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Cupcake Explosion ~ Bethany Lopez by Lopez, Bethany (16)

I PULLED MY hair up in a ponytail, the curls spilling out wildly. My face was done up for a night out, which meant I’d filled in my eyebrows, had on a thick application of mascara, and even wore lipstick.

I was in black. Black skinny jeans, with a low-cut black top, and a black sweater, just in case I needed it.

Sure, I knew things wouldn’t get too crazy, we were in Greenswood, after all . . . not a strip club in sight, at least, not a male strip club. Still, it was a night out with the girls celebrating my last few days as an unmarried woman.

With Cade out of town and my kids with their dad, I was ready to turn things up and get a little nuts.

Bea had picked me up, claiming her role as DD for the night, so I was free to drink until I puked, if I so desired. Not that I really wanted to puke, but, after the last few weeks, I was definitely ready to let loose and imbibe.

“Yay, Tapas,” I’d cried when Bea pulled into my favorite Tapas bar in The Heights.

We went in and back to their private room, where Amy May, Carmen, Cynthia, Clarice, and Shannon were all waiting.

“Let’s get this party started,” I called as I danced into the room, over the moon to have them all there.

I gave everyone hugs and thanked them for coming, and as the server came in to take everyone’s drink orders, I sidled up to Amy May and asked, “How are you feeling, hon?”

Cause, honestly, she looked pretty rough.

She tried to give me a smile, but it turned out more like a grimace.

“Good,” she lied. When I gave her my yeah, right look, she shrugged and said, “Okay, maybe not good, but better.”

“Awe, I appreciate you coming, babe, but I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to stay. I don’t want you to be miserable.”

“I’ll stay for the apps and see how I feel,” Amy May said and I nodded.

“Okay, but let me know if you need anything,” I told her, then went up to the server and said, “I’ll have a margarita, and can I get a round of tequila shots for everyone but the pretty blonde in the polka dot dress?”

The server went off to put in the order, and I moved to where Carmen and Cynthia were talking.

“Hey, I’m so happy you came,” I told Cynthia, then turned to Carmen and asked, “And, you. I’ve been waiting to hear back from you . . .”

Carmen flushed prettily and Cynthia gave a tinkly laugh.

“You mean from when she and that tall hunk of man lingered in my shop, all wrapped up in each other? I swear, we could have had an earthquake, and those two still wouldn’t have been able to take their eyes off of each other.”

I clapped my hands together.

“Things are going well, then?” I asked Carmen.

She nodded and said, “So good it scares me.”

“Oh no, don’t start that again. You guys deserve each other. No cold feet allowed. Did he end up making you dinner?”

Carmen looked embarrassed, but her answering smile told me all I needed to know.

“I like that look,” Cynthia said and I elbowed her jokingly in the side and added in a loud whisper, “I’m thinking he gave her more than dinner.”

Carmen blushed and chided, “Lila.”

“What?” I asked with mock innocence, then followed her gaze to see Bran had just walked in. “Whoops . . . I’m sure he didn’t hear me,” I assured her, but Carmen looked like she was about to expire on the spot.

I went to him and gave him a hug.

“Hey, Bran,” I said happily.

“I hope it’s okay that I came,” he said, looking around the room at the women. “Bea invited me.”

“Of course. You don’t have to have a vagina to attend my bachelorette party,” I said with a grin. He shook his head at me and smiled back. “You’re welcome to drink and feast with us.”

He nodded, then looked over my shoulder at Carmen.

“Go ahead, go see her. Want me to order you a drink?” I asked.

“Maker’s neat. Thanks.”

Bran went to Carmen as the server came back into the room with the tray of drinks.

“Mmmm, thanks,” I said, taking my margarita. “You can just put the shots on the table. Oh, and can the gentleman get a Maker’s neat, please?”

I set my drink down and passed out the shots to everyone except Amy May and Bea, then raised the glass and said, “I love you guys and I appreciate you all coming. Let’s feast and get shitty.”

Everyone laughed and we threw back our drinks, then found our seats so that we could put in a food order. I was sandwiched between Amy May and Bea, who was sitting next to Shannon, and across from Carmen, Bran, Cynthia, and Clarice. It was a small enough group that I didn’t feel like I was leaving anyone out, which was perfect.

Amy May stayed through the apps and long enough to get a couple orders of enchiladas to go for her and Jason, then she left us and Cynthia came over to sit next to me.

We enjoyed apps, the main meal, and dessert, plus plenty of drinks.

It was a great night with lots of laughter and great people, and as I watched Shannon and Bea together, and the budding relationship between Bran and Carmen, I couldn’t wait until next weekend when I would marry Cade and get to claim him as mine for the rest of my days.

Sure, I’d been married before and knew first hand that marriage didn’t always last, but I knew marriage to Cade would be different.

I felt it in my bones.