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A Vampire's Unlikely Alliance (Demon's Witch Series Book 3) by Tena Stetler (7)

Chapter Seven

Snowbound without a Shovel

She awoke with a start and blurted, “Don’t you have to be at work? I probably should start toward home.”

He reluctantly released her, and she crawled out of his lap, stood, stretching her arms above her head, and rolled her head from side to side. She padded over to the window and pulled the curtain aside. “Wow, it’s really snowing hard.”

The snow had piled up quickly since she’d first arrived. He let out a low whistle as he joined her at the window. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere.”

“I’m leading a sunrise hike tomorrow.” She twisted the curtain in her fingers, then released it.

He shook his head. “That’ll be canceled.”

“I’d better call Randy anyway. See what he wants me to do.”

Stefan stood behind her, his arm wrapped around her waist, mesmerized by the large feather-like snowflakes falling through the frosty air.

She ambled over to the couch and pulled her cell phone out of her purse. “I can make it home even if I can’t drive.”

“And just how do you propose to do that?” His raised brow formed a question mark as his inquisitive eyes continued to watch her.

She reached up, rubbing her forehead lightly with her fingertips. “Ah, I guess I was just thinking out loud again. I’m not sure what I meant. Just tired mumbling.”

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with your disappearance a couple weeks ago, leaving bits of your clothing on the forest floor, would it?” A sly grin tugged at the corner of his lips.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said primly, putting her cell phone to her ear and walking away.

While she was talking to Randy, Stefan’s cell rang.

He glanced at the caller ID, frowned, and picked it up off the table. “What’s up, Cody?”

“Hey, Stefan, you’re coming in, right?” Cody asked anxiously.

“Of course. I’ll be there in a few minutes. But you aren’t going anywhere,” Stefan said flatly. “Brandy’s still here, and we’re discussing whether she’ll be staying or try to make it home.”

“Don’t let her leave. The roads are all closed. It’s bad out there.”

“Well, that makes it a moot point. I’ll be in soon.” Stefan disconnected the call and turned back to Brandy. “Well?”

“Randy doesn’t want me going out in this storm. All the roads are closed anyway.” She glanced at the phone in his hand, her brow raised.

“That was Cody. He wanted to make sure I was going to relieve him. The station is only a few hundred yards from here. Wanna come along? Otherwise you can stay here while I do my shift, then we’ll see about getting you home when I get off. These spring storms don’t usually last long, do they?”

She shook her head and considered his offer for a moment. “Sure, it might be fun if you won’t get in trouble.”

“Not a problem. Russ lets me do pretty much what I want as long as I follow the playlist. If you get tired, you can nap on the couch just outside the control room. I’ll send Cody over here to crash. That way he won’t bother you all night long.”

“Don’t want him flirting with me, huh?” She grinned wide, batted her long lashes, and flipped her cascade of long red hair over her shoulder.

“Nope, just don’t want him bothering you.” He took her parka out of the closet and held it out for her. “We need to get going.”

Big, wet flakes fell steadily as they walked through the half foot of heavy, wet snow already on the ground. It was a quarter to midnight when Brandy and Stefan walked up to the radio station door, stomped their boots on the mat, and stepped inside. They slipped their snow boots off, leaving them in the little alcove just inside the reception area. Stefan took Brandy’s coat, hung it on the rack above their boots, and motioned her forward where the lit sign over the control room door said “On Air.” The light flicked off and they entered the control room.

Cody glanced up from the computer, his tired eyes filled with relief. “Finally. Good thing it’s not blowing, or we’d have whiteout conditions and you wouldn’t have made it in either.”

“Yeah, the snow’s piling up fast.” Stefan shook his head, his hair slinging snow everywhere, including all over Cody. Ice crystals glistened in Cody’s hair and eyeglasses.

He took his spectacles off, wiped the lenses off with a tissue, and glared at Stefan.

A smirk turned up the corner of his mouth. “Are we getting many calls about the closures and road conditions?”

“Hey! You did that on purpose.” Cody glared at him, brushing the melting snow from his clothes, then stared at the puddle forming on the tile where Stefan stood.

Stefan bit back a grin, grabbed a roll of paper towels, and mopped up the floor.

“We did earlier in the evening, but they’ve tapered off. Seems the storm is making people nervous. It’s mostly just the tourists and newcomers.” Cody looked around Stefan to where Brandy was standing and winked. “Hi, Brandy.”

“Nice to see you again, Cody.”

He shoved Stefan out of the way, took her hand, and brought it up to his lips. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said in a deep, sensual voice while he made a low sweeping bow and kissed the palm of her hand.

She batted her long eyelashes and smiled at Cody, gingerly slipping her hand from Cody’s grip. If the expression on her face was any indication, she enjoyed the interaction. Stefan scowled.

“Okay, that’s enough, Casanova.” Stefan tossed him the keys to the cabin. “You can crash at my place tonight. That way you can shower and change before relieving me in the morning. There’s leftovers in the fridge, and only eat ONE of those tarts. Understand?”

“I make no promises where Tracy’s tarts are concerned.” Cody smirked. “Who says I’m coming back?”

“Suit yourself, but you’re not staying here.” Stefan shoved Cody out the control room door and locked it.

Cody grinned through the glass door, dangled the keys and mimed laying his head on his hand, eyes closed, then mouthed, “See ya.”

“That was rather rude,” Brandy said sternly, then burst into giggles. “Does he always act like that?”

Still slightly irritated, Stefan shook it off and walked to her. Cupping her face in his hands, he looked into her trusting green eyes. God help him, she stirred something inside him that he thought was long dead. Leaning over and brushing his lips over hers, he whispered, “Only when females are around.”

She whispered back, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous.”

Stefan roared with laughter, composed himself, and asked, “Of what?” Reluctantly, he let go of her and turned back to the console, checking the time left on the song. “Hey, I have an idea. Since you’re here, I could interview you at each stop set about the interesting aspects of being a park ranger in Glacier. Then we could open the phones for questions. That’ll take the listeners’ minds off the storm and we could have a little fun. When you get tired, I’ll tell the listeners question and answer time is over and go back to regular programming. How about it?”

She rubbed her palms down the side of her pants and nibbled on her bottom lip for a beat. “Do I have to talk into the mic?”

With a half laugh, he said, “Sure, there’s nothing to it. It’s no different than talking to the crowd of people you take on hikes every day or just talking to me. You’ll be great!”

She hesitated, twisting her hands together, picking at her fingernails. “I’m game, but personal questions are off limits, and only if you won’t get in trouble.”

“Russ will be fine with it. May even raise the ratings.” He turned back to the console, checking the time left on the song playing and making sure another was in cue. A quick glance at the computer screen told him when the commercials were set to run, so he flipped on the mic. “Gooood morning, Whitefish. Stefan here with you on the Big Fish this stormy night. I have a special treat for you right after this.” He flipped the mic off and pushed the button to play the commercial load. Watching the timer count down, he checked the songs set to play and flipped the mic switch back on. “Single-handedly, I captured a park ranger for a few hours. In return for her release in the morning, she has agreed to an interview. She’ll also take your questions. Call us at 555-BIG-FISH. Until then, Fleetwood Mac on Big Fish Radio” Cutting power to the mic, he took off his headphones and turned back to Brandy, who was staring at him. “What?”

She tilted her head toward him and grinned. “What is a stop set?”

Returning her grin, he said, “A stop set is what you just heard. Normally, we back sell or front sell the songs coming up or already played, do a station ID at the top of the hour, and make sure the commercials run when scheduled. During storms, we pass along road conditions and closures. There are usually four stop sets per hour. The one at the top of the hour includes the station’s call sign.”

She turned in a slow circle, looking at all the equipment, then walked to the console, lightly fingering the buttons, toggles, slides, and blinking lights. “Looks like a lot to learn and remember.”

“Not really. The computer handles most of it. Now, I have a question for you.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and narrowed her eyes. “Okay, what?

“Don’t look at me like I’m going to bite you or something. I’d still like to know about your disappearance a couple of weeks ago. You dodged behind the rock and trees, then something large flew out of that area and soared across the sky. Bits of your clothes were scattered all over. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“You have your secrets and I have mine. You avoid my questions, so why should I answer yours?” she said pointedly. “Now, if you’re willing to try a shot of honesty, I might be inclined to satisfy your curiosity.” She tossed him a sassy smile and stepped back.

“Hey, now wait just a minute. You knew my secret without asking me. Therefore, I am assuming you’re not merely human. Am I right?”

She shook her head as she drew her bottom lip through her teeth. “I’m not telling.”

Ignoring her refusal to answer, he continued. “From the scattering of shredded clothes, I’d say you are a shapeshifter.” He looked up at the clock. “Shit.” Time for the stop set. He grabbed his headphones, flipped the switch, and motioned for her to step closer to the mic. “You’re back on the Big Fish. That’s quite a storm we’ve got raging out there. Good news though—weather service says it’ll be out of here shortly after sunrise. Until then, state patrol asks that you stay off the roads. Now, as promised, Brandy from the park service is here to answer questions and tell us some of Glacier’s secrets. Brandy, what’s your favorite part of the job?”

She flinched, drew in a breath, then stepped closer to the mic. “Meeting new people and showing them the wonders of Glacier National Park. Protecting the environment and wildlife is also a big part of my job.”

“Ever shoot anyone?”

Her eyes narrowed and she sent him a hostile glare. “No, not yet.” Her eyes flicked up to his menacingly. “But that could change. Only kidding. I take that part of my job seriously and am very thankful that I’ve never had to draw my weapon.”

“Me too,” Stefan said with an exaggerated sigh.

The response from the listeners was overwhelming. Stefan and Brandy took calls until four thirty in the morning. When he looked across the counter, she was asleep in the chair, elbows braced in front of her on the counter and chin leaning on her hands. He crept quietly to her side and swept her into his arms. She reached up, put her arms around his neck, and kissed the side of his throat sleepily as he carried her to the couch just outside the control room. Laying her down gently, he covered her with the bright-orange, white, and yellow handmade afghan slung over the back of the couch.

Returning to the control room, he flipped the mic on. “It looks like question and answer time is over. Our guest has succumbed to sleep. Thank you all for your questions. I hope you enjoyed the impromptu programming tonight. Now sit back and relax with the unique blend of your favorite local and independent artists only here on Big Fish Radio.”

There were several more phone calls wanting to know when the park ranger would return. In the morning, he left a note for Russ, telling him what he’d done and suggesting there may be interest in such programming. The blue light started flashing and he picked up the phone. “Big Fish Radio, what’s your pleasure?”

“I believe you’ve detained one of my park rangers and kept her up most of the night. Consequently, I don’t think she’ll be much use to me this morning.” Randy laughed. “Stefan, let her know she’s got the day off. I’ll expect her bright and early tomorrow morning. After you get off, you two get some sleep and enjoy your day.”

“Randy? You caught the show?”

“Yeah, I caught most of it. Great idea. It sounded like there was a lot of interest among the listeners too. Tell Russ I’ll be talking to him.”

“Will do. You have a great day and get some sleep yourself.” Stefan signed off, checked the playlist, and pulled up the current weather and road reports for Cody just as he came waltzing in the door.

“Thought I’d relieve you a bit early so you could enjoy some quality time with your woman.” He looked back at the sleeping Brandy and winked. “Take her home.”

“She’s not my woman yet. We’re just…” Stefan trailed off, trying to figure out just what it was that they were doing. He knew Cody wouldn’t let it drop. The man was standing there with his arms crossed, leaning back against the console and staring at Stefan with raised brows. Stefan figured he’d better come up with something quickly.

“…Enjoying each other’s company.” Stefan finally said to appease Cody.

“That woman is in love with you, kid. Whether you want to admit it or not, the feeling appears to be mutual. I don’t know what happened to you in the past to scare you off women or, for that matter, the human race. Don’t let it ruin what you have with her. You’re one lucky bastard, and you don’t even know it. Everyone but you can see that the two of you are meant to be together. Now get outta here.”

Stefan opened his mouth to argue with Cody, but he’d already turned back to the console and was preparing for his shift. Stefan opened the control room door and walked out to the couch where Brandy lay sleeping. He sat down gently on the couch. Not wanting to disturb her, he just watched her sleep as the wind howled outside the station. What is going on between us? Affection? Attraction? Yeah, there is some of that. Lust and Passion? Yep, there’s a lot of that. Neither of us is looking for happily ever after. Or are we? Hell no, I’ve seen what even trying for that dream does to people, and I want no part of it.

He kissed her cheek, and she opened her eyes. “Are we done?”

“Yes, we’re done. Let’s head to the cabin and you can go back to sleep. Randy called and said you’re off today, but he expects you early tomorrow morning. He also said he liked the show.” Helping her put her coat on, he slid his arm down her back and under her knees, then put the other one around her shoulders, bringing her to his chest.

“Stefan, put me down,” she squealed. “You’re not carrying me all the way to the cabin.” She wriggled out of his hold and put her feet on the ground. “What would people think?”

He bit back a grin. “They already know we spent the night together. What difference does it make if I carry you to the cabin? Would they think I drained your blood until you were too weak to walk?”

She slapped at him as a laugh bubbled out between her lips. “You guard your secret too well for that.”

He slung his arm around her and nudged her toward the door. “Speaking of secrets, when we get back to the cabin, I want to hear all about yours.” They pushed open the door and were surprised to see that a deep blanket of sparkling snow covered the rooftops, surrounded cars, and piled a couple feet deep against fences. Cody’s footprints were the only marks in the snow.

“What a beautiful morning,” Brandy said, her warm breath frosty in the cold air as they walked toward the cabin, their boots crunching on the freshly fallen snow.

By the time they reached the cabin, they were soaked to the skin, and Brandy’s teeth were chattering.

“Take off your clothes…” Her eyes flew open as a crimson blush crept to her cheeks. He laughed and finished the sentence. “…in the bedroom. There should be some clean sweats in the top dresser drawer. Might be a bit big, but you can cinch up the drawstring. At least they’re dry and warm.” While she dressed, he tossed several pieces of wood into the fireplace, then coaxed the glowing embers from the night before to life. By the time she returned, a crackling fire warmed the room.

She grabbed a pillow off the couch and lay down in front of the fire. “I’ll watch the fire. You go get out of those wet clothes. There was another pair of sweats in the drawer, so I tossed them on the bed for you.”

In the short time he took to change and return to the living room, she was sound asleep. He scooped her up and carried her to his bedroom, gently laying her on the bed and pulling a comforter over her. Leaving a blanket between them, he lay beside her and wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the feel of her warm body next to his, imagining her naked body under him. She moaned, rolled over, and cuddled against him as she continued sleeping.

The sun was high in the sky when Brandy awoke, draped across Stefan’s bare chest, their legs entwined. He’d simply held her, nothing more. Not because he didn’t want to, but because the chances of getting what he wanted were better by not taking advantage of the situation.

She sat up quickly, holding the blanket around her. “What are you doing?” She demanded, then glanced under the blanket.

“Just laying here waiting for you to wake up. Relax. We are still completely dressed, and your virtue is still intact, in case you were wondering.” He grinned outrageously and blocked her arm as she attempted to swipe at him.

“You’ve only your sweat pants on,” she pointed out, watching him warily.

“Yes, and you seemed to enjoy that this morning.” He raised his arm up to fend off another attack if necessary.

She laughed, absently running her soft delicate fingers across his chest. “That I did. Still do.” Her hand wandered lower to the waistband of his sweat pants.

“Better be careful. You’re treading on dangerous ground,” he warned, laying his hand over hers. “I’m more than willing to continue this, but I don’t think you are.”

“What? Oh!” She was concentrating on his eyes, not where her hand was going. She jerked it back, color rising in her cheeks.

Resisting the desire to smile, he rolled over on his side, propped himself up on his elbow, and blinked at her. “Are we still going hunting this weekend?” She settled against him, comfortable that they were both mostly dressed and that he’d made it clear the next move was hers.

“Sure, the snow will probably be gone by then. It may be muddy, but that makes it easier to track our prey.” She shifted, peering up at him.

On a hunch, he asked, “Will you be hunting in your human form or shifting into the form you won’t discuss with me?”

“Ah, well, I always hunt as…” Her eyes widened. She stared at him and slid out of bed. “You tried to trick me.” She turned, standing stiffly, teeth clinched, hands fisted on her hips, green eyes glittering with malice.

“Oh, come on, Brandy,” he said smoothly. “If you don’t hunt in human form, I’ll see for myself this weekend. What are you afraid of, my reaction? I’m a bloodthirsty vampire for God’s sake. Whatever you are will make no difference to me.”

“It might,” she said nervously, gnawing on her bottom lip.

“Damn, woman. I knew you weren’t human that first night I saw you. Then you disappeared behind the rock and flew off into the night sky too quickly for me to make out exactly what you were. I’m still here. Even went looking for you, didn’t I?”

“Aye, you did. It’s just that I’ve not…shown that part of myself to anyone since I left Ireland. I’m not sure where this relationship is going, but I’d like to give it a chance. But if you…I mean…if…”

“It seems we both have a problem with trust. I understand, but we can work through that and see where it leads us. Your instincts told you I was a vampire. To me that was a dead giveaway you weren’t human.”

She sighed deeply and gazed into his dark eyes. “I’m a gryphon, complete with beak, talons, paws, tail, and rainbow-hued wings. Happy now?”

“Wow!” he paused for a beat. “Ecstatic, actually. I’ve never seen one. Thought they were myths.” He got to his feet and took a step toward her. “Gryphons are real?”

Surprised by his reaction, she put her hand up to stop him. “I could say the same about vampires.”

“You knew better and weren’t the least bit shaken when you confronted me. When do I get to see you shift?”

Totally ignoring his last question, she continued, “That’s because, being from Ireland, myths, legends, and magic are all intertwined. Growing up, you’re never sure what is fact or fiction. What most consider fiction, I know to be fact. No, you didn’t surprise me. But interest me you did.”

“Ah, so you have a taste for the unique, maybe even the dangerous?”

“That I do, and not ashamed to admit it.” She coyly batted her beautiful green eyes at him, her heart rate increasing.

The corner of his mouth twitched as he heard her heartbeat and scented her arousal.

He had all those feelings churning inside him again, desires he had no business having toward her. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help himself. He reached out to her, and she slithered against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, breathing a lingering kiss there. Holding her tight, he felt the curve of her breast and the firmness of her nipples against his bare chest. The heat of her intimately against his growing problem was more than he could handle after spending the night with her wrapped around him. “Brandy,” he whispered huskily, “You are driving me insane. Vampires are extremely carnal creatures. I want you. Don’t deny me or yourself.” Stefan traced her jawline with his finger, watching the desire burn in her eyes. He leaned over and nibbled along her jaw and flicked the tip of his tongue along the side of her neck.


Oh God… Brandy rubbed her body against him, then paused before she shoved hard against his chest, then pushed him away. Talk about mixed messages. Confused, she needed to stop, she had to stop, but she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to feel his hands caressing her body, his mouth on hers, and she wanted him, all of him. With tears threatening, she blinked rapidly and wiped her eyes. “I can’t. I just can’t. You don’t understand.”

He dragged his hand through his hair and rubbed at the tension knot at the back of his neck. “Then for God’s sake explain it to me. You want me as bad as I want you. I can feel your heat, smell your arousal, and hear your heart race when we touch. There’s an attraction, something primal between us. What’s stopping you? Are you afraid of me, of what I am?”

“No, absolutely not. I’ve never felt like this about anyone. For my kind, these feelings must be mutual before I can give myself, and they’re not, at least not on your part.” She felt his desire and confusion, yet she couldn’t…just couldn’t.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Gotta go.” She moved the curtain aside and peered out the window, blinking at the bright sun. “The roads are passable, and the snow is melting quickly.”

“No, wait. Don’t leave like this.”

“I have to,” she insisted. “We both need some distance right now. See you after your shift on Saturday morning. Meet you here.” She reached up, touching her lips to his, lingering longer than she meant to, then turned and sprinted out the door.

Grabbing the broom and snow shovel, he followed. “You can’t go anywhere until we dig your car out.”

She brushed the snow from her vehicle, and he dug a path to the street in silence. He opened the car door for her. As she started to climb in, he grabbed her arm, pulling her to him, and brought his mouth down hard on hers and lingered there, then shoved her back. “Don’t tell me how I feel.” He whirled around, and without a backward glance, he strode back to the house and slammed the door. Snow whooshed off the roof and covered the newly scooped path in his wake.

She sank into the car seat, leaning her elbows on the steering wheel, and put her head in her hands. Sweet Jesus, what am I going to do? He was her future. She knew and accepted that fact. Getting him to a place where he could believe and accept it too would be the most difficult thing she’d ever done. He trusted no one. The previous women in his life had left him scarred and bitter. This was the only explanation she could come up with that would garner those kinds of reactions. He deserved better, and she was determined to see that he got it, one way or the other. But she wondered at what cost to both of them.

A soft rap on the car window made her jump. Stefan stood outside the window, hands shoved in his pockets and eyes cast downward. She rolled the window down. His gaze flicked up to hers.

“Brandy, I’m sorry. I had no reason to snap at you.”

Pleased yet surprised, she reached up and placed her warm hand on his chilled cheek. He put his hand over hers and squeezed, rubbing his cheek against her palm. What she knew of vampires was at this point very little, but she knew that they never showed weakness or vulnerability nor humbled themselves.

Strength and power equated to respect in the vampire world. If a vampire wavered on either, he was killed by his own kind. At least that’s what she’d learned from her recent research. He was a lone vampire as far as she could tell, and that was rare, but when it came to Stefan, nothing surprised her.

She knew apologies didn’t come easy from him, so they meant more. “It’s all right. We’ll forget that part and remember the wonderful time we had together.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you on Saturday, if not before,” he added hopefully.

By the way he shifted from foot to foot, she could tell he wanted to say more. But for some reason he said nothing else. “I think we both need a couple days to cool off and calm down. Then we’ll talk. Even if the subjects make us both uncomfortable. See you Saturday.”




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