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Wolfman: The Lioness and The Wolf: Book Seven Supernatural Enforcers Agency by E A Price (9)

Winston rubbed his forehead, wishing he could tune out the strident voices currently arguing over who made the best villain – Lex Luthor or The Joker.  He loved comic books, but arguing about them just took all the fun out of them.

The argument was between his assistant Seymour and one of their regular customers, Howie.  Seymour was getting very heated – as he always did when someone didn’t agree with him outright.  But, Howie was just as stubborn and difficult as Seymour.

Howie was technically Winston’s friend and possibly his best frenemy.  He was definitely a computer nerd – he created an app that made him millions.  Which is why he had time to spend his days in the comic book store, annoying Winston and showing off to his other customers.  He was annoying and at times creepy, but his extravagant purchases kept the store afloat.  Who else could afford to buy a complete set of recreation Hobbit movie swords?

Given his growing headache, Winston was about ready to retreat to the back room and work on his own comic when the bell jangled, and a new customer came in.  Howie and Seymour stopped arguing, and his wolf started yipping excitedly.  A beautiful scent assailed him.  Mmm, snickerdoodles.

He looked up and gasped as Avery strolled through his door.  She just walked in like it was the most natural thing in the world for a goddess to do!

Everyone stared at her – Seymour, Howie, the guy who wore his signed Iron Man t-shirt day in, day out and the guy who once got a restraining order from the original Wonder Woman were amazed to see her there, and no wonder.  Even Winston stared at her!  Seeing a female in the store was fairly rare, but one who looked like Avery was unheard of.

Everyone held their collective breaths.  Was she lost?  Oh hell, did she know he was Wolfman and was there to pulverize him for daring to kiss her?

Avery beamed and strode over to the counter.  “Hey.”

Winston looked around to make sure she was talking to him.  “Hey,” he squeaked in return.

She looked around while all the males continued to gawk at her.  “I used to come to this store when I was a kid; it looks so different now.  Is Norman still here?”

“Ah, he retired years ago, I own the store now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, but this place is so much more fun than it used to be.”  She glanced around at all the merchandise he stocked, all the statues and t-shirts and various items that were not necessary but awesome nonetheless.  “No offense to Norman, but I don’t think he even liked comics.”

Winston smiled.  No, he didn’t think he did either.  He used to come here as a kid too, and he knew for a fact Norman hated all comics.  But then he realized what she had just said.

“You used to come here all the time?”

Avery nodded, her blonde locks bouncing.



“You came here?” he asked again just to be sure.

“Yes,” she giggled.


She tilted her head to one side.  “For the comics of course.”

He tried to wrap his mind around Avery reading comic books – it was certainly a sexy image.  She’s perfect rumbled his beast.

Son of a monkey.  She’s a unicorn – a beautiful, sexy woman who actually read comics when she was a kid.  So rare.  So perfect.

“Ah, how ah, can I help you, Avery?” he asked, elbowing Seymour to get him moving again.

His other customers had overcome their shock and were returning to their browsing.  Howie was just resigned to drooling.

Avery gave him a curious look.  Crud.  He wasn’t supposed to know her name.

“Ah, I know your name because I’ve seen you at the SEA.”

“Oh, is that why?”

“I was mugged once, and then there was this thing with the leprechaun.”

Avery’s brow wrinkled.  “Right.  Of course, I heard about that.  No lasting effects, right?  Remind me of your name again.”

The leprechaun incident was how he got his Wolfman costume.  Long story short, he wished he could be a hero and ta-da!  He got a costume.  Course, there were one or two side effects to the other people ‘helped’ by the leprechaun.

“Winston, and no.  Everyone else is okay, right?”

“Yeah – baby, mating – they turned out pretty well.”  Her eyes widened.  “Oh my god – is that Wolfman?”

His heart stilled, and his wolf yelped before he realized she was referring to one of his drawings.  He had done a few sketches for his comic and had left one on the counter.

“Ah, yeah,” he muttered, trying to calm a little.

Carefully, she picked it up.  “Wow.”  Her eyes shone in delight.

“It’s just something I’ve been thinking about.”

She looked up, and he could have sworn that was a look of admiration on her face.  “You did this?”

“Yeah, I studied art,” he babbled.

“It’s amazing,” she breathed, staring at it.  “Wolfman’s pretty amazing though, isn’t he?”

She gave him a twinkling smile, and Winston tried to detect if she was being sarcastic – he didn’t think so.  Howie and Seymour snorted.

“He’s not that great,” grumbled Seymour and Howie grunted in agreement.

Finally, something they agreed on

“He’s not as good as Foxman,” said Seymour.

“No way, it’s Gorillaman who’s the best,” argued Howie.

Ah, good, another argument.

Since Wolfman emerged, lots of other vigilantes had started popping up in Los Lobos.  Some of them were pretty cool.  The Magenta Avenger was awesome and knew fifty shades of kung fu – though she only went after men.  But Wolfman was the original – well, kind of.  He got the idea from a comic and had a little helping hand.

“How much?” asked Avery, ignoring the escalating argument.

“It’s not really for sale.”

It was just something he was working on, hoping that his alter ego could actually make him some money.

“How much?” she asked insistently.

He looked into her beautiful eyes and yeah, there was no way he could say no to her.

“Ah, twenty bucks?”

Her pretty nose wrinkled.  “Twenty bucks?  That’s all?”

“Well, ah…”

“Sold!”  She pulled out a bill.  “I have to get back to work.  Can you deliver it to my apartment?”

“Sure.”  Well, he probably would be going there tonight anyway…

“How much for delivery?”

Winston smiled.  “On the house.”  Who was he kidding, he was thinking of offering her money for the privilege.

He took her money and gave her a receipt.

“Don’t you want my address?” asked Avery.

“Yes, of course.”

Right - he wasn’t supposed to know where she lived!

She rattled it off, but he didn’t really need to listen.

“Can you bring it by about five?”

“Ah, sure.”

“I love your t-shirt by the way.”

Winston glanced down, and again tried to see if she was making fun of him.  But surprisingly, she didn’t seem to be.

Seymour snorted.  “I’m sure you don’t know what it is.”

Avery frowned.  “The TV show?  Sure I do.”

“Oh, really?  Who was your favorite character?” demanded Seymour.

Winston was going to tell him to give it a rest when Avery replied,  “Goliath, naturally.  I loved the show, but I kind of found it annoying in season two when they left and went to Avalon – I preferred it when all the gargoyles were together.”

“Me too,” agreed Winston who had eagerly devoured every single episode of the show and watched it over and over much to his mom’s annoyance.

Howie – the self-professed ladies man – leaned on the counter  “How would you feel if I told you I have a net worth of 4.2 million dollars?”

Avery gave him a blank look.  “Ah…”

“I can go anywhere and buy anything I want, like that!”  He snapped his fingers  “Pretty impressive, huh?”

Winston and his wolf scowled.  Yet, Howie hung out at his store all the freaking time!

Avery blinked at him, mildly confused.  “Sure, congratulations.”

“Have you ever been to Hawaii?”

“Yes, several times.”  She turned to Winston.  “I enjoy surfing.”

“Oh.” Howie deflated for a moment.  “How about Paris?”


He frowned.  “How about New Zealand?”

“Yeah,” she beamed and looked at Winston.  “After I saw Lord of the Rings, I had to go – the country is beautiful.  I have this terrific picture of me climbing up this snowy mountain just like they did in the movie.”

Seymour sucked his teeth.  “The movies weren’t as good as the books.”

“I thought they were great,” said Winston.

“Me too,” gushed Avery.  Then she did something that should not have been so dick-hardening but totally was – she did a Gollum impression.  “My precious!  Hobbits wants to take the precious!”  It was so good that it earned her a round of applause from all the loafers in the store – course, they would have applauded her if it was terrible too.  In fact, Winston was surprised she didn’t get applause just for entering the store in the first place – they had probably been too shocked to do it then.

Avery snickered, and so did Winston.

“I totally went as Galadriel to the Los Lobos Comic Con.”

“You would make an amazing Galadriel,” murmured Winston.  Who had been the woman of his dreams before a real-life Galadriel showed up in his life.

Avery’s cheeks turned slightly pink, and he was amazed at how pleased she was by his compliment.

“How about Fiji?” asked Howie, not one to give up easily, “Have you ever been to Fiji?”

Avery shrugged.  “Actually no – okay, you got me there.”

Howie beamed.  “Well, I could go to Fiji like that.”  He snapped his fingers again.  “Could take you with me, too.”

Winston swore that Avery rolled her eyes.

“Anyway,” said Avery in what he imagined was a reluctant voice, “I have to get back to work.  So, see you tonight?”

Winston nodded, not certain he could trust his own voice.  She smiled, and every male watched her go, sighing as she went.

“She will be mine,” declared Howie.  “Like that!”  He snapped his fingers.

Winston’s wolf snarled.  “Give it a rest, Howie.”

“You’re just jealous.”

Yeah, maybe a little.

Howie told them all sorts of stories about him and women – apparently, money was a huge aphrodisiac or at least a huge incentive for women to spend time with him.  He told them of all his conquests – every freaking little detail, even when they begged him to stop - but that never really bothered Winston.  However, the thought of Avery being another notch on Howie’s bedpost riled him something fierce.  Surely, his lovely Avery wouldn’t be interested in Howie?  But then, he wouldn’t have thought Marina from the nail salon would be either – but Howie flashed a diamond tennis bracelet at her, and she was a goner.

But something told him his Avery wasn’t like that – at least he hoped not.

One thing that puzzled him, why on earth had Avery shown up there?