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A Season to Celebrate by Fern Michaels, Kate Pearce, Donna Kauffman, Priscilla Oliveras (15)

Chapter One
Morgantown, Morgan Valley, California
After saying his good-byes, Billy Morgan came out of the feed store and checked that everything he’d loaded in the back of his truck was secure. It was one of the beautiful crisp, clear winter days he loved, with just enough bite in the air to catch at his breath and taste the incoming snow on his tongue. Even though the inclement weather would soon cut off Morgan Valley, winter had always been his favorite season.
He checked the list his mother Ruth had given him, and headed off to Main Street. The smell of coffee from Yvonne’s French Café drifted across the road, and he inhaled appreciatively. When he’d completed his errands, he’d pop in and finish off his morning in style. The Morgantown shop owners had draped their old-fashioned storefronts and boardwalks in Christmas lights, which would come on at night, and make the old gold rush town look enchanting.
The place hadn’t changed much since he was a kid. He always remembered the day his grandfather had sat him down and told him how his great grandfather had come all the way from Wales during the California gold rush, and ended up owning a livery stable and saloon in the new settlement before buying himself a ranch on the profits. Having a whole town named after your family was something special, and Billy had sworn to his grandfather that he’d never let his family down.
He grimaced as he went into the post office. He’d sure messed that up. Twenty-three years ago the disappearance of his wife and baby daughter had almost destroyed him, and sent a tremor worthy of an earthquake through the lives of his four sons and his mother, Ruth. It had taken him twenty years to come home, and he was still working at being forgiven.
He sorted out the mail noticing none of it was actually for him, but that his mother had received a whole bunch of Christmas cards. A couple of letters had stuck together, and when he separated them out he discovered one was addressed to his old friend Bella Williams at the Red Dragon Bar.
Being close to the bar, which sat on the corner of Main and Morgan, he walked around into the parking lot and approached the back entrance. The door was open, and Bella and some guy were standing on the threshold. Something about the young guy’s stance set everything protective in Billy to attention. He altered his angle of approach and came up behind the man.
“Axel, I asked you to leave.” Bella was speaking, her voice calm.
“And I told you to give me my wages or I’ll take them myself.”
“Jay will be back any second now.” Bella raised her chin. She wasn’t a tall woman, but after running a bar for twenty-five years she wasn’t easily intimidated. “Do you really want to take on a retired Navy SEAL?”
“He’s not coming, Bella,” Axel said. “I saw him heading out on the county road toward Bridgeport.” Axel took a step closer, invading Bella’s personal space. “Give me my damned money, bitch!”
Billy gently cleared his throat. “Hey, you.”
Axel swung around, his hands curling into fists. “What the hell do you want?”
“I want you to leave.” Billy held up his cell. “I just sent a text to Nate Turner and he’s coming right now, so maybe you’d better stop menacing women and take a hike.”
“Like you’d be able to stop me,” Axel sneered.
Billy stepped closer and held the young fool’s gaze. “Do you really want to find out if that’s true?”
Something in Billy’s eyes made Axel pause, which was just as well because Billy had survived a year in prison and was nobody’s pushover.
A siren blared on Main Street, and with one last disgusted snarl, Axel ran off into the parking lot, got on his motorbike, and roared away.
Billy instantly went over to Bella. “Are you okay?”
She let out her breath and pressed her hand to her heart before reaching for him. “Thank goodness you came along, Billy. I was getting scared.”
“You didn’t look it.” Billy wrapped an arm around his old school friend and she leaned into him, her whole body trembling. “You’ll be okay. It’s just the shock.”
“I know.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “There was something in his eyes that frightened me. Do you think he’s on drugs or something?”
“Probably.” Billy looked up as Nate Turner, the local sheriff, pulled into the parking lot. “Do you want to talk to Nate, or shall I do it?”
“Why don’t you both come inside my kitchen and we can talk there?” Bella suggested. “It’s cold out here.”
Billy hadn’t noticed the chill, but he was used to working outside in all weathers and had grown up on the ranch herding cattle and riding horses. After being incarcerated for a year, he’d yearned for open spaces, and never felt happier than when he was out in the fresh air.
“You go on in.” Billy patted her shoulder. “I’ll bring Nate.”
He waited as Nate got out of his truck and put on his official hat before strolling over to greet him. Nate had been to school with his sons, and was another local boy.
“Hey, Mr. Morgan. What’s up?” Nate asked.
“Some guy was threatening Bella Williams.”
Nate frowned. “I assume Jay isn’t around?”
“If he was, you’d probably be investigating a murder,” Billy said dryly. “No one would be stupid enough to misbehave with the mother of a retired Navy SEAL if they knew he was on the premises.”
“So it was probably a good thing you were around instead.” Nate gestured at the open door. “Is Mrs. Williams in there? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s a bit shaken up, but no harm done. She said for us both to come in.”
Billy went through the back door and into the large kitchen where Bella dealt with all the culinary needs of the Red Dragon Bar. She was sitting at the kitchen table with a cafetière of coffee and three mugs.
“Morning, Mrs. Williams.” Nate touched his hat. “Is it okay if I come in?”
“Of course, take a seat, Nate.” Bella smiled, but still looked a little upset. “Did Billy tell you what happened?”
Nate sat at the table and took out his notebook. “He gave me the basics, but I’d like to get your take on it. Did you know the guy who was harassing you?”
“Yes, he’s been working here as my assistant for the past three months.”
“Great. So you have his name and social security?”
“His name is Axel Jordan. He came with good references from a San Francisco hotel, but I did notice he’d moved around a lot.” Bella sighed. “Everything was going okay until last Friday when he didn’t turn up on time. It’s our busiest day and we were really shorthanded. When he did arrive, he was sullen, uncooperative, and kept messing up the orders.”
Bella sipped her coffee and cradled the mug in her hands, her brown gaze distant. “At first I thought he was sickening for something, but it was more than that. Eventually, Jay got mad and told him to go home and only come back when he was willing to put in a day’s work for a day’s wages.”
“And he turned up today?” Nate asked.
“Yes, after three days of nothing and me having to do everything myself.” Bella grimaced. “I tried texting him and calling, but he didn’t bother to pick up. Today he came seeking his wages for last week. I told him that Jay was the only one who can authorize those payments. He didn’t believe me.”
“Which is where I came in,” Billy said. “He was demanding his wages and threatening to take them if Bella didn’t cooperate.”
“Do you have his address here?” Nate asked. “I’ll go and pay him a visit.”
“He rents a room over Ted Baker’s garage,” Bella said.
Nate got to his feet. “Then if you don’t mind, I’ll go over there and see if I can head him off at the pass. I’ll come back for your full statement later this afternoon.”
“Go ahead. I’ll be fine.” Bella waved him on. “Thanks for coming so quickly.”
“Thank Billy,” Nate said, smiling at her. “He’s the one who texted me.”
Billy waited until Nate shut the door behind him, and turned back to Bella. “Are you sure you’re okay? Would you like me to call Jay?”
“No, I don’t want to worry him. He’s gone to an appointment at the VA and I would hate for him to miss it.”
“You still look a bit shaken up,” Billy said slowly.
“It’s not the first time this has happened, but it’s never pleasant.” She let out a long breath. “Thank you for being there. I really appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” He dug out the letter he’d found mixed in with his mail. “I was just coming to deliver this. It was in the wrong box.”
She picked up the letter and laughed. “This must be the first time the IRS has ever done something right.”
“Fancy that.” He joined in her laughter and noticed that she was starting to look a lot better. He hated to bring her back on topic, but he had no choice.
“I’m worried that you’re all alone here if Axel comes back.”
Bella patted his hand. “I’m not entirely helpless, Billy.” Her smile was both charming and wicked. “I know how to shoot a gun. Jay taught me.”
“I bet you do, but still . . .” Billy’s gaze scanned the kitchen. “What time are you supposed to start serving lunch today?”
“In about two hours.” Bella pointed at the walk-in refrigerator. “I prep a lot of stuff so it’s ready to go when needed.”
“I could stay,” Billy said impulsively. “And help out.”
“You?” Now she was definitely smiling at him. “Don’t you have a huge dude ranch to run or something?”
“Not really,” Billy confessed. “My boys seem to have that in hand. I suspect I’d be more useful right here. I’m a trained chef.”
“You are ?” Bella blinked at him. “Since when?”
“When I decided to stop drinking and get a job, the only place that would hire me on was as a dishwasher in a restaurant. I stuck it out for about two years, and somehow ended up moving on to more useful things like washing and prepping the fruit and veg. Eventually, I took classes at night school and earned my stripes.”
Now Bella was looking at him as if she’d never seen him before. “That’s amazing.”
He literally squirmed in his seat. “Not really. I’d already messed up so badly that there wasn’t anywhere else to go but up.”
“A lot of people never work that out.” She sat back and studied him. “Can you man a grill?”
“With one hand tied behind my back.” He held her gaze. “I’ll check in with Mom, but I don’t think anyone will miss me if I’m not up at the ranch.”
She reached over and shook his hand. “Okay then, you’re hired.”
* * *
Bella snuck another glance at Billy Morgan as he put on an apron and went to wash his hands in the big industrial-sized, stainless steel sink. He wore the Morgantown uniform of jeans, a plaid shirt, cowboy boots, and a hat. Now he’d taken off his Stetson and looked quite different. His hair was streaked with silver, as was his short beard.
She’d known him since they were in kindergarten together, which was more than forty years ago. He’d gone on to marry a girl from out of town and had five kids whereas she’d married a local boy and only had Jay before her husband died in a car accident. Both of them were widowers now, and had resumed their friendship when Billy had sweet-talked her into using organic Morgan Ranch beef in her patties and other dishes she created for the bar.
“Okay,” he said as he came toward her, his vivid blue gaze meeting hers. “Where do you want me to start?”
For a moment, she couldn’t think what to say. After the shock of the morning, seeing him in her kitchen was so unexpected her brain wasn’t functioning properly.
“How about I show you where everything is?” Bella suggested. “I know you won’t remember it all, but some of it will stick.”
He laughed, displaying his nice white teeth and the fine lines around his eyes. “I dunno, Bella. At my age remembering my name is a bit of a challenge.”
“You’re not that old,” she scoffed.
“I was twenty-one when Chase was born, and he insists he’s thirty-two now, so that makes me pretty damn old.”
“You’re a year older than me, and I’m not old,” Bella told him firmly. “You’ve still got all your own hair, your teeth, and no beer belly, so you’re doing good.”
“You too.” His blue eyes twinkled back at her. “Unless that’s a wig.”
Bella patted her dark hair, which was drawn into a bun on the top of her head. “It’s all mine. I can promise you that.”
“Yeah?” He smoothed a hand through his own hair. “Do I need one of those stupid hairnets?”
“I think you’ll be okay.” His hair was still very thick, but he kept it quite short. “Unless you’d like one. I could do with a laugh.”
In fact, just being with him was calming her down and making her feel better. He had a soothing effect on everyone, which, considering his history, was somewhat surprising. He definitely wasn’t the boy she’d known, but unlike some of the townsfolk who whispered about his past, she wasn’t afraid of him. She’d never believed he’d murdered his wife and baby in cold blood, and she’d been proven right.
“Let’s start with the pantry.” Bella led him into the walk-in storage cupboard. “I used to make all the buns and bread, but thank goodness Yvonne does it for me now.” She pointed at the freezer space beyond. “The patties, steaks, and poultry start off in there, and depending on the health and safety requirements, either thaw in the refrigerators or come directly out of there.”
“Got it.” Billy was right at her shoulder.
Despite removing his cowboy gear, he still smelled of leather, horses, and the outdoors. A day in her hot, steamy kitchen dispatching orders would probably change that.... Sometimes she thought she’d never get the smell of fried food out of her pores.
“Where do you keep your eggs?” Billy asked.
“Some of the organic eggs are out on the counter and others, like the omelet mixes and egg-white-only ones, are in the refrigerator. I make them up earlier and put them in big plastic jugs so they are easier to pour.”
“Good thinking.” Billy leaned against the countertop and surveyed the huge metal grill plate and industrial-sized extractor fan over it. “I assume most of your food is grilled or fried?”
“Correct. What can I say? It’s a bar.” She shrugged. “We keep the menu quite simple because most people around here don’t like change. Jay made me get a bit more adventurous, and I’m enjoying supplying organic and locally produced meals. Apart from the thinking up new and seasonal recipe ideas, it’s kind of fun.”
“I worked in a great organic restaurant in San Francisco,” Billy said. “I’ll have to see if I can remember any of their recipes for you.”
“That would be awesome.” She closed the door into the pantry. “Let me show you the rest of the kitchen and how the orders come up and are sent out.”
* * *
Jay Williams limped into the kitchen and pulled up short when he saw Billy washing pans in the sink. His sharp, wary gaze rapidly assessed the situation for any sign of a threat, reminding Billy of his son Blue, who was also retired military.
“Hi, Jay. Your mom was a bit shorthanded today, so I offered to help out.”
“That was good of you, Mr. Morgan.” Jay sat down at the table. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I get by.” Billy shrugged. “It wasn’t too busy so we managed just fine.”
Bella backed into the kitchen from the bar side of the property and Billy went around to take the tray from her.
“I’ve got it, Bella. Jay’s back, by the way.”
Her smile as she turned and saw her son was so glorious it made Billy blink. She loved Jay the same way he loved his boys, but without the complications. It was a pleasure to see.
“Jay! How did it go?”
He shrugged his wide shoulders. “Okay, I think. They don’t want to see me for six months, so that’s progress.”
He’d been invalided out of the Navy SEALS after being blown up by an incendiary device. From what Billy had been told, he’d endured a long and arduous return to fitness.
“That’s great!” Bella said. “Did you tell Erin?”
“Yeah, I called her on the way back. She’ll be here tomorrow. She had to go back and tell her parents the news.” Jay got to his feet. “If you’re okay with it, I’m going to take a nap before we open up for the evening.”
Bella nodded. “I was just clearing the last of the tables, so we’re almost good to go.” She paused and tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. “Billy offered to help out today, and he’s been awesome.”
“That’s great.” Jay turned to Billy. “Thanks. Let me know if you’d like to make the job permanent, okay?”
Bella laughed. “As if Billy doesn’t have enough to do, what with running that huge ranch up there.”
“No harm in asking.” Jay grinned at his mother and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be down as soon as I wake up. Nancy knows how to set up, so don’t go and do it all yourself.”
Jay left and Bella’s smile faded.
“Are you okay?” Billy asked.
She picked up a dish towel and started drying one of the bowls he’d washed. “I try not to be that mother, you know? But I wish he were a bit more forthcoming about how he’s doing. I hope he tells Erin these things.”
“It’s hard when your kids start confiding in other people, isn’t it?” Billy washed another plate.
“Yes,” Bella sighed. “You get so used to soothing their hurts and telling them that everything is going to be all right that when they no longer need that from you, it feels weird.”
“I think they still need to hear it occasionally,” Billy said. “Even when they think they don’t.”
“The first year after Jay got injured and came out of the rehab hospital, he was so down, and in so much pain, that I really used to worry he wasn’t going to make it,” Bella confessed. “Every morning I’d go into his bedroom and just be grateful that he was still alive, and talking—even if he was telling me to get out and leave him alone.”
“It’s hard to see our kids suffer like that.” Billy rinsed another plate.
“I think that’s why I try not to be too intrusive now.” Bella looked over at him. “I’m scared to push him away again even though he’s feeling so much better.”
“I know just how you feel,” Billy said. “I walked out on my boys when they were kids and left them with their grandmother. I got lost in a bottle because I blamed myself for losing Annie and baby Rachel. I lost myself . And now I’m back, I worry about giving them advice sometimes because what the heck do I know? Why should they listen to a guy who wasn’t there for them?”
Bella patted his cheek. “But at least you came back. That was a brave thing to do.”
“I don’t know about that.” He smiled down at her. “It just seemed to happen.”
Bella snorted. “With Ruth Morgan involved, I doubt that. Your mother is a magician. She got all her family back to the ranch and saved it from being sold off.”
“Yeah, she is incredible.” Billy grinned. “Scary sometimes, but still remarkable. And we were talking about you and Jay, so how come I ended up monopolizing the conversation?”
Bella shrugged. “Because I’d said everything I needed to say, and was interested in what you had to say? You know, one of those conversation things that people have?”
“Oh yeah, one of those give and take things, right?” He let out the water in the sink and quickly rinsed off the rest of the silverware and plates so that he could stack them in the industrial-sized dishwasher. “In my family it comes down to who shouts the loudest, and Blue usually wins that game.”
“Jay talks to Blue.”
“Which is probably good for both of them.” Billy closed the dishwasher and wiped his hands on his apron. “None of us can really understand what it must be like to be in a war.” He checked his watch. “Are you going to tell Jay about what happened with Axel?”
Bella made a face. “I suppose I’ll have to.”
“I think it would be wise,” Billy agreed. “Aren’t he and Erin moving into a new house up the street after they get married?”
“What’s that got to do with it?”
“Won’t you be here on your own?” Billy held her gaze. “What if Axel decides to come back and try and break in?”
She shrugged. “Jay’s got this place wired up like a bank vault. Nothing can get in.”
“Bella . . .” Billy put his hand on her shoulder and she covered it with her own.
“It’s okay, really . I’ll tell him what happened when he comes down, and if he wants to go all Navy SEAL on the guy, it’s on you.”
“Nate won’t let him do that.” Billy grinned. “Well, I hope he won’t. Do you need help tonight?”
“I think I’m good, but thanks for offering.” She went on tiptoe and planted a kiss on his lips. “Thanks so much for everything you’ve done today. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” He kept his hand on her shoulder. “If you can’t get anyone to help out, please call me.”
“Like you have time to help me everyday,” she gently mocked him.
“I meant what I said earlier. The boys are running the ranch really well, Mom cooks for the family, and there’s a chef for the guest dining room. I struggle to find enough to do everyday.”
“I think you underestimate yourself.” She eased away from him and he immediately missed her presence. “Thanks again, and I promise I’ll tell Jay what happened before Nate gets around to it.”
Aware that he was being dismissed, and still not quite happy about it, Billy gathered up his belongings and left the bar. As he walked back toward his truck, he rubbed his finger against his lips where Bella’s kiss lingered. He couldn’t remember the last time a simple kiss had given him such pleasure or made him feel so special.
He’d loved Annie and had never looked at another woman while she’d been with him. After her disappearance, when the guilt and the drink had drowned him, he’d had the odd hookup, but nothing measured up to the sweetness of that first kiss. Billy fished out his truck keys and stared blindly at the parking lot. Until now. He’d wanted to slip his arm around Bella’s waist and kiss her back....
With a snort, Billy got into his truck. The sweetness and nostalgia of Christmas were obviously getting to him. Bella was his friend. She’d meant nothing more than a thank-you, and he was a fool to think anything else.




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