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Chase & Chloe by Simone Elise (57)

Chapter 60

Chloe's Point of View

The day had gone quickly. University was uneventful, and I hadn't heard another word from Chase all day. I assumed he had accepted the fact I was busy today. As much as I wanted to go home and see him, I still had personal training sessions to do.

"I wish I could do that." Ash straightened up and reached for her water bottle. We had just finished doing mat work.


"That." She nodded her head at the ring. "I can't take a punch or give one."

I looked over my shoulder at Scott in the ring with a client. How many hours had I spent in a ring, taking punches from Jenkins and then giving them back?

"Come on. I'll teach you." I put a hand out for her to take and helped her off the ground.

"You serious?"

"Yep." I smiled at her. "Don't look so nervous."

I walked over to the ring, jumping in and holding the ropes open for Ash. As soon as she was in, I picked up a set of pads and gloves, throwing the gloves at Ash.

"What are you doing in here?" Scott eyed me down.

"Teaching Ash how to throw a punch."

"You're not telling me you think you can throw a punch, are you?" Scott looked at me with disbelief. He was bigger than me and was typical alpha male and clearly he thought females couldn't look after themselves, or maybe he was just thinking I couldn't.

"What do you think I can't?" I met his eyes. "I could take you."

Scott laughed. “Okay, but if I win, you do late nights for the rest of the week with me."

"And if I win?"

"I'll finish the rest of tonight's clients."


Scott shook his head at me. "I don't know if I can hit you."

"Trust me, I don't hit like a girl." I grinned.

He went and picked up the gloves, and I shook my head. "No gloves. I don't do protective wear." I watched the smirk drop from his face.

"I won't hit you without gear on."

"Who said you would land a punch?" I arched my eyebrows at him. "Come on, Scott. What, are you afraid I'll ruin your reputation?"

He shook his head. "Bring it on, Chloe."

Chase's Point of View

"You sure this is the place?" Marc grumbled behind me. "How do you know it's this gym and not another one?"

Marc was in a dirty mood because I had pulled him away from the bottle. I don't know what had him drinking so hard. Something must be on his mind. I was going to question him on it, but then I saw the look he gave me as soon as I approached him.

The clear McKenzie ‘fuck off’ stare so I decided to drag him to help me hunt Chloe down instead.

"Oliver said her phone is here. That means she is here." I went down the stairs and looked around the gym.

"Does she even know you're coming?" he gritted out. Why was he in such a foul mood? I glanced at him. One would think he was doing everything possible to avoid Chloe.

I scanned the gym and then spotted her. In the ring. She was on a man's back and had his arm pulled back and was applying all her force on him.

"Tap out, Scott, before I break it." Chloe laughed.

"I'm not tapping out for a girl," the man grunted and sounded to be in a lot of pain.

"Fine, I'll break it." I watched Chloe apply more pressure and, just like that, the man's other hand slapped the mat.

"Fine, I tap out!"

Chloe laughed and dropped to the side. "So, you still want to keep saying I can't handle myself?"

"Who the hell taught you to fight like that?" The guy got up off the floor and extended a hand down to Chloe. She took it and he pulled her up with ease. How the hell had Chloe just beaten that man in a fight?

"A pro." She smiled and, as if on cue, she looked around him at reception and spotted us.

Right now I was realizing how much I was in the wrong; just showing up at her workplace because I simply couldn't go any longer without seeing her. That; and I was going to make sure she was leaving with me now. Only now, as her eyes locked with mine, did I realize that she might not want to do that.

But her face lit up and I was welcomed with the biggest smile. She quickly got out of the ring and jogged towards me.

"What are you guys doing here?" She didn't look like she had broken a sweat after fighting that guy. She also wasn't wearing protective wear. Did I have to give her a lecture?

"I got dragged here?" Marc grunted. "This is where you work?"

Marc couldn't be less friendly if he tried. What was with him tonight?

"Yep." Chloe smiled at him, like he hadn't just basically barked at her. "Still doesn't explain why you two are here though?" She arched her eyebrows, looking between the two of us for answers.

"I um, thought you might, you know, um…want to come home?" I choked out, rubbing the back of my neck. Okay, that could have come out worse, right?

By the expression on her face, I realized it couldn't have come out worse. I was being an overprotective and controlling boyfriend. Fuck. I was new to this whole boyfriend thing, but clearly, I had crossed a line here.

"So you thought you could just show up here," she took a step closer to me, keeping her expression serious, "And make me leave?"

What should I say? That had been my plan. Marc shot me a ‘told you so’ look. Maybe if I reword what my actions were, that would work?

"I thought I could convince you that you've had a long day and wanted to come home?"

I didn't know what she had been up to this morning. All I knew was she was gone all fucking day. I woke up to her gone, and I had been planning on spending the day with her before the members started rolling in.

Her serious expression broke and she laughed, shaking her head. "You, Chase, are unbelievable."

Relief flooded me. Okay, she wasn't that pissed off.

The guy she was in the ring with before appeared at her side.

"So Scott, can I still clear out of here?" Chloe turned and asked.

Was that her boss?

His eyes went from her to me, and then they stayed on me.

"Who's this?" he asked Chloe.

"Chase, my boyfriend, and his brother Marc." Chloe said like it wasn't a big deal, but her admitting to this bloke she had a boyfriend and I was it, well, it was a big deal to me.

"Scott." He extended a hand and I shook it. "Chloe's boss. When she isn't beating me in the ring."

"I'll just get my stuff." Chloe slowly backed away from us. "Behave, Chase." She gave me a pointed look and then jogged off to the locker rooms.

"Didn't know Chloe had a boyfriend," Scott said and didn't hide his disappointment. "She didn't strike me as the type of girl to settle for one guy."

"What can I say? I'm lucky." Yeah, that's right. She's my girlfriend. I suddenly wanted Chloe to quit this job sooner than she was planning on.

This guy had a thing for her. I could tell by just being with him for a few minutes.

"Very lucky. So did you teach her to fight like that?" He looked genuinely interested.

"No, that's all her." And Jenkins’s work. He had really taught her well from what I had got a glimpse of.

"Well, I guess that means she can handle herself. She doesn't need you." He was joking, but I caught on to the way he said she doesn't need you.

I took a step closer to him, ready to give him the challenge he was asking for. It was Marc who shot his arm out, blocking me from him, that made me stop.

"Chloe's coming," Marc grumbled at me. "Can you at least attempt to keep a lid on your anger for a minute," he whispered/yelled at me.

Why was he pissed off? He didn't have a man trying to make a move on his girl. Then I saw his eyes dart to Chloe. Or maybe I was wrong.

“Okay. I'm good to go." Chloe frowned at me. "Is everything okay?"

"Perfect," I lied and reached out for her, taking her hand. "Let's go." She said goodbye to him, but I dragged her away too quickly to even hear his goodbye.

"Can I have the keys to my car, Chloe?" Marc asked as soon as we were outside. "I'm guessing you want to go home with Chase."

"Yeah, here." Chloe dug them out of her gym bag. "Sorry I've had it all day, Marc. You are a legend letting me borrow it."

He smiled dimly at her and then walked off.

Marc and I were going to have to have a chat. About Chloe. I think she was the reason he was drinking so hard tonight and what had him in such a foul mood.

I got into the car after Chloe. I was pulling out onto the highway when I noticed her biting her bottom lip and looking all sorts of worried.

"What's wrong?" I reached for her hand.

She linked her fingers with mine and turned to look at me. "Do your brothers normally share everything with you?"

"Because I'm the eldest yes, normally, I'm told useless shit as well as important shit. Also because I'm their President, they normally always come to me. Why?"

"Because I, you are going to think I'm paranoid." She shook her head, not wanting to tell me.

"Chloe, just tell me?"

She sighed. "I think Marc is mad at me, but I don't know why, maybe because I put him in the middle of us again the other night. He must be over the drama."


Just don't snap.

I knew exactly what was wrong with Marc, and he wasn't mad with her, he was the opposite.

"Like today, he said the weirdest thing to me," she added.

I took my eyes off the road. "Wait, you've spoken to Marc today?"

"Yeah, at breakfast. I did borrow his car." She frowned at me while also reminding me.

"Right. What did he say?"

"You'll laugh."

"Try me."

"He told me, no, he asked me if I could wear more clothes around him." She looked at me blankly. "And he acted like he was telling me a secret. I really don't understand men, so I have no idea where he is coming from with this."

I knew. I knew too bloody well. She had no idea what she did to men and what she was doing to my brother. I needed those club girls to hurry the fuck up and get here but would that be enough for Marc? He had taken an interest in Chloe and had told me over and over again he wouldn't let me treat her like shit.

Was that his way of saying if I fucked up, he was going for her?

"I'll talk to him," I gritted out, and my hand on the steering wheel tightened.

"I don't want you getting into another fight with him."

I glanced at her. "How did you know about the first fight?" I sure as hell didn't tell her.

"Marc doesn't lie to me or avoid questions." She gave me a pointed look. "I wish I could say you did the same."

"I don't lie to you."

"You kept your mouth shut tightly when I asked who had hit Oliver."

"That was different."

"No, it wasn't as you decided you would rather not tell me the truth and make your brother lie to me."

"Guessing Marc told you about that one too?"

"I like Marc."

What the hell did she just say? I took my eyes off the road to look at her, and my expression must have told her what I was thinking.

"Not like that." She rolled her eyes. "Like if I had a brother. I would wish he was exactly like Marc. You are lucky to have him."

One day she would have Marc as a brother, but I wasn't about to propose to her now. I was going to make sure as hell that Marc knew the boundaries. I would do my hardest not to get my fist involved.

"Actually, you are lucky to have your whole family." Chloe smiled. "How are Sammie and Jess?"

I recalled the conversation I had with Sammie earlier today. Her and Jess were threatening to show up for my birthday. Usually, for any of our birthdays, we would all be together for it, but this year was different. I didn't have time for our normal birthday celebrations.

"Sammie's good. She is addicted to the gym at the moment and Jess is dating someone new. Again."

"Why is it that Jess always has a new boyfriend and Sammie never has one?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sammie just doesn't like relationships. She uses men and then spits them out."

"A bit like her brothers then."

"Nothing like me."

"Maybe not at the moment." Chloe smirked. "But don't sit there and tell me you aren't a player."

"You're the one with men following you around." I scoffed and hit the highway, putting my foot down. I was changing lanes when my phone started ringing.

"Don't you dare answer that when you are doing over a hundred!" She pulled her hand from mine and I'm sure that was only the beginning of her lecture.

"Bluetooth, babe." I answered the call, and it went through the speakers of the car.

She shook her head, still not impressed.

I didn't have a chance to look at the caller ID, so I had no idea who it was.


"Massie?" I frowned. Why would she be calling me this late at night?

I noticed Chloe's expression tighten out of the corner of my eye. She did know she had nothing to worry about, right? I guess after our last fight, me speaking to Massie was a big deal.

"How can I help you, Massie?" I kept my voice calm and professional. I glanced at Chloe, and she was glaring at the dash.

"I just wanted to make sure everything went well this morning? It wasn't easy to get the keys to you earlier."

"What?" What the hell was she talking about? We didn't settle until Friday.

"Your girlfriend, she took the keys off me this morning? She also left me with a broken nose."

My eyes were on Chloe. "Did she now?"

"Yes. I thought you should know, so you can control her better. I understand men like you have a lot of girlfriends. I'm just giving you a heads up that this one is crazy."

"Uh huh." My eyes were glancing between the road and Chloe. She was still glaring at the dash. "I'll handle it, Massie." I took the exit and then a side street. We were nearly home. Chloe still wouldn't look at me. "Thanks for letting us have the keys early."

"Well, that girlfriend of yours was very convincing. Um…can you not mention I called? Because I think she was serious this morning when she threatened me."

"So she hit you and threatened you?" Chloe had had a busy morning. Here I was thinking she had just spent the day studying.

"Yes, and I would really like it if she doesn't find out I warned you about her. That's all I called for, Chase. Have a good night."

"Night, Massie." I hung up and parked the car, turning to Chloe. "You got anything you want to say?"

She dragged her eyes off the dash and looked me in the eye. I saw her stubbornness, her anger, and the fact she was feeling all sorts of embarrassment for getting caught.

"Is this you handling it?" Chloe gritted out, looking more pissed off with the fact she was expecting me to give her lecture.

She had her lips clamped shut like she was attempting to keep all her embarrassment and anger inside. I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned across the car and kissed her clamped lips. Her lips slowly softened just as I pulled away.

"That's me handling it." I looked her in the eye. "I'm guessing you took my advice seriously when I said to mark your territory?"

She nodded her head, running a hand down the side of my face. She looked guilty. "Should I say I'm sorry?"

"No, babe. I don't care who you punch up."

"Good, because I'm not." She grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "She shouldn't have called you though."

Now it was my turn to grin. "I'm glad she did. What else did you get up to this morning?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." She picked up her gym bag and got out.

Guess this was my turn to follow. I caught her just as she opened up the front door. I took the gym bag off her shoulder.

"God, this is heavy." I grunted. Why the hell had she been carrying this around all day?

She opened her mouth but, as soon as she stepped into the house, the boys were calling her name.

"Chloe, we are hungry!" Oliver complained from the dining table. "Where have you been?"

"Everything in that fridge needs cooking." Archie pointed at the fridge.

"There were frozen pizzas in there, why didn't you heat them up?" Chloe walked to them.

"We tried that." Declan grumbled and looked at Dan. "For someone who has been living here for months, you would think he would know how to use the oven."

"You seriously couldn't turn the oven on?" Chloe looked between them.

When there was no answer, she laughed and turned to look at me. "Your brothers can't cook."

"They'll have to learn." I gripped her by the hips. "WE are going to bed." I looked at them. They could bloody well starve. I wanted Chloe in bed, with little clothes on and pinned against me.

Oliver groaned. "But that means I'll have to wait until breakfast. You are cooking breakfast again, right?" He looked at Chloe hopefully.

The sooner the club girls got here, the better then this lot could move into the clubhouse and leave Chloe and me alone.

Chloe put her hands on mine and gently pushed me away. "It won't take me long to whip something up." She turned to look up at me. "You wouldn't let them starve, would you?"


"CHASE!" She whacked me on the arm. "Well, I'm not going to let them starve."

I groaned while the rest of them cheered and went on about how amazing she was. I knew how amazing she was, and I wanted her in bed, not cooking for my stupid brothers who couldn't even turn on an oven.

Marc walked through the front door about the same time Chloe started pulling ingredients out of the fridge.

"Let me guess, they are hungry?" Marc grumbled, leaning against the wall, looking at me, but I saw his eyes flash to Chloe. "You know she isn't a maid, right?" He was about as impressed as I was with the boys using her for her cooking skills.

"You took your time to get here." I turned to him. We needed to talk. "Wanna go outside for a smoke?"

He knew I wanted to talk to him, away from this lot and away from Chloe.

"Sure." But just as he said it, we heard someone pull up the driveway.

"Who would that be?" Oliver stopped talking to Chloe and asked a question we were all thinking.

Marc pushed himself off the wall and went to look out the window. His calm expression changed immediately.


"You get Chloe out of here, and I'll handle them." I pushed past him and headed for the front door while he went straight for Chloe.

"All our cars are out the front!" Marc yelled at me, frustrated. "How the hell am I meant to get her out of here without them seeing her? It's not like we have a next-door neighbor's car I can steal!"

"Guys, it isn't a big deal if they catch me," Chloe said calmly, like she would willingly get arrested. She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe it's meant to be."

Like fuck I was letting that happen. She and I were meant to be. Her getting arrested and spending the rest of her life in prison wasn't.

"If they have a warrant, they are going to turn this house upside down," Dan said. "Follow the river. When it hits a bend, there is a house just up from it. The old man has a truck, you can take that."

"I'm not running!" Chloe yelled, frustrated.

"Marc, get her out of here," I said just as there was a knock on our door. If there was one thing about Marc I could count on, it was he was going to listen to me right now and not her.

He started to drag her out of the kitchen and when they disappeared into the lounge, I opened the door.




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