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Secrets Kept by Allie Everhart (20)

Chapter Twenty

"I talked to Carol," Gavin says as he comes into the kitchen. "She said you could leave early." He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. "I might've had something to do with that."

"Gavin, you—"

"Don't worry. You'll still get paid." He gives me a kiss. "C'mon. Let's get out of here." He takes my hand and his brows furrow. "Why are your hands so cold?"

"I was outside getting ice." I glance out the window. "But then I dropped it."

He laughs a little. "Why do you look so worried? It's just ice."

"I know, it's just that I..." My words trail off as I try to figure out what to say. Do I tell him? But Niles warned me not to. He threatened me.

But what if Gavin saw it for himself? Then he could be the one who calls the police, not me. And maybe then, with the police involved, I can say what really happened. Or maybe that's too risky. Even so, getting Gavin to see the body is at least a start.

"Kate? You all right?"

I nod.

Gavin's hands are now cupped around mine, warming them. "What were you saying before? About the ice?"

This is my chance. If he goes out there, he'll see the body.

"Um, I was just saying that I dropped the ice and never brought it inside."

"Why not?"

"It was heavy. But we still need it. Would you mind going out there and helping me with it?"

"Of course I don't mind." He kisses my forehead. "Let's go."

We walk out the door and follow the path to the pool house. It's dark and hard to see, but I continue toward the place on the lawn where the guy was killed.

"Kate, where are you going?"

I turn back and see Gavin waiting at the pool house.

"I need to show you something."

"What do you need to show me?" he asks, catching up to me. "We can't even see back here."

We should've brought a flashlight. But even in the dark, I know where the body is. That image is burned in my brain. I'll never forget what I saw tonight.

I stop and look down. "What the hell?"

"What?" Gavin asks. "What is it?" 

My eyes begin a search of the area. Right. Left. A few feet ahead. A few feet back. But it's not there.

"How could it not be here?" I say.

"What? What are you looking for?"

"There was a—" I stop before I say 'body'.

"A what?" Gavin comes in front of me and holds my shoulders. "Kate, what's going on here? What are we doing out here?"

"I...I thought I..." I swallow and feel myself shaking. The body was here just minutes ago and now it's gone. Where'd it go? Who took it?

"Kate, look at me," Gavin orders, sounding worried.

My head lifts and I see him watching me, my eyes finally adjusting to the darkness.

"Tell me what's going on," he says. "And why you're shaking." He rubs his hands up and down my arms. "Are you cold?"

"No. I mean, kind of." I shake my head. "Never mind. I thought I saw something but...I guess I didn't."

"Saw what? Like an animal?"

"Yeah. I think so. I'm not really sure. It's so dark."

"Let's go in the house." His puts his arm around me. "It's cold out here."

As we're walking back, Gavin stops at the pool house. "I'll grab the ice."

I look down and see the ice is gone. The bag I dropped has disappeared. Someone took it.

"Wait," I say to Gavin.

"What?" he asks as he opens the pool house door.

"There's no more ice. I checked and there's no more."

"But isn't that why we came out here? To get the ice?"

"I dropped it." I point down at the paved path. "Right here. I dropped it and probably broke the bag. Someone must've come out here and cleaned it up."

He's staring at me like I've lost my mind. I'm starting to think I have. This is all so strange. I can't explain it. After seeing that man get killed, I was in the house not more than five minutes. How did everything get cleaned up in five minutes?

There's nothing out here. No evidence that anything happened. So did it? Or was I just imagining it?

It had to be real. If it wasn't, Niles wouldn't have threatened me.

"Gavin!" a voice yells.

We look over at the house and see Niles standing on the patio, right under the light.

"Come inside." He's smiling and waving us over. "Your mother wants to have a toast before you leave."

"What are we toasting?"

"Come over here and I'll tell you."

My heart's pounding out of my chest. Niles knows what I was up to. So now what happens? Is he going to do something to punish me?

When we reach the patio, Niles pats Gavin on the back. "Good to see you home again."

"I can't stay long."

"Regardless, we're always happy to see you." He glances at me. "So what were you two doing out there?"

"He was helping me with the ice," I blurt out.

"And?" He looks at us both. "Where is it?"

"We're out," Gavin says. "So what are we toasting to?"

"I received a rather large donation tonight. Almost a million dollars."

"That's great, Dad. Who was the donor?"

"It was anonymous, so unfortunately I'm unable to thank the person properly. So instead, we'll have a toast to celebrate. Gavin, could you go inside and pop the champagne?"


We start to go inside but then Niles says, "Kate, could I have a word?"

"Um, what about?"

He smiles. "Gavin's mother has been so understanding during this long and rather difficult campaign of mine that I'd like to thank her with a gift. I thought you might offer me some suggestions."

I look at Gavin, who's beaming at the fact that his dad is asking me for advice. If he only knew the truth.

"See you in a few minutes," Gavin says as he goes in the house.

Once the door is shut and we see Gavin disappear into the kitchen, Niles steps closer to me. "What exactly was your plan? Were you hoping Gavin would see something?"

"I wasn't going to tell him anything." I feel myself shaking and focus on calming down, taking deep breaths.

"You wanted him to see it for himself. But then what? What was your plan? To tell him I did it?" He huffs. "And you think he'd believe you?"

"Where'd it go?" I ask, getting a sudden surge of adrenaline that makes me want to fight this man and not back down. "Where's the body?"

"What body?" he asks, cool and relaxed, a smug grin on his face.

"Where is it?" I demand.

"I have no idea what you're referring to." His eyes narrow, his smile gone. "And neither do you. Because you never saw anything. Nothing happened here tonight. And if you even hint that something did, bad things will happen."

I meet his cold, hard stare. "Don't threaten me."

"My dear, Kate. I believe it's the other way around. You're the one threatening me. Threatening to tell a secret that's not yours to tell." He rubs his hand over his jaw. "I see this going one of two ways. One. You forget what you saw here tonight. Your relationship with my son continues. And your family remains safe. Or two..." He pauses. "You open your pretty little mouth, blurt out some ridiculous story that no one will ever believe and that you have no proof to support, Gavin breaks up with you for going against his father, and you live in a constant state of fear, wondering what will happen to you and your family because of your disobedience." His lips curl up. "Which would you prefer?"

"Neither. Because it's not right." I glance around to make sure we're alone then whisper, "You killed someone. How can you not feel even the tiniest bit guilty about what you've done?"

"Because it was done to protect my family. Protect my future. Protect Gavin's future."

"Don't bring Gavin into this. He has nothing to do with it. I don't know why you killed that man but—"

"Quiet!" he yells at me. "Stop talking about it. It never happened. Do you understand?"

The door to the patio opens and Gavin pokes his head out. "You guys done out here?"

Niles smiles. "Kate and I are still talking but we'll be in shortly."

"Just come to the dining room when you're done." Gavin goes back in the house.

Niles waits a moment to make sure Gavin is gone, then looks back at me and grips my arm. "Perhaps you need to be offered a little incentive. How much will it take? How much to keep you quiet?"

"Let me go," I say, trying to get my arm free.

He holds on tighter, his mouth rising into a slight smile. "I like you, Kate. I always have. You're strong. Independent. And I can tell you're someone who speaks her mind. But sometimes that can be to your detriment. Because sometimes, you need to do as you are told and keep your fucking mouth shut."

I lift my eyes up to his. "You can't tell me what to do."

He chuckles. "Is that so?"

I don't know where my courage is coming from but since it's here, I keep going. "I know what I saw. I know you shot that man. And that's not something I can keep to myself."

"And who would you tell? The police? Gavin? You really think they'd believe you?"

I don't answer.

He chuckles again. "Oh, Kate. My dear, sweet girl. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you're dealing with something much larger than yourself. Larger than I would've ever imagined possible if I hadn't been brought into this and shown proof that it's real."

"What's real? What are you talking about?"

"Power. The power to make things happen. To make change. Real change. And the power..." He leans down to my face, so close I can feel his hot breath. "To silence people." He slowly backs away. "I was hoping you'd cooperate but it seems that's not an option. So you leave me no choice but to take a different approach."

"Meaning what?"

He pauses. "You love your father, don't you?"

"What does my father have to do with this?" I ask, but I don't need the answer. I know what he's implying.

"When people can't keep quiet, other people get hurt. Of course, that could all be avoided if you could keep your mouth shut."

I nod really fast. "Fine. I'll do it. I'll keep quiet."

"Is that a promise?"

"Yes. I promise."

"Just to be clear, when I say to keep quiet, I mean to everyone, including Gavin."

"So he doesn't know? He doesn't know his father...kills people?"

"I'm not a killer," he scoffs. "I told you, that man was dangerous. I did what I had to do to protect my family."

"Then go to the police. Tell them that man was dangerous and that you had to do what you did. Tell them to keep it confidential so it doesn't hurt your campaign."

"That's not how it works. We don't involve the police in these things."

"Who's 'we'?"

The door opens and Gavin appears again. "Are you guys done yet? We're losing bubbles on the champagne."

Niles grins. "Well, we can't let that happen." He motions me inside. "After you."

We follow Gavin into the kitchen, then the dining room, where Celeste is waiting, already sipping her champagne.

Gavin hands me a glass, then Niles raises his up in the air. "To yet another very generous donation." He pauses and sets his eyes on me. "And to Kate, who is quickly becoming like part of the family."

Celeste coughs and turns away, a look of disgust on her face. How can Gavin not notice this? And did he not hear how fake his dad sounded when he mentioned me in his toast?

"Congratulations, Dad," Gavin says as we clink glasses. He sips his champagne, then turns to me. "And you're right about Kate being part of the family. That may happen sooner than later."

Celeste is coughing again, choking on her champagne. She takes a napkin from the table and blots her mouth.

"You okay, Mom?" Gavin asks.

"Yes, honey, I'm fine." Her pursed lips attempt to form a smile.

"Well," Niles says, "I suppose we should let these two head home. They have a long drive."

Gavin sets his glass down. "It's not that long."

"Then you should come see us more often," Celeste says.

He rolls his eyes. "Yes, Mom."

She sighs. "Gavin, how many times do I have to tell you not to roll your eyes. It's so disrespectful."

"So we'll talk later this week?" Niles asks Gavin. "About the website initiatives?"

"Yes. I'm already working on it. We can go over it on the phone tomorrow."

"Excellent." Niles extends his hand to me. "Kate, as always, it was a pleasure seeing you again."

I reluctantly shake his hand.

Before letting go, he gives my hand a tight squeeze. "Will you be working the dinner here Thursday?"

I look him in the eye. "I'm not sure. I'll have to check with Carol."

"Maybe you could get out of it," Gavin says. "It's kind of strange having you work here."

"Nonsense, Gavin," Celeste says. "The girl is just trying to make a living."

"She won't be doing this much longer," Gavin says, smiling at me. "Next summer, Kate's opening a restaurant."

"Is that so?" Niles asks. "What kind of restaurant?"

Why did Gavin say that? I don't want his dad knowing about the restaurant, or anything else about me. 

"I haven't figured that out yet," I say.

"Sure you have," Gavin says. "We talk about it all the time. Tell them about your concept."

"Not tonight. I'm tired and I'd really like to get home."

"Then we have something to look forward to," Niles says. "Next time you're here, Kate can tell us all about it. How about tomorrow night? Why don't you two come for dinner?"

"I'm sure they're too busy during the week," Celeste says, clearly not wanting me to come to dinner.

"Then we'll do it this weekend. How about Saturday?"

"Niles, we can't. Saturday we're attending the hospital fundraiser. And Sunday you have a campaign event."

"Yes, that's right. Well, perhaps the weekend after then."

Gavin takes my hand. "We need to get going."

"Yes." Niles nods. "We'll talk tomorrow."

"Goodbye, honey." Celeste gives him a quick hug.


I say goodbye too but only Niles says it back.

We leave and go out to Gavin's car. Then I remember I drove myself here and say, "I forgot. I have my car."

"That's right. Then I guess I'll see you back at your place." He kisses me. "Drive safe."

"I will."

When I reach my car, Carol approaches me. "I didn't know you were still here."

"I was in the dining room. Niles wanted to make a toast. Apparently he got a large donation tonight."

"It'd be nice if he shared some of it with the caterer," she mutters.

"Are you saying he's not paying you enough?"

She shakes her head. "I didn't mean to voice that out loud. Never mind."

"If they're not paying you enough, tell me. I could say something to Gavin."

"No!" She grips my arm. "Don't say anything. Please." Her voice is almost panicked.

"Carol, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just...I don't like to upset them."

The way she's acting, it's almost like she knows. Like maybe she's seen Niles do something he shouldn't. Like she's scared of him. Maybe I should tell her what I saw. But not here. There could be cameras here. Or hidden microphones. They could be listening to us. These rich people always have their mansions wired with surveillance equipment, in case someone tries to steal from them. I'm sure the outside is wired too.

"Could we meet tomorrow morning for breakfast?" I ask.

"Breakfast?" She looks at me funny. We never do anything outside of work.

"My mom and I used to go to breakfast," I explain, "and I was kind of missing it. Maybe you could go with me sometime? We could go to that train car diner. They have a great breakfast."

"Sorry, Kate, but I can't tomorrow. I'm swamped with work. I have invoices to deal with and contracts to put together."

"Oh. Okay." I put on my sad face, hoping she'll notice.

"But I'd be happy to go to breakfast some other time," she says in a chipper tone.

The sad face worked.

"Maybe later this week?" I ask.

"I'll have to check my schedule but we'll make something work." She pouts. "I didn't know you were missing your mom so much. Maybe you should fly down and see her."

"I'm going down there for Thanksgiving. That's not that far away." I open my car door. "I should get going. Gavin will worry if I'm late. We're meeting back at my apartment."

" are things going with you two?"


"It must be better than good if you were joining his parents for a toast."

I glance at the house, still concerned we're being listened to. "Carol, I really need to get going. Can we talk later?"

"Of course. Drive safe." She turns to leave.

"Wait. Before you go, Niles said there's a dinner here Thursday. Is there any way I could get out of working that night? It's kind of awkward working for my boyfriend's parents."

"Hmm." She taps her lip. "I'll have to get back to you on that. I was already short-staffed that night, but I'll see what I can do."

"I could work this weekend if you want, to make up for missing Thursday."

"If you could, that'd be great. I could use some extra help at the Kensington event on Saturday. I'll put you down for it."

"Sounds good. Oh, and thanks for letting me off early tonight."

She just nods, looking as though she didn't have a say in it.

I get in my car and take off. On the hour-long drive, my mind keeps replaying the scene from earlier. I see that man fall to the ground, and then Niles holding the gun over him and taking the final shot.

How can I possibly keep this a secret? But like Niles said, if I told someone, they wouldn't believe me. Niles is well-respected, powerful, and rich. And what am I? A young woman struggling to pay her rent. Nobody would take me seriously. They'd think I made it up and then they'd come up with reasons why I'd tell a story like that. Reasons that could harm my reputation and make it difficult, or maybe even impossible, to start my restaurant someday.

Back at my apartment, Gavin is waiting for me in the parking lot. He comes over to my car and opens the door.

"What took you so long? I was getting worried."

"Carol caught me as I was leaving and we were talking. I told her I didn't want to work at your parents' dinner on Thursday so I'm working this weekend instead. There's a party at the Kensington mansion."

"Shit, really? I was hoping to take you into the city again. We didn't get a chance to see much last time we were there so I thought we'd try again." He smiles. "Or maybe just stay in the hotel like last time."

"I'd love to but I already told Carol I'd work this Saturday. She was already short-staffed for your parents' party so she's really doing me a favor by giving me the night off."

"Then we'll do something else this weekend. There's a music festival going on like a half hour from here. I don't know all the details but Dave, the guy who lives next door to me, was saying there'll be bands playing all day. He's going with his girlfriend."

"Um, yeah, I don't know."

"We could just go for part of the day since you have to work later."

"I have a lot to do on Saturday. I don't think I'll have time."

"What do you have to do?"

"Run errands. Clean. Stuff like that. And I'm sure you have studying to do."

"A little, but not much."

I shiver as a gust of cold wind rushes past us.

"Why are we still standing out here in the cold?" Gavin asks with a laugh. "Let's go inside."

He takes my hand and we walk to the door.

I can't do this. Not now. I can't be with him when I'm feeling this anxious and sick to my stomach. I don't want to be around him, or anyone, right now. I just want to take a long hot shower and try to sleep and escape the memory of that man being shot.

"Gavin?" I say as he opens the door to my building.

"What is it?"

"I'm not feeling so great. Could we postpone tonight?"

"You're not feeling well? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing serious. I'm just really tired and my stomach feels off."

"You're tired and nauseous? You're not...I mean, you're on the pill, right?"

I smile. "Yes. And no, I'm not pregnant. You can relax."

"Do you think it's the flu?"

"I don't think so. I think I'm just tired. It's been a long week. And someone's been keeping me up at night."

"Guilty as charged," he says with a smile. "What can I say? I can't get enough you."

"Which is why I should probably sleep alone tonight."

"It's still early. Can I come up for an hour or two? I could make you some tea, or whatever you need to feel better."

"Thanks, but I'd really just like to crawl into bed and sleep."

"You'll call me if you need anything?"


He kisses me. "I love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

He takes off and I go up to my apartment. It's dark inside but I can see the glow of Megan's laptop on the couch.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" I ask as I turn a light on.

"I had a headache. I'm light sensitive when I have a headache."

"Sorry." I turn the light off.

"It's fine. You can turn it on. I took something. My headache's almost gone. Are you staying with Gavin tonight?"

"No." I turn the light back on. "He was just here. I sent him home."

"Why?" She sets her laptop down. "What happened? Did you guys get in a fight?"

I desperately want to tell her what happened. I tell Megan everything so keeping this from her is going to be nearly impossible.

"We're not fighting. I was just tired and wanted to sleep."

"You can't sleep with Gavin?" she asks, her lips turning up.

I smile. "No. I don't get much sleep when he's in my bed."

"It's still early. You want to watch a movie?"

"Not tonight. I need a shower and then I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, then I'll see you in the morning."

She picks up her laptop and gets back to work. She didn't seem to notice how anxious and nervous I am. That's good. Megan notices everything, so if she didn't notice, chances are no one else will.

Maybe I'll be able to keep this a secret after all.