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Close Contact by Lori Foster (12)


MAXI COULD HONESTLY say it was the best week of her entire life. Justice came out one day with his fiancée, Fallon, who fell in love with the cats. She and Maxi spent most of their time in the barn, playing with the animals, while Justice helped Miles hang a heavy bag from one of the beams.

That fascinated Maxi, especially when Miles did some hits and kicks to ensure the bag was secure. He moved so fluidly, with seeming little effort that caused incredible impact. It further boggled her when Justice, despite his great size, moved with equal speed and ease.

Fallon had leaned toward her to say, “Isn’t it amazing?”

Maxi nodded, unwilling to take her gaze off the men.

“Justice stays in that amazing shape, although he tells me he’s not as ‘shredded’ now as he used to be. How that’s possible, I don’t know, because he’s definitely solid.”

“Miles is, too, even though he eats three times what I do.”

“He’s three times your size,” Fallon said with a smile. “And they’re always busy doing something. I’m convinced that fighters have incredible metabolisms.”

Maxi watched as Fallon tucked back her silky dark hair. She, too, had brown eyes, but on Fallon, her eyes were probably her best feature, fringed by long black lashes. She was a very pretty woman with a gentle nature that naturally drew the cats to her.

“Miles does.” Feeling like she had a new friend, Maxi said, “He gets irate when I don’t want him to work.”

Fallon laughed, then nudged her with her shoulder. “So let the guy have fun. I’m sure he relaxes when he wants to.”

Probably good advice. Besides, it took too much effort maintaining a distance from Miles. She’d end up with some heartache, no doubt about it. But the payoff in the meantime would be more than worth it.

Before they left that day, Fallon promised to return for the upcoming weekend when Justice and Miles would start on the fencing.

It still amazed her that Justice was just as willing to work as Miles was. In fact, he didn’t consider it work, saying, “A day in the country? Maybe a dip in the pond? Sounds like fun to me.”

Two days later, Leese came out with Catalina. Together, the four of them walked down to the bank of the pond, each carrying a handful of cat food. Naturally, several cats followed them.

Catalina, a pretty brunette with blue eyes, looked around in awe, taking in the tall trees, the way a breeze carried a leaf over the water, how fluffy clouds reflected on the surface of the pond. “Such beautiful scenery,” she whispered. “If I lived here, you’d find me down here every morning to paint.”

“She’s a talented artist,” Leese explained. Then he sat down and pulled Catalina onto his lap.

Catfish, carp, bluegill crested the surface of the pond, causing circular ripples that expanded until they faded away. At the far end, a frog croaked, leaped in and disappeared. The scents were different down here, richer, muskier. It felt hotter, too, maybe because of the sun’s reflection off the water.

Maxi wondered if she could commission Catalina to do a painting, then she could hang the artwork in her house. The idea made her smile.

It was odd, but in such a short time the bad memories connected to the pond had left and now only the good remained. With Miles she’d made new memories, feeding the fish, skipping rocks, picking wildflowers. Walking and talking, usually hand in hand. Yes, she’d been violated, nothing would ever make that go away. But it wasn’t the predominant feeling anymore.

She owed Miles for that.

* * *

AS MILES DROPPED in the food, more and more fish gathered.

“They’re huge,” Leese said. “Do you ever swim with them?”

“Good God, no.” Maxi quelled at the thought. “You said it yourself, they’re enormous.”

“They’d swim away from you,” Catalina said, then added with worry, “But are there any snakes?”

“Yes.” Maxi peered at the green water. “I assume there are turtles and frogs, too.”

“Let’s see,” Miles said, already peeling off his shirt. “Come in with me.”

Horrified by that idea, Maxi backstepped. “Nope. Not on your life.”


As he waded in along the rough bank, her eyes widened more. “You’re going to cut your foot on a rock!”

“Actually, my toes are sinking into mud.” He slipped but caught his balance.

The fish didn’t swim away. In fact, they converged on him, no doubt looking for another bite.

Laughing, Leese tossed food behind Miles to draw the fish away.

When Miles suddenly dropped, going completely under, Maxi screamed, thinking something had grabbed him.

Before she knew what she was doing, she was hip-deep in the water and reaching for him. “Miles!”

Sputtering with laughter, Miles resurfaced with his hair slicked back, his body glistening in the sunlight. When he saw her, he lifted a brow.

“You’re okay?” She touched his shoulders, his chest, her gaze searching his.

His smile came slowly. “Careful. It drops off suddenly.”

Realizing that she’d overreacted, she slapped the water, splashing him. “You scared me half to death!”

“Half to death, huh?” His gentle, amused tone infuriated her more.

With a growl, she spun around to leave, but he caught her waist—and good thing, since she slipped and would have gone under, too.

Against her struggles, he gathered her to him until her feet were off the bottom and her breasts pressed to his chest. He kept her there with his hands opened wide over her bottom. In a low, sexy rumble, he asked, “Were you saving me, honey?”

Now feeling like a fool, especially since she could hear Catalina and Leese chuckling, Maxi grumbled, “I thought something got you.”

“And you came in anyway?” He nuzzled her face up until he could treat her to a kiss that took away the chill of the water. “Thank you.”

He sounded sincere, which probably meant she’d just given herself away. Why else would she act against her own fears unless she already cared too much for him? Luckily he didn’t pin her down. In fact, as she stared into those intense green eyes, she decided he looked arrogantly pleased.

Huh. She’d have to think about—

She screeched when a fish nibbled on her toes, startling Miles. Before he could ask, she thrashed her way out of his arms and back up onto the shore.

“What?” Miles asked, looking around as if he expected to see Nessie in the pond with him.

“Something bit me!” Her ignominious exit from the pond was bad enough, but worse, the second her feet were on dry land, she did the crazy “panic dance,” bouncing around with her arms flailing wildly.

Miles laughed. “It was probably just a water reed.”

She saw the others watching her in amazement but didn’t care. Pointing at Miles, she said, “Water reeds don’t bite! And don’t you ever do that again.”

All innocence, he asked, “Do what?”

“Scare me and then distract me.” She shuddered.

The arrival of Woody Barstow on his ATV, which he rode right down to the pond, drew attention away from her humiliating hysterics. Soaked from the waist down, splashed from the waist up, the ends of her hair sticking wetly to her skin, Maxi made a face as she walked over to greet him.

Trying to sound normal instead of still frazzled, she said, “Hey, Woody.”

With his gaze glued to Miles, his tone appalled, Woody asked, “What are you doing?”

Not understanding, she glanced back at Miles, who was now climbing onto the bank. “Swimming?”

“In the pond?”

So odd. “Well, I know I’m afraid, but there’s probably no reason, right?” Unless...maybe Woody was a kindred spirit? Not everyone was adventurous enough to swim with fish as big as her thigh in water so dark you couldn’t see the bottom. Noting Woody’s pale face and the sweat beads at his temples, Maxi touched his arm. “I take it you’re not a swimmer either?”

A flash of some strong emotion narrowed his eyes, but it was there and gone before she could identify it. A bad experience in his past? She wouldn’t make him more uncomfortable by asking.

He swallowed, pulled a bandanna from his pocket and mopped his brow before managing a weak smile. “I think the heat is getting to me.”

He did look far too pale beneath the broiling sun. “Why don’t we go up to the house, where it’s cooler? I’ll get you some tea.”

“No, no, I’m fine.” He flapped a hand, irritated at his own weakness, then changed the subject. “I see you have more friends visiting.”

A hint to be introduced? She felt sorry for him, knowing he must be lonely since her grandmother’s passing.

Miles had already left the pond and was approaching. Leese stood up with Catalina held in his arms, but he set her on her own feet before joining them.

She must not have been the only one to note Woody’s pallor, because Miles steered everyone into the shade and Leese watched him with concern.

Once the greetings ended, Miles asked him, “You okay, Woody?”

The sickly smile reappeared, and he looked at the pond again. “Guess I’ll have to confess that your pond spooks me. I’ve seen water turtles in there as big as tires.”

“Tires?” Maxi gulped, feeling a little sickly now, too. She glanced at the pond. “Seriously?”

He nodded. Sheepish, he said, “Fished one out for Meryl once. She had no idea my knees were shaking. Couldn’t tell her I was afraid, now could I? But she was worried that turtle would eat one of the cats, it was so damn big.”

Miles smiled. “How’d you get it out?”

“Used a sturdy net with a real long handle. The thing was on the bank sunning itself, so it was easy to sneak up on it. I got it snagged in the net easy enough, too, but hauling it up the land and to my truck was a job. It kept snappin’ at the air.” He shook his head as if reliving the horror.

“What did you do with it?” Catalina asked, and her tone made it clear that she hoped it hadn’t been hurt.

“Lots of folks around here like turtle soup, but Meryl wouldn’t hear of it. That big soft spot in her heart covered all critters, not just the cats. So I took it to the river and turned it loose.”

“Without getting bit?” Leese asked.

“Just barely. I pulled back the net, then ran like hell for my truck. Lucky for me, the turtle went into the river. Don’t mind telling you, I was pretty shook up, but it was worth it to be Meryl’s hero.” He gave a genuine grin and boasted, “She fed me homemade cookies for a week.”

When the laughter died down, Miles said, “Worth the payoff, huh?”

“Definitely.” He nodded back up by the house. “Make up your mind on the addition to the barn?”

“The posts were delivered yesterday.” Miles looped his arm around Maxi. “Got them from Denton Lumber.”

Woody nodded. “Was gonna suggest them.”

“We’re all set.” Leaning against Miles, Maxi added, “I’m thinking since I already have the tools, and such a willing worker, it might be a nice idea to add a dock to the pond, too. That way I won’t have to worry about running into any turtles on the bank when I come down here to feed the fish.”

Miles looked down at her with surprise. “Seriously?”

“Unless you’d rather not—”

“Are you kidding? I love the idea.”

Of course he did. She had to laugh and then explained to Woody, “He’s a one-man construction crew. Claims he’s happiest when he’s working.”

“I reckon that’s most men,” Woody said with a smile. “Keepin’ busy also keeps you young.” He winked as if that was his own secret to staying strong and capable.

Was Woody angling to help? She just didn’t know, so she compromised by inviting him back over the weekend so he could check out the progress. He happily agreed.

For another hour or so, Woody stuck around asking questions about her various plans, offering suggestions and reminiscing about her grandma. Being able to share with someone else who’d known her gave Maxi a lot of peace.

Not long after Woody left with the promise to see her that weekend, so did Leese and Catalina. Like Justice, they promised to be back to help with the work. And Miles planned to ask the boys, Lee, Hull and Billy, to help out, too.

With a lightened heart and a serene smile, Maxi realized they’d be having a party after all.

* * *

SATURDAY MORNING BROUGHT a slight breeze and overcast skies, which Miles considered perfect for working outdoors. He didn’t think it would rain, but the clouds cut down on the heat of the sun.

Beyond frazzled, Maxi ran around, doing her utmost to make sure everything was perfect. It amused him, this domestic side of her. The woman he’d first met had been more of a fashion plate, sexy in her boldness and direct approach. She’d fascinated him so much.

But seeing her like this, her thick hair in a ponytail, feet bare as she repeatedly went from the house to the yard setting up seats and tables—with burning candles on them to keep the cats from sprawling everywhere—affected him in a different, yet no less powerful, way.

As she hustled past, she asked, “Will you get out the coolers and fill them with ice?”

“Sure.” He admired her lightly tanned limbs beneath cutoff shorts and a halter that did more to heat his blood than the sun ever could. No matter what she wore, or didn’t wear, it spiked his interest.

While he got the large coolers set up at either end of the back deck near the table, she raced out again, this time with flowers.

Miles felt the smile tugging at his mouth.

When she rushed past on her return to the house, he caught her. “Slow down, babe. Take a breath.”

She fretted, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. “I want everything to be perfect.”

“You know my friends don’t expect anything special. Feeding them is good enough. Paper plates, burgers off the grill, a few beers and colas and they’re good.”

She dropped her forehead to his chest. “I’ve never really had a party before.”

He laughed. “It’s not a party, so relax.”

Exasperated, she said, “Of course it is! It’s a ‘work for free’ party—and that’s the most stressful kind.” She looked up at him, her eyes dark with worry. “I don’t want them to feel unappreciated.”

Smoothing a finger over her downy cheekbone, down to her mouth, over that plump bottom lip, Miles said, “They’ll have fun.”

Her expression told him he was nuts.

He’d like to think that once she got to know them better she’d realize the truth of it. But he still didn’t know the long-term plan, if she wanted the same things he wanted—or if he was just her “bodyguard with benefits” until the issues got resolved.

“They will,” he insisted. “The ladies like the cats, right? And the guys will swim for sure.”

“So a gazillion feral cats and a pond infested with killer turtles is the lure? I should have realized.”

That dry tone made him laugh. And made him want her.


How that was possible, he didn’t know, since he wanted her all the damn time.

While they still had a little privacy, he kissed her, slowly at first to ease her past her need to race off again.

As usual, though, she nestled against him, her lips parting at the touch of his tongue, her hands sliding up and over his bare shoulders.

With a groan, Miles scooped his hands under her ass and lifted her so that her body fit tight to his. Her arms went around his neck and she tilted her head, drawing on his tongue, making him crazy.

The sound of an approaching car brought him reluctantly back to his senses. Maxi must not have heard it yet, because when he lifted his head, she stared at his mouth and whispered softly, “Do we have time?”

He groaned again. “God, I wish we did.” He never should have started what he couldn’t finish, especially with her so anxious about everything. “Company will be here in another thirty seconds.”

The sultry haze gradually left her eyes, and when it did, she pushed out of his arms with haste. “Blast, busted again!”


“First time I met your friends? You don’t recall them teasing me?”

Grinning, he gave her another quick kiss. “That’s right.” She did have a sultry, aroused look in her dark eyes. Maxi expressed her feelings so openly, it’d be hard for her to hide it.

“It’s not funny,” she grumbled.

“I wasn’t laughing.”


“Actually,” he said, “I was thinking how damned lucky I am.” While confusion pinched her brows, he turned to see who was coming up the long drive. “Wow, it’s a damn parade.”

She held up a hand to shade her eyes. “But who...?”

“Looks like the whole gang came. I recognize Cannon’s truck and that’s probably Armie riding shotgun. Behind him is Denver.”

Her reaction was hilarious. She blurted, “I don’t have enough food!”

Miles planted an arm around her to keep her from running off in a panic. “So we’ll order a pizza or something. Don’t sweat it.”

“Don’t sweat it?” she repeated. “Don’t sweat it!”

Distracting her from her panic, he said, “Damn, I can’t believe it, but that’s Sahara’s car, too.”

That distracted her, all right. She gave a despondent groan.

Hoping to reassure her, Miles tipped up her chin. “Honest to God, honey, it’s fine, I swear.”

As the cars parked, Maxi straightened and pasted on a smile, but in an aside to Miles she said, “I was going to change into something nicer.”

“You look great.”

The smile never slipped when she said, “I do not look appropriate for your boss.”

He snorted. “Sahara doesn’t judge. Remember, she liked your rubber boots? But it wouldn’t matter if she didn’t, because I think you’re beautiful.”

She blinked fast, and to his pleasure, her smile turned more genuine and the tension eased out of her posture. Leaning into him, she said, “Thank you. Guess we’ll just roll with it, huh?”

“Yeah,” he said, knowing in that moment that he was a goner. He’d fallen in love with Maxi Nevar, a chameleon who kept changing, but never bored him. “We’ll roll.” Arm around her waist, he led her forward to meet most of the people important to him.

Fallon was with Justice, Catalina with Leese. Cannon and Armie had ridden together, Stack with Denver. Their wives, it seemed, had already planned a day together but said they’d meet Maxi next time.

If Maxi caught the implications in that, namely that the guys assumed they were a couple with plenty of opportunities to mingle, she didn’t show it.

She was too busy gaping. And no wonder. The guys had come prepared to work, meaning they wore tattered jeans or shorts with T-shirts. Seeing them from her vantage point, he realized they made an imposing picture.

Armie, the most outrageous of the group, grinned at her. “I don’t mind you staring, honey, but Miles probably doesn’t like it.”

Cannon gave him a shove, then said politely to Maxi, “I hope we’re not intruding.”

She finally got it together. “No, of course not.” Red-cheeked, she cleared her throat. “Wow, I just... Miles is impressive, you know?”

Barely keeping a straight face, Armie nodded. “That’s why they call him The Legend.”

That earned a few snickers.

Maxi didn’t seem to notice. “I mean, he’s one man. Then I met Justice and Leese and that was astounding. Now the rest of you...”

Everyone else grinned, too.

From behind them, Sahara said, “It’s like an assortment of delicious man candy, isn’t it? One at a time is shocking, but all together, they steal a girl’s breath away.”

Miles shook his head at Sahara, amused at her idea of dressing down. The sleeveless white sundress with a splashy floral print had a blouse-like bodice, a formfitting waist and a soft, full skirt that hit just below her knees. It looked cool and comfortable, but still expensive and stylish.

No spiked heels this time, but her white flip-flops showed off her hot-pink toenails. She wore white sunglasses to shield her eyes and had her long brown hair in a loose topknot.

A million bucks, that was what she looked like. No surprise there.

The surprise was that she held on to Brand’s arm.

Miles wasn’t the only one wondering about it either, given the way his buddies all watched the pair.

Brand wore his own sunglasses along with a blasé expression.

When Armie opened his mouth, no doubt to say something shocking, Brand beat him to it with a succinct “Shut up.”

Of course, that just got everyone harassing him that much sooner.

Interesting, Miles thought. Sahara had made no secret of chasing Brand...for the agency. She’d chased him and Justice, too, yet it always felt like more than that where Brand was concerned.

Not once had she ever looked at Miles with that same type of personal interest.

Wondering how Brand felt about it, he smiled. “I’m glad you found some free time, Sahara.”

“Surprised you, didn’t I? I hope that’s okay. I needed a distraction.” She waved back at her car. “And I brought goodies.” She handed her keys to Brand and, with sugary sweetness, asked, “Would you mind?”

He took the keys without comment and headed for the car.

Sahara tsked. “He was very gallant to come to my rescue, but he’s still far too moody.” In stern warning, she mentioned, “It’d be shameful of any of you to tease him.”

“He’s still saying no?” Justice asked.

“He is, but I haven’t given up.”

Denver, who was as big as Justice, shook his head. “He’s at the top of his game. I can’t see him leaving MMA.”

Sahara pinched her lips together...almost as if she knew something that the rest of them didn’t.

Seeing that expression, Leese folded his arms and glanced at Miles.

Miles shrugged. He didn’t know any more than the rest of them.

Leese turned back to their boss. “Why did you need rescuing?”

She glanced away, released a long breath and took off her sunglasses.

Everyone went still at the sight of her puffy eyes.

Crying? Sahara?

“I heard from my PI.” Looking nothing like her usual indomitable self, she whispered, “Last week he thought...” Emotion choked her and she had to clear her throat. “He thought he’d found a trace on my brother, but today that turned out to be a dead end.”

Damn. Miles said softly, “I’m sorry.”

Maxi didn’t understand the issue, but she was such a compassionate woman that she looked just as concerned.

Justice gathered Sahara up for a gentle hug. Leese patted her shoulder. Cannon, Armie, Denver and Stack gave their own versions of understanding and concern.

They all liked and respected Sahara a lot. As employees, Miles, Leese and Justice knew firsthand that she was a confident, strong, bona fide badass of a boss who ruled with a tiny iron fist. The rest of the guys knew her in a more peripheral but no less admiring way.

None of them wanted to see her hurt.

“Thank you.” Uncomfortable with sympathy, she slipped the sunglasses onto the top of her head and looked around. “This is beautiful. Who’d like to give me a tour?”

Maxi volunteered, but before they left, Brand returned with an overflowing bag of chips, pretzels, nachos and dip in one arm, beer in the other. He said to Miles as he passed, “There’s more in the trunk.”

The “more” turned out to be food aplenty, drinks, a watermelon and, because Sahara had a sweet tooth, an assortment of cupcakes.

“My goodness,” Maxi said, overwhelmed by the generous gesture. “You brought so much.”

Sahara smiled. “I’m not so gauche as to crash a party empty-handed.”

And to that, Maxi turned on Miles. “See, I told you it was a party!”

* * *

AFTER A QUICK trip around the property to let the newcomers see it all, Maxi poured cold drinks.

Seated in a lawn chair and her sunglasses back in place, Sahara said, “Your idea for goats is perfect. They’ll definitely keep the back pasture cleared.”

“That’s what I decided, too!” Finding a kindred spirit in the goat argument thrilled Maxi. Even better, Catalina and Fallon backed her up.

“Women sticking together,” Leese explained with a grin.

Catalina tried to protest, but she didn’t know anything about goats. She did offer to draw one, though, which Fallon found hilarious. Actually, so did Maxi.

She liked the women a lot and had already relaxed about being underdressed, especially since Catalina and Fallon were dressed similarly in shorts but with cute tops instead of a halter.

Miles said to Sahara, “So you’re a goat expert now, too?”

Too? Maxi wondered. But then Sahara did seem to be competent on almost any subject. Luckily her mood had improved during their walk.

Maxi didn’t remember much about her first meeting with Sahara. Shoot, she’d been drugged, upset, frightened and a little unsure how her reunion with Miles would go. But now, in a much better frame of mind, she found that Miles’s boss was quick-witted, and she dished it out to the guys so rapidly that they almost couldn’t keep up.

“I’ll have you know that I was madly in love with a farmer when I was twenty-one.” Sahara looked struck. “My God, that was nine years ago.” Smiling, she said, “I still remember him fondly.”

Brand narrowed his eyes on her. “So what happened to him?”

“My brother didn’t like him, so that was that.”

Justice said with surprise, “You needed your brother’s approval?”

“I value his opinion a great deal.”

Everyone turned to stare at Brand, but he held silent.

Sahara looked down at her iced tea, saw it was empty and stood. “If you don’t mind, I’ll go refill this.”

Maxi started to offer to do it for her, but Miles laid his hand over her arm. She frowned in concern. “Something awful happened with her brother?”

“Yeah.” Miles stared after Sahara, too, watching until she disappeared into the house. “I don’t know all the details, and I’ll have to keep it short. Sahara doesn’t need to hear us talking.”

The last thing she’d want to do was add to Sahara’s obvious distress. “I didn’t mean to be nosy.”

Brand said, “It’s okay. She’d tell you herself if today hadn’t been such a disappointment.”

As if trying to convince himself, Justice said, “She just needs a little time to get used to the news. Coming here will cheer her up.”

Miles took Maxi’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Sahara’s brother, Scott, was out on his yacht with his girlfriend, but something happened to them. They found the yacht floating at sea, but they never found any bodies.”

“Oh my God.” Maxi turned her hand over in his, now gripping him tightly. “I can’t imagine anything that awful.”

“Without a body for proof, Sahara won’t accept his death. She’s had a PI on retainer ever since it happened.”

“What makes it even worse,” Leese said, “is that her parents died when she was younger and her brother practically raised her. He was all the family she had.”

“She’s a strong woman, though,” Justice said with admiration. “She was already familiar with the agency, since Scott had taken her there a lot, so she stepped in to run things.”

“After he was declared dead,” Miles said, “Sahara officially inherited the business.”

“That was about a year before I signed on.” Leese gave a small smile. “She’s putting her own stamp on it, that’s for sure.”

“A sexier image,” Miles said, quoting his boss with a crooked grin. “She’s good at what she does, and God knows she loves it, but she’d hand it back over in a heartbeat if she found Scott alive.”

“It’s tragic,” Fallon said. “My heart breaks for her.”

Justice pulled Fallon over onto his lap, cradling her close. She looked very petite wrapped in his arms. “Since you lost your sister, you know how hard it must be for her.”

There was a lot about her new friends that she didn’t know, Maxi realized, but she wouldn’t press. When they wanted to share, they would.

Sahara returned from the kitchen, a thoughtful look on her face. Everyone clammed up, and Maxi felt guilty for inadvertently bringing up her past.

Then Sahara reached them and turned brisk and businesslike. “Your kitchen is charming.”

“That’s one word for it,” Miles said.

Pretending insult, Maxi huffed at him. “I certainly like it.”

“Because of all the wonderful memories,” Sahara guessed. “But I’m sure it’s also difficult. The appliances can’t be efficient or convenient. Since they belonged to your grandmother, and must be very special to you, you wouldn’t want to simply replace them, but have you ever considered contacting a local museum?”

“A museum?” Maxi asked, surprised.

“Yes. I know several curators I could contact for you if you’re interested in donating to them. If there’s a museum specific to this area, I’m sure they’d be thrilled to reenact that exact kitchen.”

“Wow. I’d never thought of that.”

“It’d be really cool,” Catalina said, “to see it all set up in a museum, wouldn’t it?”

“Very cool,” she agreed, and then to Sahara, she added, “But I don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

Brand said softly, “Might as well let her do her thing. Once Sahara gets started, she’s like a runaway train. There’s no stopping her.”

Rather than be insulted, Sahara smiled at him. “Yes, I’m very effective.”

“I’m sure that’s exactly what he meant,” Miles said.

Knowing the kitchen was badly in need of an update, but hesitant to lose that link to her grandmother, Maxi considered the idea—and decided she loved it. “Yes, please.”