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Mr. Alpha (Mr #1) by J. L. Beck (6)

Chapter Six



This is what we wanted, wasn’t it? I stared at the pregnancy test with shock, horror, and concern. I was elated, but I was also worried. Not only did we have to tell Mason in a week that we were together, but we also had to tell him we were expecting too.

“What’s going on baby? I heard you scream and…” Dominic’s voice trailed off as he caught a glimpse of the test sitting on the bathroom counter.

“It happened Dom. We’re pregnant….” I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, and I tried to blink them away. Two months. That’s all it took to turn my entire world upside down. Dominic had come back into my life like a hurricane, taking everything from me and giving me back more than I could ever be grateful for.

“This is good… right?” Dominic smiled and my heart melted. It was good, but it was also bad because Mason didn’t know about us yet, nor did our families.

“I’m excited but I’m scared too…” I confessed, my eyes moving to the tile floor. I was ashamed to admit that I was scared.

“Shhh…. Baby.” Dominic covered the distance that separated us, taking me up into his arms. He kissed me with some much care, and love I almost forgot about all of our problems.

“Your kisses make me forget about the world.” I sighed into his touch. His body, warmed mine melting away all the fears I had.

“Good because your kisses do the same thing to me.” His voice was low as he pushed back a strand of hair that had escaped my ear.

“Mason will be here next week and we will have to tell him, Dom.” I didn’t do a good job hiding my fears.

“Actually that’s what I came here to talk to you about…” I could tell something was going on. I just didn’t know what yet.

“What’s going on?” I asked urgently, worrying that Mason may find out sooner than we wanted him too.

“Your Mom called me and wanted to let me know Mason is flying in today. He got let go early and will be home around ten tonight….” A wave of nausea slammed into me. I clung to Dominic as the world around me spun.

“Why would she tell you and not me?” I croaked.

“Because Mason wanted to surprise you but I was worried it would do more than surprise you which is why I told you.” Dominic soothed, his hand rubbing up and down my back. A smile lingered on his face and I wondered why.

“What the hell are you smiling for?” I growled, become frustrated with the entire situation.

“Oh nothing, just the fact that you’re adorable and carrying my baby inside of you…” He cupped me by the cheek forcing my eyes to meet his.

“Knowing that you’re carrying my seed inside you turns me on more than you’ll ever know.” His words were nothing but a whisper against my lips as he kissed me with so much passion and love that my head spun.

I gasped for air, my fingers clinging onto his shirt as he turned my world upside down. Even when I was mad, or frustrated Dominic had the power to erase my thoughts.

“Nothing is more important to me than you, and nothing will take you and my unborn baby away. I’m not giving you up, no matter what Blair. You’re mine.” I swooned at the possessive nature of his words. I was his, and I knew it. I knew it years ago, it just took him a lot longer to figure it out.

“So tonight it is. Tonight we tell him the truth. That we are going to be together no matter what…?” I questioned peering up at him. I was no longer worried about how he would take me being pregnant because it was obvious he wanted me pregnant. My worries now laid in Mason and what he would say and do.

“Yes, tonight we tell him. We don’t have to tell him about the baby yet unless you want too, but we tell him were together.” I swallowed, gulping down my fears like they were a shot of tequila.

“We’re together…” I whispered the words.

“Yes Blair, were together and I’m never letting you go.” I prayed that his words would remain true once Mason discovered our secret.


My palms were sweaty and my stomach was in knots. Dominic and I had decided to ride separately to my parent’s house so that we didn’t draw too much attention.

“Mason is going to be so happy to see you, Dominic!” My mother announced as soon as we walked in the door. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes because to my mother Dominic was like the second son she never had.

“You know I’m only here for your awesome food Tina.” He made sweet eyes at her and her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

“Oh quiet, that is so untrue.” She shooed him away and welcomed me into the door her arms wrapping around me tightly. She squeezed me and kissed my cheeks like she had done since I was a child.

“I’ve missed my little girl. When did you become too old to come and visit?” The stern look I had been given as a child when I misbehaved appeared on my mother’s beautiful face.

“I’ve just been busy with life…” I lied well kind of. I was busy all right. Riding Dominic’s cock, and face. Though I wasn’t going to be telling my mother that anytime soon.

“Come around more often or I’m going to become that crazy mom that shows up at your house uninvited.” She teased. I knew how much my parents loved my brother and me, and I knew how much it hurt my mother to have an empty nest.

“I swear I will make a better effort.” I kissed her cheek dismissing the entire conversation while making note of the fact I needed to spend more time with her.

I plucked a deviled egg out a dish on the dining room table. This was my brother’s second deployment and just like the first one, my mother went overboard making Mason every dish he had ever liked in his entire life.

“There’s my little girl…” My father sauntered up to me with a beer in his hand. I peered over his shoulder at Dominic who was taking a long pull from his beer that my father had given him.

“Hi, Daddy!” I greeted him and squealed when he hugged me so tight I was sure I was going to suffocate.

“Dominic tells me you’re enjoying your new apartment?” My eyes shifted from Dom who was smiling like an asshole to my father.

“Yes, I love it,” I confessed, though I had only spent a handful of days in it. Dominic wanted me in his bed every night and I couldn’t contest to that when he started pulling my panties off.

“Good, and I presume that Dominic is protecting my little girl at all costs?” My father gave Dom the look, the one that said you better answer yes or I’ll make your life a living hell.

My father owned a mechanic shop and he had no problem telling people where to go and how fast to get there.

“Yes, sir. No body is going to fuck around with Blair when I’m around.” My father tipped his chin up and down and took a pull from his beer as well. I excused myself and headed to the back yard where the swing set, and tree house we all played in as kids was.

“You can’t hide from me small fry…” Dominic’s voice made me smile as he watched him walk across the lawn taking the swing next to me.

“I wasn’t hiding…” I admit though I might have been trying to escape.

“I want to kiss you so bad right now…” Dominic whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending a ripple of goosebumps to erupt across my skin.

Dominic was my alpha charming because he was the man that had the power to hold me together even when I felt like I was falling apart. Even as kids though he was mean he never let anyone else hurt me. He never let anyone else pick on me.

“Then do it,” I responded feeling the heat radiate off of him. His eyes darkened and I wanted him to do so much more than kiss me.

I knew we were playing with fire kissing in my parent’s backyard with my brother on the way here, but would one kiss hurt?

“Oh hell, the fuck no!” My entire body clammed up at the sound of Mason’s voice. Apparently, one kiss could hurt a lot.