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Hidden Hyena by Crissy Smith (7)

Chapter Seven




Trent lifted his head off the mattress and peered around the dark room. Melissa was lying across his chest with her injured arm curled by his side. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. He had no idea what had woken him up, but now that he was, he needed to pee.

Trent slid out from under her, as carefully as he could. He glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was just after two in the morning. They’d cuddled as soon as they’d finished making love. And he had made love to her, even if he hadn’t been gentle. He was still reeling from everything she’d tried to do at the LAPD. She’d even kept the case notes and files to follow up on the internal investigation on Adam’s death. And she’d done all that after he’d left her behind to fend for herself. She’d proven to be stronger than him.

He climbed to his feet and strode across the room.

A quiet screech reached him.

Trent stopped and listened. Footsteps? He walked to the door, which he hadn’t closed right away when he’d carried Melissa inside earlier.

Those were definitely footsteps. Trent glanced over his shoulder where Melissa was still asleep. Should he wake her? His gaze fell onto her injured arm and he had his answer. No, he’d take care of whoever thought they could break into her house. It had to be connected to her getting shot at earlier. Trent pressed his lips together to suppress a growl. He’d make whoever was stupid enough to break in, especially with him there, regret that decision.

If he wasn’t a shifter, he wouldn’t be able to hear the soft steps of someone in the living room. Or the rustle of papers. He slipped through the opening in the doorway. The lights were off in the hall, but there was light coming from the kitchen and living room. He didn’t need it and unfortunately it would help whoever was inside with him.

Damn, his phone was on the coffee table where he’d been looking through the papers from the box earlier. He couldn’t even call Mac for back-up. He had no idea where Melissa’s cell was, either.

Trent pressed his back to the wall before moving toward the intruder.

A floorboard squeaked and Trent paused. The sound was getting closer to him. Changing his plan, he waited for the intruder to come to him. He didn’t have a gun any longer. Not that he’d need it if the intruder was human. His weapons were part of his natural abilities.

Trent took a deep breath, counting the steps of the trespasser.

He saw the gun first, then the intruder’s hand, before the stranger stepped into the hall.

Trent grabbed the wrist of the trespasser, grinding the bone with his stronghold.

The intruder cried out and the gun fell to the carpet.

Trent drew his fist back and punched the human in the head. He could smell that this man was human, but the mask over his face hid his identity. As the intruder attempted to fight back, Trent tried to tear the mask away. But the trespasser wasn’t giving up. Trent took a couple blows to his ribs, making him stop going for the mask and defend himself instead.

Grappling with the intruder, Trent lost his footing and went down on one knee. He kicked the leg of the trespasser, knocking him into a table.


Trent turned his head in the direction of the bedroom, where Melissa’s call had come from.

At the same time there was a loud crash in the kitchen. It sounded like glass. Like part of the back door being broken through.

Fuck, this was not going the way he wanted. Melissa was injured and Trent had to protect her above all else. She was being targeted again and there had to be a reason for it.

Trent looked back at his opponent in time to see him raise a stun gun. Trent tried to roll out of the way, but the few moments of distraction had been enough for the intruder to recover and prepare. Trent cursed seconds before the stun gun was pressed against the back of his leg, the only place the intruder could reach.

His entire body seized up as electricity seemed to overpower every muscle he had. Trent had never been stunned before and as he lay on the carpet, staring up, unable to move his limbs, he hoped he never was again.

Trent could only watch in horror as Melissa stepped out of the bedroom naked and holding a gun. She aimed for the man Trent had been fighting when another shot rang out.

The sheetrock beside her head splintered.

Melissa ducked out of the way, retreating into the bedroom.

That was when the second intruder stepped into the hall. This guy also wore a mask and held a gun. He obviously wasn’t afraid to use it, either. The second intruder was heavier than the first. Through the eye holes in the mask, he glared at Trent. Still, he was human.

Slowly, Trent was regaining control of his body.

“Kill him,” the second intruder ordered. “I’ll take care of the woman.”

Grunting, sweating and desperate, Trent tried to get his arms or legs to work.

A loud boom and a shotgun blast pierced the night. The second intruder fell back, his weapon flying from his hand.

“Mark!” the first trespasser cried. He lunged forward, but Trent was able to lift his leg high enough that he tripped the guy.

Melissa came out of the bedroom with the shotgun still in her hand. Holy shit, she’d fired from the open doorway and saved them both. She stepped around the dead man and hurried to where Trent was lying. She’d about reached him when the first intruder had his hand back on his gun.

Trent grunted out a warning. Melissa turned her weapon on him, but the first intruder fired. The bullet missed her head by inches. The adrenaline along with the anger that filled Trent’s entire being pushed away the effects of the stun gun. Trent kicked out his foot, connecting with the intruder’s face. Blood squirted over Trent’s face, but he followed up the blow with three quick punches. Melissa crawled over to him as the intruder’s body fell.

“Are you okay?” she asked him.

Trent groaned. Fuck, he was either out of shape or those fucking stun guns were more powerful than he remembered.

Sirens sounded in the distance. Back-up. Finally.

“Help me up,” he slurred. Trent was not going to be found lying on the floor when everyone else arrived.

“Are you sure?” she asked. “You look really pale.”

“We’re both naked,” he pointed out. “We need to secure the one who’s still alive and get dressed.”

Melissa glanced over her shoulder before looking back at Trent. “I killed someone,” she whispered.

Trent turned his head. It took all his strength, but he managed to lift his hand and laid it on her cheek. She covered his palm with her own. “He was going to kill you. And me.”

“I know,” she said. “I heard. I just never killed anyone before. I haven’t even fired my weapon in the line of duty.”

Most cops didn’t. “It’s going to be okay. They broke in here to kill you. If I hadn’t heard them sliding the window open, it might have been too late.”

“It was us or them,” she agreed.

“Yes, now, help me up,” he told her.

It took a lot of maneuvering. Once he was on his feet, Trent looked down at the guy who was still out.

“I’ll watch him while you get dressed. Grab my pants, too, please.” Trent limped over to the wall so it could hold him up. Melissa made sure he was steady before hurrying to the bedroom. She didn’t look at the dead body. That was probably for the best. Even though Melissa had trained for this sort of situation, taking a life was never easy. It shouldn’t be. Still, Trent had no qualms about what had transpired. Melissa had done the right thing.

God damn, his entire body ached. He bent over at the waist, hoping it would help him catch his breath.


Mac’s voice came from the direction of the kitchen.

“Mac,” he yelled. Well, as much as he could with the whole gasping thing he had happening. “It’s safe.”

Melissa rushed out of the bedroom wearing a pair of plaid cotton sleep pants and a T-shirt. She held his jeans as well as the shotgun. She laid the weapon against the wall. Trent guessed she didn’t feel safe quite yet. The sirens were closer to the front.

“You guys okay?” Mac asked as he stepped out of the kitchen. Glass crunched under his big boots.

“Here.” Melissa bent to help him get dressed. Trent needed the assistance as he was still shaking.

“What’s wrong?” Mac asked, stomping forward. He walked past the dead body but only gave it a quick glance.

“Stun gun,” Trent managed.

“Fuck.” Mac grabbed Trent’s arm and steadied him before helping Melissa get his pants up his legs. Melissa buttoned his jeans.

He slid his arm around her back and tugged her against his body. It felt right to hold her. Now that the immediate danger was over, all he wanted to do was take her back into the bedroom and look over every inch of her body. “You okay?” he asked her.

“I think so.”

Pounding on the front door had her jumping. Trent cursed under his breath. He was fucking tired and this was going to be a long morning.

“Why don’t the two of you go into the kitchen? I’ll let the sheriff in and take care of this,” Mac suggested.

Trent nodded as the front door burst open.

“Sheriff’s department!” Carl shouted.

Melissa sighed. “Great, never going to get my deposit back after this.”

Mac grinned. “It adds character to the house.”

Trent patted her back. While he was glad for Mac’s presence, he knew, as the events of the evening caught up with the two of them, they needed to be alone. He didn’t like to show anyone weakness and he expected Melissa would feel the same way. “Help me?” he asked Melissa.

“Yeah sure, sorry.” She wrapped her arm around his waist.

“Calm down, Sheriff,” Mac called as Magnus and Carl stomped through the front of the house with their weapons drawn.

“What the hell is going on?” Magnus demanded.

They’d just reached the kitchen doorway when Melissa stopped.

Trent nudged her forward. “Mac will take care of it,” he told her.

“He’s my boss,” she said.

“I know, but let Mac take control. He knows what he’s doing and will keep Magnus calm.”

They shuffled forward.

“Keep Magnus calm?” she asked.

“One of his deputies was targeted for the second time in twenty-four hours. Magnus is going to be more than just a little pissed off,” Trent said. “He can be a little overbearing when he’s worried about his people.”


Trent didn’t know what she was feeling by her expression. She appeared confused. “Here, sit,” she said. Melissa pulled out a chair for him and helped him down.

He groaned. It felt good to get off his feet.

“Jeez.” She peered around and Trent followed her gaze. There was glass all over the tiled floor and the back door was hanging off its hinges.

“We’ll get it cleaned up and fixed,” he told her.

She’d moved away and he didn’t have the energy to try to catch her. Melissa was biting her lip as she surveyed the damage.

“Get those fucking masks off. I want to see who tried to kill my deputy,” Magnus yelled.

Melissa jumped again.

Trent growled. If Magnus didn’t get himself under control, Trent was going to force himself up to confront the sheriff. Even if he wasn’t at his best at the moment.

“Why don’t you make some coffee?” he suggested. Melissa appeared to need something to do and maybe the task would help her settle.

“Coffee,” she repeated. “Good idea.” Melissa walked over to the counter and, even though her hands were shaking, started to fill the carafe with water. She worked quietly until the coffee began to brew. Immediately the scent filled the small kitchen and Trent started to feel calm, the familiar smell helping to ground him.

“Melissa.” Magnus entered the kitchen with Mac and Carl behind him. “Are you okay? Trent?”

“We’re okay,” Trent assured him.

Magnus strolled over to Melissa. She had her back to them all. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Sure, fine,” she managed.

Magnus turned her around to face him. From where he sat at the table, Trent had a perfect view of her.

“It’s okay,” Magnus said. “It’s over.”

Tears trickled down her cheeks. “I killed someone,” she whispered. “He…that man…ordered the first guy to kill Trent and said he was coming for me.” Melissa looked from Magnus to Mac to Carl then back to Trent. “I killed him.”

“You saved us,” Trent stated. He tried to stand, but Mac motioned for him to stay.

Magnus glanced between Melissa and Trent then straightened his shoulders, facing her again. “You did your job, Deputy,” Magnus said. “I would have been pissed if you’d gotten killed.”

“Me, too.” Melissa wiped at her cheeks. She took a deep breath. “I think I need to sit down, though.”

“Of course.” Magnus led her over to the table.

Trent pulled out the chair next to him and brought it close for her to drop into it. He slung his arm over the back.

“I’m calling in reinforcements,” Mac stated. He pulled out his cell phone.

“This is a crime scene,” Magnus said.

Mac narrowed his eyes. “Yes, it is.”

“This is officially the jurisdiction of the sheriff’s department,” Magnus told him.

“I’m not trying to step on your toes. But we don’t know for sure that there are only these two men. My people can secure this house while you take in the suspect and the body,” Mac told him.

Magnus huffed. “Fine.” He pulled out his own phone. “I’m calling Logan and getting the Coalition here.”

Trent stopped listening as the two men made plans and divided what needed to be done. He didn’t care at this point. He turned toward Melissa. She remained sitting, but stared at her hands lying on the table top.

“Hey!” He grasped her chin, making her look at him.

She blinked.

Trent pressed his thumbs against her neck and stroked. It was how his grandmother had calmed him when he was a kid. Trent had suffered terrible nightmares even as a child, but his grandma had come up with ways to comfort him.

Melissa made a quiet sound before leaning into his touch.

“Hey, Carl,” Trent whispered. He knew the shifter would be able to hear him.

“Hey,” Carl dropped down next to his chair. “Whatcha need?”

“I think she’s going into shock. Can you get her a sweater and blanket or something?” Trent asked.

“Right away.” Carl patted his shoulder before racing off.

“I’m cold,” Melissa whimpered.

“I know, baby,” he told her. Trent lifted her out of her chair and placed her on his lap. He’d share his body heat with her. Whatever she needed.

She buried her face into his chest.

Softly, he ran his fingers through the silky strands of her hair, much like he’d done when they’d been in bed together. God, that was what? An hour or two ago? He had no idea how long it’d been since he’d first heard the intruder slide open the window.

Trent wished they were back on the mattress under the blankets and the real world wasn’t so damn fucked up.

Brookside was supposed to be a safe place.

This was where they brought people who needed to be hidden away before relocating them. How could some humans be responsible for turning everything he knew on its head? It wasn’t fair.

“Here.” Carl was back at his side. He handed Trent a large gray hoodie. “I got a blanket for her, too.”

“Sit back,” he urged Melissa. She straightened.

Trent helped her pull on the hoodie then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. “Thanks,” he told Carl.

“I’ll pour the coffee. We’ll get something warm into her.”

Trent nodded.

“Trent! Melissa!” Annabelle shouted from the front of the house.

Melissa turned her head and peered up at him. “Uh-oh. I think we’re in trouble.”

Trent chuckled but nodded. “She’s probably going to yell at us for a little while.”

Melissa smiled. “At least we’ll be able to hear it, since we’re alive.”

And there she was coming back. If she could start joking, she was going to be all right. He hadn’t noticed she’d stopped trembling.

“There you are!” Annabelle cried as she ran into the room with Logan at her heels.

“Here we are,” Trent agreed.

Annabelle dropped into the chair Melissa had just been in. She was grabbing for Melissa’s hand and squeezing before he could warn her to be careful. “I can’t believe someone broke into your house!”

“Yeah,” Melissa said. “It hasn’t been my best day.”

Annabelle snorted. “Are you kidding me? If it was me, I’d be hiding out in my tree vowing never to come down. But you…you fought back. Saved both you and Trent.”

“I didn’t—”

Annabelle threw her arms around the both of them. “You saved my brother! Thank you, thank you.”

Trent cleared his throat. “I did manage to get some punches in as well.” Okay, yes, Melissa does deserve the most credit, but come on, I took the first guy down.

“Really?” Annabelle pulled back, although she did keep rubbing Melissa’s back. “I heard that you got taken down by an itsy-bitsy stun gun.”

He growled. “Those things fucking hurt!”

“I’m sure they do,” she agreed. She fucking patted his cheek like he was a whiny child.

Trent glared, but Annabelle winked at him over Melissa’s head. He huffed back. If it helped make Melissa feel better, he could deal with some teasing.

“I wouldn’t have even heard them if it wasn’t for Trent,” Melissa said.

“So, what happened?” Annabelle asked.

“Hold off,” Logan called over. “Wait until everyone gets in here so we can make an official report.”

Annabelle waved her hand at Logan. “He’s always so serious,” she mumbled.

“This is serious,” Logan responded.

“I know it’s serious,” Annabelle said. “That’s why I made you bring me when you tried to leave me back at the bar.”

“It’s safer for you there,” Logan told her.

“But I need to be here,” she argued.

Logan was turning red in the face. From his expression, Trent guessed this was an ongoing fight. “You need to be home safe, where these lunatics can’t get to you.”

Annabelle rose. “If everyone is here, then it would be safer for me to be here!”

“Which is the only reason I allowed you to come!”

“Allowed?” Annabelle screeched.

“Uh, guys—” Carl tried to interrupt.

“I could have locked you in that underground basement of yours!” Logan threatened.

Oh, shit, this is getting out of hand. Melissa was stiff as she watched Logan and Annabelle argue.

“What?” Annabelle started around the table, but Melissa grabbed her wrist.

“Maybe we should all sit and drink some coffee. Everyone is really emotional right now.”

Annabelle huffed.

Logan was already headed to her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” He embraced Annabelle, pulling her up against his body. “It scares me these fucking guys are getting so brave. First, they shot at a deputy then broke into her house.”

“I know.” Annabelle sniffed at Logan’s neck.

Melissa relaxed into Logan’s lap again.

“Here.” Carl set the steaming mugs of coffee in front of them. “Magnus and Mac are on the way back in here. They’re getting Fredrick and Fabian started on hauling off the guy who’s still alive.”

“What about…the body?” Melissa asked.

“Already have the doctor on his way,” Carl told her.

“Doctor?” she asked.

“We don’t have a medical examiner here. We’ve never needed one,” Carl explained. “I’ll escort Doc Phillips as he takes the body to the hospital. The Coalition is sending their ME to handle the case.”

Melissa swallowed hard. “The Coalition?”

“It’s going to be fine,” Logan said. He and Annabelle joined them at the table. “We know you were defending yourself. You’re a respected deputy in town. You won’t get into any trouble.”

She nodded.

“I was with you the whole time,” Trent said.

“And what were you doing here?”

“Excuse me?” Trent glared at Magnus. “How is that any of your business?”

Magnus stared at him. “Everything part of a crime scene is my business. Now, start from the beginning and tell me what happened.”

Trent wanted to growl at the sheriff, but Melissa squeezed the back of his neck. He shook off the urge to fight and nodded instead. “Sorry.”

Magnus blew out a breath. “Me, too.”

“As Melissa stated earlier, everyone is emotional. This is hitting close to home. And a lot has happened in a short amount of time,” Mac said as he walked into the kitchen. “Duffy and Calvin are keeping an eye on the outside of the house. Carter is waiting for the identities of the two intruders as soon as we have them. Fabian is running their prints now.”

Trent pressed his lips together. It helped knowing everyone was doing their jobs, but he wanted to get away from the others at the moment. He needed some time alone with Melissa. But he wouldn’t get that until he got his statement over with.

“I called Brian Brooks from the hardware store. He’s coming over to board up the doors, as well,” Magnus said.

Shit, he hadn’t even thought about that. “Thank you,” Trent said.

“Trent, why don’t you start?” Magnus suggested.

“Okay,” he agreed. He tightened his arm around Melissa as she shifted to face the others at the table. There were six of them sitting around and one chair was available, but he wasn’t letting her go. Not yet, anyway.

He cleared his throat. “I heard about what happened earlier and I came over to check on her. We had a quiet night, ate dinner, watched a movie then went to bed.”

“Together?” Magnus asked.

“Yes,” he snapped.

“Just trying to get a picture. If you were on the couch or something that is an important detail.”

“Okay,” Trent said. “I walked over here so my bike’s not out front. I think the intruders expected her to be alone.”

Magnus nodded. “Go on.”

“I heard the sound of the living room window being opened. I’d already checked the doors and windows earlier and noticed how easy it would be to break in. I even called Carter and told him to order better locks,” Trent said.

“You did?” Melissa asked.

“Security is part of my job. After you were shot earlier, I thought it would be best, so I called him while you were asleep,” he explained.

“I thought you went to bed together?” Magnus asked.

“No, I mean earlier,” Trent said. “After she ate and we watched a movie, she fell asleep. I carried her into her room. While she was asleep, I checked the security for the house before I unpacked some boxes for her.”

“I knew that would drive you crazy,” Annabelle said. She appeared pretty proud of herself.

Trent snorted. Okay, he might be a little obsessed with organization, but he wasn’t that bad. “While I was going through one of the boxes, Melissa woke up and came into the living room. We…talked then went back to bed. Together.”

“Talked,” Annabelle teased.

Logan nudged her.

“What?” she asked. “We all know what they were talking about. I just said it.”

Melissa laughed.

Trent appreciated Annabelle lightening up the atmosphere. He’d need it as he continued with his story. He winked at Annabelle and she smiled smugly at Logan. Logan rolled his eyes in response.

“Okay, so now you’re in bed together,” Magnus tried to get them back on track.

“So, we were asleep then I woke up. I wasn’t sure what had woken me at first, but as I got up to go to the bathroom, I heard the window in the living room opening.”

“How long between you going to bed and waking up?” Magnus questioned.

“Several hours,” Trent replied.

“And you left the living room light on?”


Magnus was taking notes and writing something down.


“I don’t think they were watching the house when you arrived. Did you come from the front or back?” Magnus asked.

“Front,” Trent answered.

“So, they weren’t keeping an eye out when you got here or when you were poking around at security. They would have seen you when you were messing with the window locks,” Magnus suggested.

Trent shrugged. “Guess not. Does that help?”

“It’s good to know. We’ll try to get something out of the man who’s still alive, but he might not talk. We couldn’t get the hunter after Annabelle to. He lawyered up and refused to give us any other names.”

“You think it’s connected,” Trent stated.

“I think everything that’s happened in the past year plus the attack on Melissa is all connected. And I think I know who’s going to be behind all of it,” Magnus said.

“Garth Stevenson,” Melissa said.

Magnus nodded. “Finish your statement please, Trent.”

“After I heard the window, I crept out into the hall,” Trent said.

“Without waking Melissa?” Annabelle asked. She scowled at him. “That’s such a man thing to do.”

Melissa was nodding.

“She’d just been shot!” he defended.

“Right.” Annabelle leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Anyway,” Trent said. Maybe he didn’t appreciate Annabelle like he’d thought. “In the hallway, I heard the intruder and waited. He had a gun in his hand and I grabbed his wrist. We struggled and that’s when Melissa came out. The second guy broke in the back door. The first intruder used a stun gun on me and when Melissa tried to come to my help, the second man took a shot at her.”

“Bedroom doorframe,” Melissa said. “The bullet should still be in the wood.”

Magnus made another note.

“I was down, but the second guy ordered the first intruder—”

“Mark,” Melissa said. “The first guy called the second Mark.”

Trent had forgotten that. “Yeah, he did.” He rubbed Melissa’s back. “So, Mark ordered the first intruder to kill me and said he’d take care of Melissa.”

“Did he say her name?” Mac asked. It was the first time he’d spoken since Trent had started his story. Trent hadn’t noticed Mac’s hands were clenched on the table. He’d been concerned with Magnus’ reaction to Melissa being in danger, but Mac would be as angry as Magnus with Trent being involved. He’d have to talk to him later.

“No, he said the woman,” Trent shared.

Mac glanced at Magnus. Magnus was writing in his notebook.

“What’s that mean?” Melissa asked.

“Nothing yet,” Mac answered. “It makes me wonder if this was a hired hit.”

Melissa sucked in a breath.

“They weren’t very professional,” Trent pointed out.

“They were humans going after a human,” Magnus put in. “If you hadn’t been here, they might have walked right into the bedroom, killed Melissa and we wouldn’t have known until they were long gone.”

Trent growled as Melissa trembled.

“Magnus,” Logan warned.

“She’s not a civilian. She knows this,” Magnus pointed out.

It didn’t matter to Trent whether Melissa was a civilian or cop. She didn’t need to hear about what could have happened.

“Sorry.” Magnus lowered his head. “I wasn’t thinking.”

“It’s okay,” Melissa told him. “I’m not a civilian.”

Trent opened his mouth to argue, but she turned her head to look at him. “Finish your statement. I want to get this over with. I’m tired.”

And she was still injured. Scared. The adrenaline was, no doubt, wearing off as well.

“Melissa retreated into the bedroom while I was on the floor in the hallway. I was getting feeling back in my body and managed to keep the first intruder down. Melissa took Mark out with a shotgun. She rushed over to where I was struggling with the first guy, but I managed to knock him out. We could hear sirens by then and Mac got here right after.”

“Okay,” Magnus said. “A few follow-up questions before we get Melissa’s statement down.”

“Do we have to do this now?” Trent asked. “I’d like to take Melissa back to my room.”

“It’s better if we do,” Magnus said. “You know that.”

He did. As an ex-cop, he understood that the sooner after an incident they got the victim’s statement down, the better chance of getting a real clue. But they had one of the suspects still alive.

“Let’s do this,” Melissa told him.

Fuck, she looked exhausted. “Okay.” He had no choice but to agree. She was a deputy, and this was her boss. She wasn’t going to shut him down. But as soon as he could get her away he was going to take her back to his room and make her sleep and relax. She’d already been through way too much in one day.


* * * *


Melissa held onto Trent’s arm as she followed him through the back door of The Den. She was glad Magnus had offered them a ride. There’d been no way she could have made the short walk. Her legs felt like they weighed a ton. She was so tired.

“Almost there,” Trent whispered.

He’d been so great. Since she’d answered the door and let him in, he’d taken control and made her feel safe. Even after the break-in and the attempt on her life, she wasn’t afraid. Just exhausted. Melissa knew she could let go of the stress and Trent would be by her side. Sure, after she got some sleep, she had a lot of work ahead of her. Hell, she didn’t even know if Magnus was going to keep her on the case. She’d been targeted twice in a twenty-four-hour period. But there had to be a reason for that. Why her? She needed to go back through all the research she’d collected.

“Turn off your brain,” Trent told her. They were standing in front of an interior door. She didn’t even remember walking down the hall to get there.


“No.” He turned and cupped her face. “You should be passed out by now. It’s after five in the morning. You need sleep.”

She needed him. Melissa nodded instead of correcting him, though.

“Let’s get you settled.” He unlocked the door then held it open for her.

His bedroom. Melissa didn’t know what she expected, but she was disappointed to see it sparsely furnished. There was no personality in the small space. No pictures or decorations, or anything showing who Trent was now.

“It’s kind of…”

Melissa turned. Trent was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

“It’s not much,” Trent said.

“It has a bed and you. That’s all I need,” she assured him. It was the truth. They could be in a cheap hotel in the middle of nowhere as long as she could lie down and be wrapped up in his arms.

“Good.” He closed and locked the door before dropping her bag on a chair. “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

“Bed. You.”

Trent smiled. “Let’s get you undressed.”

He was gentle, but she still hissed when they tried to remove the hoodie she’d been wearing. Her arm was stinging.

“Okay,” he murmured. “It’s okay. Let me do the work.”

Melissa allowed Trent to remove her clothes. He moved her with great care until she was naked. He kissed her quickly before pulling the comforter back on the bed.

“Climb in,” he ordered.

She slid between the mattress and cover. He tucked the comforter over her shoulders.

“How about a pain pill?” he asked.

Melissa shook her head. “They make me stupid.”

“It’s going to be a hard couple of days. The Coalition is going to be here, and the investigation is merely getting started. Some good sleep would really be best.”

“I don’t want to be drowsy if something else happens,” she told him. What if she’d slept through the attack? Trent might have been killed. She began to shake.

“Shh.” He brushed the hair from her face. “This place has security cameras, a top-of-the-line alarm system and a bunch of shifters. You’re not safer anywhere else.”

Melissa sighed. She didn’t like the pills. “I’d rather have you.”

“What do you mean?”

Melissa sat up so she could lean closer to him. “Make love to me.”

Trent closed his eyes. “I want to. I need to feel you’re okay, but you’re hurt.”

“I need you,” she said. “Please.”

He stood. “Lie back. I’ll take care of you.”

Melissa returned to her back. Trent tugged his T-shirt over his head then kicked off his boots. He didn’t waste any time removing his clothes. Just watching him reveal his body had Melissa hungry for his flesh, all of him, from his strong hands to his hard cock. Trent was unbelievably hot and for the time being, he was hers.

She didn’t want to think about what would happen once things were over. If it was the danger keeping Trent by her side, she couldn’t get used to having him around. Melissa might be tempted to drag out the investigation, but she wouldn’t ever do that. Too many other people were in danger. Annabelle was still a target.

One of the reasons she’d agreed to return to the bar with Trent was because Logan was bringing Annabelle back, as well.

“Your attention isn’t where it should be.”

Melissa blinked up at Trent. He stood next to the bed stroking his erection. “Maybe if you came closer, I could show you what I’d rather be thinking about.”

He grinned. “And what might that be?”

“If you taste the same.” She licked her lips.

Trent shuffled his feet until he was leaning against the mattress next to her. Melissa leaned over to blow her breath across the head of his cock.

He groaned.

Melissa knocked Trent’s hand away and replaced his fingers with her own. She stroked him before rubbing her thumb across the tip and collecting the pre-cum from his shaft. “Mmm,” she said after tasting him.

“Please.” He pumped his hips forward.

“You want me to take you in my mouth?” she teased. “Suck you down to the back of my throat?” Trent had always enjoyed her talking dirty to him.

He balled his fists. “You’re playing with fire.”

“Am I?” Melissa closed the distance to flick her tongue over the mushroom head of his erection.

Trent gasped as he pushed forward. Melissa closed her lips over his hard cock. She’d once known every ridge and vein of his shaft. She needed to take the time to re-familiarize herself with his cock.

She hollowed her cheeks as she pulled off before diving back to take him deep. With her hand wrapped around the base, she could control how deep she took him, even with him thrusting hard.

He’d begun to mumble as he gripped the back of her head. “Stop!” Trent pulled away.

“No,” Melissa whined.

Trent pushed her back onto the mattress then flung the comforter off. He climbed between her legs while sitting on his knees. “I never forgot how beautiful you were.” He ran his hand up her leg and around her hip then yanked her forward.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, Trent’s cock at her pussy.

“Take me,” she said. “Show me I’m still alive.”

Trent growled. “Alive and mine.”

She loved hearing those words. Even if they weren’t true.

“Show me.” Melissa needed him inside her.

“What if I want to play with you?” Trent trailed his fingers through her slick folds. He pressed down on her clit, making her arch and moan.

“Play later,” she panted out. “Do whatever you want later. I need you now.”

His grin was wicked, but at least he moved. Trent gripped her hips and lifted then moved until his knees were pressed against her lower back. He circled his hips, which brushed the head of his shaft against her.

Melissa whimpered. God, if she had the strength, she’d push him onto his back and climb on top to ride him until she was sated. She opened her eyes to plead with him.

“Better,” he praised. “I want you to watch as I claim you. Everyone is going to smell my scent. I’ll mark you from the inside out. Every inch will belong to me.”

Melissa trembled, her desire strong. “Yes!”

He pushed in smoothly. She was so wet and ready.

“Put your hands over your head. Press against the wall and hold on,” he ordered.

Melissa stretched out her arms until she could place her palms against the cool sheetrock. Trent held tight as he withdrew, then slammed back in. She cried out, pleasure swamping her. He repeated the move, rocking his hips and taking her as quickly as she’d urged with her demands.

Her hands began to sweat, the slickness making it hard to keep them flat on the wall. But with the way the bed was moving, she had to protect her head or be in danger of going through the sheetrock.

She cried out when her first orgasm was ripped out of her before she was ready. Trent never slowed down. He continued thrusting, only pausing when he needed to readjust his grip.

Melissa couldn’t think, could only feel, as she climbed higher and higher in ecstasy.

He grunted, beyond words, using his body to communicate with her. She tingled from head to toe. She climaxed for a second time. As she dug her nails into his back, he howled out his release.

His cum filled her, warming her, claiming her.

Melissa wrapped her arms around his neck as he collapsed. She was too tired to move. There was no way she was going to have any trouble sleeping. He’d taken care of all the stress from earlier. She didn’t need to think or remember. She could close her eyes and let Trent hold her.





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