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Billionaire's Baby (River's End Ranch Book 42) by Pamela M. Kelley (3)

Chapter 3

Ben brought Anna’s bags up to her room then grabbed a breakfast bar, topped off his coffee and disappeared into his office. As he turned on his computer, he tried not to think of how cute Anna had looked. She was even prettier than he’d remembered, with her long, pale blond hair. It fell to her shoulders and was sleek and straight. Her jeans were well worn and fit her slim figure perfectly. He also liked her floaty, peach-colored top and caramel-colored cowboy boots. They were a different pair than the ones he’d seen her in before at the coffee shop. He made a note of the fact that she liked cowboy boots. He did that when he met people, filed away little mental notes about things that stuck out about them. It was helpful when the holidays rolled around. He’d once remembered that his sister liked red sweaters. Except he wouldn’t be buying her any more sweaters.

He stared out the window and thought about his sister for a moment. They’d always been close and losing her had been one of the hardest things he’d ever gone through. He couldn’t even imagine how hard it must have been for his parents. They had all lived in the Silicon Valley area, but after Jessica died, his parents decided to sell their house and move to Florida. It was something they’d always talked about doing and with Jessica gone and Ben deciding to move, there was no reason for them not to go, too. He’d tried to talk them into coming to Riston, but Florida in the winter had always been their dream. They did promise to come for a long visit during the hot summer months, though.

He never knew what might trigger thoughts of Jessica. Sometimes it was a song, or a picture or a date, like her birthday or holiday. Christmas had been especially hard this year. And now he had her baby. His parents had offered to take Taylor, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He and Jessica had talked about the possibility of this day coming, though they’d both been thinking more along the lines of a freak accident or something, not cancer. But he’d agreed—insisted, actually—to take Taylor and raise her as his own. And he didn’t think of Taylor as his niece. He did at first, but after just a few weeks, they’d bonded and now she was his daughter. Jessica had never married so they shared the same last name, but if they hadn’t he would have adopted her so that they did.

As much as he loved that little girl, he was relieved that Anna was there to help. This way, he’d be able to make sure that any time he had with Taylor was quality time, when he could focus his attention on her totally. He had a new respect for single parents. For all parents, actually. Being a parent was hard work.

He smiled as he thought back to how chaotic his first weeks with Taylor had been when he was naïve enough to think he could juggle feeding her and being on a conference call at the same time. He’d screwed up repeatedly, but he learned quickly and now he could change a diaper as well as anyone. His phone rang and brought his thoughts back to the present. It was time for his first conference call.

His morning flew until it was almost noon and time for him to head over to River’s End Ranch for a meeting with Wade. They were going to have lunch at Kelsey’s Kafe and Wade wanted to introduce him to Steven. The name was familiar and when Wade explained who he was it made sense. He’d asked his friend, Adiel, about him and he said they’d worked together once on a project and it had been a good experience. Given that information, Ben was intrigued to find out what Wade had in mind.

When Ben arrived at Wade’s office, he smiled at the chaos he seemed to walk into. Bernie, Wade’s assistant, was on the phone while a FedEx delivery guy stood waiting for a signature. The other girl, Lily, had a mother and what he guessed were her four daughters gathered around a portfolio with pictures of wedding cakes. Meanwhile, her phone was ringing off the hook and she was letting it go to voicemail so she could give her full attention to the people in front of her. Ben approved of that whole-heartedly. Not that it mattered, of course, but one of his pet peeves was someone leaving the customers they were helping in person to attend to someone calling on the phone.

Since both girls were more than busy, Ben poked his head into Wade’s office. He was on a call but waved Ben in and gestured for him to have a seat. A moment later, he hung up the phone. It immediately rang again. Wade glanced at it, scowled and stood up. “Let’s go. Whoever that is can leave a voice message.”

Ben followed him outside and when they stepped on the front porch, Wade pulled something out of his pocket and clicked it. He heard a whirring sound and then was impressed to see a golf cart back itself up, turn around and head their way. It pulled up right in front of them, and Wade looked delighted.

“What do you think? Cool trick, huh? A vendor dropped this off last week for me to try it out. He wants me to fall in love with it and buy a few more.”

“Think you will?”

“Probably,” Wade admitted. “Why not? I bet the guests will love it!”

Ben agreed and was tempted to order one himself.

“Hop in. We could walk. But it’s kind of a hike and I’d rather spend the time at lunch. Steven and his business partner Brandon Chin, should be there waiting for us. Brandon is the one that finds most of their investors and sponsors.”

“So, are you going to tell me what this is all about?” Ben asked.

Wade chuckled. “Honestly, I don’t know much more than what I told you already. Steven is executive producer for a TV project that will be filming here at the ranch. He mentioned that they were still looking for some additional investors and asked me if I knew you.”

“Okay, good enough. I asked my friend Adiel about him. Turns out they’ve worked together and he gave him the thumb’s up. I look forward to hearing what he has to say.”

“Have you been to Kelsey’s Kafe yet? My sister manages it and the food is pretty amazing. It’s stick-to-your-ribs kind of stuff. Bob makes a burger so good it will make you cry. Though you can’t go wrong with one of his specials, either.”

When they walked through the door, a pretty blonde woman ran over to them and gave Wade a big hug. She glanced at the clock on the wall. “You’re actually early. Did you take the golf cart?”

“We did.”

“I want one. All of us do. We can discuss at Sunday dinner. But the consensus is the more of these golf carts at the ranch the better. Remotes for everyone! Oh, Steven and another man are already here, waiting for you in the corner booth. Root beer?”

Wade nodded and Kelsi looked his way.

“And what about you? Root beer okay or do you want something else?”

“That’s fine for me, too.”

“Good. Oh, by the way, I’m Kelsi. This rude one’s sister.”

Wade smiled and apologized. “I’m sorry, I should have introduced you. Kelsi, this is Ben Turner. He recently moved here.”

Kelsi nodded and ran off to get their drinks. Ben couldn’t help but notice that she and Wade shared the same icy blue eyes that were almost startling, they were so light.

Wade shook his head. “My sister is always feisty, but she’s been unusually so lately.”

“She seems great.”

“Oh, I’m not complaining. There’s never a dull moment with Kelsi.”

Wade introduced Ben and Steven introduced Brandon to both of them and they sat across from him in the booth. Ben noticed that Brandon was still wearing his coat even though they were inside.

“He’s not used to cold weather here,” Steven said with a laugh.

Kelsi returned a moment later with their drinks and menus.

“Bob’s special today is shepherd’s pie. There’s also a low-fat version in case that interests you. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Kelsi dropped the menus on the table and Ben smiled. She’d made it abundantly clear that she was not a fan of diet versions. He had to agree. He’d rather hit the gym or have less of the real thing than a low-fat imitation.

When she came back for their orders, they all got the full-fat special. Kelsi nodded in approval and took their menus away.

“So, I filled Ben in with what I know about your project,” Wade said.

Steven smiled. “I was surprised and delighted to learn you moved to Riston. Is this a permanent move? Or more of a short-term thing? Just curious.”

“I hope it will be permanent. I needed to get out of the public eye, now that it’s not just me I have to worry about.”

“I heard about your niece and the passing of your sister. I’m very sorry.”

Ben appreciated that. “Thank you.”

“I read that you stepped down as CEO of Blue Sky Pages and wasn’t sure, given your move, if you were planning to continue investing in film and TV projects?”

Ben nodded. “I stepped down because it was time. The company doesn’t need me there on a daily basis anymore. I’m still a majority shareholder and very involved, but more on an advisory basis. Which frees up more time for various investment projects.”

“That’s encouraging to hear.”

Ben grinned. “And I don’t have to be present in LA, either, to invest in these types of projects. Now that people know what I’ve done, they don’t seem to have any problem reaching me by email.”

Steven nodded. “Good. But I have to admit, I’m excited that you are local as we’d love your input if what we are doing interests you.”

“That is definitely a selling point. Even though the bulk of what I do can be done remotely now, I still always visit the set of any production I invest in just to take the pulse of what’s going on and to weigh in if I have any insight to offer.”

“Great. So, let me fill you in on what we’re doing…”

For the next forty-five minutes, Steven went into great detail about the project and the book that it was based on. They only paused briefly when Kelsi delivered their meals. The conversation continued over dessert and coffee.

“The only thing we haven’t nailed down yet is the head writer/show runner position. We have a few people in mind, but the challenge is they are all involved in other projects. So, it’s a matter of timing.”

Ben sipped his coffee, and a thought occurred to him. He was ninety-five percent sure that he wanted to get involved. The project sounded great, and he loved that it was local. That would satisfy his need for occasional people interaction.

“So, what do you think?” Steven finally asked as Kelsi set the check on the table.

“I’m interested. I’ll have to do my due diligence, of course, and check out the book this is based on and the list of people who have committed so far.”

Steven nodded, reached for something on the seat next to him and handed a paperback book to Ben.

“Here you go. I anticipated that you’d want a copy.”

“Thanks. I have another thought, too. A suggestion that would make me more inclined to move forward if it worked out.”

“What’s that?” Steven looked excited and apprehensive at the same time.

“I understand you worked with a friend of mine before, Adiel Bozeman.”

Steven smiled. “I know Adiel. He was great to work with.”

“Would you consider him for your show runner? I asked him about you before I agreed to this meeting and he happened to mention that his current project is winding down.”

“Adiel might be available? Yes, I’d certainly be interested in talking to him about this.”

“Great, give him a call. And let’s touch base after the two of you connect. I should be ready to make a decision by then.”

Anna was exhausted by the end of her first day watching Taylor. Who would have thought that minding an eleven-month-old baby would be so all-consuming? When she wasn’t napping, Anna was getting ready for her to wake up, making sure she had her bottles of formula filled and cutting up finger food snacks for her—pieces of fruit, oatmeal, crackers. She was a good eater, not fussy at all, except when it seemed like her teeth were hurting.

While Betty bustled around the house, getting it in order, and Taylor napped, Anna fired up her new laptop and researched everything she needed to know to be a good nanny. One of the first things she did was to put the teething gel away, in a bathroom drawer. She’d read that the anesthetic was potentially unsafe for babies and a better alternative was a cold teething ring. She found several good candidates among Taylor’s pacifiers and toys and after a thorough wash, filled them with water and put them in the freezer to chill.

By the time she fed Taylor dinner, changed her diaper, read a book to her and settled her down for the night, she returned to the kitchen where the lasagna Betty had put in the oven earlier was starting to smell amazing. Betty was making a shopping list and smiled when she saw Anna.

“There you are. I’m getting ready to head out for the night. The lasagna is ready to eat any time, so just help yourself. Ben usually surfaces from his office around six if you’d rather have some company.”

“You don’t stay for dinner?” Anna felt slightly alarmed at the thought of it just being her and Ben for the evening.

“No. I have a kitchen in my cottage and I’m not a big eater at dinner time. Tonight is bridge night with my girlfriends, so I’ll be eating there. Unless there’s anything you want me to pick up at the store tomorrow, I’ll be off.”

“I can’t think of anything. Have a good night.”

Betty smiled. “I hope your first day went well? I think it’s going to be good having you here.”

The comment took Anna by surprise. “Oh, thank you!”

When Betty left, the house felt oddly quiet. Taylor was sound asleep and the only sound was Anna’s stomach as it grumbled so loudly she wouldn’t have been surprised if Ben could hear it from his office. She smiled at the silly thought. She was starving, but didn’t want to be rude and start eating if she was supposed to wait for him. They hadn’t discussed mealtimes other than the fact that room and board was included in the position. She poured herself a glass of water and found some celery stalks to munch on while she waited. She didn’t have to wait long. Just as she swallowed her last bite of celery, she heard footsteps coming down the hall.

“Are you as hungry as I am?” Ben asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“I could eat,” Anna said casually as her stomach rumbled again.

Ben raised his eyebrows. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I should have mentioned before that you don’t have to wait for me. If you’re hungry and I’m not around, please go ahead.” He grinned. “I am glad for the company, though. Shall I plate you up some lasagna? Betty has this on the regular rotation because I love it.”

“Yes, please. I’ll get the salad out.” Anna set the large bowl of salad and the homemade Italian dressing Betty had made earlier on the island.

“We can eat right here, unless you’d rather go to the table?” Ben said. Anna followed his glance toward the formal dining room table.

“No, this is fine.”

He handed her a plate with a large, oozing slab of lasagna and a buttery piece of garlic bread. He set his full plate next to hers and was about to sit down, then turned back to her with a question.

“How about some wine? I like a glass sometimes with dinner. Since today’s your first day, and you’re still here, I’d say we should toast to that.”

“I’d love a glass of wine.”

Ben poured them each some wine, then joined her at the island and helped himself to the salad.

Anna took a small bite of the lasagna and it was delicious. Betty was a good cook. Too good.

“Did you mention something about a workout room? If all of Betty’s meals are this good, I could be in trouble.”

Ben laughed. “I did. And they are. It’s a small room, above the garage. There’s a treadmill and elliptical machine, some weights. Nothing fancy, but enough to counteract Betty’s food.”

“I’ll have to check that out soon, then.”

Ben glanced at her and Anna felt a warm flush. She looked down and focused on her food.

“I think you’re safe for a while. You’re tiny.”

Anna smiled. She wasn’t anything close to tiny, but it was still nice to hear it. She knew she wasn’t overweight, but it was because she was careful. She had to be. She loved food, and it was easy to lose control. She had quickly gained and then slowly lost fifteen pounds her first year in college. The freshman fifteen was a very real thing.

“Thank you.”

“So, how was your first day? I hope it wasn’t too boring for you?” He looked a little worried and Anna reassured him she wasn’t going anywhere. The job had come along at just the right time and she was grateful for it.

“It was good. I didn’t have time to be bored. I was surprised by how fast the time went. How was your day?” She was curious about what he did.

“It was busy. I had a meeting at River’s End Ranch. A lunch meeting, actually, at Kelsey’s Kafe. Have you been there?”

“Yes. I always liked it there, but since the new chef came, the food is amazing. Bob knows comfort food.”

Ben laughed. “Yes. He does. It was a good place for a business lunch. Did you know they are going to be filming a TV show at the ranch?”

“I heard something about that at trivia the other night.”


“Every Thursday night they do team trivia at the restaurant at the ranch. A bunch of us play often. Wade told us about it the other night. Well, after Jaclyn asked him that is. She’d already heard some rumors.”

“Who is this Jaclyn? I’ve heard her name a few times now.”

Anna told him all about Jaclyn, though she left out her match-making tendencies. He wouldn’t care about that.

“She sounds like quite a character.”

“She is. So, why did they want to talk to you about the TV project?” Anna asked.

“They’re looking for a few more investors and it’s right up my alley.”

“Are you going to do it?” It sounded exciting to Anna.

“I think so. But I haven’t committed yet. I’m hoping they will hire a friend of mine on as show runner. If they do, that will make the project a lot more fun and I’ll probably be over there more often.”

“Well, I hope it works out for you. I’ve read that book, the one they are basing the TV series on, and it’s awesome. I read it in one sitting.”

“Really? Is that normal for you?” Ben looked keenly interested in her answer.

“No. Not at all. I watch more movies than I read books, just because I love movies. For me to read a book in one sitting means the book hooked me instantly and I couldn’t put it down. That rarely happens. But I guess it’s why the book has gone on to be such a huge seller.”

* * *

Ben took another big bite of lasagna and thought about what Anna had said. He’d been pretty sure he wanted to get involved with the TV project but wanted to read the book first. Now he realized that he didn’t need to. At least not before deciding. He’d still read it because that’s what he did. He was thorough. But hearing that Anna, someone who wasn’t a huge reader, couldn’t put the book down, set all his alarms buzzing. It meant the book had huge commercial appeal, which was already evident since it was on the bestseller list. But still, hearing from an actual reader made a difference

“I’m having another slice of lasagna. Do you want some?” He cut a big slice for himself and looked back at Anna to see if she wanted more, too.

“I really shouldn’t,” she said. But it was obvious that she wanted more.

“Give me your plate.”

She handed it to him and he cut a smaller slice.

“Thank you.”

Ben settled back into his seat and in minutes his plate was clean. Anna was still nibbling away at hers.

“So, tell me more about you. You got into law school, which is awesome. What’s the issue with finances? Once you apply for financial aid, I bet you’ll be surprised what is available.”

Anna took a deep breath and Ben sensed that she was debating how much to share with him.

“It’s not that easy. My step-mother informed me that I’m out of the will and she’s not interested in helping me with any financial aid. She says that there’s not much money left, and she admitted that she lied to my father and told him I got scholarships everywhere so I didn’t need his money.”

Ben didn’t like the sound of that at all. “Didn’t your father ask you about it?”

Anna shook her head sadly. “No. He was confused in the months before he passed. His cancer had spread to his brain, which messed with his memory and mobility. It was heartbreaking to see. So, I never talked to him about anything like that. I just focused on happy memories.”

Ben nodded, thinking of his sister and her similar memory issues. He understood totally. But he was furious on Anna’s behalf. Something sounded very fishy about her stepmother.

“Have you thought of fighting the will? I’d be happy to help.”

Anna looked happy about the idea at first but then she shook her head.

“No. I don’t want to go there. I just want to find another way, even if it takes me longer. I have my issues with Elise, but I love her children, Hayley and Tommy, and I don’t want to cause any problems.”

“Okay. Forget I said anything, then. I’m going to head back into my office for a while. Feel free to make yourself at home in the living room if you feel like watching TV.”

Anna yawned. “Thanks. I think I’m going to just go relax in my room for a bit and head to bed. I’m not used to getting up this early,” she admitted.

Ben laughed. “Welcome to my world. I’m glad you’re here, Anna. Sweet dreams.”




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