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BAELAN: Fantasy Romance (Zhekan Mates Book 4) by E.A. James (26)







“Angelica! Come on, snap out of it!”


Angelica glanced up just in time to see the crumpled paper ball flying by her face. With a small yelp of surprise, she darted to the side and grabbed the wad of paper. She narrowed her eyes and frowned.


“What’s all this,” Angelica asked. “Trying to attack me now, are you?”


Her best friend, Stacy, stood with her hands on her hips. She cocked her head to the side and smirked. “Sorry,” Stacy said. “You’re just really spacing out today.”


Angelica bit her lip and flushed. “I know,” she said. “Sorry.” She heaved a sigh. “I just can’t stop thinking about that stupid dream I had last night.”


Stacy raised an eyebrow and stared until Angelica began to squirm.


“The one with that really hot guy?”


Angelica’s flush deepened, turning her pale cheeks into bright red circles. “Forget it,” she said. “I never should’ve told you.”


Stacy laughed. “Au contraire,” she said. “I don’t think you told me quite enough!”


Angelica shook her head, sending tangles of wild dark hair flying around her shoulders. “Definitely not,” she said. “Come on, we still have a lot to do before we can close up.”


Stacy rolled her eyes back in her head and leaned against the counter, pretending to faint. “My feet are killing me,” she whined. “I can’t wait to hit happy hour.”


“Oh, shit. Was that tonight?”


“Don’t tell me you forgot,” Stacy said. She groaned. “Angelica, it’s been like…weeks since you came out with us!”


Angelica wrinkled her nose. “Can’t we just order a pizza and pick up some wine? Maybe we could find something good on Netflix,” she added. “Oh, there’s that new horror movie! What was it called? A Night in the Shadows?”


Stacy gave her an odd look. “Ang, babe, you’re twenty-five,” she said. “You don’t have to be so elderly.”


Angelica sighed. “I’m not elderly,” she sniffed. “I just hate going to bars. All those gross guys drooling all over themselves to buy us drinks…and then turning into major assholes just because we don’t want to sleep with them as a way to say ‘thank you.’”


Stacy narrowed her eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way,” she said. “But come on. You’re elderly,” she added. “You knit and crochet and I can’t even remember the last time you stayed up past ten.”


Angelica tried to suppress the annoyance building inside of her. “Yeah, well, maybe you’re right,” she shot back. “But having to get up at seven-thirty just to get here by nine is kind of a fun-killer, you know?”


Stacy softened. “I know,” she said. She gave her best friend a pleading look. “It’s just, I miss hanging out with you. Holly and Melinda are fun, you know, but all they can do is talk about themselves.”


Angelica burst out laughing. “So we’ll have a girls’ night tonight,” she said. “We could get pizza, or Chinese, or whatever. We don’t have to hit the bars.”


“I promised Holly I’d meet her at that new tapas place for sangria,” Stacy whined. “I can’t flake out. She’ll totally kill me.” Stacy looked at Angelica with pleading eyes. “It’ll be fun,” she said in a promising tone. “That place won’t be like, full of ex-frat boys. It’s…classy,” she added.


“Yeah, and I bet one drink is fifteen bucks,” Angelica said. “I think I’ll pass, Stace. Thanks, though.”


“Girls!” Nadine, the gallery owner, stepped into the back room and frowned. “I don’t think those pieces are going to hang themselves! We have to get ready for tomorrow,” she added nervously. “It’s going to be our biggest exhibition yet.”


“Sure, Nadine,” Angelica said quickly. “Sorry. I was just taking a break.”


Nadine’s eyes flashed in annoyance but she stepped back and allowed the two girls to meekly pass. As soon as they were in the gallery, Angelica tried to focus on the task at hand – hanging large swaths of muslin from the ceiling. The effect was meant to simulate the waves of the ocean, but privately, Angelica thought it just looked like a fifth-grader’s art project.


Angelica had studied art in college, with hopes of opening her own gallery. After graduating, she and Stacy moved to New York, where they both found work at the same gallery. But the art wasn’t much like what Angelica had studied. Nadine, the owner, favored modern, trendy artists. Sometimes Angelica wondered if she shouldn’t be trying harder to make it on her own. But the thought of “networking” or anything like it, made her clam up inside. Maybe it’s better this way, she thought as she reached for another stiff piece of cloth. At least this way I don’t have to worry about being a failure.


By the time Angelica and Stacy had finished decorating the main gallery room, it was almost eight. Angelica’s stomach was rumbling with hunger and she felt light-headed and weak.


“I’ve got to get something to eat,” Angelica said to Stacy as they were locking up the front doors of the gallery. “I feel like I’m gonna pass out, my blood sugar must be crazy low.”


“Come to the tapas place with me,” Stacy said. She checked her watch and groaned. “I bet they have great like, paella, or whatever.”


“Maybe,” Angelica said. “I’m so hungry I feel like I could eat my own shoe at this point.”


“It’s in midtown, we can probably get a cab if we hurry,” Stacy said. “This way, I bet there’s one on the corner.”


Angelica followed Stacy out into the chill, winter night. A blustery breeze whipped at her pale skin and dark hair, and she shut her dark eyes as a particularly fierce blast assaulted her. The two women walked quickly down the sidewalk and over to a line of parked yellow cabs.


After scuttling into the safety of the warm cab interior, Stacy leaned forward and gave the address. The driver grunted in response and the cab moved away from the curb, joining a long snake of traffic.


“I hope this place isn’t too far,” Angelica said. “I’m starving.”


“It shouldn’t be too long,” Stacy said. “Hey, I’m glad you’re coming.”


“Just for something to eat,” Angelica warned. “And then I’m going straight home.”


“Yeah, right.” Stacy smirked. “See if we let you.”


Angelica rolled her eyes. “You’re forgetting that I’m an adult who can make my own decisions,” she said.


“Yeah, but come on – would you rather stay home alone with your sad box of wine or hang out with us?” Stacy batted her lashes.


Normally, Angelica would have laughed. But her low blood sugar was making her feel more irritated than usual and she slumped against the window, resting her forehead on the cold glass.


The cab slowed to a crawl.


“Sorry,” the driver grunted without bothering to turn around. “Traffic’s bad tonight.”


Great, Angelica thought. It’s going to be nine before I even get anything to eat and I feel like I’m going to pass out.


The cab jerked slowly down the avenue, then screeched to a stop as the traffic light flashed bright red. Angelica groaned – the intersection was jammed with cars, brake lights filling the air with cherry light.


Angelica sighed. “Can you let me out here?” She called to the driver.


“Hey, where are you going?” Stacy turned to her friend and frowned. “I thought you decided to come with!”


“I’m too hungry,” Angelica said. She fumbled in her wallet and passed a five-dollar bill to Stacy. “Sorry, I just can’t wait anymore.”


Stacy frowned. She opened her mouth to protest but her cries were lost in the sounds of honking cars and screaming people. Angelica pushed open the cab door and climbed into the frigid air, shivering before both feet were on the ground.


Great, Angelica thought as she started walking towards the gallery at a brisk trot. I’m even farther from my normal stop than usual, and it’s freaking freezing out here.


Angelica pulled the ruff of her coat up and nestled her face inside her scarf. The wool didn’t do much except for chill her even more – condensation from her breath clung to the damp fabric. Angelica felt chilled to the bone as she hustled down street after unfamiliar street. Neon signs flashed in her face, advertising everything from palm reading to falafel. As she stopped on the curb and waited for the signal to change, she glanced around. There was a seedy-looking pizza place on the corner, mostly empty, but brightly-lit and open. Angelica’s mouth watered as the greasy aroma of dough and cheese filled her nose.


I’ll just have one slice, and then I’ll go home, she decided. At least then I won’t be starving on the train.


Angelica pushed inside and ordered a slice of pepperoni. When it was ready, she ate at the counter, standing up and not even caring that the greasy slice burned her tongue. As soon as she’d finished, she felt measurably better.


“Thanks,” Angelica called over her shoulder. She wiped her lips on a coarse napkin and tossed her trash away in a dirty bin before braving the cold again.


That’s much better, Angelica thought as she stood on the corner, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she waited for the light to change. God, I was about ready to pass out!


“Mew! Mew!”


Angelica glanced down. A small white cat was twining between her legs, rubbing its soft face on her ankles.


“Oh, hi there,” Angelica crooned. “I’m sorry – I finished all my pizza,” she said. “You’re so cute!”


The cat mewed happily.


The light changed and Angelica started crossing the street. To her shock, the kitten followed behind.


“Sorry little guy,” Angelica said. “I know it’s cold out tonight. Do you live around here?”


The cat sat on its haunches, licking a front paw. It stared at Angelica and she gasped when she realized the cat had one green eye and one blue.


“You’re pretty,” she said. “You poor thing. You must be cold.”


The cat mewed again and Angelica felt her heart lurch to the side. I can’t leave it here, she thought. It’ll freeze! This is the coldest night we’ve had all year!


The cat twisted against Angelica’s ankles, rubbing and purring. She bit her lip.


“My landlord doesn’t allow pets,” she said cautiously. “But maybe you could come home with me tonight and I’ll work on finding you a home tomorrow. How does that sound?”


The cat mewed and almost seemed to nod in agreement. Swallowing hard, Angelica reached down and scooped the freezing cat into her hands. She unzipped her jacket and put the small white body inside. Amazingly, the cat seemed to know that Angelica was helping it. It snuggled up to Angelica’s body, nuzzling at Angelica’s neck until she laughed from the ticklish fur.


As soon as Angelica arrived at her Crown Heights apartment, she took the cat into her bathroom.


“I don’t have any litter or anything, but I’ll run down to the bodega and see if I can’t find something,” Angelica promised. “You stay here – I’ll be back in a little while.”


The cat mewed obediently and Angelica closed it inside the bathroom, hustling back into her coat and boots. She darted down all four flights of stairs across the street. At the bodega, she found a dusty bag of cat litter, some cans of tuna, and a gallon of milk.


“Here we are,” Angelica sang loudly as she burst into her apartment, breathing hard from her frantic errand. “I couldn’t find a litter box, but you can have this,” she added, grabbing a plastic bin full of tools and dumping them out on the ground. After filling the bin with litter, she pushed it into the bathroom.


The white cat purred and mewed as Angelica opened a can of tuna and dumped it into a small dish, mashing the meat down with a fork. She set the dish on the ground and the cat began to gobble the tuna down, taking giant mouthfuls at a time.


“They didn’t have any cat food,” Angelica said wryly. “But somehow I get the feeling you like this even more.”


After a few moments of watching the cat eat, Angelica dug in the fridge and pulled out a carton of leftover Chinese food. She grabbed some chopsticks and settled down on the couch, scrolling through channels. The cat looked up from the tuna and mewed before scampering over and leaping onto Angelica’s lap. She burst out laughing as it tried to bite some of the cold noodles away from her chopsticks.


“This isn’t for you,” Angelica said, still giggling. “There’s more tuna. You still hungry?”


The cat mewed and whined. After a few seconds, Angelica softened.


“Okay,” she said. “One more can, and that’s it. You’ll have to make this last for a long time,” she added. “I didn’t buy any more.”


The cat meowed loudly, as if to say, “yeah, right!” Angelica rolled her eyes as she opened the second can and dumped it into the dish. But before she could set it down, the cat twined and pushed at her ankles. Angelica wobbled for a second and gasped. She groped for the edge of the counter but her fingers closed around nothing, and she crashed to the ground. Her head slammed against the side of her counter, and Angelica’s vision went dark.




God, my head is killing me, Angelica thought as she struggled to open her eyes. Her whole body ached, as if she’d fallen from a great height. Her mouth was dry and her tongue felt like sandpaper as she licked her lips and struggled to sit up. The previous night came rushing back to her – going out with Stacy, then grabbing a greasy slice of pizza…and finding that white cat.


“Mew. Mew!”


Angelica rubbed her eyes and sat up. She frowned – she was sitting on something soft and plush, certainly not her kitchen floor. Did I black out, Angelica wondered. What happened?


When she opened her eyes, she gasped. She was in the middle of a lush, verdant forest. The grass beneath her feet was as thick as a carpet, and she ran her hands over the green blades with a sense of wonder and fear. Scrambling to her feet, Angelica wiped her palms on her thighs. I’m dreaming, she realized. Wow, I must have really hit my head hard. She pinched herself and cried out – it hurt, almost as much as if she were awake.


“What in the hell,” Angelica muttered under her breath. Her heart began to race as she spun around, looking at the trees and bright blue sky. The trees were enormous – easily the biggest she’d ever seen outside of photos. There was a fresh, fragrant smell in the air, and bees buzzed noisily around the flowers and grass.


It was about as far away from winter in Brooklyn as possible.


Angelica’s heart thudded nervously as she began to walk, gazing around. Her head still ached but she no longer noticed – it was impossible to keep in mind as she glanced around in wonder.




Angelica looked down and saw the white cat, perched on its haunches and grooming itself. She narrowed her eyes.


“What’s all this about,” Angelica asked dryly. “What’s going on?”


The cat continued grooming, licking and nipping at a front paw.


“You seem to be doing just fine,” Angelica grumbled. “What do they say about cats? That you always land on your feet?”


The cat’s paw dropped to the ground and it cocked its head to the side. “I’ve never heard that before,” the cat said. “What kind of talk have you been listening to?”


Angelica gasped and covered her mouth with both hands. “What?” She swallowed nervously. “Did…did you just…did you just say something?”


The cat gave her an annoyed glance. “Yes,” it said haughtily. “And furthermore, I don’t care for tuna. Next time, I’d prefer something a little more substantial.”


Angelica’s dark eyes were as wide as saucers as she stepped forward, cautiously approaching the white cat. It no longer seemed helpless and hungry – on the contrary, it seemed to have a certain smugness that made Angelica nervous.


“What…where am I?” Angelica asked. “What happened? How did I get here?”


The cat sighed. “I didn’t expect you to be so high maintenance,” it said. “And for your information, I am a male. My name is Brynx.”


Angelica didn’t reply.


“Are you simple?” The cat walked closer and Angelica gasped, nervously stepping backward and stumbling over her own feet. She crashed to the grass with a dull thud, unable to take her eyes away from Brynx.


“No,” Angelica said nervously. “At least, I never thought so.” She swallowed hard. “What’s happening to me? Where am I?”


Brynx rolled his eyes. “Aerdan!” He called loudly. “I’m sick of dealing with this human already!”


Angelica squinted. “What? What did you just say?”


Before Brynx could reply, an impossibly gorgeous man stepped into the clearing. He was clad only in leather leggings that clung to his muscular legs. Leather straps crisscrossed his chest and his brawny torso was gleaming and covered in strange blue and black tattoos. He was deeply tanned, with bright blue eyes and the whitest teeth Angelica had ever seen. Long dark hair cascaded from his brow to his shoulders.


Angelica couldn’t remember seeing a more handsome man.


The man walked closer to Brynx and Angelica. When he saw Angelica, he grinned.


“May I offer a hand, lady?” The man asked. “You seem to be more than a little distressed, quite understandable.”


“What? Uh, no,” Angelica said quickly. Her heart was racing and she could barely look into the man’s gorgeous-yet-smug face without blushing. “I mean, look – just tell me how to get back to Brooklyn, and I’ll be fine.”


The man frowned. “Brooklyn? What kingdom is that?”


Angelica’s mouth went dry. “Kingdom?” She squeaked. “Like, Britain?”


The man narrowed his eyes. “I’m afraid I haven’t heard of that kingdom, either,” he said. “You must have traveled from another dimension.”


Angelica licked her lips. “Where…where am I?”


The man straightened up and grinned, puffing out his chest. “You are in the Kingdom of Zheka,” he said proudly. “And I am Commander Aerdan Covendane, heir to the throne, and son of Queen Zornaya.”


Aerdan leaned down, offering Angelica his huge hand. “Come,” he said. “You must be introduced at once.”


Angelica’s disbelief bubbled over, her eyes rolled back in her head and she fainted, collapsing on the emerald grass.






“Aerdan, please do not disappoint me,” Queen Zornaya said quietly, her blue eyes flashing with irritation. “Know that you are not simply expected at the ceremony, you are required to attend.”


Aerdan rolled his eyes. He was reclining in his large bed, the silk sheets unmade and bunching under his strong back. He kept his eyes on the ceiling as he spoke to his mother.


“Mother, I don’t see why I have to attend,” Aerdan complained. “It’s the same thing as always. Our people gather together just to watch a stupid display!”


Zornaya frowned. “Not just a display,” she said proudly. “But a display of immense power and strength, the kind of strength that has made Zheka the most powerful kingdom in our world!”


“But it’s the same show every year,” Aerdan complained. “I get up, wave a sword around, and then presto! Everyone claps.” He groaned.


“Aerdan,” Zornaya said sharply. “Have you forgotten your role? You are a commander,” she said, emphasizing the word so hard that Aerdan rolled his eyes. “And your job is to inspire the men of Zheka, and to make all the women wish they would be your bride!”


“And then what?” Aerdan sat up in bed, rubbing his shoulders. “There’s a feast, and more fighting, and then you get to make a speech about how our society is perfect?”


“Yes,” Zornaya said stiffly. She pressed her lips together in a narrow line.

“Do you know how many men would kill, simply to have the same opportunities as you?”


“Yeah, I bet everyone’s dying to be hassled by their mothers, day in and day out,” Aerdan muttered under his breath.


“Excuse me?” Zornaya’s voice was as sharp as a dagger. “What did you just say?”


“Nothing,” Aerdan lied.


“Not to mention, all of the girls will be looking very attractive,” Zornaya said slowly. “Today would be a fine chance for you to choose a bride, Aerdan,” she added. “I’ve noticed Lucilla has blossomed into a lovely young woman, don’t you think?”


Maybe, before I slept with her, Aerdan thought. To his mother, he only replied: “Lucilla is the dullest girl I’ve ever met. She doesn’t care about anything but gowns and shoes.”


“What of Chelsene? She is quite beautiful,” Zornaya said. “And she is a gifted healer. Chelsene has the skill of a much older woman.”


Aerdan wrinkled his nose. “I care for her not,” he said. “She’s the younger sister of Baelan – it would feel like marrying my own sibling!”


Zornaya sighed in exasperation. “Aerdan, time is running out,” she said sharply. “I know you think that your father and I are jesting, but your betrothal is imminent. And unless you find a suitable bride among the women of Zheka, you will be wed to Muertha of Glasule.”


Aerdan groaned. “I know, I know,” he said, shaking his head in exasperation. “I know. Look – I’ll look for a bride today, okay?”


Zornaya smiled thinly. She had the look of a once-beautiful woman who was now so put-upon and troubled that she was aged beyond her years.


“Aerdan, I do not ask much from you,” she said softly. “I believe your father and I have been more than reasonable in accommodating your…rebellion, but this must end. You are a High Commander! You are heir to the throne! Whichever woman you choose will be the Queen of Zheka,” she added firmly. “And you must choose well!”


“I know,” Aerdan grumbled. “You and I have had this discussion hundreds of times, Mother.” He rolled out of bed and pulled on a leather vest. Surveying his tanned face in the mirror, he pushed his dark hair over his brow.


“Please, Aerdan, a little effort,” Zornaya said. She clucked her tongue. “I had the help clean your finest uniform, you’ll find it in the wardrobe. Please – be dressed and ready for the Showcase within the hour.” She got to her feet, standing straight and almost as tall as her son.


Aerdan nodded. He was weary of having the same talk with his mother, over and over. She doesn’t understand, he thought bitterly as Zornaya serenely glided out of his chamber. She doesn’t know what this kind of pressure is like! She was brought up to be a queen from the very beginning…and I’m just her pawn, just a grunt, something to show off.


He walked over to his wardrobe and yanked the doors open. Sure enough, his dress uniform had been laundered and freshly pressed. Gold fringe and tassels gleamed from the dark brown material. Aerdan rolled his eyes. He could practically see it now – seated in a small throne to the left of his mother and father, forced to smile and wink at the crowd of adoring young women. Then the mock-battle would occur – Aerdan would win, of course, no one would dare beat the High Commander at such a display. Afterwards, there would be a feast, with roast meat and fresh loaves of bread and every kind of fruit grown in the kingdom. Aerdan would drink and feast and be subjected to a torrent of batting eyelashes.


I can’t do this today, he decided, closing the wardrobe door. Not today. Sorry, Mother.


Aerdan changed into his leather armor and shed his shirt in favor of a rucksack stocked with dried meat, a flask of water, and a map of the kingdom. The map was Aerdan’s prized possession – his father had given it to him when he’d turned thirteen – and he never left the castle without it. Whenever he looked at it, the stylized mountains and oceans filled his heart with a hunger he’d never felt before. Sure, life in Zheka was fine – even fun, at times. But Aerdan was growing tired of the same routine. He was bored with bedding girls, bored of showing off his physical prowess at frequent displays, and even bored of the luxurious castle where the royal family and all their servants lived.


Someday, Aerdan promised himself as he threw open his window and tossed a rope ladder over the ledge. Someday, I’m going to leave this place and never come back.


“I don’t think the Queen will appreciate this.”


Aerdan looked up to see his cat, Brynx, perched on the bed. He groaned as a pang of guilt stung him.


“She’ll live,” Aerdan said grimly. “But as for me, I don’t think I could make it through the damn thing without falling asleep.”


“And just what are you proposing to do instead?”


Aerdan grinned. “I’ve got an idea,” he said. “Later, Brynx. Hold the fort down for me.”


Brynx rolled his eyes before stretching and kneading Aerdan’s pillow. He scowled. “Don’t expect me to lie for you,” he said. “Because I won’t.”


“Good,” Aerdan said. He swung a powerful leg over the ledge of his window and gripped the rope ladder hard. “Don’t, then.”


Before Brynx could reply, Aerdan nimbly scooted down the ladder. Soon, he was on the ground. He gave the castle one last, lingering look before darting off towards the stables.


Twenty minutes later, Aerdan was racing through the woods on his favorite stallion, Tlatse. Tlatse’s powerful hooves churned the ground, kicking clods of grass and mud as he ran. Aerdan whooped with joy, one hand tangled in Tlatse’s mane, the other raised high in the air. Tlatse was galloping so quickly that the woods were a blur and Aerdan hooted and cheered as the prize stallion carried him nimbly through the forest.


This is excitement, Aerdan thought, his veins pumping with adrenaline. As Tlatse approached a fallen tree, Aerdan hunched close to Tlatse’s mane, gripping extra hard as the stallion soared into the air, clearing the tree with ease. They sailed through the forest together, horse and man as one soul, one body. When Tlatse reached a perfectly round clearing, he slowed to a stop.


“That was great!” Aerdan cheered, stroking his horse on the neck. “You’re a champion, Tlatse!”


Tlatse nickered in response.


Seconds later, the clearing was filled with masculine cheering and shouting, Baelan and Huen, Aerdan’s closest friends, rode into the clearing, each perched atop a powerful stallion.


“I’ve won, again,” Aerdan said smugly. He leapt off Tlatse’s back, then loosely tied Tlatse’s reins to a tree branch. “Good boy,” Aerdan said. He reached into his leather bag and held an apple out to the stallion.


“Not exactly a fair contest,” Baelan gasped, swinging his leg over his horse’s back and landing solidly on the ground. “Tlatse is too fast!”


Aerdan grinned. “He’s just fast enough,” he said. “Isn’t my fault that you’re too slow.”


Baelan groaned. He was Aerdan’s cousin – the two had been best friends practically since birth. Like Aerdan, he was tall and muscular. But where Aerdan was dark, Baelan was fair. The girls in the kingdom always giggled whenever Aerdan and Baelan were together – as a pair, they were unstoppable at whatever they set their minds to. Like Aerdan, Baelan hungered for more in life.


Huen leapt off his horse’s back and tethered the stallion to a nearby tree. “I feel like I almost won,” he said modestly. “Maybe in time, I’ll catch up with you, Aerdan.”


Aerdan smirked. “Good luck,” he said. “You’ll need it.”


Huen rolled his eyes. He, too, was tall, muscular, and powerful. But unlike Aerdan and Baelan, he was more introverted.


In the distance, there was the sound of a horn followed by a deafening cheer.


“Sounds like it’s started,” Huen said, gesturing to the loud sound.


Aerdan tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. “Yeah,” he said.


“How did you get out of this,” Huen asked as he flopped down in the grass. “Did you find a bride?”


“No,” Aerdan said. He shrugged. “I didn’t, really.”


“You mean, your mother doesn’t know you’re here?”


Aerdan shook his head. “No, thankfully,” he said. He rolled his eyes and reached into his backpack for his flask. Greedily pouring water down his throat, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. He passed the flask to Baelan and Huen. “I mean, I left without telling her.”


Baelan burst out laughing. “She is going to murder you,” he said, shaking his head. “Damn, Aerdan!”


Aerdan shrugged. Now that he could hear the sounds of the festivities, he felt better than ever about blowing them off. But he couldn’t ignore the slight twinge of anxiety whenever Zornaya’s face popped into his mind.


“I know,” Aerdan said. “But gods, it’s better than being a prized pig.” He wrinkled his nose.


“If you don’t get serious soon, you’ll have to marry Muertha,” Huen teased. He snickered.


Aerdan groaned. “Don’t remind me,” he said. “Mother actually said as much earlier. I don’t know why she’s so bent on me marrying by thirty!”


“Because that’s tradition,” Baelan said. He smirked. “And you’ve lost your mind if you think she’s going to give you a pass.” He handed Aerdan’s flask back. “If I were you, I’d get to work on finding a girl. Before all the good ones are taken,” he added.


Aerdan shuddered. “I’ve slept with most of the girls in the kingdom,” he said. “And they’re all not interesting enough.”


“Sofala is nice,” Huen said dreamily. “Those blue eyes. That backside, too,” he added.


“She’s far too boring,” Aerdan said, narrowing his eyes. “I bedded her once. She refused to meet me in the stables – said something about how the hay would ruin her hair.”


Huen snorted. “Well, she’s a damn sight better than Muertha,” he said. “If you’re going to marry, you may as well marry someone pretty.”


Aerdan shrugged. “Where are all the girls with a sense of adventure,” he said, leaning against a tree and shaking his head. “Where are the girls who want to travel, who want to explore?”


Baelan shook his head. “Friend, no one in Zheka wants to explore, save for you and I,” he said. “Everyone is content here.”


“As we should be,” Huen said stubbornly. “We want for nothing. We are a peaceful kingdom. The great wars are long over.”


“But don’t you ever wonder about what it would be like if we left?” Aerdan asked. He pulled the weathered map from his bag and unfolded it, passing it to his friend. “Look, there are mountains! There are mermaids and fantastic creatures in the sea! There’s so much to see, do and experience,” he added. “I can’t stand the thought of being tethered here for the rest of my life.”


Huen and Baelan exchanged a look.


“You’re the future king,” Baelan said slowly. “Aerdan, you can’t just abandon that. You’re the High Commander, and someday you’ll be the Commander-in-Chief.”


“With a wife, and a family,” Aerdan said in a tired voice. “And a million responsibilities, and no time to travel. Don’t you agree that it would be best if we could explore for a few years, then return and marry?”


“Maybe,” Baelan said dryly. “But that is not our way.”


“And unless you snag a bride, you’ll be stuck with Muertha,” Huen added. “Don’t you think it would be better to find a more suitable person?”


Aerdan shrugged. “I don’t really care,” he said. “I can bed women when I want them, why would I want to sleep next to the same woman every night, for the rest of my life?”


“You’re hopeless,” Huen said. He rolled his eyes.


Aerdan frowned. “I’m tired of this conversation,” he said. He walked over to the tree and untied Tlatse, mounting his back with ease. “Let’s race,” Aerdan added. “To the market!” He let out a whoop and galloped away, leaving Huen and Baelan in a cloud of dust.


Hours later, a dusty and tired Aerdan hauled himself up the rope ladder and into his chamber. A lamp was lit by his bed, and he was dismayed to see Zornaya seated at his desk, looking deeply unhappy.


“You have disobeyed me once again,” Zornaya thundered.


“I’m not a child!” Aerdan yelled. “I’m nine-and-twenty years old!”


Zornaya’s face contorted into a mask of rage. “Then start acting like it,” she said angrily. “Aerdan, this behavior is unacceptable! You are no longer a child, and I am sick and tired of treating you like one!”


Aerdan ignored her. He tossed his possessions into the corner, then settled down on his bed.


“Aerdan, I’m not finished speaking with you,” Zornaya said.


Aerdan shrugged. “Fine,” he said. “Marry me off to Muertha, I don’t care.”


Zornaya sighed heavily. “Son, please,” she said. “I know you have no affection for her, and to be honest, I was rather hoping you would choose a girl from Zheka. It would be the best for our lineage,” she added. “Don’t you care, Aerdan? Don’t you care about your royal duties?”


Aerdan didn’t reply. “Mother…I do not wish to stay,” he said. “I wish to travel, to explore! Can’t I go off, just for a year or two? Can’t I see the world, can’t I learn about anything other than Zheka?”


Zornaya closed her eyes. “I have told you many times, that is not possible, our family has a duty to the kingdom,” she said heavily. “You are the sole heir to the throne. Your father and I are growing old, Aerdan. You must marry and produce an heir – within the year,” she added.


“What if I refuse?”


Zornaya shook her head sadly. She got to her feet, looking weary and much older than her years.


“I refuse to argue with you, son,” Zornaya said. “You must come to your senses.”


Aerdan didn’t reply.


“And do not think this discussion is finished,” Zornaya said. “Aerdan, do not disappoint me further.”


She walked to the door, closing it gently behind her. Aerdan closed his eyes and curled up on the silk sheets. The musky smell of horses and sweat and the forest still clung to his skin and he knew he should bathe, but he no longer cared.


“I was right.”


Aerdan opened his eyes just in time to see Brynx leap onto the bed and begin grooming his paws.


“Of course you were,” Aerdan said sourly.


“I hope you’re pleased with yourself,” Brynx replied. “She’s the angriest I’ve ever seen her.”


“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about that,” Aerdan snapped.


“You could marry,” Brynx said.


“How am I supposed to marry any of these girls?” Aerdan groaned in frustration, gesturing out the window towards the glittering kingdom before. “They don’t know me! They just like me because I’m a warrior, because of the way I look. They’re selfish twits,” he added. “And I won’t have them.”


“You already have,” Brynx said dryly.


“I’m not going to dignify that with a reply,” Aerdan said. “Brynx, come on. You know I wouldn’t be happy with any of these girls.”


“I doubt you would be happy with Muertha of Glasule, either,” Brynx said.


“Enough,” Aerdan growled. “You know what I mean.”


Brynx snickered. He curled into a ball against Aerdan’s thighs. Aerdan reached down and stroked the cat until Brynx began to purr.


“I don’t understand what the rush is,” Aerdan said sleepily. He yawned, rubbing his eyes with hands curled into fists. “It’s not like I’m going to die tomorrow. Why the need for an heir?”


“Because you are the only one in line for the throne,” Brynx said.


Aerdan groaned. “I’d kill to meet a girl with a sense of adventure,” he said. “Someone different – someone from another land, someone who cares for something other than gowns and balls.”


“Good luck with that,” Brynx said dryly. “I doubt you’ll ever find such a girl in our land.”


Aerdan closed his eyes and blew out the candle by his bedside. “I’ll never stop trying,” he said sleepily. “I swear, one day, I’ll find her.”






“This isn’t funny,” Angelica said crossly. “I want to go home. Right now.”


Aerdan shrugged. He pulled the leather straps from his chest, revealing a small pack. Reaching inside, he lifted a leather flask to his lips and drank. He held it out to Angelica.


She stared suspiciously. “What is that,” Angelica asked slowly. “Some kind of wine?”


Aerdan laughed and Angelica felt a flash of annoyance. Who is this idiot, she thought, unable to tear her eyes away from his glistening, bulging torso. Trying to get me drunk in the middle of the day! That’s not even fair!


“It’s water, lady,” Aerdan said.


Angelica hesitated before accepting. “What if I drink this and I wake up somewhere else,” she grumbled. “How do I even know I can trust you?”


Aerdan gave her a boyish grin and shrugged. “I guess I can’t prove that,” he said. “But you’ll just have to. I mean, not like you know anyone in Zheka.”


“Zay-ka?” Angelica narrowed her eyes. “I’ve never even heard of that.”


Aerdan glanced around. “Well, you’re here now,” he said.


A knot of dread formed in Angelica’s stomach. What if this isn’t a dream, she wondered nervously. What if something happened – really happened – and I won’t be able to get back home? What’s going on?


Angelica took the flask and drank. Aerdan had been right – it was nothing but water, albeit water with a faint taste of cedar. She drank until the flask was empty, tossing it towards Aerdan.


“Thanks,” Angelica said in a small voice.


“Maybe I can be of assistance,” Aerdan said. He reached into his leather bag and passed a faded, dog-eared piece of paper to Angelica.


She unfolded it and glanced down in curiosity. It looked like a map – except it wasn’t like any other map she’d ever seen before. It was more like something from the dark ages, all mystical words and places.


“Is your kingdom on that map?” Aerdan asked. “Perhaps I could point you in the right direction.” He puffed his chest out. “I am an adventurer, after all.”


“You are? Could you take me home?” Angelica dropped the map. “I live on fifty-seventh street, in Crown Heights.”


Aerdan made a face.


“I know, it’s not the best neighborhood,” Angelica said quickly. “But it’s cheap, you know – rents in New York!” She laughed.


Aerdan frowned. “Lady, I do not even know of Old York,” he said slowly. “Perhaps it is in another kingdom.”


“Uh, yeah,” Angelica said nervously. “Look, it’s not really a kingdom – I mean, it kind of is, I guess, for the people who are super rich. But we have a mayor, you know, an elected official.”


“What’s that?”


Angelica’s anxiety grew. “Forget it,” she said darkly.


“Lady, may I ask your name?”


“Angelica,” she said. “Angelica Bowers.”


“I have never heard that surname before,” Aerdan said slowly. “Perhaps you really are from a distant land.”


“No shit,” Angelica muttered. “This obviously isn’t anywhere even close to home.” She shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself. Despite the warm breeze, she felt more terrified and alone than she’d ever felt in her life. And it didn’t help that this hot guy – who talked like he was straight out of a movie – was acting like she was in some faraway mythical place. Maybe this is a joke, she thought. Maybe this is some kind of prank.


“You don’t believe him,” Brynx said dryly. He rubbed against Angelica’s ankles and she reached down to pet his soft fur. “But he’s telling the truth.”


Angelica swallowed. “So…where am I?”


“Lady Angelica, you are in the Kingdom of Zheka,” Aerdan said. He straightened up proudly.


“Yeah,” Angelica said nervously, looking around. “But where am I? When can I go home?”


Aerdan frowned. “Perhaps…” He trailed off, narrowing his eyebrows.


“What?” Something about Aerdan’s tone made Angelica even more nervous. “What are you thinking?”


“Maybe, lady, until we determine how to send you home…perhaps you ought to stay,” Aerdan said. His bright blue eyes were glowing with the beginnings of an idea. “Perhaps it would be for the best. You can become acquainted with the kingdom, and I can show you everything about Zheka.”


“Why would you do that?” Angelica asked stiffly. “You said you’re an explorer, right? So why not just help me home?”


“Because,” Aerdan said. “It would be better this way.”


“Aerdan,” Brynx said warily. “I don’t like the sound of that. You need to escort the lady home,” he said sternly. “This is no time for plotting and games.”


“If she stays, she will be a great distraction,” Aerdan said. “And everyone will forget all about this marriage thing.” He suddenly looked gleeful, like a child presented with a large cake. “Yeah,” he added. “This is perfect.”


Angelica narrowed her eyes. “What marriage thing,” she asked slowly. “And what do you mean by, distraction? I want to go home,” she added. “Why do I feel like that’s not going to happen?”


Aerdan grinned. “Look,” he said. “How about this: you help me, a little, I swear not anything too intense – and then I help you, I’ll help you return to the Kingdom of York?”


“New York,” Angelica said crossly. “And why should I help you, anyway? And what did you mean by ‘the marriage thing?’”


Aerdan chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, it’s a long story,” he said calmly. He walked close to Angelica and she caught a delicious, musky scent of sweat, leather and fresh grass. “Come with me,” he added. “I’ll explain everything.”


Aerdan offered an arm to Angelica and she stared down at the muscular limb for a few moments before accepting.


“You’d better explain everything,” Angelica said darkly as Aerdan led her out of the clearing. “Or else.”


After a brief walk, the pair emerged from the forest, and Angelica could hardly believe her eyes. She slipped her arm out of Aerdan’s and discreetly pinched herself again, hoping that by some miracle she’d awake in her own kitchen, bruised and sore but otherwise perfectly fine.


It didn’t work. Angelica sagged a little, her shoulders slumping. Despite her distress at being lost, trapped, and scared, she couldn’t stay pessimistic for too long. This weather is an improvement, at least, she thought, closing her eyes and letting the warm sun soak through her dark hair.




“Yes?” Angelica opened her eyes and gasped when she saw that Aerdan was looming close. She stepped backwards, blushing furiously.


Aerdan snickered. “We are almost there,” he said. “Enjoying the view?”


Angelica followed Aerdan’s gaze and gasped again. They had just emerged from the dense forest, and now they were standing on a lush green hill that sloped downwards and led to an enormous stone structure. A high wall, that looked at least five stories, stood tall before an immense castle. Brightly-colored flags waved from each turret and Angelica counted at least fifty large windows with soaring views over the surrounding kingdom.


“Wow,” Angelica breathed. She resisted the urge to pinch herself once again. “Is this…”


“My home?” Aerdan raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Yes.” He squinted and took Angelica’s wrist in his hand, pointing to a turret on the far side of the castle. “That is my chamber,” he said.


Angelica flushed. “It’s huge,” she said. She swallowed. “And…you’ve always lived here?”


Aerdan gave her a suspicious look. “Unfortunately,” he said.


“I thought you were an explorer?” Angelica cocked her head to the side.


“Indeed I am, but I am other things as well,” Aerdan said quickly. “Come on, this way,” he added, jerking his head to the side.


To her surprise, Aerdan led Angelica away from the castle, towards the edge of the high stone wall. As they got closer, she began to feel nervous once again. Her ears were filled with the loud sounds of people shouting, laughing, and shrieking. A strange mix of smells wafted under her nose, among them roasting meat and the perspiration of a huge crowd.


“This is a big city,” Angelica said anxiously.


“Is the city of York large as well?”


“New York is huge,” Angelica said, her dark eyes widening as Aerdan led her through a wooden door that somehow managed to look both crudely-hewn and strong. Inside was a huge dusty courtyard, filled with wooden stalls featuring every kind of ware imaginable. Angelica could barely walk without tripping – every inch of the yard seemed to be filled with life. Children skittered around, yelling and tossing balls back and forth. Chickens and goats and cats twined around Angelica’s ankles.


She looked down nervously. “Can they all…well, can they all talk?”


Aerdan chuckled. “No,” he said. “Brynx is special. He was given to me as a birthday present years ago.”


“I see.” Angelica bit her lip. “And you don’t find it strange?”




“That your cat talks,” she said patiently. “You don’t think that’s a little odd?”


“No,” Aerdan said. “It isn’t that rare,” he said. “But it does take a complicated spell.”


Angelica’s mouth went dry. “You mean…magic?”


Aerdan burst out laughing. “Lady, what else could I mean?”


Angelica stayed silent as Aerdan led her through the crowded courtyard. Passing a stall featuring salt fish and venison jerky, her mouth began to water. Despite her caution, she could feel curiosity starting to get the better of her. This wasn’t just some crazy vision – this was a strange land, somewhere obviously foreign. And Angelica had somehow landed right in the middle of it.


Aerdan led Angelica out of the noisy courtyard and across another long lawn. Her legs were starting to ache – they’d been walking for close to an hour. Angelica was stunned when she realized she’d barely traveled half the length of the castle.


“This way,” Aerdan said. He grinned mischievously and Angelica’s heart fluttered. He ducked under a stone ledge, then led Angelica into a grimy alley. She frowned.


“Where are you taking me?”


“We’re almost there,” Aerdan said. He began to whistle, puffing out his chest and looking every inch the powerful Commander. “Just a few more minutes.”


Angelica’s palms began to sweat – she wished that she’d asked Aerdan to buy her something to eat. She felt totally helpless: her pockets were empty, she didn’t even have her keys! But her curiosity was growing, and all thoughts of food were pushed from her mind when she saw the large arena looming ahead.


Angelica’s mouth went dry. “What is that?”


Aerdan laughed. “It’s where we’re going.”


The sound of a lion roaring cut through the air and Angelica shivered.


“Don’t worry, lady,” Aerdan said. He led Angelica through a side entrance and the two walked down a long, shadowy corridor. The arena was made of stone and the walls emanated a chill that Angelica felt to her bones. It was the closest to cold that she’d felt since first waking up in the clearing.


When they stepped out into sunlight, Angelica gasped. They were standing in the middle of a huge arena. It was easily the size of an NFL stadium. Except instead of a grassy field covered with lines and markings, the bottom of the arena was filled with sand. Sure enough, a caged lion stood at one end of the field. Just looking at him made Angelica shudder, even though she was over a hundred feet away. The lion paced his cage, looking angry and mean as his dark mane ruffled in the breeze.


As Aerdan led Angelica through the rows of seating, she couldn’t help but notice that everyone was staring at her. The arena had been empty when she and Aerdan had first arrived, but it was filling rapidly.


“Is there going to be some kind of fight?” Angelica asked nervously.


“In a way, yes,” Aerdan replied. “And I thought this would be a good way for you to learn about Zheka.”


Angelica shivered nervously as Aedan led her inside a shaded box. The inside of the box was completely different from the rest of the arena. Rich wooden furniture filled the elegant room, and silk tapestries shimmered in the breeze. Angelica’s stomach twisted when she saw a small, elegant table inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl – on top, there was a bowl of what looked like grapes…and a human skull, glowing in the semi-dark of the private room.


“This is beautiful,” Angelica said, looking quickly away from the skull.


Aerdan nodded. “Yes,” he said. “It truly is.” Angelica watched as he settled down comfortably in one of the chairs, kicking his feet up on the ledge that overlooked the arena. After a few seconds, she settled down next to him.


Soon, the arena was filled with people. Most of them were clapping and jeering, but Angelica noticed some of them were booing, or lifting large flasks to their mouths. She swallowed nervously and looked around, gazing at the different costumes and outfits.


“This much be a rich land,” Angelica said softly. “Everyone is dressed so well.”


“Show days are what the Zhekan people live for,” Aerdan said proudly. “This is where we show off just how carefully we’ve honed our craft.”


“And what is your craft?”


“Look down there,” Aerdan said. He pointed towards a ring of men. They were the biggest, hunkiest men that Angelica had ever seen – they all looked like over muscled athletes. Their muscles were oiled and gleaming in the bright sun, and they wore tiny loincloths of leather. Their heads were shaved, and their bodies were covered in blue and black tattoos, just like Aerdan.


“What do the tattoos mean?”


Aerdan chuckled. “The blue bands indicate a triumph of strength,” he said. He leaned close to Angelica and flexed his bulging bicep. Sure enough, it was ringed by three blue bands. “Those were awarded to me on my fifteenth birthday,” he said. “I was able to lift a tree trunk into the air for thirty seconds. It weighed more than nine grown men.”


Angelica bit her lip and nodded. “And the black?”


Below in the arena, a man stepped into the center. Unlike the warriors, he was fully dressed and holding what appeared to be a bullhorn. He was on the smaller side, with close-cropped curly hair and tan skin.


“That’s Brantly,” Aerdan said. “My mother’s page.”


“Is she here?”


Aerdan laughed. “Queen Zornaya?” He rolled his eyes. “She wouldn’t dare to show up at an event like this. It’s considered undignified for royal women, aside from feast days.” He stretched and reached for the bowl of grapes. Angelica cringed when Aerdan’s fingers brushed against the skull. “Want some?”


Angelica shook her head. “I’m fine.”


Brantly held an arm up in the air and the arena fell silent – so silent that Angelica could have heard a pin drop into the sand.


“Ladies and gentlemen,” Brantly called. “You are in for a treat today!”


“I don’t get it,” Angelica murmured. “What are we going to see?”


Aerdan smirked. “The triumph of the masculine will,” he said. “It’s crucial to Zheka.”


“How are they all so strong?”


Aerdan sighed. For the first time since they’d met, he looked frustrated.


“Men – even royal men, such as myself – are laborers in our world,” he said. “The women hold the positions of leadership. My mother is the most powerful person in the kingdom of Zheka.”


“You’re a prince!”


“A commander,” Aerdan corrected. “My father, Commander-in-Chief Thurban, won my mother’s heart by championing over six men in the arena.”


Angelica’s eyes went wide again. “Six men? At once?”


Aerdan nodded proudly. “When the time comes for me to marry, I will be expected to do the same,” he said.


Angelica noticed that he didn’t seem so thrilled about that.


“Where are the women? What do they do?”


“They practice their skills, just as men practice theirs,” Aerdan said. “The women of Zheka are magic wielders. Healers, spellcasters, witches. They are called many things.”


“Witches?” Angelica’s mouth went dry. “How?”


“We are born with inherent power,” Aerdan explained. “But men are forbidden to use this power. Men are encouraged to succeed physically and abstain from the use of magic.”


“That hardly seems fair,” Angelica said. She frowned. “How do you feel?”


Aerdan shrugged. “Does it matter? That’s the way things are.”


“But you’re an explorer,” Angelica said. “So that means your mother must be pretty lenient with you, right?”


Aerdan didn’t answer. Below, in the arena, a loud trumpet sounded. Despite feeling like she should look away, Angelica couldn’t help but lean over the ledge and watch the proceedings below. She clenched her hands into tight, nervous fists and balled them at her sides.


Two men strode into the arena, each bearing large swords. The blades gleamed in the sunlight and Angelica could see the sweat dripping from each man’s forehead. She gasped as one of the men gripped his sword with both hands and swung it powerfully around his head.

The crowd went wild.


This is bad, Angelica realized nervously. What kind of a place is this, and why the hell did I have to end up here?


“Are they going to kill each other?” Angelica asked nervously.


“That is the goal, yes,” Aerdan said. She glanced over her shoulder and was stunned to see him lazily picking at his cuticles. He wasn’t even watching the fight.


“This must be a really violent place,” Angelica said softly. She bit her lip. “Is that true?”


Aerdan shook his head, sending his long dark hair flying. “Not exactly,” he said. He sighed. “I understand why one would be under that impression, but no, Angelica. Zheka is a peaceful place.”


“Then why the hell are those guys trying to hack each other apart?” Angelica gasped in fear as the fight began in earnest. The two men had thrown down their swords and they were wrestling in the sand, throwing hard punches and kicks. When one man wrapped his hands around the other’s throat and began to squeeze, the crowd jeered loudly.


“It’s too fast,” Aerdan explained. “They want a long fight.”


“But how can people be so thirsty for blood if this isn’t a violent place?”


“Because this is the only time where such violence is seen,” Aerdan said. “We never fight. There are no wars – Zheka is one of the most peaceful kingdoms in the land. Mother – that is, the queen – says that women can lead with little violence, but the same cannot be said for men.”


“And she allows this?” Angelica braved one more glance into the arena. When she saw that one of the men was now limping and bleeding profusely from an eye socket, she shuddered.


“Mother knows that sanctioned violence keeps the people happy,” Aerdan said. He shrugged. “She hates it, of course – she says it’s nothing but childish. But people would revolt if we did not have the tournaments.”


Angelica’s stomach turned and she felt hot bile rushing up her throat. Bending over, she vomited quietly between her feet. From the arena, loud cheers and cries filled her ears.


“I can’t watch this,” Angelica moaned. “It’s too awful!”


Aerdan was silent. He got to his feet and offered Angelica his elbow. “Come with me,” he said. “This might all be a little much, I’ll take you to the castle and introduce you to the Queen.”


Angelica leapt to her feet. Anything has to be better than this, she thought, trying to block the sounds of screams and cheers from her ears. I just want to go home!






As Aerdan led Angelica into the castle, he couldn’t keep from sneaking glances at his female companion. It wasn’t just that Angelica was a new face – she was easily one of the most beautiful women Aerdan had ever seen. She didn’t have the ample curves and large breasts of many Zhekan woman – instead, she was slim and slender, with pale skin, long dark hair, and dark eyes that flashed whenever she seemed to grow particularly passionate about something.


It’s just because she is a stranger, Aerdan thought as he led Angelica through the main entrance. Still, he had to admit it was fun just to watch her – she could barely walk through a room without craning her neck and gazing up at the ceiling. He could tell that she was completely overwhelmed by the land of Zheka. I should feel guilty, Aerdan thought as Angelica followed him up a long spiral staircase. But she’s going to be such a distraction. Mother and Father will forget all about forcing me to wed once they see her!


“What’s going to happen when I meet your family?”


Aerdan shrugged. “Lady, I am sure everything will go smoothly,” he said. “Please, this way.”


Aerdan dipped his head to a roomful of servants as he led Angelica through the halls and towards his mother’s chamber. Queen Zornaya spent most of her days responding to letters and mail delivered by the strong falcons kept in her menagerie. Aerdan knew that Zheka was facing more desperate circumstances than it had in a long while – his entire life, in fact. The neighboring land of Glasule was desperate for a royal alliance, but Aerdan knew he couldn’t marry Muertha. Princess Muertha had never been a particularly attractive option – she was plain, and notoriously prudish.


Especially compared with the lady Angelica, Aerdan thought as he snuck a peek at Angelica’s backside. She was clothed in a strange pair of blue, stiff pants and a loose black shirt that didn’t quite conceal her small breasts. Aerdan felt a stirring in his loins as he watched Angelica’s slim frame parade in front of him.


Angelica whirled around and crossed her arms. “You were staring,” she said. She cocked her head to the side.


“I wasn’t,” Aerdan lied. He cleared his throat. “This way,” he added. “Not much longer.”


The halls and rooms grew more lavish as Aerdan approached his parents’ living quarters. In addition to Aerdan, Zornaya, and Thurban, the castle was home to many servants, slaves, and royal cousins. There were also several unoccupied royal apartments. Aerdan had always known that Zornaya had wished for more children – families in Zheka tended to be quite large – but the gods had not blessed her.


It’s all up to me, Aerdan thought. It was something he remembered quite often…usually whenever his mother was around, chiding and scolding him for not living up to her standards. Aerdan hoped that Angelica would captivate and charm his parents. Anything to keep their attention away from me and Muertha, or any other woman in the kingdom, he thought as he led the way to a small, ornate chamber.


“This is beautiful,” Angelica said softly. Aerdan nodded.


“Yes,” he said. “The Queen has exquisite taste.”


Angelica’s eyes were wide as Aerdan led her through the chamber. He took a deep breath, then knocked on a concealed door.


“I wouldn’t have ever seen that,” Angelica said.


Aerdan nodded. “It’s a security measure,” he replied. “I’m sure raiders wouldn’t see it either.”


Angelica raised a brow. “Raiders?”


“Forget it,” Aerdan replied. “This way.”


Aerdan led the way into a large chamber, with windows that stretched from floor to ceiling. He felt a twinge of anxiety as he moved through the room, trying to summon every ounce of his strength. He could feel from the chill atmosphere of his mother’s room that she was still angry with him.


“Mother?” Aerdan called. “Are you here?”


Queen Zornaya stepped into the room, her chin at a haughty angle. In robes of pure white and gold, she looked magnificent. Her dark hair was coiled and looped on top of her head and her blue eyes flashed at the sight of her son.


“Aerdan,” Zornaya said, managing to make her son’s name sound like a powerful command. “What have you brought me?”


Aerdan stepped forward, dipping into a brief bow. “Mother, this is lady Angelica,” he said. “She is from a distant land – the kingdom of York.”


Aerdan gestured for Angelica to step forward. When she did, she stared at Zornaya with her eyes wide. Then, seeing Aerdan’s posture, she slunk into a sloppy curtsey.


“Angelica,” Zornaya repeated. “From the land of York?” She narrowed her eyes. “I do not believe I have heard of that land.”


“Actually, it’s New York,” Angelica said. “I mean, ma’am.”


Zornaya’s nostrils flared.


“Your majesty,” Aerdan hissed under her breath.


“Your majesty,” Angelica repeated, dipping her head.


Zornaya nodded serenely. She walked closer to Angelica and Aerdan, her eyes traveling over every inch of her slender body.


“And how did you come to the Kingdom of Zheka, lady Angelica?”


“Really, your majesty, just ‘Angelica’ is fine,” Angelica said softly. “And…I don’t know,” she added, her voice faltering slightly. “I passed out and when I woke up, I was here.”


Zornaya frowned. “Aerdan, I sense the veil is not too thin,” she said. “What can be the meaning of this?”


Aerdan shrugged helplessly. I should’ve known Mother would interrogate me about this, he thought in annoyance. It’s not as though I’m responsible for the girl!


“I was walking home from work when I met Brynx – Aerdan’s cat,” Angelica said quickly. “Of course, he didn’t talk.”


“Why not?” Zornaya asked haughtily. “He is well-spoken. I conjured the spell myself!”


Angelica flushed hotly and Aerdan felt a stirring in his loins as her pale cheeks grew pink. She would be a delicious roll in the hay, he thought, staring at her small-yet-perky breasts. As he imagined his hands running over her body, he caught glimpse of his mother’s stern eye.


“I mean, with all due respect, Majesty, cats don’t speak where I come from,” Angelica said meekly. “Animals don’t talk at all.”


“Neither did Brynx until I enchanted him,” Zornaya replied. She tossed her head and fixed her gaze squarely on Aerdan. “Son, fetch the Commander-in-Chief,” she said. “I want him to meet this girl.”


Aerdan stared. “Are you sure, Mother?”


Zornaya rolled her eyes. “Yes,” she said. “And be quick about it!” She clapped her hands.


Aerdan threw one last glance at Angelica before leaving the room. Judging from the desperate look in her eyes, she wasn’t any happier about being left along with the Queen than Aerdan was about leaving her.


Aerdan darted down the hall and took a left, into a narrow corridor decorated with arms, shields, and full-sized suits of armor. He entered a large, sparse room.


Thurban, Commander-in-Chief of Zheka, was seated in a large chair. Half-naked Zhekan women fanned him with palm fronds and offered him grapes. Looks like a nice life, Aerdan thought, rolling his eyes. His father was a beast of a man – huge and lumbering. As Aerdan had bragged to Angelica, he’d defeated six men during a show shortly before his marriage to Zornaya.


“Father,” Aerdan said, bowing low. “Mother has called for you. She wishes for you to come with me.”


Thurban eyed his son and snorted. “Like I have any reason to move,” he said. “Girls, bring more wine!”


One of the Zhekan women took a jug of mead from the table and poured Thurban a full cup. Thurban closed his eyes and tilted his head back, drinking greedily until the mead spilled from the sides of his mouth and dribbled all over his chin and bare chest. In his youth, Thurban had been an intimidating man. But now, he was over fifty years of age. His sinewy muscular bulk had melted into fat, and he was starting to lose his facial hair. His cheeks were ruddy from the drink, and Aerdan noticed the girls serving him couldn’t quite conceal their disdain.


Thurban snapped his fingers and one of the girls came forward with a silken cloth. She dabbed at Thurban’s lips and chin, wiping away the last of the mead. Thurban gave her a raunchy look and reached around her curvaceous body before pinching the cheeks of her bottom. The girl squealed in pain and Thurban burst out laughing.


Aerdan’s distaste grew. Am I doomed to become the same old dumb man, he wondered. Or will my life be more exciting – a true adventure? His past few hours with Angelica had been more thrilling than anything that had happened in years, and Aerdan was reluctant to resign himself to a life of sloth.


“Father, Mother waits,” Aerdan said. “I am sure you can return to your…” he trailed off, eyeing the women around his father with slight disdain. “Fun very soon,” Aerdan finished. “This won’t take but a minute.”


Thurban grumbled. His face clouded with irritation as he hauled himself upright from the chaise and stretched. Even though he was old and fat, he still cut a powerful, intimidating figure. He still had at least two inches on Aerdan, and his shoulders were as wide as the trunk of a massive tree.


"This better not take very long," Thurban complained. "Girls, tidy my chamber." He winked lecherously and the girls giggled, but Aerdan could tell they were only feigning adoration. “When I return, I expect my dinner to be ready.”


“Yes, Commander,” one of the girls said, dipping into a curtsey. Thurban made no secret of staring into her gown where it puckered and fell away from her bosoms. Behind his father’s back, Aerdan rolled his eyes.

The walk back to Zornaya’s chamber took much longer – Thurban had a festering wound on his right knee, and he walked with a slow limp. Aerdan held his breath – the wound was stinking so badly that he felt faintly nauseous. Man up, Aerdan ordered himself as Thurban led the way to Zornaya’s chamber. You’re a man – it’s time to act like one!


“Queen,” Thurban cooed in a manner that was somehow both respectful and patronizing. “So good to see you are doing well.”


Zornaya turned and nodded her head at her husband. “Commander, there is someone I’d like you to meet.”


Aerdan noted with pleasure that Angelica looked marginally more comfortable than she had when he’d first left her.


“This is the lady Angelica, from a distant land called New York City,” Zornaya declared. “She is a guest of the royal family, and should be treated as such.”


Thurban snorted. He walked closer, dragging his injured leg behind him. Angelica stood there, quivering but holding her head high.


“Angelica,” Thurban repeated. He growled. “Not much of a woman, is she?”


“Commander!” Zornaya said sharply. “Hold your tongue. She is five and twenty years of age, which is more than acceptable.”


“Acceptable?” Thurban snorted. “What for?” He eyed Angelica lecherously and Aerdan had to consciously resist the urge to attack his father.


“For a wife and future Queen,” Zornaya said.


Angelica turned to Aerdan. “What?”


“Mother, I had not yet discussed this with Angelica,” Aerdan said quickly. “She is just a guest, that is all. She will be staying with us while we find a way for her to return home.”


“Aerdan’s told me all about how he’s an explorer,” Angelica said, a note of desperation creeping into her voice. Aerdan cringed as she continued: “So I’m sure it won’t take too long.”


Thurban exploded into laughter that filled the room with his syrupy mead breath. “An explorer!” He laughed. “That’s a good jest, son!”


“Aerdan?” Queen Zornaya narrowed her eyes. “Is this true?”


Angelica glared, her dark eyes flashing. “Yes, Aerdan,” she echoed. “Is it true?”


Aerdan felt like melting into the floor. I can’t believe I was so stupid, he thought. I couldn’t even think of a good lie!


Zornaya smiled serenely. Aerdan glared – why was his mother, of all people, happy about this?


“I am sure my son was only trying to impress you,” Zornaya said kindly to Angelica. “But he is no explorer.”


Angelica’s shoulders slumped. “I had a feeling,” she muttered.


“You are smart, child,” Zornaya said. She smiled. “And Aerdan…well, take it positively.”


Aerdan cringed. Of course, his mother was pleased that he’d lied – because he’d never bothered lying to a girl in order to impress her before. It was all too much to bear.


“Come on,” Aerdan said sulkily to Angelica. “Let’s go.”


Thurban’s laughter rang through the halls as Aerdan led Angelica out of Zornaya’s chamber. He stomped angrily down the hall and she broke into a run just to match his stride.


“Aerdan!” Angelica cried. “Where are you going?”


Aerdan didn’t answer. He was filled with a mixture of shame and anger. I shouldn’t have lied, Aerdan thought as he stalked away. But what in the name of gods should I have done instead?


Aerdan strode out of the castle. He broke into a run and didn’t stop until he was inside the stables. At the sight of his master, Tlatse shook his head and whinnied.


“Come on,” Aerdan said darkly. “We’re going for a ride.”


Thirty minutes later, Aerdan and Tlatse were soaring through the woods, moving as one body, one soul. Aerdan didn’t even have to keep his eyes open – he knew this path so well that it was like being with an old friend. As Tlatse broke into a fast gallop, Aerdan twined his hands in the mane of his stallion. His strong thighs clung to Tlatse’s back and sides. As Tlatse leapt and cleared a fallen tree, Aerdan tried to clear his mind. He tried to forget all about his lecherous father, his cold, distant mother.


And Angelica. What of her?


I don’t care, Aerdan thought bitterly. She despises me now, anyway – I lied to her! But what else was I supposed to say? He realized that even though he may have successfully diverted the attention of his mother for the moment, now that she had a new target, she wouldn’t release Aerdan from his obligations until he announced the bride of his choosing.


And what’s worse, Aerdan thought as he rode through the woods. She might just be trying to trick me, by making Angelica think that I’ve brought her here to be wed! Mother’s going to exploit whatever anxiety I have…and she won’t stop until I tell her I’ve chosen a girl.


His blood was racing through his veins by the time Tlatse arrived in the clearing. Baelan and Huen were already there, lounging in the grass and passing a flagon of mead back and forth.


Aerdan leapt to the ground and tethered Tlatse to a tree before joining his friends.


“I’ve heard there’s something brewing at the castle,” Huen said slyly. “Something about a foreign visitor?”


Aerdan groaned. “How the hell did you find out about her so fast?”


Huen grinned. “So you know her then,” he said. “I heard she was quite small – more of a child than a woman, really.”


An image of Angelica’s swaying buttocks appeared in Aerdan’s mind and he groaned.


“She is lovely,” he admitted grudgingly. “I mean, if you prefer the slender types.”


Huen raised an eyebrow. “Tell me, Aerdan. What is she doing here?”


Aerdan shrugged and flopped down on the grass. Huen passed him the flagon and he drank deeply, then wiped his chin and lips with his sleeve.


“I have no idea,” Aerdan said. “I just…found her, right here, actually.”


“You mean, you had nothing to do with this?”


Aerdan shrugged again. A flash of guilt panged him. Remember, you told Brynx you’d do anything for a woman with a sense of adventure, Aerdan thought. And Brynx somehow brought her here. But that wasn’t my fault! It’s not like I thought Brynx would actually listen to me!


“No,” Aerdan said shortly. “I don’t want to talk about her.”


Baelan grinned. “Well, I want to hear about this lady,” he said. “Tell me – what of her looks?”


“She’s quite pale,” Aerdan said. And incredibly beautiful, and fair.


“What else?”


Baelan took the flagon from Huen and took a deep drink before passing it to Aerdan. Aerdan threw his head back and drank until the sweet mead burned his throat.


“She has dark hair, and dark eyes,” Aerdan said. “She’s slender. And she’s quick – she’s sly.”


“I’ve never met a quick woman before,” Baelan joked. “Aside from the Queen,” he added quickly. “No offense meant, Aerdan.”


“None taken,” Aerdan replied. He took another swig of his mead. The alcohol was beginning to dull his shame and embarrassment. Soon, the image of Zornaya chastising him had fled from his mind, and he was just starting to forget the disgusting way his father had behaved. Laughing with Baelan and Huen had always been Aerdan’s favorite activity – besides bedding girls around Zheka – and soon, it worked its soothing balm over his mind.


By the time Aerdan got back to the castle, he was staggering drunk. It was late – the castle was quiet, save for the guards parading atop the parapets. Aerdan could barely walk to his chamber – he kept his hands pressed against the cool stone wall and his head hanging low. When he reached his bed, he collapsed, fully dressed, and began to snore before his eyes were even closed.






The loud sound penetrated Aerdan’s hungover brain. His mouth felt like dry paper and his head ached with each pulse of his heart.


“Aerdan, I know you’re awake.”


This time, Aerdan’s lids fluttered open. Angelica was sitting by the side of his bed, looking cross. She held out a glass of water.


“Drink this,” Angelica said.


“What is it?”


Angelica rolled her eyes. “Just water,” she said sharply. “You forget – I’m not a magic user like the women of your kingdom.”


Aerdan groaned. Even reaching across the space between their bodies was painful.


“I must’ve twisted my neck yesterday,” Aerdan said.


“Yes,” Angelica said sharply. “Sometimes when you’re sloppy drunk, you hurt yourself.”


Aerdan glared at her. “Why are you, of all people, trying to tell me how to behave?” He chortled, draining the glass of water and shaking his head. “I am a crown prince, the High Commander of Zheka. And who are you?”


“Who am I?” Angelica got to her feet, her dark eyes flashing with anger. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Who am I?” She repeated angrily. “Seriously, Aerdan?”


“Yeah,” Aerdan said cockily. “Who are you?”


“I’m Angelica Bowers,” Angelica snapped. “You know – the girl you kidnapped and brought here because you wanted a distraction.” Despite her petite stature, there was real anger and power in her voice and Aerdan shrank back.


“Yeah, and?”


And,” Angelica said haughtily. “Since you were responsible for bringing me here – and you obviously have neither the skill nor the interest to bring me home – you’ll not be leaving me alone again until I feel comfortable here.”




“You heard me,” Angelica said angrily. “It’s your fault I’m here, and I’m not going to sit around and wait for you, just because you’re the son of the queen.” She tossed her dark hair over a slender shoulder. “Promise me, Aerdan. Promise you won’t leave me alone again.”


Aerdan frowned. He wasn’t used to taking orders from anyone – least of all this slip of a girl who knew nothing about his life – but he felt like he had no choice.

“Fine,” Aerdan said. “I promise.”


Angelica’s manners softened. “Thank you,” she said. She bit her lip and sank back down in the chair where she’d been sitting. “How are you feeling,” she asked softly.


Aerdan groaned and flopped back down in the pillows. “Terrible,” he said. “My head aches and I can smell my own stink.”


Angelica laughed.


“I’m going to go back to sleep,” Aerdan grumbled, pulling the coverlet over his lap. “I’ll send for you when I get up.”


“Oh, no you’re not,” Angelica said smugly. She got to her feet once again and Aerdan couldn’t help but notice the slight bounce of her breasts. “You’re coming with me.”


“No,” Aerdan groaned. “I feel like I’m about to die.”


Angelica shrugged and smiled. There was no trace of sympathy in her face – Aerdan actually had the feeling she was enjoying this.


“Then you shouldn’t have stayed out all night, drinking like a frat boy,” Angelica said. “You’re coming with me. There’s a banquet held in my honor, given by your mother, and I won’t be showing up alone.”


Aerdan groaned. “You’re kidding me,” he said.


“Nope.” Angelica raised an eyebrow.


“What is…what is a frat boy?”


Angelica burst out laughing. “Get dressed,” she said, playfully swatting Aerdan on the arm. “Maybe I’ll tell you about it later. If you’re lucky,” she said slyly.


Aerdan flopped back down on the pillows and groaned. At least she’s not mad at me anymore, he thought as he struggled to motivate himself to climb out of bed. But what in the name of the gods is this banquet all about?






Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. As Angelica grew more familiar with the customs and strange ways of Zheka, she started to appreciate how different this world was from her own society. Angelica spent her days with Aerdan, exploring the kingdom. Each night, she had a lesson with Zornaya – learning simple spells, such as conjuring fresh water from tainted muck, and untangling weaving with the mere touch of her hand. Angelica was surprised to discover that magical powers were something she could hone and learn, despite not being a native of Zheka.


“Everything has its place in our world,” Zornaya said serenely one evening. “And you are learning your own place, too.”


Angelica bit her lip. She still wanted to go home – she was sure that by now, Stacy had been searching for weeks – but she didn’t dare admit it, especially to someone as powerful and regal as Zornaya. If anything, her respect for the Queen had only increased after spending careful time in her tutelage. Angelica respected that Zheka was a matriarchal society…if anything, it just made her own anecdotes from home all the more amusing.


“Child, I’ve noticed you and my son becoming close,” Zornaya said. “May I inquire your intentions?” She rose from the table, moving gracefully away as her robes swept the floor. “I want to be sure that they are honorable.”


Angelica swallowed nervously. “I…I don’t know,” she said softly. “I’m indebted to him, for showing me the kingdom.”


“Would you ever consider becoming his bride?”


Before Angelica could answer, the chamber door swung open and Aerdan, Baelan, and Huen tumbled into the room. Zornaya stood tall, glancing down her nose at the three men.


“What is the meaning of this,” Zornaya said stiffly. “You have interrupted our lessons.”


Aerdan gave his mother a guilty smile. When he looked at Angelica, he winked and her cheeks reddened in a hot blush.


“Mother, there is a magnificent sunset,” Aerdan said. “The most beautiful in weeks. I was hoping to show Angelica.”


Oh, god, please get me away from this conversation, Angelica thought. She stared at Zornaya. Please say yes, she added silently.


“Fine,” Zornaya said stiffly. She yawned. “I am growing tired, anyway. Angelica, tomorrow we will resume our lessons.” She gave Aerdan a stern look. “Keep the lady Angelica safe,” Zornaya said firmly. “We mustn’t lose her.”


Aerdan threw Angelica a lopsided grin. As Angelica followed Aerdan out of the castle, she stretched and sighed, relieved to be in the fresh air. Aerdan led the way to the stables where a beautiful white mare was waiting, saddled and ready, for Angelica.


“Lady, this is my gift to you,” Aerdan said, bowing low.


Angelica flushed. “So I won’t be riding behind you on Tlatse?”


Baelan and Huen burst out laughing. Aerdan silenced them with a single look.


“No, lady,” Aerdan said. “I thought you would enjoy the chance to have your own steed.”


“She’s beautiful,” Angelica said. She walked to the white mare and gently caressed her mane. “Thank you, Aerdan.”


“You are welcome,” Aerdan said. He stepped closer and for a moment, the tension between them grew thick.


Baelan coughed. “Aerdan, we will not be joining you,” he said. “Huen and I have…something to do,” he finished. “You go ahead.”


Angelica flushed hotly as Aerdan lifted her onto the white mare. “What is her name?” Angelica asked softly.


“I have named her Liliana,” Aerdan said. “I found it fitting.”


Angelica slipped her feet in the broad leather stirrups and clutched the reins nervously. “I used to ride, when I was a little kid,” she said. “But I haven’t been on my own horse in years.”


“Liliana is gentle, lady, she’ll be good,” Aerdan said. Angelica frowned – Aerdan wasn’t meeting her gaze.


The two rode off towards the woods as the sunset loomed large and red on the horizon. As always, Angelica was stricken by the beauty of the kingdom. The skies were almost never cloudy and when it rained, picturesque thunderstorms filled the land. But today, like many days, was clear and bright. The air was crisp with a touch of cool, and Angelica shivered at the memory of the fierce New York winters.


“Lady? Are you all right? Are you chilled? I have a blanket,” Aerdan said. “Shall I wrap it around you?”


Angelica laughed. “No,” she said. “I’m fine – just thinking of New York.” She shivered again. “The winters are so cold, there. There’s snow and ice and cold wind all the time. And it’s not fair – the summers are really hot, too. Like, scorching and humid.”


“That sounds terrible, lady,” Aerdan said.


“It is,” Angelica agreed. “And yet, so many people love it. It’s a huge city.”


“Lady, tell me – do you miss it?” Aerdan slowed Tlatse to a walk and slid off his back, tethering the horse to a tree. After a few seconds, Angelica followed suit, making sure to keep both feet firmly on the ground.


Angelica giggled. “I do,” she said sadly. “And I don’t think I’m ever going to get over being called lady.” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s just say titles aren’t really a thing in New York.”


Aerdan nodded stiffly. The seriousness of his response made Angelica laugh again. Aerdan gave her a puzzled glance.


“What is it?”


“Nothing,” Angelica said. Her palms began to sweat as Aerdan walked closer. Despite spending almost every day together, Angelica and Aerdan were rarely alone. Baelan and Huen were almost always around, and the clearing in the woods was the only place where Angelica knew they would be undisturbed. She flushed hotly. Why do I even want to be alone with him so badly, she wondered. It’s not like he’s shown interest in me, or anything like that.


Aerdan licked his lips and gave her a mischievous smile that tugged at her heart. “Lady, you’ve got a speck of something,” he said, touching the side of his cheek.


Angelica reached up to her face and rubbed with her fingers. Aerdan frowned and stepped closer – now he was so close that she could have nuzzled him. Aerdan’s musky smell of sweat and leather washed over her and Angelica struggled not to swoon. Her heart began to thump faster and faster in her chest and she was suddenly keenly aware of how her underwear were rubbing against her crotch. Her nipples sprang to life and rubbed against the inside of her dress, a silk gown that Zornaya had given her as a gift.


“Here,” Aerdan said gently. Angelica noticed that his muscular chest was heaving. He reached a hand up to her face and brushed her cheek. Angelica licked her lips as a warm sensation slid through her body. She swallowed nervously.


Aerdan didn’t pull his hand away. For a moment, they stared at each other – Aerdan’s brilliant blue eyes seemed sincere and warm, and Angelica couldn’t tear her gaze from his. She could feel that her heart was pounding and her cheeks were flushed and warm.


“Lady Angelica…” Aerdan whispered. He slid his hand across her neck and Angelica moaned softly at the touch of his rough fingertips on her soft skin. As Aerdan tangled a hand in her dark hair, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes.


Aerdan’s lips on hers were explosive. As his tongue slipped between her lips and into her mouth, Angelica moaned. She wrapped her arms around Aerdan’s neck and closed the gap between their bodies, pressing her torso to his. As the kiss deepened, Angelica’s nipples rubbed against the silk of her dress. She felt her lower belly tense with arousal and lust. Aerdan wrapped his arms around Angelica’s waist, pulling her against his muscular chest. She purred – his bulging muscles made her feel safe, protected – and incredibly turned on, all at once. Pleasure flowed through her body as Aerdan held her tightly.


Aerdan nibbled at Angelica’s lower lip and she closed her eyes, savoring the delicious sensations that coursed through her veins. As Aerdan’s hands moved lower and lower, she pressed herself against him, greedily wanting more. Aerdan slid his hands under her skirt, teasing her bare thighs with the tips of his fingers. Angelica felt like her body would explode if he didn’t touch her between the legs. As Aerdan laid Angelica down in the grass and crawled on top of her, she spread her legs and wrapped them around his strong waist.


Angelica gasped in delight as Aerdan tore at the laces of her gown with skilled fingers. The silk parted and fell open, exposing her pale breasts with nipples capped in pink. Aerdan lowered his head to her bodice and began to suck, taking a nipple in his mouth and gently running his sharp teeth over the sensitive skin. Angelica’s eyes rolled back in her head and she tangled her hands in Aerdan’s dark hair, gently tugging at his scalp. When Aerdan moaned onto her breasts, Angelica shivered with delight. The combination of his warm tongue and lips against his teeth was driving her wild, and soon she felt a delicious tension coiling in her belly.


“Angelica,” Aerdan groaned, pressing his body against hers and pinning her to the ground. “You’re so beautiful.”


Angelica flushed. “So are you,” she whispered.


Aerdan crawled up her body and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her passionately. Angelica tasted the sweat and musk of her own skin on his mouth and it made the moment even hotter. She’d never done this with a man before, never given a man a reason to lust after her. But the way Aerdan was making love to her made her feel like a true adult, like a sensuous woman.


Angelica ran her hands over Aerdan’s muscular body. She slid her fingers under the rough linen fabric of his tunic top and lifted it over his head, tossing it to the side. His muscles gleamed in the dying light of the day and Angelica’s mouth went dry as Aerdan’s back rippled powerfully. She kissed Aerdan, desperate for more, desperate for him to take her.


“I want you,” Angelica purred in Aerdan’s ear. The dark stubble on Aerdan’s chin tickled Angelica’s neck and she shivered as he nipped and kissed her pale throat. Arching her back, Angelica wriggled out of her dress until she lay in her underwear with her legs spread. She reached for Aerdan, fumbling with the leather belt that held his trousers in place.


“Eager?” Aerdan crawled between Angelica’s legs and nuzzled her lower belly. She flushed hotly – by now, she was so wet that the scent of her arousal mingled with the chill evening air. She moaned lowly as Aerdan slid a finger inside of her and brushed against her soft, damp skin.


“Yes,” Angelica moaned. Aerdan slid a finger inside of her body and Angelica gasped at his skillful touch. With one hand, Aerdan tugged Angelica’s underwear down her legs and tossed them to the side. Being completely naked on the grass made Angelica’s blush deepen, but she didn’t care. She knew she was behaving like a carefree, shameless girl…and somehow, that just made her want Aerdan more than ever before. Aerdan crawled closer, nuzzling her pale stomach as his fingers played on her most sensitive areas. When Aerdan found her swollen nub of pleasure, Angelica gasped in delight. Aerdan grinned wickedly.


“Enjoying yourself?” Aerdan grinned, raising an eyebrow and staring into Angelica’s dark eyes until she moaned. He rubbed his finger in slow, torturous circles until Angelica was whimpering and straining. He snickered and pulled his hand away. When Angelica cried out, Aerdan dipped his mouth to the fork between her legs and began to kiss and suckle. Angelica moaned as orgasmic pleasure filled her body. She tangled her hands in Aerdan’s hair and tugged at his scalp as his tongue and lips sucked at her most sensitive area. She could barely keep herself from rubbing her hips against his face, desperate for more pleasure.


Aerdan pulled away. Angelica watched, breathless with anticipation, as he pulled his leather trousers down his muscular hips. His stiff manhood bulged and Angelica shivered with pleasure as he moved closer. Angelica’s heart was thumping as Aerdan steadied himself with a hand against her hip. He guided himself into her, groaning with pleasure and closing his beautiful blue eyes as his hard cock penetrated Angelica’s body. For a moment, it almost stung. Then the pain melted in a warm pleasure that felt like honey seeping into Angelica’s body. She shivered and moaned, wrapping her narrow thighs around Aerdan’s waist and clinging on tightly.


“God,” Angelica moaned softly, closing her eyes and arching her back. For a moment, they stayed locked together. Then Aerdan began to pump his hips, thrusting in and out of Angelica as his motions filled them both with a powerful pleasure.


Aerdan leaned over, kissing Angelica’s face. When their lips met, she eagerly licked her own juices off his lips, blushing at the taste of her arousal. A warm, musky smell filled the clearing. Angelica found that she was moving her own hips, pushing against Aerdan, wanting more. With each of his powerful thrusts, she found herself moaning and writhing. When she rubbed against his body, pleasure shot through her lower belly and soon, Angelica was crying out and gasping for air. She dug her nails into Aerdan’s back as he rode her faster and faster, pushing her bottom into the grass.


“Oh my god,” Angelica moaned. The orgasm broke over her like a tidal wave and she could barely remember to breathe as intense sensations gripped her – it almost felt like someone was between her legs, squeezing with every pulse of her heart.


Aerdan arched his back and flicked his hair back. Beads of sweat flew from his forehead and landed on Angelica’s chest, covering her in his musk. She moaned softly – pleasure was still racing through her, even though her orgasm was fading, and she could tell that it was getting more serious for Aerdan. As their bodies moved together like a perfect work of art, Angelica held onto Aerdan’s shoulders with all of her might.


Aerdan gasped. He groaned and bucked, driving deeper inside of Angelica’s body than ever before. He whimpered and yelled, screwing his blue eyes closed as his body slammed against that of his lover. Angelica could practically feel his manhood releasing inside of her.


Aerdan and Angelica collapsed into the grass together, sweaty and spent. Aerdan grinned, then leaned in for a tender kiss that filled Angelica’s heart with contentment.


Angelica licked her lips and took a deep, quivering breath. She looked up at the sky and burst into laughter.


Aerdan frowned. “Lady, why are you laughing?”


Angelica covered her mouth with both hands.


“The sky,” she said softly. “It’s pitch black. I guess we missed that sunset after all.”


Aerdan grinned wickedly. “There’s always tomorrow,” he said archly. “I’m sure you’ll see it at some point.”


Angelica flushed hotly. “I’m sure I will,” she said softly. “I’m sure I will.”






After the night they made love, everything changed between Angelica and Aerdan. While she couldn’t put a finger on it, she was sure that somehow, she owed the changes to bedding Aerdan. To her shock, Aerdan seemed more interested than ever before…and soon, talk of an upcoming royal marriage filled every hut, home, and castle in the realm.


While Angelica was still intimidated by Zornaya, she was beginning to feel more comfortable. If Zornaya knew about what had happened – which she very likely did – she said nothing. Instead, she began treating Angelica almost like a surrogate daughter.


“I was never lucky enough to have living children after Aerdan,” Zornaya said one morning. The two women were in Zornaya’s chamber, seated at a table littered with herbs and spell books. “I suffered three misses, and a still.”


Angelica flushed. “I’m an only child, too,” she said. She didn’t add that it was because her parents had gotten divorced while she was still young. “It was hard sometimes. I was lonely.”


“I’ve never worried about Aerdan being lonely,” Zornaya said. She sighed and reached for a silver goblet filled with a delicious light brew of mead. Taking a long sip, she passed the goblet to Angelica.


“He does have many friends,” Angelica said. She wondered if Zornaya was about to say something about the nature of Aerdan’s friends – the female ones, in particular.


“I have never seen my son show so much interest in a woman before,” Zornaya said. She gave Angelica a small, ambiguous smile. “He has made a great deal of change, seemingly overnight.”


Angelica flushed. Sometimes, it was hard for her to remember that Zornaya could read minds. Zornaya had often spoken of the art of secrecy – how it was possible to conceal your thoughts, even from someone as gifted as herself. But Angelica knew that was powerful, deep magic – something she wouldn’t be learning for a very long time.


“The whole kingdom is overjoyed,” Zornaya continued. “Especially at the prospect of a marriage that doesn’t involve Glasule.”


Angelica narrowed her eyes. “Forgive me, your majesty,” she said softly. “But why is that? I am an outsider, after all.”


Zornaya sighed. “Zheka and Glasule have been neighbors for many years, many generations,” she said. “And while they too are a prosperous nation…” She trailed off, biting her lip.


Angelica’s stomach flipped nervously. She’d never seen Zornaya look anything even remotely close to unsure before.


“Do not worry, child,” Zornaya said kindly. “It is perhaps best if I don’t tell you.”


Angelica narrowed her eyes. “But now I’m curious,” she said. “Please – tell me.”


Zornaya took another sip from the goblet. This time, she kept the silver clutched in her hands.


“Many years ago, there was an alliance between Zheka and Glasule,” Zornaya said. “But you must understand – The Glasulian people are not like the Zhekan people. They do not understand subtlety. They hunger for war, for violence.”


“But the show is so popular here,” Angelica said quietly. “How can you not say the same of your own people?”


For a moment, Zornaya looked angry and Angelica wondered if she ought to have kept her mouth shut. Then, Zornaya sighed and nodded.


“You are correct, child,” she said. “But there is a difference – that is entertainment. It is a way for men to prove themselves.” Zornaya narrowed her eyes. “Are you going to tell me that in the land of New York City, men do not attempt such dangerous stunts?”


Angelica blushed. “They do,” she admitted.


Zornaya’s smile was smug. “I bet,” she said. “Because that is the nature of men. They hunger for violence, they hunger to prove themselves. That is why our way is better. Glasule is ruled by men, therefore they are always at war. They do not like peace – it feels unnatural to them.”


Angelica frowned.


“It is a fierce land, with many powerful warriors,” Zornaya said. “And yet, they have never managed to surpass the success of Zheka. Can you guess why?”


Angelica shook her head.


“It’s because they are always losing their men to foreign wars and battles,” Zornaya said knowingly. “Here, we are always at peace. Our men are grunts – they perform all domestic work. And if they happen to want to show off, for awards, well, they are welcome to do so. But we never lose lives to fighting battles on foreign soil, Angelica. You must remember that if you someday want to rule Zheka.”


Angelica bit her lip. “Aerdan has not spoken of marriage.”


“He knows,” Zornaya said. “Despite his lack of obvious caring, he knows.”


Angelica nodded slowly. “I…I do not know that I’m fit to rule,” she said quickly. She’d meant to keep her feelings bottled up, but sharing a strangely intimate conversation with Zornaya had relaxed her walls. Now that she’d begun to speak, she found that she couldn’t stop.


Angelica continued: “I haven’t been here for very long – what if the people wouldn’t like me? What if they wouldn’t consider me suitable?”


Zornaya laughed. “I will not lie – there are many girls in the village who envy you. But the primary concern is that we do not form a strong alliance with Glasule. Doing so would throw everything into jeopardy. The economy would collapse, all of the Zhekan people would worry about being sent away, possibly to die, at the hands of foreign barbarians.”


Angelica nodded. “I still don’t know how comfortable I feel,” she said. “What if I am never allowed the opportunity to return home? What of my own life? And I still haven’t figured out why I need to be here,” she added. “Please, Zornaya, tell me.”


“You do not need to know why,” Zornaya said serenely. “You must accept that this is the way of your life, that you were brought here for a reason. And if you are meant to be with my son, you must accept that he, too, is fragile. On the outside, Aerdan is a very strong man. He has a strong will. But on the inside…”


“He doesn’t want to stay here,” Angelica said impulsively. “He wants to explore.” She frowned. “I’m still not happy that he lied to me about that when we first met…but majesty, I know that’s all he’s ever wanted to do.”


“Aerdan is not yet a grown man in all the ways of the mind,” Zornaya said harshly. “That is a childish impulse – one that he must learn to control if he wants to succeed as a man. Don’t you understand that, Angelica? You must see: Aerdan’s place is here, ruling Zheka. His father won’t live forever. And may the gods help me if I have to rule without a male consort.”


Angelica fell silent.


“Come, child,” Zornaya said. “I will help you. You are still struggling with basic magic, yes?”


Angelica nodded.


Zornaya got to her feet and walked to a small shelf in the corner of the room. She took a small bundle wrapped in silk and clutched it tightly in her hands.


“This was a gift from my mother when I was a small child,” Zornaya said. “It was hers, and her mother’s before.”


Angelica watched nervously as Zornaya unwrapped the small parcel. Inside was an ancient-looking book, bound with leather. The crumbling vellum pages were stained and thin. There were illustrations on the side of each page of text, and Angelica gasped as the illustrations moved before her very eyes.


“It’s a mere illusion,” Zornaya said. But she was smiling – Angelica could tell she’d been hoping for that very reaction. “Meant to keep children’s attention on their work.” Zornaya handed the book to Angelica and Angelica held it gently with both hands.


“You may keep this,” Zornaya said. “I think it will help you.”


Angelica glanced down at the book, suddenly feeling nervous. “Majesty, why are men not allowed to practice magic? Why are they barred from using their natural, inherent ability? Don’t you think some men might become powerful wizards – wizards who could be of help?”


Zornaya waved a hand in the air dismissively. “Men do not know what they want, most of the time,” she said. “As women, it is our job to guide them.”


But Aerdan, Angelica thought sadly. Maybe he would be happier if he could practice magic – maybe that would sate his need for adventure.


“I know what you are thinking,” Zornaya said gently. She put her hand on Angelica’s shoulder and Angelica felt a pulse of warmth pass from the older woman’s body to her own. “But no, child. I do not believe that would satisfy my Aerdan. He merely needs to grow, to advance from this foolish nonsense. I do not think Aerdan will be happy until he comes into his own.”


Zornaya’s blue eyes flicked to Angelica’s and held them firmly, making Angelica feel rooted to the spot.


“And I believe you have the power to help him come into his own, child,” Zornaya added in a voice that sent chills down Angelica’s spine.


Just as Angelica was about to ask what the Queen meant, a loud horn sounded. Angelica shuddered. She still hadn’t begun to feel better about the “shows” in the kingdom…and she hated the idea that one day, likely soon, she’d need to attend another.


“Majesty?” Angelica glanced up in alarm and saw that Zornaya’s face was pale, drained of all blood. Her blue eyes filled with tears and she gripped the edge of the table to steady herself. Is it possible that the Queen despises the shows as much as I do, Angelica wondered. I’ve never seen her look so emotional before!


“The guards,” Zornaya hissed. “They must be warned! This is not time to waste, child!” Zornaya grabbed a purple silk cloak and threw it over her shoulders.


The horn sounded again. This time, it chilled Angelica to the bone. She suddenly knew that it wasn’t the cry of a show about to begin. It was something darker, something far more sinister. A cold wind whipped into the room from the open window and Angelica shuddered as she crossed the stone floor. Outside, the skies were dark and stormy. The sea was foaming and frothy – huge waves, the size of small buildings, were crashing ominously onto the shore. When Angelica looked to the horizon, she gasped. Several large, black ships were gliding across the stormy seas.


“Glasule,” Angelica whispered. How did I know that, she wondered, glancing down in amazement. Then panic struck. I have to get out of here, she thought in a panic. What’s going to happen to me? What’s going to happen to Aerdan?!


Fear struck Angelica’s heart and she ran out of the room, following Zornaya down the spiral staircase. The castle was already abuzz with frantic royals, and Angelica was very nearly trampled as a herd of bulky, muscular men ran through the main hall.


Suddenly, a loud sound pierced the air – it was shrill and painful, and Angelica clapped her hands over her ears and winced. Her heart leapt into her throat – Zornaya was nowhere to be found.


“Aerdan!” Angelica shrieked. “Aerdan, where are you?”


Her cries were lost in the frantic, panicked atmosphere of the grand hall. People rushed to and fro, kicking clouds of dust from the stone floor and choking Angelica’s senses. In a desperate panic, she raced to the end of the hall, then took the secret staircase up to Aerdan’s quarters. Sweat was dripping down her forehead and soaking her dress by the time she reached the landing and pushed open the heavy wooden door.


Aerdan was nowhere to be found. Brynx stood on the bed, kneading the pillow with his paws.


“Brynx!” Angelica yelped. “What is it? What’s going on?”


Brynx walked in two circles, then sat down on his haunches.


“Brynx, something really bad is happening,” Angelica said frantically. “Brynx, where’s Aerdan? We have to find him!”


“If I were you, I’d suggest hiding,” Brynx said calmly. He licked one of his paws. “They’re coming for you both.”


“What?” Angelica’s jaw dropped. “Who is they? Brynx, come on! Tell me what’s going to happen?”


Brynx shrugged and looked apathetic. “It’s not good,” he said in a silky voice. “Warships from Glasule are never a good sign, lady.”


Angelica sank down on the mattress. “We have to find Aerdan,” she said breathlessly. “We have to make sure he’s going to be okay!”


“Aerdan is capable,” Brynx said. “He can take care of himself. But you – you on the other hand…” He trailed off, yawning and exposing his bright white teeth. “You ought to be as far away from here as possible by the time those ships land.” Brynx hopped from the bed to the ledge of the window and looked out. “And that will be soon,” he said. “Take a look.”


Angelica’s palms were damp with a cold sweat and she wiped them on her gown before cautiously walking to the window. She leaned against the stone wall, cautiously holding her breath, hiding from the window as if there was a chance she could be seen from the tiny parapet. When she dared sneak a glance outside, she shrieked and covered her mouth with both hands.


Large black warships loomed on the horizon. They didn’t look like any ships Angelica had ever seen – they were as large as small castles, each precariously perched on the stormy seas. The water was churning blue and white until the belly of the ships, and the skies overhead were stormy and filled with lightning. A loud clap of thunder sounded and soon, rain began to pour from the heavens.


“It never storms here,” Brynx said calmly. “This is going to be bad, lady. Please, take my advice. Consider the many hiding places around the castle.”


Cold dread grew in Angelica’s belly.


“I can’t hide,” she said firmly. “If they’re coming for me…” She trailed off, nervously chewing on her lip until she tasted a hot spurt of blood.


“If they’re coming for you, Aerdan and the other men will defend your honor,” Brynx said. “But it will be a long battle. Many will die.”


Angelica snuck a glance out the window again and shuddered with fear. The ships were closer than ever before. Angelica could make out the silhouettes of men standing and waving swords atop the ships. The largest ship, at the forefront of the fleet, was helmed by a woman. Angelica gasped. The woman had long white hair, streaming behind her in the stormy air, and she clutched a staff that was glowing green.


“The sorceress, Namaya,” Brynx said in a low voice. “Lady, if you value your life – hide!”


Angelica swallowed. “I can’t do that,” she said firmly. I care too much about Aerdan to see him slaughtered, she thought grimly, leaving the chamber and running down the stairs. Angelica held the hem of her silk dress in both hands as she ran. I can’t let him die – I can’t let the royal Zhekan line be compromised!


In the great hall, things were more hectic than ever. Again, Angelica looked fearfully for Aerdan. But the men had all disappeared. Women were frantic with worry, clutching staves of their own, whispering magic words under their breath. Women don’t know defensive spells, Angelica realized with alarm. Where are all the men? Where did they go?


Before she had more time to wonder, a bloodcurdling scream filled Angelica’s ears. The castle’s doors burst open and a woman floated in, hovering at least a foot off the ground. Her long white hair was soaked with rainwater and her green eyes were glowing – just like her staff.


It’s the woman from the ship, Angelica realized with a pang of fear.


She wasn’t alone. The old woman was flanked by two rows of powerful men. They wore leather uniforms, but Angelica could see their clear strength and bulging, oiled muscles. Their hair was twisted into topknots and their faces bore scars and pockmarks from previous battles. Angelica shuddered – they looked at least as powerful as the men of Zheka.


“Zornaya!” The old woman screamed. “Queen Zornaya, I demand an audience!”


The people in the great hall parted like a wave and Angelica leapt to the side, trying to conceal herself among the other women as best she could. She held her breath and ducked down low, her dark hair streaming in tangles over her shoulders.


Queen Zornaya appeared at the top of the grand staircase. She was clad in bright purple silk robes – Angelica guessed she’d chosen her most regal look. Her chin was held high and her blue eyes flashed like beacons of hope. But somehow, Angelica could tell that she was afraid.


“Namaya,” Zornaya said calmly. She descended the stairs, appearing to float under her purple robes. “Why have you come?”


“Your guest,” Namaya snarled. “Hand her over.”


A ripple of chatter went through the crowd and everyone turned to face Angelica. She tried to hide and duck behind a column, but she wasn’t fast enough.


Soon, all eyes in the room were on her.






Aerdan stood to the side of the great hall, hidden. His heart thumped in his chest as he listened to the exchange between his mother, the Queen, and the Glasulian sorceress. Holding his breath, he snuck closer, desperate to see what was happening.


“I demand your guest,” Namaya repeated. Aerdan shuddered. He’d only heard tales of the evil sorceress Namaya – and he had to admit that somehow, she was even more terrifying in person. Unlike his mother and father, Namaya was ancient – she was almost four hundred years old. It was no secret in the land that Namaya used her power to steal life from that of the Glasulian people…and there was nothing they could do to stop her, despite being a nation of powerful warriors.


Queen Zornaya chuckled. “Namaya, you are too amusing,” she said. “Please, do not waste my time.”


Aerdan snuck closer and watched as the sorceress gestured towards her companions – at least twenty of Glasule’s strongest warriors. Aerdan flexed his muscles and reached for his dagger, keeping his fingers wrapped firmly around the hilt of the blade. I’ll kill the lot of you, he thought angrily. No one threatens my family!


“I am not here in jest, Zornaya,” Namaya said. The crowd fell to a hush – it was clear that Namaya was doing everything she could to avoid paying proper respects to the queen.


Zornaya laughed and shook her head. “Namaya – whatever it is, I am sure we can work everything out together. Come with me, let us talk.”


Namaya struck the floor with her staff and a wave of ghostly green light shot through the hall. Aerdan felt lightheaded, like he was about to lose consciousness. The others in the hall shrieked and screamed – but Aerdan noticed no one left. He shook his head bitterly. Of course no one will run and hide, he realized as he tightened his grip on the handle of his dagger. This is too exciting for them. This is something they never get to see.


“I’m not leaving until she is presented to me,” Namaya said.


“That’s simply not possible. The lady Angelica is a guest of our royal family,” Zornaya replied.


“If you do not comply, you will no longer have a royal family,” Namaya said coldly. “So turn her over, Queen. Show us your loyalty.”


The crowd gasped.


Aerdan didn’t have to look – he could picture his mother clearly in his mind, straightening up to her full height and looking down her nose at the ancient witch.


“And it won’t just be you, your son, and your fool of a husband,” Namaya sneered. “I will kill the royal cousins. I will kill their consorts – I will kill everyone educated in Zheka. You’ll be reduced to rubble, your great society brought low by one staff.” She struck the ground again and another wave of green light passed through the great hall. This time, some of the women crumpled to the ground, their eyes rolled back in their heads.


Aerdan swallowed hard. His heart skipped a beat. I must defend the honor of my family – and the honor of Angelica, he thought. Clutching his dagger, he stepped into the hall and glared at the ancient sorceress.


“If you want to take Angelica, you’ll have to go through me,” Aerdan growled.


The crowd stayed hushed.


Namaya threw her head back and laughed. “Child, you wouldn’t know the first thing about killing someone as powerful as I,” she said. Her deeply tanned face was so heavily lined that Aerdan could barely make out her nose and mouth.


“Try me,” Aerdan growled.


“Aerdan!” Zornaya cried. “Remember, your duty!”


“My duty is to defend the honor of Zheka,” Aerdan said proudly. Despite his bravado, he was nervous. He tried to channel the ancient strength of his people, swaggering into the great hall with his dagger raised. But before he could attack Namaya, Angelica stepped into the middle of the floor.


“Angelica, get back!” Aerdan yelled. “Get away from here!”


Angelica looked nervous, but she stood tall and proud in her silk dress. She held her head high.


“No,” she said softly. “I can’t let her hurt your family because of me, Aerdan.”


“Angelica!” Panic seized Aerdan’s heart and he stepped forward but she shook her head. A single tear rolled down her cheek.


“The girl is wise,” Namaya sneered. “Child, come.” She beckoned Angelica to come closer. Angelica shuddered and hesitated, but after a few seconds, she stepped forward.


“No!” Aerdan yelled. “Angelica, you can’t do this!”


Angelica looked sadly at Aerdan and shook her head. “My life is worth much less than the lives of innocent Zhekans,” she said quietly. “I must.”


“Yes, Aerdan,” Namaya repeated, mimicking Angelica’s voice. “It’s for the best, don’t you see?”


“No!” Aerdan yelled. He leapt forward, reaching for Angelica. Suddenly, a burst of green smoke filled the room. Aerdan coughed and choked as the smoke blinded him, seeping into his lungs and making him feel like he’d never be able to breathe properly again. He staggered and stumbled as he reached for Angelica, but his fingers only grasped air. The hall was filled with the sounds of anguished yells and screams, and Aerdan’s blood ran cold.


“Angelica!” Aerdan screamed. “Where are you, Angelica?!”


There was no reply.


By the time the smoke cleared, Namaya, the Glasulian warriors, and Angelica had all vanished.


Queen Zornaya stood at the top of the stairs, visibly shaken. Aerdan ran to her. He was barely able to contain his emotions but he bit his lip so his eyes wouldn’t fill with tears.


“Mother,” Aerdan pleaded. “We must save her! We must!”


Zornaya looked at Aerdan with sadness and pain in her eyes. “The girl was not only wise, she was brave,” she said softly.


Aerdan’s jaw dropped. “Mother! Do you even hear what you’re saying?”


“We cannot rescue her, Aerdan,” Zornaya said quietly. “It is too much of a risk. Namaya has taken what she wanted – the threat against a royal alliance.”


Aerdan’s fear and terror quickly turned to anger and he stood before his mother with his hands on his hips, glaring fiercely.


“You won’t fight for her?” Aerdan asked, shaking his head bitterly. When there was no reply, he spat on the ground.


“Son, she was a good woman, very smart and beautiful,” Zornaya said gently. “But you must accept this had to happen.”


“You are without honor,” Aerdan spat. “All this time, you talk about being a good leader! And those…those barbarians storm in here and steal the one girl I’ve ever cared about?!”


“You are to go to your chamber and stay there until I call for you,” Zornaya said. Her blue eyes flashed with anger. “You must learn your place in this family, Aerdan!”


Aerdan glared. He turned on his heel and rushed up the stairs, desperate for a plan that would save Angelica.


The whole kingdom was plunged into a sudden and surprisingly intense period of mourning. Even though Angelica hadn’t been a presence in Zheka for very long, the people had come to know and love her as their future queen.


Just as Zornaya had predicted, there was some jealousy…but eventually, most everyone came around. Angelica was not just beautiful, she was intelligent, kind, and gentle. Everyone who had met her spoke highly of her. There hadn’t been a royal wedding since Aerdan’s cousin, Thaemas, had wed four years earlier. But Thaemas had died in a show, and his widow had lost the babe she was carrying due to grief. The people hungered for a royal marriage…and a royal heir, someone who would assure them that their future was safe.


Aerdan barely left his chamber. He couldn’t eat, sleep, or even ride Tlatse without thinking of Angelica. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her delicate face. Aerdan couldn’t stomach listening to people mourn for Angelica as though she were already dead. The castle and realm was filled with talk of Angelica’s selflessness, her bravery – her decision to sacrifice herself before Namaya could hurt their beloved royal family.


I wish she hadn’t done that, Aerdan thought fiercely. He was sitting in his chamber at his desk, over a blank piece of parchment. He’d had the idea to write a secret message to Angelica – perhaps one of his mother’s falcons could deliver it, or even Brynx with the right instructions. But even as he sat tapping the quill against the blank sheet, nothing sprang to mind. What would I ever write, Aerdan wondered bitterly.


He shuddered. I’m a failure, Aerdan thought. I’ll never be a strong warrior. Even my father, a complete lout, would have been able to fight Namaya and win when he was in his prime. I’ll never live up to that.


“You can go look for her, you know.”


“Huh?” Aerdan’s head snapped up. Brynx was sitting at the ledge of the window, sunning his white fur in the bright rays. “What do you mean?”


Brynx blinked once, long and slow. “Aerdan, this is your chance,” Brynx said calmly. “You told her you were an explorer, didn’t you?”


Aerdan laughed bitterly. “And she knows that’s a lie,” he said. He shook his head. “I’ve never been away from home before. How in the name of the gods would I be able to find her? I don’t know the first thing about Glasule.”


Brynx mewed. He leapt down from the ledge and rubbed against Aerdan’s ankles before sauntering across the stone floor and pawing at Aerdan’s wardrobe.


“You have a map, don’t you?” Brynx asked. “Maybe it’s time you put that map to use.”


Aerdan grabbed his leather rucksack and dumped it upside down on his bed. A couple of apples tumbled out, followed by a flagon of water. Finally, the old crumpled map shook out and landed gracefully on the bed. Aerdan grabbed it and unfolded it, poring over the ancient names with his eyes narrowed into tiny slits.


“Glasule is on the map, I believe,” Brynx said. “Tell me, Aerdan – are you willing to risk your life for her?”


“Yes,” Aerdan said. He swallowed. He was afraid, but the fear of death did not frighten him nearly as much as the fear that he would never see Angelica again. “I have to rescue her,” he said. He folded the map and slid it into his pockets.


“Yes,” Brynx repeated. “You must.”


Aerdan pulled on his leather boots and opened the wardrobe, searching for a cap. Behind him, Brynx made a curious sound that almost sounded like the cough of an old man.


“Forgetting something?”


Aerdan turned around, his forehead creased in confusion. “What? What are you talking about?”


Brynx sighed. “For a human, you can be awfully stupid sometimes,” he said lightly. “Take a look in the mirror. Maybe that will help.”


Still frowning, Aerdan crossed the room and carefully inspected his reflection. He was clad in leather leggings with the royal seal of Zheka embossed on one thigh, and his tunic barely concealed his bulging muscles.


“I’m dressed,” Aerdan said. “I don’t get it.”


Brynx rolled his eyes. “You really are lacking in intelligence,” he said disdainfully. “How you expect to get into the castle of Glasule looking like that?”


“Oh…” Aerdan trailed off, looking down. “By the gods, you’re right!”


Brynx yawned, as if to say: “I know.”


Aerdan pulled his clothes off and tossed them in a corner before digging through his wardrobe and pulling out a pair of plain linen breeches and a matching shirt. He dressed as quickly as he could before refilling his leather bag and slinging it over his shoulder.


“You stay here,” Aerdan said to Brynx.


“I have no interest in sailing,” Brynx said. He yawned, then curled up on the bed. “Aerdan, I wish you the best of luck.”


Aerdan rolled his eyes. “Lazy cat,” he said, reaching down and scratching Brynx’s back affectionately. “I’ll bring her back, I swear,” he added. Aerdan took one last glance around his room before darting down the side stairs and running away from the castle.


Outside, people strolled in groups, sadly talking and dabbing their eyes with handkerchiefs. Aerdan darted past the crowds as quickly as he could – even in his plain clothes, his bright blue eyes were an unmistakable sign that he belonged to the royal family – and he knew he couldn’t be seen by a single person if he wanted to escape. He ran down the grassy banks to the edge of the sea. Three fishing boats were tethered to the dock. The fishermen were gathered on the beach, sorting their hauls.


Aerdan held his breath as he crept along the bulkhead, then onto the deck. The wooden planks creaked under his muscular bulk and he began to sweat out of sheer anxiety. Please, Aerdan begged. Please, gods, let me escape unseen. This is the only chance of her rescue, and without me, Angelica is doomed.


Whether the gods were listening or not, Aerdan managed to board a fishing boat without being noticed. The boat swayed and rocked in the water and for a moment, Aerdan thought he was going to be sick. He fumbled with the ropes tethering the boat to the dock with trembling fingers, then cast off and kicked the bulkhead, sending the boat floating gently out towards the cresting waves.


Soon, Aerdan was sailing along. The Zhekan castle grew smaller and smaller, and the scent of the salt air felt invigorating and fresh as Aerdan zoomed through the bright blue water.


“This isn’t so hard,” Aerdan said, tugging at the ropes. The sail swung around and he gasped, ducking as it narrowly missed him. Aerdan chuckled. “Maybe not,” he added under his breath. Still, he took it as a good sign – he’d never sailed, or learned how to handle a boat before. I’m a natural, Aerdan figured proudly as he stretched the sail tightly and pointed the boat in the approximate direction of Glasule.


The old map, beaten and torn as it was, proved to be a great help. Aerdan kept it firmly gripped it in one hand, steering the boat with the other, as he churned through the waves. The motion of the sea beneath the boat had begun to feel safe, almost calming, and soon Aerdan was feeling more relaxed and positive than he had since before Angelica’s kidnapping.


But as soon as the Zhekan shoreline disappeared, the skies grew cloudy and the wind began to whip and whirl.


It’s nothing, Aerdan thought, biting his lip in determination as he struggled to keep control of the boat. It’s just a little storm, nothing to be afraid of.


But despite his determination to keep going, Aerdan was filled with fear. The clouds above the sea began to thicken and swirl, turning grey and then a deep, angry shade of black that chilled Aerdan to the bone. The air became cold and damp, and Aerdan clung to the wheel of the boat, steering on towards what he hoped was the direction of Glasule.


It can’t be much longer, Aerdan thought. It had begun to rain and the floorboards were slippery and slimy with salt and muck. The ship pitched and turned, rolling through the waves. A large wave crashed over the prow and Aerdan shuddered in fear when he heard the telltale sound of splintering wood. By now, the air was so thick with rain and fog that Aerdan couldn’t see land. The pitching waves were beginning to make him feel sick and he hunched over the wheel, vomiting until hot tears leaked from his eyes. His hands were chilled to the bone and aching, but he clung fiercely to the ship, determined to steer himself to freedom.




A bright zigzag of lightning filled the sky, illuminating the clouds in a ghastly purple and green that made Aerdan think of a healing bruise. Loud thunder boomed mere seconds later, and Aerdan froze as he saw a huge wave cresting and looming over the ship. He pitched the wheel to the right in a desperate attempt to turn and avoid, but he was too late. The wave crested over the ship. Aerdan’s body was pushed under a fierce torrent of salty water. He sputtered and coughed, gasping for air as he groped for the wheel of the ship. But the ship’s steering mechanism had come apart in his hands and Aerdan yelled with alarm when he saw pieces of wood floating away.


By the time he realized the ship had broken apart from underneath him, Aerdan was kicking and churning the water with his legs, trying desperately to stay above the surface. Rain spattered his forehead and each time the sea rose, his mouth and nose filled with acrid salt water. Aerdan was coughing and gasping, kicking as hard as he could. When he closed his eyes, Angelica’s beautiful face filled his mind.


Aerdan felt the strength begin leaving his body. He sighed and shuddered as his limbs ached with the torment of fighting the angry sea. It felt good to close his eyes, even though an alarm bell at the back of his mind kept screaming for Aerdan to stay awake. I’m sorry, Angelica, Aerdan thought blearily as yet another huge wave crashed over his floating body. I tried. But I guess I wasn’t strong enough.






Angelica leaned against the wall of her cell and sighed. She hugged her knees to her chest, wrapping her long arms around her legs and biting her lip. She had no way of determining just how long she’d been locked inside the dungeon under the castle of Glasule, but it felt like she had been there for hours.


Angelica’s mind was foggy. Immediately upon surrendering herself to the sorceress Namaya, she’d been given a potent and toxic drink that glowed bright green and made her feel sicker than she ever had before. She had passed out almost immediately.


When she’d woken up, she’d found herself alone in a cold, damp cell. The walls were blocks of stone, covered in lime and mold. The floor was cold stone covered with a sparse sprinkling of hay. Worst of all, there was nothing even resembling a modern amenity inside the cell. She’d found a lumpy pillow on the floor, but a rat had emerged and Angelica had shrieked, throwing the pillow at the wall. There was a bucket covered with a plank of wood in the corner…but Angelica somehow guessed what that was for, and she stayed as far away as possible.


The dungeon was eerily quiet. Angelica couldn’t see much from her cell – the iron bars were planted firmly in the stone wall, feet away from the entrance, effectively blocking her off from the rest of the prison. Still, she could tell that the dungeon itself was quite large: the only sounds she heard, besides the dripping of water onto the floor, were echoes from floors far above her head. Angelica had never felt claustrophobic before, but something about being locked in a tiny stone room was driving her crazy.


The rough homespun gown scratched her neck and shoulders. Somewhere, her silk gown and golden hair ornaments had been taken. That wasn’t a surprise, but it did make Angelica feel uncomfortable that someone had stripped her and then re-dressed her while she had been unconscious. All of her positive opinions about the land of Zheka had vanished – she was obviously in some kind of medieval hell, doomed to rot in a subterranean cell.


Angelica perked up at the sound of stone gliding against stone. She was equally terrified and hopeful – someone could be coming to torture her…or rescue her. Either way, she knew she was powerless. Still, she didn’t regret her decision to turn herself in. She knew that the royal family of Zheka was more important than the life of a mere girl. And yet, Angelica didn’t think it was exactly fair. I didn’t ask to be brought here, she thought, squirming uncomfortably on the stone floor. Why are they doing this to me? Why can’t they just send me home if I’m such a threat?


Tears welled up in her eyes as Angelica realized she may never again see New York, or Stacy, or even her bitchy boss at the gallery, Nadine.


Lumbering footsteps made Angelica jump. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she shifted and rolled to her knees, standing up quickly and defensively pressing her back against the cell. Soon, a guard came into sight. He was a bulky, huge man – obviously some kind of retired warrior. His skin was lined and creased and his hair was a shock of silver. But his muscles still bulged, and Angelica guessed he had been hired specifically to guard her.


“Please, sir,” Angelica begged in a quiet voice. “May I have some water?”


The guard looked at her, his lips parted. A long string of drool emerged from his mouth and dripped down his chin. Angelica shuddered.


“Please,” Angelica repeated. “Please give me some water.” She rubbed her throat and mimed taking a drink from an invisible cup. “I’m so thirsty.”


Just thinking about water made Angelica’s throat ache. Suddenly, she remembered waking up in the lush, verdant clearing of the woods. And to think I felt bad then, she thought sadly.


The guard didn’t reply. He shuffled closer, grabbing the iron bars of Angelica’s cell and pressing his face to them. He stared at her face, licking his lips all the while.


“Can you understand me?” Angelica asked gently, trying not to show the repulsion she felt. “Do you speak this language?”


The guard grunted. He lifted his arms in a vague shrug, then slipped his fingers through the bars and reached for Angelica.




Angelica shuddered at the guard’s stilted, awkward speech. “Please, some water,” she said.


The guard didn’t reply. He stood there, fingering the iron bars and keeping his eyes focused on Angelica.


“Can you let me go?” Angelica whispered. “Please – I need to go home.” Her chest ached with longing. When she closed her eyes, she expected to see the bustling city of New York painted on her lids. But much to her surprise, Aerdan’s handsome, leonine face flashed into her mind. His bright blue eyes, his sensual lips. The way he’d kissed her. The way he’d called her beautiful, and held her in his arms.


The sound of the dungeon door scraping open once again made Angelica jump, and thoughts of Aerdan vanished from her mind. The guard didn’t move – he stood perfectly still, staring at Angelica.




“Oh, shut up, you fool!”


Angelica looked to the right and saw a girl, close her own age, approaching the cell. She was of average height and squat, with a squished face that reminded Angelica of a hairless Persian cat. Her blonde hair was brushed into a smooth orb at the top of her head, and her lumpy figure was stuffed into a dress that looked remarkably like the dress Angelica had been wearing earlier.


The girl walked closer and smacked the guard on the side of his head. He barely flinched. Despite the assault, he didn’t even look at the other girl. She glared at him angrily and started beating and punching him around the shoulders and the neck.


“Leave, you idiot! Go back to your corner,” the girl shrieked as she rained blows on the guard’s powerful muscular bulk.


If she hadn’t been so frightened, Angelica might have laughed. The sight of this fat girl assaulting one of the biggest men she’d ever seen was ridiculous. Even though the guard was elderly, Angelica could tell that he was powerful – he could have grabbed the girl and whipped her over his head with one hand if he wanted. Instead, he nodded meekly and slunk away.


The girl pulled a three-legged wooden stool close to the bars of the cell and sat down. The silk bodice of her dress ripped and dimpled flesh spilled out. Even in the dim light, Angelica was sure that it was the dress that had been taken from her.


“Please, miss,” Angelica begged. “Please, may I have some water?”


The girl rolled her eyes. “Like I would be so kind as to do you any kind of favor,” she said sarcastically. “You almost ruined everything!”


“I’m so thirsty,” Angelica said softly. Tears came to her eyes and she blinked them away, refusing to cry in front of this haughty stranger. “Please, just a few sips.”


The girl glared at her with hatred that chilled Angelica to the bone. “You should ask the guard,” she said. “He obviously thinks you’re pretty. Much like Aerdan, I expect.”


“I’m sorry,” Angelica said. “I don’t understand. I…I’m not from here,” she added quickly. “I was spirited away from another land, a far-away land. I just want to get back home.”


The girl stared, ignoring Angelica’s pleas. “You haven’t greeted me with proper respect for a royal princess,” the girl said. “Bow. Kneel.”


Angelica sank into a low bow, then to her knees. The stone floor made her joints ache almost instantly but she gritted her teeth, determined to bear the pain as long as it helped her escape.


“That’s better,” the girl said. She smiled cruelly, showing pointed white teeth that looked much too small for her wide mouth.


“Please help me,” Angelica begged. “Please, I’ll do anything.”


The girl threw her head back and laughed. “I bet you would,” she said. “But here’s the funny thing – we already have you, locked up, and there’s no way you’re going to escape.”


Angelica dipped her head and swallowed. “Why are you doing this?” She whispered.


The girl reached through the iron bars of the cell and grabbed the front of Angelica’s rough dress. She yanked the material in her fingers and pulled Angelica forward, causing her head to knock painfully against the bars. Brightly colored flashes exploded in front of Angelica’s vision and she cried out in pain as tears came to her eyes. The girl grunted, then pushed her back roughly against the floor. Angelica landed painfully, twisting one ankle beneath her and whimpering.


“You really don’t know who I am, do you,” the girl said sourly. “I can’t believe they wouldn’t have told you.”


“I’m sorry,” Angelica said. She hauled herself into a sitting position and tried to ignore the blinding pain in her head. “I haven’t been in Zheka for very long, as I told you, I came from a far-away land.”


“You still should have known,” the girl said. She licked her lips and raised an eyebrow. “I am Princess Muertha.”


Angelica didn’t reply. She racked her brain, wondering if she’d ever heard the name before.


“I am betrothed to High Commander Aerdan,” Muertha added. Her dull eyes flashed with anger. “And you have not been told of me?!”


“I am sorry, I was not told that Commander Aerdan was engaged,” Angelica said. She bit her lip. Why wouldn’t he have told me, she thought, the tears coming back to her eyes. Everyone acted like he was single! Why would he have lied to me?


An unpleasant thought came into Angelica’s mind: what if Aerdan had only lied to bed her? She didn’t understand why his family would have been complicit in such a lie…unless they truly didn’t care about her, and all of Zornaya’s affection had been a ruse. Angelica shuddered.


“Yes,” Muertha said primly. “I thought you might have that reaction.”


“I am sorry, I didn’t know,” Angelica said softly. “He never told me.”


Muertha looked sour. “We have been engaged, practically since birth,” she sniffed. “And he’s chosen not to acknowledge it. Commander Aerdan has spent his entire life bedding wenches all around the kingdom,” she said. “He’s nothing but a rake. You should have known better than to become involved with him.”


Angelica buried her face in her hands and wept.


Muertha laughed. “Yes, I know how it feels,” she sneered, leaning close to the bars. Even from a few feet away, Angelica could smell her rotting breath and overwhelming floral perfume.


“Why did you bring me here,” Angelica whimpered. “Please, why can’t you release me?”


Muertha’s jaw dropped and she glared at Angelica. “You must be jesting,” she said. She tossed her head, showing off her pudgy neck. “You cannot believe that I would release you, just because you weren’t aware of Aerdan’s…prior commitments,” she said. She burst out laughing. “You’ll be lucky if we drag you to the desert and abandon you,” she said. “I hear death comes quickly under a scorching sun and hot sand.”


Angelica shuddered. “I haven’t done anything to you,” she cried. “Please, why are you doing this?”


Muertha stood up quickly, sending another sharp wave of disgusting perfume into the cell. “If you cannot figure that out, I have nothing to say to you,” she said. She glared at Angelica. “The important thing is that you’re away from Aerdan. Soon, we will wed.”


“And then will you release me,” Angelica begged. “Please, please, Muertha. Please let me go.”


Muertha’s lips curled into a sneer. “If you think I’d lift a finger to help you, you’re even more stupid than I thought,” she said. She strode out of the cell, swishing foul perfume behind her.


Angelica buried her face in her hands and cried. She cried until until her eyes were stinging and sore. The guard stood in his corner the whole time, not taking his eyes away from her. Part of Angelica hoped that the guard would approach her again. But when hours passed and he didn’t even budge, she sighed and leaned against the wall. Angelica closed her eyes and tried to sleep.


Maybe I can magic my way out of here, Angelica thought, hours later. She was tired and weary and starving, but powerful adrenaline coursed through her veins at the thought of escaping. She tried to concentrate, but each time her will fizzled out. It was almost like the dungeon itself repelled the little magic she knew.


When the stone door opened, Angelica didn’t even look up. It’s probably that bitch, Muertha, she thought angrily. Come back to taunt me about Aerdan, and how I was just another woman to sleep with.




The voice was deep and wizened. When Angelica looked up, she was shocked to see Namaya. Namaya walked closer, a ghastly green glow surrounding her frame. Namaya took her cloak off and draped it over a chair. Without it, she almost looked like an ordinary old woman. If it wasn’t for the deep, eerie glow in her eyes, she could have passed for a Zhekan peasant.


“Please let me go,” Angelica whimpered. “I just want to go home.”


Namaya pursed her wrinkled lips.


“I’m not a native of Zheka,” Angelica said. “I told Muertha the truth – that I was somehow spirited to this world from my own. I’m from New York City,” she added, her voice quavering.


“Silence, child,” Namaya said. She walked closer, twisting her bony fingers through the air. “’Tis not your place to speak to me in such insolent tones.”


Angelica swallowed. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I’m so thirsty. Please, some water.”


Namaya narrowed her poisonous green eyes. Angelica shuddered – the narrow pupils reminded her of a snake.


“I have no use for you, yet,” Namaya said. “But you will prove your assistance.”


Angelica stayed silent. “Please let me go,” she whimpered. “Please, just let me go home.”


Namaya waved her hand through the air and a cloud of mist appeared. Angelica gasped – the mist was filled with tiny thunderclouds and bolts of lightning. A stormy sea formed beneath the clouds and began to churn and wave – it looked so real that Angelica could practically smell the salt and feel the damp air kissing her face.


“There was a bad storm last night,” Namaya said dreamily. Her eyes began to glow brighter. “And someone, an unfortunate soul, was lost at sea.”


Angelica’s heart leapt into her throat as a small fishing vessel appeared on the stormy sea. A figure with dark brown hair and blue eyes clutched at the wood as wave after wave crashed down upon him.


Angelica gasped. “Aerdan!”


Namaya’s lips curled into a smile. “Yes,” she said softly. “Aerdan. I wonder what he was doing, all alone at sea by himself. Perhaps he was looking for someone.”


Angelica’s heart sank and she felt her stomach twist into a painful grip that felt like cramps. Nausea overwhelmed her and she knelt on the stone floor and retched until her throat stung. Acidic bile poured out of her mouth and onto the ground, filling the air with an acrid stench.


“Oh, perhaps I should have told you more gently,” Namaya said. She smiled wickedly and the vision of the stormy sea vanished. “Either way, Commander Aerdan was lost at sea.”


“No…” Angelica sniffled and suppressed a sob. “He can’t be dead! He can’t be!”


Namaya shrugged. “He may well be dead,” she replied. “And this is your fault, child. If you hadn’t bewitched the young Commander…”


“Don’t you dare blame this on me,” Angelica growled. “You came to Zheka and took me by force! You gave me no choice! It was either me, or the lives of the royal family!”


Namaya stared at her for a long time. “You have ruined everything,” she said simply. “And I will never release you. You will stay imprisoned under the castle of Glasule until you rot, or until Muertha decides on a fitting punishment for the woman who ruined her prospects of marriage.” Namaya smiled. “I am sure you are used to the peaceful ways of Zheka,” she said softly. “But here in Glasule, we opt for more…violent punishments.”


A shiver ran down Angelica’s spine but she didn’t back down. “Go ahead and kill me,” she said. “That’s what you really want, isn’t it?”


Namaya laughed. “Child, you don’t know the first thing about what I want,” she said. She got to her feet and swished out of the room.


Angelica sighed and leaned against the wall, feeling utterly defeated. She buried her face in her hands and bit her lip until she tasted blood. This is it, she realized. I wish I had told Aerdan how I really feel.


When she opened her eyes, she saw Namaya’s cloak, still hanging from the chair. Something shiny caught her eye and her heart leapt when she realized Namaya had forgotten a ring of keys. Sneaking a cautious glance at the guard, Angelica heaved a sigh of relief – the guard was slumped against the wall, spittle dribbling down his chin. His eyes were closed and if Angelica held her breath and listened, she could hear the faint sound of snores.


With trembling fingers, Angelica ripped at the hem of her dress. She tore the skirt into small strips, then knotted them together and formed a loop at one end. Crouching at the iron bars of her cell, she threw the rope out into the cell again and again, until the loop caught on the ring of keys and upended them to the floor.


Angelica’s lips curled into a smile. Finally, she thought. Maybe I have a chance after all!






The seas stormed and rolled, pitching the small boat from one foamy crest to the next. Aerdan gripped to the boat so tightly that his knuckles were white. His teeth were tightly clenched although he couldn’t help crying out in fear as the boat splintered and cracked apart like an egg, spilling its contents into the sea. Salt water blasted up Aerdan’s nose and mouth and he coughed violently until pain spread through his chest and he felt like he would pass out.


“No!” Aerdan screamed as the skies opened. The rain turned into a downpour, and soon it was coming so hard that Aerdan couldn’t see more than two feet in front of him. Aerdan was starting to feel exhausted and cold – a chill that penetrated his body to the core, a chill that made him think death was very nearly on the horizon.


Maybe dying won’t be so bad, Aerdan thought as he closed his eyes. A powerful wave tugged him under the surface of the water, pummeling him against the sandy ocean floor until his skin was scraped and his lungs were burning for want of air.


A ray of light shone down into the sea, a calming force that soothed Aerdan’s frayed nerves. Glancing up, he saw the waters of the sea part. Green light glowed, and Aerdan realized that he was about to be saved.


“Thank the gods,” Aerdan cried. Adrenaline flowed through his body and he felt some of his strength return. With all of his might, he kicked and thrashed and churned through the water, desperate to get close to the light. He could practically feel the light warming him, and he knew that it wouldn’t be long before he was safe. The boat was in wooden fragments around him, but Aerdan clung desperately to the fallen mast of the ship as the ray of light lifted him higher and higher into the air.


As Aerdan’s body left the sea, he realized he was floating up to the sky. The storm clouds had lifted and while the seas were still stormy, they were beginning to calm. When he saw the grounds of Zheka, he gasped.


I’m almost home, Aerdan thought triumphantly. I made it! I’m alive! But when he tried to move towards the castle, he found that he was paralyzed. He couldn’t move –he could only continue drifting up, up, up, towards the heavens above.


Aerdan groaned. I must have had one hell of a night with Huen and Baelan, he thought, groping for a pillow. When his fingers closed around dry, gritty sand, his eyelids flew open.


Oh, gods, Aerdan realized. I’m on…the beach? He sat up and rubbed his eyes with his sandy hands. The sea gleamed a brilliant shade of blue before him, and Aerdan swallowed. His throat was dry – just the sight of the massive body of water before him was enough to make him desperately thirsty. Aerdan licked his dry, chapped lips and looked around, trying to figure out what had happened. As soon as he saw the immense black castle, the previous night came crashing back to him.


I’m in Glasule, Aerdan realized. He sniffed and wiped his face on his sleeve. I made it.


Aerdan stood up and stretched. There was no sign of the boat, or the previous night’s storm. The beach was uniform and beautiful, and the water glittered placidly. Waves gently rolled along the shore, revealing gleaming shells.


Aside from the distant guards parading around the castle walls, Aerdan couldn’t see a single person in sight. While he knew that was likely for the best, he couldn’t help feeling chilled. Aerdan had never been to Glasule before, and now he was starting to realize it was nothing like Zheka. The landscape was similar – beautiful grass, beach, and sea – but the atmosphere was different. It felt chilly and oppressive, like being trapped in a nightmare.


Aerdan got to his feet and stretched. His joints ached and his head throbbed, but he knew that he’d have to act quickly in order to sneak into the castle. Thankfully, his clothes were mostly intact. He was missing a patch of cloth on his trousers, but his shirt was fine, albeit rather sandy. After brushing himself off, Aerdan went to the edge of the water and rinsed his face with a few handfuls of salty water. The water felt blessedly cool against his skin. The urge to drink was intense, but Aerdan knew he couldn’t drink salt water – after ingesting so much of the sea the night before, he felt faintly nauseous.


A loud bell sounded from the castle. Aerdan jumped at the sound. When he turned around, it didn’t appear that anything had changed. But then Aerdan watched as a drawbridge lowered slowly into the air, the chains creaking and shrieking even from hundreds of feet away. Shuddering, Aerdan darted off towards the edge of the wood. I’ll hide until dark, he thought. Maybe I can find some fresh water or food in the woods. Then, as soon as the sun has gone, I’ll sneak into the castle.


Aerdan moved quickly through the woods, doing his best to keep his feet from crunching on the twigs and dead leaves underfoot. He kept to the trees, darting behind the biggest ones he could find before moving on. While Queen Zornaya had warned Aerdan about Glasule, he didn’t see how things were so bad. Sometimes he’d catch the sound of children cheering and yelling. They are a different land, but not inferior, Aerdan thought to himself as he moved through the woods. I bet if it wasn’t for that witch, Namaya, Glasule would be a very lovely place, indeed.


The sound of fresh water babbling and streaming made Aerdan’s gut twist from hunger and thirst. If only I hadn’t lost my stupid flask in the shipwreck! Aerdan moved closer and closer, staying cautious. When a twig snapped under his foot, Aerdan froze.


Giggles and laughter sounded from the clearing and Aerdan swallowed. He pressed himself to the tree trunk and listened. Cautiously stepping forward, he heard splashing and taunting. Aerdan looked around and saw a small lake. Three young men were diving and splashing one another, their clothes thrown carelessly on the shore.


Aerdan realized that they must be from Glasule. For a moment, he almost pitied them – it was like watching a mirror of himself, Baelan, and Huen at play. Then he realized that if he could somehow steal their clothes, it would give him easier access to the castle. Sneaking forward, Aerdan dropped to his hands and knees and crawled silently along the ground. His heart was pounding the whole time – he knew that if he was apprehended, the men would drag him to the castle kicking and screaming. But they were seemingly occupied with dunking each other in the lake. Aerdan reached the piles of clothing and stole a pair of leather breeches as well as a finely-woven silk shirt and a leather purse containing heavy golden coins.


As soon as the clothes were in his hands, Aerdan darted away. In the safety of the woods, he changed quickly, discarding his own clothes high in the trunk of a tree. The sun was directly overhead and Aerdan was sweating and panting by the time he reached the edge of the wood. It seemed dreadful to have to wait until sundown to sneak into the castle…besides, now that he was disguised, Aerdan thought that he’d be able to saunter in and pretend like he knew what he was doing. He puffed out his chest and kept his head held high as he strolled across the green lawn and closer to the castle.


The closer Aerdan got to the castle, the more nervous he felt. He hated himself for feeling something other than bravery. Angelica was brave, Aerdan realized as he quickened his pace. She was selfless, and brave, and gave herself up even though she had no idea what would happen to her. He shuddered – what if she was bound and gagged in the dungeons below the castle, wasting away? I’ll do anything to save her, Aerdan decided firmly.


The drawbridge was still down by the time Aerdan reached the castle gates. As he strode across the wooden planks, he glanced down into the sheer pools of water that formed the moat. Large animals with huge, toothy jaws snapped their teeth at him and Aerdan shuddered. He couldn’t imagine having anything like that in Zheka. The Zhekan castle had defenses, but nothing so crude, nothing so violent!


Thank the gods I don’t have to marry into this kingdom, Aerdan thought. He passed by a guard and held his head high, walking like he knew exactly where he was going. Predictably, the guard ignored him.


As Aerdan made it into the main grounds of Glasule, his confidence began to grow. I’ve got this, Aerdan thought as he strolled into the inner grounds of the castle. Unlike Zheka, there were no signs or directions. Aerdan sat for a second and watched the people milling around. He noticed the people in shabbier clothing headed one way and the people in finer clothing went the other. After a few minutes of watching, he felt confident enough to follow a gathering of young women in fine silk dresses. They’re all as ugly as Muertha, Aerdan thought as he trailed behind him, rolling his eyes at their trivial gossip and complaints.


“You there!”


Aerdan’s heart skipped a beat as a guard thundered loudly. He can’t be talking to me, Aerdan thought. I look like I belong here. Knowing it was better if he didn’t look scared or distracted, Aerdan held himself high and strolled on, puffing his chest and swaggering his hips like a cocky prince.


“Stop! You, sir!”


Aerdan kept walking. He sped up, increasing his pace until he was past the group of tittering women.


Loud footsteps thundered behind him and Aerdan’s palms began to sweat. Almost there, almost there, he promised himself. I’ll be past all the guards soon and inside the castle, then I just have to find Angelica!


“I said stop!”


The blow to the back of Aerdan’s shoulder caught him off guard and he went tumbling down into the dirt. The group of young women paused and turned, laughing hysterically as Aerdan brushed dirt from his leather trousers.


“Sorry,” Aerdan mumbled. “Must’ve—“


“Shut up, you,” the guard growled. With surprising strength, the guard reached down and grabbed Aerdan by the scruff of his neck, hauling him to his feet. The group of women tittered and laughed, covering their mouths with pudgy hands.


“Hey,” Aerdan said indignantly. “What do you think you’re doing? I’m a royal cousin,” he said cockily. “Get your hands off me!”


The guard narrowed his eyes. “I do not believe you. Who is your father?”


“Um, Lord Farque,” Aerdan said. “Of the Gabled Lakes.”


“I have never heard of that man,” the guard said suspiciously. Behind his dull eyes, Aerdan could practically see his brain churning.


“He’s married to my mother, Lady Beckings,” Aerdan lied. “Of the famed beauty.”


The guard glared. “Enough of your insolence, peasant! Back to the fields with you!”


“Anyone can tell I’m an educated man,” Aerdan snapped. “Do I look like a peasant to you?”


The guard pointed down at the tattooed blue bands around Aerdan’s arm. “Only peasants are marked,” he said. “Come with me.”


The group of women burst out laughing as the guard grabbed Aerdan and tugged him away from the entrance to the castle. Aerdan’s heart sank as the guard wrenched open a door and started taking him down a dark staircase made of stone. White lime streaked the walls and Aerdan didn’t have to look around for long before he realized he was being carted to the dungeons.


Now I’ve gone and done it, Aerdan thought miserably. The guard shifted on the stairs, yanking Aerdan into place.


“Show your Mistress respect!”


“What?” Aerdan looked up. When he saw whom the guard was speaking of, he gasped.


Angelica stood before him, looking tired and hungry. She wore a magnificent white silken cloak, clasped around her throat with a gleaming green gem. When she saw Aerdan, her dark eyes went wide. Her cheeks were streaked with dirt and grime, and her hair was greasy, but she looked alive and well – wonderfully alive.


“Release this man,” Angelica said in a regal voice Aerdan had never heard her use before. His head began to spin in confusion as the guard lifted him into the air and carefully peered into his face.


“Mistress, this man was lying,” the guard grunted. “He said he was a royal cousin! He’s nothing more than a peasant. I am taking him to the dungeons so that he may learn the error of his ways!”


“That may be,” Angelica countered. “But I wish for this man to be released. He is my servant, don’t you know? He is of great use to me. In the dungeons, he will rot.”


What in the name of the gods is happening, Aerdan wondered nervously. He glanced from the guard to Angelica, searching her face for clues. Despite her slightly bewildered look, he found nothing that clued him in. Was she from Glasule all along? What’s she doing here, and why is she dressed like that? But her face is dirty, so something must have happened…but why did they let her go? What’s going on?


Aerdan’s mind was spinning in such rapid circles that he felt like he would be sick.


“I said, release him.” Angelica’s voice was strong and powerful. “He is mine.”


The guard gave Aerdan one final look before shrugging and dropping him to the ground. Aerdan crashed painfully hard on the stairs but he scrambled to his feet and looked at Angelica in wonder.


“What’s going—“


“Hush,” Angelica said serenely. She held up her hand and licked her lips. “Come with me, servant,” she said. “We are to go to my chamber at once.”


Aerdan followed behind Angelica as she led him up to the main grounds of the castle. He wasn’t sure what to expect – would she lead him to Muertha and reveal that they had been working together all along? Would she take him to Namaya?


Aerdan shivered.


“Do not be afraid,” Angelica said quietly. As the pair emerged into the sunshine, she pulled her hood over her head and began gliding across the ground with astonishing grace. Nearly each person they passed bowed or curtseyed to Angelica. She dipped her head at all of them, but didn’t linger. She didn’t speak to anyone besides Aerdan, or the various guards that stepped aside to let her pass.


It took Aerdan a few minutes to realize that no one was looking at him – it was almost as if their eyes slid from Angelica to the next person, without even seeing him. It’s like I’m invisible, he realized. What is she doing? How is she controlling all of them like that?


Angelica led Aerdan to the drawbridge. After ordering the guard to lower the bridge, Angelica began walking across it.


“I’m gathering herbs,” she called over her shoulder. “You can raise the gate. I will call to you when I’ve returned.”


The guard bowed low in a sign of respect. He cranked the bridge down with his enormous shoulders, and Angelica led the way, away from the castle of Glasule, into the bright freedom and sun of the day.


When they were away from the castle, Aerdan grabbed Angelica by the shoulder and pulled her close. He stared deeply into her dark eyes.


“What’s going on,” Aerdan demanded. “Are you taking me home to kill my family? Have you been working with Namaya? With Muertha?”


Angelica narrowed her eyes. “You must have a really low opinion of me,” she said. She sniffed. “I can’t tell you right now, just come with me,” she added. “Come on, faster. The faster the better,” she added, quickening her pace to a graceful trot.


Aerdan kept silent as Angelica led him to the stables. While she spoke to the stable boy, Aerdan hung behind. Minutes later, the stable boy emerged with two horses, saddled and ready to go.


“Assist me, please,” Angelica said. Aerdan linked his hands and held them in front of his body so she could mount her ride. As soon as Angelica was settled in her saddle, she nodded for Aerdan to climb astride his own horse.


Angelica set the pace at a fast canter towards the woods. Once she slowed down, she pulled the hood off her head.


“I stole this,” she said triumphantly. “Namaya left it in the dungeon.”


Aerdan’s jaw dropped. “How…how were you able to get out?”


Angelica shrugged. “I ripped my dress,” she said. She lifted the hem of the cloak and showed Aerdan the ragged bottom of her dress. “The guard fell asleep.”




“You can’t believe it?” Angelica laughed. “Have a little faith, Aerdan. Namaya bewitched this cloak herself. The guards saw me as her,” she added. “Besides, this didn’t hurt.” She reached into a pocket of the cloak and pulled out a small green stone that glowed in the palm of her hand. Angelica winced. “I don’t know what this is,” she said softly. “But it hurts whenever I touch it. I thought I could ask your mother.”


Aerdan sighed. The strain of the past twenty-four hours was wearing on him heavily, but the love and relief flooding his body were more powerful than anything else he’d ever felt. Before he could even think about what he was doing, he slid off his horse and walked to Angelica’s. Scooping Angelica up in his arms, he lifted her down and kissed her passionately. Angelica moaned softly and pulled Aerdan close.


“I thought you were dead,” Angelica said softly. “I was so afraid.”


Aerdan nodded seriously. “I thought I’d never be able to find you,” he said. “But I knew I had to try.”


Angelica slipped a hand into Aerdan’s and squeezed.


“Let’s go home,” Aerdan said. He grinned. “I bet Mother will throw me a banquet.”


Angelica rolled her eyes. “Is food all you ever think about?”


Aerdan kissed her gently. “Not all,” he said. He winked. “I can think of one thing in particular that sounds even better.”


Angelica flushed. “Come on,” she said. “We need to get moving – it won’t be long before Namaya discovers what I’ve done.”


Aerdan grinned. As far as he was concerned, everything had turned out perfectly.






Angelica and Aerdan were barely over the Zhekan border before they were met with a huge party of soldiers, carriages, and the royal couple. Queen Zornaya leapt out of her carriage and threw her arms around Aerdan before slapping him sharply across the face.


“How dare you worry me like that!” Zornaya said angrily. She turned to Angelica and her anger melted. Zornaya pulled the girl into a tight hug until Angelica felt like she couldn’t breathe.


“I’m so sorry,” Angelica said. “I didn’t mean for Aerdan to come after me.”


Zornaya laughed wearily. “Child, I could not have stopped him with a thousand horses,” she said. “I’m just so relieved that the both of you are safe and sound back in Zheka.”


Angelica nodded. She yawned – suddenly, the strain of her ordeal was beginning to take a heavy toll on her.


“Come, child, to the castle,” Zornaya said. She wrapped an arm around Angelica. “And after the two of you are rested, we will feast. It’s not every day that my only son does me so proudly.”


Aerdan was still rubbing the sore spot on his cheek. “You didn’t have to hit me so hard,” he said sourly.


“You’ve had worse,” Zornaya said pleasantly. “Now, to the castle.”


Aerdan and Angelica rode together in a carriage, sending their horses to the royal stable with a page. Angelica barely had the energy to think, much less speak. But once she was alone with Aerdan and there was no danger of Glasule, she licked her lips.


“Aerdan…who is Muertha?”


Aerdan laughed humorlessly. “A wench of Glasule,” he said. “Someone I was ordered to marry…if I couldn’t find a bride in my own realm.”


“Oh,” Angelica said softly. She shifted as the carriage rumbled over a bumpy patch of dirt. “She…she told me that I ruined everything for her, that I was responsible for ruining her prospects.”


“That isn’t true,” Aerdan said. He sighed. “I’m sure the king and queen of Glasule hoped I’d marry her. After all, I’m due to take a bride very soon.”


Angelica nodded. “I know,” she said quietly.


“I’m so very sorry you had to go through that,” Aerdan said. He sighed. “I should have protected you. I should have fought Namaya before you could give yourself up.”


“No,” Angelica said. “The lives of your whole family were at stake, Aerdan. I know exactly why you didn’t.”


“What you did was very brave,” Aerdan said.


As the carriage rolled slowly towards the castle, Aerdan told Angelica of how everyone in the kingdom was mourning her.


“They are going to be so pleased to find you are alive,” Aerdan finished. “And I am, too,” he added. He reached for Angelica’s hand and squeezed tightly. “I was so frightened that I wouldn’t find you in good spirits.”


Angelica wanted to laugh, but she didn’t have the energy. “I can’t believe a whole kingdom is mourning me,” she said softly. “Back home, in New York…I bet the only people who care are my friends.” She shrugged.


“What of your family, lady?”


Angelica bit her lip. “My parents died when I was in college,” she said. “A car crash. I was an only child.”


“Perhaps you will allow my family to be your family as well,” Aerdan said slowly. “I know my mother has grown quite fond of you.”


Angelica’s cheeks flushed and she bit her lip. “Perhaps,” she said softly.


The carriage rumbled to a stop. The people of Zheka had gathered around the castle and they cheered and clapped loudly as guards escorted Angelica and Aerdan to their respective chambers. For a moment, Angelica debated asking Aerdan if she could accompany him. But a huge yawn made her feel weak and tired. There’s time to talk with him later, she thought as she slipped out of Namaya’s cloak and the shreds of her muslin dress. The sheets on her bed were cool and soft, and soon, she was in a deep sleep.


When Angelica woke up, the sky was pitch dark. The sea outside of Zheka was calm and rolling, and she opened her window for a fresh breeze as she dressed. The castle was bellowing with the laughter and cheer of the Zhekan people. Angelica felt a small thrill rush through her body as she soaped at her wash-stand.


A loud knock at the door made Angelica jump.


“Just a moment,” she called. “I’ll be right there.”


With trembling fingers, Angelica pulled on a new silk gown – a gift from Queen Zornaya. It was dark blue. The deep color against her pale skin was beautiful – even Angelica had to admit that she thought she looked nice.


When Angelica opened the door to her chamber, she was surprised to see Aerdan.


“Come to escort me to the feast?”


Aerdan’s blue eyes were glittering with lust and admiration. When he spoke, his voice was deep and husky.


“No, lady,” Aerdan said. He stepped into her chamber and then shut the door behind him, locking it tightly.


Angelica felt arousal coil in her lower belly. For a moment, she and Aerdan stared at each other, their eyes locked in a mutual passion. Then they moved together and Angelica closed her eyes as Aerdan’s lips trailed a passionate row of kisses down her neck and the bodice of her gown.


“I was just dressed,” Angelica moaned as Aerdan’s hands slid under her gown and caressed her bare legs. “What about the feast? We’ll be late,” she added, her eyes rolling back in her head as Aerdan crushed her to his chest and kissed her deeply.


“The gods may have the feast,” Aerdan growled. Slipping one arm under Angelica’s body, he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down on the mattress. Angelica moaned softly as Aerdan lay on top of her, kissing her deeply. His tongue probed the inner hidden places of her mouth and she spread her legs and arched her back underneath her lover.


“Oh,” Angelica moaned. Aerdan straddled her, pushing her into the bed with his powerful bulk. In the dim light, his blue eyes flashed like sapphires. Aerdan tangled his hands in Angelica’s hair and gently tugged at her scalp, pulling her chin up and exposing her delicate neck. When Angelica felt Aerdan’s lips and teeth on her sensitive skin, she moaned and writhed beneath him.


“I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you,” Aerdan growled. He pulled at the laces to Angelica’s gown, tugging the delicate silk away from her body. Underneath she only wore a garment of sheer cotton. Angelica’s nipples were stiff under the fabric and when Aerdan lowered his mouth to her breasts and began to suck, she thought she would explode with pleasure. Lust and arousal crawled through her, mingling with the adrenaline and desperation she felt having been faced with the prospect of never seeing Aerdan again. When Aerdan wrapped his arm under her body and pulled her up, Angelica peeled the silk gown from her arms and locked eyes with her lover.


“I missed you so desperately,” Angelica gasped. “I had to find you, Aerdan.”


Aerdan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and kissing her deeply. Angelica ran her hands over his smooth, muscular body – underneath his own silk clothing, he felt as lithe and powerful as a tiger. She closed her eyes and lowered her face to his neck, nipping and kissing at the deeply tanned skin. Aerdan groaned with pleasure. Angelica ran her hands over his leggings, gently rubbing the bulk at the fork of his legs. The thought of his hard manhood filling her made her gasp with pleasure and soon, Angelica was fumbling at the laces to Aerdan’s loose trousers.


Aerdan gently pushed Angelica back down on the bed. He ripped the delicate cotton away from her chest and lowered his face to her nipples, where he began to suck and lick. Angelica went wild. She arched her back and moaned, writhing under Aerdan’s powerful body. As eagerly as she could, she pulled the rest of her silk dress away from her body and tossed it to the side. Being naked underneath Aerdan felt completely natural and soon, Angelica was begging for him to touch her most secret place.


“Please,” Angelica whimpered. She took Aerdan’s large hand and moved it down her bare body, gently rubbing her lower belly and sliding his fingers between her legs. As Aerdan gently probed and stroked her, Angelica spread her legs and buried her face in the pillows to keep from shrieking with pleasure. She could feel Aerdan’s thumb stroking long, delicious circles around her hardened nub of pleasure and she knew that her skin was bright red with the intense arousal she felt. She no longer cared how she looked – the pleasure inside of her body was driving her wild.


“I need you,” Aerdan growled. He pulled his tunic away, and then stepped out of his silken leggings. With his hard manhood protruding from his body, Angelica was having a difficult time controlling her lust. She shivered in anticipation as Aerdan crawled on the bed. Spreading her legs, she waited for him to mount her.


Instead, Aerdan shook his head. He gave Angelica a playful grin.


“Come here,” Aerdan said. He reclined on his back, his manhood bobbing in the air. Angelica blushed hotly as Aerdan took her by the hand and guided her on top of him, until she was riding him astride.


As Aerdan’s manhood slowly slid into Angelica, she threw her head back and moaned. The tips of her dark hair brushed against her sweaty back and she began to grind and rock her hips. Aerdan put his hands to her breasts, gently pinching and rolling her nipples between his fingers as she rode him. Angelica began to moan. She leaned forward and braced herself against Aerdan’s strong chest, bucking hard. Sweat dripped from her face as the explosively delicious sensations built in her lower belly. When her orgasm hit, she was surprised by the intensity. Amazing sensations gripped her and she could barely remember to breathe. Aerdan grabbed her by the hips and began moving her harder on top of his stiff member. Even as her orgasm slowed, Angelica felt nothing but intense pleasure as Aerdan moved his body beneath hers, brushing her most sensitive area with his pubic bone.


“Gods,” Aerdan cried, closing his eyes and groaning. He bucked his chest and shoved his hips high into the air, driving deeper and deeper inside of Angelica’s body. Grabbing Angelica’s hands, he pulled her body down on top of his under her stiff nipples were rubbing against his smooth chest. When he exploded inside of her, Angelica felt the most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced. Soon, she was coming for a second time and they bucked and gasped and moved together in a frenzy of passion.


Angelica lay against Aerdan, breathing hard. He pushed her sweaty bangs away from her eyes and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head with a sweaty mouth.


Angelica sighed with happiness. After a few seconds, she slid off of Aerdan and curled up next to him, fitting her head in the hollow of his shoulder and draping her arm across his perfect body.


“That was amazing,” Angelica said. She sighed happily again and nuzzled Aerdan’s neck, enjoying the musky fragrance emanating from his body. Pushing a hand into his dark, sweaty hair, she propped herself up on an elbow and stared deeply into his sapphire eyes.


“And they say only women in Zheka get to experience magic,” Aerdan joked. The two laughed quietly for a moment, then faded into a comfortable silence.


The sweat on Angelica’s body began to cool and she pulled the sheet over herself.


“Shouldn’t we dress? Go to the feast?”


Aerdan grinned. He rolled on his belly and winked at her. “I have a secret,” he said. “I ordered two platters to be brought up…right about now.”


Angelica flushed. “You’re awfully cocky,” she said. “How did you know I wouldn’t tell you to wait?”


Aerdan shrugged. “I didn’t,” he said. “Just a lucky guess.”


Angelica smiled happily. “Well, you were right,” she said softly.


Aerdan stroked her hair. “Angelica, if I may ask, how do you feel about me?”


There it was. The question she’d been waiting to hear ever since the first mention of marriage had happened. The question she’d been waiting to respond to ever since Muertha had spelled things out for her in grim, unpleasant terms.


Angelica licked her lips. “I’m falling in love with you, Aerdan,” she said quietly. “But I don’t think that I’m ready for marriage yet.” Her heart squeezed and tears came to her eyes. “If you…if you have to marry someone else, I understand.”


Aerdan grinned. He pulled Angelica close and kissed her deeply. “No,” he said. “Angelica, I don’t want anyone but you. Until I met you, I’ve never known love.” He swallowed. “But, that being said…I, too, am not ready for marriage. I don’t think that I am ready to settle down and stay at the castle. I find I yearn for more excitement and adventure.”


Angelica sighed with relief. “Nor should I think you’re all that eager about fighting six men just to win me.” She blushed. “Not that I’m planning on asking you to do that, or anything,” she added quickly. “I could never see another show again and be quite happy about it.”


Aerdan chuckled, faking offense. “No,” he said. “But, for you, I would win,” he added, puffing his chest out.


Angelica burst out laughing. “There’s a surprise for you, too,” she said softly. Climbing out of bed, she pulled Namaya’s cloak around herself, giggling when Aerdan groaned.


“Don’t deprive me of the sight of your body,” Aerdan said.


“Trust me, you’ll want to see this,” Angelica replied. She reached into the pockets and pulled out vast handfuls of golden coins, dropping them on the bed.


Aerdan’s jaw dropped. “What? How? What…what is this?”


“I guess her pockets were bewitched,” Angelica said. “I didn’t even notice until I was out of the castle, but this was all inside of her cloak.” She swallowed. “It’s enough for a ship,” she said. “A ship of our own…one that could carry us across the seas on our adventures.”


Aerdan blinked. “You want to do that?”


Angelica grinned. “I do,” she said. “Maybe then I can find some clues about how to get back home, you know – if I ever feel like going back to New York.”


Aerdan grinned. “Come here,” he said. He pulled Angelica close and kissed her deeply. “You’re wonderful,” Aerdan said. “I wouldn’t want to adventure with anyone but you.”


Angelica snuggled happily into the arms of her lover. “I know exactly what you mean,” she murmured drowsily.




Namaya stood at her table, leaning over her scrying glass and waving her fingers in the misty surface. Her green eyes glowed with hatred and evil as she parted the clouds. When she saw a beautiful castle surrounded by blue seas and green fields, her eyes narrowed into tiny, angry slits.


Curse them, Namaya thought as she leaned closer, making the castle bigger. The Zhekan castle was decorated for the feast of a hero. Gold and red flags flew from each parapet, and Namaya could hear the sound of cheering crowds from where she stood. Hatred and evil swelled in her heart. For a few moments, she was silent. Then, with all her might, she smashed the scrying glass to the floor. The bowl shattered into a million tiny little pieces. Some of the glass pierced Namaya’s bare feet, but she no longer felt pain.

She had not felt pain in hundreds of years.


At least, not physical pain.


“They have tricked me,” Namaya said to her familiar, Eris, a large black cat perched on the floor. “They have deceived me! And that damnable wench, that girl! Stole my cloak and the stone!”


Eris blinked at his mistress with big yellow eyes.


“I will not rest until they are both destroyed,” Namaya vowed, taking a knife from the folds of her robes and stalking to the hearth. Despite the warm weather, a large blaze roared against the iron grate. Namaya took a handful of potent herbs from the mantle and tossed them into the flames. Soon, the room was filled with a thick green smoke.


Namaya held her hand over the fire and sliced her palm with the knife, dripping blood onto the flames. A musky, warm scent filled the room and clouded her head. Soon, her eyes glazed over with white and she crumpled to the floor, deep in a trance.


As the evil sorceress of Glasule lay twitching on the floor, dark clouds filled the sky and the sea began to froth and twist.


They will pay for their transgressions. I will not rest until their souls have been ripped into a thousand pieces.





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