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Brother's Best Friend is Back by Eva Luxe (241)


You would think I would be feeling excited, or embarrassed, or… something… about the fact that I had just become a stripper. And I have to admit, last night, I was.

After Darien dropped me off, I couldn’t stop thinking about the entire night. But to be honest, it wasn’t so much about the fact that I’d made a fool of myself up there on the pole as it was about the fact that I had met someone so handsome and kind.

I had told him I had been banned to the back room, which was true. But in all honestly, I could have gone out and danced again. After an hour of practicing, Stacy and the other girls had told me I had my moves down pat and that they would talk to Mr. B about letting me go work the floor at least, if not dance on stage.

But I just hadn’t felt right about it. When I was in Darien’s lap I had just wanted to stay there. I had no judgment for what the dancers who were fast becoming my friends did for a living but it just didn’t feel right for me. I wanted to find a guy who would catch me, protect me, be with me for good. I didn’t want to have to be taking my clothes off for money.

The fact remained, though, that I did have to do it. I needed the money. Darien was obviously rich, and I wasn’t, and our two paths were not meant to collide in this life.

So, I tried to not think about Darien and just go to sleep. I couldn’t get him off my mind, though. I’d reached my hand down under my comforter and felt the wet folds of my pussy, and I knew it was still dripping from sitting on his cock earlier. It had felt so big and strong underneath me.

I had rubbed my clit while spreading my legs, wishing I was opening them for him.

“Oh, Darien,” I had breathed, turning my face so I could scream into my pillow. “I want your cock inside me.”

I had never had anyone’s cock inside me. Despite having been a stripper for all of one dance, I had no experience with sex. But I could guess how good it would feel for Darien to spread my legs wide open and put his cock deep inside my willing and waiting pussy.

I bet it would feel so good, sliding in and out of me. I bet he would grab my tits while I bounced around on his cock. I bet the rhythm of our two bodies together would be better than any vibrator.

I had come all over my fingers while thinking about Darien taking my virginity. And then I had fallen into a deep sleep.

Today, however, I had no time to think about the fact that I had just taken on a new profession, nor even much time to think about Darien. Today was just another day for me to be fighting with my parents about my brother.

“So, you think it’s fair to leave me out of these conversations?” I snapped at them now.

I was so tired of this same conversation, and I guess they were too, because this time I’d caught them talking about decisions pertaining to Sam and his health care without me present.

“Willow, we just didn’t want to stress you. We’re the head of the—”

I cut my mother off, storming into the hallway from the living room.

“We agreed! We agreed that we would make all his medical decisions together! You can’t just leave me out of these things!”

My father just sat in his recliner with his head hung down.

They kept complaining about how hard it was for them with Sam in the hospital, but what did they want? For Sam to just up and die? Would that be easier for them?

I swung the front door open and charged outside─ and ran straight into someone.

Stumbling back, I looked up and saw that familiar face. His hands came up to my shoulders to steady me.

It was Darian. The man who had rescued me. The man who had made me come last night in my fantasies.

“You…” I said, trying to find my words.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I─ why are you here?” I gazed up at him and then lowered my voice. “I don’t do private dances and, well, my parents don’t know─”

He shook his head and waved his hand. “No, I’m not here for that. I needed to ask you for a favor.”

“What do you need?”

The argument with my mother still had adrenaline pumping through my veins. He turned me and placed his hand on my back like a gentleman and walked me toward his car. There was a little girl sitting on the inside.

“This is my daughter, Ariel.” His whole face softened as he waved at the little girl through the back window. “I need you to look after her for a little while. I have an important meeting that I can’t reschedule.”

“Watch her here?” I asked, pointing back at my family’s townhouse.

My parents would nose their way into my business. Honestly, they didn’t need to know I was making any money at all. Even if babysitting would be a more honorable way to make it than stripping.

“No, my place. It has everything you need. And I’d pay you well.”

“How long do you need me to watch her? And why ask me?” I lowered my voice. “Who asks a stripper to watch their daughter?”

For the most part, that was sarcasm, but I was curious. He didn’t carry himself like the rest of the screwballs that came to the bar.

He was more mature, business like, and the scent of that cologne, that mix of sandalwood and coffee… damn.

“Well.” He hesitated. “Let’s just say I like your vibe. You’re gentle, and obviously new to the whole exotic dancer thing.”

My face burned. He didn’t have to remind me what an idiot I’d made of myself the night before. My single attempt at being a stripper had been a total train wreck; I couldn’t even make myself get back up there again the rest of the evening.

He wouldn’t understand, of course. One good look at his fancy, fast car and I knew that he didn’t know what scraping for money was like. Add on to that that you had a brother in a coma you had to support because insurance wanted to be so fucking cheap, and I was in a bind that he’d never relate to. 

“Yeah, I know I was a disaster,” I said, crossing my arms in front of me. “But─”

“But what?”

“That job pays really good money. And I need that money.”

He sighed. “Right, because of your brother. How much?”

“You mean, how much do I get paid?” He nodded impatiently, and I shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, it’s not a set thing, but my first day brought in like four hundred dollars.”

I didn’t mention that half of that had been the hundreds that he had shoved at me after I’d landed on top of him.

“I’ll pay you eight hundred if you watch after my Ariel today.”

That look in his eyes made it hard to turn him down. Not to mention that high amount of money. I was a little suspicious— but also excited— about why he would want me to do this. But he just looked like a concerned father, and I felt that his plea was genuine.

I moved my mouth to say yes when my mother opened the door and padded out to see who the handsome man was, who was standing in front of her house, with her daughter.

“Willow? Is this a friend of yours?” she asked.

“Yes, Mom.”

“I’m her boss,” he added. He shook her hand. “My name is Darien, I’ve hired your daughter to babysit my daughter today.”

He looked back at me with a grin. I nodded. One day off having to strip at the bar would be nice, as just the thought of it filled me with dread, especially if Darien wasn’t going to be there. Plus, getting paid eight hundred dollars was a nice boost of money. Maybe I would be able to make a dent in Sam’s healthcare after all.

“I’d love to stay longer to chat, but I have a very important meeting to go to,” Darien told my mom, and gestured for me to get into the car.

“Bye, Mom,” I said, as I ducked inside to grab my purse, and then headed back outside.

She looked rather dumbstruck as I left, and I couldn’t blame her. I had never been the type to want to babysit some kid. In fact, I thought kids were annoying. But, how was she to know what my alternatives were? This sure beat stripping.

I followed Darien over to his car and got inside. I looked in the backseat and saw Ariel give me a curious look.

“Willow, meet Ariel, my daughter.”

She spoke in a cheery voice, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you!”

“Hey, Ariel! You’ve got a princess name!”

“I do!” She giggled, high pitched and sweet.

I had to admit, it was pretty damn cute.

We went through many winding roads, and the scenery that passed us in a flurry of green and yellow hues was calming and reassuring. I was well aware I didn’t know Darien that well, but how many psycho killers went around dropping hundred dollar bills and picking up people with their child in the car?

I slid a glance at him as he navigated the expensive car through a neighborhood where the yards were not only fenced, but gated. He was handsome, with a strong jaw and thick eyelashes, and his hand on the wheel was large and strong. I wondered if he’d come from a background more like mine, with manual labor and blue collar work being more normal than suits and ties.

If so, he’d sure risen above it. He obviously didn’t have a care in the world about money now.

But since he had a kid, that meant he also had a wife or girlfriend, right?

I didn’t want to seem too nosy, so I kept my mouth shut. God knew I didn’t want to have that attribute of my mother rub off on me. But I couldn’t help but wonder all about this mysterious man who had helped me so much, for reasons I couldn’t even discern.