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Baker's Bob (River's End Ranch #16) by Kirsten Osbourne (7)

Chapter Seven


Miranda groaned as she fought to get out of her sleep fog. It was only Tuesday. Christmas week was wonderful for the guests, but difficult for the employees at times. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to stay awake all day if she didn’t get more sleep than she had!

Forty minutes later, she was dressed and unlocking the door to the bakery. She scooped up her gift on her way in, having no doubt it was another charm for her bracelet. Whoever her Secret Santa was, he was predictable. He hadn’t missed a day yet. Though she did wonder how he’d known where she lived to deliver gifts on Sunday…

No matter. Whoever he was, he obviously wasn’t malicious. She was pretty sure the gifts were coming from Matt. He’d commented on the bracelet and his eyes always seemed to go to it when he walked into the bakery. She wanted it to be from Bob, of course, but Bob…what did Bob really know about women? She now completely believed he’d been telling the truth when he’d said he was fighting with her about the number of chocolate chips to give her some attention. Only Bob!

She got inside, and she opened the small gift, smiling when she found a tiny little bug. She had no idea what it was. It looked a little like a beetle? Or…wait…was it a chigger? She held it up to her face to look closer, but she realized she had no idea what a chigger looked like.

She grabbed her phone and googled it, comparing the small charm with the insect she’d talked to Bob and only Bob about. But Jaclyn knew…was there a chance Jaclyn had mentioned to someone else that she was obsessed with the bug?

Maybe it was Bob leaving these sweet gifts, but she couldn’t know…not yet anyway. Hopefully her Secret Santa would reveal himself. For now, she put the bug back into its box and put the box into her purse. She had to get her mind off Bob and albino brain chiggers. She had to work, after all.

Her bakery was swamped all day. A little girl came in with her mother as soon as she opened. “I want some muffins. I had a lot of fun last night,” she said shyly. “The cookies were fun.”

Miranda guessed the girl was four or five. “What kind of muffin? I have orange, blueberry, and mixed berry today.”

The little girl frowned, obviously thinking about the momentous decision in front of her. “Orange,” she finally said. “I’m Gabriella.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Do you want one muffin or two?”

“Four,” the little girl responded.

Her mother shook her head. “She’ll have two. And I’ll have three mixed berries, and her dad would like four blueberry.”

“Sounds good to me. If you haven’t tried Kelsey’s Kafé for breakfast yet, you should. Bob is an amazing cook.”

“Isn’t Bob the man who was helping you last night?” the mother asked.

Miranda nodded, blushing slightly, but pretending not to notice. “He was.”

“Something’s going on there?”

Miranda shrugged. “We’ve gone out a few times. He’s a good guy.”

“I’ve heard something about legendary fights about the number of chocolate chips in cookies. That was the two of you, right?”

“Yeah. That was Bob’s way of telling me he was interested, apparently. The man needs lessons in how to treat a lady.”

The mom laughed. “Well, the rumors have been fun to listen to. I hope you and Bob are on the ranch for a very long time. We love his cooking, and we love the event you put together last night.” She paid for the muffins and raised her hand in a wave. “Will we see you tonight at the snowmobile races?”

Miranda nodded. “I’ll be there with Bob. We’re not participating, but it will be fun to watch!”

As they left, she heard a text message come into her phone and since the bakery was quiet for a moment, she picked it up. The text was from Bob, and she smiled as she tapped his name to read the text. Dinner before the snowmobile races? I can bring something to your place right after work.

She smiled, tapping the screen quickly. Sounds good. I will need to nap after dinner, but I can’t miss the races. She stifled a yawn, surprised she’d been able to stay on her feet.

Wade walked into the bakery next, smiling at her. “Our first annual cookie decorating was a huge success. I’m so glad you suggested it!”

“I’m thrilled you think so! It was a lot more work than I thought it would be, but I’m pleased with how it turned out.”

“Who helped you with the cookies? I know you gave me a list of people last night, but it was quick and I didn’t get all the names.” Wade pulled out his phone, ready to tap in the information.

Miranda looked at Wade for a moment, surprised at how stressed out he looked. His usually neat hair looked as if he’d been running his fingers through it, and his skin color was a bit off. “You okay?”

Wade nodded. “Holidays are kind of stressful around here. Who helped?”

“Bob helped me with getting all of my normal Monday baking done on Sunday.”

“Bob Blakely?” He looked at her curiously. “I’m hearing rumors about the two of you spending a lot of time together. Any truth to that?”

Miranda blushed. “A little. Anyway, then Pastor Kevin and Bridget both helped all day yesterday, and Bridget called in Glen’s wife Kaya, and she came in and helped as well.”

He nodded as he finished putting the information into his phone. “Have the guests in charge of the feast on Sunday contacted you yet? They may need some ingredients for their pies. We always provide them with what they need.”

“They haven’t, but they can have anything of course.”

Wade looked into her display case. “I’ve been hearing rumors about your orange muffins. Any left?”

Miranda smiled, immediately reaching into the case to remove two muffins and put them into a bag. She didn’t comment on the fact that she’d only been open for twenty minutes. Of course she had some left! “Here you go.”

“Thank you! The guests love you. I think we’re going to have to talk about getting you an outfit like Heidi’s and making you work in costume every day.”

Miranda had felt that was coming, so she didn’t protest. “Just so we can wait until after the holidays.”

He laughed. “Absolutely. No more upgrades ’til after the holidays.”

“Good! I guess it’s all quiet on the parent-front for a while then?”

“For this week.” He sighed. “I just wish they’d trust us to make all the right decisions for the ranch. We’ve lived here our whole lives, and this ranch means everything.” He frowned at her. “I don’t usually talk about that. I’m leaving so I don’t say anything else I shouldn’t.”

Miranda smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I’m pretty good about keeping secrets.”

“Good! See you tonight!” He hurried out the door, Miranda watching him. He seemed off.

Miranda dug into the freezer and took out some dough she’d frozen in chunks for today. She’d been preparing for Christmas week for months, knowing that everything would be hectic when it finally arrived. Putting dough across several cookie sheets, she started the process of baking the cookies for the races that night. They’d have hot chocolate and cookies as they watched the races.

In between the batches of cookies, she helped so many people. When Pastor Kevin came in shortly after lunch, he was amazed at the line she had. Instead of getting in the line, he walked around the counter, washed his hands, and put on an apron. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Go do the baking. I’ve got this.”

Miranda nodded, relieved. She hadn’t realized the sheer number of people who would be clamoring for more of her baking after the successful event of the previous evening. Maybe they should do that kind of thing more often, so people would realize the bakery was there, rather than just stumbling on it.

By the time she was finished with the cookies, and had them boxed up, it was almost time to close. She hurried to the front, where there was still a short line. “Are you okay?” she asked the pastor.

Pastor Kevin nodded. “I’ve got this. If you need to prep something for tomorrow, do it. I can handle this.”

Miranda hated asking him to do that, but he was right. She needed to do a few more things before the following day.

When she locked the door after the last customer, she sighed with relief, looking at the pastor. “I think they liked my baking.”

He laughed. “I know they did. You were busy last night and didn’t hear all the people exclaiming about how excited they were there was a bakery on the grounds.”

“We’ve been here almost a year!”

“You were here at this time last year from what I understand, but didn’t you wait until January first to open? These are people who come every year, but the bakery is new to them.”

Miranda smiled. “I guess I’m on the map now!” She took the apron he handed her. “I’ll count the money and close up shop. Thank you so much for your help today.”

“I was walking toward the church, and I saw a line out the door. I figured you might need a bit of help.”

“You were right. Make sure to tell Wade how long you worked today.”

Pastor Kevin shrugged.

“You do tell Wade when you help people, don’t you?” Miranda shook her head. “You have a right to be paid for the work you do!”

“I don’t need more money. I just like to help people. It’s part of being a pastor. Now, I’m going to go home to my beautiful wife for a little while before the snowmobile races.”

“Tell Bridget hi for me.”

“I will!” He raised his hand in a wave and headed out the door.

When Miranda sat down and counted out the money, she realized that she’d pulled in what she usually made in two weeks in a single day. No wonder she was exhausted. There was little left in the refrigerator. She’d have to get up early tomorrow to get extra prepared. Next year she’d know better, but this year...Christmas was kicking her butt!

When she finally got to her house, she remembered Bob was meeting her there. She parked her VW next to his Jeep, and hurried to his vehicle, knocking on the window. She wasn’t at all surprised to see that he was sleeping. “I’m so sorry. Today was super busy. Now that people know there’s a bakery on the ranch, they’re lining up around the building. Pastor Kevin saved my derriere.”

“I’m so glad. It’s one of my favorite parts of you.”

Miranda blushed, shocked that he’d say that. “Bob!”

He laughed. “I brought supper. Let’s eat something!”

She glanced at the time on her phone and realized it was half an hour later than she usually got home. She’d have to eat quickly if she was going to be able to nap for as long as she needed to. Hurrying to let Cinnamon out, she waved her hand toward the kitchen. “You know where everything is. Go ahead and set the table. I’ll be right back.”

Bob went to the kitchen and got out plates for the chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes he’d made at the café. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said as she walked back in.

Miranda nodded, sitting down at the table. “I didn’t even have a chance for lunch I was so busy today. Thank God for Pastor Kevin!” She sighed. “I’m going to have to go in early tomorrow, because they absolutely cleaned me out.”

“Wow. You already get there at three.”

She nodded. “Yeah.” She hid a yawn behind her hand. “I’m going to remember this next year, and I won’t be caught unprepared again.”

“I’ll meet you there at three. Four hands are better than two.”

“You already have to get up super early. I can’t ask you to do that.”

“I don’t have to be at the café until four. I can help you for an hour before I have to go in. It means I get to have you for the evening if I’m willing to help you in the morning.”

She smiled, slipping her hand into his. “You’d have me tonight anyway. I’m not going to miss the Christmas festivities.”

As soon as they’d finished eating, Bob pushed her toward her bedroom. “I’m going to nap on the couch as soon as I finish the dishes.”

She looked at him for a moment, thinking about protesting, but the truth was, he’d slept more than her. “I’ll take Cinnamon so she doesn’t get in your way. Thanks, Bob.”

She called the dog and slid into bed, still wearing her baker’s uniform. She set her phone to wake her at quarter after six, and she was asleep as soon as her eyes were closed.

Bob puttered in the kitchen, doing the dishes and cleaning up the small mess he’d made. He collapsed on the couch, pulling the afghan from the back of the couch over him. He’d heard about how crazy busy it was at the ranch on Christmas since he’d arrived, but seeing it with his own eyes was something different entirely. They must not have a single room vacant judging by the number of people in the café that day. He closed his eyes.


Miranda woke to her alarm, and bounced out of bed, trying to remember for a moment why she was sleeping in her uniform. She changed into jeans and her favorite pair of cowboy boots. She wore a red sweater to match the boots, and she hated that she’d have to wear a coat and mess up how well they matched.

Walking into the living room, she knelt beside the couch, putting her hand on Bob’s arm to wake him. “Bob? It’s time to go.”

Bob woke, rubbing his eyes sleepily, his hands going to her shoulders and pulling her in for a kiss. “Waking up to your kisses is something I could get used to,” he said softly, stroking her cheek.

She smiled, getting to her feet. “We can’t be late. I have to get the cookies all set out before the racers have finished.”

“Cookies? You didn’t say anything about cookies!”

“Cookies and hot chocolate tonight. I’m not sure who’s providing the hot chocolate, but the cookies are my contribution.”

“How many cookies are you going to bake this week?” he asked.

“No idea. I don’t think five-thousand is unrealistic. I’m selling them in the bakery, I did twelve hundred yesterday for the event, and I made another five-hundred today for the race. People are going to be sick of cookies by the time the week is over.”

“Sick of your cookies? No way. No one makes better cookies than you.”

She smiled, pulling her coat on. “You’re kind to flatter me, but it’s just cookies!”

Once they got to the ranch, she rushed to set up tables of cookies near the end of the circuitous route Dani had set up, and then she simply enjoyed herself.


After the races, Bob drove Miranda home. “Your cookies were a big hit again. Who was that guy who came over to talk to you?”

“Matt? He’s just a guest at the ranch. He comes in for a muffin or kolache every morning.”

Bob waited for her to say more, but when she didn’t, he frowned. “Have you two become close?”

“Not really. We talk when he comes in, but it’s not like he’s grabbing me and kissing me or anything. I’m not sure why he’s here so long. He said something about a sabbatical.”

“How long has he been on the ranch?”

Miranda frowned, trying to remember. “First or second week in December, I think? I haven’t paid that much attention. I just get him what he orders.” She thought about telling him she thought he was giving her Secret Santa gifts, but she didn’t want to speak out of turn. If the gifts were really from Bob, would it hurt his feelings if she attributed them to someone else? And what about the bug? It did look an awful lot like a chigger.

“I see. Well, he seems like a nice guy.”

“Seems to be. I don’t really know.” She realized she was hiding something from him, and she didn’t want to do that. “He did ask me out when he first got here, but I told him no.”


She shrugged. “Because you and I were already seeing each other, and as much as you confuse the snot out of me, I like you a lot. I wouldn’t ever do anything to break your trust in me.”

He pulled into her driveway, and pulled her to him, kissing her softly. “Thank you for telling me that.”

“I wasn’t trying to hide it. I just didn’t think he was important.”

He rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb. “I guess I can understand that. I hate to say goodnight, but it’s already nine-thirty. This week is going to be hard.”

She yawned. “It already is.”

He walked her to the door, leaving her with a quick kiss. “I’ll see you at three.”

Miranda watched him walk away. Would the gift be there? And how would he react? She really had no idea what he’d think of the whole thing. Unless he was the one giving them to her? Why did men have to mess with her mind so much? Who needed albino brain chiggers with men around?


Miranda got to the bakery shortly before three the next morning. She was yawning, but she would work. As she approached the door, she saw her gift, and hurried inside to open it. She wasn’t sure she could have opened it with Bob standing there, but she wasn’t sure she could wait either. After Christmas, she was in for a real let-down, because she was getting used to finding these little gifts every day.

She quickly opened it, finding another charm, as she’d suspected. This one was a small tiara. She wasn’t sure what the significance of that was, but she thought it was beautiful. She slipped the gift into her purse as she quickly pulled out ingredients to start her day’s baking. She’d promised kolaches this morning, and they took more time than most things. Maybe Bob could work on muffins while she did the kolaches.

Bob got there exactly at three, frowning. “You were early! Why didn’t you tell me to come in earlier?”

“I just got here ten minutes ago. It’s fine. I’ve got muffin batter all mixed up. Would you make the muffins?” She gave him careful instructions and kept working on the kolaches.

“I hope you’re making lots of those. Kelsi has developed a bionic nose since she got pregnant. She’s going to know that I was around kolaches and didn’t bring her any.”

Miranda laughed. “I’ll make sure she gets some.”

“Good. I don’t want to live with the wrath of the pregnant woman. Little Wynona wouldn’t forgive me.”

“Wynona this week?”

“It’s the name of the hour.”

Miranda sighed, shaking her head. “She needs to sit down with that husband of hers and come up with a name that they can both agree on. Different names every day is starting to get old.”

“You’re telling me? Some days she’ll get upset about something, and she’ll start wailing. ‘Pumpernickel thinks you shorted me on bacon in that soup!’ And I’ll stand there and stare at her like she’s lost her mind, and then I realize she’s calling that poor child Pumpernickel. Someday there will be a name!”

“We just need to keep praying that Shane is the one to pick the name and not Kelsi. I don’t think that girl should be allowed to name a pet gerbil. Not even one we all hate!”

Bob nodded emphatically. “She shouldn’t. Why I wouldn’t let her name a random character in a romance novel, but I think Kaya agreed to if she’d promised not to name the baby Herberta.”

“Remind me not to read that romance novel, would you?”





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