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A Vampire's Unlikely Alliance (Demon's Witch Series Book 3) by Tena Stetler (9)

Chapter Nine

A Meeting of Fangs and Wings

Saturday morning, Brandy sat on the porch step dressed in jeans, a dark-blue sweater layered over a navy T-shirt, and well-worn hiking boots as Stefan arrived home after shift.

“Good morning, beautiful. You’re up early.” He leaned over and kissed her, giving her ponytail a tug. “Glad you could make it.”

Her eyes lit up as she laughed. “Me too.”

“Give me a second to change into my hiking boots, and I’m ready to go.” He unlocked the door and held it open for her. “Wanna wait inside?”

“No thanks. It’s a glorious morning. Just listen to the birds and smell that crisp, clean mountain air. I love it here.” She took a deep breath and watched as a pair of red-tailed hawks screamed, declaring their territory and soaring high over the meadow in search of their morning meal.

“Be right back.” He sped into the house, leaving the door open, and switched into hiking boots he’d left by the front door last night.

Returning to the porch, he locked the door behind him. “Where we going?”

“Just outside the northwest boundary of the park. I’ll drive. It’s about an hour from here.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the keys. “We’ll have to hike part of the way in. That will give us plenty of time to explore the area during the day—there’s plenty of cover—and then hunt at dusk.”

“Fine by me.” He opened her SUV door and waited for her to get in, then vaulted over the hood and got in on the passenger side.

“Show off.” She grinned.

“Guilty as charged. Just trying to impress my lady,” he said with a sly smile.

Surprised at his change in attitude and candor, she chuckled as blood rushed to her cheeks. “Your lady, huh? I don’t impress easily, so save it for the hunt.”

Brandy turned the vehicle onto Highway 93 toward Eureka. She drove with the window partway down, the wind whipping a few strands of hair that escaped the ribbon she’d tied around her ponytail.

Stefan reached out and wound a curl around his finger, watching the sun glint off it, then let the strand fall and tugged another piece loose. “Don’t know why you tie it back. I like it free, falling over your shoulders and down your back.”

“Just like a man,” she scoffed.

Holding the strands between thumb and forefinger, he brought the wisps of hair to his nose. He closed his eyes, nostrils flared. “It’s so soft and smells like fresh lemons and honeysuckle. I like running my hands through it.”

“Aye, and you don’t give a thought about the wind tangling it into knots that will take me an hour or more to brush out before I can shower and go to bed.”

“I’d be happy to brush it out for you before we go to bed.”

She glanced over at him and lifted her chin. “That’s not going to happen. Why is your hair always pulled back into a ponytail or braided?”

“Because I don’t want it in my face.”

“Exactly!” She tossed her head in triumph.

“It’s not my hair I want to run my fingers through; it’s yours. Besides, mine doesn’t curl and wave as it cascades down my back.” He tugged on the end of the blue ribbon, letting her hair free.

“That’s fine then, but I’m tying it back as soon as we get out of the car.” She huffed.

He nodded, rubbing his knuckles gently across her cheek, then let his fingers slide through her flowing red hair. His hand fell, brushing down her arm. The tips of his fingers feathered lightly on the side of her firm breast.

She shot him a warning glance, her mouth set in a grim line. “That’s enough, Stefan. I’m driving here. I don’t think we want to go where you’re headed.”


“Maybe you don’t, but, ah, well, okay, probably not.” Stefan smiled sheepishly. Hell, who am I kidding? That’s exactly where I want to go. Feel the weight of her firm, round breasts in my hands and run my tongue over her nipples until they are hard… reach between…

Without taking her eyes off the road, she attempted to swat him upside the head and missed as he ducked. “Not there either. Wipe that grin off your face.”

He caught her hand and brought it to his lips, then released it. “What! You don’t know what I’m thinking.” Trying his best to look innocent, he settled back in the seat, letting his eyes wander over the graceful curves of her body.

“I don’t need to. You’re male with a one-track mind.”

“Gee thanks for noticing. Well, the male part anyway.”

A worn wooden sign welcoming them to Eureka stood just ahead. She turned onto a small dirt road—no, a wide trail was probably a better description—and stopped.

“This is the end of the road. We’ll need to hike in from here.”

Quick as a wink, he hopped out of the SUV door, jumped over the vehicle, landing lightly on the balls of his feet, and opened her door, bowing ever so slightly.

Brandy giggled as she placed one foot onto the gravel road. “And they say chivalry is dead.” Reaching for the hand he’d extended, she stepped out, catching the toe of her shoe on the doorsill plate, and fell into his arms.

“Well, isn’t this convenient.” Slipping his hands around her waist, he pulled her tight against him. She felt so good. Her warm, womanly curves pressed against him made him hard, and he couldn’t do a thing about it. He wanted her naked and under him but knew better than to try or even suggest it. That move had met with resistance and bitter disappointment a week earlier. Don’t want to go there again.

He leaned away just enough for their eyes to meet. Hers were dreamy. She tucked her head under his chin, laid her cheek on his chest, and cuddled closer. Brandy tilted her head and brushed a kiss across his throat. Her heartbeat increased, and the blood pulsed through her veins like a drumbeat in rhythm with her heart.

As her vitals changed, his fangs tried to break through his gums. No, not going to happen, not going to spoil this moment.

“We should get going,” she said slowly, her voice thick, but she didn’t move out of his arms, almost as if she liked feeling his arousal pressed up against her belly.

He’d never felt this way, and it worried him, maybe because it had been several months since he’d had a woman. Now all he wanted was her, all of her and not just her body. Yes, he wanted her in his bed, but there was more to it—a need to be near her, to enjoy her company, to understand and know everything about her.

He’d never cared for a woman like this, not even Serena, the creature of the night he’d thought himself in love with before she brutally attacked and turned him. The last thing he wanted to do was to start now, but it was too late. He was sunk, and though a part of him battled with the concept, down deep he knew it.

He gripped her arms and held her away from him. “Have you ever felt like this, Brandy? Be honest.”

“Can’t say as I ever have. I’ve never felt like this with anyone—but you.” A small sigh escaped her lips. As he released his hold, she relaxed against him.

That was all it took. His hands caressed her back. His mouth moved over hers, devouring its softness. When her lips parted as he nibbled on her bottom lip, he hesitantly explored her tongue with the tip of his.

She tenderly reached up and cupped his face in her hands as their tongues joined in a sinuous dance.

He drew back, gently taking her hands in his. Much more of this and he’d have no choice but to take her in the cool, wet grass beneath their feet. “Brandy, we better get going, unless you have changed your mind about being intimate.”

Reluctantly, she backed away. “I can’t. I just can’t.”

Deciding to push the issue, he probed carefully. “Can you at least tell me why?”

“Eventually.” She twined her fingers through his and ambled toward the trail.

As they walked, he decided to touch on the other night. “Brandy, your gryphon is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen—next to your human form, of course. I don’t know why you were so uncomfortable about telling me. Afraid it would change things between us?”

“Maybe. It’s not something you see every day, and most find it disturbing. Since you are Native American, I hoped you wouldn’t feel that way. You probably grew up with legends of shapeshifters.”

“I did. My grandfather used to weave bedtime stories about the legends and shapeshifters of our people.” It was probably not a good idea to tell her just how familiar he was with shapeshifters. No, he wasn’t ready to bare his soul, if he had one, to her yet.

“Did we just have a serious conversation? Huh, there may be hope for us yet.” She laughed and took off running. He raced after her, negotiating the narrow trail, hopping over the bared tree roots and jagged rocks.

Stefan spent the rest of the day learning the area where Brandy indicated they’d hunt come nightfall. Trails wound in and out of the dense forest and over steep rocky cliffs. The cliffs and valleys were breathtaking during the day, but the mountainous terrain would be treacherous at night. Snow-covered patches still dotted the northern slopes, which didn’t get much sun during the day. Those trails would be icy in spots.

Brandy stopped and sniffed the air, glancing toward Stefan. “Catch the scent of elk on the wind?”

His nostrils flared, and he nodded.

“When the time comes, let yourself go. Your survival instinct will take over. Just stay aware of your surroundings. Don’t go completely feral on me. I wouldn’t want you to mistake my gryphon form as prey. The elk are our prey tonight. You’ll want to take them down quickly, sink your fangs into their jugular, drain them, and move on till you’re sated. The scavengers will take care of the carcasses. We’ll follow the herd downwind for a couple of miles, then strike. I’ll check the area for campers or hikers around dusk, then we’ll hunt.”

He took a deep breath and blew it out. Not because he was nervous, only trying to release the desire that was building inside him again. He shook his head, attempting to concentrate on the matter at hand. “Okay, doesn’t sound like a big deal. I know how to drain a creature’s blood.”

“It’s not. Trust me. Bet I can make this a challenging and enjoyable experience. At least you will feel better about yourself. Right?” She winked and sauntered down the trail in front of him, swaying those sexy hips.

Shit, if she doesn’t stop doing that, I’m never going to get myself under control.

The sun set behind the mountains in a fanning display of oranges, yellows, and reds melting into the blue sky as Brandy disappeared into the forest, promising to return shortly. He heard the beat of wings as she took flight, and then he settled down to wait. Returning an hour later, she circled and landed in front of him, folding her wings against her back. No humans within a hundred-mile radius. Let’s hunt.

That is so damn cool. He could hear others’ thoughts but never tried to communicate inside their minds. That was something he might try. He’d learned his strengths and talents by trial and error, but listening in on thoughts could be hit or miss. Maybe he should have stayed with his mentor longer, learned what else was possible. That train of thought was only going to spoil the night, so he turned his attention back to the current task.

His first attempt at taking down an elk was awkward and embarrassing to his male ego. Thankfully, gryphons couldn’t laugh out loud. Brandy had her catch down and torn apart in a matter of seconds without a spot of blood anywhere on her.

He eventually took an elk down but not without a fight and blood everywhere. The second time went much smoother. Landing on the elk’s back, he grasped its neck, latched on to the jugular, brought the animal down, and drained it with little effort. His thirst satisfied, he scanned the area for Brandy, finally locating her fully clothed and sitting on a rock a few yards away.

He strolled to where she sat. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?

“Nope, you’re a natural predator, as you have reminded me several times lately.” She looked at his blood-stained clothes and tossed him clean jeans and a sweatshirt. “I figured you might need these, so I picked them up for you yesterday in case we meet anyone on our way back. Don’t want someone to get the wrong idea.”

Crossing his arms across his chest, he stared at her. “It’s three in the morning. Who the hell are we going to meet”—he held his arms out wide and turned in a complete circle—“here?”

She watched him with smug delight, ignoring his sarcasm. “There’s a lake down the path about a half mile. Want to wash up?”

It was impossible to be upset with her. He’d just chalk this one up to wounded male ego. Out-hunted with ease by a female. Didn’t matter she was a gryphon. It felt wrong on so many levels. “Yeah, I do. You’re loving this, aren’t you? You’re so much better than I am.”

“Oh, your male pride will survive. It takes practice, but you did very well tonight. How do you feel? It’s not what you’re used to, but easier to obtain and helps your self-image. Does it satisfy your lust for blood?”

Her ability to know what he felt was disconcerting. “Brandy, how do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Don’t give me that innocent crap. You know exactly what I mean.”

“I’ve lots of talents, and when you’re willing to open up to me, I’ll tell you about them. I don’t need your deep, dark secrets. I just want to get to know the man in here”—she jabbed a finger at the left side of his chest—“under all that bullshit you’ve piled up for protection. Is that too much to ask?” She tilted her head as she sucked in her bottom lip and waited silently for his reaction or answer.

He grabbed her hand and twisted slightly, grinning as the moonlight glinted off his fully unsheathed fangs. “If you don’t quit poking me in the chest, I’m going to show you what these are for. Understand?” He opened his mouth wider, fangs unsheathed, and leaned in toward her neck.

“Go ahead,” she said, undaunted, then bared her neck further to him. “Or would you rather feast from my wrist that you have captured?” She worked the inside of her wrist around in his hand and brought it close to his mouth.

“Woman, do you have a death wish? Even though I’ve just fed, your blood is so much sweeter. Don’t tempt me like that. It isn’t safe. I do have limits.” He released her wrist and pushed away from her as they arrived at the lake. The water was chilling as he knelt and washed up.

She jumped up on a rock, balanced for a moment, then sat. “I know you won’t hurt me. That’s called trust. Ever heard of it?”

Finished rinsing out his shirt, Stefan scrubbed at his face, then turned to look at her. “Yes, but taunting an apex predator is never a good idea.” He’d never known anyone like her. If he was going to give this relationship a chance, learning to trust her was the key. He shoved his hands in his front pockets and paced away from her, then back. “Okay, what do you want to know?”

Her tight expression relaxed into a smile. She crossed her legs at the ankles and swung them back and forth. “Let’s start with where you were raised. Are your parents still living? Any siblings?”

Closing his eyes, he tried to shut out the wave of long-buried emotions washing over him. “I was raised on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming by my paternal grandfather. Dad died when I was four. Mom abandoned us when I was two. Never saw her again. I don’t have any siblings.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” she said softly. “Were you born on the reservation then?”

“No, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. My parents met and married while attending Harvard. My mother was an exchange student from Italy, studying law, and my dad was in medical school.”

“Oh. Wow.”

That was enough questions. He plucked her off the rock, grinning when she squealed and locked her arms around his neck. “What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll drop you now that I’ve got you? You don’t know me very well. I take care of things that are mine.”

“Yours!” she said with a snort. “Now, that’s a different tune than I’ve heard before.”

“I know lots of diverse tunes.” His grin flashed briefly against his bronze skin. “My turn. Now, tell me why you won’t sleep with me. I know you want me.”

“That’s complicated. Ask something else.” She straightened her back and clenched her jaw.

Seeing her reaction, he figured pursuing that subject would get him no closer to the answer right now, so he moved on. “Can you only communicate in my mind when you are in gryphon form? How did you know I was a vampire, and how do you know my feelings? Can you read my mind?”

“All fair questions. No one outside my family has ever seen me in gryphon form. Since you are the first person I tried to communicate with as a gryphon, I guess the answer is yes. I can’t do it while I’m human. At least, I don’t think so. No, I can’t read your mind but can feel your emotions. As far as being a vampire, I just knew…not sure why, but I’ve always been able to do it. All I need is to touch the person.”

He sat her gently on her feet and brushed the damp curls from her face while keeping his other arm wrapped tightly around her. He could listen to her talk for hours, but the arousing effect her intoxicating Irish lilt had on him was damn inconvenient.

She brought her face closer to his, running her hands up his chest. In a soft voice, she asked, “Who turned you and left you alone?”

“What?” Her question snapped him out of his sexual haze. His temper spiked and he growled. “There you go again, knowing things you have no right to know. Asking complicated questions when you won’t answer mine.”

“All right, I’ll answer yours, if you’ll answer mine.” She moved closer, wrapping her arms around his neck like velvet chains, and touched her lips to his, drew back, and sighed. “Aye, you deserve an explanation. Just didn’t want to scare you away. Gryphons take only one mate, and that is for eternity. If something happens to that mate, the other will spend the rest of her life alone and never search for another.”

He nodded, mesmerized by the emotion in her eyes.

“Some choose to follow their mate in death. The act of lovemaking seals that bond. It’s a hell of a commitment for anyone other than a gryphon to understand, let alone agree to.” She paused, watching him intently. “I don’t expect that type of commitment from you, but that’s the reason I can’t be intimate with you.” Tears glistened in her eyes. She blinked them away before they could spill down her cheeks. “Now it’s your turn. Who turned you and left you alone?”

Feelings churned inside him. He didn’t want to deal with them, let alone explain. He blew out a breath. “I loved Serena, but I didn’t know she was a vampire until the night she turned me. She laughed at my innocence and left with a group of friends that had joined her to watch me suffer. Angry and betrayed, my fury and lust for human blood was uncontrollable, and I went…” He drew in a long breath and blew it out slowly. “The rest I don’t want to discuss. Please don’t ever ask me again.”

She nodded solemnly.

They stood in silence, wrapped in each other’s arms, neither one knowing what to say or how to comfort the other.

Where did he go from here? The thought of being committed to one woman for eternity was interesting, if such love existed. He couldn’t allow her to commit to him not knowing what he was capable of. She’d never seen the beast within. What if someday he lost control and hurt her? He couldn’t take that chance.

Brandy liked to walk on the wild side by her own admission. He could see the romance of her wanting a relationship with a vampire. But at the end of the day, would he be the person she would want to walk through life with, especially when that life was for eternity? Eventually, she would learn of his past as a vampire assassin, and he couldn’t give her a family. Unless more of the legends he’d studied were true. Even then, he couldn’t put her through that.

She deserved more—a man that could make her happy, give her children, and make her dreams come true, not force her to live in a damn nightmare. Yet…being with her felt so right, as if she completed him somehow. He shook his head to dislodge the possibilities.

As if reading his mind, Brandy backed away, breaking their hold. “You can tell me all the terrible things you have done, even in graphic detail if necessary. It won’t change how I see or feel about you. I sense a great compassion within you. That doesn’t mean I don’t see the emotional scars, bitterness, and the beast inside.”

He started to say something, but she held her finger up.

“Let me finish. Behind that protective wall you’ve built, you’re like any other man. You want to be accepted, loved, and give love in return. But you’re afraid. Afraid of being hurt like your father. Like you were when Serena betrayed you. And like the hurt you saw in your grandfather’s eyes when you left. You worry about inflicting pain on those you care about. Gee, I don’t know, does that sound like a monster to you?” She tilted her head up to gaze into his eyes. “It doesn’t to me.”

He balled his fists at his sides and shoved them in his pockets. She could be so damn stubborn—rationalizing everything. “What you’re suggesting could have deadly consequences for you. I’m not willing to accept that responsibility.”

Sadness reflected in her green eyes as her lilting voice wavered. “You’ve decided that continuing our relationship will endanger my existence. You couldn’t be more wrong. If you refuse to give us a chance, you might as well destroy me now.”

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he rubbed his eyes, and Brandy yawned behind her hand. They were tired, and this subject would look better to both of them tomorrow. He flashed a grin, reaching for her. “Bit of a drama queen, are you?”

She hesitated for a minute or two and studied his face. “Maybe. At least I know what I want and have the guts to go after it. Unlike a big, bad vamp I know.”

“You win. We’ll discuss it tomorrow. With your permission, I’ll drive back to Whitefish since you’re exhausted.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face, lingering for a beat. “You can drop me off and drive home, or you can sleep at the cabin. It’s up to you.”

Yawning again, she blinked several times. “I’ll stay with you. Thanks.”

By the time they arrived at the cabin, she was sound asleep, her head resting on his shoulder. Careful not to rouse her, he carried her in, took off her boots, and laid her gently on his bed, pulling the patchwork quilt over her. As he watched her sleep, he considered his next move. Kissing her cheek gently, he got up and walked silently into the living room. Rolling his shoulders, he rubbed the back of his neck and sat down on the couch to think. I swore I’d never…yet here I am. He gazed at the ceiling as if he could see though the logs to the heavens above. Grandfather…I wish…




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