for a ride. At the next planet they stopped at to refuel in the light of the sun, Eirrick took two of the robohorses so that he and Brighid could go for a ride. He made sure to program them for a gentle pace as they rode over sloping fields and swaying grass. Brighid clung to the bridle of hers with eyes wide nonetheless. Eventually, he pulled them to a stop.

“You would be able to guide your mount better if you wore trousers,” he told her. “We can’t have true horses on a ship but these are programmed to act like them in every way. You steer with your legs.”

Brighid released the reigns of her mount and rubbed her hands. “I have never worn trousers. At the College, we all wore black gowns that went from chin to floor, so as not to tempt the priests before we were marriage age.”

Eirrick snorted. “And so you wore those gowns all your adult life?”

Brighid’s brow furrows. “No. All my life. Ever since I was eight.”

Eirrick considered her for a moment. Eight years old and being stuffed into constrictive clothing so as not to tempt adult men? He'd like to kill the priests for that. What sort of sick, perverted creatures were they?

But saying that out loud would only frighten her. She had shared something about her life with him, so perhaps it would be best if he returned the favor. That was other advice he had been given. To share with her more of himself so she could get to know him. What could he tell her, though? Most of his past he had tried to forget.

“I was sold into my clan, too,” he offered. “When my blood clan was conquered, all the boys four and younger were given to this clan. Mother took us in and they became my brothers. I was from a low family but we were made as equals in our new clan. I fought and trained to be the best warrior I could—"

Brighid lunged forward, half toppling from her horse. When he reached to steady her, she shoved him hard in the chest.  He slipped in his saddle and she kicked her horse in the flanks. It trotted away, not going faster than a fast walk as it had been programmed. Erick's stood still as he swung off of it.

It didn't take long for him to catch up with Brighid. She saw that she couldn't get away on the mount so she tries to jump off. Her skirt got caught in the thin breaks of metal and she pitched forward into his chest. Eirrick wrapped his arms around her to steady her and laughed. She tried to pull away and managed to get one hand free to slap him. A weak slap but it showed the fire she had dampened inside

“They laughed at me for picking a weak little human. But you aren't weak at all, are you?”

She tried to slap him again and he caught her wrist. Twisting this way and that, she struggled to free herself. Eirrick loosened his grip so as not to bruise her. She made to slap him once more. He ducked and spun around her before grasping her around the waist and pulling her in close.

“Careful now,” he whispered. “Nothing fires a warrior’s blood like a challenge.”

Brighid froze. Her breathing hitched and Eirrick remembered that this wasn't play to her. He opened his mouth to apologize but she didn't give him that opportunity. She thrust her ass back into his groin as though it was a move she had done hundreds of time before. She twisted, making sure to keep in contact with him, and claimed his mouth. Her lips tasted like the berries she had eaten for breakfast earlier that day. Her eyes flickered closed and Eirrick groaned.  His hands moved to her hips and she undulated her body as she tangled her hands in his hair.

Then she yanked his head back, bit his throat, and shoved him away. He stumbled back and she ran once more. This time he didn't grab her and merely outpaced her to stand in her path. Brighid froze, eyes wide and chest heaving.

“Are you still so frightened of me?” he shook his head. “Have I been impatient? Have I tried to make you do anything? I said I would wait until you wanted me and I will.”

Brighid choked out a strangled laugh. “I don't want you. I will never want you. I will choose my own destiny for once in my life and—"

“Destiny is a myth.” He stepped in front of her as she tried to move again. “Life comes day by day. There is no future. No past. Only this moment…”

Brighid shook her head. “I am not going back. I am not going to be your wife.”

Her voice trembled slightly. It was the most emotion she had ever shown and Eirrick didn't follow her movements as she went to pass him again. She stopped and stared at him.

Derrick smiled at her. “If you don't want me, that's fine. I will give you a bucket of gold and send you on your way.”

“Send me where?”

Eirrick shrugged. “Wherever you want to go, I suppose.”

Brighid’s gaze dropped. “I don't have any place to go. The College is the only place I knew and I can't go back. Not after… Well. They will think that you, being a Viles—"


Her head came up.

“We are not ‘Viles’. It is a derogatory name you humans tried to pin on us. We are dragons.” He took her hand and led her back to her mound, which stood utterly still where she had left it. “And if you have nowhere to go, then perhaps you had best stop pretending to try to escape. I’ve seen children with missing limbs make more spirited attempts than that.”

Brighid glared at him but didn't speak. He lifted her onto the horse and opened its control panel. "What makes you think I don't want to leave?"

"Name the place you want to go and I will take you there."

Uncertainty crossed her face. "Will you really?"


He set the settings for her horse to a war mode and it snorted and stamped its metal hooves. The human shrieked as Eirrick swung onto the horses back behind her And grabbed its reins. After inputting instructions to the other mount to return to the ship, he rode hard to the transport waiting to take them back to space.

He had intended to take his bride back to the other women again, but when he found the ship in a state of chaos he instead hurried to find his brothers. They were in the war room and all stopped to stare at Brighid when he brought her in.

“Go wait with the women,” he ordered but Lorro held up his hand.

“She is the reason for us being here.”

Eirrick wasn't sure how to respond to that. He glanced at the others and they all nodded with severe expressions. Brighid remained where she was until he took her hand and lead her to stand before his brothers.

“How is this my bride’s fault?”

“The Atlantica priest Jyah has declared that he will wipe out opus and reclaim her.” Lorro narrowed his eyes at Brighid. “Apparently she is his wife.”

She was already married?

“I’m not.” Her voice squeaked. Eyes rounded. Breath came in quick gasps. Hands trembled. “I’m not his wife. He was going to claim me but I was taken before he could. There was no claim. No ceremony. No… no… night.”

Just looking at her, Eirrick could see how scared she was. And not, he thought, because of his brothers’ accusatory glares. Her eyes remained on him, as though pleading. But pleading for what?

“This priest. You fear him.”

Brighid shuddered and nodded.

Eirrick paused a moment. His flames heated as he considered what a man would have to do to make her fear him that much. She shook as though standing in a puddle of freezing water. He turned to his brothers and laughed.

“A priest of Atlantica,” he said. “Do we fear such a pitiful creature now? Brighid is mine. My wife. If he couldn't prevent her being taken then he doesn't deserve to have her. If he wants to die, I will be more than happy to rend his head from his neck.”

Lorro and a few others smiled. Some still looked concerned.

“I will meet this Jyah on the battlefield. I will strike him down with his own spear and mount his head on it. I will feed his flesh to the ravens and when word spreads, all will know that we are not cowards. We do not let mere priests cow us!”

Lorro thumped his fist to his chest. One by one the others did the same, last of all Eirrick. He bowed his head in thanks to them and turned back to Brighid. With that decided, they would need to plan their strategies. He took her by the hand and led her back to the harem. He stopped by the door and gently brushed his fingers against her cheek.

“You never have to fear this Jyah again,” he promised.

Brighid nodded. She leaned into his touch and, slowly, raised herself to her toes. A quick brush of her lips on his and then she was gone.

Eirrick smiled. Perhaps they had made some progress today after all.