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Pride of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin, #5) by Sky Purington (12)

KODRAN HAD DEALT with a lot of shocking moments since all this began but knowing that his uncle was Bjark’s reincarnate was truly unexpected. He supposed in some ways, it shouldn’t come as all that much of a surprise. After all, while Einar had started the Sigdir lineage in another life, his twenty-first century incarnate became Erica and her sibling’s father. So why shouldn’t their own ancestor become so entrenched as a Sigdir in another life?

“So where is my father-in-law now?” Samantha frowned at Eydis. “How do we save him?”

“You do not.” The seer’s eyes went to Kodran and Erica. “They do.”

“How?” He suddenly felt pent up. As though he wanted to shake answers out of the serene woman. “And why would you not say it right away when you knew it was Maeva’s reincarnate at stake?”

“Because it is not my place,” Eydis murmured.

“But I thought the whole point of having you along was to direct us,” Erica said before she shook her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful I’m just...”

“Scared,” Eydis supplied as Erica seemed to gather herself. “And that is understandable. So you will continue on your journey to find answers, yes?” The seer’s eyes went to Cybil and clouded over. She was foreseeing something. “And you will make sure that a good friend of mine makes her way back to her king.”

Cybil considered her. “You’re talking about Megan, aren’t you?”

“I speak of she who can hear Naðr Véurr Sigdir best,” Eydis said respectfully.

“Okay. We can do that,” Cybil said. “We will do that.”

She was about to say more when the blade at Kodran’s side began to heat, and white light swallowed everything. By the time it faded, he and Erica once against stood in the cave at the base of the Gungnir, and everyone was gone.

“Jesus,” she whispered and sank onto the edge of the bed. “They’re gone? Just like that?” Her eyes met his. “Do you think they’re okay? Do you think they got home all right?”

“Yes.” He sat next to her and took her hand. “I don’t doubt it for a second.”

“Yes, you do.”

“No.” Kodran shook his head and met her eyes. “I truly don’t.”


“Because if they didn’t I don’t think you and I would be here anymore,” he said and believed it. “I’m starting to think that we wouldn’t exist if they didn’t. If all hope were gone, Eluf and Maeva would have never reached out to us.”

Her eyes stayed with his. “Do you think that’s what Eluf meant when he said we received their message? That there was still hope and we could win?”

“Yes,” he said without hesitation. While he hated seeing Erica so unsure, he understood why she felt that way after everything they had just witnessed. How cruel Bard had been.

“It was one thing to deal with Hallstein in the twenty-first century,” she whispered, in tune with his thoughts. “Another thing entirely to see what he did as Bard to Maeva, to feel it firsthand, then his contempt for all those around him.” She shook her head. “And I don’t know why the difference is impacting me so much now. Hallstein is the same sort of evil jackass.”

“I do.” Kodran squeezed her hand. “The difference now is that you’ve reconnected not only with me but your kin. That is everything, Erica. You are finally part of something you’ve long denied yourself.”

“You make it sound like I deserve it when I’m not so sure.” She shook her head. “I knew I had to travel back in time, but I could have found a way to escape you when I arrived. I could’ve gotten to Hallstein, and he might already be dead.”

“You and I both know it would not have happened like that.” He was about to say more when he spied something resting in the corner. “Loki’s cock, is that what I think it is?”

She narrowed her eyes. “That old animal skin bag?”

Kodran scooped it up and smelled its contents. “Loki’s Hel,” he muttered before he took a deep swig.

“Oh, no way. Tell me that’s alcohol.” Erica joined him, took a swig and didn’t flinch a bit at the rough mead. “Hell, that tastes good right now.”

He couldn’t agree more so he invited her to sit and enjoy it while he lit a fire.

“Here we are again,” she murmured and held up the skin in a toast. “But ever the wiser.”

“And here I thought Eluf couldn’t get much wiser,” he mocked as he started the fire then sat down beside her. He let her keep the mead to drink as much or little as she wanted. The whole thing if need be. Anything to help her find comfort after all she had just witnessed.

“Everything we witnessed,” she murmured, rephrasing his thoughts as she handed him the skin. “Don’t forget, we’re in this together, and it’s not easy on either of us.”

Kodran took the skin but didn’t drink as he watched her eye the fire. She was adjusting to reconnecting with her kin. To losing her grandfather in one life only to realize he had been reborn in another and was now a well-known king in an unnatural slumber.

Following his thoughts, she murmured, “While I have a whole lot I should be thinking about right now, all I can focus on is Megan.” Her eyes met his. “I never should have sold her the house. If anything, I gave her one more excuse to stay in the twenty-first century. She needs to return home to be with her family before she dies. And what if connecting with Bjark somehow wakes Naðr up?” She shook her head. “I don’t care what her reasons, she should be with him in her final hours...and I should have realized that before I sold anything to her.”

“You were thinking about protecting your sisters, Erica.” He took her hand. “And what Aunt Megan ultimately does and doesn’t wish in the end is out of your hands. She’s a strong woman with her own mind.” He cocked his head. “And what makes you think all of us, including Naðr, won’t go to her if we have to? Because rest assured when my uncle awakes he will search her out.  Nothing will stop him.”

She nodded and whispered, “I hope so.”

“Don’t doubt it.” He shook his head. “She won’t be alone.”

Erica stared at the fire for a long moment before she murmured, “I don’t think we got much rest before all that. But honestly, I don’t think sleep is what I need right now.” She never let go of his hand as she stood and met his eyes. “No more floor for you. Join me in bed, Kodran.”

Nothing sounded better. In fact, at this juncture the more they laid together, the better. Especially if it ultimately kept her safer when they returned home. So he stood, cupped her cheeks, kissed her and slowly walked her backward until the back of her knees hit the bed.

Now that he knew they could use magic safely here, he didn’t waste time but murmured a chant and removed their clothing. Outside of undressing her quickly, this time there would be no rushing. He intended to take his time and give her what she had long deserved.

Affection and worship.

“You don’t have to,” she whispered. “Because I know how good it’ll feel no matter what.”

He might be in her mind a great deal, but things were still shadowed. Things she either kept repressed on purpose or considered them so insignificant that she barely thought about them. They didn’t really matter all that much. Unfortunately, he realized that was the case when he figured out that even before Hallstein, sex had always been cut and dry for her. She had been too worried about her inner dragon surfacing and then about protecting her sisters.

It was time that changed.

He started with her lips then worked his way down her neck before he kissed along her collarbone until he slowly made his way down her arm. All the while, he tracked in his mind’s eye where bruises and breaks had once scarred her smooth skin and spent extra time on those spots. Sometimes he blew lightly, other times he nibbled or licked then kissed some more. Sometimes her breath caught, and other times she released a low moan. By the time he was finished, he had soothed every last long gone wound and found every little sensitive spot before he made his way to the other arm where he started all over.

Once he made his way to her breasts, her breathing was ragged. He continued to do the same thing there and did his best to keep rage out of his mind. Hallstein had done horrible things to her poor body, and he would pay a million times over for it.

She started trembling as he pulled her nipple into his mouth, swirled his tongue around it then suckled.

“Oh shit,” she whispered before her knees started shaking as well. When she began to sink, he braced his hands on her hips and kept her perched on the edge of the bed. He continued down her stomach, all the while replacing the stain of Hallstein’s rough touch with gentle, affectionate touches accompanied by dragon magic that he pushed into her mind. Bit by bit, he was making those memories fade away and replacing them with what he was doing now. Like soothing balm on a wound that was, at last, healed. 

Her eyes slid shut in both arousal and relief.

Next, he started on her hips, thighs and all the way down her long, beautiful legs. Naturally, he saved the best for last. The sweet juncture between her thighs. He was so aroused by her scent he would be lucky if he didn’t release too soon. 

Her eyes were on him as he made his way up her calf, knee, then spread her legs as he ran his tongue along her inner thigh. There was no mistaking her desire when he finally tasted her. As he finally licked what he had longed to taste since the moment he laid eyes on her. She tasted every bit as good as he knew she would.

Erica dug her hands into his hair and groaned loudly this time. After that, she didn’t last long but half fought, half embraced the pleasure as she clenched his hair tighter to stop him then ended up falling back onto the bed in acceptance. He would have stopped if she wanted but after a few shakes of her head then nods, she started rolling her hips in need.

So he showed her just how good it could be.

And he didn’t stop until she had released several times over.

While he intended to stay there for as long as possible, she eventually murmured, “Get up here, Kodran. Right now.”

He grinned at her husky tone, at the demand he knew was her dragon’s. Of course his dragon responded. By the time he made it back up, he was seeing red and wanted to flip her. But he wouldn’t. That seemed too animalistic, and she deserved anything but that right now.

“No,” she rasped then cleared her throat before her half-mast eyes met his. “I want it that way.” She bit her lower lip and shook her head. “I just can’t seem to find the...”

When she trailed off, he understood. She was so spent, she could barely move. So he lifted her, then lay her down on her stomach before he proceeded to do everything to her backside that he had done to her front. As she groaned and whispered random words of pleasure, he slowly bunched fur beneath her stomach until she was in a better position.

By the time he penetrated her, she was whimpering with pleasure and impatience. Though it took everything he had, he kept his movements slow as he rolled his hips and touched every sensitive nerve ending she had.

Again, he was healing her.

This time from the inside out.

All the while, he dropped small kisses on her shoulders and neck as he kept caressing her. His dragon clearly sensed its mate needed this and didn’t press him to go any faster. They might be slick with sweat and breathing heavily, but he kept the same steady pace as she clenched then twisted the furs.

It was taking every last ounce of strength he had to keep from releasing. Strength he knew his dragon was providing because he couldn’t stop a deep chested growl of need. That, it seemed, was all her dragon was waiting for because she started shaking then cried out. Half a breath later, he pressed deep and groaned in the most satisfying release of his life.

Then images started flashing in his mind.

A beautiful multi-colored dragon stared directly at him before she launched into the air. The next thing he knew he was soaring with her. Part of her. She landed beside the great ash, watching as Eluf laid Bjark’s body beneath it. Then he and his seers formed a circle and held hands. Somehow, Kodran knew this took place after Bjark’s death, but his body still looked like it had happened recently.

The head seer didn’t seem to know she was there...or did he?

Suddenly, he started chanting as did the others.

What was he doing?

The tree trunk ignited in gold then so did every last branch and leaf. When that happened, Kodran began to understand the words Eluf was saying. He was directing Bjark’s spirit first to Odin and then asking it for help. Giving it a choice to remain partly tethered to this reality to help Maeva. To free her from Bard’s clutches and to give her peace. At least part of her. Not only that but he was calling on the gods of his home world for help in exchange for releasing more of his power and growing old even faster.

Wind started to rush in as it seemed Eluf’s prayers were being answered.

Everything twisted sharply before Kodran felt Maeva’s insides pull apart. At first, it was painful, but seconds later, there was nothing but peace and everything faded away.

“Kodran?” Maeva whispered.

He frowned, confused, only to open his eyes not to Maeva but Erica lying next to him. She was on her side,  eyes trained on his face.

“Hey,” she whispered and ran her finger lazily along his jaw. “Did you catch all that?”

“I did,” he murmured as he captured her hand and kissed her palm. “So somehow Eluf had help from Bjark’s soul to create your doppelgänger.”

“It certainly seems that way,” she said. “Remember, Eydis had said Bjark might be able to help. Do you think that’s what she meant?”

“Perhaps.” He frowned. “What Eluf chanted and requested of Bjark sounded an awful lot like he would have been caught, just like Eydis said. No matter if it was voluntary it sounds like the same sort of outcome.”

“It does,” she agreed as she sat up and kept contemplating. “If that’s the case, what ultimately frees him? Because Eydis clearly said, ‘He is caught now...until he is freed.’” Her eyes met his. “We assumed, or at least I did, that it must have to do with Naðr Véurr waking from his unnatural slumber. But what if it’s this? What if Bjark’s still somehow tethered to Maeva...more so, me?”

“It’s always a possibility,” he conceded as he fingered her hair. “And something I’m sure we’ll learn soon enough.”

“Maeva felt sadness but pride when Eluf did that,” Erica murmured and shook her head. “What I can’t help but wonder is how she was there to begin with in dragon form and why she wasn’t rip-roaring mad that Eluf was asking that of her grandfather’s spirit. Because I’d be pretty pissed. Bjark should be able to pass on not stay stuck in this reality so his granddaughter could be with the man she loved. A love, might I remind you, that ultimately led to his death.”

“What you’re forgetting,” he sat up and met her eyes, “was that Bjark’s granddaughter had been taken by a monster. If his spirit had any inkling of what she was suffering at Bard’s hands, do you think he would have hesitated to do what he could to save her from that torture?” He frowned. “I know nothing about being a grandfather but know enough that I wouldn’t hesitate to give my very soul to keep our grandchild out of Bard’s hands.”

“Fair enough,” she conceded. “But how did Bjark know Maeva’s fate? He was already dead. Which means Eluf must have summoned him and told him. And what was he going to say at that point?”

“That he was grateful Eluf had told him, I’d think,” Kodran countered. “Grateful he hadn’t gone on to Valhalla without knowing the peril his grandchild was in.”

Erica eyed him for a long moment before she murmured, “Maybe you’re right.” She sighed. “I just wish Bjark had been kept out of it.”

“I know.” He began rubbing her shoulders. “But I would not get too upset until we have all the facts. Until we know if there wasn’t a more positive outcome. Outside of the obvious, that is.”

She nodded but said nothing as she eased into his touch. It didn’t take long for the scent of her desire to hit his nostrils.

“God, I can’t get enough of you,” she whispered before she straddled him and braced her hands on his shoulders. “Thanks for what you did for me earlier, Kodran.” Emotion churned in her eyes. “I had no idea it could be like that.”

He rested his hands on her hips. “It can be that and so much more, Erica.”

“More?” She quirked the corner of her mouth before she sank onto his cock, shuddered and whispered, “Not sure I could take much more.”

He tended to agree because she had felt so damn good. But then again, the feel of her now might just top that. He grabbed her backside and guided her as she moved faster and faster, just like she had when they were fully clothed before.

This time, he was the one who couldn’t help but lie back. He gripped her hips and ground his jaw as her eyes fluttered back and she began trembling. It wasn’t long before they exploded at the same moment and not just them but their inner dragons roared in pleasure.

He wrapped his arms around her and relished the feel of her in his arms when she sprawled across his chest. Suddenly, he got the strangest sensation that if he let her go, he might never get her back.

That she wouldn’t want him.

“Kodran,” she murmured, and her head shot up. “I feel something strange...”

His eyes went to the blade. It was glowing red, and the water was starting to brighten.

“Loki’s cock,” he muttered before he murmured a chant that put the blade in his hand, and had them clothed mere seconds before white swallowed everything. The next thing he knew, they were lying in the grass close to the tree Eluf and Maeva had met beneath.

Kodran and Erica stood as more history unfolded in front of them.

Maeva appeared sitting beneath the tree. She whittled a piece of wood and smiled when Eluf appeared. Older, probably in his early forties now, he returned her smile as she raced into his arms.

“You act as though you haven’t seen me in years,” Eluf murmured, inhaling the scent of her hair.

“Because it feels that way sometimes.” Maeva kissed him before her eyes went to his. “You spend more time with our secret society than I do.”

“Yes,” Eluf said as he took her hand and they leaned against the tree. “But it is only because we still work toward peace. We still think it’s possible.”

“Despite all that has happened.” Maeva shook her head. “I do not see hope for peace anymore. Let us spend every waking minute together...” Pain lit her eyes. “Before it is too late.”

“It will not be too late if I can find a way...” Eluf murmured as his eyes stayed with hers. “There was a time when you would have fought as well.”

“But that day has come and gone, and well you know it.” Anger flared in Maeva’s eyes, but she reined it in. “Now we must focus on the time we have left together.”

“Time,” he whispered. “Is limited.” His eyes dropped to the wood in her hands. “You have been busy.”

“I have.” She smiled. “Entertaining myself by creating a story.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I am carving bits of wood from the Yggdrasill on the shore and leaving them here beneath this tree,” she explained. “Here where it all began for us.”

When Eluf cocked his head in question, she continued. “It is a call to arms of a sort from our future incarnates if everything does not go well here.” A small smile ghosted her face. “I know I do not have the power to see it through, but perhaps the trees do.” Her eyes met his. “Perhaps through the power of love that started right here.”

A soft smile came to his lips. “Tell me about the piece in your hand.”

“Ah, this.” She held it up. “Before all else must come a tree to symbolize both the one taken from the original Yggdrasill and the one we stand beneath. This will be the Yggdrasill that starts our story. It rises above all and begins something that will bring everyone we care about back together if we are ever lost to this war.”

“It is very well done, Maeva,” he murmured as he eyed it. “Now tell me the rest of your story.”

“No, not yet. Maybe someday,” she said softly as she cupped his cheeks, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

Moments later they faded away.

Erica’s eyes met Kodran’s, and she frowned. “What do you make of that?”

He shook his head as Maeva reappeared beneath the tree, again carving a piece of wood. And again, she smiled with joy when she spied Eluf and ran into his arms. A starburst of fine lines etched the corner of his eyes now, and gray dusted his temples.

“Ah, you have created another carving.” Eluf smiled as he eyed her work. “It is a good depiction of the Gungnir blade.”

“Thank you.” Maeva kept smiling. “It is the part of our tale that keeps us strong and gives us protection.” Her eyes narrowed. “But it is also part of our vengeance because without what it symbolizes, I would not be kept safe from Bard’s wrath. I would not be able to wish vengeance upon him.” 

“She’s starting to lose it, Kodran,” Erica whispered.

“I don’t think—”

“She is,” Erica interrupted, sadness in her eyes. “She’s not coping well with losing Eluf like this and is reverting into some sort of fairytale.” Her eyes met his. “And he knows it.”

Kodran slipped his hand into hers, not sure what to say.

Moments later, Maeva vanished then reappeared, again whittling away. And just like before, Eluf appeared. This time fine lines etched his forehead, around his mouth and there was far more white in his hair. Maeva threw her arms around him as always, the happiness in her eyes not faded in the least.

Though they clearly spent ample time with each other in between, these moments had become especially important to them.

“Show me the next carving in your tale.” Eluf gestured to what was in her hand and frowned. “That does not look promising.”

“But it is.” She held up a carving of a Nidstang. A horse’s head on a pole that was meant to curse. “It is the part of our tale that tricks Bard. That ultimately curses him.” Her brows perked. “But then it is also the part of our story where our loved ones start to remember us. Where they start to recognize their souls.”

Both Erica and Kodran narrowed their eyes at this point.

Not only was Maeva creating carvings that replicated the journeys their kin had followed, but she was stressing the very titles from Cybil’s Dragons of Winter Harbor collection.

Seconds later Maeva vanished and reappeared again working on her wood. When Eluf arrived, more lines had formed on his face, and his hair was completely white. Yet still, she ran into his arms, happy as ever.

“Show me what you have created now,” Eluf said softly, his eyes still sharp as he looked at her fondly. “Because it appears to be a small boat with a Laben-rune carved into its sail.”

“That is precisely what it is,” she granted. “A boat meant to sail right into Helheim and find the support of Hel herself.” A devious grin crept onto her face. “This part of our tale truly brings kin back together and embraces a new kind of fury against the enemy.”

“Okay,” Erica murmured. “Now this is really starting to get weird.”

He couldn’t agree more.

Again Maeva faded and reappeared, still whittling. Sadly, when Eluf appeared as well, he was growing old indeed. Yet she flung her arms around him and looked at him as lovingly as she had the first day they were introduced.

“What are you working on now, my love?” He met her smile. “And will you, at last, tell me your tale?”

“I will,” she murmured as she held up her last carving. It was of a man and woman embracing beneath an ash tree. “What do you think?”

Eluf studied it. “I like it very much.”

“But you do not love it.”

He seemed careful with his words. “I do not understand it.”

“Yes,” she frowned, “you do.”

Their eyes held for a moment before she said, “I have been telling you for years that I do not want to hide anymore. That I want to be with you out in the open.” She shook her head. “This carving symbolizes your pride, Eluf. You are willing to love me in secret but not for all to see because I am dragon.”

Kodran felt like the ground dropped out from beneath him. Erica was right. Maeva was losing her mind. Not just her human half but her dragon. Neither could handle the slow, painful departure between her and Eluf.

There was no mistaking the quickly masked pain in Eluf’s eyes as he kept a look of understanding on his face. “You have a true talent with the wood.” He took her hands. “Now please, at last, tell me your tale.”

“Have you not figured it out already then?” She cocked her head. “It is a tale born of a prophet who foresees the rise of a Viking and his kin. More than that, the stories that followed. One of vengeance, soul, fury, and pride. One that will help us reunite.”




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