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A Siren’s Song (Sisterhood of Jade Book 13) by Billi Jean (5)

Chapter Five




By midnight the next night, Stephano was so nervous, he needed to pace. If she didn’t show up soon, he was going to go off merely from the anticipation. He wasn’t palming himself, but thinking of Maeve’s sweet eyes on him had him tantalizingly close to blowing.

He listened with all his might. No sound reached him above the water. No hint of movement, no scent of lavender. The moon was already passing the point of midnight and edging toward dawn. He’d set the trap. Made enough noise leaving camp, had waited until everyone else was asleep. He’d even been the one to pitch her tent tonight, making sure the back of it was looser, so she could crawl under it easier.

Had he missed her? Had she snuck out earlier? Or worse, fallen asleep?

He contemplated the day in the saddle, then supper. She’d been nervous. No doubt she’d worried he’d guessed she’d spied on him. She was a sweet woman, even if she was a liar and could talk, she was the kind of person that would be nervous at doing something so naughty as watching a man stroke off.

Women were odd creatures of deep thought. He wanted her. She wanted him. It should be simple, but it never was. All through the meal she’d not been the same. Silent, yes, but remote, almost…cold. She’d not smiled at Ajax’s attempts at jokes, and only Garret, the little bastard, had been able to get her to show interest and only because he hadn’t eaten enough. She favored the boy. His pain maybe drew her, but if she wanted Garret, and not him…

Stephano stilled the thought as a beast rose in his chest, snarling in fury.

No one was touching her, or having her watch while he stroked off, but him.

Ajax was a constant worry. He must have decided that keeping his distance was the wrong thing to do, because now he talked to her constantly. But Ajax wasn’t interested in anything other than keeping him from her.

Garret was another matter.

She watched Garret, openly, when she wasn’t peeking at him. Concerned mostly, but women were fickle creatures. He didn’t want her worry over Garret leading to more. He craved her sympathy. Her attention. Her body… But if she wanted Garret…

Pissed and not sure why, he walked over to the stream and squatted so he could splash water on his face. It felt so good he dunked his head in. Breathless with the chill, he emerged somewhat more in control. The trickle down his back eased the heat even better.

This land was blistering hot and soon they’d enter a desert. So far it wasn’t as bad as the jungle had been when they’d traveled with Tabithia. Aeros, his captain, had been fumbling all over himself trying to secure her on that trip, but this land reminded him of that dense jungle. Dry in some places, steaming hot in others. The brook was at least cool, he guessed by the mountains that fed it. He longed for the icy caps he could see during the day. If only they would end up there, he might be able to make it. His sex drive always lessened in the cold outdoors.

He chuckled at the thought.

I don’t think a blizzard will cool what I’ve got going on for Maeve. The thought wasn’t amusing. It was worrisome. If she chooses another over me, then what?

The jealousy that rose was far worse than the frustration. Another foreign sensation tightened his gut as if it were a dirty dish rag. A chill shivered along his arms and down his back. It brought a sickening sensation. Fear.


* * * *


Maeve tried not to startle when Stephano ducked under Lightning’s neck and grinned. She almost rolled her eyes. Instead she continued to brush the sweat off her mare.

They’d begun settling down for camp earlier at night to rest the horses. The mountains were tough on them, and with the steady climb, they all needed to rest. Soon they’d reach the canyon, then cross the Yellow River, and after that… She thought perhaps five more days and they’d be at the last outpost.

She worried what would happen during those five nights. So far every chance Stephano had seen to get her alone, he’d shown up with some ruse. She now didn’t wonder if he’d known she’d watched him all those nights before. She knew he had to have found out. From that night on, he’d changed.

But so had she.

She no longer wanted him. Oh, her body desired his, to a degree that left her feeling worried and scared. But she saw him for what he was now. A seducer.

The smooth tone of his voice had probably dropped more women onto their backs than she’d ever meet in her lifetime. He was after one thing—her for sex. Nothing more. He was by far much worse than any of the men who had forced themselves on her. He wasn’t being drawn to her against his willpower to resist; and that, more than anything else, helped her combat the desire. She would mean as much to him after as she did to those men who couldn’t control themselves. Less even, she guessed.

She brushed harder on a clump of Lightning’s hair, listening to Stephano cluck his tongue. He could be so much more. Why can’t he be?

“Gentleness is how you work that out.”

She refused to glance at him.

Last night he’d tried flowers. Holding them behind his back, then whisking a bouquet of daisies out right in her face when she’d been walking back from washing. Romantic, until she’d sneezed. He’d picked the one flower that made her eyes swell and her nose run.

The evening before that he’d caught her from behind and roughly told her things that were guaranteed to make a woman swoon, only he’d said them in such a practiced sensual tone she’d grown cold. She’d splashed him with water and marched off, leaving him shouting after her that he’d not finished explaining.

Before that it had been his teasing by the campfire and ‘help’ with cleaning up, which had really been a way for him to rub up against her every few seconds. Instead of making her feel wanted, he’d made her feel…dirty. She’d asked Brennan to go with her to the stream, so she could wash before bed.

She knew he still left the camp. But she shut those memories down, nailed the lid on them and fantasized about finding some man who wouldn’t mind what she was, would love her and cherish her and keep her by his side no matter what.

Stephano moved so he was facing her across Lightning’s back. “How is your mare doing? She seems a little skittish. Needing her stallion?”

She didn’t hold back from rolling her eyes. Stephano narrowed his. The one thing she’d learned not to do was challenge him, but tonight she was on edge. It had been hours since she’d been able to be alone. She was used to being by herself all day, only at night did she go to Evie’s and sing. She had to sing. Or…bed a man. But more than those two things, she craved time away from the constant strain of being around people. Brennan knew what she needed, and tried his best to keep the men with him while they set up camp, but Stephano always seemed to slip away.

“Still not talking, huh? It must be hard…all those things you must be curious about, but unable to ask. A woman, she has a thirst to know things.” Arms crossed over his chest he leaned against a nearby tree. He waggled his eyebrows and winked outrageously. “Ask away. I’m alone. No one else will hear.”

The temptation was terrible. She wanted to. Worse she had to turn away, bite her lip and remind herself why she couldn’t speak. There was so much she wanted to know about Stephano. Why he was a hero, but thought so little of women. Why he always rode on Ajax’s right. Why he sometimes would frown for hours. Why there was this pause in his voice right before he teased Garret. Or why he regarded Ajax with such attention whenever the warrior was with her. Alrick he merely tolerated. Darren he seemed to feel on equal terms with, but Garret he seemed to like, or at least feel the need to get a rile out of the man. Her brother he prodded with questions, continually driving Brennan to giving him narrow eyed glares that didn’t bode well for Stephano if he ever got lost. Brennan would probably rejoice.

But more than all that, she wondered what Stephano dreamt at night. She knew what he fantasized about. Had watched him climax to images of riding her like a stallion mounted his mare. But it was his sleep, his dreams she wondered about.

He often tossed his head and tensed in his sleep. Sometimes he woke with a rush and sat up, knife in his hand. If Ajax was on guard duty, he would mutter to Stephano in a language she didn’t understand. Stephano would always look to her tent, apparently seeking her out before he lay back down.

He never knew she watched him, each night, unable to find sleep until the earliest hours of the morning. None of them, outside of her brother, knew. It was impossible for her to sleep. If she did, and had an erotic dream, if she even dreamt something passionate, the men would be aroused as well. She couldn’t chance it. Even now she felt weariness weighing her steps and her reactions.

“Not interested?” He gave her a smoldering look, no doubt meant to make her swoon. She ignored him. “Interesting. Or maybe you are but don’t wish to say.”

She ducked under another horse’s head, Blackie, and put the gelding between them.

Stephano simply rested his arms over Lightning’s back and studied her face as if trying to read something there.

“Let’s see. What would a woman want to know…? My shoe size? It’s extra-large, so is my appetite for the finer things. But you know this. How about my favorite color? Amber. The color of honey, rich, golden and seductive. Overlooked by most, but alas, I find it stimulating.” He was referring to her eyes, but she couldn’t help but look into his. They were lighter tonight, the swirls of color faded but the ring of black around the irises brilliantly contrasted with the inner, lighter green. It was difficult to meet his gaze, so she dropped hers by beginning to brush Star’s sweat streaked back.

“Now, my sign is harder to tell. I never knew my birthday, but if we think about it, I’m most likely a Leo. Lion. Big, proud and strong.”

She smiled, unable to stop herself.

He grinned. “You’re probably a Taurus, stubborn as you are. Lions and bulls don’t seem a good fit, do they? But it’s probably not a good idea to base your match on the signs. I’m older than such things anyway.” He spoke in a curious tone as if he’d only realized that his muttering meant something. He focused back on her. “What? You didn’t know? I’m older than…almost everything.”

Feeling oddly sad for him, she tucked her hair behind her ear and shook her head.

“What? I’m not? Oh, I am.” He sighed heavily. “So is Ajax, older, even, so I don’t feel so decrepit. Alrick is fairly ancient, and of course the boys are pups, but when you reach our world, most of the immortals you’ll meet are prehistoric.”

She frowned at that.

“You won’t meet any of them, will you? You’re not staying.”

Surprised, she glanced toward the camp. Brennan hadn’t guessed such a thing, but then he didn’t watch her like this man did.

“He doesn’t know, huh? Well, it’ll be a surprise, but how long can a brother hang around his sister before people start to talk, anyway?”

She glared at Stephano. His wink and grin stopped her before she opened her mouth. Sweat broke out on her arms at how close she’d been to speaking.

“It’ll be good to try out your own wings, but staying there? I wonder if you’ll be a jealous sister? But since you can’t talk, you can’t actually advise him.”

The idea of Brennan finding a mate thrilled her. He would be so happy, so pleased to have a woman to care for. He would be a good father too. But what if she didn’t like the girl? What if she didn’t like how he treated her, or the girl treated him…? But if I’m here, and he’s there… I will never know her. Or their children.

“Still, it might be worth your time to give our realm a try. What’s this place got, anyway? I mean, come on, you’re wearing the same gown you’ve been wearing since we met. I’m not saying it’s dirty, or you are.” Her face heated. She had other gowns, but when they traveled it made no sense to keep changing. “In fact, you smell sweeter than a bed of roses, but don’t you want new clothes? A hair cut? Your nails done?” She closed her fist, sure there was dirt under her nails. “How about a night in one of the most famous cities in our world? Diamonds on your fingertips and gold dangling from your tiny ears and slender neck? Such things are common in our realm.”

She grimaced and went back to brushing the horses. He meant material things, comforts that were extravagant and costly. All she wanted was her home back, her flowered curtains she’d made with her own hands. The matching tablecloth for festival days. Her small garden. Rosie, her cow. The pretty stone path she’d lined with lavender. It led to the back of the house where Brennan stacked the firewood. Brennan had built a well for her there too. She wanted her rose bushes that circled it. She’d planted and tended them herself until they flourished into a splash of sweet smelling pink up and beyond to the twin peach trees nearby.

“Well, maybe such things aren’t for you. I’m sure once you see what you’re missing, you’ll change your mind. Women in our realm are pampered, they don’t cook on a fire. They have ovens and mixers and gadgets. They have pedicures and manicures. Shopping days and nights out with the girls.”

She replaced the brush in the saddle bags near the post tethering their horses and patted Lightning on the head after to stall meeting Stephano’s gaze. The mare blew against her face. The brief comfort helped. Lightning’s dark eyes seemed to say Stephano didn’t understand what was really important in life. Maeve agreed. He didn’t. She dropped her hands and headed back to camp.

“Don’t rush off so soon. We’ve not even argued.”

They didn’t argue. She wished she could. Maybe shout at him, explain that he was the worst man she’d ever met, but she couldn’t. And he was. Not because he would leave them if they were attacked. Or sell them to the highest bidder, like some men they had encountered. But because he was more. Or he could be so much more, but wasn’t.

Riches, material things mean nothing. They were cheap compared to truly caring for another.

But she couldn’t tell him that. She couldn’t ask him why he was the way he was. All she could do was walk back to the camp, holding all she wanted to say in. Worse, she couldn’t even talk to Brennan about him. If she did, she feared what would happen. Brennan is convinced everything will be fixed with these men and their realm. If he discovers I’m attracted to one of them…

“Come on, slow down,” Stephano muttered, easily catching up to her.

She paused under the wide branches of an enormous tree. Every rational part of her mind knew he wasn’t someone for her to touch, and yet…even knowing that, she shivered as he caught her upper arm. Lightly, as if fearing she might race off, he smoothed his hand up to her shoulder and urged her around to face him. His touch was so gentle she wished that he meant such tenderness.

“What are you, Maeve? Not mortal, eh?”

The way he asked, as if he hoped she wasn’t one of the few mortals that roamed this land, made her frown. Why does that matter?

“No, you’re something else. Beautiful, sneaky, a bit of a liar, but with those eyes and lips, you have to be something more… Are you a mermaid perhaps? Out of water.” He touched her nose so quickly she blinked at the contact. “Or maybe a Faye, lost in this world filled with your dark brethren?”

She shook her head. There were no Faye in this realm, other than the Dark. It was rumored that at one time all Faye were good and roamed the golden seas in search of adventure and knowledge. But the king lost his queen, and ever since that tragic day the Faye were as dark as their king’s heart.

“No, I suppose not.” He wrapped her hair in his hand, slowly winding it higher and higher. As he did, he drew her closer and closer. For some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to move away. “You won’t say, mmm?”

He bent closer, so close she could see the bits of brown in his light eyes. Her heart began to beat faster. I should move. I should stop him. But his lashes were so thick and dark, his expression so sincere, she couldn’t. He’s not. He’s not to be trusted. She knew this, knew it, but like before, couldn’t move.

His hold tightened. Against her will she reached up and laid her hands on his chest. The contact made her body burn. She trembled and he felt it. His expression grew intense in that way she knew she needed to step back or he would kiss her.

Stephano made the decision for them. Bending closer, he brushed his lips ever so lightly along hers. “Don’t move.” Then going very slow, giving her time to move if she choice, he brought his mouth down on hers.

The kiss dissolved every bit of her worry along with rational thought. His taste was spicy, mint, she realized, part of her wondering why, the other intent on tasting more. With that goal in mind, she slid her hands up his shoulders to grip him tighter. The hard contours of his body rose and fell rapidly under her palms intriguing her even more than his delicious kiss. Heat burned along her front but she moved closer, needing more. Her arms slid easily around his neck as she tiptoed to press along him. Yes, oh gods, yes. Shivers traveled down to her core, heating her body for the hard column of flesh shoved hard to her stomach. The kiss grew wilder. She learned quickly his rhythm and felt him harden further.

With a low groan, Stephano released her hair and began to tenderly caress her back from shoulder to hip with his big hands. Pleasure erupted in a warm wave up and down her spine at his caress. She arched her bottom for attention and was rewarded with a hard squeeze of each cheek and firm press of his body to hers. It was perfect.

Nearly perfect. He didn’t shove between her thighs, didn’t align their bodies so she could ride him, something she suddenly had to have. She sought his thick thigh, but he released his grip on her bottom and stroked his hand down her stomach. With startling results, he cupped her between her thighs. Yes! Oh, gods, yes!

Before she could beg for more, he moved his hand and found a spot that sent a jolt of pleasure, followed by ripples of more intense sensations through her. An orgasm hovered, coming closer and closer with each second. She felt the two of them click into place. This is what she needed, what she wanted. Even as she thought it she knew he was never someone she could have. The pleasure dipped, as a chill surfaced.

“Maeve!” Brennan’s shout startled her so badly she fell from Stephano’s arms. She stumbled backwards, but this time without biting Stephano. This time his gaze was locked on hers with the knowledge of what they’d shared. She knew she had done something terrible. As soon as she registered that, the tingles still throbbing along her sex, dimmed further.

Stephano delivered a loaded frown toward the trees, then stepped farther away from her, shocking her even more. She ran a hand down her hair and tucked it behind her ears, feeling as if the world had tilted. I kissed Stephano. I let him touch me. Wanted him…again.

Brennan came into view, spotting her immediately and grinned, but the expression faded as he noticed Stephano. “Ah, there you are. All done with the horses?”

She steadied her breathing, nervous at the intensity of her brother’s gaze.

“Narc,” he muttered, giving Stephano barely a glance. “Ajax needs to speak to you back at camp.”

Stephano didn’t move, but Brennan said, “Maeve, I want to discuss the next few days.”

“Right,” Stephano muttered, giving her a loaded glance she could only assume meant the next time he got her alone, he wouldn’t let this be forgotten. “Try not to go off without anyone, it’s not safe,” he added, surprising her again.

Is that why he comes after me? Not because he wants to sneakily try to get me into his bed but because he is guarding me? Then why kiss me?

As soon as he was gone Brennan frowned heavily. “Why is he always with you?”

“He is not always with me.” She felt the blood rush to her face at his continued stare. The urge to wipe at her mouth was unbearable. She was certain there had to be a visible change in her. She felt completely different. His hand, the warmth of it still heated her sex, making her ache for what he’d almost given her. “He still believes I can speak.” A rush of heat flushed her cheeks. She went on quickly to avoid more questions. “He teases me about it, that’s all.”

Instead of reassuring him, he sighed wearily and ran his hand over his short hair. “Does he feel—?”

“What did you wish to discuss?” She wasn’t sharing anything with Brennan. He had never understood her. It was one reason she never shared her thoughts with him. If he learns I willingly kissed Stephano, wanted more, he’ll be so angry.

Brennan anchored his hands on his hips.

She knew the pose, but this time, she felt no urge to give him anything at all. “Well? I told you all I know. The rest would be speculation. What is it?”

“There might be trouble. Behind us,” he added. “Until I know for sure, I want you in the camp. No more going off alone.”

She felt fear drive a painful knot up from her stomach. If they were followed by someone after her… What if they find us? What if these brave men are hurt because of me? “We have to tell the men! What if we—?”

“I’m not sure yet.” He gazed off into the forest as if he could see whoever it was he sensed. Her heart thudded painfully. Brennan focused back on her. Scanning her face quickly, he shook his head. “Don’t be afraid. We’re many now. No one can get through all of us, ‘Aeve. Come on, it’s time to start supper. The men are hungry. Let me worry over who it is. But…don’t go off alone any longer.”

Nodding, she followed him back to the camp, praying that for once her brother’s sense of danger was wrong. What if they all are harmed, killed, because of me?





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