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An Unseelie Understanding by Amy Sumida (41)

Chapter Forty-Seven



Word was sent to Queen Tana so that she had a chance to attend her brother's wedding. She rode up just as night fell, and we were all assembling before a make-shift altar with Percival standing as officiant once again.

“Queen Tana,” Drostan smiled saucily at the other monarch. “I'm pleased that you could attend my wedding.”

“And I'm pleased that a peaceful solution has been presented to us,” Tana said generously. “I will be delighted to call you 'Brother.'”

“And I will be most relieved to call you 'Sister.'” Drostan bowed gallantly to her. “You have been a worthy adversary, Your Majesty, but I'm sure you shall make an even better ally.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Tana said smugly. Then she turned to her brother and hugged him tightly. “Blessings to you, my brother. I hope this marriage will not only bring peace to our kingdom, but to your soul as well.”

“It already has,” Trenton said warmly. “And I'm grateful that you're here to bear witness to it, Tana.”

“I am as well.” Tana turned to me. “Riley, you have surprised me over and over. I thought that you would bring my kingdom ruin, and for that, I offer you my sincere apology. I have never been more delighted to be proven wrong.”

Tana hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back.

“Take care of my brother,” she whispered in my ear.

“I'll do my best, Your Majesty,” I promised.

“I have brought you a gift,” Queen Tana said as she waved Janet forward.

Janet carried over a carved, wooden box and opened the lid for the Queen. Inside, there was a delicate, crown of gold leaves twined with sparkling, white flowers.

“This crown is worn by all the women in my family on their wedding day,” Tana said as she lifted the crown from its box.

“Tana,” Trenton whispered, “thank you.”

“She deserves to wear it, Trenton,” Tana said. “There's no need to thank me. Mother would have wanted your bride to make her vows wearing the Crown of Spring, and I want your marriage to begin with the blessing of abundance and fertility.”

“It is the right time of year,” Drostan noted with a sly smile. “The Rites of Spring were just upon us.”

“The Goddess smiles upon us all today,” Tana said as she gently placed the crown upon my head. “And I thank her for bringing you to us, Riley.”

“No one is more grateful than I,” I said sincerely.

My wedding dress was a little rumpled, and my veil was lost, but I felt beautiful with that bright crown on my head. My three grooms escorted me to a fresh altar; with another chalice and dagger laid upon it. There was some debate over Drostan and I exchanging vows again. Technically, our vows were in place and anything further was unnecessary. But Drostan and I both felt as if so much had changed in the hours between ceremonies that the intent behind the vows had altered, even if the words had not. So, before Trenton and Conall made their vows, Drostan renewed his.

“All that I am is now yours,” Drostan declared in a strong voice. “Every breath and heartbeat I will share with you. My body is your body and my blood is your blood. I give you my eternity.”

It was short, as far as wedding vows go, but it couldn't have been any more profound or more perfect for us... for all of us. After Drostan had made his declaration, Trenton and Conall made theirs. At last, it was my turn, and I made one vow to all of them. We shared the sacred wine, and then Drostan an lifted the dagger.

“My blood is your blood,” Drostan repeated the vow as he sliced his palm.

“My blood is your blood,” Conall said as he did the same.

Then Trenton removed his tunic and took the dagger from Conall. He made a slice over his chest and held my gaze as he said, “My blood is your blood.”

The men would be united through me, so I had to be cut in three places. The traditional location was the palm, but that left one man out. So, Trenton had chosen to make his cut over his heart. I held my arms out to the men, and they each made a cut on my body that mimicked their own. Drostan cut my right palm, Conall my left, and Trenton made a small cut above my heart. Then Trenton embraced me; angling our wounds together as Drostan and Conall simultaneously clasped their bleeding hands with mine. As soon as our blood melded, magic surged through us.

The shivering rush of our new Understanding spread out from us and trembled across both kingdoms. All of the soldiers—both Unseelie and Seelie—shouted with joy, and my husbands closed in tighter around me as our marriage was set into our souls. I could feel their love flowing through my body, and I knew that with time, this bond would only grow stronger. I had bartered my life away again, but this time, it was a fair exchange.

Flower petals rained down over us as my husbands escorted me through the cheering crowd and into a waiting tent. It was beautifully appointed for something constructed so quickly. Carpets laid across a wooden floor, and tapestries hung over the canvas walls. The light of lanterns, hanging from the wood cross-beams, fell upon a small dining set, a wooden bathtub, and an enormous bed covered in silk.

The tent flap closed behind us, and the celebration began outside. Applause melded with merry music as two kingdoms rejoiced in the peace that would finally exist between them. It sounded like quite a party, but we were expected to consummate our marriage before we joined the celebration. I looked at the men, and they looked at each other before they smiled and started flinging off their clothing. The men were naked within moments, while I stood there fully-dressed; staring at them in amusement. I was still wearing my wedding finery, and I couldn't get out of it without help.

“Our wife appears to be in need of assistance,” Drostan noted.

The men circled me and started undoing my laces and sliding pieces of clothing from my body. As they did so, they kissed every inch of exposed flesh and drove my desire up to a whole new level. I wasn't sure how we should begin—which man would start the process—but it appeared that they knew. The men lowered me to the mattress together.

“Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that I removed the infertility spell from Riley,” Drostan said.

Everyone froze.

“What?” I whispered. “When?”

“Last night; while you were sleeping,” Drostan gave me a soft smile. “I had intended to surprise you after the ceremony.”

“Consider us all surprised,” Conall said.

“Should we replace it?” I asked.

“You don't want children?” Trenton asked with a note of disappointment.

“We wouldn't know who the father was,” I pointed out.

“We would know, Riley,” Conall said gently. “There are magical ways to discover paternity.”

“But all of us would treasure any child you bore,” Trenton said.

Conall nodded, and I looked at Drostan.

“Children are a gift, Riley,” Drostan said simply. “Whatever happens—whoever it happens with—we will all be overjoyed to be a part of a family.”

“A family,” I whispered happily as I went into their arms. “Yes; I want that too.”

Then I was kissing Trenton while Drostan feasted on my breasts and Conall lapped at my pussy. So many hands in so many places. I was lost to the ecstasy within seconds; writhing beneath their ministrations and making little mewling sounds of need. I couldn't focus on any one man; they were all so glorious and so precious to me. Trenton's silky white hair sliding over me, Drostan's silvery skin glistening over his bulging muscles, and Conall's green eyes starting to glow as he pleasured me. I admired the curve of Conall's ass; arching up between my legs. Then there was the gleam of Drostan's cock; like a warrior's sword ready to impale me in the most delightful way. And finally, the golden-brown expanse of Trenton's muscular chest; I stroked my hand across it in wonder. It was mine; they were all mine.

“Let me have a taste of our wife's pussy, Sir Conall,” Trenton said.

Trenton traded places with Conall, but Conall only made it as far as my breasts. Drostan continued to suck on my other nipple while Trenton slipped a finger inside me. I spread my legs wide and reached for Conall and Drostan's cocks. As I pumped them slowly, Trenton started flicking my clit with his hot tongue.

“Do we need to decide who goes first?” I asked them breathlessly.

The men smiled at each other.

“No, Riley,” Drostan said. “We only need to decide who goes where.” He looked at the other men and declared, “I would very much like to take her ass.”

“You may have her pussy, Your Highness,” Conall said to Trenton. “I'll claim her mouth.”

“Perfect,” Trenton declared as he lifted my hips.

“Anyone going to bother to ask if I'm okay with this?” I grumbled.

“I'm sorry, sweetheart,” Trenton said sincerely. “Is that all right with you?”

“Yeah, I guess,” I huffed.

The men shared commiserating smiles.

Then Drostan rubbed his hand over my wet pussy—fingering me a bit—before he rubbed my desire over his hard, silver cock. Trenton laid back on the mattress as Drostan lubed up and then held a hand out to me. I straddled Trenton's hips and reached for his cock, but he stopped me.

“No, Riley, I must do it,” Trenton said softly. “This is an unusual mating and all penetrations must be simultaneous. Just try to relax so you can accept us all at once, and we shall try to be gentle.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Are you ready for me?” Queen Tana's voice came through the tent flap.

I tensed.

“We are,” Drostan called. “You may enter.”

“Our union must be witnessed as well,” Trenton explained. “It must be confirmed that it was a simultaneous penetration.”

“I'll leave as soon as you get started,” Tana purred. “Well, maybe not quite as soon as that.”

“Just pretend that she isn't here,” Drostan whispered in my ear. “It's going to be wonderful, I promise.”

I nodded, and Conall knelt beside Trenton as Drostan took a position behind me. The men nodded to each other, and I bent over Trenton; angling my head to the side and opening my mouth for Conall. Conall took his shaft in hand and pressed the weeping head of it against my lips as the other men did the same to my ass and pussy. Then—in unison—they slid their cocks into me.

I groaned and shivered with the sublime pleasure of it.

“So beautiful,” Tana said softly. “Your union has been witnessed; may it be fruitful and filled with pleasure.”

Tana eased to the front of the tent and watched us awhile before she stepped out, but we were too absorbed with each other to notice. When I glanced up, I caught a glimpse of Tana at the tent flap, looking back at us before she left. She licked her lips—obviously enjoying the way I sucked Conall's cock—and then winked at me. The Seelie Queen hurried off; no doubt to find her lover.

“Oh, Goddess, she's gushing over me,” Trenton moaned as he drove his cock up into me with wild slams of his hips.

“Hold a moment,” Drostan said. “Let me gather some of that honey to ease my passage. It's not slick enough back here.”

Trenton pulled out, and Drostan slid his cock forward against my soaked pussy. He groaned as he rubbed himself into me, and then pulled his slick prick away. Trenton immediately shoved his thick cock back into me; slipping through my pussy like a hot knife through butter. I sighed around Conall's shaft as Drostan slid more easily into my ass and started setting off those Sylph-enhanced nerve-endings. The men found a rhythm, and passion pumped through my blood as they pumped their cocks into me. I sucked at Conall eagerly as Trenton lifted his head to roll my nipples with his tongue. Drostan had both hands on my ass; spreading my cheeks as he gripped them tightly so that he could slam into me as he watched his entrance.

“Oh, Goddess!” I felt Conall lean over me. “Watching you fuck her ass is so damn hot.”

“She's tight and then she clenches it even tighter about me,” Drostan groaned. “You can have her ass next.”

“She does so with her pussy as well; which I'm more than content with,” Trenton muttered around my nipple. “I'll stay where I am and continue to enjoy her glorious breasts.”

“Aren't they the most lovely tits you've ever seen?” Conall asked as he massaged one of them. “Fuck, Riley; your tongue is magical; I can't wait to come all over it.”

I moaned and then leaned lower to suck his balls, but Conall tensed. I had to quickly return to his cock so he could come in my mouth. I drank it down, and Conall fell back on the bed; to smile up at me in sleepy-eyed satisfaction. I leaned further over Trenton, and both he and Drostan sped up. The slap of wet cocks inside me echoed in my ears, and a tingling warmth spread up from my toes and surged through my whole body. The men held me tightly; preventing me from moving away from them as they pounded into me as deep as they could go. My thighs were tensing, while both my pussy and ass tingled as ecstasy approached.

“Riley!” Drostan shouted as he came.

The Unseelie King tensed over me and filled my ass with his hot cum. It sent my senses into a dizzying free-fall, and I clenched around the men. My ass milked Drostan of all he had to offer, and his silver cock went limp as it slid out of me, but Trenton picked up speed. Now that I was able to maneuver, I got up on my knees to slam down on Trenton and meet his thrusts. Trenton moaned and massaged my tits as I took control of our passion. My ass slapped Trenton's thighs with each movement as I went wild with my climax. I glanced to the left and saw Conall and Drostan watching me with parted lips, adoring eyes, and hardening cocks. Trenton started to cum, and as he spurted into me, I screamed out my climax; arching backward to thrust my tits into his clenching hands. Then I collapsed over his wide chest.

“I love you, Riley,” Trenton whispered.

“I love you too, Trenton.” I started to roll off him, but Conall came up behind me and held me in place.

Keeping me poised over Trenton, Conall shoved his cock up my cum-filled ass. I cried out as Trenton's eyes went wide. The Seelie Prince angled his gaze down the line of our bodies to watch Conall's balls swing forward against my pussy as I moaned for more. Then Trenton reached between us and started to rub his fingers over my clit. I ground myself into Trenton's hand as Conall slammed wildly into my ass.

“Fuck me, that is hot,” Drostan groaned as he started rubbing his cock. “You have the most gorgeous ass, Riley.”

“With a beautiful, pink entrance; puckered like lips,” Conall added.

“Fuck her ass nice and deep, Sir Conall,” Trenton instructed as he slipped his revived dick back inside my pussy. “I want to feel our wife's pussy clenching my cock again, and she seems to adore her ass being filled along with her sex.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Conall growled as he rocked even deeper; his pelvis flattening my ass cheeks.

“Open your mouth, Riley,” Drostan said. “I want to come on your face.”

I did as he asked, and Drostan's body tensed; his muscles clenching as he shot his cum all over my face. Drostan moaned appreciatively as he rubbed his warm desire over my cheek and then down to my open mouth. He slipped his cum-coated fingers inside my mouth, and I sucked them clean. Conall shouted his release as he watched us and pulled out to stream his hot essence over my ass.

“Oh, my love,” Trenton groaned. “You look so beautiful covered in our seed. I want to come all over your breasts. I want to see it dripping off your hard, rosy nipples.”

Trenton rolled me and started pounding into me faster. He pushed my legs back beside m head so he could watch himself driving into me, in between admiring my cum-adorned face. Then Trenton roared and pulled his beautiful cock out to shoot his cum over my breasts in a pale ribbon. I sighed happily and laid back; idly rubbing cum into my face and breasts.

“I don't believe that she came this time,” Drostan noted dryly.

“I think you're right, Your Majesty,” Conall said as he began to rub my clit. “Spread your legs wider, sweetheart. Who wants to finger-fuck her as I suck her clit?”

The other two men dove forward; one going for my ass and one for my pussy, while I spread my legs and smiled. Marriage was going to be heaven.




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