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A Secret Proposal: Part 1 (Falling for Sakura Book 2) by Praks, Alexia (20)



Sebastian was really pissed with himself as of early this morning. He hadn’t been able to sleep since he’d reluctantly logged off the internet. Why the hell did he type those words to her last night?

I want to kiss you.

Now that he thought about it, the sentence made him sound like a stalker. And bloody hell, he didn’t want himself to sound like that to Sakura. As of last night, or rather early this morning, however, that was very likely. He was a stalker to Sakura. He’d pushed her away with his uncontrollable love and desire for her. He couldn’t keep his feelings to himself. He’d wanted her to know how much he loved her. He’d wanted her to come back into their lives that badly. And of course, he’d totally screwed it up. Both for him and his brothers.

Hell! It had gone so great, first with her emailing him about the rent. It was actually a reasonable price considering the market at the moment, but it was Sakura. Heck! He had to lower it for her, no questions asked. He’d do anything for her. He’d even let her have the place rent free if she asked. Then he couldn’t control himself and started emailing her, knowing fully well she’d never reply. She surprised him, however, by emailing back. And then off they went, online pen pals.

Everything was going great, and it made Sebastian so gushingly happy that even his brothers noticed. Darcy kept asking him if he had a secret to tell. Damn if he’d expose his private time with Sakura. He was greedy in that regard; he’d admit that. But that sentence—I want to kiss you—that had changed their close relationship. Sebastian doubted she’d reply if he emailed her again and knew in his guts he’d have to. Regardless of her fear of his words, he needed her to come back to him and start over.

He’d just finished dealing with the new contract for a new lease on the building when he got the call from Tristan.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“You need to hurry back, Seb.” This was followed by a laugh. “Toby’s in the apartment, and Sakura is coming soon. You wouldn’t believe it if I told you, but heck, I’m going to tell you anyway. Sakura has been living with Sosuke and his family for the past few weeks.”

“What?” Sebastian shouted into the phone, a little more than confused at the information.

“Hey, don’t yell at me, bro. I’m just bearing the news. Come quick. She’d be here anytime soon now.”

“I’m on my way,” Sebastian said and hung up.

As he switched on the engine, he shook his head. “Small world. Such a small world.” As he reversed the car, he said under his breath, “Sakura, sweetheart, you’re not running away from us again. That I can promise you.”

* * * * *


Darcy wondered if he’d somehow turned into a stalker as he gazed at the painting of the cherry blossom tree he’d brought from Tanaka Gallery, from his dearest Sakura. Every day for two weeks now, he’d parked the car on the opposite side of the gallery, staring at it, hoping to get a glimpse of Sakura herself. He did see her a few times, busy doing this and that. Every time he saw her, he desperately wanted to walk up to her and pull her into his arms. And of course, kiss her until she was breathless. He even imagined himself doing that. But he was a coward and so resigned to just sitting there, watching her from the distance.

Now he lifted his fingers to caress the canvas once again, stroking the line of the pink cherry blossoms, imagining caressing the painter herself.

“Sakura, sweetheart, when will you let us back into your life?” he said under his breath.

He was ready. He knew if he were to see her again, he was ready to march right up to her and take her into his arms and never again let go.

His cell phone rang, and Darcy sighed in annoyance. He reluctantly turned away from the painting and headed to the coffee table where his cell phone, as well as his laptop and drawing material, resided.

Picking it up to his ear, he said, “Hayden?”

“Emergency, bro,” came Hayden’s voice. “We found Toby. And Sakura is coming.”


“Shit, man. Sakura has been living with Lady Haruka and Sosuke for the past two weeks, right under our roof. Bro, are you coming or what?”

Darcy found himself tense from head to toe as the news sank in. “Yeah. I’m coming. I’m coming,” he shouted, grabbing his keys and wallet. “Why is she living with Lady Haruka?” he asked as he raced out the door and then down the stairs.

“No idea. Tristan just phoned Sebastian and he’s on his way as well.”

“What about Mom and Dad?”

“Yeah, Nicolas is currently talking to them. I have a feeling this is it, man! This is it!”

Outside, Darcy clicked the button on his keys and then slid into the car. “I’ll be there soon.”

“Yeah, sure.” After a long pause, he added, “Darcy? Drive safely, bro, and don’t do anything stupid.”

Darcy took a deep breath. “Thanks. But I’m not planning on doing anything stupid. Just keeping Sakura from running away again.”

Hayden laughed. “Yeah, well, that’s what we’re all trying to do.”

“Right, bye for now,” Darcy said and hung up. He put the gear on reverse and then moved out of the parking lot.

“Sakura, sweetheart, I won’t let you run again this time,” he said as he sped along the street. 

* * * * *


The moment Sakura stepped out of the taxi, the world spun around her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew she hadn’t been feeling well for the past week. She’d been a little more than just fatigued and wondered if she was low in something and very sick. Of course, the lack of sleep, long work hours, and her anxiety over the drama at the gallery didn’t help either.

Once the dizziness disappeared, she hastily made her way to the entrance of the apartment building and then to the elevator. Her mind was once again on Toby as the lift took her up to the second floor. She hoped Akira had found the dog already. The thought of losing the little pup made Sakura feel even sicker than she already did.

The door dinged and slid open. She stepped out and instantly felt as though something wasn’t right. She paused, wondering what it could be.

Ignoring the odd feeling, she headed to the apartment. The moment she clicked the door open, she called out, “Tadaima,” which meant ‘I’m home’.

Silence greeted her. She blinked, feeling a little uneasy.

“Akira? It’s me, Sakura. Are you here?” She put her bag and keys on the table by the door and headed toward the living area. “Toby?”

Finally, she heard an excited bark greeting her and sighed in relief. “Akira, you’ve found Toby. Thank goodness.”

She walked faster now, a smile on her face. She rounded the corner and then came to the door. The moment she stepped over the threshold, she came to a sudden halt and her smile disappeared.

Standing before her with his hand in the pocket of his trousers was Sebastian. She sucked in her breath, and suddenly, the dizziness blasted at her in full force.

Dreaming. I am dreaming. Sebastian can’t be here. He can’t be.

She shut her eyes and commanded herself to breathe slowly and deeply. When she opened her eyes again, he was still there. He had a haunted look about his face that hurt her heart. Suddenly, she simply wanted to throw herself into his arms and collapse against him. She wanted to feel his warmth against her so bad it hurt.

“Sakura,” the voice that haunted her day and night called out to her.

She drifted her gaze to her right and found Darcy there. He, too, looked haunted, and his brooding features were darker than ever. A gasp escaped her lips and her body trembled.

“It can’t be,” she whispered.

A face appeared in front of her, which was followed by, “You’re too pale, Sakura darling, and it’s freaking me out.”

It was Tristan who said those words, and Sakura blinked.

“Are you going to be sick?” Logan asked, sporting a worried look on his face.

Hayden rolled his eyes and said, “If you two bother to move back and let her enter the room—Shit!”

He didn’t even finished the sentence before Sakura closed her eyes and started falling.

Sebastian got to her in a second flat, cradling her in his arms. He gently touched her face and swore under his breath. “She’s cold,” he said, a tremor in his voice that worried his brothers.

Darcy felt his gut churning acid and came to kneel beside Sebastian. He touched her forehead and then stroked his fingers against her soft hair.

“Sakura,” he said.

Sebastian glanced up at his brother. “We should get her comfortable.”

At Darcy’s nod, Sebastian lifted her and carried her to the sofa. There, he laid her down and sat beside her, his hand stroking her face.

“Is she unwell?” Conrad asked, hugging Toby tightly against his chest as he hovered behind Sebastian.

“Move back,” Nicolas ordered. “Give her some room.” He turned to Akira, who looked as pale as a ghost. A very beautiful one at that. “Do you have smelling salts or anything?”

Akira nodded and rushed off to find them.

Darcy, who was kneeling on the floor beside Sakura, grabbed her hand. “She’s too cold.”

Akira returned just then and handed Sebastian the smelling salts. “I thought she didn’t look very well this morning,” she said. “Maybe she’s working too hard. I mean, here with Oba-chan and at the gallery as well.”

Nicolas turned his eyes to her. “If you thought she wasn’t well and she was working too hard, why didn’t you help her out?”

Akira’s face reddened. “I did. I was helping out at the gallery during the day while she works here for Oba-chan.”

Tristan wasn’t happy that their eldest scolded the pretty model. He gave Nicolas a dark frown before turning his attention to Akira. “You’re a good friend, Akira-chan,” he said, smiling at her. Akira grinned back at the brother, which annoyed Nicolas.

It was a few moments later when Sakura opened her eyes. She stirred, and her gaze focused on Sebastian once again. He gave out a little chuckle.  “Is that how you greet us, Sakura?”

Sakura blinked, very aware that Sebastian was so close to her and he was stroking her forehead and the tendrils of her hair. She tried to move but realized someone was holding her hand, tight. She turned her gaze and saw Darcy.

“Rest, Sakura. You’re unwell,” he said softly.

A lump formed in her throat and tears welled in her eyes. Darcy. My dear Darcy. The words echoed within her head. She closed her eyes and the salty drops rolled down her cheeks.

Tristan said, “Happy tears.” In which case, Logan gave him a good jab in the stomach with his elbow.

Toby chose that moment to bark out at his master. Conrad put him down on the floor, and the dog eagerly went to Sakura. Sebastian grabbed the dog and rested the pup on his lap so Sakura could stroke him.

“You’re safe,” she said softly. “I was so worried.”

“I think he was looking for us,” Conrad said. “I swear I heard him barking for the past two weeks.”

“Sorry, Conrad, for not believing you,” Tristan said.

Sakura blinked and, once again, tried to sit up. Sebastian wouldn’t let her, however. She obeyed him, since she felt dizzy the moment she lifted her head.

“You brothers live here in this building?” she asked curiously.

“Yep,” Hayden answered. “The penthouse.”

The news didn’t sit well with Sakura. So the dragon and his brothers Akira usually referred to were Nicolas and his brothers, the Princetons, her adoptive siblings. No wonder Toby kept wanting to go up there.

“Anybody want some tea?” Akira asked the brothers. “Sakura-chan, I’ll tell the housekeeper to make you some chicken soup. I think it’s a good idea you go and see a doctor. I mean, you’ve got the photoshoot this coming week and we don’t want you to tire yourself out.”

“Thanks, Akira” Sakura said. “I’ll make an appointment tomorrow.”

The brothers agreed it was a good idea, and Sebastian promised to take her for the appointment himself. With that settled, Akira went off into the kitchen to help the housekeeper prepare the tea. Oddly enough, Nicolas volunteered to help her, which annoyed Akira.

Ten minutes later, the brothers sat around the low table, enjoying their tea and cake. Sakura was there as well, sipping her chicken soup. Sebastian was beside her and Darcy was on her other side, Toby on his lap, quiet and content.

“So, Sakura darling,” Tristan began. “What have you been doing for the past year?”

Sakura swallowed the soup in her mouth and said, “Running my small business.”

“Tanaka Gallery?” Hayden queried.

“Why did you change your last name?” Conrad asked, more than a little upset over the idea.

With the color coming back to her face, Sakura managed to blush, which of course pleased the brothers. They knew she was feeling better.

“I didn’t want you guys to find me,” she stated obviously. “And my biological mother’s name is Tanaka.”

Conrad nodded, deciding to accept her explanation—for now. She was still too sick, after all. He and his brothers would make sure she changed her last name back to Princeton once everything was settled, of course.

“Even so,” Logan said, “you need to change it back to Princeton. That’s your name. It just suits you better.”

Nicolas stared at his brother. “That’s up to Sakura, Logan. Just be glad we’ve found her.” He turned his attention to their sister then. “Sakura, Mom and Dad miss you. They want to see you.”

Sakura nodded. She had no choice now. It was too late to run. Too late to escape. Fate wanted her to meet the brothers once again, and she couldn’t fight it anymore.

“Sakura-chan,” Akira said from the other side of the table. “I’ve called Oba-chan and told her you’re unwell. She will inform Tachibana-sensei. Of course, you’ll have to go and do more fittings before we leave for Hawaii.”

Tristan thought it was a perfect opportunity to intervene. “Ah, Hawaii and the photoshoot.” He turned to Akira and said, “You’re one of the models, so I’ve heard.”

Akira nodded, blinking. “Yes.” Then she took a sip of her hot tea.

“We’ll be there as well,” Logan said from the other side. “We’ve signed a contract to be Mr. Tachibana’s male models for the summer collection.”

At this news, Sakura tightened her hands on the warm bowl and glanced at Darcy. She noted he was looking at her. He gave her a handsome grin and nodded.

Akira, on the other hand, nearly choked on her tea and had to swallow hard. “You guys are Tachibana-sensei’s male models?” She eyed Nicolas, and the image of him naked rushed to her mind. She blushed and her heart began to race just a little.

“We’ll be horrible at it,” Nicolas said, nudging the glasses up the bridge of his nose, just like Sosuke liked to do. “But yes, we’ve already signed the contract.” He turned to smile at Sakura.

Sakura had a feeling this was all premediated by the brothers themselves, to be close to her, of course. But she didn’t bother to dwell on that too much because she suddenly felt like she wanted to shut her eyes and sleep forever.

Sebastian noted the tired expression on her face. He knew he was partially to blame. He’d kept her up until three in the morning most nights, chatting with her online for the past week. She’d told him she had work to do today, which he now found out was the fitting for the photoshoot.

He decided a proper family reunion would have to wait until later and stood, drawing everyone’s attention. “I think Sakura needs to sleep. She looks ready to drop any minute now,” he said to his brothers.

Nicolas agreed with a nod of his head.

Darcy said, “Mom and Dad are coming this evening to see you. We’ll have a family dinner up at our apartment.”

Sakura smiled and nodded. “I’ve missed them.”

“That’s enough talking,” Sebastian said, bending to gather her up in his arms.

Darcy frowned because he was going to do that.

Akira just stared at the three people in shocked surprise. She couldn’t help herself. It was obviously a love triangle. And then she thought, rather sadly, that her brother Sosuke wouldn’t have any chance now. Akira wouldn’t mind having Sakura as her sister-in-law though.

Sakura blushed and took a peek at Sebastian. He didn’t have to carry her, for God’s sake. She was a fully grown woman.

Sebastian grinned at her, noting the pretty red spreading across her cheeks. He carried her out the door, with Darcy and Conrad close behind. Conrad signaled he wanted Toby in his arms. Darcy obliged and handed the pup over.

Sakura wasn’t pleased that these brothers were in her room, not for the first time, of course. Sebastian laid her on her bed, and she murmured to him, “Thanks.”

“I like your old bedroom better, Sakura,” Conrad said, sitting on her bed by her feet, Toby on his lap as he stroked the dog. “You can come live with us, you know. We have a spare room. It’s beside mine.” He smiled at her cheekily.

“Do you?” she asked, moving herself to get underneath the duvet. Darcy helped her and then tugged the thing over her so she was comfortable.

She smiled at him, which pleased Darcy.

“Come on. Let Sakura sleep,” Sebastian said, moving to the door.

The brothers nodded and walked out of the room.

“Have a nice dream,” Conrad said. “Oh, and I’m taking Toby up to the apartment, just so you know.”

Sakura nodded and then turned on her side, closing her eyes as Conrad shut the door with a click.

Alone, Sakura felt tears in her eyes as her heart raced. Please, calm down, Sakura, the voice in her head urged. When it did, she smiled. She’d been waiting for this all along, hadn’t she? In her gut, she’d known she wanted to accept them back into her life. She’d just been lying to herself, of course, that she didn’t want them. But deep down, she knew she did. It was just easier to lie to herself, to prolong the inevitable, the decision as to which brother she would choose, between the two men she loved dearly—Sebastian and Darcy.

Finally, she took a deep breath and shut her mind completely, letting the darkness take her, at least for a couple hours.

* * * * *