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Big Daddy SEAL by Mickey Miller, Jackson Kane (41)


Twenty Five

Molly’s apartment was a modest two bedroom squashed between two other floors in her three story building. It was a nice area and almost walking distance from the school she worked at.

“Well being that you’re too damn stubborn for a hospital, let me at least patch you up,” Molly grabbed a first aid kit from her bathroom.

“How many bikers have you had to treat?” I marveled over the backpack sized medical bag she had. “It’s not that bad.”

Each cut and bruise hurt like a bastard, but fortunately they were all pretty superficial, even the one down my chest. I was lucky that Cannonball was half in the bag when we got there, because if there’s an unarmed person in a knife fight it doesn’t matter how good he is, that guy usually loses.

Molly laughed dropping the bag on the long thin counter that separated the kitchen from her living room. “The fire department was updating the school medical supplies and had a few extra trauma kits, so they gave me one.”

Molly clipped her hair back, washed her hands, then slid on a pair of disposable latex gloves. She let them slap against her wrists ominously.

“You’re not going to ask me to bend over and cough, are you?” I teased, feigning fright.

“What kind of weird stuff did you get into while you were away?” Molly raised an eye, warily.

“Don’t judge, it’s been a long, lonely decade.” I sat down at her small, expandable dining room.

“Whatever you say, Elmo,” She smiled, then patted the air upwardly. “Strip.”

“Yes, nurse.” Instead of pulling it over my head it was easier to tear it the rest of the way and let it fall off my back. Bloody and naked to the waist, I waited for her soft warm hands to take care of me.

Molly dragged over the only other wooden chair from her small dining room set and sat next to me. She carefully laid out everything she had, then got started cleaning me up with stinging antiseptic. Soon enough everything was bandaged up. I only whined a little, not because the pain was overwhelming, but just to give her some playful grief. It was my way of showing her I was going to be alright. I didn’t want her to worry about me too much.

“All set, you big baby.” Molly peeled back her gloves and threw away the extra gauze and packaging. “I’ll grab you some water.”

“I don’t need water.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her onto my lap. “I need you.”

“Luke…” she said, worrying about my wounds.

“I’m serious.” There was no more silly playfulness in my voice, just awe and sincerity. “It’s not every day you get a second chance at your one and only. You know I’ve always hated my stage name, but it’s not until this very moment that I’ve ever felt so lucky.”

Molly smiled deeply, her glasses slid down her button nose ever so slightly. I took them off and put them on the table. Her prescription wasn’t too bad, she once described it as going from standard to high definition.

“I love you Molly Baker.” I kissed her. “I love you today.” I kissed her again. “I love you tomorrow.” And again. “I love you the day after that.” And again. “I love you till the stars burn out and the sun falls from the sky. I love you to the end of our lives and to anything beyond that.”

“I will never, ever, let you go again.”

“Oh Luke…” The worry fled from her tone, it was replaced by honey, nostalgia and hope.

And love.

I kissed her again, this time it wasn’t short nips, I drank in her lips like they were made of liquid heaven. Heat climbed up my scalp as she ran her fingers through my hair.

There was nothing else to say after that.

I picked her up and carried her onto her immaculately made bed and gently laid her down. We tumbled into each other, careful around my bandages when we remembered. She rolled on top of me and tore off her layered sleeveless blouse and cream colored bra.

Her olive skin was flawless and perfect and just like how I’d remembered it. I grabbed her and pulled her close, needed to feel her skin on mine. I needed to breathe in her scent. It was all so important, so immediate.

I might have died somehow right then and there if I didn’t get what I needed.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Molly protested, but quickly gave in. Her eyes shared my same urgency.

“As long as I have you,” I whispered into her ear, my lips playing gently against her lobes, “Nothing can ever hurt me again.”

Her body rippled against the vibrations of my words. I followed the shiver down her back with my fingernails. She turned her head to mine and bit then sucked on my bottom lip.

“Don’t worry,” she said in between kisses down my chin and neck. “I’ll protect you.”

In a weird way she already did. If she hadn’t helped in the bar, who knows what would’ve happened?

Molly had risked everything, and thrown away the last ten years of her life. When it came down to the most important decision, she chose me.

In return I showed her I was willing to die for her.

As she kissed down my neck I got up to follow her, but she placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down. “Uh uh. You stay right there. Doctor’s orders.”

Her hard nipple grazed across one of my bandages, but I was able to suppressed the sharp pain so she didn’t notice. Fuck pain. The last thing I wanted was for her to stop. I could deal with pain, what I couldn’t deal with was any part of her leaving my body.

When her tongue reached my collar bone I became aware of how hard my cock was. She hadn’t even got to my belt yet, and I was already making the leather strap groan at being stretched.

I let my head lull back and enjoyed the sensation of her licking over every one of my bulging muscles. When she hit my lower abs I reached up and cupped her tits. I trapped her nipples between my fingers; rolling and squeezing them.

Her tits slid over the rough denim of my jeans, making my cock throb and yearn for her.

Molly roughly unfastened my belt and popped the buttons on my pants that took the place of a zipper. I sat up, straining against the pain from my wounds only to have her push me back to the bed.

“Down, stubborn boy.”

I pulled my bottom lip out from my teeth and raised my arms in submission. You get to have your way for now, little girl. “Go ahead, have your fun, but I’m coming to take what’s mine soon.”

Molly smiled, reaching into my pants and grabbing my thick cock. She squeezed and a hot wave of pleasure tore up my core making me moan. “Is that so?”

“Because from what I see…” She tore my cock out of my pants and breathed in sharply as if still shocked at how big I was. Her dark eyes narrowed seductively as she gripped tighter and began to work her hand up and down my shaft. The motion turned my moan into a grunt. “I’ve got you by the balls, big man.”

“Fucking hell…” I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look at her. My cock was right next to her face, making it look so small in comparison. “I love you. You know that?”

“I think I can wrap my head around the notion.” Molly winked, kissing the tip of my cockhead, before taking as much of me as she could into her mouth.

Her slick pillowed lips and rough grip worked my rod over and over. She could only get about halfway down my shaft, but more than made up for it with the gymnastics her tongue was performing.

She was getting me close, and could already taste my precome in her mouth. I loved getting my dick sucked, but I didn’t want to come like that with her. Not yet. I pulled my cock out and sat up.

“Hey,” Molly protested, looking disappointed, then pouted. “I wasn’t done.”

“Too bad. Time’s up. It’s my turn.” I was ravenous. I couldn’t stand the fact that she still had clothes on and in a painful whirlwind of motion I had her dress pants and underwear thrown across the room.

“Luke, your arm.”

A blossom of red darkened the bandage. I didn’t care. It didn’t look like it was going to bleed through and there would always be time for more bandages later.

“I’ve got a spare just in case.” With my good arm, I reached behind her and threw her down on the bed. Molly laughed at how easily my strong arms were able to move her.

I spread her legs and dragged the head of my cock over her glossy, hungry pussy.

Then, against every fiber in my body, I stopped.

“What is it? Are you alright?” Molly looked concerned.

“I’m not with you for any other reason than to be with you. I need you to know that. Fuck my inheritance. Fuck everything else.”


“Do you have any condoms?”

“No,” Molly said with heaviness in her voice. When I started to pull away she grabbed my cock, stopping me. “Let’s do it.”

“Are you sure?”

“We’ve lost so much time already. Let’s start living, really living. I want all of it with you.” Then she pulled me into her.

Her pussy scorched my cock and pulsed as I let myself be guided at first, then finished the thrust myself. The feeling was so different without the latex barrier, so much more intense.

It all felt so right, and for all the right reasons. We were really doing it.

“Oh God, that feels so good!” Molly moaned loudly feeling every ridge and vein of my engorged cock.

I grabbed her thighs and roughly pulled them into me, throwing one of her legs over my shoulder. I was so much deeper inside her now. Her body wanted to squeak and moan, but it was too consumed with gasping in air like she was drowning.

Sweat rolled down between my pecs with the exertion. My body sharply reminded me of both Molly’s pleasure and of the pain I’d endured. I pushed the latter out of my head and focused solely on her as I pumped forward and back.

Our bodies were different pieces to the same puzzle.

I lightly rubbed a thumb over her soaked clit, letting the waves of pleasure crash over her in time with my hips. Her pussy felt amazing. Being so close, so intimate got me close to the edge.

I felt a tremor rip through her clit and then her form went rigid. She bucked hard against me and screamed, coming.

“I love you too, Luke,” she half breathed half screamed and that was enough to make me explode. I emptied all myself into her; all my love, all my hope, and maybe even our shared future.

I collapsed to the side of her, rolled onto my back and pulled her into a close snuggle. I never wanted her to be far from me again.

“Oh my God. That was…” Molly chuckled weakly, wiping the sweat from her hair-matted forehead. “That was something else.”

“Yeah…” I said, basking in it all. Everything was so utterly perfect that it was hard to think of it as real. Then darkness crept into my mind; the one thing I hadn’t told Molly began to eat away at me.

“What is it?” Molly asked, her head resting in the nook of my shoulder. She was very perceptive and must have picked up on my sudden distance.

No more secrets.

“I told you why I didn’t come back, but not why I had to leave in the first place.”

“Luke, that can wait. We don’t have to talk abut that right now.” Her words reverberated through my chest.

“We do. I need this to be a clean slate between us. No lies, no omissions and no half truths.” I craned my head over to kiss her on the forehead. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Molly. It’s important that we do this right.”

“I understand,” she said softly.

“When my biological father, this guy named Nick, found out my mom was pregnant he didn’t want to give me up. Nick was a traveling musician who loved the idea of having a son of his own and was going to make a lot of trouble for Mom and Dad: custody battles, the media, the whole nine yards.

“Dad wanted to spare Mom the shame of a scandal hitting the news so he paid Nick a bunch of hush money, but that wasn’t enough. Nick wouldn’t be happy unless he had some shared access to me. I don’t know how but Dad somehow convinced Nick to wait until I was seventeen and then I would go live with him for five years.

“There was a discrete contract written up and that was that.”

“What was Nick like?” Molly asked hesitantly.

“I don’t know. Apparently he died when I was ten of a drug overdose.”

“Wait so what happened? You didn’t have to go?” Molly lifted her head to look at me, confusion in her eyes.

“That’s what we all thought. Dad was so convinced that the problem went away that he never even told me I was adopted. Then my seventeenth birthday rolls around and Nick’s wife shows up, contract in hand.”

“What?” Molly’s jaw dropped.

‘Yeah. Dad tried to pay her off. He tried everything to get out of it. This lady wouldn’t budge; she threatened to call the cops and the media. Mom had been gone for a year by then, so Dad ultimately left the choice up to me.” My voice went quiet, before I could bolster the strength to continue.

“I’m sorry, Molly. I didn’t want to leave you, but I couldn’t let this random person destroy what was left of my mother. Mom made one mistake in her life and I couldn’t let that overshadow every good thing she’d ever done.”

Molly was silent for a painfully long amount of time. I felt nauseous. The thought of it all crumbling apart with Molly again was too much to bear.

“It’s alright, Luke.” Molly said, saving me from a fucking heart attack. “I forgave you today for everything that happened, not just some of it. What was this woman like?”

“Horrible. She somehow blamed my family for destroying her husband and wanted to take that anger out on someone. I was fed and clothed and treated well enough, but I was basically her slave for five years. When I got out I heard you’d gotten married…”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I couldn’t. That was part of the contract; no one could talk about the deal.”

“Jesus…” Molly hugged me as tightly as she could without mashing my bandaged. “I’m sorry you went through that and I’m glad you’re back.”

My heart soared. I couldn’t love another person half as much as I loved Molly.

It had been one hell of a day. I went from the outrage of learning Molly was back with Jason, to fighting for my life, to winning her, to now…. My adrenaline was peaked and my soul had never felt lighter.

We laid there for an hour and all I could think of was, “How long would things stay this good?”

Forever, I realized.

Our relationship would change and evolve over time. We’d grow old, and experience the rest of our lives together. It would be this good in different ways forever.

Molly kissed me again, then rolled off the bed to start the shower. I turned on the TV for background noise and was about to join her when I heard the news.

“Several members of the band Deconstructed are in the hospital this evening after a serious car crash. Police say drugs may have been a factor—” The TV droned on.

Oh shit, I thought. The Deconstructed were supposed to play Gloria’s store this Friday. There was no way that was going to happen now. Richard didn’t tell me any numbers, but he did say that having them play there would be make or break Black Rocket Records.

“You coming, Elmo?” Molly called playfully from the bathroom.

“Go on without me,” I told Molly. I hated myself for turning her down, especially when she was wet and naked, but now my brother needed me. Considering how much he helped me make this happen, I at least had to try to return the favor. “I have to make a few calls.”