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Close Contact by Lori Foster (11)


FRESH FROM A SHOWER, Maxi stood at the kitchen counter watching the setting sun through the window. The brilliant shades of pink and purple over the horizon never failed to take her breath away. The power of nature, the beauty of it and the peace it gave her left her awed.

Somewhere out there, danger remained. Nothing that insane would just disappear. Eventually it would return, but presently it couldn’t intrude on her contentment.

She had wonderful plans in the works. Little by little the farmhouse was coming together. And best of all, she and Miles had ironed out a few least, she hoped they had.

Midweek they’d gone shopping and she’d bought a patio table and chairs that fit on the small deck off the back of the house, along with a larger set now in the yard near the grill. She’d also bought rockers, a glider and a few random lawn chairs.

The cats loved it all, as she’d known they would. They draped themselves over every surface. Anytime she or Miles wanted to sit outside, they had to first move a cat or two.

He never once complained about the cat hairs on the seat of his jeans. Instead, Miles put in an effort to win over some of the more feral animals, convincing them with patience—and food—to come close enough for him to pet.

It never failed to soften her heart, and that worried her more than any external threat.

It would be so easy for her to lose sight of the endgame: independence, responsibility and honoring her grandmother’s wishes. This could be her last opportunity to do things right, to make amends for a thoughtless past.

To prove to herself that she had what it took to make it.

Playing house with Miles, because that was how it felt, could so easily make her forget her goals. She continually had to remind herself that he was a gorgeous, successful MMA star, now working for an elite, expensive agency. He could have his pick of women.

Why would he choose her?

Just because he enjoyed playing on the farm for a bit didn’t mean he’d want to settle down here for good.

Yet that was exactly what she planned to do. This place would be her home forever. She’d grow old here, while Miles had a whole exciting life ahead of him.

He was here because she’d hired him.

He was in her bed because she’d been pushy. Oh, he enjoyed it now, she wasn’t worried about that. But if she hadn’t come on so strong, would he have been content sticking to the letter of the job—protecting her, and nothing more?

Was it the sex, she wondered, that made him feel obligated to do so many other chores?

She hadn’t yet hired anyone, and he hadn’t mentioned the idea of bringing his friends around to help. In fact, she wasn’t quite sure where they stood with things and she wasn’t keen on rocking the boat.

Since their small argument, he’d been insatiable, always reaching for her morning, noon and night. The man was tireless, and he left her in a fog of satisfaction. But was it more than the amazing sex? She couldn’t help wondering.

Twice burned, you’d think she could keep things straight in her head instead of grabbing for a romance that didn’t exist.

Didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun, just that she had to keep reality uppermost in her mind.

She was thinking about Miles in her life while watching a black cat make his way to the barn, his sleek body silhouetted by the bright hues of the sunset, when she felt Miles nuzzle the back of her neck.

Tingles ran over her body. He melted her so easily that now she felt addicted, always wanting more and more. When the job ended and he left her, his absence would be crushing. She’d miss his presence, his touch, the taste and feel of him. Talking with him, laughing, discussing was like a fairy tale that would end far too soon.

What she needed to do was store up memories to carry her for a good long while afterward.

Determined to do just that, she turned within the cage of his muscular arms where he’d braced his hands on the counter at either side of her hips. He wore only shorts again, leaving the rest of his incredible body bare.

Without a word, she leaned up to taste his mouth. He accommodated her, turning his head a bit, parting his lips when she teased her tongue over them.

He gave his tongue in return, and she sucked on it, earning a soft growl from him.

She loved his heady taste, the delicious scent of his body.

Touching him was a unique joy, feeling the light covering of hair over his firm chest, the rock-hard shoulders, the tensing of his biceps, down to his hair-covered forearms.

Leaving his mouth, she put a nipping kiss on his chin, lazily licked his throat and rubbed her nose against his sternum. “Mmm. You are such a treat.”

“There we go again,” he murmured against her temple, “with the pot calling the kettle black.”

Maxi knew she wasn’t a hag. She had more than enough style sense to know she usually presented a nice appearance. Her blond hair was thick, her lashes dark, her figure trim. Her B-cup boobs satisfied her, and her legs were nicely shaped. But was she on a par with Miles? That was asking for a lot, so she doubted it. Even on her best days, when she’d been dressed her finest, manicured and polished, she didn’t think she’d compare to him.

Now that she spent her days in bedraggled comfort? Not even close.

Proving he didn’t mind her lack of style, he stepped against her so that she felt his erection against her belly. “What are you thinking, babe?”

Too many things to explain. “How perfect you are.”

The smile came slowly. “Perfect, huh?”

She ran a hand over a sculpted pec muscle. He wasn’t overblown like a bodybuilder, but she doubted he had an ounce of fat on him anywhere. “You know it’s true.”

“It’s not, but I’m horny, so I’m not about to talk you out of that attitude.”

She laughed. That was another thing to adore about Miles. He lightened her mood and effortlessly made her happy so that it was hard to remember the misery of only a few days ago. “Are you ever not horny?”

“Around you? Afraid not.”

Oh, she liked the sound of that. Hopefully he felt the attraction as strongly as she did.

Staring into his eyes, she lowered her hand down his body until she cupped his testicles through the soft nylon of his shorts. His lids grew heavy and his jaw flexed.

She loved touching Miles, watching his muscles clench, hearing the harshness of his breathing. She stroked her palm up his pulsing shaft, then wrapped her fingers around him. “Maybe I can help you with that.”

His eyes closed on a low breath. “Counting on it.”

When she nudged him back a step, they opened again in question. She smiled before slowly sinking to her knees in front of him.

“Damn.” One hand cupped the back of her head, the other braced against the counter as if he needed help staying upright.

“Let’s get these shorts out of the way.” She tugged them down, not surprised to discover that he’d skipped boxers. Miles often went commando when he was in the mood.

He kicked the shorts away in haste and planted his big feet apart.

“You’re so cooperative,” she teased, running her hands up and down the front of his strong thighs while leaning forward to kiss his stomach. The already defined muscles drew tighter.

Making a rough sound, he used the hand at the back of her head to direct her where he most wanted to feel her mouth.

Since she wanted that, too, she didn’t deny him. She wrapped the fingers of one hand around the base of his erection, then brushed her lips up along the the sensitive head. His fingers tangled in her hair.

Enjoying the rush of his labored breathing, she licked back down to the base, taking a moment to inhale his scent before licking back up—and drawing him in.

His legs locked and he tipped his head back. But not for long.

He looked down at her again, his gaze burning hot while the fingers in her hair massaged, guided, urged her to take him deeper. Miles wasn’t a small man, but she loved the taste and feel of him, and his reaction to what she did to him turned her on as much as the act itself.

His big hand slid to the side of her face, and she felt the rough pad of his thumb brushing over the hollow of her cheek as she sucked him in.

Maxi took her time enjoying him, opening both hands over his firm butt, trailing them around to his abs, cuddling his balls again. She swirled her tongue as she withdrew, flattened it against him when she swallowed him down once more.

“Enough,” he groaned.

No, it wasn’t even close to enough. She wasn’t sure a lifetime would be enough.


She sucked as she pulled back, got rewarded with his groan, but instead of releasing him, she came down again, taking even more of him this time.


She tasted his pre-cum and knew he was close. It was a heady thing, pushing Miles Dartman, The Legend, to lose his control.

He tried one more time to warn her. “I’m going to come.”

In answer, she increased her efforts, and after the briefest of hesitations, both his hands fisted in her hair. She felt the tension spiraling through him, felt his legs stiffening, then he groaned harshly, his body shuddering as he took his release.

She still didn’t want to let him go, and only when he flinched away, his hand smoothing back her hair, did she look up at him.

My, my, my. He might have come, but he wasn’t done. The heat remained in those beautiful green eyes, now bright with intent.

He drew in a deep breath, blew it out slowly, then said, “Up with you, now,” and pulled her up to stand before him. She leaned against him, feeling soft and aroused and, damn it, almost desperate.

His arms came around her, the embrace languid. After several warm, soft kisses to her shoulder, her cheek, he whispered, “Let’s see to you now.”

“I’m okay.” She wasn’t, but since he’d just come—

“You’re better than okay.” He nuzzled against her until she lifted her face. “You’re fucking amazing. You didn’t think once would be enough, did you? Because I’m getting hard again right now.”

Dubious, she glanced down, then slowly smiled. “So you are.”

“You doubted me?” Catching the hem of her T-shirt, he peeled it up and over her head, then leaned back to gaze at her breasts. “Much better. But the shorts need to go, too.”

Liking this game, she leaned back with her elbows on the counter and said, “Feel free.”

He stepped up against her, kissing her neck while sliding both hands into her shorts and over her cheeks. He growled against her skin, “I love this ass,” and gave her a soft love bite that made her gasp in pleasure.

He pushed the shorts down until they dropped to her feet. “Let’s play a little.”

Her heart started tripping. “Okay.”

His smile teased. “Now who’s agreeable?” Without waiting for an answer, he turned her. “Brace your hands on the counter.”

Maxi did as told.

“Beautiful.” His hand slid down her spine, over her bottom, then under her, stroking until his fingers were wet with her excitement.

Unable to stay still, she squirmed.

“Move your feet back,” he said, and then, “A little more.”

The position had her stretched out, balanced on her straightened arms.

Still touching her, Miles whispered, “Arch your back.”

It felt so risqué to be doing this in the kitchen of all places, the overhead light shining down on them. Risqué and wonderful.

She arched, her backside in the air and the recipient of his keen attention.

“Damn,” he whispered. “Don’t move.”

She looked over her shoulder and saw him swipe up his shorts, then draw a condom from the loose pocket.

“A man who comes prepared.”

He tore the packet open with his teeth. “Around you, I keep a rubber nearby, always.” Sheathing himself, he stepped up behind her, his hands firm on her hips as he slid his shaft against her. “Keep your arms tensed. This is going to be hard and fast and I don’t want you bruised against the counter.”

That warning made her shiver in anticipation. She was so wet, it should have embarrassed her, but it didn’t. Wanting him to hurry, she pressed back against him.

He opened her, looking at her, she knew, but that didn’t embarrass her either. Not with Miles.

She felt the head of his cock pressed to her, and her eagerness grew. “Miles,” she pleaded.

Abruptly he sank in, as fast and hard as he’d promised, going deep even on that first stroke, stretching her, filling her.

Crying out, Maxi gripped the counter as he drove in again and again, rasping against her sensitive, swollen flesh, building up even more heat, more moisture.

She burned for him.

His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs busy on her painfully tight nipples while he pounded into her.

She did her best to match his rhythm, tightening around him, squeezing greedily.

He groaned, and his right hand left her breast only to dip between her legs, his fingers now strumming over her clit until a bolt of sensation racked her. She went stiff, the scream of pleasure caught in her throat as a powerful climax cut through her, then slowly left her as a soft, vibrating moan.

Vaguely she became aware that Miles now had one arm locked around her middle, giving her support, his other hand flat beside hers. Right after that realization, she heard his hoarse groan as he found his release again.

They stayed like that, slumped over the sink, both of them gasping for breath. Maxi felt sated in body and mind. Give her a pillow and she could have slept right there on the kitchen floor.

She smiled with the thought, especially when she heard Miles moan as he stirred. Not yet, she wanted to say. Please don’t leave me yet. She liked having him draped over her, still a part of her, their heartbeats aligned.

When her legs started to tremble, she gave it up. Once she got him in bed, she’d crawl against him and, she knew, he’d hold her all night long.

With that thought in mind she lifted her head and, through the window, something odd caught her eye.

It was the dark silhouette against the last rays of the pink sunset.

By slow degrees she realized what she was seeing.

There at the far edge of her property was a person...watching them with binoculars.

* * *

DAMN, BUT HED gotten sidetracked there. He’d planned to sneak to the barn and was only checking to make sure he wouldn’t get busted, but he hadn’t expected his own personal porno.

So the lady was not only bullheaded, she was a wild little thing, too. He’d tried not to notice her looks. It didn’t make any difference if she was pretty or a dog. He wasn’t a bastard to take advantage of a woman that way either way. But after seeing that show today, it’d be hard to put it out of his mind.

He’d gotten so involved in watching, he’d damn near gotten caught—and he’d never made it to the barn. From now on he’d have to be more careful.

And somehow he’d have to block those sexual images from his brain.

* * *

MIDWAY THROUGH THE next day, Miles continued to stew. Last night, he’d almost charged out buck naked. Only Maxi’s panicked grasping on his arm had slowed him enough to pull on his shorts and detour into the bedroom for his gun.

Of course, by then whoever had been spying on them was gone.

Maxi had been understandably shaken. After a thorough search of the grounds, he’d returned to find her redressed and frantic. The second he stepped in she’d grabbed him—almost as if he mattered to her—and held him tight, her face against his chest.

He’d checked the surveillance cameras and found nothing more than a shadowy figure dressed in black. With the bright kitchen light on, they’d probably been easy to spot.

He’d done what he could to reassure her, but what could he say? The fucker plaguing her might not have seen her body, or at least not more than her upper torso, but there would have been no mistaking what they’d been doing.

On a gut level, it disturbed him to know he’d been watched—and it had to be far worse for her.

Now, on the way to town, it bothered him that Maxi remained so quiet. He reached across the seat and took her hand.

Flashing a quick, barely there smile, she squeezed his fingers. “I can’t help worrying. What if someone comes in while we’re gone?”

“We’ll see it on the cameras.” But her reasoning was why he’d insisted on going early. He wanted to be back by the afternoon.

When she suddenly looked around, finally paying attention to their direction, she frowned. “I thought we were going to shop.”

“We are.” He brushed his thumb over her knuckles. “We’re sticking to the area, though.” He’d deliberately decided to use the small store in town rather than making the trip out of the area. “They have a Walmart or something, right? We can get some blinds there.” That would be their number one purchase—privacy blinds for all the windows.

“My grandmother rarely bothered to close the curtains.”

“I’m glad she didn’t have to.”

She thought about that, then nodded. “You’re right. Now, do you want to tell me why we’re using the limited options in this Podunk town instead of going where there’s more shopping?”



Last night, while he’d held her close to him and listened to her slow breathing, he’d known she couldn’t sleep any more than he could. That was when he’d made up his mind.

Waiting to catch the bastard in the act wasn’t working. He needed to go after him instead.

“In a small town, everyone knows everyone. If we visit a few shops, someone might tell us something we don’t already know.”

“Heck, no one even knows I’m here.”

“That cop knew. Mr. Barstow knows. Maybe they’ve talked to others, maybe not.”

“What in the world could they have said that would make any difference?”

“No idea.” He knew not to make assumptions about anything. After all, he had assumed he’d still be a fighter. He’d assumed he’d have a title fight coming up. Making assumptions just set you up for surprises—and disappointment. “But the best way to find out is to visit town and introduce ourselves.”

She rolled in her lips. “You know people are going to think we’re living together.”

“We are living together.”

“Not like that we aren’t.” Clearly trying not to offend him, she said, “I hired you.”

“I’m glad you did.” He grinned to let her know she didn’t have to tiptoe around him.

She started to smile, too, when the roar of engines caught them both by surprise. Seconds later an ATV raced out of a field directly in front of them, followed by two more.

Miles damn near collided with them. He braked, holding the wheel tight when his tires skidded across the gravel road, almost putting him in a ditch.

The lead ATV driver spun around on the other side of the road and came to a stop. His two cohorts did the same.

Furious, Miles turned to Maxi. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Good Lord, that was close.”

He jammed the gear shift into Park and reached for the door handle.

“Miles.” She placed her hand on his arm. “They’re boys.”

He looked up to see that the lead driver was off his vehicle and, expression stunned, was walking toward them.

“So they are.” He patted her thigh. “Stay put.” He was out of the SUV before she could say anything more.

Miles stepped toward the boys. “Everyone okay?”

The kid in front, probably fifteen or so, ran a hand over messy brown hair. “Yeah, you?”

Miles nodded.

“I’m sorry. No one is ever on this road.”

“Hard to believe there’s a road for no reason.”

The boy flushed. “I meant that we ride here all the time and there’s never anyone around.” He looked beyond Miles to see Maxi. “She okay?”

“Thankfully, yes. You boys should be more careful.”

“Yes, sir.”

That sign of respect went a long way. Miles asked, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Lee. That’s Hull and Billy.”

He glanced at the helmet Lee held under one arm. “You three old enough to be driving those things?”

Hedging now, the boy said, “You gotta be sixteen unless you have an adult supervising.”

“Are any of you adults?”

Guilt flooded his face. “No, sir. But no one around here really cares.”

Miles managed a smile. “Guess it’s a little different here in the country.”

Jumping on that, Lee said, “Right. There’s no harm.” His eyes widened. “I mean, usually.”

“So you boys are out here often?”

He nodded fast. “Mrs. Nevar never minded. She’d let us ride through her property near the woods.”

“Is that right? Any of you boys hunt?”

“Yeah, but that’s something we only do when one of our dads is with us.”

Insane. Miles kept his smile in place. “You hunt around here?”

“Sometimes. Mrs. Nevar said having hunters prowl through the woods out back of her house helped to keep the coyotes away from her cats.”

“That makes sense. But you know Mrs. Nevar passed away, right?”

Lee nodded, his gaze back on Maxi. “Is she the granddaughter who moved in?”

Miles lifted a brow. “Where’d you hear that?”

“Everyone knows it. Most people figured she’d put it up for sale. Some had already been talking about buying it. But she moved in instead. It was a surprise.”

“I bet. You boys been hunting around here lately?”


The other two finally worked up the nerve to join their buddy instead of hanging back. Hull, a taller, blond-haired kid, said, “I did a few weeks back but haven’t been here since.”

“Who’d you hunt with?”

“My brother.” In a hurry, he added, “He’s twenty-two. But there are so many cats now, we were afraid we’d spook them.” He rubbed his ear. “Everyone liked Mrs. Nevar. No one wants to bother her cats. Donny and me even went by there a few times to give them food.”

“That was nice of you, thanks.” Miles wondered how many other people felt comfortable just showing up on the property. “And I agree, shots would probably spook them.” Eyeing the boys, Miles said, “The cats were important to Mrs. Nevar just as they’re important to her granddaughter.”

From behind him, Miles heard Maxi say, “They’re like my pets now.”

All three boys gawked at her. You’d think they’d never seen a woman before. Granted, she looked extra fine today in tan shorts that showed off her beautiful legs and a white tank that hugged her torso. Her fair hair hung in loose waves and her smile was damn near enough to level him, so he could imagine what it’d do to boys.

“We’d appreciate it if you guys didn’t hunt around the property anymore,” Miles said, attempting—and failing—to draw their attention back to him.

“Actually,” Maxi said, “the loud ATVs could scare the cats, too. I hate to be a stick in the mud—”

They all three tried to reassure her at the same time, making Miles almost roll his eyes.

“—but do you think you could ride the vehicles away from my property?”

“Sure thing.”

“Not a problem.”

“Wouldn’t want to scare the cats.”

That last one made Miles laugh. “You boys ever do any yard work? Ms. Nevar has plenty of grass to cut, weeds to clear out from around the pond, stuff like that.”

Maxi smiled. “That’s a wonderful idea, Miles. If you boys are interested, why don’t you come by in the morning and we can work out an hourly wage.”

Billy elbowed Hull hard, prompting him to ask, “Are you Miles Dartman?”

“I am.”

“The fighter?” Lee asked for clarification.

“MMA, yeah. Or used to be. I’m retired now.”

The three looked at each other, and Lee said, “Shoot, I’d work for you for free!”

* * *

A FEW MINUTES LATER, back in the SUV, Miles said, “That went well.”

She looked a little stunned. “Does everyone recognize you?”

“Not usually, no. But you heard the kid. Your buddy Fletcher is telling everyone who’ll listen that you’re living at the property now, and that you have an MMA fighter staying with you.”

“Those boys seemed to think it’s your property.”

“I explained. You heard me.”

“Not that they believed you.” She fussed with the hem of her shorts. “They think we’re a couple.”

“Might not be a bad thing to let people assume.” If he got his way, it could turn true. Every day, in a dozen different ways, he liked Maxi more. He’d wanted an opportunity to let that relationship grow without her putting limits on it, and without the threat encouraging her to a false closeness.

Always, in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d have ever come back to him if she hadn’t needed his help.

As to that, if things were miraculously resolved, would she send him packing again?

“You know,” she said, “I was already thinking about asking them if they wanted to do some work.”

“So I didn’t overstep too badly?” Because she might not give him the answer he wanted, he continued smoothly with “They seemed more than eager to chat. I figured it couldn’t hurt to have them around. We could get in some subtle questions and maybe find out more about the town than we’ll accomplish with this visit.”

“And,” she added, “I really could use some help.”

Since she didn’t plan to let him do her tasks? He’d disabuse her of that—soon. But he saw no reason to start a fuss right before they reached their destination.

The town, if you could call it that, came into view with an antiques to a used car dealership, a printing store and a post office.

Each business practically sat on the road, separated only by the width of a sidewalk, proof that the two-lane road didn’t start out that way. It was probably widened as the town grew.

“Every building is different,” he marveled. “And look at all those details.” Typical of older architecture, the facades had intricate scalloping, carved porch posts, eave brackets and bay windows, each trimmed in a complementary color so that on one house there might be three or four colors, not counting the slate shingles.

Maxi, having been to the town before, enjoyed watching his amazement. “It’s like a step back in time, isn’t it? Wait until you see the funeral home. It’s amazing.”

The only semi-modern buildings were a gas station/quick mart and a liquor store that shared the same roof as an accountant.

They passed a general store, but no Walmart. The town ended abruptly on one side with a bar, and on the other with residential houses.


“Told you it was tiny.”

No exaggeration there. “Where’s the vet?”

“Farther down, with homes on either side of it. You wouldn’t know it was the location of the veterinarian’s office if it wasn’t for the Dr. Miller’s shingle hanging out front.”

“So the general store is it, I guess.”

“I’ve been in there once before. They have just about everything, and anything they don’t have in stock they can order.”

“Then we’ll head there first.” Miles parked in a small lot opposite of the building along with six other cars. Together they crossed the street, and damned if people didn’t come to gawk, some staring out of a quaint pharmacy window, others through a beauty salon window and some from a small grocery. He waved with a smile and kept walking.

Maxi snickered.

“They’re bizarrely curious about outsiders.”

“Right.” She gave him a look. “I’m betting they know who you are and that’s why you’re drawing so much attention. You’ll be like a local celebrity or something.”

Snorting at that, he opened the chiming door for her and waited until she’d entered. They didn’t have far to go before a petite, trim woman in her sixties greeted them. Given her name badge, she worked there. “Hello. Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

Maxi said, “Hot, but I love the sunshine.” Holding out her hand, she read the name badge. “Joan? I don’t think I met you last time I was in. I’m Maxi Nevar. I moved into my grandmother’s farm.”

Joan clasped her hand in both of hers. “It’s a pleasure, Maxi. What a pretty name! Very unusual.”

“Thank you.”

“You probably met my husband if you were in once before. We take turns running the place.”

Miles stepped forward. “So you own the general store?”

“Yes, and my parents before me.” She looked him over, smiled and held out her hand. “I’m Joan.”

Miles took the small, thin hand in his. “Miles Dartman. I’m a friend of Maxi’s.”

“Helping her to get the place in shape, I bet.”

Relieved that she didn’t ask him about MMA—or worse, about being a bodyguard—he smiled and said, “Exactly.”

She turned back to Maxi. “Meryl had her hands full, that’s for sure.” As if sharing a confidence, she lowered her voice and leaned in. “We all figured she and Woody were sweet on each other. Nothing ever did come of that, though. Guess they were just friends after all.”

“Woody is very kind,” Maxi said in a noncommittal way.

“He’d have done just about anything for Meryl.” She shook her head in apparent sympathy, then perked up and asked, “What can I help you with?”

“I wanted some blinds for my windows.”

“Right over here.”

Amazingly enough, Joan had exactly what they needed for four of the five windows. Nothing fashionable, but the functional white mini blinds would do the job. For the fifth, bigger window in the kitchen, they chose a roll blind.

And by God, Miles would ensure the house was sealed up before dark.

They purchased other supplies while they were there, taking the time to meet and visit with various locals.

They’d just finished grocery shopping and were heading across the hot blacktop parking lot when Fletcher Bowman, his head down as he spoke on his cell phone, left his patrol car. Dark sunglasses in place, he headed toward them, still involved in a heated discussion.

“I haven’t seen her, so how the hell should I know? No, I can’t do that. Because he made it clear—”

Not until he almost collided with Miles did Fletcher realize they were waiting on him.

When he did, he pulled up short, started to automatically apologize, then realized who stood before him. He went still, saying into the phone, “I’ll call you back.”

Beneath the broiling afternoon sun, heat wafted off the blacktop in suffocating waves.

“Fletcher,” Miles said and, indicating the phone he held, asked, “Problem?”

“What? No.” He shoved the phone in his pocket and turned to Maxi. “Here, let me help you with that.” Without giving her a chance to deny him, Fletcher took the bag she carried.

Miles resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Maxi, nonplussed, fashioned a smile and said, “We’re right here.” She headed toward the SUV.

Fletcher, the bastard, watched her. The sunglasses hid his eyes, but Miles knew damn good and well that the officer was eyeing her ass.

He rudely pressed past Fletcher, bumping him hard on the wall.

Maxi had the back of the SUV open and waiting on them. They’d bought so much that not a lot of room remained. Shifting everything into one arm, Miles pushed the new boxed blinds into a pile and set down his groceries.

Fletcher took in their haul. “Looks like you hit up the town.”

“Close,” Maxi said. “Most of that is from the general store, but I also needed some new tools from the hardware store.”

“And groceries,” Miles said, taking the bag from Fletcher and squeezing it in with everything else.

Pulling off his sunglasses, Fletcher took in the posthole digger and post driver, both long, heavy tools that took up a lot of space in the cargo area. His gaze shifted to Maxi. “You putting in some fencing?”

Miles noticed how Maxi judiciously avoided eye contact with him while explaining about her plan for goats.

When he’d steered Maxi to the hardware store to pick out the tools, he’d known that he might be ending their truce over the distribution of work. So far, though, she hadn’t mentioned that a hired contractor would already have those tools to use.

Whether or not that meant she’d go along with him doing the work, he didn’t know yet.

“Goats, huh?” Fletcher gave her a fond smile. “No cows or horses?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Let me start with goats, and then I’ll see.”

“Think they’ll get along with the cats?”

“I don’t see why not.”

He cast a glance at Miles, before giving her a longer look. “If you need help maintaining the property—”

“She doesn’t.” How dare the dick flirt with her right in front of me?

Maxi said quickly, “No, I don’t. I’ll have the goats, right?”

“But if you’d rather not get goats—”

“Now, Fletcher,” she teased, “don’t you start, too. I’m looking forward to the goats. Cows and horses are a bit much, but I might get some chickens, too.”

Fletcher laughed. “Next time I see you, you might be growing corn.”

With a slanted glance, she confessed, “Well, I was thinking of a garden in the spring.”

Picturing that, Miles smiled at her. She kept taking on more work with enthusiasm. As a personal stylist, Maxi was amazing, but here, in this small-town setting, she was in her element.

Fletcher finally gave all his attention to Miles. “Don’t know how much experience you have, but woven wire fencing is best for goats. If the wire squares are too large, they get their heads in there, then get their horns stuck.”

“We don’t want that,” Maxi said.

“Denton Lumber is your best bet. They have the posts and the wire and they deliver to the job site. They’re about a mile south of here, past the vet’s, over the railroad tracks and then to the right.”

Miles nodded. “Thanks. Any idea how long they take to deliver?”

“In a hurry to get started, huh?”

While Maxi was agreeable? Yeah. But he only shrugged.

“Odds are if you called Larry Denton now, he’d deliver by tomorrow morning.”

Nice. Holding out his hand, Miles said, “Appreciate it.”

Fletcher accepted without any attempts at one-upmanship, just a friendly handshake and a fare-thee-well as he went on his way.

Miles watched him go, wondering what the officer was up to.

“He was nice, Miles, so why are you looking so suspicious?”

“Because he was nice.” Putting his arm around her and leading her to the passenger side, he asked, “How do you feel about one more trip? It’s still early enough that we could be back to your place before dinner.”

She fastened her seat belt. “The lumberyard?”

Leaning one arm over the open door, the other on the roof of the SUV, Miles nodded. “Might as well.”

“Do you mean ‘might as well, since she’s not fighting me,’ or ‘might as well because we’re nearby’?”

Knowing he’d already won, he grinned. “Both?”

“You’re incorrigible.”

Miles laughed. “That’s a new one.” Bending down to steal a quick kiss, he said against her lips, “Thanks, honey.”

Maxi was still shaking her head when he got behind the wheel. “Only you would be thanking me for letting you put in a fence on my property.”

Only me. Yeah, he liked the sound of that.




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