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A Royal Expectation: The Young Royals - Book 4 by Emma Lea (21)

Chapter 20


I tugged at the bowtie ineffectually. It was still crooked. I growled at the reflection in the mirror, but it didn’t help. This should have been a shining moment for me. This was the party I was going to ask Jeanette to accompany me to as our official ‘first date.’ But that wasn’t happening. I was escorting Elise instead and I was not happy about it.

I really didn’t know how it all ended up in such a mess. After Jeanette left lunch the other day, I hadn’t seen hide or hair of her and it wasn’t from lack of trying. I had called her numerous times, but she wasn’t answering her cell. I had tried calling her office direct, but she must have said something to the switchboard and they wouldn’t put my calls through. Oh, they were very polite about it, but Jeanette was always ‘busy’ or ‘unavailable’ or ‘not currently in her office.’ The gist was, I was being stonewalled.

I didn’t know what exactly was going on with her, but I had an inkling. Elise. Just when Jeanette was starting to see herself differently, just when she was starting to forget the lies her mother had been whispering in her ear. Along came Elise and spoiled everything. She hadn’t even given me a chance to explain, which was equal parts frustrating and sad. The woman had been so battered by the people who should love her that she was skittish at the first hurdle.

I gave up wrestling with my bowtie and opened the door.

“MacClaren!” I called down the stairs.

The man was a butler and a valet, not that I made use of his skills very often.

“You called, sir?” he said coming into the room.

“I’m having trouble with my tie,” I said.

“Of course.”

His deep voice and strong, silent bearing made me think of Lurch from the old ‘Adam’s Family’ television series. He didn’t look like Lurch - he was more Mr. Belvedere than Frankenstein’s monster - but he certainly behaved similarly.

He stepped back and I checked his work in the mirror.

“Perfect,” I said, “Thank you.” He turned to go. “By the way,” I said and he stopped and turned back to me. “There haven’t been any messages for me from Lady Jeanette have there?”

“No sir,” he answered, his brows lowering as if I were accusing him of not doing his job properly.

“Okay. Thank you.”

He turned and I sighed at the man looking back at me from the mirror. This was going to take drastic measures. I needed to corner Jeanette somewhere she couldn’t evade me and we were going to have this out. Not tonight. I wouldn’t do that to her. But soon.

I checked my watch and pulled on my jacket. The car should be waiting downstairs and hopefully the driver had already picked up Elise. I did not want this to feel like a date, Elise didn’t need the encouragement. I jogged down the stairs and waved to MacClaren as he opened the door for me. The car idled quietly at the kerb and the driver opened the door for me. I slid in and met the eyes of my escort for the night.

“I thought you would be picking me up,” Elise pouted.

“I did,” I said. “I sent the car.”

“It’s not the same.”

“This isn’t a date,” I said casually. “I’m only escorting you because Freddie asked me to. He thought it might help for you to be with someone you know rather than just throwing you to the lions.”

“I don’t need a baby-sitter.”

“I think you’ll find that being among these people is a little out of your depth. You do know that the queen and her husband will be there tonight, right? And that Freddie’s parents are a duke and a duchess? And that his dad is the prime minister? There will be so many titles and crown jewels on display that you’ll feel like you’re in the Land of Oz.”

“I’ve met a prime minister before,” she said.

“You’ve met the former Australian prime minister before she even became prime minister, and that woman has nothing on the Duke of Monterey.”

“I’m not a backwards country bumpkin,” she said with a huff. “I do know how to mind my Ps and Qs.”

I sighed. “Let’s not fight about this. I know you are an intelligent woman, Elise, and I didn’t mean to belittle you. I also know that being around royalty, even if it is the royalty of a small country, is a lot to take in. Freddie asked me to be your guide tonight, that’s all.”

“You don’t want me here.”

I grit my teeth and took a breath before answering. “That is something we need to talk about later and has nothing to do with me escorting you tonight.”

I had been too busy trying to get Jeanette to talk to me that I hadn’t had the sit down with Elise. I could see that it was something I should have done before tonight. It was too late now to get into it with her and I didn’t want to cause a scene at Freddie and Alex’s pre-wedding party. This was only one of many to parties to come, and my duty tonight was to help Elise navigate the minefield of nobility. Our personal issues could wait until we didn’t have the press around watching our every move.

The car pulled through the gates of Château de Monterey and I heard Elise gasp beside me. It did look impressive at night. Nothing like the fairytale style of Château de Conte de Fées - the queen’s castle - but impressive nonetheless. Château de Monterey was all blocky and sharp angled with battlements and crenelations along the roofline. It looked imposing, as it was designed to. It had started life as the place of fortification for Merveille and was now the estate of the Duke and Duchess of Monterey.

The car glided to a stop and the door was opened. I stepped out and was immediately blinded by the flashes of the photographers. I held out my hand to Elise and helped her from the car. With an angelic smile on her face, she waved to the crowd of reporters like she was a celebrity. We walked quickly inside and I breathed a sigh of relief when the door closed behind us.

“That was fun,” she said and I only grimaced.

“This way, sir,” a footman said and we followed him down the hall.

We entered the ballroom and the first thing I saw was Jeanette and she was on the arm of Lord Cameron.


As soon as Drew entered the ballroom, I knew. I don’t know how I knew, it was just an awareness. One minute he wasn’t there and then the next I could feel his eyes on me. I tried really hard not to look in his direction, but it was futile. The man drew me like a magnet.

I lifted my head and our eyes clashed. I could see the tick in his jaw as he took in the arm I was attached to. I think I might have been sporting the same look as I took in the arm attached to his. Elise. He was here with Elise. Of course he was, had I really believed he wouldn’t be?

With determination, I tore my gaze away from his and tuned back into the conversation happening around me. Lord Cameron had insisted on being introduced to the Earl of Forét, and Bernie had been kind enough to stand there and listen to Lord Cameron spout off about all kinds of things that I didn’t think he really knew anything about. The man was an insufferable bore - Lord Cameron that is, not Bernie - and I felt myself drifting off. Until Drew walked in.

“Thank you so much for your time Lord Bernie,” I said with a little curtsey. “But we don’t want to monopolise you.”

“It was good to see you again Lady Jeanette,” he said with a little head bow, “And good to meet you Lord Cameron.”

I thought I heard him sigh with relief when I dragged Lord Cameron away.

“Why did you do that?” Lord Cameron asked with a growl when we were far enough away so as not to be overheard.

“The man was practically falling asleep standing up. Have you really no idea how boring you can be?”

“What?” he spluttered and I rolled my lips together in an attempt to not let any more words spill out.

It seemed that the Rebel Jeanette that had been hiding all these years had come out to play. I blamed Drew for coaxing her out of her hiding place and now that she was free, I was having a devil of a time getting her back in her box.

I sighed and stopped, turning to Lord Cameron. “People don’t want to hear about you,” I said, “It is the basic rule of communication. If you want people to be interested in you, then you have to be interested in them. You talked through that whole conversation without once asking Lord Bernie anything about himself. It is not a job interview where you get to list all your accomplishments and credentials. Networking - if that is indeed what you are trying to do - is about making an impression on the other person. A good impression. You don’t make a good impression by dominating the conversation.”

“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Of course you don’t,” I said under my breath. “Ah, look. There is Lord Jeffery. Let me introduce you to him and you can practice listening instead of talking.” Lord Jeffery was even more of a bore than Lord Cameron was.

“Lord Jeffery,” I said coming to stand alongside the marquess, “May I introduce Lord Cameron, Viscount of Westhaven.” I turned to Lord Cameron. “Lord Cameron this is Lord Jeffrey, Marquess of Dunethin.”

The gentlemen shook hands and Lord Jeffrey began to talk. Knowing that he would keep Lord Cameron occupied for a while, I made my escape, heading for the refreshment table. I didn’t necessarily want anything to eat, I just wanted to get away from that man.

He had been smug when we had met for lunch yesterday. The smirk he gave me had made my skin crawl but I had promised my mother I would give him another chance. I had invited him to accompany me to this ball in celebration of Freddie and Alex. We had only been here for less than an hour and I was already going out of my mind with boredom. Could I spend the rest of my life with this man? Maybe if I didn’t have to see him very often I could.

But that was no way to live.

I moved through the crowd and into the smaller room where the refreshments were laid out. I headed for the cheese and crackers, knowing they would be Pemberton Cheese. No one served anything else these days. I picked up a few morsels and ate quickly. I didn’t have lunch or dinner and my stomach rumbled quietly in appreciation of the sustenance.

“We’re practically engaged.”

I turned my head surreptitiously to eye the speaker of that phrase. I had recognised the voice, but wanted to make sure before jumping to any conclusions. It was Elise. I knew it would be. I edged closer to the little circle of eager listeners she had gathered in order to hear who it was she was engaged to. I had a small hope that it was someone from back home, someone who was not Drew.

“We’ve known each other forever. It was always inevitable that we end up together.”

“So you moved here to be with him?” one of her avid listeners asked and my stomach sank.

“It was a surprise. I didn’t tell him I was coming. The plan was always to follow him here when he had settled in, but when I saw the advertisement for the job, I couldn’t wait. It was like fate, you know?”

It hadn’t been fate, it had been me. I was the one who brought her here. The thought turned my stomach sour and I turned away from the food. My intuition had been true, Drew and Elise were together. So why had he kissed me? Why had he made me feel like I was the only woman in the world? He had come into my life and swept me up in his arms and I had been prepared to follow him wherever he led, but it had all been a lie. The whole time he had Elise in the wings. I had been nothing but a passing fancy until his one true love joined him. I turned and fled from the room, seeking the gardens as a place to escape the nightmare that was my life.


I didn’t stop. I knew who was calling me and I didn’t want to speak to him. I couldn’t face him, not now, not knowing what I did. I walked swiftly down the stairs and into the softly lit garden. I heard his footsteps behind me and lengthened my stride but it was to no avail. He caught up to me and reached out a hand to my shoulder. I stopped, but didn’t turn to face him.

“Jeanette,” he said, softer now. He stood very close to me. I could feel he warmth of him on my back and I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth against the need to lean back into him. “Why are you running from me, Jeanette? Why are you trying to avoid me?”

“I thought that would be obvious, Drew,” I murmured. God, his voice. It was like a cool caress against my overheated skin.

“I have been trying to contact you for days. Why won’t you let me explain?”

I did turn then and anger burned under my skin. I refused to be made a fool of any longer. People always thought that I was naïve because I didn’t speak my mind. I was quiet, that didn’t mean I didn’t see everything clearly.

“Let you explain what? That all those things you said to me were lies? ‘I’m sorry Jeanette but now that my fiancée is here, I don’t need you in my life anymore!’ Is that what you wanted to explain?”

He reared back like I had slapped him.

“What are you talking about?”

“What do you think I’m talking about? You and Elise, of course.”

“I don’t know where you got the idea that she is my fiancée, but I can assure you she’s not. And you’re one to talk. Why are you here with Lord Cameron? I thought you broke it off with him?”

“It’s none of your business why I am here with him.”

“Of course it’s my business,” he said, stepping up closer to me. His eyes searched mine in the dark as if he were trying to read my mind. “Don’t you know how I feel about you?” His voice was a gentle whisper and it pulled me towards him. He dipped his head and brushed his lips across mine and for a moment I was lost in the sensation.

It was so easy to lose myself when I was near him. He had some sort of hypnotic spell over me and when he touched me, I just wanted to melt in a puddle at his feet. I couldn’t fight it. His soft lips pulled me deeper and all my objections seemed to float away on the wind.

“Jeanette,” he whispered against my lips.

My name on his tongue broke the spell. It took all my will to push him away from me. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand, trying to clear my head. Why was he kissing me when his fiancée was inside? It just didn’t make sense and made me angrier. Was he trying to make a fool of me?

“How dare you,” I said, low and menacing.

He stared at me like I had lost my mind.

“Elise is inside telling anyone who will listen that you two are engaged, that you are fated to be together. Yet here you are, kissing me.”

He threw his hands up in the air. “For goodness sake,” he growled. “I am not engaged to Elise. I am not in love with Elise. I am in love with you.”

I gasped at the words. They hit me like a knife to the chest. How could he stand there and say such horrible things when I already knew the truth? There was no way he would choose me over Elise, the woman he had known all his life, the woman who practically worshiped the ground he walked on.

“No!” I yelled at him. “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to say things like that to me. Not now.”

“Why won’t you listen to what I am saying?” he pleaded. “I’ve nothing to gain by lying to you. I. Am. In. Love. With. You.”

“Stop it! Stop saying it! You just don’t get it,” I said, exasperated. “You think this is a game. Lead the plain girl on, make her think she’s pretty, make her think she’s worth your time of day and then stand back and laugh at her for falling for it. Well I’m not going to fall for it. I’m not going to fall for you. I don’t love you.” The lie burned as it crossed my lips. “I’ve decided to marry Lord Cameron. At least then I’ll know what I’m getting.”

I turned and strode away from him, my chest an empty, gaping hole where my heart had once been.