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Hidden Hyena by Crissy Smith (4)

Chapter Four




Melissa finished loading the dishwasher then closed the door and turned the machine on. She’d been relieved that the house had modern appliances. Even better, the place was like the home she’d had as a child. She was comfortable there.

She’d had a quick lunch of an egg salad sandwich and chips. It would have been a good idea to go to the grocery store, but she wasn’t up for it. The residents were still going to look at her funny. When she’d been walking patrol, they’d ignored her. Melissa wasn’t surprised, but it didn’t hurt less.

Instead of staying home and thinking about everything going wrong in her life, Melissa decided it would be a good idea to get out. Her plans for Sunday had no doubt gotten cancelled. Annabelle wouldn’t want anything to do with her now. That didn’t mean Melissa couldn’t explore on her own.

Packing a small bag full of bottles of water, trail mix and granola bars, she was excited to see the state park. The last thing she grabbed was the map she’d printed off at work.

Brookside sat beside one of the most private and rarely visited areas. Was the land having been settled by shifters the reason it was still pristine? Humans hadn’t made their mark on the forest. The trees remained tall and full. Nature could be an awesome thing.

She exited through the back and locked the door behind her.

Melissa had seen the trail through town. She had to keep her pace steady instead of racing down and disappearing between the trees. She craved the peace and solitude she was hoping to find.

There was no one around as she made her way down the dirt path.

Later, when Melissa was more familiar with the area, she’d venture away from where everyone else walked. She’d been hiking for years and knew how to take care of herself. She’d even learned to mark her way with chalk lines on trees.

Trent had always enjoyed hiking with her. Back when they’d first started dating, they’d often taken weekend trips to the mountains.

Melissa hadn’t known when she’d begun to get romantically involved with him that Trent was a shifter. Looking back, there had been signs he was different. Until the shifters had decided to go public, though, she’d never expected someday he’d confess he wasn’t fully human.

That conversation had been the first strain on their relationship.

Trent had been nervous when he’d invited her over to his apartment to talk. Melissa had foolishly thought he’d wanted to take their relationship to the next level. Maybe move in together. Instead he’d told her he was one of the shifters who were all over the news. He’d told her he could transform into a hyena.

Melissa had been shocked but intrigued. To be able to change into an animal had to be cool.

She’d been an animal lover her entire life, but dating a shifter was a different story. Melissa also wondered if he would have ever told her if the shifters hadn’t decided to become public. So, she’d listened to Trent as he explained what made him different, but also how he was still the same man.

Because she’d already been in love with him, Melissa had responded with kind words and acceptance. Had tried to say everything he needed to hear. When Trent had taken her to bed that night, they’d thought things had been settled. Melissa had believed she would be able to come to terms with the secret he’d revealed.

She’d lied to them both.

Melissa hadn’t accepted Trent. In the back of her mind, she’d been freaked out. Of course, she hadn’t known that until the shit had hit the fan.

Trent had offered her everything he was. He’d been willing to answer any question and even offered to show her his animal. She hadn’t wanted to see it. Had never asked. She regretted that now.

Either being older or seeing how much prejudice the shifters had to endure had changed her mind. Hell, it had changed her life. Had changed the way she looked at the world. Melissa wasn’t the same person she had been. She didn’t know how to prove that to Trent, though. If he never gave her the opportunity to show him the new person she was, Melissa was stuck.

Just stuck.

But if Melissa was going to be stuck somewhere, this was a beautiful piece of America. The canopy above her head, made up of branches and leaves, hid the afternoon sun. It was chillier, but in her pants and long-sleeved T-shirt she was comfortable.

She came to the place where the path split.

Melissa had marked the trail on the right. That would lead her down a short hike before circling back to town. That was the way she’d planned to go. It would take thirty minutes. She wasn’t ready to go back to civilization, though. Melissa headed left.

According to the map, she’d have a steep climb in front of her before she reached water.

Excitement raced through her as she hiked and sweat rolled down her back as she continued her trek.

It would have been nice if she had someone to share this perfect hike with. Even Annabelle would have been good company. Not that Annabelle would be her friend now, with Melissa’s past with Trent known.

There were other people Melissa might befriend, though.

She hoped she hadn’t taken on more than she could handle. Melissa knew if given the opportunity, she’d be a good addition to the Brookside Sheriff Department. All she needed was a chance.

“It’s pretty, huh?”

“Oh, my God!” Melissa said. She whirled around. “Annabelle! You scared me.”

Annabelle held up her hands. “Sorry.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I followed you.”

Melissa frowned. “You followed me?” What the hell? Is this Annabelle’s idea of a joke?

“Don’t be mad,” Annabelle told her.

“I’m not sure what to feel. Why did you follow me?”

“I was headed to your house to talk to you,” Annabelle said. “I saw you leave and decided to see where you were going.”

Unbelievable. “That’s not creepy at all.” She hoped her sarcasm was thick enough for Annabelle to know she was pissed.

Annabelle shrugged. “I was curious.”

Melissa pressed her lips together.

“This is where you should say ‘curiosity killed the cat’.”

Melissa laughed. She couldn’t help it.

“And you have good instincts,” Annabelle said. “This is my favorite spot in the whole world. Well, after my tree by the back of the bar.”

“It’s amazing,” Melissa agreed. “So, you come here often?”

“No,” Annabelle replied. “Not as often as I used to. Logan doesn’t like me coming out here all alone.”

It wasn’t safe. That was why Melissa had been offered the job in the first place. Logan had to worry about Annabelle walking to this gorgeous spot, which wasn’t fair.

Annabelle pulled her arm. “Let’s get closer.”

Melissa let Annabelle lead her to the amazing crystal-clear water. She dropped down to her knees and trailed her fingers over the surface. “It’s cold.”

“The water in this creek comes from the snow at the top of the mountains.”

“Is that why it’s so clear?” Melissa asked.

“Yes, it’s pure. I used to shift around here and drink from it.”

“The grass around it is so green. How’d you even find this place?”

“I got lost.”

“You got lost?” Melissa repeated.

“I did. It was a few weeks after I got here. Mac used to let me go out at night, but I was supposed to stay close to the bar. I, of course, didn’t listen and kept venturing farther and farther away.”

Melissa sat. The soil was moist and smelled good. Annabelle dropped down beside her.

“I bet Mac was pissed,” Melissa said.

“Oh, he was. I was only supposed to be gone an hour or so, but by the time I realized I’d gone off course, it was too late.” She pointed. “I fell asleep right up there.”

“You can sleep in a tree?” Melissa squinted. “That high?”

“I love it. Logan hates heights, so even he can’t join me. It’s nice and peaceful.” Annabelle nudged her. “Feel like a climb?”

“No way in hell.” Melissa was not fond of heights, either.

“Figures.” Annabelle pouted. “I need to make friends with a bird shifter.”

“Not a lot of those around here?” Melissa asked.

“Not that I’ve met.”

“So, what happened next?”

Annabelle giggled. “Mac came barreling through the trees in his bear form. He was massive and angry… Oh, yeah. I was too scared to come down.”

Melissa stiffened. “Did he hurt you?”

“Mac?” Annabelle shook her head. “Never. But he gave me the longest lecture of my life.”

“Sounds like a good guy.”

“Mac is the best. It scares him when something is out of his control. That night, he’d been terrified I’d been hurt and was calling for help.”

“So, he’s protective?” Melissa asked.

“Maybe a little too protective. He puts everyone else ahead of himself.”

“What’s going on at the bar?” Melissa questioned.

“Good try.” Annabelle leaned into her.

“Hello, ladies.”

Melissa turned and spotted a park ranger standing on the trail. It was Garth Stevenson, one of the rangers Magnus didn’t trust. He was human as well. “Afternoon.” Melissa didn’t like the guy.

“Deputy Bishop.” He nodded. “And friend.”

“Sir,” Annabelle said. She didn’t offer her name. Melissa noticed how Annabelle shrank away.

“It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?” Ranger Stevenson asked.

Melissa stood. She wasn’t going to let this guy stand over her. Melissa reached down and helped Annabelle to her feet. “We’re enjoying it.” She made certain to look the ranger in the eye.

“Not many people know about this place,” Stevenson stated. “It’s not on most of the maps.”

“We know about it,” Melissa said. She’d gotten her map from Magnus’ personal collection. He’d allowed her to print it off to do her exploring.

“I see that.” Stevenson looked around. “You ladies be careful. The trails around here can be dangerous if you’re not experienced.”

“Good thing we have plenty of experience,” Melissa responded.

“Ladies.” Stevenson dipped his head before leaving them.

It wasn’t until Stevenson was out of sight that Melissa realized Annabelle had a death grip on her arm.

“Annabelle? You okay?”

“Sure, why?”

“Because you’re about to break my arm.”

“Oh, sorry!” Annabelle released her.

Melissa turned to her. “What is it?”

“I don’t like him.”

“Wait? You know Ranger Stevenson?” Melissa didn’t think the rangers went into Brookside unless it was to meet with Magnus.

“I didn’t know his name, but I’ve seen him around.”


“Around.” Annabelle shrugged.

“I don’t like him, either,” Melissa confided.

Annabelle peered at her with her dark eyes. She looked vulnerable in that moment, even though Melissa knew Annabelle wasn’t. “No?”

“No.” Melissa tugged on Annabelle’s arm. “Let’s get back. We’ll walk together this time. I don’t want anything to happen to you as you stalk behind me.”

Annabelle laughed. “Fine, but whatever will we talk about on the hike back down?”

“You could tell me how you know the ranger. I want to look into this guy further.”

“There’s nothing to tell.” Annabelle glanced behind her. “Really, I’ve only seen him around.”

“Fine.” Melissa would get to the bottom of whatever was going on. Shit, Brookside has more secrets than the LAPD. Hopefully, those secrets were protecting everyone and not doing harm. “I really did like it here.”

Annabelle smiled. “Maybe we can come again.”

“I’d like to,” she agreed. Melissa glanced at in the direction the ranger had gone. She heard an ATV. So that’s how the ranger got up there. But why didn’t I hear him walking up? Why didn’t Annabelle?

She needed to do her research and talk to Magnus.

It was time to get Annabelle back into the safety of the bar. Melissa knew she was taking a chance of running into Trent, but she couldn’t let Annabelle walk around unprotected either.


Trent stepped out of The Den and let the front door slam behind him. He’d spotted Annabelle and Melissa on the camera, talking in the parking lot, and decided to see if they were okay.

He didn’t know why they were hanging out or how he felt about it. Annabelle was like a little sister to him, but he had a past with Melissa. He’d told Annabelle he didn’t want her to hate Melissa, but he kind of did. He wanted Annabelle on his side.

Which was childish and stupid. He was a grown-ass man. Instead of accepting how things were, Trent wanted to throw a fit. He also wanted to have her say she was sorry again, but this time open his arms and accept her apology.

Melissa wasn’t going to go away. Having her in front of the bar talking to Annabelle was proof of that. He needed to deal with this shit, now.

“So, you’ll let me know what you find out?” Annabelle was asking.


“Oh, come on!” Annabelle said. “I’m dating a Coalition agent.”

“Then maybe I should tell your boyfriend.”

Annabelle laughed. “Go ahead.” They turned as Trent walked over. “Hey, Trent.”

“Hi.” He glanced between the two women. Something was going on.

Melissa was already stepping backward. “I’ll see you later, Annabelle.”

“No! Come in for a drink. It’s the least I can do for you insisting on walking me home.”

“I got some work to do,” Melissa stated. “But I’ll see you later.”

“Next Sunday, right?”

“Yeah.” Melissa turned. “Bye.”

“Melissa, wait,” Trent called.

“I’ll go get ready to open,” Annabelle said. She waved her hand, but she was grinning at him. Trent rolled his eyes. Really? Did she think he was going to sweep Melissa off her feet and get over the past? Probably. Annabelle had turned into a bit of a romantic since she’d started dating Logan.

Melissa turned back around but remained several feet from him.

“What are you looking into?” he asked.


“I heard Annabelle ask you if you’d let her know what you find,” Trent said. “What are you looking into?”

“I… This is business of the sheriff’s department,” Melissa said.

He stalked forward. “I’m not going to ask you again.”

She straightened her shoulders and glared. “I don’t work for you, Trent. I don’t answer to you. This is an investigation.”

“If this has to do with Annabelle, it concerns me,” Trent said. Damn, he didn’t mean to sound like an asshole, but he didn’t know how to handle all the feelings inside him.

Melissa laughed. “You’ll have to stand in line to protect her.”

“I know. But no one else is out here right now.”

She turned. Like she was going to walk away from him. Or he was pushing her away. Which of course was what he was doing. By making her angry, she wouldn’t look at him with that sad, lost expression. “I only wanted to make sure Annabelle got back safely.”

“Why do you care?” he asked quietly.

“Because.” She whirled around. “Annabelle was nice. Is nice.”

“She is,” Trent agreed. He had to take a few deep breaths. It was smarter to get Melissa on his side. He’d have to remain strong. “Will you just tell me if she’s in danger? I don’t like how she keeps getting targeted by the hunters.”

She bit her bottom lip while peering around. Trent knew that move.

“There is something,” Trent pressed.

“Do you know a park ranger by the name of Garth Stevenson?”

“No. Should I?”

“I don’t know.”

“Tell me what is going on,” Trent said. “Magnus was here earlier updating us on the current investigation. He mentioned that he didn’t trust the rangers. I’m guessing he’s one of them?”

“Magnus told you? Why?”

“Because whatever is going on is happening in our backyard. Literally. And, like I said, Annabelle seems to be around during the attacks.”

“So, the sheriff thinks you guys are targets?” she asked.

“Maybe. It’s well-known that this town is full of shifters. Our place is the closest to the forest. We actually own several acres.”

“Okay, I get it.”

“So, you can tell me what’s going on and I can help, or I can give Magnus a call,” Trent said.

“You’re threatening to call my boss? That’s a low blow.”

“I’m not sorry,” Trent told her.

“I didn’t expect you to be.” She laughed. “God, you’re still an asshole.”

“I am. So tell me.”

She blew out a breath.

“I’ll buy you a beer,” Trent offered.

“Oh, really?” Melissa responded. “I thought I was supposed to stay away from you.”

“I’m asking you, not the other way around.” Although she was right. He was breaking his own rules. “Come on.”

“Fine, but if I get into trouble—”

“You won’t.” Trent motioned toward the bar. “After you.”

She sauntered forward. Trent wasn’t even a little ashamed as he watched her ass as she walked. Damn, the hiking shorts are tight.

“I know you’re checking me out,” she said without looking back.

He chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Melissa yanked open the door. Trent caught it behind her before it could slam shut. The music was already playing. He followed behind, but when she paused in the doorway, he placed his hand on her lower back. It was a familiar gesture.

“In the corner,” he said. “That’s where we always sit.” Trent guided her to the table.

“You stayed!” Annabelle called. She sounded happy. Annabelle didn’t connect with other people, usually. Even though the residents of Brookside loved her, Annabelle kept herself separate. It was just hard for her to trust. But she needed more friends. However, Trent’s doubts on trusting Melissa pulled him in opposite directions.

“Two beers,” Trent called.

“You got it,” Annabelle replied.

“Here, sit.” He pulled out a chair before sitting next to her. Trent waited until Annabelle had dropped off two cold bottles to the table before leaning in to Melissa. “Talk.”

“I used to enjoy your dominant side,” she said. “Not so much anymore.”

“I’m waiting,” he said.

“I went on a hike into the state park today.”

“Okay,” he said.

“I didn’t realize I was being followed.”

Trent frowned. A park ranger followed her? That was crossing a line. He’d made sure she was safe the previous night, but it seemed to him Melissa needed a fucking keeper.

“Annabelle saw me leave my house and decided to see what I was up to.”

“Wait!” Trent lifted a hand. “Annabelle followed you?”

She held up her beer. “She did.”

Trent laughed. Well, he shouldn’t be surprised. He never should have doubted where Annabelle’s loyalties lay. If Annabelle thought Melissa had wronged him, then she would do whatever she could to ensure Trent wasn’t hurt again.

“I’m glad you think it’s funny.” She glared.

“It kind of is. She doesn’t mean any harm,” he said.

“I know she doesn’t.” Melissa took a long pull of her beer.

“She gets a little—”

“Nosy,” Melissa stated. “She’s nosy.”

“Yeah,” he agreed.

“But it turned out to be hard not to like her,” Melissa said.

“I know. Trust me, I know.”

“So, anyway, I ended up at one of Annabelle’s favorite spots and we were talking when we ran into one of the rangers.”

“Garth Stevenson?”

“Yes,” she replied. “It was weird him showing up where we were. He even mentioned the site wasn’t on all of the maps.”

“You were at the creek,” he guessed.

Melissa nodded. “While he was there, Annabelle was very tense. She said she didn’t like him.”

“I didn’t think she knew any of the rangers.”

“She told me she’d seen him around,” Melissa said. “I got a really bad feeling about him. He creeped me out.”

“What else?”

“I’m pretty sure he threatened us,” Melissa whispered. She lifted the bottle to take a long pull.

“He threatened you?” He fisted his hand under the table.

“Told us to be careful. That the trails were dangerous.”

“Could have just been a friendly warning.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“So, what’re you going to do?” he asked.

“I’m going to do my job,” she said. “In a day, I’ll know everything there is to know about him.”

“I can help,” he offered. With Mac running an underground network to help relocate shifters who needed a safe place, they had one of the best hackers in the world. Carter could get into any database.

“How?” Suspicion coated her tone.

“I might not be a cop anymore, but I have connections.”

“I work for one of your connections,” she reminded him.

Trent grinned.

“You want me to share, but you’re not going to give me anything?” she scoffed. “How’s that fair?”

“Because it’s not my story to share,” Trent said.

“This has to do with the bar?”

“What do you know about it?” he asked. There was no way Annabelle would tell anyone anything about what went on downstairs from the bar.

“Nothing,” she said. “It’s all real hush-hush.”

He leaned back.

“Thank you for the offer,” she told him. “I can handle it.”

“Fine.” He drained the rest of the beer.

“At least keep an eye on Annabelle when she’s here. I’ll let Logan know as well.”

“We will.”

Melissa stood. “Thanks for the beer, Trent.”

“Oh, come on,” he drawled. “Don’t be mad.”

She planted her palms on the table right in front of him. “I didn’t think you’d tell me anything. I was hoping, but I knew you wouldn’t. The only reason I told you is because I figure Magnus would, anyway. And I want you to keep an eye on Annabelle.”

He leaned forward. “Then why’re you mad?”

“I’m not mad,” she said. “Just disappointed.” Melissa walked away.

This time, he didn’t watch her go. His instincts were screaming at him to follow her and not let her out of his sight.

“You still like her,” Annabelle said, dropping into the chair Melissa had vacated.

Trent groaned.

“I can tell.”

“It’s in the past,” he responded. He was not having that conversation.

“Are you sure? The way she looks at you tells me she isn’t over you any more than you are her.”

He narrowed his eyes. “What’d you tell her?”

“You mean, did I tell her about all the women you pick up here?”

Trent set his bottle down, hard. “You didn’t.”

“What, you want me to lie to my new friend?”


“Oh, look, Logan’s here!” She jumped up.

Trent tried to grab her, but she wiggled away and raced across the floor.

“Save me!” She threw herself at Logan. “Trent’s going to get me.”

Logan laughed then picked her up. He started to carry her back to Trent.

“What’re you doing?” she cried. “He threatened to spank me.”

Trent nearly spat out the drink he’d just taken.

Logan stumbled. “What?”

“I did not,” Trent defended. “But I think you should.”

“She’d like it too much,” Logan complained. He sat next to Logan with Annabelle in his lap. “What’d she do?”

“I can’t tell if she’s screwing with me or not,” Trent confessed.

“About?” Logan asked.

“I’m not screwing with you,” Annabelle said.

“And what did you tell her?” Trent pressed.

“Nothing,” Annabelle said. “By some unspoken rule neither one of us brought your name up.”

Trent ignored the disappointed crawling up his spine.

“You haven’t seen anyone serious since you’ve got here,” Annabelle told him. “Why is that, exactly? You know, in case my new friend asks.”

“Maybe you should stay out of it,” Logan advised.

Annabelle snorted. “Yeah right.” She glared at Trent. “Like Trent stays out of my business.”

Trent tipped his beer. “Logan’s still standing, isn’t he?”

Logan frowned. “How’d I get drawn into this?”

“Because you love me,” Annabelle replied.

“I’d love you more if you got me a beer,” Logan said.

“Fine.” Annabelle stood.

“I do love her, but she drives me crazy,” Logan whispered.

Trent chuckled. “I know what you mean.”

More patrons came in, so Annabelle became busy. On her way past to another table, she dropped off Logan’s beer and a second for Trent.

“Any progress from the hunter arrested last night?” Trent asked.

“Claims he was all alone, although Magnus and Mac smelled a second guy.”

“So, he’s already lying,” Trent stated. “Anything else?”

“Not yet,” Logan said. “I’m letting him sweat it out in lock up. Dude’s got a clean record, not even a speeding ticket. I told him he’d be going into Coalition custody and he freaked. I think I can use that.”

“I hope so.”

“I will,” Logan said. “I’m getting tired of this fucking game. Annabelle keeps getting caught in the middle and eventually her luck will run out.”

“Have you talked her into staying away from the forest?”

Logan snorted. “I tried. Mac tried. Magnus even tried.”

Trent wasn’t surprised Annabelle refused to listen. She was too set on not giving up her freedoms. Shifting and climbing her trees was the one thing Annabelle had to do every single day. Unlike the rest of them, Annabelle had a need to shift.

“I couldn’t even keep her from hiking today.”

That reminded Trent of what Melissa had said earlier. “Have you spoken to Melissa?”

“Melissa? No, why?”

“The girls ran into a ranger today. From talking to Melissa, she seemed disturbed.”

“You talked to Melissa?” Logan questioned. “After telling her to stay away from you?”

“I heard Annabelle and her talking. I was curious.”

“Who’s the ranger?” Logan asked.

“Garth Stevenson,” Trent said.

“I’ve met him a few times.”

“In town?” Trent leaned closer.

Logan frowned. “At the station. We’ve had all the employees of the state park here to interview them. Magnus thinks at least one of them is involved.”

“I know. Magnus told us earlier. But what I’m asking is if you’ve seen him in town? Other than the station.”


“You need to get Annabelle to talk to you about today. Melissa told me Annabelle was really bothered. I think she knows more than she’s telling us,” Trent said.

“Annabelle wouldn’t hold anything back from us,” Logan stated.

“I know. But I think it might not be something she’s even aware of. She’s not a cop. She doesn’t think like us. If anyone can walk her through her feelings, it’ll be you, though.”

“I can try,” Logan responded.


“What’re you going to do?” Logan asked.

“I’m going to have Carter look into him.”

“You know we’re doing that at our office, right?”

Trent grinned. “But we have Carter.”

“I know you do,” Logan said. “Go ahead. Let me know what you find out, please. It’s still our investigation.”

“I’m trying to help.”

“I bet.” Logan nodded toward Annabelle. “We give your group a lot of room to maneuver because of the good you do here. But that’s only going to go so far when we’re dealing with an actual case which will have to go to court. I have superiors, you know.”

“I’m not going to mess up anything for you,” Trent told him.

“Keep me informed.”

Trent rose. “I’ll talk to you later.” He patted Logan on the shoulder as he walked behind him. “I’m going to see Carter now.”

“Later,” Logan called.

Trent strolled out of the main bar into the private hallway. He kept walking until he got to the end of the hall. With a glance over his shoulder, he confirmed he was alone before he pressed his hand to the reader. They took precautions to ensure no one unauthorized could get downstairs.

The custom addition was rarely seen by anyone outside their own group. Logan hadn’t even been down there.

The click of the hidden door opening echoed in the narrow hall.

Trent pushed the entry the rest of the way open before stepping through. He then pushed the door closed behind him.

“Hey, Trent.”

“Carter,” Trent called as he walked down the steps. “What’s up?”

“You didn’t even bring me anything to eat,” Carter said. He turned in his chair and grinned. “I thought you loved me.”

“Hungry?” Trent taunted. “I heard Kelly is working on a roast.”

“You’re mean,” Carter complained.

“I know. But if you do me a favor, I might bring you a really big plate,” Trent told him. “Because I do love you.” He walked up beside Carter. The little deer shifter had six monitors in front of him, all with different stuff on the screens. Trent didn’t have a clue what any of it meant.

“What do you want?” Carter asked.

“I need you to find out everything you can on someone,” Trent requested. “I mean everything.”

Carter laughed. “I’ve been waiting for this.” He opened the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out a manila folder. He handed it to Trent. “I haven’t shown this to anyone else.”

Confused but willing to play along, Trent opened up the file. The first thing he saw was the official photo from Melissa’s LAPD days. “What’s this?”

“That is everything there is on your girl. From her first day of school to the week before she arrived here. I figured I’d stay out of the sheriff’s records. For now.”

Trent snorted. “Not like you haven’t poked in there before.”

“I plead the fifth,” Carter replied.

He snapped the folder closed. “I don’t need this.”

Carter frowned. “I thought—”

“I know everything I need to about Melissa.” He threw the file down on Carter’s desk.

“I don’t think you do,” Carter spun his chair to him before he rose. “Take my word, you need to read what’s in there.” He picked back up the manila file.

“Fine.” Trent grabbed it before sticking it under his arm. “Now, if you want to earn your dinner, I need my favor.”

“I could call Kelly myself. Or Annabelle. They like me more, anyway.”

“No one likes you more than me.” Trent pinched Carter’s cheek. “Please.”

With a heavy sigh, Carter dropped into his chair. “What do you need?”

“Park ranger, Garth Stevenson,” Trent supplied.

“Ohhhh.” Carter rubbed his hands together. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

“How long do you think it’s going to take?”

“A couple of hours to get the surface stuff and at least a day for the rest.”

“Good enough,” Trent said. “I’ll make sure you get a plate as soon as it’s ready.” He turned and walked off.


He stopped. “Yeah?”

“Read it,” Carter told him. Then he bent over his keyboard and started to type.

Trent didn’t respond. He wasn’t going to promise anything. He strolled up the stairs. As he walked down the hall, Kelly was heading toward him. “That for Carter?” he asked, nodding to the plate of food.

“Yep,” she replied. “If I don’t take it to him, he’ll starve before leaving his cave.”

“Will you tell him I asked you to bring it down?” he requested.

Kelly laughed. “Trying to earn favors?”

“Always.” He passed by, continuing to his room.

Once inside, Trent threw the folder onto his mattress before stomping over to the mini-fridge. It was only big enough to hold a couple of cans of beer and some bottles of water, but it was enough for him. There was no way he was going to spy on his ex-girlfriend without a beer. And he didn’t want to go back to the bar floor where he’d have to watch Logan and Annabelle being in love. Not that he was jealous, He wasn’t, not really.

He grabbed a can of beer then plopped down on the bed. Adjusting the pillows behind him, Trent stared at his boots. The file lay right next to them. If he opened this door, he wouldn’t be able to go back.

Carter was the best at ferreting out all kinds of information.

Trent was only now able to look at Melissa without anger taking over. If he saw what she’d been up to for the last several years, would Trent be able to look her in the eye again? He just didn’t know the answer to that question. But he didn’t like being in the dark about things, either.

Fuck, now that he had the damn folder, he had to look.

He leaned forward and snagged the file then popped open his beer. It looked like he had a long night of reading ahead of him. Trent skimmed over the early years of Melissa’s life. He already knew most of it, anyway, from when they’d been dating. He couldn’t look at the section that covered his partner’s death, though. Carter had included a copy of the report Trent had filed. The connection Carter had found was weak. There’d been phone calls from Melissa’s apartment to Adam’s cell phone. Of course. Trent knew he’d made those calls.

The LAPD investigation into Adam’s death had been a joke, even tying Melissa and Adam together. Like they were having an affair, even though Adam was married. There was no mention of Trent at all. What a crock of shit. Everyone knew about him and Melissa. Before he’d come out as a shifter, they’d been open about their relationship.

She’d been transferred to a new department not long after he’d left. That was where he started to read. Just the first few paragraphs in, he knew he was going to need more beer.

It was both better and worse than he’d expected.

Trent was proud of Melissa but ashamed of himself.

No wonder Magnus had hired her. She’d been all up in the LAPD bosses’ faces about the treatment of shifters until she left to move to Brookside.

He’d underestimated her.

Damn, he needed more than a beer. A couple of shots or a bottle might do the trick.





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