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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) by Erin Osborne (6)


Hanging up with Keira is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I want to keep her on the phone so I know for a fact that she’s okay. When Slim called and told me what they found out, I lost my shit. The main room of the clubhouse is destroyed now. While I feel bad I made a mess, the only thing I can think about is my kitten, Kenyon, and Cory.

“Blade, if you want in on the meetin’ to figure out what we’re gonna do about your girl, I suggest you calm the fuck down,” Grim tells me, coming in my room.

“I’m sorry, brother. You’ve been there and know what I’m goin’ through. It’s not an excuse and I’m not gonna be anywhere other than in that meetin’,” I tell Grim, knowing I have to get my shit together

“Then let’s go. We need to get Slim on the phone and come up with a game plan.”

“The quicker the better. I need my family back with me. Nothin’ can happen to them Grim. I mean it. I won’t know what to do if somethin’ happens.”

“I know Blade. We’ll get them back, no matter what we have to do. Now, let’s get to church so we can figure this shit out.”


We’ve been in church for close to two hours now, with Slim’s club on the phone the entire time. Guys in both clubs are on computers finding anything out about Jason they can, anyone he associates with, and members of any club his belongs to. They’re leaving no stone unturned to find out who could possibly be behind wanting to sell my girl. Jason certainly isn’t fucking smart enough to come up with this plan himself.

Slim’s guy, Fox, seems to think Jason has ties to a cartel but we’re not sure. We can’t find anything concrete to support that idea. About the only thing that can be said for Jason is that he’s careful. Other than when it comes to his drug and gambling habits. He’s never been arrested for either, but he’s not careful about where he shops around for his shit either.

“Blade, I’m gonna get a room ready for Keira at the clubhouse. I want her here from now on. At least until we can get her back to you.”

“I want her home. Now. But I know we have to play this carefully. So, if that’s the best we can do for right now, then I’ll take it,” I tell everyone in the room and on the phone. “My only concern is him gettin’ to her between the clubhouse and Vixen. And, her not havin’ anyone there to talk to other than club girls.”

“I’m bringin’ Shy in to stay with her. We got a room big enough that they can share. Shy already knows and is packin’ her stuff now. She also knows that she’s not to be with anyone in the club while Keira is here. At least not in the room they share,” Slim tells me.

“Okay. How about her gettin’ to and from work? Doctor’s appointments?” I ask.

“We’re gonna have at least three to four guys on her at all times.”

“She trusts Wood and Killer,” I tell Slim. “Those are two of the ones I want on her the most. The third guy is up to you, but I definitely want them on her. And, I think if she’s gonna be at the clubhouse, she needs a girl’s day or somethin’. This shit is wearin’ on her and she’s not gonna say anythin.”

“Can do that too. I know she likes Shy from Vixen. I don’t know who else to have though. Not without introducin’ a lot of people here and runnin’ the risk that Jason has his hooks in one of them.”

Since some of the guys from Gage’s club are on the call with us, Trojan pipes up. “Crash and I can get Darcy to go there. We’ll tell her that you want to pamper Keira for the day and we only trust her with our women.”

“Is she gonna listen to you though?” Cage asks. “We all know she’s a fuckin’ hell cat when it comes to you two and gives you a run for your money.”

“She’ll listen. She’s all about helpin’ out a girl in need of some pamperin’. Besides, there’s reasons she’s startin’ to come around to the idea of us,” Crash tells us all. “When do you want to do this?”

“Can we plan on tomorrow? I want her to get her mind off shit for a while.”

“I can put it in motion. Trojan and Crash, let me know when you leave and I’ll make sure the girls are here and ready. Not like we’re lettin’ them out of our sights anyway.”

“We’ll leave as soon as we can get Darcy’s ass movin’,” Crash says.

“Give us an hour and we’ll be out the door. Just gotta find firecracker first. She’s been hidin’ for a few different reasons and we’re tryin’ to get to the bottom of the shit. Probably a good idea to get her out of town for a few hours or so,” Trojan tells us.

“You need help, let us know,” Grim says before saying his goodbyes and turning to us. “I know you want to be there Blade. Especially with her bein’ in the Phantom Bastards clubhouse. But, we need you here. We need to make everythin’ look as normal as possible. That way Jason might think Slim is doin’ this shit on his own and not plannin’ anythin’ with us.”

“I hear ya. I don’t like it, but I know I have to put her, Kenyon, and Cory first.”

The room goes absolutely silent. There’s no movement or anything from any of the guys sitting around me. I just look from one face to the next until Cage speaks up finally.

“Twins? For real man?” he asks.

“Yeah. We found out when I was up there last. Keira wanted to make an announcement together, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon.”

“Well, congrats man!” Joker says, standing up and pulling me in for a hug. “We’ll get your girl back. No matter what we’ll have her home to you soon.”

“Thanks.” There’s nothing more for me to say but that.

The rest of the guys all follow suit and offer their congratulations while I think that Keira should be here with me. She should be getting told congratulations and being asked how she’s doing so far. Everything that a pregnant woman is supposed to hear. Not my girl though. Instead, she’s suffering in the hands of some twatwaffle that wants to sell her to the highest bidder.

Tank, seeing my mood deteriorating faster and faster, pulls me from church after looking at Grim. I know we’re heading to the gym because that’s where he always takes me these days. He’s about to hand my ass to me and I need to put all this shit I’m feeling into fighting him. It’s either that, or just let him beat the shit out of me.

After changing real quick, I crank the stereo and hear Broken by Seether blaring through the speakers. This song definitely fits my mood right now. Without Keira, I am a broken man. I thought I was broken before, losing my sister, having drug addicts as parents, being left alone more than having anyone be there for me, and having daily ass beatings. Now that I know what it’s like to have a woman have my back no matter what, I can’t imagine going back to being out for loose pussy and having a different club girl every day. Hell, every few hours sometimes.

“You ready?” Tank asks, taping his hands up.

“I guess. My head’s not in it. Not gonna be much good in the ring today.”

“You’ll get your head in the game. Or you’ll find yourself with some broken ribs, a battered face, and whatever else I choose to do to you,” Tank tells me, meaning every word of it.

Tank isn’t trying to be an asshole. He’s trying to help me get my head away from thinking about all of the what ifs about Keira and our children. He knows after going through it when his girl, Maddie, was taken. Yeah, he had his daughter there to help keep his mind occupied. But, the girls had her more than he did. That way he could concentrate on looking for Maddie and bringing her home safe.

The only thing I need to concentrate on right now is not getting my ass handed to me. Again. There’s nothing more I can do about getting my girl out of Benton Falls. I can’t get her away from that scumsucking, dead-man walking, Jason. For now, I have to trust in Slim and his club to keep my girl safe and away from Jason. There’s more to him than we know and I don’t think we’re going to like what we find out.

The only thing that eases any of my tension is knowing that the guys are going to be watching her even more now that she’s going to the clubhouse. And, they’re making sure she gets a girl’s day out, well, in, to feel pampered. She’ll be having a little bit of fun because I know Darcy is going to make sure of it. At least if the things I’ve seen in the past are anything to go by. The only thing that matters to me is my kitten’s happiness. It means more to me than anything else in this world. Until our son and daughter are born anyway.


I’ve been at Slim’s clubhouse for a day and a half with Shy and his club. For the most part, I’ve stuck to the room they put us in and I haven’t ventured out too far from there. The main time I leave is when I have to go to Vixen. And I now have an escort to go to and from work. Wood or Killer usually drive me in my car while two or three other guys follow us. I don’t necessarily feel all that safe, but it’s better than being in Jason’s house. Even if it’s just temporary until he can find a way to get me back.

Shy comes walking in the door and sits down on the end of my bed. I’ve been laying here daydreaming about Blade and the life we could’ve had. Because I know that I’m not getting out of this alive. Hell, I’ll be lucky to get out of this with minimal scarring if they do end up selling me. And I know Jason’s not working alone. There’s more people involved, I just don’t know who.

“Honey, apparently we’re gonna have visitors today,” Shy tells me. “Slim said they should be here in about an hour or so.”

“Who?” I ask, my hopes raising thinking that Blade is coming.

“I’m sorry babe, but it’s not your man. I guess a few guys from the other Wild Kings charter are coming here with someone named Darcy. I’m not sure if there’s gonna be any other women or not though.”

“Oh,” I say, a sinking feeling in my gut. “Well, I guess I better get in the shower so I can get dressed.”

“Alright. I’m gonna go see if the few old ladies that are here need help. Have you met any of them yet?”

“No. I know that only a few guys here have an old lady. But, I’ve been trying to stay to myself until this mess gets sorted.”

“I’ll be right down the hall if you need me,” Shy tells me, heading for the door.

“Shy? Thanks for everything,” I tell her, walking into the bathroom.

Before getting undressed, I adjust the water until it’s the hottest I can stand. I’m not sure exactly why members from the other charter are coming here, but I’m sure that Blade knows and had a hand in setting it up. I know I’ve heard the name Darcy before, I just can’t remember where right now where. I’m sure it was when I was staying with Blade though.

I don’t really want to have this girl’s day, but if they’ve already arranged it then I’ll go through with it. There’s just so much that I could be doing and I’ve been so tired because of the pregnancy. My stomach makes it so I can’t see my feet, I’m tired, my back is killing me, and sleep is almost impossible these days. But, I wouldn’t trade it for the world knowing that soon Kenyon and Cory will be here. I might get to hold them for a minute or two before they go to Blade and that’s going to have to be enough for now. Even though my heart is breaking.

So, I get ready as quickly as I can considering the fact that I’ve also been having some dizzy spells that no one knows about. I haven’t even had a chance to tell the doctor about these spells yet. Hopefully no one figures it out and tells Blade about it.