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A Kiss For The Cameras (The Hollywood Showmance Chronicles Book 1) by Olivia Jaymes (9)


Paige finished tapping out a text to her son Jason to let him know she’d arrived safe and sound. While they’d always been close, after Noah’s death that bond had been strengthened exponentially. They kept pretty close tabs on one another even now that he was attending college. She was so proud of the man he was becoming. A little like his father and a little like her, but mostly himself.

Tucking her phone back in her pocket, she craned her neck to see out of the taxi, all of nighttime London spread out before her with its purple sky and twinkling lights. While she was here she wanted to see it all. Already her mind was whirling with story ideas and characters that begged to be written.

“Have you never been here before, darling?”

There was incredulity in Nate’s voice and she supposed there should be. He’d traveled the world, after all.

“I’ve been all over the United States but I’ve never been to Europe. But I’ve wanted to visit for a long time.”

She dragged her gaze away from the skyline and back to her companion of the last three days. Three good days. They were taking those first shaky steps into friendship but it looked promising. Right now a wrinkled brow marred that gorgeous face she still wasn’t used to. Frowning again? He better be careful or he was going to have to spend more time in the makeup chair.

“Why didn’t you, love?”

She’d learned that Nate was a nice man but he also didn’t have a clue how the average single mother lived in suburbia. Even a financially successful one. It wasn’t his fault but he was truly sheltered.

“Because I was busy taking care of Noah and raising Jason when I wasn’t writing my next book.” She sighed heavily, remembering those years. She’d existed on massive amounts of caffeine, little sleep, lots of hugs from her son, plus a healthy dose of support from her friends. “There wasn’t much opportunity to travel.”

He winced and shook his head, his expression contrite. “I should have realized. Of course you would be busy caring for your husband. He was sick for a long time, yes?”

She turned back to the cityscape, not wanting to see the pity in her new friend’s eyes nor let him see the tears that shined in her own. Every now and then the past caught up with her.

“Too long,” she said softly. “But now I can travel and I’m glad to be here in London.”

“I’m glad too.”

That made Paige smile. “You weren’t too glad back in New York. In fact, I think you were ready to strap me to the wing of the plane because I was getting on your nerves.”

Approximately eight hours before on a British Airways flight…

Paige white-knuckled the hand rests and took several deep breaths, which seemed to capture Nate’s attention. He paused in arranging his backpack under the seat and gave her a frown.

“Are you okay? You look tense.”

“I don’t like to fly,” she confessed ruefully. “I took a sedative after we got through security so it should kick in any time now but until them I’m a little anxious, especially during takeoff and landing.”

The perfect bastard had the nerve to frown even harder as if he didn’t understand. “We’re going to be doing an awful lot of flying in the next year or so, Paige. There’s no real rational reason to be afraid, you know. It’s safer than driving a car.”

She knew that but it didn’t make any difference. “I don’t really like driving a car either to be honest. I have a lot to live for and I don’t want to die.”

He was still frowning. What was up with him?

“Perhaps you might want to see someone about your social anxiety and your fear of flying. Are there any other phobias I should know about?”

“I’m not too fond of heights or snakes,” she replied testily. “But I don’t have social anxiety. Being nervous about walking down a red carpet with reporters and photographers is a perfectly natural and human reaction. And I did see someone. They’re the ones that gave me the pills.”

“I mean see someone and talk to them. Try to get better, not just mask it with medication.”

She’d closed her eyes as the engines revved and she opened just one to look at him. “I’ll tell you what. If you go talk to a shrink about your commitment phobia, I’ll go talk to one about my fear of flying and walking down a red carpet. Deal?”

He turned in his seat and faced forward. “On the other hand, I’m sure the drugs work just fine.”


“Yep, that’s what I thought,” she laughed, closing her eyes again as the plane began to move. “You can dish it out but you can’t take it.”

He didn’t reply but he did hold her hand as the plane took off, which she thought was pretty human of him when she’d been kind of short about the situation. The sedative’s magic began to work and by the time the flight attendant came for their drink order she was in a great mood. The prescribed drug had a habit of lowering her inhibitions and also making her sleepy. She intended to take a nap while they were in the air.

The attractive attendant placed a flute of champagne and orange juice in front of each of them. She’d had to lean over to do it and damned if she didn’t make sure Nate got an eyeful of her cleavage. Her shirt hadn’t been unbuttoned that far a few minutes ago.

“Breakfast will be out in a few minutes. My name is Sherry.” She leaned over again and gave Nate a come-hither smile. “Let me know if you need anything. Anything at all.”

“Jesus,” Paige giggled as Sherry sashayed down the aisle. “You’re up to your elbows in fan-girl tail. Do want me to create a diversion while you and Sherry sneak off to the lavatory and join the mile-high club?”

Nate’s brows shot up and looked around quickly to see if anyone had heard her.

“Will you keep your voice down? What are you even talking about?”

The cabin of the airplane spun for a moment and then righted itself. Yep, the pills had kicked right in. Excellent. Paige leaned in closer to Nate, his spicy scent tickling her nose. He always smelled so good. If some company could bottle his scent they’d make billions. Women would erect monuments in their honor.

“I’m talking about those two boobies our lovely and helpful Sherry shoved in your face, and don’t pretend you didn’t notice. You were eyeing her up and down like she was a steak and you were a starving dog. So much for not embarrassing your fake girlfriend.” She poked him in the bicep and got a sore finger for her trouble. He was all muscle. “She thinks you’re on the market and you’re supposed to be devoted to me. Epic fail, Treetop. But if you want some strange, hey, don’t let me get in your way. Go for it.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw. She’d hit a nerve apparently but at the moment she was too relaxed to care. “I have no interest in that woman, I can assure you.”

Paige giggled again, taking another gulp of her drink. “You’re so fucking fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.”

“I am not fake.”

He sounded outraged. Whatever.

“You’re fake. You probably want to smack me upside the head right now but you’re all British gentleman instead, stiff upper lip and all that jazz. You never let down your guard around me. You are constantly Nate Mason, Prince Fucking Charming. When are you going to be just Nate?”

“I am just Nate,” he said defensively. “This is how I really am.”

Paige turned to him, their gazes colliding. “Bullshit.”

“You think you know me?” he asked, eyes narrowing. “You think you have all the answers?”

“I took a couple of psychology courses in college and clearly you have issues, my fake boyfriend. You have a deep need for approval and you’ll go to any lengths to get it, even subverting your own wants and needs. It’s sad, really.”

His face had turned a lovely shade of purple but surprisingly he was still in control. “A couple of classes? Well, why didn’t you say so? You’re practically an expert.” He snatched the champagne flute out of her hand. “And don’t drink that. I doubt it’s good to mix your sedative with alcohol. You said you had a lot to live for, remember?”

“Good point, Treetop.” Paige yawned, well into the second phase of the medication. “I’m going to sleep. Let me know if I snore. You and Sherry enjoy your shag. Say my name when you come. Cause you know…I’m your girlfriend.”

Nate shook his head. “It’s eight in the morning, you can’t go to sleep. You’ll be all messed up when we get to London. It will be evening when we get there.”

The vagaries of time zones were mostly lost on her when she was stone cold sober, so in this state she’d just have to take his word for it.

“I’m tired now,” she pronounced. “You can eat my breakfast.”

Paige’s lids were heavy and she didn’t fight them as sleep took over. In the distance she could still hear Nate trying to get her to wake up but she was just too sleepy to listen.

Back in the present…

“I don’t want to strap you to a wing now,” Nate laughed. “But it was touch and go back there.”

Paige smirked. “If it doesn’t work out with me, I’m sure Sherry would be glad to hear from you. I saw her give you her card as we left.”

Nate smiled as well, pulling that card from his front shirt pocket where he’d tucked it and then holding it up for her inspection. Next he rolled down the window of the vehicle slightly, a cool wind blowing in the car and making Paige shiver. Last, he shoved the card in the opening and let it flutter away into the wind.

“Smooth, Mason. Very smooth. I’d be impressed but I know you’ll get a whole new set tomorrow.”

But at least he’d thrown that one away.