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Chase & Chloe by Simone Elise (55)

Chapter 58

Chloe's Point of View

I can't believe he chose this moment to keep his word. Slow. He wanted to give me slow. I groaned again and moved up the bed. He wasn't the only one that needed a cold shower. Somehow I would get my way. Maybe not tonight though.

Even though I knew he was naked in the next room, I didn't make a move. I'd have to break that willpower of his. At the same time, it wouldn't kill us to go slow.

I slipped in between the sheets, my head falling down on the pillow. Darn this bed. I swear sleeping in it was like heaven.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and, considering the door was broken, it just opened. I sat up in bed, pulling the blankets to my chest.

"Hey Chloe, this was going off downstairs." Archie walked in and threw the phone on the bed.

"Thanks Archie." I smiled and attempted not to be awkward even though the top half of me was naked under this blanket. "Sorry to wake you up."

"Nah, it's alright, my stomach did that." Archie's eyes flashed to my arm. "How is the arm?"

"Aching at the moment. I did some heavy lifting, even though Jenkins told me not to," I muttered at my own stupidity. Jenkins told me not to do any weight training, but I couldn't stop myself from helping Ash with her weights or Scott's other clients.

"Let me have a look at it." Archie moved across the room.

"Can you pass me that top on the ground?" I asked as he walked past Chase's top that Chase had just taken off.

Archie picked it up and threw it at me. Within a second, I was threading my arms through it and over my head. Feeling more comfortable, I put my arm out.

His cool hands ran over it and he studied it. "Looks like you could have pulled some stitches."

"They don't look ruined." I frowned. Sure, it was red and inflamed, but the stitches looked fine.

"I'm talking about the internal ones," Archie smiled at me, explaining. "You in pain?"

McKenzies had this look. It was a pleading look, with a charming smile to go with it. Their eyes would soften and they looked innocent. Archie was giving me that look right now so I couldn't lie, even if I wanted to.

"Yeah, it is." I chewed my bottom lip. "But I'll handle it."

"No point being in pain when you don't have to be." Archie crossed his arms.

"I'm not a pill popper." I shrugged my shoulders. It was simple really. "I don't like any type of medication, even those antibiotics you have started me on is pushing it."

"Why?" Archie said, frustrated with me, and I heard the shower turn off.

I had never really told anyone before, and I really didn't want to now. "Because…" my throat tightened "My dad died of an overdose." I hadn't spoken to anyone about this, apart from mom. "It was accidental. He was on a lot of medication for his heart. He just wanted something to help with the pain. Mom found him dead in bed a few hours later. He would doctor shop so the doctors didn't know all the medications he was on." I looked Archie in the eye and saw pity, which was the last thing I wanted. "So I don't take pain meds."

Archie nodded his head, "I know what it's like to lose a father, I know the pain, but," Archie picked up my arm, his thumb running down my stitches, so gentle he was barely touching them, "He wouldn't want you in pain because of his mistakes. I'll personally make sure you don't abuse them, and I know everything you are taking."

I sighed, running my other hand through my hair. "My fingers are numb when I wake up. Is that normal?"

"Nerve damage. That's what I was worried about." Archie frowned. "How long does it last?"

"Not long. The feeling comes back." I looked down at the ugliest wound. "I wish he had stabbed me in the stomach or something. At least then I could cover it up."

"How are your ribs?"

"Sore. How did you know about that?" I hadn't told him. A guilty expression crossed his face.

"I may have been tracking your health reports at the university."

I went there once because the pain was so bad. I was meant to go for an X-ray.

"Well, then you know they wanted me to go for an X-ray."

"Yeah, did they do a physical examination?"

I shook my head.

"Lie on your back."

I did, and he pulled the blankets down to my hips and pulled my shirt up to just under my breasts.

"Bloody hell, it's bruised." His hands touched my side. "I’m assuming from the bruising that it's your left side."

I nodded.

"This might hurt. Inhale for me." His hands pressed into my ribs, and I inhaled sharply from the pain, not because he told me to. “Okay, breathe normally." His fingers moved down. "Inhale again and hold it."

I did as I was told and cringed from the pain. By the expression on his face, it was like he could see through my skin using just his hands.

“Okay, breathe normally."

I let out a long breath. "How are you so good at this?" I asked as his fingers ran down lower on my side.

"One of us had to be trained to fix us up. Chase is the leader, Marc is the protector, Declan is the smart one, Dan is the hands-on one and Oliver is the tech one." He shrugged. "And I'm the one they come to when they get shot up or punched up."

"A lot of pressure. You do a great job."

He smiled. "Thanks, but it's just what I do." He suddenly pushed into my rib cage, causing me to bolt up in pain, gasping. The scream had just left my lips, and then the bathroom door slid open abruptly and Chase stood there with a towel around his hips, water over his chest and his hair dripping.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He yelled at his brother.

"Chase, calm down. Archie just brought me my phone." I interrupted them before they could start arguing.

"So why are his hands on you and you're screaming?" Chase's eyes flashed to Archie's hands.

"I was giving her an examination. She has a fractured left rib." Archie looked at me. "You shouldn't be doing any weights. You could break it completely."

"I'll be fine." I pushed my shirt down and pulled the blankets up. "Um…thanks for bringing me my phone."

"That's alright. It was basically having a fit downstairs when I was getting something to eat." Archie backed off. "We'll start you on some Endone tomorrow."

I opened my mouth to complain, but he quickly added.

"They won't interact with anything."

Did I trust him? He knew my concerns. He knew more than Chase. I nodded my head. "Fine, but it's only for a week."

"Fine. We will go week by week." He shrugged and winked at me. It was impossible for him to know that currently I was living my life day to day. "Night."

"Night, Archie." I reached for my phone, which was in the middle of the bed. I wondered who would be messaging me. Then I remembered. Jenkins. I had asked him to send me my fitness program information along with any tips on being a personal trainer.

I saw Chase nod his head at Archie and he left. I was scrolling through my emails. I swear Jenkins had sent me every program he had done for me, as well as ones he recommended.

"Who is it?"

I looked up, seeing Chase walking out of the walk-in closet in his boxers, dropping his wet towel on the ground.

"Jenkins." I dropped back on the bed and went to my messages. Why was he still up this late at night?

"Fucking who?"

My eyes widened hearing that tone, and I looked back up to see Chase basically glaring at me.

"Jenkins." I swallowed sharply. "Don't make it a big deal."

"You reached out to him?" Chase crossed his arms. "You contacted him?"

"Yes." I sat back up, knowing this argument was just beginning. "I knew you would frown upon it so I didn't tell you. I called him this morning."

"You contacted him this morning!"

I regretted saying it as soon as I saw his reaction. "Like I said, don't make it a big deal."

"Why?" Chase was doing everything possible not to walk over to my side of the bed and rip the phone from my hand. I knew that.

"Well, I wanted him to know I was okay." I glanced down at my phone as it vibrated again. "And then I needed him to give me a reference for my job so he got my new number."

Chase scoffed, shaking his head. "Un-fucking believable." He pointed a finger at me. "I don't know what your job is, but you aren't keeping it."

"Yes, I am. I've made Scott promises."

"Who the hell is Scott?"

"The man I'm working for. He is also a student at ACU."

"Not happening."

"God, don't be so darn protective! I can look after myself. I have been for months!"

"With me watching you!"

"I didn't ask you to do that." I gave him a pointed look, narrowing my eyes. I didn't need him to be my knight in shining armor. "I don't need you to be a dick about this."

"You don't need to work. You have me. I won't let you go without anything."

I groaned. That was the problem. "I'm not fighting with you over this. I'm keeping my job." If it wasn’t even really a job.

"You want independence because of what happened today, I get that, but you don't need it."

"I won't rely on you, Chase." I would make this crystal clear to him. "Ever."

"The whole point of being in a relationship is relying on your partner."

"Not for everything! You can't just give me somewhere to stay, pay all the bills, pay for the food, all my stuff, and also pay to get me fake licenses, passports and records. I'm sure when you are in a relationship I'm meant to contribute something! You're also meant to rely on me."

I wouldn't be the woman that was so dependent on her partner she didn't know what to do without him. I had expected Joe to pay for my life. I wouldn't expect that from Chase. I would get my degree and I would work and the day he decides he is done with me, I'll have a career.

Chase moved across the room and was at my side of the bed. "Chloe, you being here is all I want from you. You rushing off to a nine-to-five job is not what I want. I want you by my side and," he linked his fingers with mine, "On the days I let you out of my sight, it is only the days you have to go to uni. Don't make me be apart from you any more than I have to be."

"Once the club starts, you'll be busy."

"So will you."

I frowned, not understanding. "How will the club affect me?" I knew the club would mean he would be busy. I didn't know the details, but I assumed it was stressful and time-consuming running an illegal motorcycle club. "Apart from not seeing you, I'm not really seeing how it will impact me."

"A President's old lady has as many responsibilities as the President."

I laughed. "You're joking, right?"

He shook his head, which wiped the smile from my face.

"What responsibilities?" I cleared my throat. "Exactly?"

"Well, from managing the clubhouse to running the girls."

I laughed again. "Like any of the girls are going to listen to me. I'm nineteen!"

"They will listen to you," his hand cupped my face and he looked me in the eye, "Because they will have to deal with me if they don't."

"I don't know anything about running a clubhouse." He couldn't be serious right now? He couldn't expect me to step into such a role. "Maybe you should get someone else."

"This comes with being with me and I don't want anyone else. I want you." He planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "I'll help you. It's my first time being in a charter with roots." He let the nerves show on his face, and it was the first time I saw his confidence falter. "I'll help you if you help me?"

The sound of the raw nerves in his voice had me twisting on the bed, my legs going in between his thighs. The fact he was letting me know he was nervous about this was a big thing. He didn't have his normal ‘I can do anything’ attitude.

My hands ran over his shoulders. Did I know what I was getting myself into? My hands stopped on his broad shoulders.

"I won't let you down." I leaned up and kissed his lips. I was promising him something I wasn't even sure I could give, but I would do my best. "Don't know how good of an old lady I'll make, but I'll try." That was all I could give him.

His hands ran up my sides, so gently he pushed me back, my back sinking into the soft mattress.

"I love you in my shirt." He kissed my cheek. "As much as I want to let you sleep, we haven't settled the job problem."

My hands cupped his face so close to mine. "I'll quit." I saw the smirk spread across his face like he had won. "When you need me at the club. Not before."

That smirk was gone. "You know club girls are coming this week, right?"

"No. How would I know that? You didn't tell me."

"The boys are going crazy. They’re starting to look at you." Chase's face tightened. "I need them distracted until business starts up. The new members will roll in as well."

"Where are they all going to stay?" The house was big, but it wasn't that big.

"At the motel I bought, but I have to get beds and crap. Deck out the rooms. Then I've got to organize their food." Chase was only sharing the tiniest bit of his problems. He ran a hand through his hair. "Shit doesn't end." He gave me half a smile "You should get some sleep."

I nodded. "Bed sounds good." Chase had done so much for me; the least I can do was organize beds, food, televisions and what else a room needed.

Chase walked back to his side of the bed and I slid back in between the blankets, lying down on my side. This bed made me want to live in it.

Chase's arm was around my waist and he pulled me into the middle of the bed, sliding his other arm under my head.

I felt his kiss on the back of my head.

"Turn off your phone, it's still vibrating and I'm not in the mood to argue with you over Jenkins."

I reached out, turning my phone off. "Happy?"

"With you like this," he pulled me in even closer until I was firmly back against his chest. "Always."

I closed my eyes, letting myself enjoy the circles he was rubbing on my thigh. In this bed, with this man, I could die happy.