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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) by Erin Osborne (15)


Just before we got ready to head to the cemetery, Keira saw that douchebag Jason. We got him before he had any clue what was going down. Keira could have something to do with that because she started walking towards the gate where he was. I got so angry when I saw her heading that way and I know she was trying to distract him so we could get him, but fuck.

We took him around the back of Joker’s yard and through a hole in the fence. One of the outbuildings that was saved during the bombing is where our guest is currently waiting for us. I can’t wait to have fun and get my hands on the sick fuck that has taken so much from us. The rest of the guys are feeling the same way and I know he’s not going to last long once we get in the building with him.

“Blade, you want first or last?” Grim asks me.

“I’m gettin’ my hands on him first. But, I get to deliver the kill shot. That’s all mine,” I tell the guys surrounding me.

“I know I’m gettin’ my hands on him for sure. You didn’t see what the fuck he did and said to her when they were in the middle of Vixen,” Killer says. “You can bet that I’m goin’ to get out what I couldn’t when we were watchin’ your wife.”

I nod my head, thankful that Killer was one of the guys assigned to my old lady. Wood is another one I’ll never be able to repay. He’ll be getting to dish out his own justice as well. Right now, he’s making sure everything gets set up in the yard with no problems. I know he’s just making sure that my girl and twins are settled in before he leaves to join us.

We all walk in the building and Grim turns on the lone light hanging high above Jason’s head. The smell of piss and shit hits us and I can’t help gagging at the stench filling the small room. He’s only been in here a few hours and he’s already being a little fucking pussy. Keira held out longer than that. My girl’s a badass though. She’ll hold her own against anyone and come out on the other side.

“Look here boys, the shithead can’t make it a few hours without makin’ a mess of himself. Bet the women that he beats on and takes without their consent last longer than him,” Killer says, and we all start laughing at him.

“Pl-pl-please let me go,” he stammers out. “I’ll do anything you want me to.”

Stepping up, Jason instantly recognizes me. “Did my wife beg you for mercy? Did she scream out in pain when you and your buddies beat the living shit out of her? Or was she strong as fuck like I know she is?”

Jason doesn’t say a single word. He just shakes his head back and forth, trying to get the image of me looming over him out of his head. Too bad I’m going to be the last motherfucker he ever sees before going to hell. And I’ll make sure his last moments on Earth are as painful as they can possibly be.

“Killer, you want to help me carve this fucker up?” I ask, bringing my knives out.

“Absolutely,” he says, unfolding the roll of knives I have laid out on the stand with the rest of the tools.

I grab my go-to when I want to inflict damage but not kill the person yet. Killer goes over each and every blade I have, making a big show of picking one out. It’s strictly for Jason’s benefit, to scare him more than what he already is. We all know this and I can’t help the smirk that overtakes my face. The rest of the guys are wearing the same smirk because we know that Killer is putting on a massive show just to get in Jason’s head. It’s working.

Finally, Killer grabs a blade and we make our way over to where Jason is strung up. Killer rips open his shirt, not going anywhere near his pants and the mess they are. Both of us begin to make small slices all over Jason’s body. Deep enough to make him feel it but not deep enough to kill him. We spend probably a half hour marking him up all over his back, chest, stomach, arms, sides, anywhere we can get our blades to.

Joker brings over some salt and hands it off to me. I know what he wants us to do and I’m all over it. Putting my hand on Killer to stop him, I begin to dump the salt over the wounds that we’ve made on him. Killer holds his hand out so I can dump some salt in his hand. As soon as there’s a good amount there, he takes his hand and rubs it into the wounds on Jason’s chest. Jason screams out finally, he just can’t keep his mouth shut.

“Did my wife scream to you to stop? Scream out in pain?” I ask, my voice full of contempt and malice.

“Yes!” he screams out. “It was my favorite part.”

That was the biggest mistake Jason could’ve made. He just pushed my buttons to the point that I’m not going to care about keeping him alive or not. Every other man in the small building can see the look on my face and knows that shit is about to get real. He’s about to be in so much pain that I don’t know how I’m going to keep him awake and feeling the maximum amount of pain we can dish out.

“I got somethin’ for this fucker,” Killer says, going over to the bench and reaching behind the table.

He walks back over and I see a bottle in his hand. It’s a spray bottle and I can see the closer he gets to me that it’s a glass bottle, not one of those plastic spray bottles. That can only mean one thing; he’s got a bottle full of acid. Killer is not playing around when it comes to this fucker.

“You want the honors or do you want someone else to have a shot with it?” he asks me.

Wood picks that moment to walk in the building. So, I motion my head over towards him and Killer hands the bottle off to him. There’s no pausing or asking questions of any sort. He just starts spraying the acid over the cuts on Jason. Meanwhile, Pops gets another one of my blades and tells one of the prospects to strip his pants, shoes, and socks off. The only thing he wants left on are his underwear. Irish also gets in on the fun with his own blade. He starts with Jason’s fingers slicing them off slowly and methodically, one by one.

Jason is screaming uncontrollably and you can see that he’s about to pass out from the pain and the acid eating away at him. His head is hanging forward and the screams die in his throat as Pops and Irish are cutting off his fingers and toes. The rest of the guys step forward and get their hits in before Jason dies. They leave just enough for me to get the last shot in and take the life from the dumb fuck that thought he could mess with us.

I take another blade from my collection and walk up to him. Using one hand, I pull his hair to make sure his head is up and that he’s looking directly at me when I take the last breath from his body. With my other hand, I bring my blade up and agonizingly slowly drag it from one side of his throat to the other. Killer is now dumping the acid all over Jason’s body to make him feel the maximum amount of pain before the life leaves him.

Grim tells the prospects that came with us to clean up the mess, get rid of the body, and then make their way over to the service at Joker and Cage’s house. The rest of us make our way over to the houses to get cleaned up so we can make an appearance and spend the rest of the day with our brothers, old ladies, and the rest of the people here for our fallen brothers and old ladies. Personally, I want to get to Keira, Kenyon, and Cory. I don’t want this shit to cloud my time with everyone before they all start heading out and making their way back to their own clubs and families.


The party is starting to get a little rowdy and I want to get Keira and the kids home. It’s been a good day full of memories being shared, spending time with brothers from other chapters we don’t usually get to see, and enjoying the time we need to as one family.

“You ready to go kitten?” I ask, picking Cory up from her bouncy seat.

“Yeah. You stay and visit with everyone. I got this. Darcy is going to help me get them settled in and then I’m just going to crash. Stay and be with everyone.”

“I don’t want to kitten. I want to be with our family.”

“This is your family. I’m not going anywhere and most of the people here are leaving soon. Be with them before they leave and I’ll see you when you get home. Wake me up.”

“You don’t have anythin’ to worry about anymore,” I tell her, hoping she’ll understand what I’m telling her.

“I know I don’t. That’s the only reason I’m going home with Darcy and her only. We don’t need any protection or someone with us. Please stay. I love you with everything in me Blade. Please give me this,” Keira practically begs.

“I love you too kitten. I’ll be home shortly.”

I hesitate and Keira can sense it. So, she leans up on her toes and kisses me before taking Cory from my arms. Yeah, I’d love to stay and continue catching up with everyone here, but I want to be there for my girl too. Apparently, she’s telling me that she doesn’t want me to be with her right now. Maybe Darcy and her need some time to decompress too. Get away from the people that they don’t know but they’ve spent the day with regardless because they knew it was needed by them.

I nod to Crash and Trojan to let them know the girls are heading over to the house. The three of us follow behind, making sure that we stay covered so they don’t know. Jason might be gone now, but that doesn’t mean that we’re going to let them out of our sight, walking alone. So, we’ll make sure they get home and then rejoin the party. And it is a party. We’re celebrating the life of the men and women that died being a part of something that we all believe in. Family, loyalty, respect, and watching out for one another.