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BAELAN: Fantasy Romance (Zhekan Mates Book 4) by E.A. James (17)

Chapter Seventeen




The coronation of Aerdan and Angelica was held that evening. Baelan borrowed a gown from his sister, Selene, for Rillie to wear. When Rillie was left alone in a luxurious royal bathroom, she felt a sharp wave of excitement and happiness. I get to stay with Baelan, forever, Rillie realized as she sank into the hot water, wincing slightly as it burned the soles of her feet. She stayed in the bath for a long time, until the water grew cool and her skin began to shrivel and prune from soaking.


When Rillie was dressed, she joined Baelan and Selene at the entrance to the royal compound. Selene leaned down and kissed her cheek.


“I am sorry we did not have a proper introduction when we first met,” Selene said. Like Baelan, Selene had dark blue eyes and a mess of dark hair. Her posture was very straight, and her high cheekbones made her look every inch the royal cousin. Then, she smiled and Rillie relaxed.


“It is very good to meet you,” Rillie said. “Baelan has told me quite a bit.”


Selene laughed. “I imagine he has,” she said drily. She swallowed. “Still, I cannot believe it! The queen, stepping down!”


“She was not right after lady Taryn,” Baelan said quietly. He looked troubled, and Rillie went to him and slipped her hand into his.


“This wasn’t your fault,” Rillie said quietly, so only Baelan could hear.


Baelan sighed. “My love, how I wish I could believe that very thing myself,” he replied.


Rillie frowned. “Does this mean that you still wish to leave?”


Baelan shrugged. He turned to Rillie. “What do you want?” His eyes were open and though not exactly warm, Rillie could tell he was being sincere.


“I wish to be with you,” Rillie said simply. “And it does not matter where we go.”


Baelan nodded. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Rillie’s forehead, but he didn’t reply.


As Baelan and Selene led the way from the royal compound to the Zhekan castle, Rillie marveled. She had never seen such splendor, such wonder. Everyone was clothed in rich dress of silks and satins. All of the men were muscular and brawny, although Rillie had to admit that no one was larger than Phaelenx, Selene’s husband. There was a quiet buzz among the people and Rillie realized as they were walking into the great hall of the castle that no one knew what was about to happen.


“Will the people be upset,” Rillie whispered to Baelan. “I know Zornaya was loved.”


“She was,” Baelan agreed. “But I do not think many will mourn. Too many of my friends and cousins have long chafed against the social customs here, and perhaps Angelica will usher in an era of change.”


Before Rillie could reply, a loud trumpet cut through the air. Rillie clutched Baelan’s arm as she followed him into a large room filled with people. There was a large golden altar at the front, where a large throne sat. Zornaya was seated on a small chair to the right of the throne. At the sight of her, everyone fell silent.


Zornaya got to her feet and held her hand in the air. “My beloved people,” she said. Rillie marveled at the way she didn’t raise her voice and yet managed to captivate a huge room. “I welcome you all to greet your new queen and High Commander.”


There was a buzz in the crowd but Zornaya gave a brief shake of her head and the crowd fell silent again.


When Aerdan and Angelica appeared on the golden altar, the crowd began to clap and cheer. Rillie thought Angelica, who was visibly pregnant, looked radiant. Her long dark hair was spread over her shoulders and she was clothed in brilliant purple silks that set off her pale skin. And Aerdan, with his dark hair, pushed away from his forehead, looked handsome and confident.


Zornaya rose from her chair. A courtier rushed in, bearing a small wooden box. Zornaya reached inside and removed a golden crown. She curtseyed to the crowd, then walked to Angelica. Angelica sat down on the golden throne and Zornaya placed the crown upon her head. Then Zornaya gave a low bow to Angelica and Aerdan.


“May our new queen and High Commander rule for many, happy years,” Zornaya said. As she spoke, there was no trace of bitterness in her voice – Rillie even sensed that she was feeling relief.


The applause was nearly deafening. Angelica and Aerdan smiled widely, joining hands as they waved to the crowds. Rillie felt herself getting caught up in the magic of the moment, and she stretched up and kissed Baelan on the cheek.


“Now, we will feast!” Aerdan called loudly over the din of the crowd. The crowd roared even louder.


Rillie stared as the crowd began to push and hurtle through the room. She clutched tightly to Baelan’s hand as he led her away from the crowd and into the great hall.


“I can’t believe it, Aerdan is the High Commander now,” Baelan said with a touch of wonder in his voice. He shook his head and laughed. “I never would have predicted that – not in a million years!”


Rillie smiled uncertainly. “Are you jealous? Do you wish it was you?”


Baelan snorted and shook his head. “No,” he said. “Definitely not.” He pulled Rillie close and kissed her, running his hands over her back. “I prefer this kind of life.”


Rillie flushed and smiled happily. As Baelan led her into the dining hall, she was suddenly filled with anxiety again.


“What if your friends do not care for me,” she asked softly. “What if they see me as the cause of the queen’s abdication?”


Baelan shrugged. “Then they are not my friends, and we will leave Zheka and find new friends,” he replied. The certainty and confidence of his reply were almost astonishing.


“I cannot believe you would give up everything for me,” Rillie said.


Baelan squeezed her hand. “My love, before you, I didn’t have anything at all,” he said.


“That isn’t true,” Rillie replied. She glanced around the grand castle. “You had this – a wonderful life.”


Baelan shrugged. “I suppose,” he said. “But it doesn’t mean much to me. I never cared for the luxuries in life. I only want you.”


Rillie’s cheeks turned pink with pleasure. Baelan took her hand and led her to a small round table. Huen and Phaelenx and Selene were seated there, along with a beautiful woman with long curly pale hair and olive skin that Rillie didn’t recognize.


Baelan cleared his throat and grinned at the group assembled before him. “Friends, if I may, this is Raelina Caulmont.”


“Rillie,” Rillie interrupted. “Please, no one calls me that.”


“I like it,” Baelan said. He cocked his head to the side and smirked at her. “I think it’s pretty – just like you are.”


Rillie flushed. To her surprise, Phaelenx, Huen, and Selene looked pleased to see her. The unfamiliar woman was smiling, too.


“Rillie, you met Huen and Phaelenx in the forest, and I’ve introduced you to my sister, Selene,” Baelan continued. “But this is Aine – Huen’s wife.” He smiled kindly.


Rillie smiled. “It’s very nice to meet you all,” she said softly.


“Join us,” Selene said. She patted the bench beside her. “I’d very much like to get to know my new—“


“Selene!” Baelan said. He narrowed his eyes, speaking reproachfully. “She does not yet know.”


Rillie turned to Baelan and frowned. “Know what?”


Baelan smirked. He pulled Rillie close and wrapped his arms around her waist before leaning down to kiss her passionately. Rillie flushed, but she couldn’t help but give herself over to Baelan, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning softly in his mouth.


Baelan’s friends were clapping and cheering and Rillie pulled away, blushing hotly. She gave Baelan a curious look.


“What is it?” Rillie asked.


For once, Baelan almost looked nervous. Then he took both of Rillie’s pale hands in his own and kissed them.


“Rillie Caulmont, please, I would be the happiest man in Zheka if you would agree to be my wife.”


Rillie’s jaw dropped.


“I am serious,” Baelan continued. He leaned in close and pressed his forehead to Rillie’s. His blue eyes were large with sincerity.


“Yes,” Rillie whispered. She closed her eyes, feeling as if she had suddenly entered a dream state. Between the excitement in the forest and now this, Rillie was unsure if she’d ever been able to keep up.


Baelan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small golden band engraved with roses. He reached for Rillie’s hand and slipped the ring onto her finger before taking her hand once more and turning to his group of friends.


“Friends, may I introduce Rillie again,” Baelan said proudly, leaning down to kiss Rillie’s cheek. “As my fiancée.”


The table erupted into loud cheers. Selene got to her feet and hugged Rillie.


“It will be so good to have a sister,” Selene whispered in Rillie’s ear. “And an ally against these men!”


Rillie laughed. She couldn’t ever remember being so happy…except for maybe in the safety and security of Baelan’s arms, hidden away in the forest. As she looked at Baelan’s handsome face, she somehow knew she would feel this happiness forever.