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Bearly Desire: A Bear Shifter Romance by Liza Lightwood (21)

Chapter Four

Michelle sat on the edge of the small sofa, her back ramrod straight and hands folded demurely in her lap. In addition to Elders Caroleena and Seraphina, two males also accompanied them. They’d been introduced as Elders Jewel and Coffer. From her study of dragon history, Michelle remembered there were twelve High Council members; three for each Faction.

Her late father had been one, a representative of Air. He and her mother had died when she was just an infant, so she’d never met them. Shortly after their demise, another stepped in to fill her father’s shoes on the Council and she’d been whisked away to be raised and protected by the Fire Faction. Known as the most reclusive of all the dragons, Fire would be able to provide her with the most safety.

“I see everyone has made themselves comfortable,” a rumbling male voice observed from the open sliding doors of the library. All eyes went to the very large man as he strolled in, with a smaller, older man on his heels.

Michelle rose immediately and gave a small, respectful courtesy. Her heart hammered in her chest but she managed to keep her face passive. When a pair of black, shiny loafers filled her range of view, she held her bow and waited for permission to rise.

“Quite submissive aren’t we?” he mused and extended his hand for her. “Please, do me the honor of gazing upon your beautiful face,” he mocked playfully; obviously throwing dirt on the manners and customs of their kind.

Ignoring his hand, Michelle rose to face him and tilted her head to study the looming figure. This time she studied further than just his mesmerizing eyes. He stood well over six-feet tall, broad shoulders encased perfectly in a custom suit. His jet black hair stood in sculptured spikes and dark eyebrows framed his exotic blue eyes. Yes, true to the Elder’s description, the man was beyond gorgeous. Full, sensual lips curled in his mocking smile and Michelle knew she was in trouble. Her body responded to him in a traitorous display of wanting.

Her eyes went to his still extended hand and twinkling cuff-links caught her attention. Golden dragons with opal eyes stared back at her. But it wasn’t the immaculate suit or fancy accessories that piqued her interest, it was the dark line of dirt nestled snugly under his fingernails. A few scuff marks marred the back of his hand and a few callouses lined his palm.

He wasn’t just some pampered prince, this man had much more to him that what met the eye.

Instead of giving in, Michelle merely quirked an eyebrow and turned to Elder Caroleena.

“May I retire to my room now?” she inquired sweetly, blatantly ignoring the sexy man facing her. Confidence and devil-may-care vibes oozed from him like a cheap cologne. She knew this was a man used to getting his way in everything. If she was going to spend the rest of her long existence with him, she wanted to make sure he knew exactly what his intended bride would and would not tolerate.

She slid her gaze back to Axel and almost laughed out loud at the sheer shock marring his face. Pleased that she’d pegged him right, his mouth gaped at her rudeness. A few moments of awkward silence passed before the small butler stepped forward and bowed formally.

“I’m Fredrick, My Lady,” he introduced himself. “I will escort you to your quarters if you would like.”

She gave the older man a genuine smile and extended her hand to him.

“That would be lovely,” she spoke softly. “Thank you so much for your kindness.”

Fredrick took her hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm. Michelle allowed the man to lead her from the room, leaving the open mouths and shocked people to sort things out without her.

* * *

Axel stared at the retreating figures and then turned a cheeky grin on the Elders surrounding him.

“Wow,” he marveled. “She’s got balls, I’ll say that. Maybe you stuffed shirts have good taste after all.” He waltzed over to the wet bar and poured himself two fingers of scotch. He tossed it back, reveling in the burn as the liquor made its way down his throat, before plopping heavily in his stomach. He relished the heat, savored the sensation.

“May I remind you Prince,” Coffer sneered. “She’s the only surviving female in your Faction, this isn’t a choice, it’s your duty.”

Axel chuckled and sat his tumbler on the wooden bar with a sharp thud. He spun to face the snarky man with an evil glint in his eye.

“May I remind you Council member kiss-my-ass,” he growled. “I don’t give a rat’s ass about your demands. I don’t follow your rules, I make my own. Now get the hell out of my house,” he ordered with a snarl. “You’ll be summoned should I decide she’s worthy enough to mate.”

He watched with a massive amount of satisfaction as the four Elders filed from the room with looks of shock and disgust marring their features. In spite of the anger gnawing the pit of his stomach, he gave each one a broad grin and even winked at the two women.

Once alone, his eyes immediately went to the ceiling where he knew his intended was being settled.

“And now,” he mused. “I think my fiancée and I need to have a little chat.”

He shook his head in amusement over her spunky reaction to him. He’d never intended to formally accept her as his mate. He was very good at the “watch the right hand while the left was showing you the finger.” Having a woman forever underfoot would kill any man’s spirits, but instead of just having her for pretense only, she might prove to be quite interesting.

He exited the library and took his time in climbing the grand, winding staircase. He wanted to give her as much time to settle as possible and then he would barge in with metaphorical air horns blowing.

He knew he’d timed himself just right when he met Fredrick in the hallway leading to her rooms. The man had the audacity to blush and duck his head.

“Apologies My Lord,” the man murmured. “I didn’t mean to offend you by seeing the Mistress to her rooms.”

Axel waved the man’s apology away as if it were a gnat circling his face. He wasn’t angry with Fredrick for merely doing his job. However, if he wanted to be honest, a small bud of resentment had exploded at the ease in which the butler had taken the Lady’s request without waiting for Axel’s response.

But then again, Fredrick was merely following proper etiquette, something Axel had neither time nor inclination to bother with. Yes, Fredrick was more like a father to him, but he wouldn’t hold a grudge for the man seeing to his duties, even if they did conflict with his own childish antics.

“Did you get her settled?” Axel asked in a low, hushed tone lest she was resting. He didn’t give shit about disturbing her, he just wanted to make sure they were standing eye to eye when he did.

“Yes,” Fredrick answered.

“Very good,” Axel approved and then moved aside so that Fredrick could continue on his way. He wanted complete privacy with his new fiancée. He didn’t miss the way Fredrick lingered for a second too long, or the way he shuffled his feet nervously. But instead of disobeying, the elderly man simply shrugged his shoulders and sighed heavily before brushing past Axel and heading down stairs.

“Oh and Fredrick,” Axel called before the man could get out of earshot. “Pay no attention to the noise you are about to hear.” The Prince smirked at the shocked look on Fredrick’s face and chuckled to himself.

“Perhaps I shall go reflect in the chapel,” Fredrick murmured and changed directions instead of heading for the grand staircase. He headed for the rear stairs that led to the small rose garden behind the house. It sat nestled between the chapel and the estate, safe from prying eyes.

Axel smiled and turned his attention back to a proper greeting between himself and his soon-to-be-mate.