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A Secret Proposal: Part 1 (Falling for Sakura Book 2) by Praks, Alexia (24)



Sakura tried not to think about Darcy and his rejection that morning, but it was hard. She thought back as to why he wouldn’t kiss her after he’d won the race. Perhaps he no longer wanted her? Perhaps he no longer loved her?

“What’s wrong, Sakura-chan?” Akira asked at the door.

Sakura looked up, surprised to see Akira there, already dressed in her yukata. This one was very beautiful, a light blue with floral design.

“I did knock,” Akira said.

Jane poked her head in behind Akira. “Sakura, haven’t you showered yet?”

Sakura cocked her head to one side as Jane came into the room. The woman was dressed in a green yukata that matched her eyes perfectly. She looked very fetching without her glasses on and her blond hair up in a pretty bun.

“Jane, you look beautiful,” Sakura said.

Jane blushed.  “Akira helped me with the yukata.” She did a little spin to show off the garment to Sakura. “I’ve never worn one before, but I love this. I’m going to get one to wear on special occasions.”

Sakura laughed. “I might buy one as well.”

Akira sighed in vexation at the two women who were still talking when they were running out of time. She took matters into her own hands, because otherwise, they really were going to be late. She grabbed ahold of Sakura’s wrist and pulled her up from the bed.

“Sakura-chan, I know you’re tired from organizing and preparing the celebration, but you have to get ready before everyone arrives.”

Sakura sighed, reluctant. What she really wanted to do was collapse on the bed and sleep forever. She couldn’t believe she got tired so easily these days. Of course, she’d been up since five this morning, wanting to take a swim before the pool got too crowded. Then Sebastian and Darcy had come in. There had been the race and the expected kiss that didn’t happen.

When she’d returned to the apartment, she got down to helping the housekeeper and Haruka with preparing food for Sosuke’s birthday celebration. Jane had arrived not long after and helped out as well.

Akira nudged her into the bathroom, followed by a slap on Sakura’s bottom for her to hurry up. Sakura jumped and laughed wholeheartedly.

“You’re acting like you’re my oneesan.” Sakura jested.

Akira raised her brows. “Oh? Don’t you want an oneesan like me, Sakura-chan?”

“Actually,” Sakura said, smiling, “I do. To be honest, I consider you as one.”

“Then be a good imoutosan and go shower.” Akira gave Sakura another nudge between the shoulder blades to get her moving. “Otherwise, you’ll really make us late for dinner.”

“What’s oneesan?” Jane asked from behind. “And imoutosan?”

Akira said, “Oneesan is older sister and imoutosan is younger sister in Japanese.”

“Oh!” Jane expressed as she clasped her hands together. “If we’re going to be sisters, non-related of course, I think I will be the oldest. I know what we should do. We should form a sisterhood or something.”

Sakura cocked her head to one side, a thoughtful look on her face. “Jane, are you serious?”

Jane nodded her head. “I’m totally serious. But that means I’d be the oldest.”

Akira asked, “How old are you?”

Jane went bright red and murmured, “Twenty-eight.”

“Then you are the oldest. I’m twenty-seven,” Akira said as she really made Sakura go into the bathroom by gently jostling her in. “I’m going to get Sakura’s yukata, and you, sister Jane, make sure she doesn’t come out until she’s totally done.”

“Sister Jane?” Sakura couldn’t hide her giggle.

Akira shut the door in her face, blocking her mirth from Jane’s view. Then she headed out the door.

“Sister Jane?” Jane said in outrage, frowning. “You make me sound like a nun!”

Akira laughed from the corridor, and Jane, finally finding the funny side of it, joined in on the laughter, too.

Alone inside the bathroom, Sakura stripped herself naked and then went into the shower. As the water pounded down on her, she touch her fingers to her lips, her mind on Sebastian and Darcy.

“Stop it!” she muttered under her breath. “You shouldn’t be upset if Darcy’s decided he no longer likes you. After all, you left him without saying good-bye. Of course he’d forget about you.”

The realization of that reality hurt, and Sakura felt herself shake uncontrollably with emotions.

“Sakura?” Jane called out from the other side. “Hurry up. Your parents have just arrived. I can see them down at the street.”

Sakura swore under her breath and quickly concentrated all her attention on cleaning herself. She was done and out of the shower five minutes later, her long hair and body dripping wet. She wrapped a towel around her person and then rushed out of the room.

“Are they really here already?” she asked as she busied patting her hair with another towel.

Jane nodded.

“Hold on. I need underwear,” she said and rushed to the drawer. She found herself a pair of panties and bra and then dashed back into the bathroom. When she returned ten minutes later, underwear on as well as light makeup done, Akira was there with a floral yukata set out for her.

“Sakura-chan,” Akira said. “We’re late, and it’s not good. Sosuke said the brothers are heading down now.”

“Jesus!” Sakura muttered. “Help me, Akira. I don’t know how to put the yukata on.”

“It’s your own fault,” Akira muttered. “We did tell you to get ready sooner.”

“But there was so much to do,” Sakura defended.

Jane decided to help. She came around and pulled Sakura’s towel off her body.

“Jane!” Sakura shrieked, “What are you doing?”

“Helping you get ready,” Jane replied cheerfully.

Akira handed Jane the traditional Japanese underwear of long white robe. Once Sakura had it on, Akira returned her attention to the yukata itself. She wrapped the material on Sakura while Jane started blow-drying Sakura’s long hair.

Akira folded the right side of the yukata on the front and then the left on top of that. Next she tied the sashes, one about Sakura’s waist and one just under her breasts. Sakura tested the knots to make sure they wouldn’t go loose on her by accident. After that, Akira wrapped the inner belt around Sakura’s middle and then the obi on top, tying the bright material into a perfect bow at the back.

Akira stood back and admired her handiwork. “Wow!”

Jane cocked her head to one side and said, “You look amazing, Sakura.”

“Are we done?” Sakura asked, looking at Akira.


Akira didn’t get to finish her sentence because Sakura rushed out the door. Akira turned to look at Jane.

“I wasn’t finished yet,” Akira said. “Her front isn’t done up properly.”

Jane just smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

Sakura knew she was late, and she hadn’t yet finished setting up the low tables. She was in such a rush that she didn’t look at where she was going. She raced along the corridor, intending to go into the dining room. Suddenly, she smashed right into the arms of one of the men she’d been thinking about all day. She froze the moment she felt him embracing her. She slowly lifted her gaze and swallowed when she saw the hot, intense mauve-gray eyes watching her.

Sakura licked her lips and said, “Darcy, you’re early.”

Tristan chuckled from behind. “We’re not early, Sakura darling. We are on time.”

Sakura hesitantly moved out of Darcy’s arms, blushing. Then she looked behind Darcy to see both Tristan and Logan. All three men were wearing the yukata as well, and they definitely looked hot, especially because they didn’t wear any shirt underneath and the V-shape about the front was showing their muscular chest. For Darcy, she could slightly see the tattoo of the Sakura flower. The view was very enticing, and she had the uncontrollable desire to caress the firmness of his toned chest. She quickly flicked her mind away from the too tempting, too hot, brooding Darcy and wondered where everyone else was.

To answer her questioning gaze, Darcy said, “Everyone is already in the living room.”

“Oh,” was Sakura’s reply, her eyes on him. She noted the intense gaze scorching her person and felt a delicious shiver coursing down her body. She quickly glanced away, breathless.

Logan came around to her and gave her a great big hug. He squeezed her tight and said, “You look beautiful, Sakura, in that yukata. Here, let me arrange it properly on you.”

Logan was about to touch the material of the yukata about her chest when Darcy slapped his hand away.  Logan said, “Then why don’t you do it? She can’t go in looking like that.”

Confused as to what Logan meant, Sakura glanced down at herself and wanted to die. Though her yukata fit her perfectly, her front wasn’t arranged properly and was left wide open, showing off her milky white skin. She blushed and started pulling the material up.

“You’re not doing it right,” Darcy said, his hand on her, stopping her action.

Sakura’s heart fluttered in her chest as she gazed up at him.

He doesn’t love me anymore, she told herself. When he let go of her hands, she dropped them to her sides.

Darcy gently touched the material of the yukata about her chest, his fingers lightly caressing her skin. She sucked in her breath and a slight groan escaped her lips. She avoided his gaze as he rearranged the yukata for her. Her body was tense and as stiff as a pole. When he was done, he dropped his hands and took a step back.

Tristan cocked his head to one side and looked at Darcy’s handiwork. “Nice. Very nice.” Then he grabbed Sakura by the elbow and said, “Shall we join the others?”

At Sakura’s tentative nod, he led her toward the living area. Just as they were about to enter, Sakura turned to look over her shoulder at Darcy. She winced inside when she realized he wasn’t even looking at her. He was staring straight ahead, his face a mask of stone.

She sighed and returned her attention to Tristan, who was saying how excited he was about the upcoming photo shoot in Hawaii.

“It’s my first time modeling,” he said. “Hum, I might consider it as a future career.”

Logan laughed at his brother mockingly. “You’re a bit too late for that industry, Tristan. If you didn’t make at least five million a year with our business, he wouldn’t have considered you at all.”

Tristan turned to look at his brother. “Nah, I think Mr. Tachibana would still consider me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have begged us so many times.”

They finally reached the living area, and Sakura came to a sudden stop. The scene was indeed heartwarming and tugged deep within her heart. Everyone she knew and cared for her was there, mingling, chatting, and laughing merrily. Sosuke was the sole center of everyone’s attention since it was his birthday. He was turning thirty in a mere few minutes.

The four people walked in and joined the group. James caught Sakura’s attention and signaled her to join him and Brenda. Not a moment later, Sakura found herself sitting beside her adoptive parents. They complimented on her yukata, which she simply brushed aside their praises, telling them it belonged to Akira and she had aided her with the dressing up. And apparently Darcy, but she didn’t mention that.

A few moments later, Akira and Jane called to Sakura. Sakura rushed over to them, and the girls went about setting up the tables for dinner while everyone else continued to tease Sosuke about how old he was getting and that he should find himself a girlfriend and settle down soon. Some ten minutes later, the rest joined them and they were ready.

The place was set as a traditional Japanese dining area with Tatami mat, low tables connected together to fit everyone in, and cushions. On the tables, dining sets were arranged elegantly with designer plates in the middle, chopsticks to the right, a bowl of miso soup per person to the left, and various assortments of dishes in the middle. There were gyoza, salads with ginger dressing, sushi of various sorts cutely decorated and shaped into panda bears as well as the basic traditional type, karaage, tonkatsu, yakizakana, yakitori, onigiri, sashimi of various sorts, and of course, tempura and pickled vegetables. 

Conrad, with Toby in his arms, quickly claimed the seat beside Sakura to her left. She laughed as he started playing with her long hair, which was down, as it had only recently been washed. Sebastian took the seat beside her to her right.

Sakura turned her attention to her surroundings, watching everyone else taking their seats. Sosuke was sitting right opposite her with Akira beside him to his left and Haruka to his right. Nicolas sat beside Akira—to Akira’s surprise and annoyance. Tristan and Logan were to her left beside Conrad, and James and Brenda to her right beside Sebastian. Darcy was all the way on the other side near Hayden and Jane. Of course, Sakura wasn’t surprise. She knew he planned to stay as far away from her as possible.

“Are you tired from the preparation?” Sebastian asked her the moment he sat down.

“A little,” she said, smiling at him.

“The food looks delicious.” He beamed at her. “I expect a meal like this now and again if you move in with us.” He teased, his eyes twinkling.

The man was a charming beast, Sakura thought. He wouldn’t let the idea of her moving in with them drop.

Conrad missed the word if in Sebastian’s sentence and assumed Sakura had decided she’d move in with them. He cheered brightly. “Sakura, are you really moving in with us?”

“Well, I’m not sure yet,” she said uncertainly.

“I’ll help you with the move,” he said, nodding enthusiastically.

“Me, too,” Logan said from the other side.

“You’re moving?” Sosuke asked, quite upset about the whole idea. “Did you know this, Oba-chan?” He turned to his aunt for support.

Haruka knew Sosuke felt threatened. If Sakura really did move in with the brothers, then his chance of getting her attention was zero. And of course, Haruka didn’t know, and she turned to Sakura for answer.

“No.” Sakura voiced quickly. “I haven’t decided yet.”

“You don’t want to live with us, Sakura?” Tristan looked decidedly wounded, and instead of feeling sorry for him, Sakura wanted to laugh.

“You have until after Hawaii to think about it,” Nicolas stated, looking pointedly at her like James usually did.

“I didn’t know the invitation had an expiry date.” Sakura cocked her head to one side. “Who knows? I might not make my decision until the end of the year.”

At this comment, the brothers eyed one another, knowing looks plastered on their handsome faces. Sakura knew what that meant. If she didn’t decide by the time they returned from Hawaii, the brothers would use dirty tactics to get her to move. Smart and cunning, these brothers, she thought in irritation.

Haruka said, “Thank you, everyone, for coming.”

At James and Brenda’s nod, Sosuke took his cue and said at large, “Please enjoy the meal.”

“Happy birthday, Sosuke-kun!” Tristan shouted loudly, and Toby followed with an excited bark.

Logan jabbed his brother with his elbow. “Not yet!”

At this, everyone laughed. Sakura chose that moment to take a peek at Darcy, who was quietly chuckling away at his brothers. When he caught her eyes, she quickly glanced away, her heart pounding in her chest.

Sebastian noticed. He gently touched her hand, drawing her attention to him. He said quietly, “You should talk to him to clear things up.”

Sakura wasn’t sure if that was a good idea. That short session in the corridor was bad enough. Besides, what was there to clear up? Darcy didn’t want to claim his prize, didn’t want to kiss her. So what?

When the cheerful noise died down, they started their meals, and Sakura dismissed Darcy from her mind. Hands were everywhere, moving in and taking food. Conrad took a cute sushi in the shape of a panda and placed it on her plate. It was the one she made this morning with Haruka and the housekeeper.

“Don’t forget to make me coffee,” he whispered.

Sakura chuckled and thanked him profusely for the sushi. When she said she’d make him a cup, more sushi landed on her plate, one each from Logan, Hayden, Nicolas, and Akira, and three from Sosuke, informing her they wanted their cup of coffee as well.

“You need to eat more, Sakura-chan,” Sosuke said, smiling at her. “You’ve worked so hard for the last few weeks.”

Sakura thanked him for his consideration, which pleased him and annoyed the brothers.

Tristan decided to outdo everyone and came around to his sister with five beef yakitori. “There, you’re too pale for my liking, Sakura darling. Meat is full of protein and iron. Good for your health.” He winked at her and was about to give her a peck on the cheek in front of everyone when Sebastian shoved him away.

“Go back to your seat, Tristan,” Sebastian said in exasperation. “You’re invading Sakura’s space.”

Tristan pretended to fall on his backside and said, “Sakura darling, your boyfriend is a bastard!”

Everyone laughed, except Sosuke, who looked decidedly wounded, and Darcy, who had a dark scowl on his face.

An hour and a half later, the table was cleared for Sosuke’s cake. He had protested wholeheartedly about cakes and singing him a happy birthday song, but the brothers would have none of the nonsense and everyone started singing anyway, with Tristan as the out-of-tune choir conductor. He was using his chopsticks to swing about as everyone sang.

Of course, Tristan and Logan were the loudest, and by the time the song ended, Sosuke was bright red in the face with embarrassment. Tristan ordered him to blow out the candles, which Sosuke reluctantly obliged and blew all thirty candles out in two puffs. A big cheer went up, and the enormous cake was cut and shared around.

Sakura felt a sort of glow within her as she watched everyone laughing and enjoying the cake she had baked only that morning. The word familymy family kept echoing within her head. It was then Akira and Jane came around and ushered her to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Soon, everyone was enjoying their delicious, perfectly made coffee while watching Sosuke open his presents. He was still embarrassed and didn’t understand why he had to go through opening presents like a kid, to which Nicolas wholeheartedly agreed. But then Nicolas knew there was no way out of this where Tristan and Logan were concerned. They’d made sure Sosuke felt the full force of being a part of the Princeton circle.

Sakura stood back and watched as Sosuke opened another wrapped box. Out came a set of raunchy DVDs with hot girls in bikinis, after which everyone cheered. Sosuke pulled a face and looked heavenward.

“It’s for when you’re lonely,” Tristan said, and everyone laughed. There was no doubt who that was from.

Within the noise of the merriment, Sakura suddenly noticed Toby was missing. Normally, he’d be barking excitedly at the loud cheers, especially when the brothers were around. She wouldn’t miss the dog’s animated clamor. Her pup had been with Conrad at the beginning of the meal and then hopped around from one Princeton brother to the other, sharing their food and begging them to pet him. The last time she’d noticed, Toby had been with Darcy. That had been before she’d left for the kitchen to make the coffee.

Worried the little canine might get into some sort of trouble, she turned on her heel, intending to search for the dog. She came into the kitchen, noting the housekeeper and maid were enjoying their coffee as well here in the quietness. Involuntarily, her eyes came to rest on the counter where a single cup of coffee still resided, the one meant for Darcy. Apparently, he too had disappeared while she’d been in the kitchen preparing the hot drinks.

Determined not to think about him, she nodded at the housekeeper and maid politely, and they returned her silent greeting with smiles. Sakura then headed back out and left the apartment. She went up to the third floor, because she knew Toby would be there if he wasn’t in the apartment.

As she came through the corridor, she softly called out the dog’s name. When she opened the last door into the private courtyard that belonged to the Princeton brothers, she caught her breath at the back of her throat.

At this time of the night, when the sky was completely dark with tiny dots of stars shimmering in the distance and the garden was basked in different shades of light with cherry blossom trees as the backdrop, it was breathtakingly beautiful. Sakura felt like she was in Japan, viewing cherry blossoms in full bloom at night.

A bark drew her attention from the exquisite scenery to the man and dog under the tree. Sakura felt her heart skip a beat when she realized it was Darcy and Toby. In that instant, she thought he could be her muse for a painting, him wearing the yukata, sitting with his back resting against the fully bloomed tree and Toby on his lap. They were a strikingly beautiful picture, and it made Sakura’s heart glow with a certain warmth.

As though in a dream and without herself realizing it, she made her way toward them, her feet light and the hem of her yukata brushing against the marble path. She came to stand before Darcy and Toby hesitantly. She noted he was watching her, though she couldn’t quite make out what his expression was, as his face was half hidden within the darkness.

“You didn’t want your coffee?” she asked out of the blue, quite upset he’d left before the party ended and especially before she could offer him her coffee. She’d put quite a bit of effort into it.

Woof! Toby barked at her.

Sakura turned her attention to her dog. She came to kneel on her knees and reached her hand out for the pup, intending to stroke her beloved canine. She was about to touch Toby when Darcy wrapped his hand firmly about her slender wrist and roughly pulled her to him.

Puffing out a breath, Sakura found herself intimately in Darcy’s arms and Toby between them. Heart pounding, she tentatively looked up to the darkly handsome man whom she couldn’t stop thinking about all day. The moment she saw the hot, intense heat in his eyes, her breath was snatched away.

His breath was warm against her skin when he said darkly, “I don’t want your coffee.”

His words hurt her. But before she could move back and tell him she’d never make him coffee again, Darcy had one strong hand at the back of her head and crushed his lips against hers.  

Sakura shuddered deliciously as she felt his warm, firm lips and hot tongue pressed on hers. She became weak in his arms as he encouraged her to open her mouth for him. When she did, he plunged his tongue in, stroking and caressing hers, making her dance with him in a deep, passionate kiss.

When he finally pulled back, Sakura was breathless and her heart was racing.

Darcy stared long and hard at the woman he loved, his features dark as ever. His large hand cupped her face, his fingers dug deep into her hair, and his thumb gently rubbed against her soft cheek.

“I don’t want your coffee,” he said again. “I want you, and I want you to want me.”

Sakura swallowed hard at his words, and she didn’t even get to reply before Darcy planted his lips against hers again, giving her a scorching kiss that made her melt to her very bones. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating loud and fast against her palm.

Darcy couldn’t control himself and deepened the kiss, stroking and rubbing his tongue against hers as he moved her back against the tree, pressing himself against her and feeling her softness under him. When he moved his lips from her mouth, he continued kissing her along her throat and then lower to her chest. There, his fingers lingered about her breasts, lightly caressing her with an aching so deep he wanted to rip the yukata off her person and take her there and then.

His body shook wildly when he realized he was about to lose control. He gritted his teeth and lifted his head, his eyes dark and tormented with need. But Darcy wasn’t about to betray himself. He wasn’t about to betray Sebastian, and he certainly wasn’t going to betray Sakura and take her without her consent. It wouldn’t be fair, and he’d hate himself for the rest of his life.

Denying himself Sakura’s kiss as the prize for winning the race this morning had been difficult enough. Oh God! How he’d wanted to kiss his Snow. Darcy, however, had never wanted his Snow as a prize. He wanted her in a deep, connected love between a man and a woman, and nothing less would do. If he couldn’t have that with her, then he’d rather not have anything at all.

Sakura saw the dark torment in his eyes and touched his face, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her palm. “Darce,” she said softly. “My Darce.”

“Snow,” he said through gritted teeth, his mauve-gray eyes scorched with passion. He wanted to say something. Hell! He wanted to tell her how much he loved her and how much he wanted her, but he just couldn’t find the words. His throat was tight, and he knew if he didn’t walk away now, he’d really lose it.

And he did lose it. He gazed at her for a bit too long, disregarding his plan of letting her go and walking away. His firm hand at the nape of her neck, he drew her to him and claimed her lips again. He kissed her so hard and so deep it made Sakura squirm in his embrace, her body hungering for more of his kisses and touches. Finally, he found his control again and slowly released her lips, reluctantly.

“We’ll squash Toby if I keep kissing you like this,” he said softly.

Sakura nodded in agreement. He made her settle against him with her head resting in the crock of his neck, his arm wrapped around her. Sakura stayed there, quite content at the feeling of his hard and warm body against her, when Darcy said, “I wanted to die when you disappeared, Snow. It was painful, and I don’t want that to happen again. I don’t want to feel like that again.”

Sakura felt tears sting her eyes. “I’ve decided I can’t run from my own destiny anymore, Darce.”

He stroked her hair, loving the feel of the soft strands against his fingers.

“What’s your destiny?” he asked curiously.

She raised her eyes to look at him. “You and your brothers.”

He smiled—that dark, brooding smile she loved. She touched his lips, marveling at the flesh that was able to give her much pleasure. “But I’m not allowed to love two men at the same time.”

Darcy raised a brow at her. “Who said that?”

“The universe,” she replied. “It’s my conscience, Darce.” She sat up, looking at him pointedly. “I mind very much about this. I mind that I…” She bowed her head, thinking about her kisses with Sebastian yesterday.

“That you kissed Sebastian and then me?” he asked softly.

She blushed and flashed her eyes to him. “Darce!”

“Do you?” he asked seriously.

She nodded.

Darcy nudged her face so she had no choice but to look at him. He wanted to say that he did, too. He wanted to tell her he only wanted her to kiss him and no other man. Doing so, however, would be unfair to Sebastian. They had agreed this would be a fair competition between them to gain Sakura’s heart, after all.

Darcy knew he wasn’t good with words and wanted to show her how much she meant to him. He drew her close, anticipating giving her another kiss, when Toby perked up and barked excitedly at the far side of the garden.

In the distance across the glass corridor, a manly shadow made his way toward the door. A moment later, he came into the garden, making Toby bark even more animatedly.

Darcy tightened his grip on Sakura as the shadow came closer. He had no doubt who it was. It was such a bad timing, to be sure, and he was more than a little annoyed at the situation.

“I was wondering where you two were,” Sebastian said in the distance as he moved toward them. He stopped short when he saw Sakura in Darcy’s arms. He hesitated, knowing he’d just interrupted something.

He was about to turn back when Darcy said, “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” He loosened his arms around Sakura, indicating whether she chose to stay in his arms or not was her decision.

Sakura knew Darcy had left the choice to her. She felt like she was trapped. She was very annoyed at how the situation had turned out indeed.

She chose to move out of Darcy’s arms, taking Toby with her, settling the little pup on her lap.

Sensing everything was okay, Sebastian came to sit beside Sakura and started stroking Toby. The dog stuck his tongue out and rubbed his head against Sebastian’s palm. 

“Yeah,” Sebastian agreed, staring up at the vast darkness with dots of stars above them. “It is a beautiful night. Then he moved and lay on the grass, his hands crossed beneath his head as he continued to watch the sky. The three sat there in silence, listening to the song of the night of crickets chirping and, now and again, the sound of cars passing along the streets.

Some moments later, Darcy moved from his spot and laid himself on the grass, too, on the other side of Sakura.

Sakura suddenly wanted to laugh at the situation. Here she was, in the middle of two grown men lying on the grass at night, watching the sky. Then she thought what the hell, and moved to do the same. Once her back and head touched the cool grass, she thought it wasn’t so bad, and the sky was definitely beautiful from this vantage point.

Sebastian reached out and grabbed her hand, clasping it within his. She glanced up at him, a smile on her lips.

“See that one?” he said, pointing to a bunch of stars up above. “That’s Pegasus. You can see the stars join like a square, and then there’s the line that makes the neck and head.”

Sakura nodded when she was able to make out what he described for her. “That’s Pegasus,” she said softly. “He’s beautiful.”

Darcy moved close so he was beside her. Then he clasped her other cold hand within his warm ones. With his lips close to her hair, he said, “And the one close to Pegasus is Cygnus. See the line that links the stars like a cross?” At Sakura’s nod, he continued. “They are joined like the body of a bird with wings.”

Sakura said, “Yes, I see it.”

The brothers and Sakura went quiet after that for a long while, each enjoying the moment as they gazed up at the stars.

It wasn’t long before Sakura felt her eyes drooping. She knew she should get up and go back to the apartment to get ready for bed, but she didn’t want to leave. With both Sebastian and Darcy beside her and Toby bundled into a soft ball near her tummy, the moment was complete, and she didn’t want it to end. It wasn’t long, though, when her weariness got the better of her and she fell asleep right there on the grass.

Sebastian noticed and chuckled. “She’s asleep.”

Darcy nodded. Neither, however, bothered to wake her. They took advantage of the situation and kept her there beside them, to make up for the lost time they’d been apart.

It was then when the other brothers found them, having just finished with Sosuke’s birthday celebration.

“So that’s where they are,” Tristan said, looking heavenward with exasperation. “I thought we’d have to send out a search party.”

“It looks fun,” Conrad said and came to lie beside Sebastian. He made himself comfortable, stretching his legs and arms out like a star. “Whoa! I haven’t watched the sky for ages.”

One by one, the brothers joined them—Tristan beside Darcy and Logan next to Tristan. Hayden lay down next to Conrad, and finally, Nicolas completed the not so perfect circle.

“What a beautiful night,” Nicolas said some moments later.

“What a wonderful weekend it has been,” Conrad said. “First we found Sakura and Toby, and soon she’ll be moving in with us.”

The brothers nodded in agreement and then continued to lie there watching the sky. Now and again, Nicolas would point out stars and what they were in relation to Greek mythology. Some time later, when it was getting a bit cold, the brothers decided to head back into the house. The dilemma, however, was with Sakura. Nicolas decided for them.

“I’ll call Lady Haruka and tell her Sakura is staying the night,” he said and headed into the house first. 

Darcy looked at Sebastian pointedly. “I want to carry her.”

Sebastian chuckled. “Sure,” he said with a nod.

Conrad picked up the sleeping Toby first, and then Darcy moved and gathered the smallness of Sakura’s body into his arms. He gently lifted her so as not to wake her, and he and his brothers headed into the house.

“All sorted,” Nicolas said.

“Where is she going to sleep?” Tristan posed the question at large.

“There’s no bed in the spare room,” Hayden said.

Sebastian offered. “She can stay in my room. It’s the biggest.”

Darcy nodded and started heading that way, allowing the brothers to follow him.

Logan said, “And where the hell are you going to sleep?”

“My room,” Sebastian replied, opening the door for Darcy to enter.

Darcy headed straight to the large bed in the center of the room and laid Sakura down. Sebastian came around and arranged the duvet on top of her. Both men made sure she was comfortable before turning their attention to their other brothers.

“Bedtime,” Sebastian said, shooing everyone out.

“Oh no!” Tristan said. “If you’re sleeping here, so am I.”

Sebastian folded his arms across his chest and demanded, “What the hell is this?”

Logan said, “Can’t trust you, Seb, even though you’re our brother.”

At Hayden’s nod, Nicolas looked heavenward. “You guys are acting like children. I’m going to get my pillow and sleeping bag.”

He was out the door before Sebastian could protest. Darcy followed him, trailed by Hayden. Conrad, after giving Toby a fond stroke, placed the dog beside Sakura and headed out the door as well.

“I’m taking the sofa,” he said to Sebastian across the corridor.

Shortly thereafter, Sebastian wanted to laugh at the whole situation. The brothers were in his bedroom, in their sleeping bags, positioned haphazardly this way and that on the floor. Except for Conrad, of course, who had already claimed the throne of the comfortable sofa for himself. The greedy bastard!

“Reminds me of camp back on St. Joseph Island when we were young,” Hayden said softly into the dimly lit room.

The moon was bright outside, and the pale grayness cast an enchanting light across the brothers’ features as they conversed in low, soft voices.

Tristan chuckled. “Yeah. I miss those times. Us doing all sorts of stupid things.”

“Remember that summer when you dared us to climb that cliff by St. Helena Beach?” Hayden asked.

Their minds flashed back to all those years ago when they’d been on St. Joseph Island, daring one another to do all sorts of dangerous and stupid things, enjoying the fishing and hiking and rock climbing and especially surfing.

“Yeah!” Tristan said. “It nearly killed Conrad.”

“Hey!” Conrad voiced from his very comfortable bed. “That’s right. I was in the hospital and a cast for three weeks. It wasn’t fair!”

“And you missed the first week of school,” Logan said, chuckling.

Conrad laughed. “Yeah. That was the best part.”

“Except,” Darcy said softly, “we forgot all about Sakura.”

Dead, morbid silence descended upon the room at Darcy’s words, for it struck deep within their hearts.

“We’re working on making up for it,” Nicolas said, nodding.

“Yeah,” Conrad said cheerfully. “We’ll make sure she has fun in Hawaii.”

The brothers agreed with that sound idea and then uttered good nights to one another. Then quietness descended as one by one the brothers fell asleep.

* * * * *