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A Siren’s Song (Sisterhood of Jade Book 13) by Billi Jean (25)

Chapter Twenty-Five




Maeve looked up from her pastry dough. Stephano was walking up the stone path. He caught her eye and waved, smiling as he raised two rabbits high. She grinned back at him. The past few months had been like a dream. The Silkies had given them a home. A small, snug cottage near a brook, far within their boundaries and yet away from the small settlement they had by the gates.

Stephano loved it.

At first, she’d been worried. He was a warrior and would soon grow tired of fixing a cottage up and living day by day with her. Instead, he’d fallen into everything with such vigor—including satisfying her in every way imaginable—that she’d stopped looking for signs of boredom from him and instead opened up to him even more.

She wiped her floury hands off as he set the rabbits down. Almost before she could register it, he’d bent her over his arm to kiss her properly, as he called it. She devoured him in kind, ending up making him all floury and even better, all breathless and urgent for her. It didn’t matter, the table had been used to support their weight many times.

What seemed like hours later, the afternoon light drifted over them, floating around their kitchen as they held each other breathlessly.

“I swear I make up excuses to leave you, just so I can have this when I return.” He bit down on her shoulder. She knew how he felt. She clenched her inner muscles down on his thick flesh, shivering all over at having him again. “Gods, I love that.” He clutched her bottom tighter in his big hands, kneading the flesh with a lusty growl. The shivers deepened.

“Gods, I love that, too.” She giggled though.

Eyes glowing, he grinned at her. “I’m starving, woman.”

She froze, realizing several things at once. “Oh, Stephano! I think you ruined my pastry dough!”

He laughed harder and lifted her so he could peer around her to the table where he’d so thoroughly made love to her. There had to be flour on her bottom. She laughed at the idea and tried to twist to see.

“What are you doing?”

“I think you got me all covered in flour!”

He roared in laughter and deep inside where he still filled her, she felt him jerk. She hadn’t recovered from that when he growled against her neck. “Perfect. Now, I can have you for dinner.” He began walking her to their bedroom, his erection so thick and hard inside her she could feel each step rubbing places that had her breathless.

“But you—”

“I’m hungry for you,” he explained, sucking on her neck and shoulder as he walked. It was delightful. She twisted her head so he could reach more of her. She was already wet, already possessing him. The thought of more had her lightheaded. Still, she teased him with a subtle clench of her inner muscles. He squeezed her bottom tighter.

“Oh. Did I earn a treat?”

“You’ve more than earned a treat,” he rumbled, biting his way down her throat to the top of her breast. “I plan on—” He tensed and stopped. His hard flesh flexed, a presence more familiar to her then not feeling him, she mused, then smiled at the thought. Still he needed to move.


“Hush, angel.”

She did, then she too, heard it. Voices from outside. Guests were approaching.

“Damn, every time I decide to spend the rest of the day indoors to hear you sing in my arms…”

She laughed. He made her sing every time they so much as kissed. He claimed it was his animal magnetism that brought her Siren abilities out in their love making. She thought it was because she loved him and wanted to give him everything she could. But right now…if someone is here.

“You and I spend more time indoors, with you inside me, than out,” she reminded him pertly. She tried to pull free, which was difficult since his erection was lodged as deep as she thought he could go, but he tightened his grip on her bottom. Her wiggling only made his flesh grow harder and him groan in pleasure. “Put me down, Stephano! They will be here any second!”

He lifted her with a grumble then shocked her with a toss which landed her on the bed. Before she was finished bouncing, he was on top of her, kissing her gently for all his earlier growling.

“I can’t help it. I can’t get enough of how much you can’t get enough of me.”

She giggled again and kissed him all over his handsome face. Catching his jaw with her hands after, she kissed his warm lips. “I will never have enough of you. I’m a Siren.”

“You’re my Siren.” He’d been blown away when she’d informed him, quite embarrassed to have to do so, that she often grew hot simply walking near him, let alone sleeping with him. She’d had to tell him though, after he woke to her touching herself and made love to her for the rest of the night, complaining he didn’t satisfy her. She hadn’t wanted him to think that, and when she’d revealed how often she needed, wanted him, he’d been elated, claiming that any time she wanted, he was more than ready. And he always was. He claimed she drove him out of his mind when she came to him with that look in her eyes, but if it was a complaint, he seemed to like it. So did she.

“I am, but now…perhaps we should be up and decently dressed.” She caught his big erection in her palms and squeezed him as she began the kind of strokes he loved. It still marveled her that they fit together. He was always so large, but even when he couldn’t wait and was rough with his loving, he never hurt her. She loved it that way, fast, hard, hungry, her Stephano. “Especially when they arrive.”

“They have to unsaddle the horses.” His eyes grew heated again and he arched his back like a cat as the pleasure she gave him made him shudder.

She also shook her head.

He grimaced, but bent to kiss her lips. “All right, but only if I get a rain check,” he groaned in that voice that meant he was nearly reaching climax.

She loved it. With a naughty suck on his nipple, she tightened her hands on him. A rain check meant she would love him with her mouth. Something she adored doing and he seemed quite fond of as well, if his heated groans and shivers that lasted far longer than his climax meant anything.

She breathed out over his other nipple and watched it bead. “Oh, I might be able to spare you the time—Stephano!”

“Can’t wait. Now, gotta, now.” He pulled his heavy cock away from her and groaning urgently, he turned her on her stomach and entered her on a hard, frantic shove, followed by another and another. With rough grunts and his thighs slapping against her bottom, she clawed at their bedding, nearing another climax faster than before. Within desperate seconds he bathed her in heat. She quickened. As he continued to shudder and groan above her, she burst into her own culmination.

Moments later, he slipped atop her more firmly, pressing her down with his sweaty body. She loved it, even liked how they were still mostly dressed. After a few moments to catch their breaths, he lifted his head as if it weighed a ton and panted hotly against her cheek. She twisted her head to see him better. His face was flushed and sweaty, but he was so handsome, so dear to her, her heart thudded heavily.

“I still want the rain check.” With a suddenness that made her gasp, he turned her over and kissed her. She let him, still shivering and clenching deep inside where the memory of his body filling her still echoed.

He released her lips gently. “Angel, I love how you climax.”

A loud knock on their door followed by a shout of his name reminded them they had company, but she squeezed her thighs together and savored his possession.

“Damn, I’d hoped they left.” His gaze darkened as he hovered over her then he growled and kissed her once more, caressing her breast with a possessiveness she loved. “Come, we have guests. We can’t shock them too badly.” He swooped down and captured her nipple in his hot mouth, drawing so deeply her toes curled. After only one hard suck, he lifted up and away. He smiled rakishly, no doubt knowing she still battled trembles. He tucked himself away, then buttoned up and after he used a towel to wipe his face, he flashed her another grin. “I’ll see what they want. You…recover enough for round three.”

She laughed weakly, too content to move. There was no hiding how he pleased her, and since he knew, she didn’t even try. His laugh faded as he shut their bedroom door. She sighed, so satisfied she didn’t want to move. Besides, if he was quick with whoever had come by, they could continue.

It was with thoughts of this in mind she let herself drift. They were lucky. She knew that they’d found something neither had hoped for—each other. And I haven’t ruined it. No one seeks me here. No one will. We’re safe. He’s safe.

She curled on her side, still tingling all over. Stephano hadn’t told he loved her, but she knew he did. It was there, in his touch, in the way she’d find him watching her, his eyes hooded with thoughts she knew were dreams. It wasn’t the sex. It was more.

He wanted them to have children. He’d not been teasing. He’d begun an addition to the cottage, that would have to hold their first few, until they decided if they were going to stay with the Silkies.

For now, they were content here. They helped patrol the Silkies’ border every five out of seven days. It was easy, really, but the first few weeks had been hard. Each time they were apart—even for only an hour—their reunion would always be the same. The Silkies had made it clear that they had to patrol together after only a few such desperate times apart.

Passion simmered under her skin, more than matching his. He grumbled, but they both knew he was teasing. They needed each other. It was painful to part from him, just as it was uncomfortable for him to be away from her.

The nights he woke her, hot and ready for her body, were the nights she loved the most. It was then he took her with urgency, much as he had right now. Those times, when he needed her, needed to come, she knew he simply gave her himself, not the seducer he’d been most of his life, but the man, with a man’s needs. It was this, she knew, he had never given another. Soon, he will say it, and when he does, I know nothing will ever harm us. This place is safe. He’s safe. I’m safe.

She’d barely fallen into a light sleep when she heard the door open. Sleepy she blinked open her eyes to see Stephano’s sweet face. “Angel, we’re needed on the border.” Alarm replaced the sleepiness. She jerked to sitting. He shook his head and motioned her down. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing to fear. They have run short of patrols with a celebration occurring in their capital.”

“Oh, yes, okay, let me…”

He helped her sit. “It’s their new year, I guess. The unlucky ones get border duty while the rest are partying it up.”

“Do you celebrate such things?” She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

“New Year’s Eve?”

“Yes. New Year, Harvest Moon, Waxing Moon, Summer’s Beginning…”

“We have a few celebrations. But when I was younger, we had many more.” He sounded tired. She glanced at him more closely but he merely winked at her. “Now, I forget the date more often than not.”

“I suppose with the centuries…” She straightened her clothing and tried to wake up more fully.

Stephano kissed her ear. “Ah, yes, they blend. How old are you?” he asked, pulling her hair free of the haphazard braid she’d been using while baking.

“Oh, the pastry—”

“I already put it together. Don’t change the subject,” he growled mockingly and nipped at her. She squealed with laughter and hastily pulled away so he couldn’t reach her.

“I’m twenty and six, far too young for you.” She paused at his wide-eyed expression then laughed so hard she had to sit back down on the bed, holding her stomach. Stephano picked her up by tossing her over his shoulder and marched out of the bedroom, giving her a light smack on her bottom which made her laugh until tears rolled down her face and into her hair.

“Stephano, oh my goodness, put me down,” she managed past the laughter. Her stomach hurt and his muscled shoulder dug into her hip.

Suddenly he tipped and she landed on her feet, smooth and easy, with him glowering at her mockingly. “So, little girl, you know what big fierce warriors do to too young, innocent girls, eh? We eat them!” He grabbed her up around her legs, growling into her hips and only let her down when she was breathless and weak with laughing so hard.

She clung to him, so happy in that moment that she weakly hugged his head to her chest and kissed his ear. “I love you so much I could burst with it!”

“Are you two about ready? Or should I return later?” Ryan, their new Silkie friend, called, laughing lightly. “I swear, you two might be better help here than on the border.”

“We’re coming,” she called, swatting Stephano on the arm when he wouldn’t release her. “Come, Stephano!”

A wiggle and she broke free, tossing a smile back at him. He didn’t seem to see her, and she glanced to where he was staring, but saw nothing of concern. “What is it?”

He blinked, focused on her and blinked again. “Nothing, nothing, let’s go so we can come back, eh?” His voice sounded odd, but he gathered his things then was striding toward her ready to patrol. He took her hand and together they caught up to Ryan.


* * * *


Stephano jerked to the right at the sound of the underbrush rustling. Next to him, the woman he’d given his heart to stopped. I didn’t tell her. I didn’t say I loved her back. She loves me. I knew it! But…now, I’ve not told her I love her.

She didn’t speak, but he’d been teaching her for weeks how to walk silently, how to wait and listen and to not talk. The not talking was the hardest on her. He squeezed her cold fingers and lifted his chin to where Ryan was up ahead. If there was trouble he would have encountered it first.

“Be cautious,” he reminded her in barely a whisper.

She sighed heavily, making noise he noted, then covered her mouth, eyes wide. His heart felt too full and the words were there—I love you—but something alerted him. From his right-hand side. He had just enough time to pull her to him and spin, sword out, shouting a warning for Ryan as Faye erupted from the trees.

They were everywhere, dropping down on them, leaping through the bushes, silent as they attacked. There was no time for Maeve to sing, no time for him to call for more aid—there was no more aid. Everyone was miles away.

He attacked, clearing a space around them. Maeve tried to sing and was hit with a blow to her stomach that drove her to her knees. He saw a haze of red. Rage filled him. He smashed the man to the ground, tore another’s throat out and gutted a third. As quick as he could, he hauled her to her feet. She was white faced but nodded. There was blood on her lip though and she hunched over as if her ribs were broken.

“Stay by me.”

He couldn’t wait to say more. He wanted to tell her he’d die if she did. There was no time.

He caught the blade of the next Faye and forced him back then savagely sliced his head from his shoulders. Mae stayed at his back. More Faye came at them. From all sides, pushing them toward a clearing he knew was on his left. He battled back, using the trees and dense brush to keep them as engaged and here as he could. Ryan arrived, but with him came more Faye.

Maeve stayed with him. They’d practiced this, worked on it until they were seamless, until she could keep up with his body movements as well as Ajax, only…she was already hurt, and she was smaller and more delicate. She sang, but it was under her breath as if that blow had hurt her. The quiet melody caused the Faye to shrink back, shaking their heads as if dazed.

“Don’t stop, keep on. We fight to the border.” There would be more guards there.

Got to reach the border. Got to get her free of this.

Maeve kept singing. Every time a Faye grew too near him, on his blind side, her song rose in volume and snap, the Faye would fall back and he would gain them ground. It went on until his sword arm ached and his armor was covered in blood and gore, until his body was sliced and his lungs fought to draw in enough air.

Maeve stumbled next to him, slipping and falling on the wet ground. He pulled her up, tossing her to the side as a Faye immediately tried to impale him. He caught the man’s sword with his and savagely drove his long knife into his stomach.

A gasp behind him caught Stephano’s attention. He twisted and caught another Faye but the man slipped past his guard, landing a good blow to his side. Maeve screamed and the man fell back, dropping his sword and clutching his ears. Another replaced him. Stephano easily beat him to the ground but faced another immediately after.

So it continued. They pushed and were pushed back, they drove forward, but were driven back harder. Ryan was covered in gore, his leathers shimmering blood, and still the Faye did not fall back. A hard thud landed near Stephano’s head. An arrow. Until now they’d not encountered the archers.

“Maeve! To me!” he bellowed. “Ryan!”

It was then another thud landed. This time it was like a punch straight to the chest. Maeve’s beautiful eyes widened and she screamed so loudly he winced. For some reason, she was racing toward him but seemed to take forever. Didn’t I train her to always be near me? She reached him and stranger still, she was above him when he knew that she stood barely to his chin. Her mouth moved, she shouted something, but there was an odd roaring in his ears, a muffled sensation and she was surrounded by brilliant light. Then she winked out. Blackness so deep he couldn’t understand it descended on him, but not before the most haunting, horrible scream split the air, carrying with it such agony even he felt it before he knew no more.





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