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Warrior from the Shadowland by Cassandra Gannon (19)


For all wants are satisfied, all disorders of nature are removed, no life is any longer a burden,

every day is a day of peace, everything you meet becomes a help to you, because everything

you see or do is all done in the sweet, gentle element of Love.


William Law- “The Spirit of Love”


The Shadow Castle had never seemed so cold.  Cross glanced around the gray stone interior and wished he’d taken Nia somewhere else.  Unfortunately, the only other option had been his rundown shack and that seemed like an even worse choice.

Damn it, why had she insisted on coming to the Shadowland?

After they’d gotten back to the police station, Gion had vanished and Cross used the Shadows to get rid of the Reprisal bodies.  He hadn’t been exaggerating when he told Nia that he felt right.  He did.  The wrongness had faded and the Shadows somehow just seemed… right.  Simply being around Nia calmed their agitation and lessened the pressure inside of him.  But, when they’d touched her in the Magnet Fortress he’d felt something new:  Control.

The Shadows didn’t hurt Nia.  Instead, the more intense contact with the Water Energy stabilized them.  For the first time ever, the weight of the Shadows was actually listening to Cross.

Which was good, because nothing else was listening to him, at all.

Melanie refused to let Ty and Tharsis go without writing them some kind of “show-up in court or else” tickets.  It looked like two-thirds of the Water House was going to be doing some serious community service hours in Mayport Beach.  Either that or they could just not go back to the human realm and face the judge.  But, that wouldn’t go over real well with Melanie.  Cross had tried arguing that Elementals didn’t even have standing under human laws, but he’d been ignored.

Then, Cross had jumped Nia, Tharsis and Ty back to the Water Palace.  Ty hadn’t said anything about the deal she’d cut with Gion to her cousins.  Cross figured that he’d give the kid a break and tell Nia for her.  Of course, that just led to yelling and dire predictions about what Gion might want in payment.  Cross had pointed out that they could just kill Gion if he tried anything too underhanded.  It seemed logical to him.  But, the others had ignored him.

Finally, that fight had calmed down and Cross had prepared to stay at the Water Palace.  He wasn’t leaving Nia, so he figured they could just live in her kingdom.  God knew, there was plenty of room.  Except, Nia had asked to come to the Shadowland.  Cross had no idea why.  He’d pointed out that the Water Kingdom was so much better than his home in every possible way.  Nia would be far, far happier in her perfect, pastel castle.  But, she’d ignored him and here they were.  In the chilly, gloom of the Shadow Fortress.

Cross ran a hand through his hair and glanced down at Nia.  She was looking around the massive rooms and cobweb-y corners like she was about to go on a decorating show and plotting her strategy.  “Baby, can we just go?”  He always felt uncomfortable here.  Like his mother was going to appear and scream at him for coming into the castle without permission.

Nia’s turquoise gaze met his and Cross sighed at the determination he saw there.

Nia knew exactly how uneasy he was.  That’s why she was pushing this.  So, he wouldn’t be stuck in the past.  Because, he was the Shadow King, and this was the Shadow Castle, and he had a right to be here.  Because, Nia had seen his memories and she was trying to help him get over them.  So, Cross could move on with her.


Nia managed to be right even when she didn’t say anything.

“Alright.”  Cross muttered.  He stuffed his hands into his pockets.  “We’re here and I get that you’re trying…”  His voice trailed off as Nia unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. “What are you doing?”

“I’m hot.”  She blinked up at him.  “Don’t you think it’s stuffy in here?”

Actually, he thought the great hall was one of the coldest places in the universe.  Or it had been up until now.   “Um…”  Cross looked around.  They were the only ones in the Shadowland and still he felt like eyes were watching Nia.  Staring at the tops of her breasts.  Gaia knew he was.  “Stuffy?  We could go outside.”

“No, I’m fine.”  Another button came undone, revealing the blue lace of her bra.  “Do you think we should put a piano in here?  Ty can play the piano.  I think she’d like that.”

“Yeah, sure.”  Nia could put in an orchestra pit for all he cared.  If he’d ever had any delusions that he’d inherited Job’s polite genes, Cross pretty much blew them by shifting his head so he could have a clearer view down her blouse.  “Whatever you want.”

Another button went.  “We need a TV, too.  Do you even have a TV in this place?  Tharsis can’t go a week without Saturday morning cartoons and my family needs to be here a lot.  I think we should alternate between kingdoms, don’t you?”

“Uh-huh.”  Cross agreed, not really sure what she’d just said because all his attention was on her erect nipple, barely visible through the bra cup.

Nia caught him staring and grinned.  “Are you listening to me?”

“I’m trying.”  Cross swallowed as her shirt slid down one shoulder.  “You’re trying to seduce me, aren’t you?”

“I think that’s a movie line.”  Nia finished off the last button of her blouse and managed to slide it off, all the while keeping a hand on his arm.  “We’ll have to get a rug, too.  A big one, for right there in front of the fireplace.  Would you rather warm or cool tones?”

“Warm.”  Cross’ voice had gone deep with Shadows, again.  “You’re right.  It’s really warm in here.”  He cleared his throat.  “Nia, this is a bad idea.”  And yet, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her half naked body.

“You’re always saying that, but I don’t have bad ideas, sweetie.”  She assured him.  “Look at my rebellion.  Sure, we hit some snags and I didn’t find the Quintessence, but I found something even better.  I found you.”

Cross felt his heart turn over.  “Wasn’t it me who did the finding?”  He challenged, trying not to be hypnotized by her acres of flawless, soft skin.  “And I know that the Shadows didn’t hurt you earlier, but that still doesn’t mean we can be a hundred percent sure it’s safe for us to Phaze, so… Oh, shit.”

Nia’s skirt puddled to the floor, so she was standing there in her pale blue panties.  She’d just reached behind her back and unzipped her skirt while he was talking.  “Do you think we should tour the bedrooms?”  She asked, conversationally.  “Or are you okay here?”

“What?”  Cross had no idea what those words meant.

“Yeah, I like it here, too.”  Nia kicked off her shoes and instantly lost three inches of height.

Cross was still fully dressed.

He topped her by a foot.

He still had his damn sword.

And Nia was still in total control.

If she kept going, they would Phaze.  There was no way Cross could stop it, now.  Even if he let go of her and tried to walk away, the headache would incapacitate him.  The Shadows were very, very happy with the Water energy swirling in the air.  They’d go nuts if he stopped touching her.

Nia began manipulating the pulse of her power, so it was like a warm jet of water hitting every sensitive point on Cross’ body.  The sensation fogged his mind and destroyed his honorable intentions.  “This would be a lot easier on me if you’d be good.”  He tilted his head back, as the energy pulsated against his erection.  “Cheating, baby.”  He whispered, squeezing his eyes shut.  “God, that is so cheating.”

Nia smiled, wickedly.  “I know.  It really is.  I’m such a bad girl.  Ask anyone.  I don’t like following rules, or listening to advice, or making things easier for my Match.  I think you’re about to get into trouble, Cross.”

He loved it when she said his name.  Cross opened his eyes so he could meet her turquoise gaze.  “In about five seconds, we’re going to be past the point of no return.  I don’t think the Shadows will hurt you.  They didn’t before.  But, we can’t be positive and I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop if things go wrong.”

“You don’t have to be sure.  Because, I’m sure you’ll be able to stop.”  Nia stepped closer so she could keep her body touching his, even as she let go of his arm.  She reached behind her back, again.  “And, even more importantly, I’m positive that the Shadows aren’t going to harm me.  Don’t worry so much.  I told you.  My ideas are always fantastic.”

Cross really wanted to nuzzle the streak at her temple.  It was right there.  He could just lean down and bury his face in her hair.  “I love you so much, baby.  If you get hurt...”  His words stopped abruptly as her bra hit the floor.

Cross forgot how to blink.

“I wanted my Match to love me for me.”  Nia’s nipples got even tighter under the weight of his stare.  “And you apparently do, since I’ve really done nothing but get you into sword fights since we met and still you’re hanging around.  And I’m very stubborn.  I want to Phaze with my Match.  So we’re going to Phaze, Cross.  Even, if I have to tie you up, which actually might be fun.  If you can’t trust yourself, trust me.  This will work.”

“Alright.”  Cross said, evenly.  He knew a losing battle when he saw one.  And right now he saw two.  Perfect.  Her breasts were really, really perfect.  The Phazing energy was roaring in his head.  He couldn’t stop it and the reasons why he might want to, faded away.  “Take the rest of your clothes off.”

Nia faltered for a beat as if she hadn’t expected him to agree so fast.  “Really?”

“Now.”  There were more tender ways to phrase that, but Cross couldn’t think clearly enough to come up with them.

Nia didn’t seem to mind.  “Well, I did most of the work, already.”  She took a step back so just her index finger stayed touching on his arm.  “If you want the rest off, I think you’re gonna have to do it.”

She was teasing him?  Cross arched a brow at the challenge; which was pretty astonishing since he could barely process anything past the curves of her body.  Cross actually managed to drag his gaze away from the swell of her breasts.  Instead, he focused on the pale blue silk of her underwear, which was also a lovely view.

The remainder of her clothes vanished instantly, just like they had back in the hospital lab.  Only this time Nia didn’t panic and Cross didn’t feel like a freak.  This time they both knew what they were doing.

Nia’s mouth curved.  “Show-off.”  She backed away another few inches.

Cross made a sound halfway between a groan and a growl as he took in the sight of her naked body.  He closed the distance between them.  “Last chance.”  He warned.

Nia froze.

So, did Cross.  For a second, he thought she’d come to her senses and changed her mind.  Cross jaw clenched as he tried to reign in the Shadows.  He couldn’t blame her.  The castle wasn’t the most romantic spot in the universe and Nia had to feel vulnerable, being naked when he was still dressed.  He should stop this.

Then, Nia beamed.  “Cross, you just moved towards me.”  She looked overwhelmed.

“Well, I’m not an idiot.”  Cross muttered, relief filling him.  “Do you want to stop, baby?”  Please say no.  “We can stop.”  Please say no.

“No!  It’s just that you usually keep that two feet of space between us, unless I break through it.”  She explained.  “But, just now you moved towards me.  That’s really good progress!  I knew I could reach you.”

“I’m reached.”  Cross agreed a little desperately.  “Let’s talk about it later.”  The Phazing energy was all but burning the air.  Nia wanted to do this.  He’d given her a chance and now there was no going back.  So aroused that he was about to lose whatever was left of his mind, Cross grabbed her wrist, maintaining contact as he maneuvered her further into the room.  “I promise we’ll talk about whatever you want later, okay?”

Nia’s eyes widened as he took over.  Cross walked her backwards until the back of her knees hit the dust covered sofa.

He didn’t consciously use his powers.  The dust cover just vanished as he pushed her down onto the red velvet cushions.


He hadn’t meant to do that.  He couldn’t lose control.

Cross started pulling off his clothes manually, trying to maintain discipline.  His first impulse was to just vanish them, too, but he wasn’t sure where things went after they disappeared into the Shadows.  He’d been able to get Nia’s clothes back at the hospital, but he didn’t want to risk getting stuck in the palace with no pants or…  He made the mistake of looking at Nia.

She reclined on the couch, her breathing getting faster as he stood over her.  “Hurry.”  Her legs shifted apart, revealing the glistening center of her body.

Cross blinked his clothes out of existence without a second thought.

“Better.”  Nia stared at the size of him and her brows drew together, slightly.  Cross could almost see the “is this gonna work?” thought bubble appear over her head.  Then, she glanced up at his face, again.  “Um, have you done this before?”

Cross hesitated, even with the energy pounding at him.  Some Elementals waited for their Matches.  Some tried Phazing with lots of people, hoping they’d find the one that it actually worked with.  Some just liked having sex and didn’t care if it was their Match.  And some, like Cross, just grew-up lonely and without any real expectation of finding anything more than a warm body now and then.

“Yeah.”  He admitted, warily, not sure where this was heading.  “But, not for a long time.  And never after I knew that you existed.  Not once, Nia.”

“Okay.”  Nia tilted her head.  “And how old are you?”

“Two hundred and forty.”

Nia smiled.  “So, I’m still older.  Excellent.  I wasn’t liking the idea of you being more experienced in everything.”

Cross relaxed.  “Is this your subtle way of explaining that you’re a virgin?”

“Kinda.”  She looked back to his erection.  “Alright.  Let’s try this, I guess.”

For some reason her dubious expression made Cross chuckle.

Nia’s gaze snapped back up to him.  “Did you just laugh?”  She demanded, in astonishment.


Cross got serious fast.  “Um… Yeah, but not at you, baby.  Just at the way you were looking at me and bracing yourself… I mean, I think it’s great that you’re a virgin.  Really.  I mean, I wouldn’t care if you weren’t, honestly.  But, I appreciate the waiting for me.  Even though you didn’t know it was me you were waiting for… I mean…  Shit.”  Cross trailed off helplessly as he realized that he was just making it worse.

Nia started giggling.  “I just meant that I hadn’t heard you laugh before, dummy.  I like it when you laugh.  I was just surprised.  Look, you’re so cute and flustered, now.”

Cross felt his mouth kick up at one corner.  “I can’t concentrate with you lying there like that.  Stop being gorgeous and I’ll start being coherent.”

Nia kept snickering.  “Do the part about how you appreciate all the waiting I did, even though I wasn’t doing it for you, again.  That was beautiful.  I want to remember it always.”

“Wiseass.”  Cross loomed over her, rested a hand on the carved back of sofa and trapped her beneath him.   “Alright, I know that you’re a little scared, but the virginity thing is the least of your worries right now.  The Shadows…”

Nia cut him off.  “Didn’t we already have a ‘last chance to stop’ moment?  Because, I’m sure I said that I wanted to keep going and…Oh.”  Nia broke off as Cross free hand found the inside of her thigh and traced upward.

“No.  We’re not stopping.”  He agreed.  He pushed slightly, parting her legs further and staring down at her.  “Open, baby.  Nice and wide.”

Nia bit her lower lip and the Water energy beat at him stronger.  “Yes.”  She shifted so he could stretch her open, completely.

Cross hooked her ankle up over his arm, so she was exposed to his view.  “That’s a good girl.”  He stared down at her for a long moment, while the Phazing energy grew even tighter.  He was holding it back, partly because he was still worried about harming her and partly because he wanted to savor this.  “God, you really are gorgeous.”

Nia shifted impatiently as he made no further moves to touch her.  Cross could feel her heightening frustration.  Her arousal grew as he just pinned her there, watching.

“Cross.”  Nia’s voice had a hitch to it. “You know, in books and movies, there’s usually this thing called foreplay.”

“I am playing, baby.”

“You’re not playing fair, though.  Do what you did in the alley.”  Apparently not trusting him to remember, she grabbed his wrist, drawing it down between her legs.  Her fingers threaded through his as she pressed him against her.  “Please, Cross.  Right there.”

For the first time, Cross didn’t see blood staining his hand when he touched her.  All he saw was Nia, warm and wet and perfect.  “Right there?”

“Yes.”  Her fingers found his wrist again, holding him there as he slowly moved his hand.  “Yes, Cross.”  Her head fell back.  “Finally.”  It came out as a sigh.

Cross had expected the frantic energy of the Phazing.  But, he’d never imagined what it was to love someone with everything in his soul.  His instincts were screaming at him to just take her, but he had to be sure that it would be safe.  They could go nice and slow and not risk the Shadows hurting her.

Plus, teasing Nia after that strip show she’d made him endure only seemed fair.

Cross kept his touch exactly the same for several minutes.  He didn’t change the pressure or the speed or touch her in any other way.  Gentle and unrelenting, he just caressed.  It didn’t take very long for her to start getting restless.  Nia’s breath came out in little pants as she tried to move against him and increase the friction.

“Cross.”  She sounded more frustrated than ever.  “You’re cheating.”

His eyes devoured the sway of her breasts as she arched up.  “Am I?”

“Yep.”  Nia let go of his wrist, so she could reach for the silver streak at his temple.  “You are.”  Her thumb curled around the marker with an erotic tug.  “Now, I am.  Please, Cross.”

Cross’ teeth ground together as she stroked at the sensitive hair.  “Stop that, baby.  It feels too good and I’m trying to hold this together.”  Just because he couldn’t help himself he bent down to kiss the inside of her breast.  “We have to go slowly, so I’m sure it’s safe.”

Nia didn’t like hearing that.  “I don’t want to go slow.  You’re trying to weasel out of this and leave me aching, again, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not.”

She didn’t believe him.

A burst of water energy hit his back and Cross fell forward on top of her.

They both groaned.

That was cheating.”  Cross was pressed up against her body and she was still spread open.  He instinctively rocked against her.  “Shit.”  He dropped his head down to her shoulder and let out a harsh sound of desire.  “I’m not going to stop, Nia.  So, don’t worry.  I know you need the Phazing and you’re going to get it.  Be a good girl and I’ll make sure you get all of it.  But, we have to be safe.”  Against his will, his hand found the curve of her breast.  “God, you’re so soft.”

Nia whimpered and tried to move against him.  “We are safe.  You’re just torturing me for fun.”

Cross smiled, slightly.  “Well, maybe a little.”  He leaned forward to kiss her, briefly.  “But mostly, it’s so you don’t get hurt.”  The Phazing energy was going to break through, he could feel the Shadows battering at him.  He massaged her nipple, enjoying the way it rasped against his palm.  “Okay, we need to take a break and…”  He lost his train of thought, as she sent Water energy sliding around him again like a fist.  “Baby.”  He swallowed.  “Harder.  Yeah, just like that.”  He dropped his forehead to hers.  “You’re cheating again.  Don’t stop.”

“Cross.”  She added a seductive huskiness to his name.  “You’re still holding the Shadows back from me.  It’s time.  You have to let go.”

Cross met her eyes and saw stubbornness underlying passion.  “Princesses fight.”  He hung on to control as her energy stroked him.  “But, they’re not supposed to fight dirty, baby.”  He let the Shadows out just enough to push against the Water energy.  It was a careful brush and it felt so incredible Cross nearly came right then.  “Slow.”  He ground out.  Even if it killed him, they were going slow.  “Do you still feel… right?”

“Yes!”  Nia gasped, her breath sawing in and out.  “But, I’m not a princess.  I’m the Shadow Queen.  And you need to see that this will work, before I die from slowness.  You aren’t wrong and neither are your powers.”  She let go of the Water.  She just released whatever restraints she might have been keeping on it and let it flow out unrestricted between them.

It was like a bomb detonating inside Cross’ brain.  The fluid pressure burst through him, cleansing and powerful.  It massaged him from the inside out, arousing places that Cross hadn’t even known he possessed.  Filling up holes and empty spaces inside of him, healing and pure. Nia’s energy was like life.

“Oh God.”  It was a whisper.  A prayer.  Cross closed his eyes.  “Oh God, baby.”  He forgot about teasing her, and about going slow, and about everything else except getting inside of her.


His hands grew rougher as he pulled her fully beneath him and positioned her hips.  Too rough.  He had to be more careful, he knew that even as he trapped her.  The Shadows screamed for release, blood dripped out of his eyes as he tried to contain them.

“Cross?”  Nia’s voice broke in something like panic.  “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.”  He paused, even though it hurt like an icepick to his brain.  “Stop touching?”  He eased back.

Nia calmed down, instantly.  “No.”  She smiled up at him.  “Don’t stop.  Just… I love you.  It’ll be okay.”

“Love you.”  He whispered.  “The Shadows are going to get loose, though.  Are you sure about this?”

“Yep.”  She leaned up to press her lips against his.  “Don’t fight it, sweetie.”

Her kiss is what did it.

The Shadows got free.

They poured into Nia, swirling and combining with the Water energy like a fireworks display.  Cross’ breath escaped in a rush as he felt the power surge out.  His energy slammed into Nia’s with a pyrotechnic explosion that literally lit up the room. Shadows and Water, twirling and twisting and swelling into something bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.

Holy Gaia.”  Nia’s words came out as a wail.  Her heels dug into the sofa.  “Cross, now!  Now, now, now, now, now!”

Cross had absolutely no argument with that plan.

He slid inside of her with one long, forceful move and she exploded around him.


“Nia.”  Her face filled his vision.  She was so, so beautiful.

The Water energy rained down on every inch of his body, inside and out.  Cross saw a rainbow of colors and lights, of love and wholeness and connection.  He saw everything he’d ever wanted and all of it was Nia.

And then he couldn’t do anything, but roar as he came deep inside of her.  It was too much.  He couldn’t stop it.

Their powers snapped together like puzzle pieces.  No longer two different energies, but one synergetic whole.  The oppressive weight of the Shadows lifted.  Instead, of a solid mass pressing down on him, it washed against Cross like a waves in an ocean.  Just as powerful, but moving, natural, almost soothing.




Cross knew that he wasn’t going to get a headache, even if he let go of Nia.

Except, that he wasn’t planning to release her.  Ever.

Cross’ head dropped forward so he could kiss the turquoise streak at her temple.  “You okay, baby?”

Nia let out a purring sound and stretched beneath him.  “No more space between us.”

“No, there’s not.”  He tugged at the turquoise hair just hard enough to make her smile.  “Are you okay?”  He repeated.  “Did the Shadows hurt you?”

“No.  The Shadows are wonderful.  I can feel them all over me, like a blanket. Keeping me safe.  I told you this would work.”

“And I told you, I wanted to go slow.”  Cross was still inside of her and he could feel himself growing hard, again.  “Next time we go slow, Nia.”  He moved out of her.  “No arguments or cheating or fighting dirty.”

Her eyes widened, as if she thought he was stopping.  “Well, we have forever and there’s no one around and... Oh, yes.”  She gave a ‘hmmm’ of surprised pleasure, as he slowly pushed back in.  “And there are a lot of rooms in this castle to practice various speeds in, so do whatever you want.  Just keep doing it.”

“Good girl.”  Cross glanced around and grinned.  “God, I love this house.”