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Playing with Fire (New Hope Fire Department Book 1) by Kay Gordon (37)

Chapter Thirty-Seven











I hadn’t spent Christmas with kids since being a kid myself but I never realized how completely exhausting it was for adults. After spending the morning at our parents’ house, all four of us went over to Alex and Simon’s to spend the afternoon there. My parents had gone nuts buying gifts for Hudson and Kendra and they were so excited to watch them be ripped open.

When we arrived, Simon’s mother, Carol, was already in the kitchen cooking up a storm with Stacey. My mom and Kelly joined them while my father ventured to the couch where Phil and Alex were watching a football game. Simon was at the station but his shift was scheduled to be over at two. I greeted Phil and Alex before heading into the kitchen.

“What time are the kids going to be here?” I asked as I moved to the sink to help Stacey peel potatoes. She grinned at me gratefully before answering.

“Clarissa is dropping them off between two and three.”

She and I made quick work of the potatoes and I moved on to helping Kelly with the fruit salad. I listened as she gave Carol tips to help her back stop aching.

“It’s hard to explain. Watch, I’ll use Megan.” Kelly jerked on my hips and I barely had time to put the knife down before she was forcing me to the child’s pose on my knees. She moved my hands so they were at an awkward angle and put pressure on my back.

“See. This stretches those muscles around your lower back and if you do it for thirty seconds, three times a day, it should reduce your back pain significantly.”

“I feel so stupid,” I mumbled and everyone in the kitchen laughed. Someone moved to the floor next to me and I turned my head to see Simon fold into the child’s pose, too.

“What are we doing?”

I smiled at him and shrugged. “I thought this would be a good way to help with dinner.”

“Yeah?” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before moving to my ear. “I can think of other uses for this position.”

I shoved him away as I clambered back to my feet and he laughed as he straightened up and pulled me close.

“Merry Christmas, Megs.”

I grinned and pushed my lips to his again. “Merry Christmas. Work go okay?”

“Easy as pie.” He turned to look at everyone else. “What can I do? Besides potatoes. I really hate peeling potatoes.”

Carol laughed and shook her head as she pulled the turkey out to baste it. “You’d think I was torturing him anytime I asked him to do the potatoes. I just hoped he wouldn’t enlist in the army because they’d kick him out the second he had kitchen duty.”

“You don’t like peeling potatoes?” I asked him quietly as he stole one of the apple slices I had cut up. “You didn’t complain when I asked you to do them in July.”

Simon’s grin widened as he chewed his apple. “That’s how much I love you. I was willing to peel potatoes without complaint. I’d do anything for you, babe”

“Come here.” I put my knife down and grabbed his hand. I led him towards the basement and down the stairs. When we got there, I immediately threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He groaned as he held me close and I slowed the kiss before we got carried away. I pulled back and grinned.

“I want to show you one of your presents now.”

Simon’s eyes darted to the top of the stairs. “I didn’t lock the door.”

“I’m not having sex with our whole family upstairs.” I laughed quietly as I rolled my eyes. “I just want to show you what I got for you.”

I pushed him back so I could lift up my cream colored sweater. Underneath, I was wearing a tight, red corset that barely contained my breasts. I pulled my jeans down to reveal the matching, see-thru lace underwear and the stockings that clipped to the corset.

“You can’t unwrap your present now but I wanted to give you a preview.” I watched Simon carefully and his eyes roamed up and down my body about ten times before he lifted me off my feet and tossed me onto the bed.

“I can’t wait. That was just mean, Megan.” His lips crashed to mine and his tongue invaded my mouth as he reached up to caress my breasts with his hands.

The door to the basement opened and we both froze as we turned look at the stairs. The door only opened a crack and Kelly’s loud whispered filtered down to us.

“The kids are here, guys.” She snapped the door closed and I pushed on Simon’s chest. He rolled over so he was on his back and he dropped a hand over his eyes dramatically.

“Go ahead. Give me a minute.”

I pressed a kiss to his cheek and stood so I could pull my pants back up and my sweater down. “I love you.”

Simon groaned and gestured to his crotch, where the evidence that he was aroused was obvious. “I love you so much that I hate you right now.”

I laughed softly and moved up the stairs, fixing my hair as I did. All of the women in the kitchen gave me knowing smiles and I rolled my eyes.

“We were down there for five minutes. Stop.”

I went into the living room to greet the kids, who both jumped on me instantly. Simon appeared five minutes later and we hung out in the living room while dinner finished up. The kids opened present after present after present until the living room looked like Toys R Us had exploded inside. I sat on the floor with my back up against Simon’s chest as we observed the madness, both of us giving the proper reactions when prompted. We watched as they had to open each toy to try it and after about thirty minutes, Simon’s lips met my ear.

“Want to open your present?”

I turned my head so I could smile at him. “Only if you open yours.” When his smile widened, I nudged him gently with my elbow. “Not that one.”

Simon kissed my nose before pushing two gifts, one shoebox sized and one smaller, towards me. I pulled myself out of his grip and grabbed two gifts I had placed under the tree, one of fairly large and the other very small. I sat next to Simon so my back was against the wall and gestured to the gifts.

“Open them.”

When he pulled the paper off of the bigger one, he revealed a picture frame that held the blueprints to Dodger Stadium. In the bottom corner was a photo of him and his father, both of them smiling at the camera with that same stadium in the background.

“I thought you could hang it in your office,” I explained quietly. “Your mom let me make a copy of the picture to use it.”

Simon turned to look at me with awe all over his face. He glanced back to the frame and shook his head. “This is amazing. I love it.” He pressed his lips to mine for a moment before peppering my face with light kisses. “Thank you.”

“I’m glad you like it,” I whispered, looking into his shining blue eyes. “Open your other.”

He shook his head and gestured to my gifts. “You first.”

I unwrapped the bigger one first and lifted the lid off of the box. Inside was a wooden jewelry box that had carvings of different flowers etched into every part of it. I ran my fingers over the wood and opened the top. Inside it was lined with soft, red velvet and had different compartments for different pieces. A mirror was affixed to the lid and my name was carved in the wood above it.

“I got it while I was in Arizona. A woman from the Paiute tribe hand carves them all.”

“It’s perfect,” I murmured as I brought it to my nose so I could inhale the fresh, woodsy scent. I looked up at Simon and smiled. “Thank you.” I moved my hand to the back of his neck and guided his head until our lips were together.

“You guys kiss a lot,” Kendra’s little voice said from my left and we broke apart to look at her. Simon just grinned and pulled his niece to his side. He blew a raspberry on her cheek and she giggled while trying to squirm out of his grip.

“Megan’s fun to kiss,” Simon teased as he tickled her little belly. When he released her, she sat up and gave him a curious look.

“Is that why Daddy used to kiss her, too?”

Simon’s body went rigid and an awkward silence fell over the entire room. Alex stared at his daughter with an unreadable expression on his face and next to him, Stacey shifted uncomfortably. Our parents also looked like they wanted to flee the room and Simon continued to gape at his niece without knowing what to say.

I caught Kelly’s eye and I was really glad I wasn’t the only one who seemed like they wanted to burst out laughing. Unfortunately for everyone else, we couldn’t hold it in anymore when we realized the other thought it was hilarious. We both dissolved into a fit of giggles that turned into full on laughter. As the two of us laughed, others began to join in until everyone in the room was laughing, even the kids, although they looked like they had no idea why they were laughing.

“Come help me in the kitchen, Kendra,” Carol said as she stood and offered her hand to her granddaughter. Kendra went willingly and I dropped my head to Simon’s shoulder.

“You’re right, Si. Family reunions will be fun in ten years,” I said, using the words he spoke to me six months before.”

Simon chuckled and shook his head. “I had no idea how to handle that. You and Kel are my heroes.”

“Say that a little louder, Simon,” Kelly chimed in with a grin on her face as she blew a kiss at my boyfriend.

I handed Simon his last present and gestured to it. “Next one.”

He ripped off the paper and inside was a book. The book contained different facts of the Los Angeles Dodgers through the years, and Simon turned it over as he read the back. He grinned up at me and nodded happily.

“I can’t wait to read it. Thanks, babe.”

“Open the book.”

He did as I said and pulled out a set of tickets. As he read them, the grin on his face widened and he looked up at me like a happy child. “Are you kidding me? Dodgers versus Giants?” He dropped the tickets back into the book and tugged me to his chest. “You are perfect. I can’t even describe how amazing you are.”

His grip was so tight that it almost hurt but I savored it as I chuckled. “I’m glad you like them.”

Simon forced me to open the last present immediately after and then he helped me put my new necklace. The charm that hung from the silver chain was the NHFD emblem and on the back Simon’s company number and the name ‘Owens’ was engraved. I thanked him for it a million times and knew I would wear it constantly.

We all ate dinner in Alex’s dining room after bringing in a second folding table and matching chairs. Everyone exchanged stories of past holidays and my mother made sure to bring up the time she caught Kelly and me unwrapping and rewrapping all of the gifts. Carol chimed in with how she’d learned to start wrapping the presents in bigger, generic boxes first for that same reason. Hudson listened carefully and I could have sworn that kid was taking notes.

After dinner was over and everything was cleaned up, people started to leave. Both sets of parents went home and Simon and I said goodbye to the kids before he drove Kelly and me back to our apartment. Kelly disappeared into her room to change for the annual Ugly Christmas Sweater party her friends threw every year. I’d gone the year before but I knew Simon was tired from working so we opted to stay home.

“Can I open my present now?” Simon asked quietly as he shifted on the couch to kiss my neck. I tilted my head, giving him better access, and shook my head.

“When Kelly leaves.”

He groaned and dropped his head to my shoulder. “This is torture. I never knew you could be so mean.”

“Poor, sexually deprived Simon,” I said as I stuck my lip out in an exaggerated pout. He narrowed his eyes as he glanced at my mouth.

“I’m going to sink my teeth into that lip,” he warned and I rolled my eyes as I held back my grin. My sister appeared from the bedroom before I could retort and she did a twirl in front of us.

“What do you think?”

Her red sweater had a green tree made of tinsel on the front that she’d decorated with gaudy felt ornaments she’d made and glued. The back had a cotton ball snowman that was making a suggestive look at her ass. I laughed and nodded approvingly.

“I like it. It suits you well.” I stood and grabbed my phone so I could take a few pictures that she gladly posed for.

“I was going for a naughty and nice thing. Think it works?” she asked as she slipped her feet into a pair of red heels.

Simon chuckled as he took in the snowman again. “Definitely. It looks awesome.”

Kelly thanked us both and grabbed her coat when one of her friends text her to say he was outside. I lectured her about being careful and reminded her to call us if she needed a ride. She agreed easily and kissed my cheek before messing up Simon’s hair and walking out the front door.

The door had barely clicked shut when Simon stood and pulled me to my feet. Before I could say anything, he ducked slightly and lifted me over his shoulder. I giggled as I hung upside and took the opportunity to grope him from behind. He didn’t speak as his hand gripped my thighs and after a moment, he dropped me onto the bed.

“I want your jeans and the sweater off now.” His voice was a growl and he took two steps back, his eyes glued to my body as he did.

After I stood, I slowly undid my pants and pushed them to my feet, enjoying the way his gaze tracked my movements. I did the same with my sweater and soon I was standing in nothing but the red lingerie with my hands on my hips. I’d never been the most confident body-wise but that man gave me an insane amount of confidence.

Simon didn’t speak for several long moments as his eyes ran up and down my body slowly, several times and his breathing quickened. I felt a smile tug at my lips and raised my eyebrows expectantly.

“What do you want to do?”

His eyes snapped to mine and shook his head slightly. “What do I want to do?”

“Yeah,” I replied with a nod. “This is your present. What do you want?”

“I want you on your back, on the pillows,” he directed quietly without hesitation. After I did as I was told, Simon stayed where he was and nodded in satisfaction. “Touch yourself, Megan.”

Blood rushed to my cheeks at the command and I bit my lip nervously. In all the time that we’d been together, he’d never requested something like that. He saw my anxiety and a smile appeared at his lips.

“It’s just me. I know every part of your body better than anybody in this world. You have no reason to be nervous.”

He was right, of course, and I took a deep breath as I gathered all of my courage. I ran my hand down the satin fabric on my stomach until I reached the top of the lacey underwear. I swallowed and slid my hand under the elastic but Simon shook his head.

“Just push it to the side. I want to see.”

His words were such a turn on.

It took me a moment before I moved my hand again and pushed the fabric aside until my hand was between my thighs. I kept my eyes on Simon as I slowly pushed a finger inside of me, inhaling sharply as I did. My hand moved slowly and I’d just added a second finger when Simon pulled his shirt off quickly. I didn’t stop as he shed his clothes and when I let out a small moan, he shook his head.

“You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait anymore.” He crawled up the bed and covered my body with his own, pressing our lips together. I kept moving my hand but Simon’s covered it, controlling my pace. He alternated between kissing me and watching our hands. When my orgasm washed over me, he tugged my hand away before running a tongue along my fingers. He guided those same fingers to my mouth and I didn’t hesitate when he pushed one past my lips, causing me to taste myself, too.

“Oh, fuck,” he growled, dropping my hand so he could pull the lingerie off of me. “I’ll never get that image out of my mind.”

When we were both completely naked, Simon was like a feral animal. He flipped me onto my stomach and slammed into me from behind until I came again and then guided me back to my back so he could make love to me slowly. It was an erotic and amazing experience that left me in dire need of a nap.

“Best Christmas ever,” Simon whispered once I was tucked to his naked side and burrowed under the blanket. I nodded sleepily.

“The very best.”





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