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His Undercover Virgin by Never, M. (5)

Chapter Five

I’m no closer to uncovering Ash’s secrets and no closer to closing this case. I want to press her, but I don’t want to spook her. Our time is so precious and I’m trying to draw out every waking second. But the hourglass is depleting. I’ve decided what to do. Decided how to play this so everyone gets what they want. Especially me. I’m a selfish bastard, but that’s what Ash has turned me into. My obsession is growing with each passing day; I want her in my life, in bed, and in my heart indefinitely. I also want to keep her safe and keep my job while I figure out how to do that.

I’m wildly overprotective of her. I’ve never been that way with a woman before. Not that I haven’t cared, but I’ve never wanted to rip a man’s eyes out for checking out my girl. Rage burned my esophagus last night as we walked through a restaurant. Ash was wearing a tight pair of jeans, an even tighter sweater, and high heel boots. She was a dark beauty floating through the crowd of white-linen covered tables, and as we approached ours, a middle-aged man mentally stripped Ash naked as we walked by. I saw all the perverse images playing out on his face, in his stare, and his smug smile. It took everything I had not to pick up his steak knife and stab out his beady eyes.

She’s mine. Fucking mine, and I will challenge anyone who tries to take her away. Anyone who tries to harm her or disrespect her in any way.

That’s ironic, jackass, ’cause you are going to do all those things and then some.

I swallow the shards of glass my saliva has become as I watch Ash dress. We’ve spent every night together this week. She’s becoming a fixture. One I find it hard to live without.

“When will you be back from your competition, again?” I ask as I lay in bed, a depression coming on because she’s leaving.

“Tomorrow night. The team leaves tonight. It’s a four-hour drive. We need to get there, check into the hotel, practice and then get to bed early.” She dances around the room, gathering her shoes and purse.

“Twenty-four hours seems like too long for you to be away from me.” I scoot to the edge of the mattress and grab her wrist.

Ash smiles radiantly. “You’re a big boy, I think you’ll be able to handle it.” She leans down and delivers a heart-stopping kiss on my lips.

“Mmm. Don’t stop.” I try to drag her back to bed.

“I wish I didn’t have to, but I have to go, I’m going to be late, and I don’t feel like having my coach rip me a new one.”

“I’d kill him if he did that.” And I’m dead serious.

“Everything will be fine, if I leave now.” She hums sweetly. She’s so sweet, and feminine, and flowery, and kittenish. She’s perfection wrapped up in a wondrous package.

“I’m not a fan of that option either.” Ash thinks I’m playing, but I’m not. I really, really don’t want her to go.

I reflect on the way I’m acting, the way I’m feeling. Maybe a little separation will be good for us. I’m way too attached and my feelings are manifesting in the form of a jealous, insecure teenager.

“I’ll call you tonight, and I promise I’ll come right over as soon as I get back.”

“You’ll come in more than one sense of the word.” I leer.

“You promise,” she toys.


Once Ash is gone, I drag my ass out of bed and convince myself a protein shake and a good long run is in order. I’ve been slacking on my workouts. Although, I consider, my heart pumps so hard when I’m fooling around with Ash I could count it as cardio. So maybe I haven’t been all that lazy, just getting my pulse rate up in other ways.

I splash some cold water on my face and stare at myself in the mirror as the drops fall off my cheeks and nose. I look the same, thick dark hair buzzed on the sides, blue eyes fanned with black eyelashes, and sooty stubble on my prominent chin. But inside, I’m completely different. Full of something completely foreign, completely addictive, and nearly impossible to give up. I’m full of the affection I have for Ash. That woman has gotten under my skin, imbedded herself within me. A whole twenty-four hours without her? Excruciating. I’m turning into a fucking head case.

I grab my phone and google the college she mentioned she was competing at tomorrow. How stalkerish would I look if I actually entertained the idea of heading down there and surprising her? A four-hour drive? I could make it in time to see her compete. You mean to spy on her? My subconscious hisses. No. To be with her. To make a gesture. To show her she’s more.

Because Ash is so much more. She’s proved that in a minimal amount of time, and I’m hooked. I could have never prepared myself for the impact she would have. But here we are. Here I am, calling all in. Damning the consequences, ’cause any time with Ash, no matter how fleeting or little, is worth the aftermath.

I’m a fucking a head case, but a deliriously happy head case at that.

* * *

I sit way up in the stands of the gymnasium, away from the clusters of people and eyeline of the gymnasts. I don’t want Ash to know I’m here. Not right now. I want her to compete without any stress on her shoulders. Without her feeling added pressure knowing I’m here. I just watch in my own little bubble as she stretches and bounces, warming up for her first event. She’s dressed in a shiny blue one piece with white sleeves, her hair is pulled back into a tight bun on the top of her head, and her face is sparkly. She looks like a pretty little pixie.

I hold my breath as she steps up to a pair of uneven bars. I’m not very versed in the world of gymnastics, but I’ve watched the Olympics; I have an idea of what goes on. She inhales deeply, raises her hands over her head to the judges and then is assisted onto the higher bar. She swings her legs, gaining momentum, beginning her intricate routine. She does revolutions around the high bar then swings down to the lower one in a fluid motion, where she does handstands and straddles. Ash is absolutely thrilling to watch. I find myself yelling as she nails her flips and sticks her dismount. A sudden twinge of pride pinches my chest. That’s my girl. That talented, beautiful, specimen of a woman belongs to me, and I realize then, there’s so much I don’t know about her. But I want to. I want to know everything. Be a part of all aspects of her life, and in return, she’ll be a part of all of mine.

The day moves by quickly as I watch the busy mat, but Ash captivates all my attention when she competes. Twirling through the air on the vault, bouncing and flipping across the floor, and springing on the beam. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching her.

Her team doesn’t win, but their performance was pretty impressive. I find myself looking forward to her next competition.

As the gymnasium clears out, I wait for Ash outside the front door, I feel bad springing myself on her, but it seems like the only way. There wasn’t an opportunity to get close to her on the floor.

After a little while of me standing in the misty rain, the team emerges. A throng of girls laughing and giggling with tight buns and matching white warm up suits busts through the door onto the pavement and I search frantically for Ash. I find her though, sandwiched between two other girls. My heart pounds in both my ears and my chest. Was this a good idea?

“Ash,” I voice as she walks past me, oblivious to my presence. She stops, looks and finds my eyes. Her expression is blank at first, but then her face breaks out into a huge smile. “Eli?” She bounds towards me with her two friends watching. Sizing me up. “What are you doing here?” She jumps into my arms and plants a kiss on my lips. The bouquet of flowers I’m holding rustles in my hand as I wrap my arms around her.

“I wanted to surprise you.” I sound stupidly insecure. Even with her joyful response, I’m still not sure this was the best idea. Maybe I should have just snuck away, and not alerted her to my presence.

“It is a surprise. Did you watch me?”

“The whole competition. You were amazing.”

“We lost.” She scrunches her nose adorably.

“You’re a winner in my eyes.”

Sucker. Cornball. Mush mouth. This girl melts you into a gooey puddle. Can you be any more of a sap?

“I appreciate that.” She cuddles into me.

“Ash, are you coming?” One of the girls she walked out with yells from the edge of the sidewalk.

“Is there any way I can drive you home?” I jump in before she has a chance to answer her teammate. I just want to be with her. I want her next to me, even if it’s just driving in a car for four hours.

“I think we can work something out.” Her voice elevates as she turns on her toes like a ballerina and walks off to the girls waiting. They converse for a few second, three sets of eyes darting my way. I wait impatiently. What if they try to talk her out of it? What if she listens? With a few quick hugs exchanged, Ash returns to me.

“Ready?” She reaches out her hand to me. That small gesture, that little offering, makes my insides tangle. She wants me. She generally wants to be with me, and her body language proves it.

I take her hand, inwardly sighing as our skin touches. I feel grounded. Like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

“Are you hungry? We can grab something to eat on the way.”

“God, yes, please. I’m starving. I’m dying for a cheeseburger and the biggest side of fries we can find.”

I chuckle as we walk to my pick up. For a slim little thing, she can put away some serious food.

“Let’s see what we can find.” I open the passenger-side door and lift her in. The truck is just a few years old. I bought it brand new and keep it in impeccable condition. It’s waxed, and vacuumed, and serviced religiously. It’s also jacked up, so it’s a challenge for her to climb in.

“You’re going to have to get me a ladder,” she jokes as she straps herself in.

“No way. I like any excuse to put my hands on you. No ladder. Ever.”

Ash rolls her eyes, but grins nonetheless.

“I love that you’re as much as a country boy as you are a professional.”

I choke a little bit. I let too much of myself bleed through when I’m with Ash. She’s right, at my core, I am a country boy. I love fishing, and camping, and beer, and hunting. All the essentials, but I also love being a cop. And I want to tell her that. I want to be honest, which is why I’ve decided to use this trip to once and for all get the information I need. Time is running out and so is my willpower. The more nights I spend with Ash, the more and more I want her. The more I want to claim her, to officially make her mine.

We find a halfway decent burger joint off the highway and stop. True to her word, Ash orders a cheeseburger medium rare with a large side of fries.

I order the same, along with a beer.

We sit comfortably, exploring each other’s fingers across the table as we watch the TV over the bar. Some cooking show is on. They’re making pasta.

“Maybe we should have Italian for dinner,” Ash suggests.

I laugh. “We haven’t even had lunch.”

“I know, but there’s nothing wrong with planning ahead.” She giggles, and I feel her laughter in the pit of my stomach. I love it when she smiles, when she’s carefree, and relaxed.

It makes me all those things as well. She’s like a reactor; whatever emotion she emits, I feel it too.

“Italian it is.” I promise.

“Yay,” she responds as the waitress drops our food in front of us. Ash eyes her plate up, clearly satisfied with what’s on it.

As we eat, I try to devise a plan to pull the information I need out of Ash without making her overly suspicious.

That shouldn’t be too hard, said no one ever.

I want to confront her delicately. I want to tell her who I am in a way that won’t freak her out and send her packing. But I need to know everything first.

Once full and back on the road, I decide to rip the Band-Aid off. Now or never.

“Ash.” I take her hand as I drive.

“Mmm?” She gazes over at me dreamily. I love that she looks at me like that. Like I’m everything. “I need to know something.”


“I need to know... I need to know if you’re in trouble, or someone forced you to auction off your virginity.”

Her eyebrows crease. “I already told you, no. It was my decision.”

“But who set it up? Who was behind the auction?” I press.

She clams up.

“Ash, please.” I squeeze her hand.

“Why is it so important to know?”

“Because I want to make sure there are no repercussions,” I lie. “I care about you.” I tell the truth. “A lot. I want this to turn into something, but I just have to know everything. I have to know if there is someone out there I should be worried about.”

She exhales hotly, staring straight out the windshield. She’s still holding my hand, though, so I take that as a good sign.

“There’s no one out there,” she shares reluctantly. “No one put me up to it or forced me or threatened me. It was my choice. My entire sorority’s choice.”

“Sorority? You never mentioned you were in a sorority.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t expect to catch feelings for the man who was the highest bidder.” Her response is all aloof, but still she’s holding my hand. I wouldn’t let her let go if she tried.

“I’m glad that you did, if it’s any consolation.”

The corner of her mouth twitches. “Maybe a little bit.”

“So...” I urge her to keep talking.

“ sorority is very charitable and does a lot of community service. We were volunteering at a local animal shelter when a fire broke out. The entire place burned up, leaving dozens of animals misplaced.”

I’m trying to comprehend what this has to do with a virgin auction. “And...”

“ of the firefighters was one of my sisters’ brother. Did you follow that?”

“Yes.” I nod. “Firefighter is your sorority sister’s brother.”

“Right. He was severely burned, he was in the hospital for weeks and the medical bills piled up. Jessie decided to take things into her own hands,” she explains. “There’s a promise pact when you pledge. To save yourself for true love or marriage. Most of the girls sign it. But Jessie was desperate, so she decided to auction off her virginity. When the house caught wind, we were upset at first, but then realized it could really help out her brother Shane and all the homeless animals. So, we decided to put together an online auction. Who knew it would be such a hit? We made so much money, we’re building a huge new shelter and all of Shane’s medical bills are paid off.”

I’m completely silent. Actually, I’m completely floored, because I never expected the explanation she gave me. Gives the slogan sorority girls give for a good cause a whole new meaning.

“Eli?” She jiggles my hand. “You’re quiet.” Ash sounds nervous. “I had to keep it a secret. If the school ever found out, we’d get expelled for sure. And all we wanted to do was help.” She sounds so earnest.

“Well that is a hell of a story.” The wheels are turning in my head. If I blow this out of the water, I not only put Ash’s future in jeopardy, but also her house. It’s not like auctioning off your virginity is illegal. It happens all the time, but our community is a prestigious one. It holds itself to high standards. It’s a family-oriented area. And when we got wind of what was happening the community leaders wanted it squashed.

But I never thought. Never even considered these girls were doing something for the good of someone else. It gives me a lot to think about.

A lot.

“So, you know the whole story now. Are you satisfied?” Yes and no. “Can we not speak of this again? I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. Including you.”

Amazing. She’s worried about me.

“It’s dead and buried,” I promise. God, I am perjury offender numero uno. Because it is nowhere near dead and buried. But that’s my problem to deal with, not hers. I’m going to protect her at any cost. I just have to figure out how exactly.

* * *

The rain is pouring down in sheets by the time we get back to my apartment. We make a run for the door, hand in hand, getting drenched in just the short time we are exposed to the elements. I rush us inside; the living room is dark, and Ash is shivering.

“Warm me up.” She slips her chilly hands under my shirt and I shudder. Everything below my navel pulls tightly as her palms glide across my chest.

“How about a hot shower?” I suggest.

“Mmm, that sounds amazing.”

To me too.

In the spacious bathroom covered with marbled stone, I strip Ash out of her wet clothes as the water warms up. The glass encasement has two showerheads, so it’s totally double the pleasure double the fun. Once she’s naked, she returns the favor, helping me peel out of my soaked clothes. There’s a strange air in the room tonight. Something is crackling, but I can’t quite put my finger on what.

Ash leaves her hair in a bun as she steps into the shower stall. I watch enamored as the hot spray trickles over her prickly skin.

“You coming?”

“God, I hope so. Like a dozen times.” I step in behind her and wrap her in my arms. Skin on skin, lips on lips, there is no barrier between us. It’s liberating and exciting and arousing as hell. She makes me horny as fuck.

We just kiss for what feels like a pleasurable eternity, roaming our hands freely over each other’s bodies.

It’s a connection filled with passion, affection, and want. It’s different tonight. More...infatuating. More amorous.

“Eli,” a plea spills from Ash’s lips, and it’s like nothing she’s ever uttered before. She’s called my name in the throes of passion, crooned it as she came, but never has she beseeched me so earnestly. The hairs on my arms stand up. I know what she wants. My heart beats so hard it may bust out of my chest. How many times have I fantasized about this? About being the one, her first, her only? Since the moment I laid eyes on her all those weeks ago. She captured me, mind, body and soul, and I hadn’t even met the girl.

Does love at first sight exist? I never believed so, but Ash has me questioning myself. Questioning my sanity. I want her more than air or food or water or life.

I take her face and kiss her firmly, an epic battle of wills erupting inside of me. Our tongues tangle and lips smack we continue to kiss.

“Eli?” There’s that plea again.

“Ash.” I drop my forehead to hers.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, everything.” I’m tormented.

“I want you. I want it to be with you,” she declares. She’s so sure. So confident.

“I shouldn’t.”

“Why not? It belongs to you anyway.”

“No, it doesn’t. No matter how much I paid for it. Your virginity has always been yours.” I grip her wrists and hold them against me.

“Well, I want to give it to you.” Her electric blue eyes shine, her long eyelashes dotted with droplets.

“If I take it, I can never give it back.” I warn her, actually considering it.

Crazy man.

You told me in the car you wanted us to be more. I want that, too. No one has ever made me feel what you make me feel.”

Jesus, she’s destroying me, but I can’t deny her. I don’t have the strength.

I’m a powerless man.

She has me hard and achy already and she’s barely even touched me. It’s her effect. She’s made me her slave and she doesn’t even fucking know it.

“I won’t want it back. I want you to have it,” Ash pushes. Please stop. I can’t say no. Not when she looks at me like that. All doe-eyed and innocent and fucking irresistible.

“I want you, Eli,” she murmurs in my ear. “I want you to be my first.”

I’m dust on the ground. She’s pulverized me with just two sentences.

“Ash.” I crumble, burying my face in her neck and sucking the droplets from her skin.

“Mmm.” She caresses my shoulders and back, elongating her neck to provide me better access.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m going straight to Hell. We shouldn’t do this. I told myself I would not cross this line, yet here I am, zooming over it like it’s not even there.

“I’m on birth control so you don’t have to worry,” she shares seductively, right before touching her soft lips to mine.

She’s a fucking siren and I’m the sailor. She’s luring me into the sea. And once I’m drowning there’s no saving me.

I crush my mouth to hers, all resolve dissolving.

The kiss is brutal, electrified with want and burning with need. My need. My insatiable need for the woman in my arms.

“You trust me, right?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Good. Never forget you can always trust me.”

She nods, not quite sure why I’m declaring this. She’ll know soon enough.

“Turn around, place your hands on the wall,” I urge her.

Her eyes pierce through me, but she does as I ask.

Resting my chin on her shoulder, I caress her bare, wet body, wanting her to feel how much affection I have for her. Wanting her to feel...loved.

“I love you,” I whisper the declaration in her ear. “Just remember that. No matter what.”

Ash turns her head to look at me. Her cheeks are flushed, and her lips are pouty. She’s nervous, but ready.

“I love you, too.” The words are like wind chimes. The sound tickles my insides. I clutch her face and deliver a robust kiss that steals all oxygen out of the room.

The soft moan that escapes from her throat has my blood roaring. Racing through my veins and throbbing at the tip of my cock. I slide my hand down her torso and massage her clit. I want her relaxed. I want her to enjoy this as much as possible. There’s a strong possibility it will hurt, but I want her to know sex is so much more than the experience of her first time. It’s the least I can give her. A memorable first time.

“I want you to relax and let me know the minute you start to feel uncomfortable.” I dip my finger into her entrance and pump my hand. She moans, bowing her back, not displaying an ounce of discomfort at all. “That’s it,” I croon as I stretch her muscles with two fingers now, her pussy eagerly preparing.

I finger her for a few, elongated minutes, the two of us basking in the slow buildup of pleasure.

When I can’t take waiting any longer, I grip my shaft and jerk it, so ready to breach the threshold.

“Tell me if it starts to hurt. I’ll go slow.” My voice is so husky I don’t even recognize it. I want this woman so bad my molecules are transforming.

“Okay,” she breathes restlessly, my middle finger still massaging her clit. I won’t stop. Not the entire time. I want her to reap as much pleasure from this as me.

Shaking with desire, I slide my cock between her legs, soaking up the lust dampening her slit.

We both breathe raggedly, shared anticipation balancing on a razor-sharp tip.

Methodically, I guide the head of my erection to her entrance and push lightly. The warmth of her pussy engulfs me immediately, making me crazed with desire.

I inhale and exhale collectively, keeping my raging hormones in check. I want to slam into her, and swim in that feverish pool of arousal until I fucking come.

Rough, hot sex will be on the table soon enough. I’m going to give her everything, show her all the ways, but right now, this second, I need to be gentle. Ash deserves gentle, loving, and sweet.

“Christ, you’re tight.” I pump in and out slowly, gaining inch after agonizing inch.

Ash just heaves against the wall, hands pressed flat, head dropped back. I kiss all over her cheeks as I rub her clit and sneak my way into her body.

“Tell me what you’re feeling.” I need to know.

“I’m...” She huffs. “I want...oh god,” she whines, and I know I’m doing something right.

“Hold your breath.” I grip her hip with my free hand and thrust the last two inches in.

“Oh!” She lifts up on her toes, her body going rigid.

“It’s okay.” I coax her to relax over the spray of the shower. Dotting kisses anywhere I can, I concentrate on her clit as I stay buried inside her. I can feel everything, every internal contraction and spasm as I touch her.

“Shit, Eli,” she nearly cries. I’m driving her crazy, which is exactly what I planned to do.

“God.” She grabs my wrist, the sensations becoming too much for her to bear. I’m not going to stop though. Not until she comes.

“Let go, Ash. Don’t fight it.” Don’t fight me.

Her breathing becomes choppy with every passing second. I continue to tease and rub and massages until she’s squirming. Until she’s squeezing me so tightly, I nearly see stars. Then, spontaneously she erupts, slamming her palm against the wall as she showers my cock with her come.

Holy fuck, I’m a statue hypnotized by her. Spellbound by the struggle of her body, the tightness of her pussy, and the overpowering hold it has on me. That was... I have no words.

Ash leans against the wall for support, panting with her eyes squeezed shut.

I trail blazing kisses along her shoulder and up her neck as she recuperates. When she comes around, and cracks open her eyes, there’s a new fire burning behind them. An all-consuming need that sucks me in like a black hole.

When I withdraw, she softly protests. I won’t be apart from her long. I have a raging hard-on that has a pulse of its own.

Urging her to turn around, I catch the tiniest trickle of blood escape down the drain.

All gone. And all fucking mine.

There’s a quiet moment of recognition shared between us. Something has been altered forever, something that will bind us for the rest of our lifetimes.

I reach over and turn the shower off.

“Bed, now,” I say.

Ash doesn’t argue. She just steps out the steaming stall first, with me right behind her.

Grabbing the towels off the vanity, I wrap her in one and then myself in another.

We dry off quickly as we move to the bedroom. Once our skin is dry enough, I rip the towels away and push Ash onto the mattress. She lands with a little bounce, her knees falling open.

“Just like that.” I stalk over her, burying my head right between her legs. She lets out a gasp, then a moan, then a sigh. She tastes like sex and is still wet as hell.

“Need to be inside you.” I’m so hopped up I can’t even form complete sentences.

“I’m right here.” She offers herself up.

Her willingness is intoxicating. It’s what I want.

Resting on top of her, I pin her hands to the mattress and slide my tongue down her neck and chest until I come upon her breasts. I worship each one, sucking and licking one nipple, then the other, until they are as sharp as two little points.

Then I sink in slow, watching Ash’s face the whole time. Watching her expression contort as I bury myself inch by fucking inch, her body bowing slightly the deeper I get.

Once I am completely inside her, completely engulfed, completely penetrating her, I move. Circling my hips in a lazy, slow motion, eating up the response I’m getting from the woman beneath me.

She’s succumbing to my command. Following the instruction of my body. She’s beautiful in the moonlight. I can see all her features. Her hair being up affords no obstructions. Every time I fantasized about Ash, her hair was always down, a tousled mess on the sheets. But I think I prefer it this way, especially for her first time. It lets me see everything. Let’s me be privy to everything, to all her sexy expressions.

“Eli.” She clenches her jaw as I thrust in deep.

“Feel good?” I nip at her ear.

“Yes,” she sighs, melting into the mattress.

“I love you,” I hum as I continue to move. I don’t want this to be over quick, but she’s so tight. So blistering hot, so sopping wet, all the sensations are going straight to my head.

I’m swimming in them. Drowning in them, begging to let them take me.

“Aw, fuck.” A shock of pleasure shoots up my spine. “Baby, I can’t.”

“Can’t what?”

“Slow down, stop. You feel too good.” I’m slipping away. “I want to make you come. I want you to come with me.” I grind on her clit with my pelvis and she groans. “That’s it.” I do it again and again and again until she’s squirming. Until she’s clamping down so hard on my cock I know a climax is inevitable.

Oh!” she calls out in what almost sounds like pain. Ash struggles beneath me as she flies apart, her white-hot heat saturating my mind, body and soul.

My heart hammers as the rush of my own orgasm begins. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I pound my hips hard. There’s no more room for gentle. It’s replaced by a climatic burst of trembling, throbbing, pulsating, and palpitating. A gnawing ache that eats me alive from the inside out.

I collapse on top of Ash after the tornado of sensation passes. I’m sucking in air as if I’m being choked, clinging to her like she’s oxygen.

Our hearts beat against each other as I lie there, clutching her in the dark. I can’t let go. I’m afraid if I do, I may lose her forever. I am a total goner for this woman. Unrecoverable, irretrievable, no chance, no way, ever coming back, goner.

Sated, Ash sighs softly beneath me, hugging me. I know all her little noises by now. I know she’s been satisfied.

“How do you feel?” I kiss across her cheek.

“Good.” She purrs.


“No. Not really. Just...happy.”

My pride swells.

“Good.” I kiss her forehead.

“I love you.” She hums.

“I love you, too.” My heart hurts just saying it. Because it’s the truth, and if I lose Ash, I will surely lose myself. “So fucking much, you may never understand.”

“Then help make me understand.” There’s a seductive undertone in her voice. She wants more.

“I can do that. Tonight, and every other night if you let me.”

“I think we can explore our options,” she singsongs lullingly.

Dead. Buried. Gone.

She’s so open and receptive to fostering our relationship. There’s nothing on this earth I want more.

“How about I start right now?” I bite her neck and she yelps.

Time for round three.




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