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Their Shade: Daughters of Olympus by Charlie Hart, Anastasia James (7)



I fell in love with her the moment we met. Both of us lost in a world we didn’t understand.

I knew, then and there, that I would always protect her, no matter the cost. Of course, I had already made the deal, but seeing her changed things. It was no longer about the bargain. It became about devotion.

To her.

Ambitious for me, even then. Tennyson was always larger than life. With ideas that challenged me and instincts that overwhelmed my own.

Still, she took my hand when I offered it and together, our bodies those of children, we navigated the in-between.

Even as we grew, and she learned how unusual it was to stay here for so long, she decided we were lucky that we had been given this gift for finding one another. Our souls weren’t ready to depart and that made us unique. That created a bond that couldn’t be broken.

Hades always came looking, sending spies to haunt the night.

It was my job to keep her safe.

And that I did.

Of course, as we got older, as South and Lennox joined our crew, desire grew inside me.

I loved Tennyson like a best friend, but as my body changed from that of a boy to that of a man, my love changed too. It became something deeper, passionate, true.

My downfall was admitting this to South and Lennox, who felt the same way as I did. When they spoke, I knew they meant what they said; our love for Tennyson was different but equal, and we wanted her to know it. Needed her to understand the implications.

We loved her in a carnal way as much as we loved her as our oldest friend.

Looking at her now, the sorrow in her eyes, with an oversized leather jacket hanging on her shoulders, she looks smaller than she usually does. Her bravado is gone and what remains is fear.

I realize then, that I have never witnessed my best friend being afraid. Not all those years ago when she broke her arm, and not when she got in fights with girls over who had what. Not when she marched into a party uninvited or introduced herself to some new arrival who was supposedly some famous Earth-side celebrity.

Never did she waver, but now, she does.

“Is it true?” South asks. For such a strong man who grew up on the streets of Detroit, full of hard edges and rough stories, he looks so damn sad right now.

He may have died once on Earth, but it’s as if we’ve taken our unprecedented longevity in Styx for granted.

He’s going to die all over again.

“How would I know?” she asks in a whisper. So softly I can hardly hear her and at that moment, I hardly recognize her either.

“You’re alive?” I ask, stepping closer, cupping her face in my hands instinctively the need to touch her overpowers my mission; my soul knows we don’t have forever.

I’m fading, and she is not.

She steps away from me, as if not wanting me near. But I know she does. She’s pushing us away because she knows she is going to lose us.

Fixing her eyes on Marden, she asks, “How do you know this about me?”

“You know it about yourself, child, and it’s not fair of you to touch these men and keep them here when they are meant to go,” Marden says plainly. “Let them be free!” She smiles softly at as but it’s impossible to match her countenance. “But the bigger issue remains,” she says. “What has brought us all together tonight?”

“It’s him,” Lennox says, pointing to Eric. “You said this Gaia person sent you here. Why?”

Eric rubs his face with his hands as if trying to get the story straight. “She sent me to find Harlow’s sister. She said she couldn’t risk coming herself. That coming to Styx would kill her. So, after reviving me, she sent me to this place.”

“Why does Mother Earth care about you, and who is Harlow?” I ask, needing to get the facts straight.

“Harlow is the daughter of Poseidon and the love of my life.”

“Are you fucking kidding us with this?” South asks, but Lennox raises a hand, wanting to ask Eric a question of his own.

“You’re in love with Harlow? Not interested in anyone else?” he asks.

Eric nods.

“Are you freaking serious?” Ten asks, turning on Lennox, South, and me. “You’re a bunch of macho assholes, you know that? When you look at me all you see is a piece of meat. And you can’t imagine me talking to a man without plotting how I might hook up with him.”

“You haven’t done much to help that, have you?” Lennox pushes.

“You know literally nothing about my ‘sex life’, Lennox. Maybe ask me directly if you want information, okay?” Tennyson crosses her arms, seething across the room.

Eric whistles, two fingers between his lips. “Hey, you guys, look,” he says and points to Marden. We were so caught up in the argument we missed the fact that the witch doctor is fading, fast.

“Shit.” Ten rushes over to her. She reaches an arm out to the woman, but she brushes it away.

“No, it’s my time,” the old woman whispers. “Don’t play with souls like they are yours to control.”

Tennyson steps back, wringing her hands. “Okay, I didn’t mean...”

“No, my dear.” Marden sits in a creaking rocking chair, closing her eyes, her body turning to a hazy vision. “You may be able to alter the future with the touch of your hand, but what is meant to be will be, no matter how you try to bend it. Stop fighting it.”

“What does it mean, this ability?” she asks, kneeling before the woman. “Tell me.”

“Perhaps a gift, maybe something in your bones from the Gods,” she whispers. “An ability.”

“What good is it if we are all going to fade anyway?”

“Oh, sweet child, you won’t fade, your energy is much too strong. Your life force is intact, just trapped. You’ll be okay, once you figure out where you want to go” she whispers. “And isn’t that life? Having a choice and deciding how to use it?”

Tennyson shakes her head, as if not understanding at all.

“Don’t let fear dictate your present,” Marden adds, before fading away, her body gone, her soul dispersed. We don’t know if she went to the Underworld or the Elysian Fields. We only know she is no longer here.

“Holy shit,” Eric murmurs.

“It’s a scene we’ve seen hundreds -- thousands -- of times, but each time it feels like a loss,” Lennox says.

“How can you lose when you’re already half-dead?” Eric asks, frowning. He’s not from here, he doesn’t realize the life we live is real. Is ours.

“Maybe because you’re are still here, half-living,” I tell him, resenting the fact he had a life Earth-side at all.

“We’ve made lives here, the four of us,” South says. “Not a life like you had, or I had back on the surface, Lennox, but it’s still something.”

Tennyson stands, looking at the empty rocking chair. “It’s not full enough, though,” Tennyson says. “It’s not enough.”

Her words hurt to hear. “It’s still something,” I say.

“The witch said not to let fear dictate my present, right? Well, presently I am still alive.”

“Yeah,” Lennox says. “She said that after she told us you’ve been lying. That you knew we were dying and held that back. How could you, Ten?”

“Hey, hey,” Eric says, stepping off the table and moving between them. “We can’t fight. We have work to do.”

“Work?” Tennyson asks. “What work?”

“I need to get Harlow’s sister to the surface.”

“How will you know who she is?” I ask. “She might have already faded. She could be in the Underworld for all we know, or a soul buried in the Elysian Fields.”

“She hasn’t,” Eric says, adamant.

“How do you know?” South narrows his eyes. He still doesn’t trust this guy, and I don’t either.

Eric sighs and flashes Tennyson a misplaced smile. “I know because she is standing right in front of me.”