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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance by Amy Brent (6)

Chapter 6




Like I knew we would be, the family was exhausted from decorating by the time we all went out to dinner. We sat in relative silence while we ate our food together like the obedient family we were supposed to be, and of course, I was sitting right across from Tyler. I knew he intentionally sat down in front of me since he had been blatantly staring at my tits this afternoon, but what I couldn’t help but notice was the way the shadows of the restaurant contoured his face.

“So, Tyler,” my mom said, “what did you think of decorating for Christmas?”

“I’m exhausted,” he said.

“Did you have fun?” Mom asked.

“A lot of fun. Thanks for letting me be a part of it,” he said.

“Well, I’m glad you had fun,” she said.

The table fell silent again as everyone just relaxed into their seats. Rolls were brought to the table and set in front of us, and my stomach began to growl as their beautiful smell wafted up to my nose. I reached out for a roll and grabbed it just as Tyler’s hand landed on it, and a spark of electricity ricocheted up my arm.

I relinquished the bun to him while I praised myself for wearing a long-sleeved shirt to dinner. The last thing he needed to see was the way my hair stood on end for him.


“Sweetheart, how do the lights look on the front of the house?” Mom asked.

“They look good. I had to track down five busted bulbs, though. Took me hours,” Dad said.

“Were you able to find them?” Mom asked.

“Oh, yes. I made sure they were all working by the time we left,” Dad said.

“I’d love to see how they look when we get home,” Luke said.

“I’m sure they look fine,” I said.

“Amber, we should take the time to appreciate your father’s hard work,” Mom said.

I looked over at Dad and giggled before I shook my head. We all knew Dad had absolutely nothing to do with stringing those lights up today, but it was just another way Mom enjoyed playing us off as the perfect family. I sat back in my seat as I picked at my roll, and all of a sudden, I felt something brush against my leg.

I whipped my gaze up to Tyler who was smirking at me, and then I felt something begin to slowly inch up the back of my leg.

I ripped my leg back from him as heat began to bloom across my cheeks, and I hit my knee on the underside of the table.

“Shit,” I said.

“Language, honey,” Mom said.

“You alright?” Luke asked.

“Get a little shiver there?” Dad asked.

“Yeah. Think I’m just a bit cold,” I said.

“Want my jacket?” Tyler asked.

“No, thanks,” I said.

My mother was looking at me with wide eyes like she had just seen a ghost. I was about to ask her why the hell she had that goofy look on her face, but the words that flew from her mouth told me exactly what she was thinking.

“Aren’t you going to thank him?” she asked.

“Thank who?”

“Tyler,” she said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For offering you his coat. You weren’t raised in a barn, Amber,” she said.

“Why would I thank him for offering me a piece of clothing I didn’t take?” I asked.

“Because it’s the polite thing to do,” she said.

“Dad, did you thank all those workers for stringing up those lights for you?” I asked.

“Amber!” my mother gasped.

“Holy crap. Thank you, Tyler. For offering me a coat I didn’t need. That was sweet of you,” I said.

“You’re very welcome for the coat you didn’t need. You can have it anytime,” he said, smirking.

“My gosh, Amber. Would it kill you to have some decorum? Tyler’s parents are drug addicts, and he has more manners than you,” she said.

“Mom,” Luke said.

My eyes panned back over to Tyler whose gaze was now on the rolls in front of him. He grabbed one before his eyes flickered up to meet mine, and the playful smirk quickly fell from his face. Drug addicts? His parents were drug addicts? Is that what he meant by the fact that they hadn’t thought about him since college?

“You had no business telling that part of Tyler’s life without his permission,” I said.

“It’s really alright,” Tyler said.

“I was just trying to make a comparison.”

“Just drop it,” Tyler bit.

The entire table fell silent as we waited for our food. Everyone was looking in all different directions while Luke was murmuring something in Mom’s ear, but the only thing I was focused on was how uncomfortable Tyler looked.

So, I got an idea.

I slid my foot close to his underneath the table. I rested my ankle beside his as his eyes slowly stole up to mine, and then I began caressing the side of his leg with it. The fire that burned in the pit of my stomach roared to life when I saw that familiar flash of devilish pride behind Tyler’s eyes. Memories of that stare came drifting back as my pussy pulsed for him. I slowly slid my foot back just as our food was set on the table, and like clockwork, we both reached for the salt shaker.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Here you go,” he offered.

I took the salt shaker from him and our fingertips connected once more. I had to bite down on my tongue to keep from whimpering at the way his taut skin seemed to electrify me, and I stayed silent the rest of the dinner. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. No matter what I thought about, my train of thought always reverted back to him.

So, when I left the family dinner and went home, I couldn’t wait to get into the shower.

I turned on the warm water and let it cascade over my painfully puckered nipples. I soaked my hair and allowed the water to turn my body the type of red it wished, and I pressed my thighs together in order to get the friction I desired. Tyler looked so delectable at dinner, even with the bullshit my mother threw his way, and suddenly I saw myself sitting on that strong jawline of his.

I saw myself rocking back and forth on his lips while his tongue slipped across my slit. I saw myself grasping the headboard as I reached for the showerhead. I slid to the bottom of the bathtub as I slung my leg over the side, envisioning what it would be like to have Tyler’s tongue rake across my pussy again.

I reached down and parted my dripping folds. I thought about what it would feel like to have his thick cock slide into my body. How it would feel to have my pussy gulp him down as he pounded into my hips. In college, he was a wild man. He pinned me to every surface, bent me over every available desk, and even played with me in the corners of restaurants. He had ignited a side of me I didn’t realize existed, and no man had ever fit me the way he had.

That flowing waterspout found my aching clit, and with every pulse it made my hips jump.

“Fuck, Tyler,” I breathed. “Holy shit.”

I saw those dark brown eyes peek up from my pussy as he gulped down my juices. I clung to those rippling back muscles as he sunk his dick deep into my body. I felt his strong chest underneath my hands as I slammed my hips down onto his, and soon my hips were shaking in midair as I called out his name in my bathroom.

“Tyler! Yes! Lick that pussy. Lick it. Oh, fuck. I’m going to treat you right. Holy shit. You’re incredible.”

My legs pulled taut as the water battered my wanton clit, and soon my body released its pent-up pleasure. It shot juices from my pussy as it slid down my ass, and my eyes clamped shut as his face appeared on the backs of my lids. I saw his smile, painted on a sharp jawline that trickled down into a chiseled body I wanted to rake my tongue across.

Every time I saw him, he had a new muscle bulging from his body.

I wanted to memorize the things about him he didn’t possess all those years ago.

My back collapsed to the shower floor, and the showerhead danced between my legs. I heaved for air as the steam swallowed my body, immersing me in a wetness I’d only experienced at one other point in my life.

The last time I was ever with Tyler.

I wanted him. I wanted him more than I could stand, but I knew he’d break my heart. That was the only precedence he had in my life. He’d fuck me, he’d get me attached, and then he’d leave. He had a business to run, and his business partner just happened to be my brother, and if my brother were to find out I’d fucked him—even in the past—it would be all over.

He’d try to beat Tyler to a bloody pulp for defiling his sister.

But Kelly was right. I needed to fuck him. I needed to fuck him, get him out of my system, and move forward.

The issue was, I didn’t even realize I hadn’t moved forward until he showed up in my childhood home a few days ago.

What other secrets was my heart keeping from me?