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Big Bad Boss (Romance) by Mia Carson (10)

Chapter 10


Summer arrived and it was July before Freddie even realized it. The past few months with Rhett flew by, and Freddie waited for the dream to end. Instead, it only grew better over time. No one at the office had a clue she was with the CEO, which was how they both liked it. Clarice was even improving, and Rhett was there almost every time she went to see her baby sister.

They spent most of their free time driving out to the beaches and walking far from downtown to avoid being seen together. The rest of the time was spent at her place. One Saturday morning, as they cooked breakfast in her kitchen—her wearing nothing but his t-shirt and him in his low-slung jeans—she asked why he preferred her tiny little house to his mansion in the hills. He spun his coffee mug around on the table in thought before a smile of pure contentment spread across his face.

“My place is too big, too empty,” he’d finally replied. “This, right now… this feels like home.”

“Well, you’re more than welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

“Is that so?” he asked, pushing to his feet. “Why, Ms. Sable, are you asking me to move in with you?”

Freddie’s hand froze in the process of moving the bacon around the skillet. Was that what she was asking? She expected the question to make him panic and come up with a million excuses why they shouldn’t. If nothing else, she expected apprehension on her part, but when she closed her eyes and thought of the future, she envisioned Rhett there beside her.

“I think I am,” she’d told him seriously. “Rhett, will you move in with me?”

He slid his arms around her waist and kissed her warmly. “I think I will. If I do, though, you know eventually, people at the office will notice we’re coming to work together.”

“I thought of that too.”

“Are you ready for them to know?”

“Are you?” she asked, more worried about him since he was the CEO. His brothers might decide a relationship with his assistant was too much of a distraction.

“I’ve been dying to tell the world since the first night,” he’d told her. “We’ll work out the details later. I think I might have to clear out some things.”

“Why don’t we start with half the closet and half the dresser?” she suggested.

He reached around her to turn off the burner and scooped her up in his arms as she giggled. “Why don’t we worry about the details later?”

These random bouts of lovemaking throughout the day signified how Freddie’s life was now, and she cherished every second. They spent the following weekend at his house so he could pack what he would need and move it to her snug little home. His place was far too big for one person. She would have gone stir crazy if she lived there alone. She tossed random clothes into the suitcase on the bed and he rolled his eyes.

“You are no help at all.”

“I don’t like packing,” she admitted. “I do like swimming, though.”

His eyes narrowed. “I didn’t see your bikini in your tote bag,” he said, the words rough.

“Oh no, I must have forgotten it,” she teased and slipped out his bedroom door.

The temperature was hot outside, but beneath the shade of the canopy over the pool, it didn’t bother her at all. She undressed and dove into the pool. When she broke the surface of the water, Rhett was there to greet her. He held up her discarded clothes and his eyes dropped to her naked chest as she bobbed in the water.

“What am I going to do with you?” he growled.

“Join me.”

“I really should finish packing,” he said but looked longingly at her.

She shrugged, swimming closer to the edge of the water. “Suit yourself.”

He started to say something else, but she reached up, grabbed his jeans, and yanked him into the water with her. She laughed hysterically as he came up sputtering.

“I’m sorry, what were you saying?”

He splashed her and she splashed him back. He struggled to get out of his wet t-shirt, jeans, and boxers, throwing them onto the concrete to dry in the sun. “Come here, you.”

When he crushed her body to his, Freddie was home. Their kiss was more than his lips on hers, just as her feelings for him ran much deeper than a simple attraction to this man. She loved him. Her heart pounded beneath her breast with it. She loved Rhett Macon, and one of these days, she would find the courage to tell him. By the way he held her now, pressing his back against the pool wall so she could straddle his lap and feel his full arousal, she sensed she wasn’t the only one worried about admitting true feelings.

He filled her up with more than just his hard shaft. He’d given her his heart, and she was more than willing to give him hers in return. Water splashed between them as she rode him slowly and steadily, drawing out the pleasure between them as storm clouds moved in overhead. As the first rumble of thunder sounded in the distance, their cries echoed around the pool and yard beyond it. The first drops of rain dotted her shoulders, and she shrieked when the heavens opened to unleash their heavy load. Cursing and laughing together, they climbed out of the pool, sprinting naked back inside the air-conditioned house. They were soaked from head to toe and Freddie’s sides ached from her continual laughter.

“I say a bath is in order,” he announced, taking her hand and dragging her upstairs.

“A bath would be amazing,” she agreed, giggling at the wet trail they left through his house.


“That’s it, call the doctor,” Rhett said from the bathroom doorway.

“I’m fine, it’s just a bug,” Freddie argued weakly as she sat back against the wall.

He frowned as he wet the wash cloth and crouched down to hold it to her forehead. “You’ve been like this for a week. I had to send you home early from work today because you fell asleep at your desk twice. And you haven’t been able to sleep at all. You’re sick and you need to go to the doctor. Please?”

“And if I say no?” she pouted.

“I won’t let you come back to the office until you do.” He grinned smugly and crossed his arms over his chest. “The power of being CEO.”

“You suck,” she muttered and sighed. “Fine, I’ll try to go first thing tomorrow morning.”

He kissed her forehead, but she shoved him back. “What?”

“What if it’s the flu? I don’t want you getting it. Maybe you should stay at your place for a while.”

“Not happening. Do you want to try and go back to bed?”

They had been in bed and he’d hoped she would sleep through the night, but around three, she woke up and darted into the bathroom to be sick again. She’d hardly eaten anything all week and looked so pale, he almost rushed her to the ER this time, but she begged him not to.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.”

“For what?” he asked, helping her gently to her feet. He waited to see if she would be sick again, and when she nodded, they walked to their bedroom in her house.

“You don’t have to take care of me, and you’re not getting any sleep either.”

“If I wanted sleep that badly, I’d sleep on the couch. I’m not going anywhere, remember? I made that promise to you and I’m keeping it.” He drew back the covers, and once she lay down, he tucked them in around her. “Do you want some hot tea?”

“No. No, I’m going to try and sleep.”

She shut her eyes and he kissed her forehead, feeling for a fever. She hadn’t had one all week and no stuffy nose or cough either but wasn’t sleeping and could hardly keep anything down. He climbed into bed beside her, and she rolled over, curling up against his chest. He breathed her in as his worried thoughts ran wild in his sleep. His dreams started with Freddie in his arms as they made love in a rainstorm. Then she stood in a kitchen, humming under her breath as she rubbed her hands over a very pregnant belly.

When the alarm went off barely three hours later, he shut it off quickly so he didn’t wake her and rubbed a hand over his weary face. Pregnant. He dreamt she was pregnant. Carefully, he lifted the covers and eyed her flat belly beneath her tank top. He rested his hand there softly, remembering how beautiful she looked with that big belly and the warmth that came with knowing their baby grew inside her. He couldn’t even come out yet and say he loved her, but the image refused to leave him alone. He dressed in the other bedroom and left a note for her on his pillow, reminding her to call the doctor and text him when she got home. He kissed her a final time, and as he backed away, he was caught off-guard by the glow around her face and how shiny her hair looked lately.

“She’s not pregnant,” he told himself once he was in the corvette and driving to the office.

And if she is? Are you ready for that?

He would have to be. There was no question about it. If Freddie were pregnant, he would let her know exactly how he felt for her and their unborn child. He grinned despite the blaring horns and bumper-to-bumper traffic around him.


Freddie paced around the small exam room at the doctor’s office, fiddling with her hair. Her hands trembled and she clasped them together. She had walked in expecting the doctor to tell her she had the flu or a virus, but when Freddie told her about not sleeping or eating, and getting sick in the early hours of the morning, her doctor asked her if she was sexually active. Then she asked when she’d had her last period. With a horrified stare, Freddie realized her last period was well over a month ago and had been light—very, very light. The doctor drew some blood and told her to be patient. She would be back with the test results soon.

How could Freddie be patient when she might be pregnant? She never missed a pill, never. But the doctor said sometimes these things happened.

Her hands fell to her belly and she pictured it bigger, swollen with she and Rhett’s baby. The idea brought a smile to her face, but what would he think? They hadn’t even said they loved each other. Groaning in annoyance, she paced repeatedly around the room until a knock finally came at the door.

“Ms. Sable?” the doctor said with a bright smile on her face.

Freddie gulped. “Oh, God. I’m pregnant?”

“Yes, you are. Congratulations!”

At first, all Freddie felt was panic building within her, but it faded and she was left with a sense of overwhelming joy. She was pregnant. She was going to have a baby. She and Rhett would be parents and start a family of their own. A family they could create the way they both wanted to be loved and cared for when they were younger.

“How far along?” she asked in a whisper.

“From your blood test, I’d say about two months.”

“But I’m fine? The getting sick and the not sleeping?”

“All part of the territory, I’m afraid. I want to see you in a week for your first ultrasound and I’ll get you a due date. How does that sound?”

“It sounds unbelievable,” she said honestly. “Wow, I’m going to be a mom.”

“Yes, you are.”

The doctor walked her out, and Freddie set up the appointment for a week from that day to come back and see the little baby growing in her belly. She pulled out her cell to text Rhett about her appointment and tell him she had a surprise for him, but why wait? They were moving in together and both agreed they would come out about their relationship. Where was the harm in stopping by the office to tell him the good news right now?

As she drove to the office in her blue Beetle, doubts crept in, warning her this was too soon. What if he wasn’t happy? What if he said he didn’t love her and this was moving too fast? Would he end it with her and leave her to deal with their baby alone?

No, Rhett loves me, I can feel it, she told herself sternly. He’s been there for me this whole time, and I’ve been there for him. We’re going to make this work. We have to.

When she reached their floor, she glanced into Rhett’s office, but he wasn’t there. Not wanting to ruin the element of surprise, she stopped Ian on his way past. “Have you seen Rhett?”

“I think he was headed to the breakroom. He said you were sick. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, just a bug, but I’m not contagious,” she added with a little laugh.

“You sure you’re feeling okay?”

“Perfect. I’ll see you later.”

Humming, she waltzed to the breakroom, holding her purse by the straps in her hands. The door was wide open, but when she drew closer, she heard Rhett’s voice. He was pissed, and when Freddie heard Zach’s voice even louder, she paused to listen.

“You could have said something, you know.”

“Why? So you could give me more shit about it?” Rhett snapped. “I said drop it, so drop it.”

“All this time, and I thought she was a lesbian, but that Freddie…you won her all those months ago. That’s why you called off the bet, huh? I bet you already slept with her when you did that, too, and you didn’t want to share?”

Freddie froze as her blood ran cold. Bet? What bet?

“I called off the bet because we shouldn’t have done it in the first place. It was immature and stupid, just like all the other shit you pull here.”

“You agreed to it and you clearly won. Don’t you want your money for sleeping with her what, how many times has it been now? Man, I’m going to owe you a solid hundred grand, I bet.”

“Zach, stop, all right? Just stop. What the hell is your problem? Are you jealous that I landed the girl for once and you got stuck with nothing?” Rhett shot back. “Jesus, man, you’re fucking ridiculous.”

“Maybe, but you didn’t show any interest in that woman until we placed the bet. You should thank me.”

Freddie’s purse dropped from her hands, hitting the floor with a loud thud. A second later, Rhett appeared in the doorway and his face paled. “I was part of a fucking bet?” she seethed, glaring at the floor, unable to meet his eyes.

“Freddie, let me explain,” he said slowly. “Why are you even here?”

Her head shot up, and he flinched. “Is it true? Did you not want anything to do with me until there was money involved?” she yelled.

The noises behind her went deathly silent, and Rhett’s eyes narrowed. “No, I was interested in you the first day I was here. I didn’t start the bet.”

“No, but you clearly agreed to it. Seriously? How much was a night with me worth, huh?”

“Freddie, don’t—” he begged, but she cut him off.

“How much?”

“One-thousand dollars,” he grunted.

She nodded slowly, angry tears burning in her eyes. “It’s nice to know that a thousand dollars can buy you someone’s virginity.” She picked up her purse and stormed away, but Rhett followed.

“Why are you here? What did the doctor say?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing.” She smashed her hand against the elevator button and when it wasn’t quick enough, aimed for the stairs.

Rhett caught her arm, stopping her. “Freddie, you wouldn’t have come here unless it was important. Please tell me, damn it!”

The worry in his voice was real, but her anger at him keeping this secret—this very large secret—from her made her wonder what else he was hiding. She squared her shoulders and in the calmest voice she could muster told him, “I’m pregnant. Happy?”

“Pregnant?” he repeated, dumbfounded. Whispers sounded behind him, and she cringed, darting into the stairwell. “Wait!” He was right behind her again, but she didn’t stop. “Freddie, hang on, all right? I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for betting on a woman?” she yelled, whirling around and nearly smacking him with her purse. “What were you thinking? When did you actually start feeling something for me, or was it fake the whole time?”

“God, no,” he swore, reaching for her, but she backed away out of his reach. Hurt scrunched his face, but he didn’t try to touch her again. “I called off the bet a week after we made it. I didn’t want to be involved with Zach’s antics, I swear it.”

“And this whole time he’s been hitting on me?”

“What was I supposed to say? We agreed to keep our relationship quiet.”

“We did,” she sighed, rubbing at the pain blooming in her forehead. “I need some time to deal with this, all right? You did something stupid, Rhett—really goddamned stupid.”

“I know and I’ll do whatever I have to do to make it up to you. I swear it.”

“You’d better. Don’t call me tonight, please? I might curse you out some more.”

“Freddie,” he said, but the rest of the words failed him. “I really am sorry I didn’t tell you.”

All she could do was nod. “See you tomorrow,” she mumbled lamely and hastened to her car. She forced the tears to stay at bay until she was safe and sound on her couch, curled up with a pint of ice cream and music blaring through the speakers from the TV.

He and his friends had bet on who could sleep with her first. Zach, his friend, hit on her relentlessly to get in her pants, and Rhett… her heart told her he was being truthful, but the doubts in her mind made her fear the worst. Everyone else left her at some point, so why should Rhett be any different?






















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