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Best Laid Plans by Brenda Jackson (14)


FOR THE FIRST time in his life Nolan was rendered speechless. He knew he needed to answer Ivy’s question. And within his gut he knew that it was a deeper, more heartfelt question that she’d intended. A part of him wanted to assure her that what she thought of her sexual abilities or lack of them was silly, ridiculous and asinine at best. But knowing Ivy like he was beginning to, he knew the guy or guys who’d convinced her of what she believed about herself had made themselves jury and judge and she undoubtedly believed in their testimony and had accepted the verdict.

This wasn’t the first time he’d had to deal with female heartbreak. A few years ago, while in college, Victoria had experienced her first. It had been her big brothers’ shoulders she had come home to cry on. He’d been ready to drive her back to her college in Oklahoma to start kicking asses and taking names. But Reese, Corbin and Lee had talked him out of it.

“Nolan? You’re not answering. That’s not a good sign.”

He forced a smile to his lips. “Sorry, I was thinking on how we need to handle this.”

“But it is doable, right?”

He heard the hopefulness in her voice. She was worried about them not emitting vibes when they were there. He felt them whenever they were together. How could she not feel them herself? The key to this entire issue was to make sure she felt them, too, and to believe others wouldn’t help but feel them as well.

“Anything is doable when it comes to us against them.” He leaned forward, over the table and said, “Lean close for a minute.”

She leaned in toward him. “Yes?”

Instead of whispering something to her like she probably assumed he would do, he reached up and clamped her face with his hands before capturing her mouth in a kiss. He’d only meant the kiss to last a second but the moment he tasted the sweetness of her mouth it lasted longer than it should have.

It was only when he heard the clearing of a few throats did he drag his mouth away from hers. “That was merely to test the waters. Personally, I think the sexual chemistry between us is real already, Ivy. But if you want to increase what’s already there, then I’m game.”

* * *

IT HAD GOT dark by the time they had returned to the cottage. Ivy watched as Nolan moved around the living room turning on the lights while thinking about the kiss they’d shared at the restaurant. Although brief, the kiss had proved there was sexual chemistry between them. She had felt it all the way to her toes. And what had he said about increasing the level already there?

She drew in a deep breath just thinking about how that could be accomplished. As she stood there, watching him in the silvery light, a sliver of warmth spread through her. Tall and overwhelmingly sexy, he could wear a pair of jeans like he owned the company that made them to get such a perfect fit. And the T-shirt that stretched across such wide muscles, broad shoulders and tight chest was enough to make any woman drool. Then those cowboy boots on his feet gave way to such an imposing figure.

She could see why women didn’t care that he was tagged Mr. One-Night Stand and still stood in line for their turns. Whether he wore shorts or jeans, a T-shirt or walked around bare chested, Nolan Madaris had to be the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on.

He turned and caught her staring and for the life of her, as much as she wanted to do so, she couldn’t break eye contact with him. He tipped his head, their gazes still connected. His dark, penetrating gaze was holding her captive. And then he began moving. She watched as he slowly crossed the living room, in a walk that was so hot she suddenly felt infused with heat. He came to a stop an arm’s length in front of her and she had to tilt her head back to continue to hold his gaze.

Standing so close to her she could see the perfect angles of his face, every sensuous line, the smooth dark texture of his skin and sharp cheekbones. She was finding it hard to gather her thoughts and keep them together. This man was such a work of impossible masculine beauty that it almost took her breath away.

Somehow she found her voice to ask, “Although I texted you some information, did you have any getting-to-know-you questions for me, Nolan?”

“I will ask my questions tomorrow while you’re helping me paint.”

She raised a brow. “I’m helping you paint?”

“I hope so. It will go a lot faster if you do. I’m repainting all the patio furniture. I sanded them all down today.”

She nodded. “I will be glad to help you.”


He was in her space. A space she’d long ago decided no man could invade again. Her body and mind should be protesting yet they weren’t. He wasn’t saying anything, just standing there staring at her. Into her eyes. Through her glasses. She didn’t know what to think of it and nervously licked her bottom lip before asking, “Is anything wrong, Nolan?”


He took a step closer. “I was wondering if you enjoyed our kiss,” he said in a husky voice that sent her heart pounding.

Although it had been brief, she had enjoyed it more than he would ever know. “Yes, I enjoyed it.” There was no way she could lie and say she hadn’t.

“I think you’re going to enjoy this one even better.”

Before she could draw her next breath, his mouth swooped down on hers. The first thought that immediately slammed into her mind was that he was going to kiss her without removing her glasses again. But the moment she felt his tongue invade her mouth any thought of her glasses was eradicated from her mind. Just like in the restaurant, he seemed to be doing just fine even with her wearing them.

Nolan had a robust taste like the wine they’d had at dinner. That, combined with his heat, sent all kinds of sensations surging through Ivy’s body. The feeling was outright intoxicating to the brink of making her delirious. On instinct she widened her mouth under his and he accepted the invitation and intensified the kiss, using his tongue as if to possess hers.

He had wrapped his arms around her and she could feel the hard muscles of his body pressed against her. Their tongues began mating rhythmically and her emotions whirled and skidded nearly out of control. Never had she been kissed with this much passion, this much greed or desire. She could actually feel his need in the form of a huge erection that was poking into her stomach and it amazed her that he could need her to the point of that. Hadn’t Damien told her it was hard for any man to desire her without putting forth an effort?

He slid a hand up her back and she felt heat where he touched. Desire, hotter than anything she had ever experienced, was burning her skin, sending bursts of pleasure through her veins and making her moan. She could actually hear herself moan from deep in her throat while his tongue continued to mate furiously with hers as if it never intended to stop.

But then, suddenly, just as quickly as the kiss had started, it ended when he snatched his mouth away. While he drew in a deep breath she did the same. It was at that moment she realized her hands were clutching tight to the material of the T-shirt that covered his chest. And his hands were sliding up and down her back. His eyes had turned a darker hue and were staring at her mouth. After she nervously used her tongue to lick her bottom lip, he leaned in and licked that same bottom lip with his own tongue.

“If only you knew the things you do to me, Ivy,” he said in a husky whisper.

“Me?” she asked, almost not recognizing the sound of her own voice.

“Yes, you.” He straightened her glasses on her nose before brushing a kiss across that same nose. “Good night, Ivy. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He walked off and left her standing in the middle of the living room with her lips flaming hot.