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Big Bad Boss (Romance) by Mia Carson (28)

Chapter 14



A phone rang somewhere in the dark, and Edmund reached towards the nightstand, but it wasn’t there and the ringing stopped. He yawned and rolled back over, draping his arm over Kris when the phone rang again and he shot up, glaring at the phone on the desk. He staggered to it, trying to get to it before Kris woke up.

“What?” he whispered.

“Edmund, it’s your father,” Edward announced. “There’s been an accident. You need to come home.”

“Accident?” he asked, rubbing his eyes to drive the sleep from them. “You and Mom?”

“No, we’re fine. It’s Tommy. His sister tried calling you but kept getting voicemail.”

Edmund froze. Tommy had been in an accident? “Dad, how bad is he?”

Edward sighed heavily. “I’m not sure yet, but it’s bad. Just get here as soon as you can.”

“I will,” he said and hung up. Frantically, he glanced around the room and picked up his clothes, hurrying to put them on as his worry about losing his best friend overshadowed everything else. He had to get the garage and get his car, then take off for Louisville. If he left now, he’d be there in a few hours, at most.

“Ed?” Kris asked as she sat up blinking. “What’s wrong?”

“Tommy was in an accident. I have to go,” he said quickly and grabbed his boots. “It’s not good, and I have to be there in case… I just have to be there.” He tried to stop himself from thinking of losing Tommy, but once the idea took hold, he couldn’t shake it.

Kris hopped out of bed and dressed just as quickly, flipping on the light. “Do you need anything besides clothes?”

“No, I just have to get my car.”

“Your car has no engine, and you are in no state to drive,” she said as she picked up her cell and held it to her ear. “Dennis? Hey, I need to borrow your truck,” she murmured. “Edmund’s got an emergency back home… thanks, see you soon.”

Edmund held his face in his hands, forcing the tears pricking his eyes to hold off. “I can drive, really.”

“No, I’m going with you, and that’s final,” she ordered. “And don’t you dare think of arguing with me.”

He closed his mouth, got to his feet, and hugged her. “I guess you get to meet the family a little earlier than planned.” She stiffened in his arms for a second then relaxed.

“No worries. If I can handle my family, I’m pretty sure I can handle yours,” she said. “Ready?”

Edmund prayed to God Tommy would live as he and Kris left the room. Dennis pulled up a minute later and handed the keys to Kris. “Text me when you get there,” he told her and kissed her cheek. He held out his hand to Edmund, then pulled him into a one-armed hug. “We’ll pray for him.”

“Thanks, man,” Edmund said thickly as he climbed into the truck. Kris hurried around to the driver’s side. She hopped in, started the engine, and they took off for the interstate, leaving Green Valley far behind.

He didn’t speak, and Kris, thankfully, did not bombard him with questions about Tommy and what was going on. She just drove as he did his best not to break down completely in the car. When they were halfway there and the sun was finally up, she reached across the center console to hold his hand tightly in hers. They stayed connected the rest of the drive until she asked for directions to the hospital. He relayed them quietly, struggling to keep it together now that they had arrived. She parked the truck and took his hand again.

“Tell me what to do,” she offered. “If you want me to wait out here, I will.”

“No,” he said immediately. “No, I need you in there with me, please. I don’t think… If anything happens to him, I’m not sure I’ll be able to…” He couldn’t finish the thought and hung his head. Kris lifted the console and scooted over to hold him against her chest. She made soothing noises and ran her hand over his head, giving him her strength as he sucked in a deep breath.

Tommy and he weren’t just friends. They were more like brothers, causing trouble since they were toddlers. The only time they had been apart was when Tommy shipped out, and even then, he would call when he could. Edmund always made sure to send him letters and packages to brighten his days before he made it back to the US. He smiled, remembering how Tommy always bragged to everyone about his bromance with Edmund and how no one would ever come between that. Unless he lost his fight on the table today.

“I think I’m ready,” he said and straightened. Kris smiled encouragingly, and they walked into the hospital waiting room together. He wasn’t sure who would be there, but Kris was not leaving his side for an instant. “Excuse me, I’m looking for a patient brought in this morning?”

“Name, please?” the nurse asked.

“Edmund! There you are,” he heard his mom exclaim and thanked the nurse quickly as he turned to greet her. She tried to hug him, but he refused to let go of Kris’s hand so it turned into more of a one-armed, awkward hold. Sarah shot a glance at Kris, then at their clasped hands. “Tommy is still in surgery. We’re up on the second floor.”

“Are his parents here?” Edmund asked as he hurried towards the elevators.

“Of course, and his sister. She was with him when it happened,” Sarah said. “The poor thing is all banged up, but she’ll be fine. They’re not so certain about Tommy yet.”

“Mom, this is Kris. We’re, um, dating. Kris, this is Sarah Eastwood, my mom,” he introduced quickly, tapping his toe impatiently. When the elevator took too long, he turned towards the stairwell.

“Nice to meet you,” Kris called as Sarah stood frozen by the elevator. “I don’t think your mom’s too happy right now.”

“I don’t care,” he muttered.

They ran up the two sets of stairs to the second floor and followed the signs for the waiting room. He spotted Edward, Tommy’s parents, Bob and Linda, and Tommy’s little sister Beth.

“Edmund!” Beth said and rushed to hug him. Only then did he release Kris’s hand so he could hold the one woman in the world he truly considered family. “It was terrible! The other driver was drunk… He came across the road!”

“Shh, it’s fine. Tommy’s tough,” he assured her as he held her close. “He’s been blown up, remember?”

She laughed through her tears as he set her back on her feet. She glanced at Kris, and being the kind-hearted woman Edmund knew her to be, she introduced herself quietly as Edmund’s girlfriend and told Beth she was so sorry and that the whole town was praying for her brother. Beth took her hands and hugged her too, crying even harder on Kris’s shoulder. Edmund let them be and went to Bob and Linda, hugging them each in turn.

“What happened?” he asked.

“They were coming home late from a campus tour out of state,” Bob said, his voice raspy. “Beth said Tommy swerved, trying to avoid the car, and they were rammed into the barricade. They don’t know if… He might not walk again,” he managed to gasp out before he sank into a chair.

Linda patted his shoulder, tears streaming down her face. “He will. He’s strong, remember? Thank you for getting here so fast,” she told Edmund and held his hand. “Tommy will be happy to see you once he’s awake.”

Edmund nodded, the shock wearing off, and grief settled in its place. He ran a hand down his face and paced back and forth until Kris appeared. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back, resting his cheek on her head, and closed his eyes.

“Edmund, would you care to introduce me to your new friend?” Edward asked gently behind him. “Your Mom said she’s your new girlfriend.”

“Can’t this wait?” Edmund muttered.

“I just want to know who my son is dating,” Edward replied, and when Edmund faced him, his dad’s face lacked any hint of annoyance or rudeness—just plain curiosity, and maybe even happiness?

Edmund wasn’t sure, but he shifted so Kris could shake hands with his dad. “This is Kris… Kristen Rivers.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” he said and kissed the back of her hand.

“Same,” she replied. She glanced at his suit, and Edmund frowned when her cheeks reddened. “We sort of threw on clothes and drove straight here.”

“Nonsense, there’s no need to worry,” he told her. “Suits are my armor. They are the only thing that comforts me.” He grinned when she did and blew out a breath. “You met my son on his road trip then?”

“I did.” She glanced at Edmund. “His Mustang broke down, and I picked him up.”

“Are you in the habit of picking up strangers on the side of the road?” Sarah asked sharply as she marched up beside Edward. “Really, Edmund, is this who you’ve spent your whole week with?”

Kris’s mouth fell open, and Edmund glared at Sarah. “Wow, Mom, really?”

“Actually, no,” Kris replied stiffly and held up a hand to Edmund. “I’m the mechanic who’s been fixing his Mustang. I towed him back to town and have been working on his car all week at the garage that I own.”

Edmund stifled a laugh as Sarah’s face turned three shades of red. Edward chuckled. “Well, it’s not every day I meet a female mechanic with her own garage,” Edward said with a whistle. “That’s a mighty fine accomplishment.”

“Thank you,” Kris grinned. “I like to think so, too.”

“She’s even rebuilding her own car,” Edmund said proudly. “An original Judge.”

Edward’s eyes widened. “I would very much like to see that when it’s completed.”

“I would be more than happy to show you,” Kris said, and Sarah let out a high-pitched squeal before she clamped her lips shut. “You both would be more than welcome to come stay at Green Valley sometime.”

Edmund waited for Sarah to explode, but a man in scrubs walked down the hall and called out to Tommy’s family. He waited until they gathered close before telling them the news, but Edmund and the rest stayed back to give them their privacy. Kris found his hand and held it, their fingers entwining automatically as he gripped hers hard, praying it was good news. Beth grinned and her parents held her close, all of them laughing with joy. The doctor glanced up and smiled before turning around and heading back to the surgery.

“He’s going to be fine,” Beth sobbed happily. “He might never walk without a cane again, but he’ll live!”

“Thank God,” Edmund breathed, and Kris embraced him.

“The doc says once he’s awake, he can have visitors,” Linda informed him. “He’ll want to see you. Why don’t you grab a bite in the cafeteria, and we’ll let you know when he’s awake?”

“You sure?” Edmund said as his stomach growled and he fought a yawn.

“Yes, you need coffee,” Linda said. “Thank you for being here, Edmund, really.”

He hugged them all again and asked his parents if they wanted to join him and Kris in the cafeteria. Sarah choked, and he thought she’d swallowed her tongue as his dad said they’d get something close by and be back soon to check on Tommy. Edmund and Kris moved to the elevator, and once they were closed inside, alone, he sagged against the side wall and held his head.

“I’m going to kill him for scaring the shit out of me,” Edmund muttered as Kris laughed.

“It might not be the best way to greet your friend right after an accident,” she pointed out. “I’m glad he’s going to be okay.”

“I can never thank you enough for being here and dealing with my parents,” he said with a sigh of relief. “Hopefully, they don’t give you too much of a hard time when they come back.”

She shrugged and held onto his arm as they exited the elevator and followed signs for the cafeteria. “I can hold my own, I promise. Oh, I smell bacon. Why don’t you grab us a table, and I’ll get food and coffee?” He protested, but she gave him a shove and went to stand in the short line to grab them some much needed sustenance.

Edmund found a table by the windows and rested his head on the cold tabletop. Tommy would live, Kris had met his parents and survived, and he would somehow get through the next twenty-four hours without losing his mind. He closed his eyes, breathing steadily in and out to calm his nerves, when plastic hitting the table caused him to lift his head. He stared at the two trays loaded with food, and Kris nibbling on her tongue as she set down a cup carrier with coffees.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I kind of got everything—oh!” She squeaked when Edmund stood and kissed her warmly. “It’s just breakfast,” she whispered with a laugh.

“No, it’s more than that,” he said and sat down. He wanted to say more, but the words were stuck in his throat, so he kissed her knuckles before they both dug into the food.

An hour later, Beth found them in the cafeteria and said Tommy was awake. “Mom and Dad went in already, I had a few minutes with him, but when he heard you were here, he demanded we find you,” she said, grinning. “You know him.”

“Stubborn ass,” Edmund said with a hint of a grin.

“I’ll wait here for you,” Kris told him. “I don’t want to be in the way—oh, and tell him I say hi!”

“I will,” he promised and followed Beth up to the fourth floor where Tommy waited in his room. Beth nudged Edmund when he took too long to step into the room. He crossed his arms and scowled at his friend as he shook his head. “You are never allowed to scare me like this again.”

“Didn’t you say that after I was blown up, too?” Tommy smirked.

Edmund shrugged. “Probably. I say it every time,” he muttered and hurried to his friend’s bedside to shake his hand. “Damn it, man, you look better than you did before the accident.”

Tommy sighed as he leaned against the pillow, running a hand down his scratched and bruised face. “So that’s where Beth gets it from. You’re a bad influence on her.”

“I had to be an influence on someone,” he teased and dragged a chair over. “How you feeling, really?”

“The pain’s tolerable,” he murmured. “They said something about a cane. Apparently, I fucked up my ankle pretty bad, but hey, canes are snazzy, right?”

“You’ll be a lady killer in no time,” Edmund agreed. “We’ll get you one with flames on it.”

“Flames, huh? Not too shabby, I guess,” he said, but there was no smile behind his words. He fiddled with the blanket, and his eyes darkened. “I was so scared, man. Not for me—I thought Beth was going to die. I’m used to this type of shit, but hearing my little sister scream like that?” Tears filled his eyes, and he hurried to wipe them away, but Edmund reached over and hugged him. “Shit, man, I don’t ever want to hear that sound again. It tore me apart.”

Edmund knew the feeling, though thankfully, his situation wasn’t as bad. The night Kris had screamed for him, red had blurred his vision, and the sudden instinct to protect her took over. If there hadn’t been people around, he probably would’ve beaten Roy to a bloody pulp or worse.

“She’s tough, like her brother,” Edmund said. “She’s going to be just fine.”

“I know,” he whispered and wiped the fresh tears from his face. “This does not leave this room.”

Edmund nodded. “Not a word, ever, or until you find yourself a girlfriend.”

Tommy laughed. “Fair enough, but speaking of girlfriends, Beth said you have a new one with you. That woman you told me about?”

“Yeah, Kris,” he said as he sat back in his chair and grinned. “She’s great. Perfect.”

“Holy shit, you’re in love with her,” Tommy said excitedly. “You actually found the real thing on your road trip.”

Edmund smiled wider, his chest swelling with love. “I did. Breaking down outside that tiny town was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“And what do your parents think? I’m assuming she met them.”

“Actually, Dad wasn’t so bad. I think he likes the idea of having someone around who knows how to do something useful besides accounting,” he frowned. “Mom, on the other hand… She’s ready to blow a gasket.”

Tommy glanced towards the door. “Did you leave her out there alone with them?”

“Nah, she’s in the cafeteria, and I’m pretty sure they’re not back yet. She can handle herself, though.” He tapped his fingers on the arms of his chair, anxious to rescue her before she could be cornered by his parents.

“Go on,” Tommy said. “Get out of here. You checked on me, I’m alive, now go back to your girl. I’m assuming I’ll get to meet her soon?”

“We’re working on our next move,” he said thoughtfully. “My car will be fixed in a few days, and after that… After that, we’ll just have to see how things go.” He stood but hesitated. “You sure you want me to go? We can stay in town a few days. Kris won’t mind.”

Tommy grabbed a spare pillow and chucked it at his head. “Get out of here. I’ll be out in no time, and you can worry over me all you want.”

Edmund tossed the pillow back gently. “I’m glad you’re alright, Tommy. I’m not sure what I’d do if I lost you.”

Tommy nodded. “Same. Now go, before someone comes in here and sees us being all sappy.”

Edmund backed towards the door and waved before he finally stepped out into the hall.

“How is he?” Beth asked.

“He’s crying like a baby over you,” he told her honestly. “But he’ll be fine.”

Beth smirked and hugged Edmund around the middle as if she was a little kid again. “Thanks, Ed. You coming home anytime soon?”

“Soon enough. I’m just waiting on my car to get fixed. Kris got the engine in yesterday.”

“She’s working on your car?” she asked. “That’s awesome!”

He glanced up and down the hall for her parents, but they were well out of earshot. “You know, your brother managed to find his own path away from what your parents wanted him to do. You can do the same without being so drastic.”

She smiled and shrugged one shoulder. “That’s why we were driving back so late last night,” she told him. “Mom wants me to go to Yale, but I applied at Chicago. They have a great art program.”

“And your parents are fine with it?” he asked, surprised.

“Tommy told them they don’t have a choice. He’s helping me pay for school if they won’t. Apparently, he hasn’t touched his trust fund yet.”

Edmund kissed the top of her head before ruffling her hair. “Good for you, kid. I’ll see you around. I’m going to go save Kris.”

“You might want to hurry. I heard your parents were back.”

Edmund cursed and ran for the stairwell, hoping they had left Kris alone.