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Don't Look by Jessa Kane (4)



I saw a porno like this once.

This shit is par for the course. In porno.

Not in real life.

Apparently, my dick is not interested in making that distinction. I’m hard as a rock for my little Hailey, and I want her under me now, wet between the legs and whining in my ear. Any way I can have her, I want her. Even so, I wish like hell I could stop this situation from happening. I would resist my hunger for Hailey if I didn’t think refusing to fuck her would cause more problems. Major ones.

For one, I don’t know how long it will take for me to get access to her again. Could be days. Weeks. And I can’t walk out of this room without communicating to her that she’s not going to be held prisoner by this motherfucker much longer. We need to arrange a time to meet, so I can get her into protective custody. Because if push comes to shove and we raid this house, I’ll be goddamned before she comes anywhere near the flying bullets.

Two, I’ve walked into the house with the understanding that I’m a man who has no qualms paying for sex and has no respect for women. That’s my cover and the ship has sailed. My cock is thick and mean for this man’s daughter, and if I manage to walk without taking what he’s offering, I might as well flash my badge. Stepanov is a smart man and he’s already suspicious over my hesitation. I show any more and I put both Hailey and myself in harm’s way. I only care about Hailey’s safety, but if something happens to me, she could be shut up in this room forever. Or caught in the crossfire when the case breaks.

Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

I reach for my zipper, the metal tab digging into my fingers. And I can’t lower it. Jesus, what is this going to do to Hailey? Losing her virginity in front of her father. What if the memory is so painful to her, she can never look at me again without thinking about it? That would kill me. I’d go berserk knowing I’d caused her to hurt.

This isn’t going to be Mick from the night outside the bar. I can’t be caring and patient. Can’t kiss her and tell her I’m fucking crazy about her…and still maintain my cover. No. With her father watching, I have to behave like the man I’ve portrayed. Not to mention, the kind of man he’d allow into this inner sanctum. I have to be unscrupulous if I want to nail this son of a bitch. And I’ve never wanted to put him behind bars more than I do now, knowing he’s been keeping Hailey imprisoned so long. This fucker is going to fry if it takes me until my dying breath. He will suffer for hurting my girl.

I try to tell Hailey with my eyes everything I’m thinking. That I don’t want our first time to be forced like this. That I miss her and want to get her to safety. That I have to play the part of a misogynist asshole, when I want nothing more than to make her first time special. Pain free. If only the circumstances weren’t against us. There’s an almost imperceptible nod that makes me ache for her even more…and it gives me the momentum I need to lower my zipper.

“You’ve been nice and quiet. I like that in a girl.” I fist my cock and drag it out, wincing inwardly when precome drips off the engorged tip. That dance she did for me almost had me busting in my pants. Hell, I could come just knowing she’s about to suck me off, audience or not. This girl has a line right to every desire in my body and they’re all flaring in anticipation of finally touching her again. “Time to open up, though, isn’t it? Going to show you tonight why you were put on this earth.”

Christ, she’s staring at it like it’s going to bite. “Open up…my mouth?”

There’s a laugh from the darkness that tries to distract me. To send me into a rage. But I keep my focus on Hailey and try to guide her through. In an over-the-top way so she’ll see right through me and remember I’m Mick underneath. “Yes, your fucking mouth, brat. Suck it like it’s a lollipop and you’ve only got a minute to reach that Tootsie Roll center.” I catch her chin in my hand. “Next time you address me, you’ll call me Mister Paldino or I’ll whip your little backside.”

Hailey nods. “Yes, Mister Paldino.”

Am I imagining things or did her eyes become unfocused and glassy when I spoke to her roughly? She looked the exact same way in the backseat of my car when she got turned on. “I’m waiting, brat.”

Her eyelids flutter once again and she sways forward, closing her sweet, supple lips around my cock. Now it’s my turn to sway. The reality blows the fantasy out of the water. One taste and she’s instantly curious, taking my root in her hand and exploring all the way to the tip where her mouth suckles. My instinct is to stay still as possible, let her enjoy her first blow job, because fuck knows I am. The last thing I want to do is push, even though I’m throbbing and my balls are already growing hard and heavy. But I can feel eyes watching us from the darkness and I know how it looks. Like a man with a huge cock—and a girl only sucking about an inch of it. David Paldino would be throat fucking this girl by now.

“You done playing now?” I fist the back of her hair, stepping so close to her face, she almost loses balance, but my hand in her hair keeps her steady. “I want to hear you choke on it. And every time I pull it out of your mouth, I want to hear a thank you, Mister Paldino. Say it like you mean it.”

When I shove my cock into her mouth, pumping half of it in, I hit resistance and watch Hailey’s eyes tear, her throat seizing around my flesh. Baby, I’m sorry. Poor baby. But once again, I notice things like her nipples tightening, her thighs cinching together on the floor, goosebumps along her neck. And I realize she likes what we’re doing. She’s horny, she’s focused in on me and not our audience, and she trusts me. I can actually continue without fear or guilt. Not only can I do what needs to be done, but I can give Hailey what she needs, if rougher and meaner than planned.

Her palm smacks my thigh and I pull my cock out of her mouth, tugging her head back toward the ceiling. “Thank you, Mister Paldino,” she gasps.

I sink back inside her little, honey mouth, the world around me beginning to fuzz around the edges. Bass pumps up through the floor, the smell of smoke drifts thick and acrid from the darkness, the girl I’ve been jerking myself raw over is blowing me like I’m going to grade her on it. And with lust expanding and boiling in my veins, I have no choice but to let myself slide into a blurred world of need.

“Can’t decide if I want to paint your throat or pull out and pop that tight cherry. I’ve only got an hour and I want to make it count.” I fist my meat and beat off into the suction of her mouth. “Maybe you’re sucking me off so good because you don’t want to get on your back. Is that right?”

I jerk her head back, my cock bobbing against her cheek. “Thank you, Mister Paldino,” she whimpers. “No, Mister Paldino.”

“No, what?”

“No I-I…I don’t know.”

Before she’s finished speaking, she’s scooped up off the floor and tossed on the bed, her slight body rebounding from the force. From a kneeling position, she stares at me from the center of her queen bed, moisture on her lips and chin, naked except for a pair of innocent white panties. Her tits are the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, all pink nippled and pale. Like raspberries in a bowl of cream. From this angle, though, I can see her panties are damp—and that needs to be our secret. Her father can’t know she’s enjoying this, even if we do.

“Do I need to suit up for this?” I ask, stroking myself as I approach the bed.

A moment later, I get my answer from the darkness. “Nyet.”

“Fuck yeah,” I groan, even as alarm bells go off in my head. If Hailey has been isolated from everyone, she’s not on the pill. And if Stepanov doesn’t care whether or not she gets pregnant…there’s a chance he thinks she’s expendable. He might have said she has some value, but I don’t trust this man. Not as far as I can fucking throw him. The outrage makes me even more desperate to touch Hailey, to be inside her. Connected. I’m aching to tell her I will care for her when she conceives. That I will cherish the child we make together, whether it happens tonight or next year. “I can’t wait any more. Get your panties off.”

She must catch the note of intensity in my voice, because she blinks, pausing a moment before working her underwear down to her knees. Jesus, there isn’t a hope in hell of me going slow now, even if it was possible. The sight of her bare pussy sends a rope of precome shooting from my cock, eliciting more laugher from the darkness. Like I can focus on that. Like I can concentrate on anything but the beautiful girl waiting to be debauched on the bed.

“I, uh…” Shit, I’m losing it. I’m tripping over my words, breathing like a marathon runner. Pull it together, Mick.

But I can’t. I’m a goner. Hailey twists a strand of hair around her finger, a totally unconscious move and I’m moving without realizing it, pouncing on her like a bear traps its prey. We land on the bed and she opens her thighs, I want to kiss her. I want to lick her pussy, but I can do none of that. I’m not even sure my current mindset would allow for affection. I’m so hot to fuck and come right now, there is nothing in the world but my cock and Hailey’s pussy. I want to bang her brains out. There’s no help for it. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, beneath me in a mind-blowing package. I can’t resist anymore. I’ve reached the end of my rope.

I look down at Hailey to find her watching me with something close to adoration and trust. Not good. Can’t have that. I drop my face to the crook of her neck. “Fight me, Goldie,” I whisper. “I’m sorry, baby. You have to fight me a little.”

I’m guiding my cock to her entrance when understanding dawns on her face. Thank God. “No…” Her tits shudder up and down, her hand lifting to push at my shoulders. “You can’t. Please. It’s too big.”

Jesus. Is she acting? Her protests seem so real. Or maybe my mind is fucking with me. There’s no choice but to keep going now. No choice. No fucking choice with this sweet cunt spread open—and I don’t give a fuck if daddy is watching, I’ve got a pressure like I’ve never known gripping me by the throat, the balls. She’s the only one who’s ever got to me like this, and if I don’t join myself with Hailey soon, I’m going to burn the world down.

“You don’t get a choice,” I growl against her mouth. “You do what your told.”


I ram my cock inside Hailey, feeling the gentle rip of her virginity on the way in—and that’s the last gentle thing about tonight. She screams into my shoulder, a sound that punctures my heart. I’m a monster after that nonetheless. I don’t know what happens to me, but my mind is not in control. I’ve got just enough instinct left to keep Stepanov in my periphery, in the rare event he’s clocked me as law enforcement and decides to catch me off guard. Beyond that, I’m a mindless beast with one goal—to claw his way out of the lust that’s taken control.

“Goddamn. I owe your daddy one, brat.” I rear back and thrust deep, deep into the snug, wet hole between her thighs. “You can’t buy pussy like this. It’s kept locked up until it’s ripe…and after that, most daddies don’t like to share.”

Hailey bats at my shoulder, her heels digging into the small of my back. To keep me deep or push me away? Fuck, I’m too far gone to tell. My hips are rolling and grinding into the hottest, tightest flesh I’ve ever known and it’s too perfect to stop. The base of my spine has a kung fu grip around it, the breath trapped in my lungs. Vaguely in the distance, through the pound of the headboard against the wall and Hailey’s whimpers, I hear a low curse in Russian.

This is wrong.

This is wrong, but there’s no stopping.

I’m snarling down at the girl I only want to cherish and it’s like I’m seeing her through the eyes of an animal. Her cunt is locked around me and—Jesus, it’s clenching up in that feminine pattern as old as time. I’m all but assaulting her, my self-control completely out the window. My cock buries itself inside her over and over at a punishing pace, the bed springs protesting beneath us…and she’s going to have an orgasm. I don’t believe it, even though I should have seen it coming. She responds to my touch, no matter how light or how harsh. Because she’s mine.

Stepanov can’t know that.

Hailey’s breath stutters, her back arching. Her thighs tremble around my hips. I see she’s about to come and I slap a hand over her mouth to trap her moan. “Stop your complaining, brat. I’m only interested in hearing one thing out of you. What is it?”

I don’t take my hand away just yet because she’s still in the throes of her orgasm, her eyes blind with pleasure. Pride wars with regret inside me. I made her come in the worst of conditions, but I can’t soothe her down. Can’t let the beauty of it wash over me. Finally, the worst of her shakes subside and I uncover her mouth, gripping her chin hard. “What do I want to hear?”

“Th-thank you, Mister Paldino.”

“Tell me I have a big cock.” I loom over her, using my body to press her knees to her shoulders, my hips moving in savage, slapping pounds. “Tell me it hurts your little pussy.”

“It’s big.” She pushes against my chest. “It hurts!”

This time, I know she’s not acting. I’ve reached the level of brutal that’s too much for a virgin to enjoy, but I can’t ease up. We’re being watched and I have to finish. My flesh is weak. I can no more prevent myself from spilling in this tight girl than I can change the tide. Pressure pushes behind my eyes, inside the smacking flesh of my balls. A roar builds up in my throat and I let it loose, bearing down on Hailey’s pussy with one final ram of my hips. Holding, holding, grinding, stretching her and filling her to the top with hot come. It overflows and travels in rivulets down her inner thighs, my stomach, dripping onto the bedclothes. I think I’m done, but my body begins thrusting again, desperate to expel every drop. I grip her little ass and yank her up toward me, impaling her again and again on my erupting cock while she cries out.

Across the room, a cell phone rings and although I’m depleted, there’s still space for resentment. Malice. How dare her first time be marred by this monster? All I can do now is fall on top of Hailey, though, and try to regain my sanity. To hope she forgives me for what I’ve done. For being so rough with her untouched body.

There’s another low curse in Russian and Stepanov stands in the shadows, yanking open the door. “You have two minutes to be back downstairs, neighbor.”

And then the door slams behind him.

Adrenaline floods my bloodstream. I want to go after the man and kill him. There’s no time for that yet, though. We’ve only got two minutes together.

“Are you hurt?” I rasp, taking her face in my hands. “Ah, Jesus, Goldie. Please tell me you’re okay.”

Her lower lip trembles, but she firms it up and nods. “I know we had no choice. I even…liked m-most of it.”

“I’m sorry.” I slide down her body, pressing my face to her belly, laying kisses over every inch of it. “I’m so sorry, baby. Forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” She lures me back up to her mouth for a long kiss. One I want to sink inside of and live forever.

“We don’t have much time, Hailey, so listen to me.” With a shit ton of regret, I roll off the bed and start to get dressed. “When is the next time he’ll leave the house?”

“Except for quick errands? Probably not until next week. He has a meeting with…” I raise an eyebrow when she trails off. “Sorry, I just remembered I’m talking to a fed.”

My pulse clangs in my temples. “Is that going to be a problem for you?”

“I don’t know. I’m scared. He’ll kill me, Mick.” She walks to the edge of the bed on her knees and wraps both arms around my neck. “And you. I’m scared for you.”

“Hailey.” God, I’m being torn in half. How can I spend a single minute away from this girl? She’s climbed into my soul and made herself at home. We belong together every second of the day. “We’re out of time. I’m going to leave you my cell. If there’s any more trouble tonight, call the first number on speed dial. It’ll connect to my unregistered prepaid. I’ll be here in a heartbeat, Goldie. If keeping you safe means blowing my cover, so be it. Do you hear me?”

She nods and takes the cell phone I offer, slipping it under her pillow.

“How did you get out of the room? Can you do it again?”

“Yes.” Her lips quirk at one end. “I made a second, identical key. Let’s just hope he doesn’t change the locks.”

“Smart girl.” I lean in and kiss her hard. “Tomorrow at noon, I’ll find a way to get your father out of the house. Soon as he’s out of the door, you come meet me in the canyon. You won’t be coming back here.”

“But…” She looks around the room with wide eyes. “Where will I go?”

“You’ll be with me. Always.” I bring her close, parting her lips in a long, damp kiss, before pulling back and framing her face in my hands. “Do you still want to be with me?”

“Yes. Of course,” she whispers. “Sometimes things don’t happen so easy, though.”

A sense of foreboding creeps over me, but I knock it aside. “Come to me tomorrow, Hailey. Be ready to move.”

“And I’ll finally get to study your nose in the light?”

I laugh and kiss her hard. “As long as you want.”

Leaving her so small and vulnerable on the bed is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I manage to make it downstairs by the two-minute mark, pretending to do too many vodka shots so I can leave as fast as possible. I’ve got plans to make.




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