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A Fire in the Blood by Amanda Ashley (16)

Chapter Twenty-Three
In the morning, Tessa woke feeling as good as new. Her doctor was amazed that she didn’t have any lingering soreness from the accident, that it was no longer painful for her to breathe. When he removed the bandage to check her stitches, he informed her that the laceration in her head had healed completely, leaving no scar.
Mystified, he agreed to let her go home the next day.
She was fretting at having to spend another night in the hospital when Andrei and Bailey entered the room, laden with take-out sacks from a local hamburger stand, a big bouquet of flowers, and a large white teddy bear.
Andrei handed her the teddy bear, his gaze moving over her, missing nothing. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine, really. The doctor said I can go home tomorrow. He just wants to run a couple of tests.”
Bailey looked at Andrei as she placed the bags and the flowers on the tray, her eyes wide.
“What is it?” Tessa asked. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Andrei took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “I gave you a little of my blood last night, that’s all.”
“Oh! But . . . won’t they . . . ?”
He shook his head. “They won’t find anything out of the ordinary.”
“So, what happened last night?” Tessa asked. “You were hurting.”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle, thanks to Bailey,” he said, smiling at the girl.
Bailey flushed at the compliment. “You two probably want to be alone,” she mumbled. “I think I’ll go look at the babies in the nursery.”
When they were alone, Tessa tugged on his arm. “So, what did happen last night? It was Katerina, wasn’t it?”
“Where is she now?”
“I don’t know. She took off. She was afraid of Bailey, at least in her panther form.”
“I don’t believe it. Bailey’s just a kid.”
He twitched his shoulder in a shrug. “She might be a helpless teenager in her own skin, but as the panther. . . she’s something else.”
“I think she’s got a crush on you,” Tessa remarked.
Andrei snorted. “Whatever gave you that idea?”
“Just the way she looks at you, all doe-eyed,” she said dryly. “Have you seen Jilly and Luke?”
“Not since last night.”
Tessa’s eyes widened. “Did you . . . ?”
“Katerina’s never going to give up, is she?”
“Probably not, but something’s changed.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not sure. Here.” He pulled a burger out of the sack and handed it to her. “There’s a malt and fries in there too,” he said, when her stomach growled. “After all that’s happened, you need to keep your strength up.”
* * *
Bailey and Andrei stayed with Tessa until visiting hours were over; then Andrei transported Bailey back to the condo with strict orders to stay inside and keep the doors and windows locked.
Once he had her promise, he returned to the hospital. Every time he sensed a doctor or nurse approaching Tessa’s room, he dissolved into mist until they were gone.
Tessa found it all rather amusing.
“Laugh if you want,” he said, resuming his place in the chair beside her bed, “but I’m not leaving you here alone. Hospital thresholds have no power.”
“Obviously, or you couldn’t be here.”
“Exactly. Why don’t you get some rest?”
“I’m not tired. I feel great. Tell me about your past.”
“What do you want to know?”
“What did you do after you got away from Katerina?”
“I left the country.”
“What happened to your lands and your estate?”
“I don’t know. I never went back. I wandered the earth, a vagabond with no home and no family, afraid to make friends for fear they might discover what I was. People were very superstitious back then. Vampires were blamed for everything—sickness, death, sour milk, a bad harvest. A lot of innocent people were accused of being vampires—or witches—and killed.”
“In all those years, you never loved anyone? Never let anyone get close?”
He shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t live like a monk. I may be a vampire, but I’m still a man, with a man’s needs, but those were easily met without entanglements, if you know what I mean.”
“Yes,” she said dryly, “I do.” She could only imagine how many women there had been in his long life. Even at one a year, the number was staggering.
“One a year?” he asked, one brow arched in wry amusement.
Tessa stuck her tongue out at him, mildly annoyed because he was reading her mind again, but it wasn’t worth mentioning. “Doesn’t it seem odd that Katerina would come looking for you after all this time?”
“It’s you she came looking for,” he reminded her. “I was an afterthought.” Rising, he moved casually to the window and drew the curtains.
“Why did you do that?” Tessa asked. “I like looking at the lights across the way.”
Resuming his seat, he said, “Because she’s here.”
“Here? Where? We’re three flights up.” Tessa sat up, her gaze darting around the room. “What is she doing? Hovering outside the window like a bat?”
“More like the angel of death.”
Tessa sank back on the pillows. “Thank goodness Luke and Jileen were able to go home this morning. Did I tell you Luke’s decided to stay at Jilly’s house until we’ve resolved the Katerina problem? They’ll be safe, won’t they?”
“As long as they stay inside.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem. Jilly said they’re both taking a couple of sick days.”
Andrei nodded. Rising, he pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, then brushed a kiss across her lips. “It’s late. Get some sleep.”
“Is she still out there?”
“No.” Lowering the head of the bed, he removed one of the pillows and tossed it on the chair. “Don’t worry. I won’t leave you.”
“I love you,” she murmured, her eyelids fluttering down. “You’re so good to . . .”
He stroked her cheek as sleep claimed her, vowing that no one—vampire or mortal—would ever hurt her again.
* * *
In the morning, Luke and Jilly drove Tessa home. They stopped on the way to pick up doughnuts, pastries, and half a gallon of milk.
In the kitchen, Tessa placed the doughnuts on a plate and filled three glasses. “Make yourselves at home,” she said. “I’m going to go see if Bailey’s awake.”
Tessa knocked softly on the girl’s door. When there was no answer, she peeked inside. Bailey lay curled up on her side, one hand resting beneath her cheek, one foot peeking out of the covers. She looked incredibly young and innocent. No one, looking at her, would ever guess that when provoked, she morphed into a black panther.
Backing out of the room, Tessa closed the door and went to join Luke and Jilly.
“Is she okay?” Jilly asked.
“Yeah, she’s asleep. She had a late night.”
Jilly nodded as she helped herself to a chocolate éclair. “This has been some weekend.”
“It certainly didn’t go the way I planned, that’s for sure,” Tessa said.
“I can’t believe we all walked away from that accident with nothing more to show for it than a couple of bruises.” Luke shook his head in disbelief. “My car was totaled.”
“Yes,” Tessa said, smothering a grin, “it’s a miracle.” And its name was Andrei. He had not only given Tessa his blood, but her friends as well, though they didn’t know it.
“What are you looking so smug about?” Luke asked.
“Who, me?” Tessa asked innocently. “Nothing.”
“Okay, spill it,” Jilly said, licking chocolate frosting from her lips. “I know that look.”
“Are you sure you want me to tell you?” Tessa asked. “You might not like the answer.”
Jilly and Luke exchanged glances.
“We want to know,” Luke decided, his voice grim.
“Andrei gave both of you some of his blood while you were in the hospital. That’s why you healed so quickly.”
“His blood?” Jilly asked, eyes wide with alarm. “I have Andrei’s blood in me?”
“Relax,” Tessa said. “It’s just a little.”
“Vampire blood.” Luke shook his head. “I can’t have vampire blood in me. I’m a hunter!”
“Would you rather be black and blue and in pain?” Tessa asked irritably. “He did you both a favor.”
“You’re right,” Jilly said, reaching for another éclair. “It’s just so . . . I mean . . .” Her eyes widened. “I guess he gave you some too.”
Tessa nodded.
“Where is he now?” Luke asked.
“I don’t know. He spent the night in my hospital room. I haven’t seen him since then.”
“They let him stay with you, even though he’s not family?” Jilly asked.
“They didn’t know he was there, silly.”
“Oh, right.”
“Well,” Luke said, slapping his hands on his thighs. “I need to get to work.”
“You got a job?” Tessa asked.
“I’m a hunter, remember? There was an article in the paper this morning. They found a body drained of blood behind Monk’s Café.”
“How do you find vampires, anyway?” Tessa asked.
“It’s kind of hit and miss,” Luke admitted, pushing away from the table. “Mainly, they like to hide in deserted buildings or abandoned houses. I reckon this is another one looking for you. Fledglings don’t have a lot of experience and sometimes they’re pretty easy to find.”
“What do you do when you find one? Do you just drive a stake in its heart?”
“This is a very grisly discussion for so early in the morning,” Jilly remarked, grimacing.
“Sorry,” Tessa said.
“I’ll be back later. Jilly, why don’t you stay here?” Luke suggested. “I’ll feel better if the two of you are together.”
Jilly looked at Tessa, who shrugged. “It’s fine by me.”
“Okay, then.” Luke kissed Jilly on the cheek. “I’ll call you guys later.”
Jilly stared after him. “I hate it when he goes hunting. What if the vampire isn’t a fledgling? What if he’s old, like Andrei? What if . . . ?”
Tessa covered her friend’s hand with her own. “Hey, aren’t you the one who said worrying about the future would ruin the present? Besides, you can’t think like that. You’ll drive yourself insane. Anyway, he’s got some of Andrei’s blood now. Maybe it’ll make him stronger somehow.”
“Maybe.” Shoulders slumped, Jilly reached for a buttermilk doughnut. “I’m going to be as fat as a pig,” she muttered. “When he’s gone, all I do is eat.”
“I won’t let that happen,” Tessa said, replacing the doughnut in Jileen’s hand with a large green apple from the bowl in the center of the table.
“An apple?” Jilly exclaimed. “Seriously?”
“Much better for you.” Tessa looked up as Bailey, still wearing her pj’s, entered the kitchen. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
“Morning,” Bailey mumbled. “Oh, doughnuts! Can I have one?”
“Take them both,” Tessa said, slanting a grin at Jilly. “I’m doing an intervention.”
* * *
Tessa glanced out the window. She, Jilly, and Bailey had spent the morning giving each other manicures and pedicures, then passed a couple of hours playing canasta, trying to pretend that everything was all right.
But Jilly constantly glanced at the clock and checked her phone for messages.
Bailey prowled through the house from time to time, checking doors and windows.
Tessa couldn’t help fretting because Andrei hadn’t called or come over. She told herself there was nothing to worry about. Katerina couldn’t enter the condo uninvited. Andrei and Luke could—she hoped—take care of themselves.
In an effort to distract herself and the others, Tessa put the latest Hemsworth DVD into the player but, for once, even Thor couldn’t take her mind off her worries.
When the movie was over, Tessa went to the window.
It would be dark in an hour or two.
And there was still no word from Luke.
Or Andrei.




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