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A Fire in the Blood by Amanda Ashley (26)

Chapter Thirty-Four
Tessa decided to spend the rest of the day at Andrei’s. After assuring him that she would be fine while he took his rest, she found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote out her Christmas list. With all that had been happening, she hadn’t given the holiday much thought, but it was fast approaching. She needed gifts for her parents, Jilly and Luke, Bailey, Mr. Ambrose, and Andrei, of course. She spent a few minutes admiring her engagement ring. What did one buy a vampire for Christmas, anyway?
But she had a bigger problem. And that was going to visit her folks over the holiday. Andrei had eaten prime rib at Thanksgiving. Since then, he had eaten a few other things, but never a complete meal. If they were only visiting for a day, it might not draw any attention, but three days? Of course, there was always a chance that Andrei wouldn’t want to go with her. But, sooner or later, he would have to meet her parents.
Jilly called at noon to see why she hadn’t come to work.
“I just decided to take the day off,” Tessa explained. “I hate to admit it, but I’m still a little shaken up by what happened. I keep thinking, what if Andrei hadn’t come to my rescue? What if the vampire who took me had given me to Katerina?” She shuddered, just thinking about it.
“I don’t even want to think about that. If it’s any consolation, Luke assures me there aren’t any other vampires in town.”
“Well, that’s good news. But there’s always tomorrow. And the day after that.”
Jilly sighed. “Are you coming to work tomorrow?”
“I’m not sure. I’ll let you know.”
“All right. Talk to you later. Stay safe.”
Tessa spent the rest of the afternoon shopping online. Around two o’clock, she ordered a pepperoni pizza and a salad from the local pizza place. While eating, she decided if she was going to stay here from time to time, she should stock the cupboards with some canned goods—soup and tuna—stuff like that. Maybe some frozen lasagna and veggies.
When Andrei woke, she would ask him how he felt about buying a few appliances for his kitchen, like a stove and a toaster oven, and maybe a microwave. And some dishes. And silverware. And a toothbrush.
* * *
“Sure,” he said. “Whatever you want. We can go tonight if you like.”
“We can go another time. I need to go home tonight,” Tessa said. “I want to take a shower and wash my hair and get ready for work tomorrow.” She smacked her forehead with her hand. “And get in touch with Bailey. How could I have forgotten to call? I haven’t heard from her. Have you?”
Suddenly worried, Tessa grabbed her phone and punched in the girl’s cell number.
Bailey answered on the third ring. “Hey, Tessa.”
She blew out a sigh of relief. “How are you?”
“I’m fine. I’m with Tristan and the pack. I’ve been meaning to call you, but . . . Where are you?”
“I’m still at Andrei’s.”
“Oh, well, tell him hi for me. Guess what? We’re getting married, me and Tristan!”
“Married!” Tessa exclaimed.
“Well, not really married, at least not right now. We’re being life-mated.”
“I don’t care what you call it. You just met. And you’re only sixteen . . .”
“I know. But in the pack, you’re considered an adult at my age. And I’ll be seventeen in a few months.”
Knowing he could hear the conversation, Tessa stared at Andrei, one brow arched.
He shrugged. “I think it has to be her decision.”
“Will you be home tonight?” Tessa asked.
“Yes. I’ll see you then.”
“All right. Bye.” Tessa shook her head as she tossed the phone aside “Life-mated at sixteen. It just doesn’t seem right.”
“Different strokes for different folks,” Andrei said, grinning. “Are you ready to go?”
* * *
Andrei waited in the living room while Tessa showered. He glanced around, thinking how much his life had changed since they’d met. And how drastically he had changed hers.
And then there was Bailey. Had it been fate that had brought the girl into their lives?
Yes, his life had taken an interesting turn. In addition to a woman he loved and a teenage were-panther, he now had a hunter for a friend. He had sensed a change in Luke over the last few days. He was more sure of himself, more confident in his abilities, than he had been just weeks ago.
They were all changing, he mused. Growing closer together, stronger. It was odd to have friends after spending so much of his life alone, to feel at ease around Jilly and Luke and Bailey. To feel he could count on them if need be.
Katerina had also changed. Where he had grown stronger, she seemed to have lost not only some of her power, but her smug self-assurance as well.
He shook off his thoughts as Tessa entered the room. As always, she had a smile for him.
Her love seemed to flow across the room, its warmth enveloping him, filling the dark empty corners of his soul.
She frowned at him. “What?”
“I was just thinking how beautiful you are, and how much I love you.”
She smiled at him, her eyes sparkling as she went into his arms. “Are you as happy as I am?”
“More so, I’m sure.”
“No man has ever loved a woman as I love you.” His knuckles caressed her cheek. “Or waited as long to find happiness.”
“Andrei, what a sweet thing to say.”
“It’s true.” Lowering his head, he brushed his lips across hers. “How soon can I make you mine?”
She gazed up at him, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of giving herself to him. “My parents will be back on the twenty-third. They want me to come home for Christmas. Do you want to come with me?”
“Did you think I’d let you go alone while Katerina is still a threat?”
“Well, I thought I should ask. Anyway, we can discuss a date for the wedding while we’re there. I was thinking sometime in January.”
He blew out a sigh.
“Too soon?”
“Not soon enough,” he growled.
Tessa bit down on her lower lip. She didn’t want to wait that long, either. “What if we just get married at City Hall? My parents will be upset, but I’m sure they’ll understand, since that’s what they did.”
His arms tightened around her. “Tomorrow?” he asked.
“That’s a little too soon,” she said, giggling softly. “How about Friday? That’ll give me a couple of days to find a dress and give us the weekend for a honeymoon.”
“Friday,” he agreed.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he claimed her lips with his in a kiss that inflamed her senses and seared her very soul. And made her wonder if she really wanted to wait until Friday.
* * *
Jilly was all agog the next day when Tessa told her the news. “Friday!” she exclaimed. “As in day after tomorrow? Isn’t that kind of sudden? And what about your mom and dad . . . ?”
“I’m tired of waiting. As for my parents, they’ll understand.”
“Maybe. But, don’t you want a church wedding with all the trimmings?”
“I used to, but it just seems too complicated, you know what I mean? And I can’t help thinking what would happen if some fledgling vampire crashed the ceremony. Or if Katerina showed up and slaughtered everyone.”
“That seems pretty far-fetched,” Jilly said. “I mean, no one’s seen her recently. Maybe she went back to whatever hole she crawled out of.”
“Maybe, but it could happen, and that scares me. Better if it’s just the five of us. Well, six, I guess, if Tristan comes with Bailey.”
“We’re invited then?”
“Of course.”
“All right!” Jilly glanced at her watch, then jumped to her feet. “I’ve gotta get back to work. I’m late! Just let us know the time,” she called over her shoulder, “and we’ll be there.”
* * *
Tessa was surprised to find Bailey waiting for her when she got home that night. She glanced around, expecting to see Tristan, since the two of them were practically inseparable these days.
Bailey smiled tentatively. “Hi.”
“Hi. How are you? I haven’t seen much of you lately.”
“I know. I’ve been with Tristan. I have so much to learn about pack rules and etiquette. Sometimes I don’t think I’ll ever remember it all.”
Tessa sat on the sofa and kicked off her heels, then stretched her legs out in front of her.
After a moment, Bailey dropped down beside her. “Where’s Andrei?”
Tessa smiled. “He’ll be here later. We’re getting married on Friday.” She had already arranged to take the day off and the following week as well. She had taken a lot of time off lately and although Mr. Ambrose hadn’t said it in so many words, she had the distinct feeling that the next time she asked for time off, she’d be getting it. Permanently.
“Really? That’s great. Funny, all of us getting married so close together,” she said. “First Jilly and Luke and now you.” She stared down at her hands, a smile playing over her lips.
“Something you want to tell me?” Tessa asked.
“Remember I told you that me and Tristan were going to be life-mated?”
“Yes, although I’m really not sure what that means.”
“It’s sort of like an engagement since I’m underage. We’ll get married when I’m eighteen.”
Tessa had a sudden image of the two of them in panther form, howling and mating under a full moon. She quickly shook the image away. “Are you sure that’s what you want? I mean, aren’t you awfully young to make a decision like this?”
Bailey shrugged. “According to Tristan, we were meant to be together. It’s a were-thing—they just know when they’ve met the right person.”
“Do you feel that it’s right? In here?” Tessa asked, pressing her hand over Bailey’s heart.
Bailey nodded. “When we’re together . . . I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like it’s meant to be. You’ll come, won’t you? Andrei, too? Tristan’s parents said it would be all right.”
“Of course. And we’d love to have you there with us on Friday. Where will the two of you live?”
“With Tristan’s parents, at least until we’re married.”
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too. You’ve been so good to me.”
Tessa put her arm around Bailey’s shoulders. “You’ll always be welcome in my home, whether it’s here or somewhere else.”
“Thank you,” Bailey murmured, sniffing back tears. “You saved my life, you know.”
“And you saved Andrei’s,” Tessa said, smiling. “So I guess we’re even.”