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What Happens at Christmas by Evonne Wareham (29)

Chapter Thirty-Seven

25 May

Misty had shown off her new school uniform and was now demonstrating Polly’s ball chasing skills in the garden of what seemed to Lori to be a small mansion, on the outskirts of Gerard’s Cross. Nevada, her baby bump in evidence even under a loose-fitting dress, came to stand beside Lori on the terrace.

‘She’s happy.’ Impulsively Lori reached out to hug her ex-brother-in-law’s second wife. Families!

‘I know.’ Nevada shaded her eyes to look down the garden. ‘And thrilled to bits about Horace here.’ She patted her stomach. ‘And no, that’s not what he’s really going to be called. Dan and I are still negotiating.’ She grinned. ‘Misty may end up having the casting vote.’

‘That will please her.’ Lori let out a relieved sigh. Something from Christmas had turned out well. The ongoing ache when she thought about Drew showed no signs of abating and somehow he always seemed to be in the news – teasers for the new book, speculation about the trial.

And it’s not like you deliberately go looking – like reading the arts pages right down to the small print or anything – is it?

And now, she didn’t quite know what to do. Things around her were moving. She’d come to see Misty, but the attraction of a base near London for a few days couldn’t be ignored. She’d wondered, just wondered, about going to one of the literary festivals that Drew was scheduled to appear at – just an oh-so-casual meeting – but when she’d almost got her nerve up to do it, his advertised appearances seemed to have dried up.

She couldn’t help a feeling of relief, mixed with disappointment.

Would he really want to be reminded about those days at Christmas? Not exactly the Andrew Vitruvius of the action man fantasies?

She’d read a few of those fantasies now.

Liar. You’ve read them all. You even tracked down the volume that had a short story in it, and that’s been out of print for years.

They still weren’t her thing, but they were Drew. She’d heard his voice on every page. She’d enjoyed the first one he wrote the most. It had a wild, uncertain edge that appealed to her.

‘Would you like to talk about it?’ Nevada’s question was soft, breaking into Lori’s thoughts. ‘It’s the man who stayed with you at Christmas isn’t it?’ She looked slightly apologetic. ‘Misty chatters. Not all of it makes sense, but I did understand that you and this man – Drew? You got on very well.’

Lori sighed again. ‘We did. But I can’t talk about it, for various reasons.’ A sudden shot of alarm made her turn urgently towards Nevada. ‘We didn’t – nothing happened. Not with Misty in the house—’

‘I didn’t imagine that it did. Knowing you.’ Nevada’s smile was wry. ‘I think that you may have more willpower than I would have. Is that the problem – that nothing did happen?’

‘Maybe,’ Lori admitted. ‘I don’t know. We’re not in touch.’ She shrugged. ‘So nothing is going to happen now.’ She looked down the garden at Misty, cavorting with the puppy. ‘Is all the legal stuff finished?’

‘Not yet, but Lark didn’t make any objection to relinquishing custody. There are details to work out.’ Nevada screwed her mouth up in a very un-screen goddess like way. ‘You know how it is when lawyers are involved. Crossing every I and dotting every T.’ Nevada crossed her eyes, to go with the gurning mouth.

Lori burst out laughing. ‘Don’t let the wind catch you.’

Nevada relaxed, laughing too.

Lori sobered first. ‘It probably helped that Bruno saw in the New Year with a diamond the size of a quail’s egg and the villa in the Seychelles where they were staying as an engagement present. Nothing like planning a Hollywood style wedding to put your four-year-old daughter even further out of your mind.’ Lori hunched her shoulders. ‘That sounds bitchy.’ She looked sideways at Nevada with a guilty expression.

‘Well – only a bit. Lark is what she is.’

Lori sighed. ‘By the time they had her, Mum and Dad were starting on their alternative lifestyle. She and Merlin ran wild most of the time. I was lucky to be born first. Granny Pugh was still alive then too. She didn’t stand for what she called “nonsense”.’

Nevada shook her head. ‘I suspect that your different personalities had something to do with it. Lark is spoiled and self-absorbed. You’re not. But as long as Misty is safe and happy, that’s all that matters.’ Nevada put out a hand to draw Lori towards a table where a pitcher of lemonade and glasses were set out. ‘I must admit, I hoped you were visiting London because of this guy. I’m sorry that it didn’t work out.’

‘Stuff happens.’ Lori pulled out a chair for her not quite sister-in-law. ‘But there is a reason I’m in London. There’s something I need to tell you …’